Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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MQUlTL'iu Dcinu nc in
1 itf ill lllil ULHUll Ul ALL
People of the Twentieth Century
Have No Heed to Be Discouraged.
Large Peeeeatage ef the Population
ia All Bis Cltlee Saflw from
Wear aad Tear at MoeV
era Life.
Half rick, tired all th time, no energy
er ambition, with your nerves on edge
and jour itomach out of order, how can
you expect to set any happiness out of
life when In such a miserable stater
Yolu can't, and you won't, until you
find relief from the debilitated conditio
that Is sapping your vitality and robbing
you of your strength.
Physicians know that half the popula
tion In the Ursa cities of this country
are today afflicted with nervous debility
caused by the wear and tear of modern
A preparation has been used by Euro
pean physicians to combat this nervous
condition with remarkable success. A
similar preparation "Tona Vita" was in
troduced in this country a few months
ago and la making a marvelous record
here. "Tona Vita" Is bringing back
health and happiness to thousands of
listless, debilitated men and women.
Ton owe It to your family, you owe It to
yourself to let this wonderful new tonic
build yeu up. There Is no other medicine
like It on earth; one doss will convince
any one of this. If "Tona Vita" doesn't
do more for you than all the other medi
cles yfiu have aver taken. If If doesn't
make you happier and healthier and bet
ter In every way, what you pay for ft
will be returned to you by Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co., Kth and Dodge Sts.;
Owl Drug Co., 16th sad Harney Sts.;
Harvard Pharmacy, Wtrt and Farnam
Eta and Loyal Pharmacy, 3OT- N. 16th
lice's Rhubarb Laxative, the assistant
remedy,. Is another great medicine. It
Is a splendid family laxative, containing
the medical properties of rhubarb
ature's own laxative. It will not Injure
he most delicate constitution and should
be used for children above everything
llsa. It la pleasant to the taste.
The above drug stores have the Omaha
agency for 'Tona Vita" and Lee's Rhu
barb Laxative. Adv.
Ready for Easter?
Even If you don't get a new
suit for Easter, your friends will
think you have If we dry clean
your old one.
It la surprising how much Vew
Life Dry Cleaning puts I'l old
Our Prices Are Rifht, Too.
One-Pleoe Dresses, to 11.7 J
fasey Dresses ....10.00 to SJ-80
Plata. Walsta M
Uk Waist., .
Tailor alts .
atse's Bolt ...
Top Coats ...
Ovarooata . . .
raaey Testa ,
. ,T5 to S1.00
1.T5 t (3.00
All work guaraatred satisfac
tory, or no charge. It ia don In
the largest and best equipped
plant In Nebraska, by competent
and wall trained Cleaners and 7ln
lsbera Phone for a wagon and w's will
get your clothea and hate then,
back for Eastar without fail
1513-17 JONES ST.
Prntn Doucus3lNaA-5168
The beer behind
the triangular label
possesses character and
quality to a marked
io ne . mmum.m
Pasnoi Beagle a
Bj Jfcne. LenaVaCaftlieri
See The Bee
Next Sunday.
Save Koet Mat It.
Weather;, Commissioner. Adv.
'ft W. Bedford tor commissioner.
Alfred oreaaoa for city commissioner.
neetrie Coffee Percolator Burgess
Granden Company.
Waat s Cook stove Th Associated
Charities wanta a cook stove.
P. . Tanker, republican candidate for
senate. ell phone "Florence Mi." Adv.
Vote for Geodley F. Brueker for Com
missioner under-the CoramlsslDon Form
of Government. Adv.
Another Suit Cas Stole Mr. Fred
Bush of 137 Pacific street reported o the
police that a suit can containing cloth'
lng and Jewelry had been stolen from the
Burlington depot.
Woodmen, t Danes .The Woodmen of
the World camps of Douglas county will
hold a benefit ball at the Auditorium on
the evening of April . the proceeds to
go to the Joseph Cullen Root borne for
indigent members. i
Many Overcoat stole Several over
coat thieves are at work In Omaha, aay
the police. During the last two weeks
many coat bnes been atolea. Two adfll
ttonal reports war received, from John
Morris, Ml Davenport street and William
Floth. Victoria hotel.
