Peeking Through a Knothole STIEHM SUCCEEDS . EAGER Ccacu of Xebruk Elected Xsnage Athletic. to THA3XS TOTED FOB SERVICES .t lr lie Beard Acearde Eager Praia far III Saecseefsl llaadllag ( -Sports s Aaataa-t la LlXtOLX March MtSoecial Tola. irata.V-Aftw .fi J" of service a athletic manager of tht University of J't braska Earl O, Eager, familiarly knawn al 'Io" Eaar, severed hit ronitacUoa with Ika Coruhusker Institution at a meeting of tin athletic board thla even, lag. JCwald O- Stlehm. the ell-year coach, wss sleeted aisnager ta fill tha vacancy and alt official tltl will we manager and toacTr, Eager baa been moat successful aa a manaaM-.' and after taking tha affalri In rharga whta athletics wara faring a def icit at fceoress ha managed not only to pay (II tba deficit, but to boy a M tM.o atnleUe field, and leevt a aurplua In tha traaaury. A raMluUoa was adapt ad thanking Bager for hta faithful aervtcaa. Tba matter' of electing aa aaalataat to Bilehm la tha butlnesa and at tha pyl cat educational department waa put oyer owing to oppoaltloa which ere to tha plan. Tba name of Ouy Road, wall known athlete, waa mentioned aad while the 'hoard, waa favarabla to Read aon objection arose over the matter of salary. It propoaed ta pay htm (Ma a year. Tha Btatter waa finally left to a committee of 'thro eerwtstlng of OWen Prank, Dr. Weff -aod Fred M.! Hunter, with full power as art. Tha eomtnltte will tafca ac tion neat Monday ta tha aateottoa at an assistant ' t Thre Ma Oet Letter. Glhtan. Hamllek aad Hrde, tha three backet ball men who V era denied "N't" t tha meeting laat lght for failure ta cemt ly with the rule rrnuihng part loi pa tio In at iaaat a per; cent eCthe game, were granted (he letter ipen apacltl rejnMiineadatkiB, of tha committee. Tha hoard awardedj silver basket balla to tha tea me winning lattera wha were aa fol ktwt: TapulB Prank, earner, Hyde, Hanstlek, Hlltner. Hasten, Stryker, L'n darwoad. Nail and Gibson. Tha haaa ball matter waa left with tha building and grounds commute to fix tha hoar for prat-tire. It la understood that practice oa tha air field all be an tod ta the varsity. rrmaewcV as It la feared that the od will bo damaged It everyon la allowed to play. It coat tha athletic board t hut spring to aod th grenade and It doeo not oar to Incur thla ex pose tbm year. ,.-',- SENIOR H. S. GIRLS TRIM --THE JUNIOR BASKET FIVE "Th high school senior glrta' basket hak quintet trimmed the Junior class five lava lively praawoa exhibition, of the flear spots at. the school, aymnaalum yesterday Qfteraooa to the tuna -of ! to X. Ht thortneea of the halvea being re spaBaiMe for tha smallnesa of the acore. Ttm Icterclaee floor eerie planned by aUaa .Mary Herbert, aaalatant phyetoal training. Inatruetor, . haa been postponed saw I the week after the tprlng vacation ported aa aoceunt of th examination, which took, up the time of th student th If week. , ; CREIGHTON TO PLAY S. O. l BASKET BALL FIVE FRIDAY "The Oelghran unrreralty baakst ball aaaa win piay what will probably be Itt met contest of the season when It aweta tha fir from Bsuta Omaha High eebeol at th Toon Vea'a Chrkrrlan aaaodstlon Friday evening. Thla game will be a pre Irmmary t th Bret gam In th Inter aut hUh eohoet esampleaehlp taoma- merrt, which will be played Friday eve log. . -t ' Vetera Csadwrtor Dead.. tAXKTOK. ft. March .-8pecil. Conductor John Ireraoa. for forty-five year a ticket puncher" for the Chicago A Northwestern, la dead her at th age of T years. Mr. Jraraoa took oat train Tuesday as asual, bat died deary la his rooms hers of heart trouble earty Wednesday. Three d sa eely tea, the mat named residing In St, Paul, ars the ssrrtrlng rele Uvea, la tersssat will ha at tha aid Chicago. Wreek Weetr Bars, Kaa. BEATRtCK, Keb, March la-iBpartaD A wreck occurred on the Rock Istsad awar Bera. -Kaa-. yesterday afternoon. which tied ap traffic for a few hoars. Three hot! cars want into th ditch and before the tram waa stopped the roadbed waa considerably damaged. Th tracks at evening and traffic a usual. Joseph, the Uttis aoa.sf Mr. aad Mrs. Robert 8taoo. feu at aid home yesterday, breaking hi Prad. BU t MeC eel. PAIRMOMT. Xsey March M.