Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Congressman Green Analyzes Bill
Based on Commission Beport
King of All Kitchen Cabinets
I A A ft 4 A I
1 1
You can Ui It
never know
The Greater Number of Smart Dressers
in the Easter Parade Buy Their Finery
oh Time Payments-So Why Don't YOU?
"The Swelleet of the Swell" $imoly go to torn cash store, choose their Easter
finery, and say "Charge it." YOU may corns here; choote the tame wear
ables for even let money, and alto say: "Charge it; I'll pay $1.00 a week. "
E$l a Week Thafs Easy!
LADIES' COATS, all newly
ityled for Easter 59.98
$23.75 and low as $15.00
LADIES' HATS, Easter styles,
at $8.98 and $4.95
new things, low as 98c
MEN'S SUITS, an especially
striking line purchased for
Easter .trade, at $20, $15, $10
and as low as $7.50
BOYS' fil'ITS, dasliy double breasted
style Id favored Kastrr fabrics, 19.50
aad aa low aa 12.90
3IE.V8 IXDERWEAIt, drew thirty
Men's and Bora' Hau and every other
Easter Wearable at Vour Idea of price.
EasterEaster wearables, and Easter expenses
were worries once, but the ''Peoples' broad stocks
and "a - little - at a - time " payment plan has
CHANCED all of that. Let's prove it. .
iHamlin Buildings,
: Early Landmarks,
j Are Being Wrecked
t The M Hamlta buildings, four wooden
structures on the south aids of Kamam,
east of Kleventh street, are being rased
With tluir dut ruction mora of ths old
landmarks of pioneer days la Omaha
pass awa
Tka Uanuia buildings, which la thslr
tlm wars looked upon as modern business
houses, vers erected according to tb tee
rds of the M aotUors about Mi. The
building on Mm sorntr and tha tws east
were ooa-slory affairs, white tha one
farther aast was tws stories high and
waa regarded as aietropolliao, havlnc a
plats glass front.
Whsa erects ths Hamlin buildings
were pretty weH at- ths west aids of ths
business ssctloa of Omaha, ths best buel
beas Issattoua bring sast of Eleventh and
to Ninth etreet Tenth and Famam and
Tenth and Douglas being tha commercial
centers. Ths Hamlin buildings wars oc
cupied as dry goods, grocery and drug
stores for a number of years. From IMS,
to 1171, ths corner store was occupied by
Mas Meyer Co, where ths firm did an
enormous business. As business com
menced to drift wsaf. In turn tha tour
buildings were occupied ss barber shops,
saloons and dance halls, meat markets
and shops of various kinds, gradually
deteriorating until at laet they became
only fit for ths chespest kind of second
band goods stores. A year ago they wars
condemned and vacated. Now they are
being wrecked and tha material hauled
away, '
For many years durmg his career aa a
young attorney, -Andrew J. - Poppleten,
sow dead, bad tola law office In rooms
on tbs second floor of ths two-story
Fall Vaster car Fatal.
RAMBODH, la.. March . -Robert Mae.
Orannehan. aged II years, waa killed la
the Northwestern yerde hers this after
noon. Ha Ml under a car while making
a coupling. Eight wheels, passed over
his body.
Burned Own Church,
Charges Indictment
Against Minister
FORT WORTH. Tea.. March S.-Rsv.
J. Frank Norrls, who resigned ths pastor
ate of ths First Baptist church of this
city last night, was Indicted ttfdsy on a
charge of arson In connection with ths
burning of his church on ths night of
February' 4, '
Mr. Norrls, suffering from a nervous
breakdown. It waa ststed as ths result
of a series of sensational Incidents of
which hs wss ths central figure, left'
Fort Worth early today ostensibly for
Hubbard City, Tex., to enter a sanitar
ium. Tonight, however, bs could not
be found st Hubbsrd City. His resigna
tion a pastor of ths local church, which
wss announced today, was because of III
health, hs explained. ' '
Norrls first attracted attention several
months sco as a leader In a civic' reform
movement. f . .
a&M EN
J V A f
!W A r I'Mg - -mW f
; i J J A Special Invitation
IS . V ' : . . . l extended to V fi
. A Special Invitation
It extended to
All of Omaha's Discriminating Men
" To view and inspect the
Summer and Spring Display of Exclusive He ts
.V. .V.V. V.'.'.V ti 'New' Store. .
