The Omaha Sunday Bee "ft "PAST ONE. MEWS SECTION . PAGES ONE TO TWELVE WIATHEE POEICASt v Snow; Colder W- VOL.' XII NO. 41. MEETING APR1L10 ANTHRACITE WAR Prediction Made Suspension in Hard Coal Regions Will Hot Last More Than Month. nxnra op dateeaises hopes .Miners Take Initiative for Beopen r in of Hejotiations. WOEXEBS IIPECTIHQ ADVANCES Ee ports Show Hay' Secede from Some of Their Demands. PRODUCTION FOE SAY SLIGHT Many lahorers Already Lay Sown Their Implements. MONDAY IS GENERAL HOLIDAY CibIiI Tleaa of Far Hundred Theasaad Hard and Salt Caal Miners Wilt Be la Effect PHILADKLTHIA. Mrch ' Vth suspension of mining m -qhracit coal regions will not lest mora tlan a month. If that Ions, ni ths ex pressed ballet of coal operator la Uit bard coal field today, when thy learned - that tba representative of th miners and th commute of operator will meat la Philadelphia April 10 to resume negotiation for a aettleinent of differ ence Re porta from various sections of the mining" regions show the mine workers expect that will be riven an Increase In wares.1 probably about 1 per cent and that thejr win hav to recede from some of their demand. The news that another eoBfaretica la to be held spread rapidly through the coal country and created good feeling-among the awn. Many of thera never expected th .sus pension would be a prolonged one. he Initiative for the reopenrng of rte gotlatlon was, taken by the antliraelte miners , la a tales ram to George V. Bear, president of the Reading company and chairman of the operators' commit tea, Mr. Par replied that the opera tors were still willing to meet the men and the fixing of a date quickly fol lowed, ha last telegram la the exchange f oomrnunlcstlona was' ' received by President Baer late this afternoon and -a--w-4fc affect that Apr! It Va satisfactory date for the holding of the Joint conference. ' , ; The production of anthracite coal today was far below normal because many of the mlaee worked short handed. This was due to ttuttet that miners who had run out of powder and oil did not get new supplies In. view of the suspension and did not enter the mines. Hundreds of other miners quit early and do not expect to report on Tuesday morning. Monday , will be a general holiday throughout the anthracite regions as the miners always observe the anniversary of the granting of the eight-hour day to the soft coal men. although the an thracite men work' nine hours. Mine . workers expect a complete tleup oa Tues- :uyv '?:.. ... ; . Ssmmry af Sltaetloa. i CLEVELAND, O., March -Whlle '00,0 anthracite and bituminous miners .prepared to quit work tomorrow at mid night when their present wsgo agree .menta expire, the operators and union offlclala today took steps -to make as brief as possible the stoppage of the coal production. . The U,u anthracite miners In Penn sylvania will stop for an Indefinite period, but arrangements were completed today for a reopening of negotlattona to - aettla their wage dispute. The operators' and miners conference will be held In Philadelphia oa April M, A montb's suspension In the anthracite mines was thought probable.' The bituminous miners, after aa eleven days' conference with the operators bora, have secured an agreement which will Sire tbem a slight increase In pay. Aa their agreement, however, must stlB be ratified by the union's policy committee and then by a referendum vote of the union, a suspension In the bituminous mines will begin pending tba result of the final vote. . Reports to the beads of the United Mine Workers of America Indicated the bituminous wage agreement would be ae- . copied generally. DEA1XS OF THE COAL 1XDCSTMY rredactlea ta the Called States few the Year !. 