-8pe-ctaJr-Pref. W. C Kotl of Palrmoat high, seheel, has resigned hie position aa prtactpal aad science teacher to eept the prlaeipsJahlp of the McCool pub 1M schaoU. Miss Jeaele Lowe waa pro moted from the prats) on of fill the vacancy. Tnle leaves vacancy hi the, high school, la the pestUea of TO PLAN BIGJNDOOR MET Special Local Committee to Xeet at Luncheon Bext Tuesday. AFFADL IS SET FOR AP&H 27 ladleatleaa Are that Samaras . XelshborUg laetttattoae Will Brai . Hepreseatatlves to Compete at Awdltorlam. Tha tint annual Indoor meet to be held at the Auditorium April 17 le giving every indication of being aa Immenae eve cess. Nest Tuetdsy noon the following young men of Omaha will meet at luncheon w form aa advisory committee to help pro mote the tame. Quite a number of theee young men were member of tha Omaha Athletic eaaoclatkm, which promoted thte affair during tha laat yean: Ralph Van Ortdel, M. H. Caldwell, Keleu Weraan, 4, w. towm, M. O. Morehesd. C. H. Mron. A. R. Keellne. J. it. Olllen, N. P. Dedse. Hugh Wallace, Tate Mattert, Painter Koox, Ueutenant Haakell, C. II. Young. A. U. Totter, Lawrence Brlnker. H. W. Tatee, R. U Came, Oould Dicta. Lieut, B. D. Hmlth, Clark Powell, i. N. Baldwin, rather Devlin. Hockton Heth, H. R. Italney, K. I'. Orarf. a M. ruww water, IMaa Ittnger, V. H. Iteed. John O. McKay, ' Joy Clara. King Denmaa. 11. Junod, J. H. Richard ion, 1. T. Wachob. Amoa Thome, A. C. Wagoner. Condory Faints in; Court Room' Before Mrs. Cudahy Comes LOS ANGELES, Mareh Jk-Morrla J. Condory, charged with having attempted to rob the Patadena home of Mra. Jack Cudahy, fainted la tha oourt rooen today and waa revived with dlffloulty. The deputy preaeeuter, who waa elating the eaaa to the court, had Juat concluded the statement that phystdaae believed Condory Insane. Mra Cudahy, who charged Condory with having entered her home, did not reach the court room until after Condory had been removed to the 111. The raae will be continued tomorrow. Condory's father hie aald hla son waa grandees of tha late Count Chariot Nasi of Copenhagen, Denmark, and hair to aa .MO,ow aetata, Shenandoah Case Delayed at Creston CRE8T0N.. la., March mWspecial.r- The rata agalnat the Vhenandoah men Intereeted In the Swanaon Manufaoturing eompany, which grew out of the removal of tha company to Mereelllea, III., aad which Involved IIM.MC, will not he tried it this term of federal court sow In sat aton aa waa expected. By agreement tht i hat beta eonttnued an til the plaintiff could take depositions In Illinois. Tht will be ready tor trial torn time during tht summer. It la thought, and a epeclal term af court with a specially called jury will convent to hear It. 'The cast of Charles P. Wilcox, relator, agalnat the state of Iowa and Max Wltta, superintendent of the Inaana hoapltal St Cls rinds, waa dlam tawed. Thla waa tht actios In which Mr. Wilcox, a New York man, brought suit against tha elate and th superintendent of insane at Clarlnda for wrongfully detaining hi brother la that Institution. ' Several of th bootleggers under ehargee hers hare pleaded guilty and will be eea tanred before th term cioees. The are Anna, Baaatna of Seymour. London ptr- klnt of Greenfield aad WllHam Buck of Clarlnda. Secretary Knox is - - m Santo Domingo SANTO DOMI.tcX). Republic of faa Domingo. March M.-Secrstsry of State Knox, who srHved here oa board tht 1'Btted Btatat cruiser Washington yes terday from Venetuem, thla morning vis it d a Bomber of the public boildlnga and historical ruins, afterward maklnc motor car tnp tt the Spanish forte. He win lunch at tha United States legation. wnere a rereptloa la to be held la hi honor this afternoon, followed by a con- BODY OF A. C. QUIER IS BURIED AT, WEST LIBERTY TOT LIBERTY, la.. March .