Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Unsettled; Colder
VOL. XLI-XO. 246.
Blunt Inquest at Springfield Goes to
Jury with SuHen Crown
Scorning Officials.
Aldrich's letter Counseling Kodera
. tion Taken asv Insult
rv.'.r J v t' -J
""" "BB ckuku
v v - t
Authorities, However, Have Mo Fear
of an Outbreak.
Marshy Urasiaen Patrick far
Klaasllna- the Bleed y Osat Be
fore the raea at Widow,
W ho la Preoral.
The coroner s Jury at Springfield, which
heard thirty witnesses testify yesterday
in the Inquest over the body ot Roy Blunt
was Riven the esse Isst night, with In-
-Vuctlons to return a sealed verdict to-le-Tha
verdict will be carried to Core
iwr Armstrong at Pspllllon by th. fore
uproarious demonstration of HI feeling
Uounty Attorney Jameson and Sheriff
rnt Chase of Sarpy county and against
County Attorney Clinton Chase of man-
ton county, brother of Sheriff Chan. W.
R. Patrick of counsel for tha Blunt fam
ily' was applauded when he engaged In a
personal quarrel with these officials.
Threats of the coroner to have the
narked tha closinc hour of the innuest In
the opera house. .
Letter Called lasalt.
The reading of a letter from Governor
Aldrtch, which one prominent Springfield
man characterised as an Insult to the
cltlsenshlp of Sarpy county, was another
sensational feature of the close of the
The case was submitted to the Jury at
?:3t o'clock. Before Its submission the
Juror spent fifteen minutes debating the
advisability of making an effort te net
Skerift Hyer ot Lam-aster county and
John. C. -Trouten, deputy slate fire war
den and deputy to Chief of Polled Brief
ot South Omstia on the day of th con
vict aunt, to some to cpnneueiu hw
testify at the Inquest.
Hsd ft been decided to make this ef-'
fort the continuance ot the Inquest untl!
today would have been necessary, but
the Juror decided th additional testi
mony would make the reaching of a ver
dict no easier and asreed to take no fur
ther evidence.
After the close of the Inquest the peo
pi stood about In the stores and In tha
twe hotel disousslnf th case and pass
In critical remarks about Armstrong
Jameson', Sheriff Chase and other.
Talk at Mia ' Meeting?.
There was some talk of arranging for
a mass meeting ot Sarpy county cltutens
to protest against Governor Aldrtch let
ter. i At a lata hour last nlsht no' arrange
ment for such a meeting had been made.
Jammed Into eveiy nook and corner, on
the stage, standing In the aisles and sit
ting on window sills, WD persons had
managed, to secure entrance to the little
opera house where the Inquest was heard.
Halt a many more were turned away
during the day- Th parent of the dead
men. and those of the widow, with two
brother and sisters, were given seat
near the Jury and witnesses.
Coroner Armstrong protested early In
th. Amm -. .aa-lne' th. Inni imm4 mm
be termed It.
S Danger at Oatkreak.
Passion and prejudice prevailed during
the entire morning sitting and what few
definite statement of fact were brought
out were shsdowed into nothingness by
the wrangllngs ot the attorneys ot con
flicting Interest, which accompanied
nothing except to fsn the flames of pas
sion. It 4s unlikely thst there will be any
violent outbreak. Danger ef thi seem
to have vanished. Before he went to
Springfield Chief of Police Brigg was
warned that hi life might not be spared
by certain hot-beaded and bitter friend
ot th Blunt family. He was advised to
attend the Inquest prepared for trouble
and to be ready to defend himself. He
declared be did not believe such precau
tion necessary and h went to th Inquest
unarmed. There has been no threat ot
violence in .Springfield. The throng that
packed the opera house and crowded
around doors and windows muttered and
was sullen, but that was all.
Merphy Oesessen Patrick.
