Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Entered at Omaha poatofrio a escoad
clftna matter.
undv Km on year .50
Saturday Be, one year Jl-SJ
I 'ally He (without Sunday), one T H
Iaily Hee and Sunday, one year.. ....tats
Evenlns; Bee with Sunday, par mo....c
Ii!y Rao unrludmi Sunday), per mo..c
liaJly Bee (without tunday, per mo....c
Address all coraplainta or trreguiarltlas
la delivery to City Circulation Kept.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Ba Publishing company,
only 1-oent stsmoa received la payment
of mall accounta. Personal check. ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha-Th Bee ButldinC
South Omaha 31 N St.
Council Hlutte-; Son" St
Lincoln at Little Bulldlns.
Chk-airol&tl Marquette Building.
Kansas Oty-Rellance Building.
New YorS-ll West Thirty-third.
Washlnaton T Fourteenth St.. w. w.
Communication relating to new and
editorial matter ahouid be eddreaeed
Omaha Bee. Editorial topartment.
Btat of Nebraska, County of Douglas. :
Dwlght William, circulation manager
of The Be Publishing company, being
duly sworn, aaya that the avaraga dally
circulation, leas apoiled. unused and re
turned copies, for the month o February.
15UL wa ..
Circulation Huww.
Subscribed In my preaenoe and ewora
te befor ma thli ith djy of March, IVli.
Notary PubUe.
labeerlkera leavlaa the ally
temporarily skeeld nave The
Be saalled te Ikaai. Addreaa
will fee ekaaged aa often as re.
If spring fever doe not hasten nd
Joarnment of tbe grand Jory, nothing
Tnle gprlnf overflow may affect
soms land, but not ths Florida Ever
glades. Tb lateat Mulattos, of the season
la that women's bate ere to be
pretty tblt year.
Potting elephants In Africa mutt
be a snap beside potting delegates
In the United mates.
It Is interesting to sots that Sen
ator Lo rimer voted to retain Sena
tor Stephenson in bis sett
It looks as if tbe problem of prison
Ksnagement at our Nebraska peni
tentiary had not yet been solved.
Those Virginia outlaws are a
reckless sort, Tbe man Allen sur
renders to get something to est
For awhri7iriooked"ss If Old
Man Winter bad decided to fight It
out on this line if It took ail sum
mer. 80 the primary law after six years
is still on trial la Nebraska. It so.
wonder when we will get beyond the
experimental stage,
Tbe Harvester, trust must be
dreadfully scared every night by the
nightmare, ."Lobeck'll get you if
you don't watch out."
To appreciate Omaha's superior
geographical location, note how cities
snd towns all around us are being
Inundated by spring freshets. ,
A Frenchman left $500, 000 to a
New Orleans girl because her red
hair reminded hint of aa old sweet
heart Good excuse, anyway.
You city man, kicking en having
to feed so much coal to your fur
nace, stop and think Of the farmer
feeding bay all this long, cold win
ter. Saa Francisco bss voted M.OtO,
000 to build a elrlo center. That's
lets tbsn Omaha has voted te get
from under its wstsr works pur
chase. Chicago street railway Interests
promise to do away with the conges
tion of traffic nuisance. Ob, yea,
but nromlaa and nerfnrmanr dn. not
run together so .fait.
i That remind us, what has become
of that great leader and patron aalnt
of municipal reform, Percy A. Wells,
whose inspiring voice appears to bare
been Inexplicably stilled'
It te fair to assume that the Men
and Religion Forward Movement Is
r t Intended to prevent the women
from continuing to be the drawing
eard of church attendance.
Of course that drug maaufsc
fsctsrer who demanded to know
whom Dr. Wiley represented at that
bearing, could prove an alibi eo far
as he, himself, was eoaesrsed.
If our Amertcaa miners thought
of Imitating the British miners la
striking, eur American operators
should find It possible to settle with
their men es did the Britishers,
One thing at a time, aad every
thing In Its order. Commission plan
primary it Omaha comet first, then
tbe state and county primary aad
finally the commission pun election.
Every time heretofore that be lost
out Xr. Bryan promptly charged that
bis followers were eorrnpted or In
timidated away from him. Aad Mr.