-(( pe dal.) The body of the late Arvlne C. Qusrr, for many years one of West Liberty's most influential crttsens, ar rived la West Liberty this afternoon from Chicago, where ha died, and waa Interred la tha cemetery at West Liberty, where hit wife Be burled. Mr. Quier wat one of the character who figured prominently la tha ander groaad railway system daring the etril Wax. He began hla work whan hut tt yesrs of age-m leading fttsrtlv stares to the Canadian border. He waa then a rest dent of Mark eaonty, Ohio, sad had many thrilling experiences In satwlttlag alav owners la ail hla work ha waa assisted by hit wits. After toe war was over they settled ta West Liberty, whers they lived until tht death of his wife a few years ago. At the time of hla death Mr. Quier was K years of age. at the Game of U BIG TOURHEYJN TONIGHT Beit Fives of the Entire West to Take Part in Keet COLORADO TEAM ' IS BEATEN Thla Adda the Satire West ta the Schedale, aa tha Iowa Cham plena Beat tha Port Merges Lade, Instead of a Missouri vslley Interecho. lattte basket ball tournament, as aa nouncsd by ths local promoters of tht floor sport tarty this week, the big high school meet which opens here this even ing at the "T" association gymnasium haa evolved Itself Into a contest for ths basket supremacy of ths sntlrs west, and will Include ths thrss stellar school fives Of all the atates hetweea tht Mississippi river and tha coast region. Thla haa been made possible by tht fact that the aneedy Ottumwa High echonl quintet, which will be entered here, de cisively trounced tha much-touted Port Morgan High toxsers last evening at Ot tumwa by a tcors of M to 11. Ths Fort Morgsa squad- has already established recognised tltl to the entire Rocky moun tain region by trimming all Ihs premier school teems of Colorado. Wyoming. L'tth and Montana. Ottumwa haa the clear claim to the Iowa honors as well tt the Rockv mountain district; Kansas City Central High school holds the leu- rels of Missouri snd Kaneaa. and Omaha represtnta the pick of Nebraska. The meet here Is the first of Itt kind ever held In the country and basket hall followers of all states la th middle west are planning t aa annual event As local anthutlaatt have taken the In itiative and started ths Idea ft Is prob able that Omaha will be the place of many other such contests In lha future. Pint Qam Tsnlsht. All It bow tn readiness for the tint game of th aerlea, probaoiy between Omaha and Kansas City, which will b played at the "Y" thla evening. The via- Itlng teama will both arrive today, th Ottumwa lads In th afternoon and the Kansas City Central High school squad at 6: this evening. While here they will be at tht Hntel Rome, where a ap. del tulle of rooma haa Aetn reserved for each team. Tba schedule of gamss haa not yet been definitely decided upon and will not he until lata this afternoon, when the visit ing faculty managers will consult with C. C Reed, athletic director of tha Cap itol Hill school. Director Reed has bees assured, however, that the purple and white quintet will be one of the contest ante In the final gams Saturday sight. Th tentative schedule It aa follows: Fri day evening at t o'clock, Kansaa Cltv against Omaha: Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Ottumwa against Kansaa City; Saturday night, Omaha agalnat Ottumwa, Good Prellmlaarlss. Several good preliminaries have been arranged. The Crelghtoa seniors and thi University of Omaha Juniors will toss tht baskets early Saturday afternoon and the south Omaha High srhool aad Owtghtoo vanity five of th Tri-Clty lea rue wll! dash tomorrow night The much mooted "dribble" playing, which bat been somewhat Inactive her all aeeaon. wtll he much IB evidence, as both the Ottumwa and ths Kansas City flippers ars said to be experts In this de partment of tha game. Ottumwa Is also strong oa double paste snd team work. Th locals held their final scrimmage yesterday afternoon, when the reu!ar five went through a short preliminary practice with a picked team from th class quintets. Every led on the squad Is la excellent ooadlllon sad hv observiag strict rules of training. .. . The following Hat of players who will represent Omaha la the tourney has bees announced by Coach Juy Clark and mdl ehidee: Beryl Crorker. captain and left forward: Vergil Rector, renter; Mark Hughee, right forward: Leslie Burken- road. left guard: James Gardner, right guard: Sidney Meyer, aubetltute forward. and Clarence- Shery, substitute Center, Two or three other Isds from the senior cisss tueeert will be reserved If needed in any of the context. POGGENBURG LOSES AGAIN IN PARIS BILLIARD MEET PARIS. March a.