1 INDIANAPOLIS, lad.. March H-8txty-fivo par cent of all the coal-anthracite and bituminous-mined la the United States comes from Pennsylvania, Ohio. Indiana and Illinois, the four states em braced within the so-called central petlttvo fields now Involved la the nego tiaUona between the miner and operators at Oevwlaad. Th report of the statis tician f tba Catted Mine Worker of America also snow that the amount of caal mined within the country baa practi cally doubled wlthm a decade, reaching SM.SDS.ia tons in Ule-the latest available figureaa compared wlLh m,tnjm Mac la MM. S : ,-LIKELY TO SETTLE - Elghv-two per cent af tba Mt.esl.sQI teas mined In Ills, the resort shows, was i Mtawdaous coal. Of anthrectto coal there I was mined in we, tons ay maw 74 workers. Workers la bit ominous mines numbered EstSOL . The total value of th antkraette caal mined b S k Mated at pmjtOM: of tt Of the tvUlLM ton of bitamiaoas coal mined ta Bta, Ohio, In diana. Illinois and Pennsylvania contri buted a per cent, or teas. Ta total membership at ta United VCaa Workers of Amertca. as sannshed ta Its afScial report af Ms pe weeding bar ksC Jsauary. Is SRtSK. The re port gtrea the total number of mine work! throughout the country at IS, A large propertkm of the fvoaUaued ea ZUrd Pag4. . ' N , . X yPfPslS. r AN7IL' CHORTJeS - 1 , ' tWjl- ' ' J.'v TSE MEW TA1ETTE BIS JACKSONE. MORIN" WOMAN SPEAKS AT IOWA BANQUET - v Address of Mrs. Clarkson is Feature v of Meeting- in . Hew ' York. W. 'C. BEOWH IS TOASTMASTEB President af New Vork Central Railroad,' la His Address, latl - mates He. Will Retire) flooa and Ret em to Iowa. . ' NEW YORK, March JO. -An After din ner speech by a woman waa the novel feature of the' annual dinner tonight of the Iowa society of New York, attended by more than X members. The speaker waa Mrs. James 8. Clarkson. president of the "Iowa New Yorkers," and her topic was "The Evolution of Women." Mrs. Clarkson praised club Ufa as a great factor m enlightening women, and while urging that women should be given the right to vote deprecated the methods used by the militant suffragettes, to pro mote the causa, Other speakers were Congressman Wil liam a. Hepburn et Iowa, and ftoorge E. Roberu. director of the mint at Wesh- Vajmas " ' " -.. .. i W. C. Brown,' president of th New York Central railroad, presided. President Brown la Ms remarks' gave what many o his auditors took to aa Intimation or his Intention to retire shortly from his position as bead of the New York Central. "I love Iowa and her people," be said. "and when I go hack to Iowa, as I hops to very soon, some of the pleasanteat recollections of my life In New York will be those connected with my membership In this society, shall, when I resume my cltlsenshlp In that great state, look for ward with delight to the opportunity of now and then returning to New York for these dinners and tolling you about the people and the news of Iowa telling you of their sensible cltlxenshlp." Torpedo Plant Near Tulsa, Old., Blown Up; Four Missing TULSA", Okla.. March M.-Four per sons are missing and the plant of the Central Torpedo company waa wrecked as ths result of an explosion of nitro glycerine today. Two men named Sbnster and Uoebaugn went for ex. Plosive to use In oil field operations Just before , the exploalon. Remnants of clothing found causes the belief that they were blowa to bits. Two boys who were fishing la a stream nearby eanlot found, though Osh beads were found In a field near the spot after the explosion. Madero SendsiNew Forces Against ... The Insurgents , WASUUfOTON, March St -The Madero government I preparing for a turmldable campaign against the rebels la Mexico, according a a telegram received today by on of Its representative from Juan Aaoona, th private secretary to Madero. The message reads: "We are bow sending new fores to the north sad you can expect a decisive victory soon. Tba rebels are almost eut of FORT DODGE RAISES LICENSE . TO ELEVEN HUNDRED FORT DODGE. I.. March t -(Special.) Fort Dodxe i city couacn today raised tbsnmlooa Uoense to SUM a year. Until this Urn th license has bean Sam Th Chang bocoms effective April I. wbsa th first suartsrly dues are