Bryan Is not the ealy one who has
that ready-made explanation to fan
back, on. : '
Doing Justice to the President
Colonel Roosevelt is not likely to
Increase his popularity at the expense
of President Taft by misstating or
misrepresenting what tbe latter says
In his public speeches. It is disap.
pointing to find the ex-president at
tempting in this manner to promote
bis third-term candidacy against the
man "whom be, himself, first recom
mended to tbe American people as the
very best fitted and qualified for tbe
chief magistracy. The colonel persists
in twisting what tbe prealdent said
la his Toledo speech about popular
government. Me makes Mr. Taft say
that "hereafter we ahall act on the
theory that this Is a government of
the people, for the people and by a
representative part or class of tbe
Here is what President Taft really
aaid on that point:
In recognition of this, the tendency from
earliest times In our history haa been the
enlargement of the electorate to Include
In the ultimata source of governmental
power a many a possible of those
governed. But evea today the electorate
Is not more In number than one-fourth
of the total number of those who are
el tl sens of the nation, and an the people
for whom the government Is maintained
and whose rights and happiness the gov
ernment Is Intended to secure. Mora than
this, government by unanimous vote of
th electorate la Impossible, and, there
fore, the majority of th electorate must
rule. t i , .
We find, therefore, "that goverament by
th people la, under our present system.
government by a majority of one-fourth
01 those who lights and happiness are
to be affected by th course and conduct
of th government. This Is th nearest
to government by the whole people w
have ever had. In other words,
th elect orat la a representative gov
erning body for the whole people for
which tn government was established,
and tbe controlling majority of the
electoral la a body still ls numerous.
It le thus apparent that ears le a gov-
rnment of all the people by a repre
sentative part of the people.
Colonel Roosevelt says be! believes
In a square deal. Mr. Taft Is entitled
to square deal. At St Louis be
said: "I'd . a million times rather
lose the campaign and get justice
than to win it without Justice." Mr.
Taft is also entitled to Justice.
Fortifying the Fan ami.
A pet argument of those opposing
fortification of the Panama canal
has been that it would offend ' the
policy of neutrality snd therefore
other nations. Emperor William's
advlee to General Ooethels in favor
of strong fortifications Is an answer
to that But in the first plsce, we
should not confuse neutrality with
fortification. The canal may be
neutral and yet be' formidably forti
fied; .
As matter of fact, tbe president,
General Ooethels and others who
have given their best thought to this
question are eonvtneett -that - neu
trality of tbe canal can only be
guaranteed by fortifications, and
that it Is idle to think of neutralis
ing the canal merely by convention.
These authorities also agree that
not only is there nothing in the
treaty under whcb the canal was
authorised against ' fortifications.
bu that. the treaty specifically ad
vocates it , t
With all due regard for the cause
of world peace,' la which we all
ahouid enlist, is it quite fair to other
nations to invite their patronage of
this great waterway without offering
to them tbe protection which ade
quate fortification would give? It
la not offending theee nations to
make the canal secure from selture
or attack: oa tbe contrary. It would
be offending them not to do to. And
shea, here le the United States
spending nearly 1400,000,000 upon
a great structure subject to dsnger.
Ia it good buslneee for the United
Btatee not to Insure this property
against loss the best It may? Would
It or a private Individual think of
leaving uninsured any other euch
investment? Fortifying the canal ia
almply Insuring It insuring this la
vestments of upwards of s75,OO0,-
And there Is still another strong
appeal for fortification: The two
prime objects la building the Pan
ama canal were to promote our trade
expansion ny removing certain
natnral obstacles aad to strengthen
our detente and augment our naval
efficiency. Thle we do by bringing
into practical articulation the widely
detached lines of eur fleet a upon the
Atlantis aad Pacific So, whether
we neutralise the canal or not, busi
ness aad diplomatic considerations
seem to urge Its fortification.
Tbe government, through the De
partment M Aai.uiw, uaa sent
Broadcast the report of its finding of
poor seed corn ae a general thing aad
especially In tbe big corn-growing
states. It nrges all farmers to exer
cise tbe greatest skill and care ia tbe
selection of their seed.
Omaha aad Nebraska, hroagh the
Omaha Commercial club aad the
state agriculturists, appear te have
keen ia tbe vanguard on this prop
osition. In this eosnection tome of
the supersensitive husbandmen who
took exceptions of this voluntary aid
to them shoald be willing at least
to divide their criticism between our
local benefactors aad Uncle 8a a.