-Perdlnand Poggca burg. the American champion, lost an other game here today tn the Interna tional billiard tournament for the cham pionship of the world. Ha was defeated by Artua. the French player. -KU to 7. Artua continues to lead the contestants, having won Ova games and aoat one. Mortimer, another French Player, la sec ond with four games woa aad one lost Poggenburg It seventh la the list, having woa two garnet and lut three. Tea eaa say goodbye to const! pa tloa wrth a dear conscience tf yoa aaa Cham berlain a Tablets. Many hate bea per manently cured by their use. For tale by ail dealers. Life 1511, National GOVE&NOB WHO IS WILLING TO BOOST ATHLETICS. - 1 Otvarnor Eugene N. Pes of Msstachu- tsua, whs has mads a ptswoaal appeal to the people . of bit state to contribute to th Olymplo fond, which will defray th txpenaea of the Ameriraa team that will be sent to Stockholm thla summer. Gov ernor Pots baa appointed Henry Horn blower, a prominent banker of Boston, to receive subscriptions. Oovemor post ssys: I trust that Now England wilL aa usual. do Itt share promptly and cheerfully In aiding tha young men who are to uphold the athletic prestlg of the United States." , . . . . - Water Covers Park and Stops Practice J0PL1N. Mo., March Special Tele gram.) Onca more tha itanger entourage haa been balked In Jta plant by tht rain god. Miners' park being below sea level, la soused to the gatea again as a result of rain that has fallen for the last eigh teen hours ... Manager Arhocast took the hoys oa a long hike thla afternoon. Nothing la on tap for the remainder of tht week-excepting practice games sad even the will have Jo. be called ptf If the weather does not moderate. BANCROFT GIVEN , DIVORCE -AFTER SENSATIONAL TRIAL WILMlNOTOrJ. - rrl.. March' :-In decree declaring .the infant known- sa "Mas Helbler. Jr.,'' .not the child of John Bancroft. Jr..' the superior court of New castle county,. tody. gtaated Bancroft -a divorce from Madeline lie Pont Bancroft. Ths fsanlKe trth .couple are among the meet Prominent la ths state aad th charge mad th coartectloa with th cast were of a sensational .nature. Th Inf Jnt wanted was made a co defendant with .Mrs. Bancroft by her husband Snd was gjveri the same of Max Helbler. Jr. h Bancroft in his appllca tloa for divorce, i - . . - 4. ' Th huahaad twa-wraptd custody of the couple's .4an-ld aba.'.;,"- DEATH RECORD Mrex,-4ewo LeebHtaer. McCOOK'.. .., March .-Speclal)-Mrs, Jacob Leernitner -of Coleman pre cinct this eourtjf. died carry Wednes day moralng, and, eh was of ths eas-tjr settlers of this part of Red Willow county. She Was past eighty. years of age. deceased ts sarvlvtd by her aged husband, tws daughters snd one a Interment will; be amd In ZKm 1UII cemetery, this-county, . Friday morning. Mrs. Carsits paraa. Mrs. Caroline W. Fayme. aged a years. wife of E. C. Fayme, aa employe of the Great Western Insurance company, died last night at her home, Sa Pierce street. She la survived by a husband and four children. Charts Bleak STANTON'. Neb.. March &- Special.) -Charles Bloee of this - dty died -last night after aa Ureses of several moatfas. Hs leaves a widow. Stimulate your hualoeaa by advertising tn The Eee the Dcvnpaper that reaches all of th buyers. -a i v. Drawn News Aafa SEEKING FORJMK : HORSE BooscTclt Ken Preparing to Throrw- Support to Sew Candidate. EFFORT TO BEFOG THE ISSUES Frsatdeat Taft gtaeelvlag Hast . at Msaaauxes Telllag Him wf His ' Strength aad Seatlmeat ta Bis Favor. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, March S.