payable. Ad ding to thle the San) the city gets aa Ha share of tba mulct tax Port Dodg hero after will awt SMM yearly from sack of Jeon Operated. Th city's from aalooa licenses will hereafter a ttt.M yearly. A ta csanetl to "wet" en the dry construe thasr sadden as of ta Hi sisjs aa aa effort to pvejdaea arcumewt bmrhf rwtantloa of a af tba tnessna. Other arra feel th move ha been a rmsll af th caastaat and strsauons effort of the drya to brtnc about bettor condition la Btlsadeasrr Mewttas at Yoek, TORK. Issb, March Jk 8sviai -Oa Asrll 1 aad S tba thirty aouuad annual assating of th Women's Missionary so ciety th Nebraska City preebyUry will Ml "I was at the Prestrrterlaa church this on, - V . OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, TAFT GETS MORE IN IOWA Second District Delegates Will Go : for the President SUPPORT Iff STATE CONVENTION Coaveatluas Meld Saturday - Give Prealdeafa Candidacy Farther Aid Casamiaa tie-to Third District. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DK8 MOINES, March w.-illpeclal Tale gram.) The action of eVott county today In Instructing fur Taft after a hard fight In a very close convention practically cinched the Second district for Taft, and the action of Wright county In Instruct ing for Cummins gave hint the Third district beyond a doubt. The Crawford, Dubuque and Dele ware conventions all went for Taft and the' Blackhawk, Ply mouth, Wright, . Hancock, Howard and Buchanan conventions for Cummins. Anthracite Strike' Probably Will Ee f ,; ' Adjusted Soon , CI-pVULAND. ,a. March 9, -Practically the whole eosl -altuatTWV dis turbed by the anthracite and bituminous miners' wage d Input, today won put an a basis whereby It Is thought all differ ences will be settled smicably, with only a short suspension of work.. Tba announcement from Philadelphia that the anthracite operators and miners will confer In Philadelphia on April 1 to secure terms of a now wag agree ment, thus reopening their negotiations broken off In New York, on March U. was followed by the signing on the part of the bituminous operators and miners of an agreement whose chief provision Is for an increase In pay to the men of S cents a toa. As it is less than the miners asked. It, too, will have to be submitted to a referendum Vote of the union before it may become effective. This, the miners say, will entail a short suspension In the bltumlonus fields. Illinois Primary Bill is Ready for the. Governor BPRlNGFlEl'-D, 111., March .-The Illi nois bouse today tamed the presidential preferential primary bill by a unanimous vote The bill ' stand In the form In which It passed the senate and as soon sa It Is engrossed It will go 'to Oovernor Deneen for bis approval. LIST OF TAFT CANDIDATES . IS FILED AT PIERRE, S. D. PIERRE, 8. D., March L-4Special.)- The list of delegstea and alternates to th republican national convention under the motto "Taft, World Peace and Prog- ," was filed In the office of th sec retary of stat today, th delegate list being: Cbarlee M. Day, Sioux Vails; E. D. Brookman, Vermlllllon: J. E. McDou gall, Britton; R. A. McPhersoa, . Dead wood: 3. E. Sinclair, Beresford; Harry D. Chamberlain, Chamberlain ; A. J. Lock- hart Clear Lake; H. .C. Behrona, Aber deen; Georgo A. Jeffer. Dallas; Alvtn Waggoner, Philip. Th list aiternats Is: Thomas Lane, Mitchell; D. H. Smith, Mil ler; H. P. Outs, Selby; M. D. Elde, How ard; a M. Gilbert, Salem; Lynn L. Davis, Geddes: W. J. Agnsw, Bancroft; T. P. Blain, Redfield; Elmer O. Smith, Oacoma; Odla Ramsdal. Faith. Th nominating petitions were filed for th candidal far republican presidential electors, the list being: George 8. Ls n, Lemmoa; Emll Johnson. Mllbank; Jacob Helb. Marlon; A. W. Moore. Faulk ton; Peter B. Dirks, Oacoma. The nominating petition was filed for , F. Halladay of Iroquois as a republican candidate for national committeeman. The National Capital Saturday, Marrh S, 11. The Senate. Not In session: msets