Temag to Lecture Sere Bicknell
Toung of London, England, a former
Omaha man, and new a leading lecturer
on Christian Selene, will deliver two
lectures at the First Church of Christ
In Omaha. The first will be April 1 and
the second the next day.
WltfcaaU Im in Trouble Charles
Withnell, building Inspector und a can
didate for commissioner, Is confined to
hi home with a peculiar ailment. A
few day ago the pupil of his right eye
began to dilate and oculists said spots
appeared on the retina. He can see but
dimly out of this eye. which I giving
him much pain new.
hies Brick at Bog Catchers Thinking
that the dog catcher were exceeding
their authority by. trying to confiscate
canine before April It. Pat McDonougb
made known hi objection to them by
hurling several brickbats at two dog
catcher. Luckily none of th missile
struck. The police were Informed of Mc-
Donough's peevishness and he was sr
rested. Judge Foster dismissed him with
a reprimand.
oaUerm Views Presented A series of
stereoptlcon views featuring the life of
the dusky skinned vaqueros and peons of
southern climes were given at the semi-
weekly meeting of the Ltnlnger Travel
i club of the Omaha High school which
' was held In tha lecture room at the pub
llo library yesterday afternoon. About
forty member and friends were present
The views were given under th direc
tion of Mies Janet Wallace of the school
.acuity and Mis Louise Heltfeld.
Marital Trouble Aired Because hi
i wife, Margaret Anderson, persisted In
working, Oscar Anderson became vexed
ut her end going to 1ST South Thirteenth
street, where she we employed, he dis
turbed the peace of mind by loud lan
guage and threat. Mrs. Anderson hsd
, her husband arrested, and their marital
, trouble were given an airing In police
court Both alleged violation on the
part of th other, but Judge raster was
not trying a divorce case, he warned them
to restrain their testimony. Mra Ander
son accused Anderson of refusing to work.
Anderson was discharged after promising
not to bother his wife again, even should
she refuse to live with him.
Abraham Steirers
Says He is Not Dead
"I'm not dead; I'm a very much sllve
man," declared Abraham Steirers, a gar
bage hauler, living near Fifty-first and
renter streets, a he viewed the dead
1 ody of a man alleged to have been that
I Abraham Steirers.
oleirers Is bald-headed, wall th dead
.an ha a fin head of hair. Otherwise,
uowever, there 1 a great resemblance
uetween th twe men. Steirers told Cor
oner W. C Crosby that he did not know
th dead man, and, lo faet, had never
seen him.
Aa Inquest waa held over th dead
body, the Jury, returning a verdict of
death being due to organle heart trouble,
Thar were several bruise upon tha
man' face, which a doctor said were
caused by th man falling down a short
embankment near Ktfty-second and Leav
enworth street, where his body was
found Tuesday afternoon.
Coroner Crosby Is undecided what to
do with the body. Aa several persons
have testified that the dead man Is posi
tively man named Steirers, h la of th
opinion that there possibly were two
Abraham Stelrera In Omaha.
Snowslide Delays
- Marble Shipments
Another snowslide be destroyed th
offlee and temporarily disabled a largo
part of th work ef the Colorado- Yulo
Marble company of Marble. Colo., which
haa the marbl sub-contract tor the new
county building, according to Information
received by Calvin Zeigler. superintendent
of the building for Caldwell t Drake, the
general contractor.
Th Information come from Caldwell
Drake' representative In Denver. Do
tal la rs lacking. This Is th second dam
aging snowslide "that ha occurred on
th marbl company's property thla win
tor. It mean that th marbl shipment
for th new building will be atlll further
A woman 0 year eld I seeking work.
Sh applied to th Associated Chart tie
and asked them for help. Until a few
day ago aba waa working In an overall
factory, but waa disc barfed on account of
her age.
"My son is attending college," said th
old lady, "and working hi way. If you
can find me som plain wlng I will be
able to gat alone"
Investigation proved th story ef th
woman waa true and th Charities ar
soliciting sewing.