. Ml correct dressers wilt instantly appreciate these hats as those pot
testing highest quality, latest style, masterly workmanship and real value.
7 Every Style and Shape for $2.00
318 South
Fifteenth SL
Omaha rf
Neb. U
Sfeasare Compared with the tlaarr
vm4 tore BM1 aaet Prva
akle Eft-vis af the Two
Made Plata. .. .
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. March u. (Special.)
After a careful comparative study of the
Underwood and Payne wool bills; Con
gressman Green of the Council Bluffs
district has come to the conclusion that
I iiro r.i n. vm m cimuru 10 oemocraiic
ss veil ss republican support, and maUe
the following analysis in support ut hi
"A comparison of the new republican
wool bill alth the L'nderwood bill and
the rsyne-Aldrich bill, which la now n
force, showa the usefulness of the tariff
commission and the necessity of con
tinuing It. The bill makes sweeping re
ductions all through schedule K. but un
like the Underwood bill still gives Ameri
can Industries a chance to aurvlve, as Its
rates are all based on ths report of ths
tariff commission ss to the difference In
cost of production st borne and abroad. ,
"Ths new bill divides all wool Into two
classes-clothing wool and carpet wool.
The tariff on the former Is laid on Its
scoured contents st U cents per pound
when Imported rsw and IS cents scoured.
This system doea away with the Joker
called the skirting clause, which wss so
forcibly criticised by Senator Dolllver In
his fsmous speech, and the Inequalities
which result from the uneven shrtnksge
of raw ooL The present rate Is 31 cents
on scoured wool, but by reason of ths
)oker, little waa Imported scoured. Wools
used tor csrpets, not being produced In
this country, are made practically free
ot duty under tha lew bill.
I aaerweed Were Tkaa Wllssa.
"Tha I'nderwood bill levies an ad va
lorem tariff of ti per cent upon all wools
and puts ths duty on cloth at lass than
tha Wilson bill, which closed so many of
our factories that 7.000.UC pounds of our
horns grown wool hsd to ' be exported In
one year. It Is obvious that If there Is no j
sufficient home market the fanner will i
suffer as much aa If wool ware free. Ths !
democratic bill not only levlea a St per
cent duty on carpet wools, but makes j
ths duties on carpets average higher than
tha new republican bill.
"The average reductions In ths new
bill srs about at per cent. One of ths
striking festurea ot the bill la tha reduc
tions oa law-priced goods. If this bill
becomes a law, as It should. It can no
longer be said that ths poor msn pays a
higher tariff on ths cloth hs uses thsn
ths rich. Ths contrary will be true as It
should be. Tsko for example dress goods
with wool face and cotton warp, coating
abroad about 1 cents per pour.d nd
about one-half cotton. Tha ad valonim
rata under tha new bill- "will bs 1
per cent. Under ths present law It
would be lint Per cent or more than
double. . On cloth . valued abroad at C
per pound the ad valorem under the
new law would be 11 per cent. Under the
present law tha duty would have been
K per cent The same method ts followed
with ready-made clothing. There are re
ductions all through, but tha greatest
are where the boat man It interested. ' The
Underwood trill makes a flat rate. Which
will not only work out unevenly, but as
ths report of ths tariff board showa no
where equals ths difference In cost of
production at borne and abroad.
Another Heavy Cat.
"Ths heavy cut la also made on wool
products that enter Into tha cheaper
cloths, Ths rata on tops Is practically
reduced one-half, so that the carded
woolen manufacturer ahould no longer
be at a disadvantage as compared with
the maker of tha more expensive wool
ens. , .
"Ths facta upon which the bill Is based
have been worked out with painstaking
accuracy by tha tariff board. Nothing
haa been accepted but that which was
verified by a personal examination by ths
' "Unless ths middlemen absorb the re
red uctlons all kinds of clothing and car
pets especially, will be much cheaper If
tha new bill becomes a law, aad there la
no reason why It should not. It ts be
lieved thst It will receive the support of
all the republican members ot tha house
unleaa some of the ultra-protectionists
should vots against It. If Mr. Under
wood and his felow democrats who have
been claiming that they wanted to 'lighten
the burdens of ths people' really dealrs
to reduce the dutlea where It would be of
the most benefit, ths opportunity Is now
what real comfort and enjoyment
you can have in your kitchen un
til you have one of these time and
labor saving cabinets in yooil
home. The energy it will save)
you in steps alone will add years
to your life. This popular cabi
net is the latest and best pattern
from the shops of the oldest suc
cessful kitchen cabinet makers in
America. It provides a conveni
ent place for every article of daily
consumption, made of the finest
selected seasonable oak and fin
ished to withstand generations of
every day use.