Monday Foe met Oovernor Bate of Mi setts end Mbera before the nubile heal in committee opposed th bill creating a department of health. TheHoase. Met at acoa. Prof. J. S. Grastv. Iron or expert, testi fied regarding Tennessee Coal and Iron company' properties before steal cam mine. Reoart submitted oa Mil to sen sower Interstate Commerce commlssioa to mens physical valuation of railroads. meet tram investicaung committee ais sased ending ef lu inquiry, bat owing to ansir to hav I. Pier pool Mors as ar bs osUyed, MARCH 31, 1912 SIX. SECTIONS FORTY-FOUR PAGES. . Coming : and Going . in Omaha TAFT CONTROLS OHIO COMMITTEE BooseYslt Has But Foot Votes on th First Show of Strength, j PEEFASrSG . MANY CONTESTS Managers at . Colonel's Casapaiaa Cowoedo Taft Mat Tblrlr-SU Delegatee to Date ' and ; ' '. Claim aUty-Twro. ; COLUMBUS, O.. March K.-The first test vote in the contest for control of the meeting of the republican state central committee today came almost Immediately after the session was called, when only four of the twenty-one mem ber stood with Chairman Brown against going Into executive session. Brown Is the Ohio leader of th Booeeveit oara aJga. Will Contest Maay Seats. "WASHINUTON. March 10. -The seals of 113 of the delegates to the repabltcan national convention so far chosen will b contested, aeoordlnf to a statement Is sued today by Senator Dixon -at,.Roose- Though Taft manager totnrvhrrmed that Ti delegatmTha property damage is great. ., had beet Instructed for htm, Senator Dixon credits mm witn only tniny-aix and 'gives sixty-two to Jtoosevelt and list ninety-four as unlnetructed. . ' ROoeovelt Talks af Primaries. fHIAOO, March a 'Throughout my stay In Illinois I hav met both members of the old republican organisation and young republican Ilka thoae who hw In politics, took so conspicuous a part In the last mayoralty campaign for decent government,'' said Colonel Roosevelt on his arrival her today on hi way to Detroit "The political antlvlty of great numbers of msn who hitherto have bean satisfied merely to vote shows how profoundly stirred the country Is by th Issues In volved In this campaign. "The action of the house of delegates In Maryland In preparing to pass prefer ence primaries shows that th republican members are responsive to th progres- slve spirit of the country. I am glad that the primary bill has passed .the Illinois legislature. Members of the right kind srs responslvs because they, sym pathise with the spirit and the others are responslvs to It because they ban to be. "The new that we have carried the Portland district In Mains shows that la one of the most typical and re pre- aantatlv New England states progresslr republicanism ls carrying the day." Parry Cochems, who as a delegate to ths republican national convention In IMS nominated Senator La Follette, conferred with Colonel Roosevelt during Ms stay in Milwaukee. . On his trip across MlaSiigsn this after noon Colonel Roosevelt Is to make short speeches from the train at sever il places. MEMORIAL TABLET FOR DR. CRAWFORD W. LONG PHILADELPHIA, March M.-Seventy years ago today Dr. Crawford W. Long, native of Georgia, used ether a aa anaesthetic In surgery, opening a new era In that profession and today at ths medical -school of th University of Pennsylvania, where It was first used, a memorial tablet was unveiled in me ory of th event Addressee were made by -Dr. J. William Whit of th L'nl varsity aad Dr. J. Chalmers Da Costa of the Jeffersoa Medical Collage. Dr. Long was born In Danlelsvilie, Ga., la tut; was graduated from Franklin college, now the University of Georgia, and then entered the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania. He died at Athens, Ga., in 17. SUDDEN DEATH OF WOMAN WILL BE INVESTIGATED ROCEFORD. I1L, March ).