When Lieutenant Ilayea and
poUearoea raided a building at Ul North
Sixteenth etreet they found seven- per
sons drinking beer In a room. Everyone
wa arrested. L. A. Rome, the proprie
tor, was f!n4 tit and costs for running
disorderly house and five of th In
mates were fined IS ca. The sixth In
mate was diacbarged. - . . .
Socialist Pat Him in a Deep Hole at
Feider's Tea Party.
Why Jaaler Yellow I Xawr Klcklas
l a Daet About the Ticket
aa ike Platters at Ih
Oraaalaattoa. -
"Brother Folder's little tea party at
the Lyric Wednesday night was almost
as good as a play." said a union labor
man, as he looked over the published ac
counts. "But I do not see anythlug
about some of the real features of that
meeting. The heckling of Mayor Jim
by the socialists who were there wa
most effective. For once In his political
career the mayor reached a place he
couldn't get by through bluffing, and It
it hadn't been for the help he got from
the crowd he'd have been In a bad fix.
Jim is busy making promisee again, this
Ume tolling the worktngmen that he is
going to force the school board to open
th public schools for neighboring meet
ing place, as if that was what the work
ing men of Omaha are fighting for. On
other really salient points Jim was as
mum as an oyster, and he didn't even
try to explain his stand on the side of
the company in the big street railway
strike. Th Labor league leader are
going to liav their hand full trying to
make the workingmen of Omaha swal
low Mayor Jim and, hi record.
Dr. Lansing's Intervention.
"Another Interesting feature of the
meeting was the arrival ef Dr. L J. Law
lng, the Men and Religion leader, who
had baldly gotten off the train. Wtien
he reached tha hall matter' were pro
seeding nicely. Keider waa swearing
from th platform at the crowd, and th
crowd waa swearing back at Fetdr, and
things looked very much Ilk a free-for-all
fight And when matters quieted
down enough to let Dr. Lansing be heard
h proceeded to endorse th movement
and urge support for the ticket Maybu
after he has been In town long enough
to learn of exact conditions he'll modify
that stand, but tha Idea of a preacher
drifting Into the village In the afternoon
and Mart lng out to regulate It politic
In the evening, telling people how to vote
and who to vote fur strikes me as being
Dally Xew and Cttlsea' Union,
"Th antic of th Dally News In trying
to find an excuse to fight th Cltlsen'
union In spite of all Its professions for
good government may be surprising to
some people, but not to those of us who
know the tacts," declared a man who ha
been on the Insld of th Cltlsen union
scheme from the stsrt. "When w organ
ised we counted on that newspaper to go
through with us, and, as you will re
member, we hd aid and encouragement
through Its columns. But the trouble
came when we took up the question of
publicity. The proposition was made to
us for the News to maka It practically
the official organ of th Cltlsens' union,
with a definite amount of snare at our
disposal for the support of our prlnci.
Pies snd ticket for a cash consideration.
There were three strings to the proposal,
one calling for ISUO a month, one for
11.00 a month, and one for a lump vutu
of 18,000. We could not e our wy
clear to putting that much money Into
on pocket even It we had It In light
which we did not nor did, we believe It
advisable to become dependent upon
single newspaper, so. Instead, we made
arrangements for two pages of a Utile
weekly sheet to carry all our announce
ments, and be sent to all our member
for a price within bounds. A soon a this
waa done, however, a notlrable cooling
on too piece in the other newspaper,
and led up to the present aeml-hostll
Three Mere Pile.
Seventy-nine candidate hsva filed for
commissioner and not more than a dosen
sre expected to file today, th last
day. Several petition are being circu
lated and two or three other men hv
signified their Intention to enter the race.
r. J. Creadon, George W. Oalne and
Charles E. Heine field yesterday.
A, Rail I that Won't Case Off,
Wholesale dealers In boot and sandals
In other cities sre frantic to get rubber
boot and sandals, wblch are very scarce,
but the Interstate Rubber company baa
large stock on band now, therefor.
