Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The Shoe, Madam, Is a Very Im
portant Detail of Your Spring Attire
The utmost taste may be exercised in selecting the
new suit or frock but unless one's feet are fitted with cor
rectly styled, perfectly fitting shoes the general effect
is greatly marred.
For Sprint wear we suggest toil stylish new 4-hols
tie, In black or tan leather and black suede. Possessing
all the smartness and neatness so essential to complete
Another style, which -will be much worn this season,
- Is a high-toe 1-bnttoa oxford tn blsck or tan leather and
the already popular Nubnck.
S3. GO
marks of criminal degeneracy while that
of Cray Is practically nonasl and Indi
cates' a man of decidedly keen intelll
fence. The brains will be preserved M
lbs Stele unlverstty.
Albany Elections
Are Not Honest,
Says Committee
ALBANT. K. T Mirth a. - "lie
IBaraes) teatlflrd before us that be had
taken an active part m politics from
'early Ufa. and that be bad entered on
bis career 'lor the pur pom of obtslnlns
beaest elections la Albtay and elevating
politics.' We regret to ssr that the evi
dence before us showed that Mr. Barnes
effort l In these particulars had resulted
la dismal fallare. Elections are not hon
est la Albany and politics are not ele
vated." r
The New York senste committee which
Investigated affairs of Albany city snd
county thas referred to Wllllem Bernea.
chairman of lbs republican state com
mittee, la US report submitted today.
"The most conspicuous beneficiary of
graft, publlo extravagance and raldlug
of the municipal treasury ws find from
the evidence to be Mr. William Barnes.
Jr.. himself." H continue.
Senator Walnwrlght. the republican
member of the committee, did not sign
t. a. maris mist mi-lb
Speech St. Lasts Mild Statement
f realties.
ST. LOt'IP March . -Theodore Roose
velt spoke In thle elty toalght. His ad
dress, entitled "The Right1 ef the People
to Rule.", was aa follows:
"Wbeg I say that 1 believe not only
In the right of the people to rule, but In
their duty to rule themselves and to re
fuse to submit to being ruled by others,
1 am not using a figure of speecb-I era
speaking of a vital Issue which funda
mentally effects our whols American
life. I not merely admit, but Insist, that
In all government, and especially In pop
ular government, there must be control;
and, furthermore, that If control does not
come from within It must corns from
without. Therefore It Is sssentlal that
any people which engages In ths diffi
cult experiment of eelf-government should
be able to practice self-control. There
are peoplea la the world which have
proved by their lamentable experiences
that they are not capable of thle self
control; but I contend that the Amerlcsn
People moat emphatically are capable of
It I hold that In the long run, taken aa
a whole, our people can and will govern
themselves a great deal better than any
mall set of men can govern them.
. Whenever there to tyranny by the ma
jority I shall certainly fight It. But the
Uraanlea from whkh we have been suf
mrmg In this souatry. hare, ninety-rune
amen out of a hundred, been tyrannies
by a minority, that Is, tyranny by privi
lege. Sometime, aa la ths ease of some
publlo utility franchise or other bit of
avsbsing by tew of what belongs to the
many, tae tyranny Is primarily oommer
tail at ether tlmee. It h) primarily palltl
eai. Tkle, lor matasee, la true Just at the
r sag in nose states where the
peepw nave sees Sealed the right to you
pneasnas la srser to express their
PTsesiauso lor president. .
la a sev eminent like oors et
seatattvse Se test rale a la the sense
Ikes a meaareh or aa artsteeraey bean
fe ever the people. We. the people
ale earselvea, and what we really want
w reaeeeeatottvee Is that ther shall
ansae the gow enseal fee ue along the
knee we lay dews, and shall do thle with
ettleteser and la good faith. We welcome
leadership aad advtas. ef oeuree. and we
are ewteat u let experts do the expert
basineoe to which we asstga them with
out neap- laterfeeenee (rem so. Si the
aspen must aniiistsiil that be la carry
auiatlag hie own few ft. The leader as
as am stead that he leads aa, that he
guises as, by eonvlaclag aa sa that we
win lot Sew hint se follow Ms dinette.
He swat set get It late sis head that it b
Ms boa nam to drtes as or rate as. Ills
eeswaces Is to manege the gvveramsat
tor es."