-Tbe death of Mrs. Fred Wheeler last night after aa Illness of only twenty minute. In which b I said to hav experienced several convulsions, I being Investigated by Coroner Martin McCallister today. The vtosera of Mrs. Wheeler will be subjected to analysis. Sh was the wife of a farmer living near Cherry Valley. OVERWORKED REPORTER COMMITS SUICIDE ROCK ISLAND. IIL, March Sk-A arv- sas bewskdowa du to overwork, caused Hugh H. Rsoff, a years old. a sjewa- orur. to eomawit soicM by la the Misslsum liver. His was at Mayatica, Xr, ICE TEARS H0LE IN , DYKE Kankakee Biver Flooding; Large Area Hear Hammond, Ind. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI EISINO Colambua, Ky Voder Fear feet of Water and Danger Llao la Itearhed ' at St. I.oa'la. ftfllMOND. Ind., March 3a,-An Ice gorge forced a big gap In the urant Williams' dyk on the Kankakee river, and a torrent of water flowed through. Inundating the country aur rounding Shelby and Schneider. The financial loss Will reach tM,Ooa The submerged land, consisting of many mllea of the most valuable farm land In Indiana, reached to the 'town of Schnei der, on the Chicago. Indiana a Southern railroad. Reports from Hchnelder Indi cate that the water Is slowly flooding ths town. r'sars are entertained that other por tions of the dyke, Jammed by Ice, will be swept awsy. Colaaabus, Kr Flooded. LOUJHVILLE, JCy- March s.-Celu tu bus Is under four feet of water, houses are floating about In the streets AM sii the Iniishtisnls bars Oed to high around. Th Mississippi levee at Hickman' held mni, i m iwn w rising graauaiiy., ana it nj reerea ins snaiping point or ins levee s strength will be reached today. Daagwr 1,1a at at. Loals, ST. LOUS. Mo March .-W!th th Mississippi rlvar here making twenty nine feet early this morning and rising rapidly. It was sxpected thst the danger mark thirty feet would be reached dur in the day. ' Bridge Washed Oat Kear Bonne, la. BOONE. Ia., March R-Flooda seriously threatened Boone and surrounding coun try early today, when the Dee Moines river went out of bounds and washed away a bridge above the city. The power plants of ths Fort Dodge. Des Mulnes ft Southern railway and ths city water company wer In danger. . Dee Moines River Near Floed. DKS MOINKs, la., March .-Th Des Moines river here stood within three feet of the flood stags at noon today, and was still rising. Ths water bed broken over the banks of th river la the southeastern Pert of the city and Inundated the low land. ALBERT LEA, Minn.. March 30.-A large portion of the dam which the city Is building here at the lower end of Fountain Lake, brok today and about one-third of the city Is under water. The Rock Islsnd railway yard are submerged and water to the depth of four feet sur rounds ths railway station. The loss to dste Is estimated at 1100.000. Many fami lies are homeless, , Cellars Flooded at Waterloo. WATERLOO, la.. March M-Sllght re lief from flood danger was shown here today when the Cedar river registered a fall of four Inches. Water wss still flow ing Into basements In the business sec tion and two local plants wer obliged to shut down. In the residence section people were forced to leave their homes during the night and on several streets boats are being used for transportation purposes. CEDAR RAPIDS. Is.. March XI A rise of five feet In the Cedar river In twenty four hours threaten serious flood dam age to th wholesale and factory district of Cedar Rapids today. At nooa th gauge stood at ten feet three inches. Reports from up the river Indicate a rise of four feet more, which will mean large property losses la this section. Sidna Allen Said to Be Surrounded HILLS VI LLE, Vs.. March M. -Sidna Allen, leader of the Allen dan. and Wes ley Edwards, his nephew, the two fugi tive court bouse sssssslns, srs believed to b surrounded on 8ugar Loaf moun tain. Every Un of escape hi said to be guarded and a battle may take place be fore midnight FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR DEATH OF WOMAN MARSHALLTOWN. Is.. March - (Special.) After determining that the Iowa Central waa Ha bis for killing