But, seriously, tbe farmers bsve
need for, perfaspe, greater care this
year than they have bad for many
eeasone, aad this is not n matter la
which farmers only are isle rested:
the whole country la deeply eoa
eerned. for we are still aa agricnl
tarsi people, vitally dependent apoa
ihe farm. Every one of us still owes
allegiance to King Corn and, there
fore, we have a right to suggest
things for hit prosperity and health.
Here Is a bit of advice from the
Department of Agriculture expert
which we desire to repeat:
I advise the farmers to plant the best
teed they ran get They should us i
let ted ' eorn on the cob, each ear of
which haa been tested for germination;
and If they have tn ue shelled corn
ahouid test It and plant enough, depend
ing on tbe percentage of germination to
Insur a good stand.
Wife and Wag-es.
Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, wife of
tbe former chief chemist of the De
partment of Agriculture, is out with
s radical plan for revolutionizing the
home, insuring domestic tranquillity
snd enforcing the relative rights of
the wife. It is summed up in this:
Right now the wife Is the only hard
working human animal who gets nothing
for ber ten or twelve, sometimes sixteen
hours' of hard labor a day. Perhaps she
Is given board and lodging, but even eer-
ants get more than that I believe th
time is near when laws will be passed
giving the wife a part of th salary,
baaed upon th husband's income, and It
should be one-third,- never lest than one-
fourth, of hit salary.
The Denver Republican went to the
trouble of having several women of
that city Interviewed on the aubject
and, while most of them disagreed
with Mrs. Wiley's view. It wss as
tonishing that nearly all of them
gave It serious attention.
Of course, a man wltb n wife will
ing to apend all the money that shs
can get her handa on, regardless of
the family's needs, Is to be pitied,
Jutt aa tbe woman la whose huaband
neglects her and the children for his
own selfishness, but It does not fol
low from the fact thst extremes of
this kind obtain, that a law enforcing
an equal division of the cash between
man and wife would contribute any
thing to the domestic tranquillity of
ths home or felicity between man
and wife. When it becomes nec sa
lary to lower the home to the level
of commercial transaction, where Its
conduct must be governed In detail
by legal provision, it will be about
time to think of reconstructing the
whole institution. '
It seems to us that ths wife who
measures her part In the home, ber
Influence in making Its life and ex
ample felt upon herself, her huaband
and her children, from the dollar
stsndard, needs, not so much n Det
er dlvialoa of her husband's weekly
wages as an entirely new conception
of ber relation and duty aa a wife
and mother.
Tbe Aurora Republican puts ons
evsr on Congressman Norrts by
pointing out that when the sugar
tariff was up, ths Nebrsska man of
fered a bounty amendment to aave
the beet sugar producera from an
nihilation, declaring that wltbout
this relief the proposed sugsr tariff
would favor the Sugar trust and
thsn, after the amsndmsnt .was re
jected, voted for the bill which he
said the Sugar trust wanted. One
thing wbtch the Republican overlook!
le that a political campaign la on in
which Congressman Norrla Is seeking
promotion to tbs senate, and that a
reformer chasing votes has aa much
right to play both sides of tbs street
as any one else.
The democrats In control of our
county board last fall voted the vot
ing machlnee out of commission, but
the democrats In control in South
Omsha insist on using them in the
Impending municipal election there.
Just another Instance of playing the
game the way that looks like the
most votes.
Persuading dangerous penitentiary
birds to believe tbey ars merely In
nocent victims of unfortunate cir
cumstances Is, to say ths least not
calculated to Inspire obedience and
discipline among convicts nursing
fancied grievances against their
keepers, fellow convicts and society
la general.
Urgent popular demand for good
men to .. u.v uteuitefvea to the I
role of IMvO n year councilman Is
simply Irresistible. And only sordid
folk would suspect the sslsry had
anything to do with It
Senator Hitchcock seems to be
proceeding on the theory thst Inas
much as Mr. Bryan haa three times
helped his opponents to win out, all
that Is needed now Is to let out
plenty of rope.
Governor Stubbe aad Governor
Hadley have both asked to have their
namea taken off the Nebraska ballot
as vice presidential candidates. But
we still have Colonel John O. Yelaer
with us.
Ripe tar rial.
New Tork Sun.
A conservative estimate at th thaui.
lo la the present Africa a war takes
treat Italian official report bows that
very native resMent of Tripoli has been
killed at lean three ttmea.