Not a Luxury
An Inexpensive Nicessity
Come In aad ass It tomorrow aad and
your life of drudgery at aace.
Districts lor Taft and
tor ttaaesvelt.
INDIANAPOLIS), . Ind.. March JJ.-FWe
congressional districts In Indiana today
elected delegatee to ths national repub
llrsn convention, two of them, tbs Sec
ond end Tenth, choosing Taft men and
the Sixth, Eighth and Ninth selectlng
Rooaevelt supporters. Today's action
gives Taft ths delegatea from seven nf
the state's thirteen districts and Roose
velt four.
Taft, with the four delegates-at-large
elected at ths special state convention,
has a total of eighteen and Roosevelt
elsht of Indiana's delegation of thirty.
The Twelfth district will choose dele
sates April a and the Thirteenth dis
trict April t Contests are expected la
both and leaders sre counting on adding
four more to their totals.
In the Sixth district convention today
peculiar conditions prevailed, as tbs meet
ing adopted Taft resolutions approved by
the state convention aa It was said for
harmony's sake, while Roosevelt dele
gates were chosen to ths national cos
SAN FRANCSCO, March 3. -The
proposition to bond ths city for P.We.OOO
for ths purchase ot land and the erection
of municipal buildings In the prepoeed
dvlc renter carried by an overwhelming
majority today.
This election wss the first at whlcb the
women of San FTaodaco were allowed
to vote and they formed' a large pro
portion ef the electorate today.
Aside from the buildings to be erected
by the city, the ranama Exposition
company haa r-ladaed itself to build a
tl.ejs.oa auditorium, which will revert to
the city after BU, if sufficient land la
Death ea tha Gellwwa
la aharp. short agony. The lame back
of kidney trouble ts dally misery. Tako
Electric Bitters for enslck relief, asc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co-
Take a Year or Two to Pay
for What You Buy.
Vw' .y
ClroMln t'
v giliiui
Mads to snatch dresser
opposite, haa five large
roomy drawers, French
Slate mirror. Colonial
aee. Tou cannot af
ford to mine investigat
ing this offsr.
9x12 Monarch Brus'ls Rugs $10.95
In this lot of high grade rugs wa offer many
new and original dsslgna They are of extra tine
quality and have no mitre seams Ths materials
used are of the very best grade of worsted yarns.
Colors are exceedingly handnome. They are reg
ular 120 values and are offered for tomorrow a
aala at tha price quoted.
wV asasv
This 2.
Inch Con-
tinoeos Post
Brui Bed
Clrcaaaian t
Handsome colonist design,
large French plate m Irro-, two
large and two smsll drawers.
Tou ran't duplicate the dresser
for tit In any othsr store.
BUtbome briti kd
comas with two-Inch posts In either bright or sstln finish.
It la or massive colonial oeairn. iney are nntsned in
the very best grade of Kronen Isquer and absolutely guar
antsed. They are being offered oy ufor Saturday only at
a price usually rnsrgea (or a similar oeaign
in tha Iron. Price
China i
Msda af select
ed auartar sawed
exquisitely pol
ished. Dan b la
strength bant
glass ends, dust
roof, dears
claw feet, ad
justabls shelves,
golden finish. '
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST.
Solid Oak
B 1 a b o r a tely
carved French
plats mirror, S
sn.all drawers. 1
lined for sllvsr
ware; double door
dish compart
ment, large linen
drawer, solid osk
and brilliantly
Kentucky Oil Stock
Soars with Promise
of Big Bonus on Way
NEW YORK, March .-Another out
growth of the recent dissolution ot ths
Standard Oil company of New Jersey Into
thirty odd constituents was ths rise to
day of ahsres of the Standard Oil of Ken
tucky to ths unprecedented price of H,tO)
a .share. The stock closed yesterday el
S56S bid, opened today at S7M, advanced
on sake of soma fifty to sixty shares to
40 and then In small lots, aggregating
perhaps thirty shares, rose to S1.0M.