-(8peclal Tel- tgram.) Prom shurcee dote to Colonel Roosevelt Information comet that tht followers of ' tht ex-president, realixlag that they will be "beaten to a fraxxls" Ions before th Chicago convention comes around, will shortly turn their machinery of agitation toward th- grooming of a 'dark horse" for ths republican nomina tion. 'Give us a new man and harmony," will be the battle cry of the Roosevelt class from now on snd they will play, tt tor all It Is worth with ths hope of mak ing such progress la their efforts that when the convention meets there will e a serious disposition to shelve both Taft and .Roosevelt for acme one whs oaa unite, the warring factlona for the fwht agalnat tha common tntmy In November next ' Seek to Ksa barraas Taft. Associate Justice Hughes1 same la moat largely beard In the discussion -of a com promise csndidsie. uut thfle ' using it know that hs will not permit th use ST hit 'name to' b -hrotf ht asalnst Mr. Talt,' -whs appointed htor tw tbe bench. All this la Intended to muddy the watera sa ths part of tht Roosevelt to roes who bava betomt desperate since Nsw Tork and Indiana spoke In no uncertain toaee yesterday. And th cry of "fraud" and -robberre" "double dealing." "chicanery" and other choice words Is to be kept up until tha Chicago convention t mak that tttuattoa tense aad aa embarrassing for too president at possible. - Mr. Taft M understood to - nana oeea Informed as to the pleat of "T. R- s" ad herents, but ht refuses to be disturbed over th prospects. Why should ha be disturbed t Tales rams by scores are reaching ths whits House dslly telling Iht president of the change la sentiment going on throughout ths country a no tba Inevitable drift at publlo opinion to ward him. Indeed to universal are these messages of a growing popular with that ha may bring confusion to his enemies that ha would be a grsven Image Indeed who would fall to read the ttgna of a Roosevelt dissolution long before tht Met ot June. " . Lard Lores Cleed Loser. , As a straw Indicating the change of sentiment going on over the country k member of th house who has been a strong Roosevelt sympathiser and. sup porter' said today that "T. R. had 'an Ir reverent sentiment often quoted that The Lord hates a quitter,' but that T. R. had also a companion seatlmeat that should go with It, -The Lord loves a good loaer.' . : . . . "If Roosevelt does "not stop whining I will . believe that he has not the bigs mcral courage he. has often admitted himself that he uusateaea. Hit eve rl sat ing complaining and fault-finding will drive thousands ot his sdralrert away from him In my Judgment Th good loser It much admired among men and many bavt madt splendid reputations tn that field." Calais Ceatrel la Iowa. Advices from Iowa to Director McKla Iry ot the Taft national bo res today stats that President Taft will secure the four delegates-at-large from thst stste. Soott county, the largest oounty la th Second congressional disrlct, yesterday went for PresldaBt Taft by a vote of thre to one. It has thirty-flve votes tn the stste sad district conventions. In view of the artloa of Scott county, th president ts practically assured of th two delegate from th Second district and control ef the stats convention. Scott county has -been for years a -Cummins stronghold. Up to ths present Tsft hss tight dels satea from Iowa and Cummlna two. Oa April M the Hate conventloa wiH behem and oa the tame day the remaining all congressional districts will select then delegates. COLOEL HEX STP.OXG WOMOS Says He May Have Sssaethlaa; ta Par After Ceaveatiea. CHICAGO. March J8.