Lews Times Saw Beweeaitlea.
Nrw Tork World,
If the preeeat plan and aVmaade of
coal oceratleea ad salaers held good,
atost people In this eooarry wfa aot have
any cosb plaint te aaak aamlaat the short
see of next utumoi vara don.
Pmlast Maasaaw. Saew,
St. bevel Ole-Daauat
Mr. Bryaa ears he will aim ess no
atefeioaut eatweast WOeon aad Clark,
tax earsara dlattnrely that he le against
Harass. The result at Chlcage Is
streagty taaValed. bet there Is a tell lag
what sort ef Mtsaari win strike Bal-
httaars, "
Eiookln Backward
This Da v in Omnia I
Y fOffUM r DtX ritsei
March 80.
Thirty Years Ago
The democratic primaries have mixed
things up still worse. Winners for the
council were: First ward. Alex McGavock;
Second ward, John J. ilahoney; Third
ward. Henry Ilornbeoger; Fourth ward.
William Bushman; Fifth ward. John E.
Wlgman; Sixth ward, no nomination.
The spring opening of A. Crulckshaak
A Co. Is pronounced "one of the most
magnificent dlsplaya ever teen In this
Charles Kauffman has succeeded to ths
fir Insurance business of Henry W.
Yates, ofnctng at IMS Farnam street
Annie Plxley in "Milts" Is the at
traction at Boyd'a ,
A First ward republican caucus nomi
nated Ernest Street for the council.
Ther Is plenty of moonlight to walk
in these night and the young folks are
Improving the opportunity.
P. Dal ton, who waa so seriously Injured
by th prairie fire west of Omaha, died
from th effects.
Thomas H. Dally declares that he will
absolutely decline to accept the nomina
tion for councilman and that he Is out
of politics.
Hon. Oeorge W. E. Dorsey of the State
Board of Agriculture Is In the city on a
brief trip.
The Busy Beee of the Christian ehureh
Sunday school gave one of their aeotala
St the church on Seventeenth street,
Tbere were eongs and recltaUona by tbe
Misses Webb, Nellie Rosswater. Maud
McClure, Paul and Bffl Denies, Victor
Rosswater. Willi and Nellie Richards,
and Master Harry Stephens.
The owner of a blue plaid shawl lost on
er near Twenty-third street asks for IU
reutrn to The Bee office, -
"Haul Kirk" la coming, with John
Dillon and Clara Morris In th cast.
Th Union Spy" wet played for th
last time uut.nlgnt to a crowded house
and met wtlh a warm reception.
Twenty Tears Ago
W. R. Hearst, proprietor of the San
Francisco Examiner, passed through
Omaha enroute te Washington.
Edward Rosswater left for New Tork
en business.
Mrs. Tom Thumb, Count Mtgrl sad
Baron Magrl. the real Lilllputloni,. ar
rived In Omaha In their special car with
their company and put up at th Dsllone.
Th officials 'of the Nebraska Central
Railroad company wr busy pushing
matters toward th construction of' their
line In this city and county and at an
early hour th vice president J. K. Du-
mont appeared at the court house and
filed platt of th routes, which showed
the location of the steel brldg across
th river at Cast street, a mammoth
brldg with double tracks. Mr. Dumont,
J. A. McShane, C. J. Orean and others
appeared before the county board te
which they exlained their proposition.
Six young men completed the theologi
cal course at the Omaha seminary : B. C.
8wank. Alexander Lltherband. E. A.
Endsrs, O. A. MeEwan, E. F. Keller, &
W. almonds. Their final examination
were conducted by Rev. W. J. H anna,
D. P.; Rev. Stephen Phelps. D, D.; RV.
John "Oordon. V. D tnd Dr. Sterling,
professor In Or.' In-th vein the
class waa tendered a reception at )eoon4
Presbyterian church when address
were made "by Warren Swltiler, Rev.' J.
C. Sloan. Prof. Bell wad Dr. Phelps. '
Local bankers doing a savings busi
ness were ax a Derated at th report
filed at Llnooln by Stat Bank Examiner
C F. MoOrew. la which he charged that
many bankers were evading the state
banking laws, -vlth respect to saving
Ten Years Ago-
enow, driven by high winds, made Eas
ter a bleak day for Omaha. Oray cloud
hid th sun and churchgoers had to
fight th wind to reach their place of
worship tnd It was a perilous day for
what Baiter millinery ventured out
Funeral service for Dr. Jerome F.