From thst figure It dropped abruptly In
the early afternoon to SMC, with tha last
actual sales st saott.
The stock's low price yestsrday was
Stss and a few days age It was offered at
(3Sa. For some unexplained reason a
short Interest had been created at arounl
SIM and some of the shorts were run In
today when the stock soared up to SI, a
It la believed, however, that tha advance
represented something mors than a mere
"squsese." The company now has a cap
ital ef Sl.SJS.S3e. which may be Increased
to SS.Mt.Wa, the difference going to share
holders ss a stoca "bonus." Aside from
a very small floating supply practically
all the ahsres are owned by Interests
identified with one or mora ot the old
Standard Oil companies.
Mayor Declares
Commission Form
is to Get Kid of Him
Mayor James C Dahlmao, la a epeech
before the members of the Toung Men's
Progressive dub ef Sheeley. charged a
few persons of Omaha, whom hs did not
name, with having changed tha present
government for the commission form of
government for ths express purpose of
putting him out ot office,, and In that
way getting control of the city bslL
"But," ssld ths msror. this select few
will do nothing of the kind, because I
will detest them worse thsn at any time
before, and I shall again be at the head
of tha city administration."
"By getting title commission form of
government,' Bald the mayor, "you are
not getting heme rule, aa you think you
are going to. Ton wtO be -operating
under the same rules you are now. The
only difference Is there will be a change
In the system. Ths only way the People
f Omaha will get home rule is to vots
for ths constitutional amendment which
la to be voted on next fell. This amend
ment If passed will give the cltlxens of
Omaha a new charter under which to
operate" .
The mayor fired his usua broadside
at the Cltlsen's union and denounced It
as a crooked gang, attempting to get
control of ths city. Among other speak
ers at the meeting wars Csundlmen Lee
Bridges; candidate for city commissioner,
and rred 8ckroeder, candidate for couety
commissioner. .
The Toung Men's Progressive club of
She. ley will bold a mass meeting In the
Polish hall at VK Walnut street next
Thursday night, at which time a slate
will be drawn up which will bs supported
by ths voters of Sheeley,
Stimulate your tmamess ey advertising
In The Bee the newspaper that reaches
aft ef ths buyers. '
Building Mate-rial To B Formed
lata Muscle, Fat aad '
MetW Orsr's ! reesen tee Cslldna, a
Cntala relief tar rmrtsaaeie. Uesdackse. Bs
tieauea, Tmalas Dtaarem, am. sas raealau
ta BewaM aad Denny Wms. Tsar srssk up
esISs la 14 Iwers. Tan sr. as sleassnt u IS.
tail. CallSma ilk. Umb. Over 1S.MS uMlasMlaia.
ts ar awtaws tar a jti Thr hw ujl
S.IS kr Drauuu. tte luuli wIMS FiUtaV
ASanaa, Alias a olawue. L Hat K. T.
How many thin, coughing, easlly
ehilled. run-down men and women seek
tn vain .for something to build them up.
Thiy have not heard of Osomulsloa.
OxcBuilsloB la full of building material
for blood and bone, muscle and tat.
Osomulsloa snakes tha human house
strong to withstand wear and time and
builds up rapidly the warn-out tlasuea.
A generally weakened, exhausted Con
di lion without marked sign of disease In
vites Consumption.
Build yourself up with Osomulsloa.
Sample Bottle Free) by Mall.
That those who are seeking health and
strength for themeeivea, chlldrea. rela
tives cr friends may experience the life
giving properties of this exclusive Nor
way gold medal osonlarri cod liver oil
medicinal toed emulsion aa well as ts
know Osamulsson superiority In being
asset pel table and easy to tske a gen
erous S-cs. bottle will be sent, by mail to
those who send addressee by nasi rani or
letter to Oxomulslon, M Pearl 6t-, N. T.
yourself to a $7
fancy silk vest
FREE with your
spring suit at
Omaha's real
tailor shop.
Dundee Woolen
I. W. Cor. 15th and Harney
CwnRell Bluffs) Star
499 Wist Breadwiy
See The Bee
Next Sunday. -