-Colonel Roose velt's most stinging campaign speech thus tar waa delivered hers tonight- Hs lashed his opponents with sharp, biting sentence and charged some of them with using fraud and trickery to defeat him. Colonel Roosevelt said It was a fighting speech. It waa delivered before a throng which packed the Auditorium and cheered him enthusiastically. Colonel Roosevelt turned sstde from hat prepared speech tram time to time, la one of these salliee he ffiscuseed the statement of his opponents thst. as hopes to be dictator. "There la aot much danger to the peo ple," he said, "from a man who can do. nothing udlcss'ht can persuade them that for The Bee by Thw-s To what he wants la right I am going to malt one remark I have often been tamoted to make, but never have before. Occasionally my gloomy foes have aald that I wanted to be king. I wanted to answer that tbey did not know kings and I did. I like tht klngt I have met but 1 don't want to be one, because the tunc lion of those kings, expressed In the terms of democracy, would be the posi tion of vice president for life with the leadership of the TO thrown in. i mm there are other Jobs that a full-tlxed men would prefer." ' ' Objects t Methods. Colonel Roosevelt said that In many parts of th country the opposition ws counting for success on "methods which I can only characterise aa Infamous He asserted that President Taft had com mttted himself to the doctr1 v0f the rule ot ths people hy a "representative part of the people," . Colonel Roosevelt then .turned to the primary election In New York yesterday to substantiate bit charges. He referred to Samuel Koenlg, chairman of the New Tork county republican coromltte. as a figurehead" and said h wss "simply dolnk ths bidding ot the stronger men behind him. some ot those stronger men appearing In tht oped and others being ths big sinister figures thst sr Hover seen In tht light of day." " "Before the election took piece." the tpesker continued, "I denounced It si a criminal farce, because under the wicked law which had been thrust upon New Tork by the mschlnee of tht two parties Mr. Koenlg had been given the right to same all the inspeatort al the prljnety election. In tht county tlectlont of New Tork, and had, already used that right to throw 'out over a hundred' Inspectors simply because It waa known that they 'were, supporting tils Roosevelt ticket Every Inspector kept wss sit anti-Roosevelt roan. . . . "Whet was done, in New York i, ,ub. ttanllally what was done ip Indiana and In Colorado. , Against all the money, all the patronage, all the. efforts of Iht Keeling machine la Indiana, with nothing but the plain people of the stat to rely upon, we carried the atate convention handsomely, and then by fraudulent ac tion which can only be called brutal In its utter defiance of decency, nearly two hundred delegates were thrown out and ths Will ' ot ths people reversed. "The asm thing waa done In Colorado by ths Ouggenhtlm-Kvsns mschlne. Out sld ot Denver In spit of every species of attempted trickery and foul play, we cameo a majority of the delegates, but we were beaten by the most outrageous methods tn Denver Itself by ths Ouggcn-helm-Evant machine. "In Missouri we have overwhelmingly carried three districts snd yet In each district a bolting convention hss been or ganised, a conventloa which can aot pre tend to represent a tenth part ot tht voters of ths republican party,, but which Is to be tent to the Chicago national con vention in toe .hop laat tha .same tat tle will bs tried there that wer tried In New York and la Denver and In In. dlanapoUa." TEACHERS MEET AT KEARNEY TO HEAR NOTED LECTURERS . KEARNEY, Neb. March 21. -(Special Telegram.) One hundred and fifty teach ers were registered for the beginning ot the meetings ef the West Central Nt brsska Teachers' association thla morn ing. Ths principal speakers oa the pro gram today were H. E. Bradford of th Kearney schools and C. B. Manuel of the State Industrial school, while Dr. Chauie cey P. Colgrove ot the Iowa Stats Teach ers' collage at Cedar Falls. la., gave Ms lector,' ''Sand. Sympathy and Benee." at the general aad open meeting In the evening. The Stats Normal school faculty gave a reception following ths afternoon pro gram, to which practically all the visiting teachers responded. THREE BOYS MAKE ESCAPE FROM KEARNEY SCHOOL KEARNEY. Xeb.. Msrch x. -(Special.) Walking out of ths tailor shop In broad daylight whan under tha car of a new foreman, a man with twelve rears ex perience In Iowa penal lnstltutiona, three Industrial school bays, Elmer Allen. 