Hartamann were held at the residence,
II North Sixteenth street, by lUv, C
W. Savldg snd . R. I A. Oeoh and
the body was buried at Prospect H1IL
Th explosion of a lamp at the room
ing bouse of Mrs. Lucy Weber, MS South
Nineteenth street tot Are te the build
ing snd did about tiM worth of damage.
Mrs. W. H. Han chert delved into the
tomb of antiquity snd brought Bp seme
hidden specimens of thought for th
Omaha Philosophical club at Its Sunday
afternoon meeting. Her subject was
"Prehlatorlo ExcavaMons.' Rev. Newton
Mann and other engaged la general dis
cussion of the lecture. -
Bishop Beannell preached at the eM St
Phllomene' cathedral an Easter sermon
on "The Soul's Triumph Over Death,"
emphasising the tluaie ef unbelief.
Oo Tern or Ears P. Savage came op from
Unrein and spent the day at South
People Talked About
George Pendleton Bowler, the Harvard
spender, who burned up SVtt.90 la a
year, Is now 'working off his surplus
energy clerking la a Boston More at
tit a week.
Down tn Kansas City, where the Star
pulled off aa a ma sing "straw" vote tor
Colonel Roosevelt, a t pteture ef the
Colonel was told at suction last Mon
day for J cents.
Joha R. Early, the alleged leper, who
waa shamefully treated by the health
authoritlea of Wash mart on and vindicated
by the odors of New York, has been
pursued by pabllo fear and oetractsed
clear t the Pad no coast Aa offer ef
a position In the quarantine station at
Port Townaend. Washington state, bat
beta accepted by Early. Th salary with
hi soldier panel oa will give at a aa in
ooroe of tn a month.
Mrs. fleorse V. ' Johnson, ef Pike. W.
T, le thought to hold the world's record
for length. of time aa a public singer.
She haa keen a eoioM m the Presby
terian church ther far more than et
She baa traveled a distance of
tea exeat miles hi going ts end
from her chetr rehearse la aad eaarch
service, and the actual time she haa
an la a chetr seat would ssaount te
e and a half years. . - ....
The body of Geaerel Philip Ksarar.
now resting in th fanUty vault In Trin
ity churchyard. New Tork, le to be re
sseeed te Artlnstea cemetery. Washing
ton. April 12. In the last resting plaos
of Amertcaa warrior the etete ef New
Jersey will erect a sultaM ssenvmeat
over the grave of the famous eavalry
saaa. here of rare ware la this eouatry
sad two In Fraaea. General Kearny
was killed at the battle of CbaatUly.
September 1. IKX
In Other. Lands
Some Side LigMs am What Is
Traneplrla; Aseeag the at
aad rar Katioas ef the Barta.
No matter how the miners war for a
minimum wage ends In Great Britain, the
mine owners stand to win. Their sur
plus stocks brought Increased price more
than sufficient to make up for idleness
evea if continued for twe months. What
ever additional wage It gran ted at the
end. It ia certain to be doubled and
cheerfully passed to tbe consumer. As a
matter of pounds and shillings tbe mine
owners could have granted the minimum
pittance at the outset without risk of
loss and averted tbe widespread trade
distress brought on th people. But that
is not the wsy of the employing B ru
le her. "In Britain," says th Toronto
Globe, "there are hundreds of thousands
of people who still regard, th working
man aa a tort of necessary evil, to he
tolerated merely because there are Mill
some things that automatic machinery
cannot aocomplUh. That th first charge
upon an- Industry ought to be the rate
of wages to tha worklngmen engaged In
It teems a monstrous doctrine. If any
one Imagines this to be an exaggerated
statement of the case let him ponder
over the following letter received by the
chairman of the London and Northwest
ern railway the other day from one-of
the stockholder! to whom he had made
an appeal on behalf of th railway benev
olent Institution: . 1 think It simply dis
gusting for you to send round this appeal
to your wretched shareholders, who are
receiving less dividends this year than
they ought to. owing, to toe abominable
way th men have behaved, and their
grasping avarice, to which you and other
directors have to weakly yielded, and
which have thereby te seriously reduced
our income. Damn you, I nay!' "
Fra ace's Kaeptr Stacking.