Assistant Superintendent C. E. Ay of
the Great Western, who came aver from
Clarion, la., to go east with th com
pany's big train ef dressed meats (or
Boston and New York, Is la St Joseph's
hospital instead of with the shipment
Superintendent Ay was riding th top
of the train betwaen South Omaha and
Omaha and when pasting from on ear
to another he iHpped and fell to the
ground, striking la such a manner aa to
break both of his legs, one at th ankle
and the other above th knee.
The Pure Product of
Nature's Spring. " You will
fed btteruid do better fortislng
Jg Glass oa Arising lor
Asthma Catarrh
traitMt trr
A Matt. MM IM if ccU tKHa-
4rp. Uet4 wit. mcm far Uity
that mt iktmt,
M fttf ka, CrtwaarM ti wtHuWi
Trr Cmalw Aro-
Mftic TtVMl TwC
tW itM Inf tau4 (rxs,
Tlwr mm aite,catt
Wm m4 wmtk. Of
MM. !-. I
ItraMMaf twr, MMfcM
IttwmMWtorrM. I
M M Him I
(Iters note.)
Merabm of Lawmai Club Refuse to
Hear Speakers.
Lyale I. Abhutl aad I. a. Canning-
has Try Make kaeeehrs,
bat Ike t'lab MoMker
Will Net Llseea.
Lysle I. Abbott and C. O. Cunningham
of tha Cltlsens' union want to a meeting
of the Lasomas club at the Paxton hole!
Wednesday night for tha purpose of i
dressing the club In the Interest of the
Cltlsens' union slate. The club refused
to hear them and the meeting broke np
in a row.
It was tha first meeting of the dub.
which la an organisation of young man
to aid In purifying politics In Omaha
Joy Clark, R. A. VanOradal, W. C. Ram
say, David A. Fitch and others ara the
leader of th new club and ar on Its
executive committee. Fitch also Is a
member of tha Cltlsens' union executive
Before the meeting had prograd far
Meters, Abbott and Cunningham ap
peared, earing they had been Invited to
come and sneak, but not mentioning the
nam of the man who bad Invited them.
Member of the club protested, saying the
meeting waa merely tor organising and
not for th purpose of giving anyone op
portunlty to ask for Its support. Others,
friendly ta th Cltlsens' union, wanted to
hear Abbott and Cunningham. Th Cltl
sen union speaker finally said that In
th circumstance they would prefer not
to speak.
Thi did net end th debt. hewever
It continued until many in attendance
got disgusted and left, and finally th de
bater quit snd went bom.
A fleaaaat arwrtae
follows tha first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. So, For
sal by Beaton Drug Co, ,
Stimulate your business by advertising
In Th Bee-the newspaper that reach
II of th buyer. -
The friend of
til A fo mi
Always a wholesome, refreshing drink, but a beer
that also can be used in preparation of food for
snacks, luncheons aud dinners. It is the true food
drink for the home, just as it is the drink that
"touches the spot" at cafe or bar.
Protects the beer from light and as
sures a pure, strength-giving drink.
Sooth Omaha WM. JETTER, 2003 W. SC. Phone So. Mfl.
Omaha HI' GO T. BLLZ, 1321 Docgla SC. Phoae DoofUa 1343,
Stir in Grand Jury Room Over Testi
mony of Special Detective.
Deals ia Other Mr Baker ef Fire
aad Police Heard Testify
oa Friday Beoka 1
Sensational testimony of aa alleged
agreement for "protection." made by a
detective who pretended he wished tc
open a disorderly rooming house In South
Omaha, created a atir In the Douglas
county grand Jury room yesterday morn
ing. Th testimony was in th nature of cor
roboratlve evidence and In Its effect oa
the grand Jury was almost aa aeeation!
as the disclosures made, by Sol Ooldafjom,
agent of South Omaha liquor dealers
several weeks ago, when Goldatnmt's reti
cence aas broken down by plain talk
from leputy County .Attorney atagaey
and Special Procmor Ooa.
Robert Bourild waa the witness whe
mad th Important dlsckoeure yesterday.
U related that In th capacity ef a de
tective h went to Kowtb Oraah gad
sought to make errant meats t pen a
disorderly rooming house, llouafwld re
fund to stat wha hired ltm, but a was
accompanied to and from the grand jury
room by J. l. Ringer, haa been e
tive In presenting south Omaha matter
be fur th grand Jury.