17: Neil Lindsay. Jt and Harry Sharron, 17, mad their "getaway" at 4 e'eiock this afternoon. Tha foreman missed them, according to his statement and th per iod -of tnn between when be saw them last and notification ot th superintend ent that they were out waa but five mla atea, yet helutly a trace of the boy could be faand. Key ta the Situation Bee Advertising. A Leon Hat means a dollar in your pocket Hal Coffman Wowy At Famous Lucia Sextet . Beautifully Sung by an "All-Star" Cast The rendition of the great "Sextet from Lucia' by Tetrasxlnl, Caruso, Amnio, Joumet Jacoby. and Bada, can naturally be supposed to be about the finest rendi tion of thla. magnificent ensemble it tt possibls to hear. Such a talented group of artiste haa rarely. If ever, sung to gether, and the 'appearance'" of this 'all; star cast" In the lift of new Ictor rec ords for April Is quite an Important mu sical event , It Is an exquisitely beautiful record one that , mere words are Inade quate to describe. Tills record is. ot course the big "besdllner." but it Is only ons of the many supurb .numbers con tributed by tha world's greatest artists Caruso also tings solos In three different, lauguagea a charming ' ballad, "Love Is Mine." In English; a lovely air In French from Massenet's Manon; and an amusing Neapolitan song given with marked jollity and abandon. The two German numbers ot Johanna Gadekl are unusually fine example of the . perfect recording of ' th ' soprano's beautiful voles.) Although ths "Count of Luxembourg" hss never been presented In America, the Victor Light Opera company, offers a splendid collection ot gems from this tuneful operetta which Is sure to make the biggest kind of A hit. ...... - Why II Was Late. 'What made you to- lste?" 1 mtt Smlthson." "Weil, thst Is no reason why you should be an hour late getting noma to aupper." , "I know, 'but I asked ' him how its waa feeling, and he Insisted on telling me about hit stomach trouble."' ' ' "Did you tell him to take Chamber lain's Tablets?" - 'Sfure, that It what be needs." Sold by all dealers. ' Obi River le ralllag.- " . - CINCINNATI, O.-. March xl-Afler re matnlng tutlontry -at Kl feet .practic ally all day yesterday-. - the Ohio river began falling her today. A SIMPLE KIDNEY RECIPE TeII How to Relieve .Kidney and Bladder Trouble, GirM a Prescription Which Ts Easily Prepared at Home and Is Said to Give Permanent Relief to Every Sufferer Who Will Try the Mixture Forces Kidneys to Filter Out the Germs., Here ts a prescription' trhleh should ba valued hy all who ara subject to rheumatism, stomach, kidney aad. blad der ' trouble.-, and especially catarrh. Who ths Utter It eald by most puffer en an Isountblt dlvaae. there ara few men or women who will fail to experi ence great relief from the following sim ple home prescription, snd If taken la Urns should prevent aa attack of catarrh, during the entire season. . Anyone -can mix th following: Fiukt Extract Juniper Berries, one ounce: Compound Fmld Balmwert one ounce; Compound Syrup of Hypophoephitet, fow ounce. Shall well In a bottle and use In tessaaoafal doses before each meal and again- at bed time. Get theee Ingredient a ,fram any pharmacist whom you know handjst only pure drugs. This prescription, act directly upon ths cumulative tissues, .at ihs kidneys t mak them tiller aad atraia from the blood the poisons .that produce sll forms of catarrhs) affections. Relief Is often felt eves after the first few doses, and It ts seldom that th sufferer tear experience a return attack wllhls the Year. , , Thla . prescription makes' a " splendid remedy for all forma ot blood disorders aad such tymptomt as lame hack, blad der weakness and rheumatism pains art entirely dispelled. At thla valasble. yet simple recipe, comet from a thoroughly reliable source. It should ba heeded by every nadir whs suffers from catarrh. - " The above prescription la maamfaetured by the well known pharmaceutical boose. PTtacrlpttoa Products Co.. Daytea, Ohio. I i.rv.rr -