F. Cunllffe-Owen, writing In Hampton'
Mags sine, draws a gloomy picture of tbe
Increasing menace of poverty in the
French republic The unsurpassed thrift
of the people which enabled the govern
ment to provide the millions of franca
exacted by the victorious Germans In
1K71 bat been undermined by the high
cost of living, taxation and labor trou
ble. So serious are conditions that the
government la considering the advisa
bility of fixing the price of food by law.
The straitened condition of th people,
the writer asserts. 'Is not due t siege
or wtr, hut to th extraordinarily high
price of even the moat ordinary and
necessary articles of food, to the stagna
tion of th labor market and of trade
and Industry, caused by labor troubles,
by uncertainty ef the future and finally
by excessive taxation. For ttmre la no
country In ths world that staggers snder
so colossal a national debt aa Franca,
er the people of which are more heavily
taxed. Thus, the national debt alone
amounts to tomt S5,(W).O0C,00O, which
means a capital charge of about flM for
each man. woman and child, and aa
annual tax ef between S3 and M per head
of the entire population, added to which
there It the provincial debt of the de
partments, snd the debt of the com
munes, ems tinting to another H.000,a,o,
which likewise constitutes a heavy annual
share per capita, In th way of Interest
Besides all this, the anfortunate French
taxpeyera have to provide another SMS,
(MMMft of annual revenue to defray th
yearly coat of the army, the navy and
the various forms ef government ad
ministration, the drll end of which alone
employs nearly l,ew,M officials of one
kind er another."
Cartas- tn TJaesapleyed.
Bwltserhtni's methods of caring for the
smsnpkryed ars described by R, E. Mans
field, Amertcaa consul-general at Zurich,
la a recent tseu of the Consular and
Trad re porta. The Swiss," he lay,
"aot upon th theory that a man who It
unemployed Is, If left to himself, pron
te besom unemploytble. esse The
purpose la te assist tot unemployed to
secure work, not only for the takt of
th Individual, but also In ths Interests
of the ttat. No toleration It
shown te th loafer, begging It prohibited
by law, and vagrancy It classified aa a
crime. It the Individual does not make
a serious effort to find work. It la found
tor him. Ones be has been given aa
opportunity to ears his Bring, he Is com
pelled to tak advantage of I, with tha
alternative of going te the workhouse,
where erilttary discipline Is enforced. A
fund la maintained by each canton, oat
of which the needy unemployed ere as
sisted. In some elite, notably Bern.
Beset and Geneva, the government subsi
dises sseodaUona, union or otherwise.
which have em pi or meat Insureoo funds
- i see
Wireless Amad the World.
Th BrttMh government eonumplet a
wire lass talecraph system connecting Its
toinMlens around the world. Contracts
have been signed for six great wireless
station, one each at Leaden. Alexandria,
Aden, Bangalore. Singapore and, Pretoria.
Bangalore, the eoly unfamiliar place. Is
situated In th sealer of the southern end
of th Klnduataa peninsula. Three ether
station, one la western Australia, one
ia eastern Auatrene aad a third ta New
Zealand, are projected to complete the
system, which thus unite all British pot
eeastona la Enron, east aad south At
rlca, Asia aad Australia.
Llsrat aa TrtaeM.
While conflicting report leaves the pub
lic In a fog as regards the success of
Italian anna In TripoU, there le no doubt
of Italian success la brightening the town
ef TripoU. Thro hundred and flttasa
electric lamps are to be Installed aad
operated there during March. The Ger
man government whleh has net yet
takes It hand off TripoU. ha lavttad
Oermea firms te study the lighting altue
tion. The witty restaurants, cafe aad
bare that aaee asea opened during th
last tw months have created a large ee
tsand for Ughta. Evea private ettlsene
are doing away with the kerosene lamp
ta their bora. Moat at th foreign
beware ta TripoU are seeking t exploit
their different nghttag systems, but It
le noticeable that the Italian agents who
have recently arrived are the moot ag
gressive. Hesse Spoils the Aa.
Cleveland Ptaia Dealer.
It all right t throw one's bat Bate
the ring if eae doesn't persist kt asiag
It as a megaphone thereafter.
Watalaa- fa Sees
Cleveland plain Dealer.
The TJnlted State supreme beach sew
haa Its full owota aad aU the member
appear to be In reasonably good health.
Thta Is not a pleasing eotlook for Presi
dent Tart's successor.
Tacwrteo at Weeelsww.