Sugar Directors
fiest Their Case
WxTW YORK, March Jt The Ceienae
la Das eweraaaswra ease against the
efciSs seated Its ease with Itii lasilmnaj
slWsfc Parse, saraaor shtsf counsel.
The dlstrtet attorney then eaOed bat a
Serial, aad seemast tor the aetcase' began
Ms sauiaslus apt,
Tolas ear BkxkU. tbtmt 1 i rim il ft
Peat loan ths onewtsi Rue iui .u
j ale week at OstCUAJIO WILUJCUt.
see waw hub I upas US as)
s ST sBs essst. him pesr erto ssdereg
aa, aettDssansSBt of fas ass aa tic
ser sssmleg. an mars aisnaiid sa be
kefks Shi Hi ml eg tae nmrlwg the Jury
' tanlsM .
Grand Chief Stone Puts Blame (or
Situation on Public
Tblake Feaple ee aa Object Lea
ess ta C'savlses These Hall
reeds heold Be A Hewed
ta Rales These.
NEW TORK. March Jt-Warren Stone,
grand chief of lbs Brotherhood of loco
motive engineers, predicted here today
that when the result of Ihs stmts vots
on ths wags gueetloa Is msds public here
on April M, It will be found that lees
tbsa tm or the , engineers la the
brotherhood oppose strike.
"It Is significant.' said Mr. Stone.
"I list ta Bona of our conferences with
the eestern railroad representatives have
they once declared that our demands are
unjust. They do not say we do not need
the Increase; they say merely that they
can't afford to grant It because they are
not allowed Increased freight rates.
"The Interstate Commerce commission
stsnds In ths way of any raise and at
the commission repreeenta the public It
Is really the publlo that Is the stumbling
"That Is why I repeat that the public
needa an object lesson to convince them
that ths reads are entitled to more pay
for tbs freight they carry, freight rates
are bound to go up. ,
NEW TUIIK. March SS.-Arsotinoemenl
wea mode todsy thst at a meeting of the
republican county executive committee
tomorrow It will be recommended to the
full county committee, which meets to
morrow night, that unofficial primaries
held In Mew York m such districts
where ths tellers failed to deliver the
official ballots for ths primaries en Tues
day. Joho. Beyle, Jr., secretary of the
executive committee, made the announce.
ALU A NT. N. T., March M, -Governor
Dtx sent a special messsge without rec
ommendation to the legislature today en
closing a telegram la which Charles H.
Duell.' chairman of the Roossvslt com
mittee of New Tork City, suggested that
another primary be held there because of
the delay In delivering ballots at the
polls. An opinion from Attorney General
Carmody that legislation may be neces
sary to this end waa also enclosed.
which we
the whole
making of
do not
1 1 I . 1 . I ' I mil . -jsasM i
the shredded whole wheat wafer. It is the whole wheat, steam-cooked
shredded, compressed into a wafer, and baked the maximum of nutriment
in smallest bulk. . Many people prefer it to ordinary bread toast ( Heated
in the oven to restore its crispness it is delicious for luncheon, or for any
meal, with butter, potted cheese or marmalades.
Building: Tradesmen Likely to Walk
Out with Carpenters.
Attee-mer Cesersl Ceaeea Ceaearee
thief ef Fwltrs ( hisses City
far His Arrest ef Jobs
C. Mabray.
From a Staff Correspondent )
DES MOINES. Is, March a -(Special
Telegram- Dee Moines fsces s general
strike -of carpenters and building tradesmen-
1 be master builders rejected s final
proposition for H cents sn hour, to tske
effect on April 1. offered by the carpen
ters' union last night. Thereupon the
carpenters, whoss union numbers aboui
90S men, declared WSr.
ft elements from the carpenters' offi
cials point to a complete walkout or
plumbers, bricklayers, stesmfltters. con
crete workers, structural Iron men snd
sll building trades workers on a sympa
thetic strike. Ths sympathetic tleup Is
made poeslMs for the csrpenters by a
word from the national headquarters of
ths Building Trades council requesting
the local union Immediately to Join the
local council. The local workers declare
they are anxious to do aa.
.Uewessss Appelated.
Governor Carroll twlay snnsunced the
sppolntment of George D. Newcomb of
Creeton aa a member of the State Phar
macy board to succeed H. E. Eaton of
Shenandoah. Mr. Eaton haa been a mem
ber of the board for six years and did not
seek reappointment. Mr. Newcomb has
been a phsrmaclat In Cresion for a num
ber of years. His sppolntment will tsks
effect late In April.