City Attorney Henry C. Murphy of
South Omaha, who with Attorney Charles
Hoover of South Oroaha, represents Brtggs
created a sensation during the morning
sitting by an Impassioned denunciation
of W. R. Patrick of Pspllllon. ot counsel
for the Blunt family, when Patrick
dragged from a gunny sack tha bloody
clothe worn by Blunt when the death
dealing bullet entered his body. Mr.
Blunt and her relative occupied row
of chair directly before the attorney'
table, and Mrs. Blunt sat bat two feet
from Patrick when he withdrew the
r- ntriin ann nefo it lor me lurr s in-
action. j
Objects ta Praeedare.
Blunt inio a rrni- of grief
t iiie :-Cy cJ.ii!Wl:on. Jiurnfcy colled
in on rnrr mt ron-; :o fs-.inunarfi:.'
slop Patrick's procedure. "We object
to this barbarous and brutal exhibition,
the torture ot a woman who already has
suifered almost mora than Qaa ana
i u-.d tan Lear," rata Murphy.
V.e protest axaint tines men put
ting this woman's soul on the rack and
Intensifytng her grief, twisting the knife
after k ha been plunged Into her heart.
(Continued ea Fourth Page)
The National Capital
2t, 1912.
The Senate.
In session 1 p. m.
Rumed debate on service pension te(
lslstion which will be voted on before
Grand Army veterans uryed before pub
lic build in ic committee passage of Suth
erland bill for memorial amphitheater at
Arlington National cemetery.
Interoceanlc canal committee discussed
Panama canal tolls.
Isthmian Canal Commission Chairman
Goethals told the interoceanlc canaJ com
mute the alret ship would go throuKh
the Par tuna canal In August or Septem
ber, mz.
The House.
Met at noon. .
Regan debate on too! tariff re vie 'on
Leader Underwood announced
tariff revision would be taken
senate acted on tariff measure. r
passed by bouse and tha wool - -V .
it passes. y
Frank A. Munsey told steeK
- . .v a.
.flatting committee h. obt- tats
raooeow valuation of. "Vpora-
lion property from-Its bo. & from
talks wtih steel men.
Interstate commerce committee unani
mously voted to report favorably a bill
providing for physical valuation of all
railroads of the United Mate.
Bill to abolish commerce court favor
ably reported by majority commerce com
Elections committee voted to recom
mend unseating of Representative C. C.
Bowman, Eleventh Pennsylvania district,
on charges or election frauds.
Democratic Leader I'nderwood se
verely arralfred tariff board In opening
wool Dili denie.
Alssksn Delegate Wickers hsm charged
Governor Clark with "deliberately mis
stating facts about Alaakuy conditions.'
Colonel Roosevelt
Speaks at Vinton
and Cdar Rapids
CEDAR RAPID. 1., March JS.-Col-
one! ' Theodore ' Roosevelt - delivered
short address her thla-mornlnf. enrouts
fro at St bouts, where he spoke last
Bight to St. Paul where he Is scheduled
to speak tonight Even though the hour
was early a Isrgs crowd greeted the
former president when he appeared on
the rear platform of hi special train.
The train arrived here at I:1S o'clock,
forty-five minutes late.
WATERLOO, la., March 2a-Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt made several short
speeches from the rear platform of his
car at stops made on his Journey through
Iowa. At Cedar Rapids he reiterated his
argument In favor of control of the ma
chinery of government by the people.
"We who tand for the cause of prog-
res In th republican party," he aald,
only ask to apply now ,the need of the
present day the principles for which Iowa
stood halt a century ago. In th day of
At Vloteu Colonel Keeesvttt said he
was t lad t a In Congressmen -Goods'
district a be regarded the conaistiaman
as "a square man, who favored the
square deal" ...
Alexander IX Revellst Chicago, chair.
man of the Roosevelt national commit
tee, who I traveling with Colonel Roose
velt today predicted that' the "colonel
would be nominated on the second ballot
t the Chicago convention.