Cleveland Leader.
It now devesove that after expressing
the hope that Coles el Bryaa would be
knocked rots a cocked bat, Weodrew
Wilson voted far aim. . Which gsea
to tadlcata that Governor wusaa's eae
track salad consists mostly of turntables,
Far Japan's Gawel Kaaae,
OMAHA, March XT.-To the Editor of
The Bee: Being Japanese I waa much In
terested In Mr. Roberson't speech en
Japan last Bight
I am not a politician, so I do net discus
Jingoism, but for the so-called Immorality
of Japan, I have to take pen to refute
hit falsehood, in spits of my scant knowl
edge of th English language.
A man who always patronise ufe under
world cannot conceive the idea ef the
existence of a higher, stratum of society.
Therefore, there is no uss to discuss the
social and political problem with such aa
under dog. That reminds me how the late
Mr. Harriman praised the superior com
mercial integrity of Japan; Henry George,
Jr.. on his eastern economic question.
Bishop Harris on "Christian Prospect"
and recently a splendid article on Japan
by Dr. Jordan of bis n ford university ta a
current political Journal.
These rank foremost aa financier,
economist evangelist and educator, and
know -well what they wrttei
Mr. Bryan it also a living witness. O'
course, he never visited th underworld
to collect p restitutes pictures, shame
lessly, at hit trophy, but from a diplo
matic view we mutt near from him.
There are vary many good books on
Japaa and Japanese in the Omaha public
library. '
To him who caught the war scare or
begot false Meat about Japan, I rec
ommend to read "The Awakening of
Japan," by Okakura Kakuso; "The Book
of Tea," by the same author; "Japan by
tha Japanese," and "Japan In Transition,"
by Ban some, an Englishman.
Theee will undermine Mr. Roberson's
statements and scatter them Into eternal
oWlvion. But how many of the audience
were disappointed and disgusted by the
war talk? "Such beautiful flowers!"
"Such sublime scenery!" The who cul
tivate such lovely flowers with tender
care can they be the tame a a blood-
Ktmdm from grape Cream ef Tar-.
tar$ absolutely free from alum.
For sixty year American house
wive have found Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder a guarantee of light,
pure and wholesome food.
r..... ,, ., ,,. . . " - .-s-..,-,-.-I...,. ii -
Round 'Package
Ue cs nU sse
olrsty eastera horde? Those who admire,
nunaeulata anew-capped Mountain FuJI-j-do
they give way to the black mon'tfr
of sensuality? '
Anyone who wants to prove that Japan,
la the menace of decent moral. Christian
ctvUlxstton. must show us tome horrible
pictures of that country; that ia, a pic
ture something like the 'Frisco mob de
molishing Japanese art stores or south.,
em lynchers burning negroes alive!
No wonder Man and Religion movement
forced te come In the land whleh haa been
under Christian influence for ISM years:
IMS Burt Street
"Sorry you couldn't attend our ban-
2uet last night doctor, it would have
one you good." ;
"Thank you! It has done roe good. I
have Just prescribed for three of the
gueats."-CWcsro Post
PotlUdan Wall, now you've got the
ballot box. what yer goln' to do with It?
Suffragette-oh! Do a little disfran
chising. What's sauce for the goose Is
sauce for the gander. Life.
"Of course, you are opposed to machine
methods of elections"
Well," replied Farmer Corntasssl. "I
must admit that I'd Uke to see the steam
roller took out o' politics an' put back
where It belongs ia the road-maam' busi
ness." Washington Star.
Philadelphia Record.
Silence-shod Dawn In gauty garments
Csme slowly down ths ebon stair ef
And. with her silver key, for Morn un-
V locked
But did not opethe Jeweled gates of
Awhile she fingered, leaning o'er the rails
Surrounding the smooth plot of fading
With eves alight aa peeping through the
She saw Mora lift the loosened golden
So tweet her fees, beneath Its hood of
WliUone plucked star lay gleaming on
her breast
As, blushing, she received tbe King of
who on her trembling Hps warm kisses
V Af-intr.
Made In the largest, best
equlppod and sanitary Malted
Milk plant In the world . .
We do not male "miA; product-.
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
B use Original-Genuine ' '
MIej from pure, kAlT9m milk
and the extract of -elect malted drain,
redaced to powder form, soluble ia
water. Bent food-drink for nil alee.
Used ail over the Globe