Miss Minnie D. Ash brook. ' a kindergarten teacher ef this city, cm a street crossing her two years ago, th Jury today fixed th amount th teacher's estate could re cover at eoiy tea A motlos to have the verdict set aside heraiiss tt la Inadequate win bs mad by the attorney tor the es- SINGLE DES MOINES CAR MEN'S CASE ENDS Controversy Between Street' Bail way and Men Will Soon Come to an End. EAENXSQ VALUE OF PLANT ISSUE Meat here at City Detective Depart. meat at Des Mslaea Believe Ray aad Elmer Srhaeide Will ladlrted fr Merder, (From a Staff Correspondent.) r,L'a miiinkh. Ia.. March St. (Special Telegram.) The vldenc la the Cootro vsrsy between the street railway and Its employe as to wage came virtually to a cls this evening when tn street railway completed Its evidence) except as .na man. The commlssioa oa settle ment beard the evidence to bow that th street railway company Is not making any money and cannot while paying pres ent wages. It was biputcht sut, howsvsr, that tn Karrla oomeenv. which owns the bonds. bought them at B cent on to dollar and th aompany is buying them back at par and paying tor them out of th earnings. jnfars af th lty detective depart ment ar confident th grand' jury win imtiMnaiii asainat Ray and El mer Schneider, street oar bandit, fur th murdsr of Conductor Frank Ford several wake aero. . . - , ' - While th grand Jury Is working on th blackmailing theory, detective neiiev that body will find out that It was murder, following a holdup. Th black mailing theory waa run down oy aeteo tlves and thought to be groundless. , Rock Island Paper Does Not Renew Its Attack on Mayor ROCK ISLAND, HI.. March StThe weekly newspaper under Investigation by k. nnxnffiM authorities and th publi cations of which ar alleged to hav beea la a measure reeponslble tor the recent Rock Island riot appearea wiin nut Misatlonal statements today and waa permitted to circulate. John Loonep the editor, did not maks good hi promise that It would contain another attack on Mayor H. M. Scrivor Postofflco Inspector Hadsell, who had i ...i-njMi hare to conduct the. fed eral Inouh-y. to expected to arrive In the city tonight from Chicago. , The Investigation by th coroner ana grand Juris wer resumed today. , Ths city hi quiet Flood Plays Havoc With Teachers' Meet I'kKUnNT. Neb.. March . (Hpedal Telecram.i High water played havoc with the program of lb Central Ne braska Teachers' association, which is holding It convention hers this week. Manv of the delegates and principal speakers wars unable to attend because of disrupted railroad schedule and a larsw number of thoae who are her find th flood altuaUoa almost aa interesting as th convention. SOUTHERN TEACHERS ELECT OFFICERS AND END MEETING RKATRIca Neb.. March M. (Hpedal Telegram. -The Southeastern Nebraska Educational association concluded Its ses sion here yesterday, electing theee of ficer: President C. E. Tech of University Place; vies president W. C. Atwatar of Fall City; secretary. Mis Ruth Pyrtls of Lincoln: treasurer. V. L. Strickland of Tecumseh. Executive committee. C, E Tech, University Place; A. H. Staley of Peru, and B. E. Dill of W liber. WESTERN SCHOOL TEACHERS ELECT HEADS AT KEARNEY KEARNEY. Neb, March J. -(Special Telegram. -Af ter choosing North Platte a th next meeting place for the next session of ths West Central Nebraska Teachers' association, sad th selection of Mis Cleo Chappel. county superin tendent of Lincoln county, president; Miss Theda Hansen. North Platte, secretary and superintendent; P. M. Whitehead of sGthenburg. treasurer: th association adjourned hut night after a throe day session- All the speakers oa th program for Friday wer not able to appear oa account of the demoralised trala asulus en tba Union Padfia. COPY FIVE CENTS CREST OF FLOOD INUNDATES TV0 DOUGLAS TOWNS Valley and Waterloo, Swept by Turbulent Waters, Send Ont Appeals for Aid. , SAM AT WATEEL00 GIVES WAY Special Train Sent Oat from Omaha