'Practical politicians," he said, "era
making no serious effort to nominate
President Taft and will turn to Roose,
velt because they believe he can win for
Rock Island Editor
to' Be Charged with
Misuse of Mails
CHICAGO. March S.-Accordlng to
statements made In th federal building
today John Looney, the Rock Island ed
itor whose publication ot an attack an
If a) or Schrlver waa followed by the re
ceat riots, may be taken Into custody by
federal authorities -tor sending libelous
and obscene matter through the malls.
Postofflce Inspector Harry Hsdsel of th
Chicago office has been sent to Rock
Island to handle the case against th
editor. The arrest is expected as soon
as Looney has recovered sufficiently
from the injuries Inflicted on him by the
ROCK ISLAND. - March SRock
Island was tranquil today. Tha militia,
here to prevent renewal ot this week'
rioting, found no occasion to make ar
rests. Tonwspeople speculated freely on
whether Editor Looney would be per
mitted to hsvs his paper Issued tomorrow.
Followers of Red
Hag Are Arrested
at San Diego, Cal.
SAM DIEGO, Cat, March ".-That
nearly fifty ot the Industrial Workers of
the World arrested her have admitted
they were trying to overthrow th United
State government I a statement con
tained In a report which the California
authorities will send to the Immigration
bureau at Washington. '
An examination of each of the fifty
prisoners, nearly all ot -whom are for
eigners, hss just been finished by the
city authorities. The "report states that
with scarcely an, exception the men de
clared that they recognised no form of
government and no flag except the red
one. Tothe question: "What 1 th red
flag symbolical off the answer waa
Frederick M. Smith
Will Head the Latter
Day Saints' Church
KANSAS CITY. March S. -Joseph
Smith, who organised tn reorganised
Latter Dai.- Saints' church. -and has been
Its pr evident for more than fifty years.
today definitely designated his son,
FY-derirk M. Smith, ss his successor.
The announcement waa made in a
r!gGd communication directed to one of
if-c church's leading papers, published
at Lamoni, la.
To son is to assume the office ot th
presidency whenever from any causa
tha father shall - find tt necessary to
vacate the pasitsjn.
President Smith ss almost St years old
and hla sea at St year ot age.
Ton Daria Cats Throat of John
' Strong Just as Convicts leave
Breakfast Table.
Bushes Toward Cell House with
, Blood Streaming from Wound.
I r jT. V '11 . 3 Cj T, T.4
or- A-tueo oirungr accauac k-
Had Threatened Him.
Was Arrested la Jaaaary for
Stealing Chickens aad Pleaded
Gallty Strang Was Serf
lag; Life Seateaee.
LINCOLN. March S.-Convlct Tom
Davis stabbed and almost Instantly
killed Convict John Strong at the stats
penitentiary this morning while the In
mates ef the prison wer leaving th
breakfast table.
Davla Is a half-breed Indian and negro
convict sent up from Omaha. February
IS, tor burglary. John Strong, colored.
was sent up from Sioux county, October
2, ISO, for murder. Strong was serving
a life term.
When th gong sounded to clear th
convicts from the table, the prisoners
areas m their seats. Strong suddenly
leaped from his place onto the table In
front of him. ran down the aisle and out
of the door Into the cell hossc, his blood
streaming from a gash in the throat
Ouard Charles Berry Jumped to the side
of Davis, who waa holding a blood-stained
knits in his hand, and placed hire under
arrest. The rest ot the men filed out of
the dining room in orderly fashion.
Davis Clalma 'Hell-Defense.
Davis Is said to have been frequently
threatened by Strong and-clalma that
he killed the negro to safeguard his own
Ufa Strong, who with a brother, was
sent to the prison for second degree
murder, serving a Ufa sentence, had a c-ad
record, having frequently secreted a knife
from the guard and used it on fellow
convict with whom h bad a grievance,
never occasioning any ecrtdus wounds.