According to UoutfleWs try h told
South Omaha men whom a saw that a
had had "protection'' la Oman, and be
thought he ought to b able t get It In
South Omaha. Ha told of vislUng sev
eral South Omaha men, aom ef tkem
officials and aom former official.
Uousileld related that he was directed
to C. F. Austin' saloon at 901 North
Twenty-sixth street and had a long talk
with Austin, who told kirn varythtng
could be sr ranged all right. Austin
showed him through his place, main floor
and basement, Bousfleld said, and then
conducted him to room oa th second
Pay htm Heat.
Bousfleld said he wa told th rooms
one had been occupied by a woman
who paid KM a month. A tentatrv vl
wa md by which Rouafteld waa to reat
th room and In addition to th retailer
rental was to pay pt a month for 'pro
tection" at th Mart. If ill bullae
should become profitable enough to war
rant th protection fee wa to b In
creased. About a halt hour examination of W.
J. Hunter, member of th Omaha Board
of Fir and Pollea oocnatiaalonars. the
grand Jury decided ta hv th records
of the board brought In and agreed to
defer further Inquiry Into board matters
unMl Ih book are examined. Mr. Hunter
wa excused until 19 o'clock Friday atora
Ing, when he will be xpcted to reap
pear and produce th books or7 else an
nounce that he ha errant ed tor Una to
be brought la.
Other Members Appear.
Mayer Dahlman, Fred Hoy and W. P.
Wapplch, all member of th Omaha
board, appeared In rsa punas to subpoeaaa,
but were told to return this morning.
Mr, Hunter waa questioned regardlag
many matters, ana of which was th
condition that mnfroptad. the board last
year, when expenditures for equipment
were so heavy that ther wa not aouf h
money left t pay all th polls smaa.
C. B. Liver, leader la billiard and pool
table and bar fixture, on of th rep-
White Shoes and Oxfords
Ladies.' Misses' and Children's
Select Yours for Easter
This is to be a white season for footvear
we are splendidly equipped showing more
styles better selections greater values than
any shoe 6tore in town. We've made a strong
effort to offer all that is new stylish at prices
that are not equaled in this city.
White Buckskin White Duck Oxfords
Pumps Colonial and Shoes select yours for
Q2,50, $3,00, $3.50
resentatlv from Doug laa county ta the
last leenxaatttr. y seared to response se
a sebao.-. lea also aau mquened to ap
pear thsa asiMiang.
Chit T folic John Hrigg of Buuth
Gntake a the but witness examined
by th grand Jury otdy morning
II wa aueatlusad regarding certain
part pf the detactlv' story.
Child ran ar muck mar Vkaly to cos
tract the oeaiaclou Ban whoa they
hav cold. Whooping cough, dlptherla,
carlet fever sad ouaauaiptloa ar dts-
that are eaten contracted when the
child ha a cold. That 4 way ail medical
authorities aay beware of oulds. For the
quick cure of coats yon win (lad
nothing better the Chamberlain s Couch
Remedy. It can always be depended
upon and Is pleasant and aaf to take.
For 1 by a
The strength
and energy build-
ing elements in
treeqtu! to those
ia man timet itt
cost in ether
sMt fa
airs. C. W. JtusaeU waa elected presL
dent of the Society of .Fine Art at th
seventh annual business meeting of the
organisation yesterday morning In the
public Hbrary. Mra, Russell baa been chair
man of tlx program commute) for the last
rasoa, Th other officer proposed by
the nominating committee aad alec ted to
carry on the (octety affairs neat season
were Mrs. C. C George, first vtas presi
dent; Miss laura Hcott, second vice presi
dent; Mr. It. C. fumney, eoretary; Mr,
llalleck Rose, treasurer; Mr. Lowrls
Chllds, chairman membership committee;
Mra Z. T. Llndsey. exMhtt committee!
Mrs. George Joalya. auditing; Miss Cam-,
Ha Dodge, program; Mrs. Clement Cnaae,
food it will cut
your meat bills
kin half. Write
'for booklet of
Faust Recipes.