with Boats for Victims. EIYES SECEDES BY NIGHTFALL High Water Seache Oreapolis, Where it Threatens Traffic. NORTH FREMONT FLOOD SWEPT Water at That Point Inundates Land First Time in History.' PEOPLE FL0CHN0 TO "SAFETY Barllagttaa Bridge at Graad Ulead Ureatly Weakened and lalea raclito Traiaa Seat to , Kearney.. addsa sheag threw flood Worth Framaas, aad treses, fa hems si flooded fee first Usa ta his tory. SorfeU as sat off from swttlt world by fx tabs aad railroad traffle 1 eem pietely paralyse ia that territory. Tewa of Yalley I swept 7 rmaala wstors aad pougm eeaaty commissi on ara as eaUed ape fat help. Bam breaks at Wstorlee aad pll trala aarrylag boat ww stat to aid ths msrssi reelaeato. at a. rredrlskaea ha narrow from drowning wall agagd ia rosea work at Watarls. Th Piatt river flood la sweeping that, morning over a vsst area of territory near - Its mouth, after having covered mile and miles of field on both side of the river between th Loup river and tba Missouri. i After having swept through the towns of Valley and Waterloo In Douglas eouhty,yeatrday, the water covering tii highest portions of the streets and enter- . ing fully pns-thlrd af th house In each town, th erest of th flood passed a and at mldnltht waa la th vtctaitp at Orsapolt, when K threatened th tracks of the Burlington road, tn last to be Covered by th inundation, . CdRdltton are th worst sver eaperi-" need oh th tower Platte and th full danger has not yet ssd,' w At Oreapolis th railroads reported th urllagto bridg still holding, but ths wstsr so high on the tracks leading to th river thst It wss a practical cer tainty the Un oould not be used through out th entire night . ;. . " Conditions at Valley and Waterloo wer. becoming nearer normal and by early evening where th water bad swept through ths business street and means of communication war almost solely by boats, the urface f th streets wer showing again and bin sens wers bea-ln-nlng to us th sidewalk. , Th en day' experienc bad beea suf ficient to strik terror to hundreds and to -reuse thousand ef dollar loss to stock aad movable oa th farms of one of the most prosperous agricultural regions la Nebraska. With news of the receding of th water In Douglas oounfy came th report of colder weather In th north. At s'clook a 'dispatch from Pierre. S. P., told, of a fall of snow In South. Dakota, completely covering th ground and promising to conthiu through th night This was accompanied with a drop In tempera. ture that the weather bureau promised would reach Nebraska before the night wss sver. In this flood sufferers saw soma relief, provided the cold did not be come too severe. The cold wave had not reached far south- last night th tem perature in Omaha at S o'clock being l degrees. -....,- Yesterdsy'a floods in Nebraska did not cause any loss of life, so far as was re- , ported, but resulted In thousand of dol lars' property toss gnd ths Inundation of field snd wracking of farm to uch aa xtent that raising of crops this year In a fertile valley may be seriously In terfered with. ; Th town of Valley la without light th tanks of oil and gasohne being filled with water and th light plant being out of commission. ', Dam la Blkhsra Breaks. The Conaty Cam In the Kl Shorn river. north of Waterloo, broke some time dur ing Friday night letting hi a flood of water that now covers ths entire town (Continued oa Third Page.) Some people have be come rich through rais ing chickens. Others have irown to wealth through selling chick ens. It is the business of Bee want ads to aid chicken raisers and sellers in their dealings. The efficacy of these little ads ig remark able. For many reasons they, are better than any others.. f They roach the clan et peo ple who bay and who hay at price that you Ilk to sat If yoa wish to find prompt buy ers and rt ths best results boas your poultry, pLaca a small ad n th Be classiftod columns. Th . recalls win asms yoa. Tyler 1000 21