Th half-breed wss tested directly be
hind the man he killed. Leaning over
the Interposing table he elsd Strong by
the throat and plungud th knit into it
just above th Adam apple, drawing the
Mad, which wss of rasor keenness,
back towards the right ear. The wind
pipe was severed nd th large arteries
Strong lived about fifteen minutes,
breathing through the cut in his wind
pips. He waa unable to speak. Paris
ha refused to make anr HatcnVear aa
to th reason tar his sot except that
hi had been threatened by th murdered
man. .
trans Virions Man.
Convict Strong has been considered one
of the most dangerous men tn the prison.
He has repeatedly mad assaulu on
other Inmates and. at one time threat
ened the life of Ouard Klkenbrry, who
I now employed tn the county Jail. An
other convict warned Elken berry, and
for thi Strong tried to kill hi fellow
prisoner. He has several times assaulted
other prisoner with a knife while work
Ing in the broom shop, hut the guards
have' prevented any ot the assaulu being
serious. Davla has not had a bad record
since coming to tha prison.
Tom Davla, colored, waa arrested
by the ' polios January It tor stealing
chickens. Th officer discovered nine
place wrier he had stolen fowls, lie
waa turned ever to the district court and
pleaded guilty on February t and was
sent to th state penitentiary for a term
ranging from one to ten years.
Serious Rioting
is Reported at
Nanking, China
PEKING, March Zf.-A report received
hare from Nanking today say that a
serious outbreak has occurred there and
that the soldiers are looting extensively.
The banding over ot the presidential
seal to Premier Tang-syao-Ti aa Yuan-Bhi-Kal
s representative is taking place
there today.
NANKING, March .-Premler Tang
hao Kl, as the representative of Presi
dent Yuan Shi Kal, today received from
Dr. Sun Tat Sea tha presidential seal of
the republic of China. Simultaneously
the names and officers of the new cabinet
were ofOetally announced.
After handing over the presidential
seal Dr. Sun Tat Sen issued a measaga.
to th people of China asking them to
give their loyal support and assistance
to the new government
House of Commons
Rejects Suffrage Bill
LONDON, March 3.-By a vol of ta
to SOS th House of Commons tonight re
jected the conciliation bill, on its second
reading. This measure Cmed at confer
ring the right to vote upon every woman
pnssesstd of the household qualifications
aad would enfranchise 1.000.0U women.
Announcement of the result waa re
ceived with deafening cheers. Last year
a similar bill passed th second reading
stage by a vote of SH to SS and was re
ferred to a committee ot the whole, hrmaa
making no farther pro grass, Th rever
sal In t view of th members ta at
trtbuted to the resentment aroused by
the window smashing tactic of th mili
tant suffragists.
The bin Is a private measure, not
backed by the government and In
recording their vote the members were
not rest ruined b; party considerations.
f Fire la Cntcmco Hotel.
CHICAGO.' March 2.-Score of occu
pant ot a North Side hotel wer driven
from their rooms today by a fire which
nansfd a lea ot SKJNo. There war many
narrow escapes aa tha guests hurried
through tn smoke-filled currldoia. aad
several women wer assisted down fire
Ko one waa Injured.
From the Register and Leader,
Snorts of Manufacture! from
.United Stats Above Bulipn.
Beporte frasa Deparfaseat sf Cess
snerc aad Labor Shaw Great
- Growth In Sal at Asaerl
' caa Ware. '
WASHINGTON, March 2.-Manufao-
tures exported- in February, mi.
ceeded In value those of any earlier
February, and the total for th eight
months ending with February waa also
greater than In any corresponding sight
months of preceding years. The total
value of manufactures exported In Feb
ruary was against t7t.j.on In
February, Mil; fcU.OOU.OOO In February,
ISM, and SSO.O0O.M In February, 1W. For
the eight months ending with February
the total was 53S,00.a, against SHtOOii,-
4M for th corresponding months of
1111, SM1.MO.0M tor tha same months of
111, and HWOOO.ejO in th corresponding
months of IMS. Should the rate of in
crease ever last year figures reached
by the eight months ending with Feb
ruary continue during the remaining four
months of ths fiscal year, the total value
of manufactures exported in the year
ending June St, 11 would exceed tl.OM,
00O.OUO. The total value ot manufactures
exported for the year ending June
mi, was t7,0u0,o, and as the gain In
the eight months thus far recorded
amount to SB.OM.Ma, It seems probable
that the gain for tha complete fiscal year
will he fully IMQ.OW.Ou0. bringing the total
value of ths manufactures exported to
foreign countries for the first time above
th bHUon-dolLar Hoe. A total ot more
than tl.OfJO.OOO.OOO worth ot manufacture
passed out of Continental United States
In th calendar year 1911, but this In-
oitfded shipments to our own contiguous
territories, while the present indications
are that the total to foreign countries
alone for the year which end June SO,
ma, will exceed S1.W.0W.M In value.
Thi Increase ot SM,M,tce- m exports of
manufactures In ths month of February
and of ssl.0Cu.M In th eJcht month and-
Ing with rearuary. Is divided between the
two great groups: "Manufacture ready
for consumption'' and "manufactures for
further was in manufacturing." - The
croup, "manufactures ready tor consump
tion," shows an Increase ot about tT.suu,-
aa February, and about Stt.tW.M la
the eight months ending with February;
whll the groups "manufacture for fur
ther use In manufacturins." shows a
i gain of about .M0,9t for the .month of
, February, and tW.OuO.WQ in the eight
months ending with February. ,
About one-third of the Increase occurred
In Iron and steel manufactures. The
total, vale ot iron and steel manufacture
exported In th eight month ending
with February. UU. waa SIM. SW, out.
against UU,iu.uM In ths same month of
hut year, and for tha single month ot
February nearly f8,M.. against SU,
ssmh for th same month last year
la the. meantime Imports of manuxao
tares sNiw a alight reduction when com
pared with the corresponding Imports ef
last yaw. Th total value of import of
manufacture la February, ltl& was Set,
ff.SSa, against fc0.0OD.0O In February. 1111,
and in th eight month ending with Feb
ruary. Hi:. SO.ow.OOn, against S4S.u.euii
In the aoreponding months of the pre
ceding yrsr. Finished manufactures
show a material decline In the Imports of
the eight months ending with February
amounting to SMs.OM.eos la value, against
VOi,sM in the same months of last
year; while manufacture for further use
In mannfartming show aa tnrissss, being
In tha eight months ending with Feb
ruary, ttia. tltUtaM In value, against
fia.too.tni ta the same months otUU.
A Few Weeks Ago
. s0m (take the )
Illinois House
Refuses to Amend
: - the Primary-Bill
preferential presidential primary bill,
which passed ths senate two days ago,
weathered successfully th storm of sec
ond "reading In the special session of the
Illinois house today. Efforts lo load th
measure with amendnwnta proved futile
and th act a as advanced to third read
ing. 1 ,
Tha, mere Important of the offered
amendments were tabled by th following
vote: '
Striking out th enacting clause. Ayes,
S3: nays, a
Placing tha name ef elector on th
primary ballots: Ayes, CI; Bays, si.
Inserting provision for th Oregon
plan of electing United State senstors;
Ayes, C8. nsys, S3. ' '
' After an argument aa to th advisabil
ity of placing the bill on Its passage at
a midnight session tonight, ths house ad
journed until the regular hour tomor
row.' Speaker Adklns snd other floor
leaders refused to assume responsibility
for the success of the measure at a mid
night gathering.
Representative D. J. Sullivan's bill pro
viding that nominating petition for an
candidates shall be filed with city and
county clerks, was advanced to third
Taft to Advocate
Economy Changes
WASHINGTON. March .-Presldent
Taft will send to congress next week
what he regards aa one of the moat Im
portant messages he has written this
year. He will recommend legislation de
signed to save millions of dollars each
year, consolidate several government
bureaus and generally make the machin
ery of ths goverment conform more
nearly with the plan drawa by the
economy and efficiency commissi on ap
pointed by him in June, ISM,
It will be Mr. Tart's second "economy"
lesssge during th present year, bat la
th on ha wrote in January h mads
no recommendation ss to legislation. To
day a draft of a long message en th
subject wss considered for two hours
by th cabinet Practically every Import
ant department of the government Is
concerned tn the proposed reforms snd
every member of the president's official
family wss present at today's session.
Reform Indicated as feasible In the
president' January message, he said,
would sava the people more than t2.0O9.tfU0
annually, but 't was ssld tonight that
other chances worked out since then by
th commission would largely Increase
Owing to the apparent Interest ef the
democratic house of representatives tn
retrenchments and economy th presirtatil
was said tonight to be hopeful of getting
this . session th legislation be
WASHINGTON. March 3. Physical
valuation of all the railroads of the
United States is authorized in a bill re
ported unanimously to the house today
by the interstate and foreign commerce
committee. The measure enlarges th
sower of ths Interstate Commerce com
mission sad empowers It to malt tn
valuation for tho surpass of fixing and
adjusting rats.
Soft Coal Kin Make Concessions ta
HP of Settlement
Only Palais Nave insisted! On Are
Free per Ceat lnsreasa 1st Par
' nasi Flve-Hesr Day aa
' Satarday,
CLSVELANb O..' March St! -As
means of preventing a strike In th bi
tuminous coal field th m Intra proposed
to the operators today to abandon all th
original union demand and to ask only
for an Inert ass in pay ot t cents a ton
ever tha present seal and for five court
on Saturdays Instead ef eight Ths sp-
erators will argu oh th proposttloa thi
afternoon, with a prospect that aa a
oeptaac or rejection will be reached be
fore night
The miners put the proposition to ths
operator. In concrete form sfter thsy
had held n Independent meeting. The
union men pointed out thst only two more
day remain before the expiration ef the
present wage agreements In both the
anthracite and bituminous field and that
a suspension next Sunday at midnight
Involving almost 500.009 miners, would
certainly bring about a strike possibly of
prolonged duration unless either side
Th miners said thty were willing to
yield, ' hut wer determined to have
ometblng In the way of aa Increase.
however small tha Increase was, and all
demands for changes In working condl
tion were abandoned.
Tha compromise offer probably will he
voted on st a meeting this aftsraoon.
Presldent White ef the union said that
It ths offer were accepted It would have
to go Into th hands of tha unton'
policy committee snd by th committee
submitted to a referendum vot of th
uniotu Meantime vns ssm ns aid not see
how ' at Ira st si abort suspension In
bituminous mine lould be avoided, pend
ing the referendum vote.
tesUattsa la AsMhraelts Field.
SJCRANTON, Pa.. March -Th board
of conciliation, effective la all anthracite
mine disputes sine ta strike of ten
years ago, and which was created through
action ot tha Roosevelt AataracJt com
mission, which tnded th strike ot IK.
Is ready te do what tt can ta bring peace
between the operators and ambraclts
miners. W, L. CouneU of thi city, chair
man of the board, today received advloes
from & l. Warriner ef th Lehigh Val
ley company and the-three anthraoit
district presidents, Dempsey. . Fahy .and.
Kennedy, who are In Cleveland, of their
willingness to get together on the ques
tions Involved.
Mr. Connell Is awaiting word from W.
S. Richards, the Philadelphia and Read
ing representative oa . the hoard, aa to
bis desires In the matter, and If It ta
favorable will at sac call tha board.
COLCMBUS, Mai a-Oownor
Harmon will go to Washington Monday
to request leave of the United States -
prerae court for permission to SI a brief
on behalf of the governors of several !
states Involved In cases to test ths rut- j
ing of Federal Judge Sanborn, holding j
unconstitutional the 2-ccat fare' law of ;
Governors Harmon ot Ohio. Herbert S
Hadtey of Missouri snd Chester H. Aid
rich of Nebraska, at the annual confer
ence of governors Isst September were
appointed a committee te prepar a brief
to ha filed ta thai cans oa their behalf.
Oovaresr Harm was seed chairman of
tha cemmtttss.
Great Damage Done to Railroad
Property and Farms by Had
Onrush of Waters.
Six Spans of Korthwestera Bridfo
There Swept Away.
One-Third of City Under Water and
Still Biting-.
Jfany Stretches of Track Gone, Put
tins Traffio at Standstill
Two Lives Are Reported I. set at
charier aad Herds la th Lew-
1-reseets eoaUng la tha sight irlve
hsaared ef Xtbreakaas ta higher
petals ef safetj.
Stts spaas f sTorthweetexa Bridge at
rresseat washed sat. Serge la shat
tered by ayaasalts to save ths olty.
Vaossaaa ef acres at farm and ett
prwperti as Unseated, aa xsaoh dam
saw has already been dose.
steal- loag stretehee f railroad track
la the lower matt wails? hsv sees
washed sat aad trata asrriea ea most
road sat ef Omaha Is abandon.
Tw achaytor heater gw sat ta baggy
aad aavs sot beea heard from slaosi
swhlels la sssa later floatlag down
At see streets are rising ta maay
places, water taaadatlag lanes, destroy.
las' bridges aad saaalag as tell daauge.
At Vreawat and ether towns people
work darlnc sight to throw ap 1st
agalart rnlif waters.
Dwellers along th Platte, Loup and .
Slkhorn rivsrt are fighting floods that
in some places are already higher than,
have been knows. In forty year.
At noon water bad broken through tha
Northwestern track weat ot Fremont
aad Waa pouring Into North Fremont,
Six ipsnt ef th hridg sn th Fremont.
Lincoln Hn of th Northwestern sr
gen. At 1 o'clock the water semed to
be receding, the Burlington having dyna
mited tt embankment to save tha city.
All South Fi...tont between Knglewood
and th Union Pselflo tratks Is under
wster. Tha residents ot that section,
warned by courier and firs whittles, taft
their home at daylight.
For th tint tlm In twenty years
water' poured sver th Union Pselflo
track watt of Fremont, inundating'
many farm to th' north, Th track
south sad treat ot th flood are out ot
th northtrn portion of Fremont.
- The Union Pacific tracks between Fre
mont and Cftluaibus era washed out In
many Pisces and train service has been
abandoned, A portion of th wsgon hridg
south of Fremont has been washed sut
and the Burlington bridge, damaged.
tK Ms ire Msrssstt. . '
MX men who have been watching th
dyke sn th Fremont drslnaga district,
re marooned on a sandbar In th river.,
They sr supplied with food and tha
water mutt rite several feet before they
will be In great danger. The awn Carl
Hansen, Otto Hansen, L. Brittendahl. J.
U Chambers. Bert Benton and F. Martin
were detailed to watch ths dykes last
night an dthls morning found themselves
cut off from the shore. An sttcmpt may
be made to rescue them If their danger
Increase. Second and Third streets srs
under water, but th situation Is not
dangerous ax there seem to be no possi
bility of a further disastrous rose ot ths
At Norfolk the river began falling at
t o'clock last evening: Pierce, further up
th river, reported a two-foot fall from-
Everyone who has
stock or eggs for sale,
as well as those who
want information as
to where to bur the
best in stock or eggs,
win nod Ua "Poultry' eol
nran in tb classified section
of exceptional interest
This column offers thoaa
interested in poultry tha beat
possible war to set together.
The rate is moderate,
and it will be observed
that The Bee reaches by
far the greatest number
of people who are inter
. ested hi poultry and
Tyler 1000 :
Spring Fashion
and 'j
Easter Number
of A :
Next Sunday