Cseeas) Scares thief.
Attorney General Cotaon today ex
coriated the chief of police of Kansas
City tor his action in undertaking to com -
pel J. C. Mabray to leave Kansas Cltr
simply because he bed once been con
victed of swindling.
It la men kke this chief of police. '
he laid, "who make professional crooks
When maa who baa served a term In
prison tries to hve an honest life. It Is
the duty of offlcisls to aid him, nnd
only when he hss shown that hs does
not Intend to be honest should he be
pieced under surveillance."
Rallraad Offlr t'hssse.
MASON CITT. la., March B.-II. E.
Dickinson, superintendent of the Mason
City division of ths Northwestern rail
road, has been appointed superintendent
of the Dakota division at Huron, suc
ceeding Superintendent Doyle. If. C
Rlltlnghouse of Boone, Is., heed of the
bridge nnd building department, baa
been appointed superintendent here.
Mrs. Pankhurst Must
Stay in Old Bailey
LONDON. Marcn St-Ball was refused
todsy to Mrs. Pankhurst of ths militant
auffra settee who, with Mr. and Mrs.
Pethlck Lawrence. Joint editors of Votes
for Women, wss committed for trial at
the Old Bailey sessions by ths polios
magistrates at the Bow street court Mrs.
Mabel Tuke wae discharged. Mr. Law
rence waa released on l.T0 and Mrs.
Lawrence, an t)i,O0 ball. , ,
Ths thirteen remaining suffragettes be
ing truu on tne ensrsw ar smashing win
down were disposed ef by Jndgs Wallace,
chalrmaa of the London sessions, today
and the thirteenth wpmsn got off scot
free. Impassioned speeches of the wo
men,, who compered their acta to those
of the "founder of religion wbsn Ha de
al royed the Oaderene awlne" marked the
proceed I nes.
Two of the 'women were sentenced to
sis months In prison, seven others to four
months, two wars bound ovsr to keep
the peace and two were acquitted.
Mrs. Pankhurst waa aent back to HoU
loway Jail to complete the sentence of
two months' tmprteonmcnt passed on her
os March t
Tour dm relit will refund money If
PAZO OINTMENT falls to curs any cess
of Itching, Blind. Bleedlns or Protruding
PUee In t ta M daya. Me.
get in white flour. The only question is how to make
grain digestible. That problem has been solved in the
. . . , . ....
Seed Corn Experts
Preach New Gospel
to Three Thousand
CORNING. Ia.. March .-(3pedl)-Be-
tor aa audience that taxed the capacity
of the Adams county court house here
last evening agricultural experts frees the
state agricultural college expounded the
ins of good farming, featuring the Im
perative neorrally of testing aeed corn
this spring. This meeting rounded out
the eecond day of the Burlington's seed
corn and soil special Itinerary of two
weeks. During the day meetinga were
held and seven towns snd fully t,W
people were sddreseed on tha subject now
so vital to Iowa's prosperity this tall.
The first meeting of the day waa at
Cumberland at o'clock. Despite the
early hour there waa a large crowd of
farmers who had driven ever muddy
roads to hesr the lesson to be offered
them. At Massena and Fontenelle both
audience coaches on the special were
tilled to tha platforms. While the roads
are muddy farmers, unable to work In
the flelda, are willing to brave the incon
venience of the roads to reap the benefits
offered by thle train with Its experts.
At Oreenfield the meeting was held in
the court house, which wss packed.
Judge Hauser, who Is holding eeottrt here,
adjourned the cession bending the lecture
hour. Orient furnished two carloads of
interested farmers, Preecott gave a big
attendance and then Corning eras reached
for thla evening's meeting.
Prof. W. IL Cteveneon of the stste agri
cultural college of Ames Joined ths spe
cial train today and delivered his first
lecture here Isat night. After covering
the seed corn teetlng subject be gave an
interesting discussion on the toll problem
that la one of permanent Interest to
every farmer.
A LOON A, Is. March .-tBpeclaLr-Rix
small nuggets of gold, which were
received by Mrs. B. H. Winkle of this
place, brought the first news of her
nephew, August Leasing, that tha rela
tive bed received In fifteen years. They
had given him up for dead, but ha haa
made good on his promise that when he
"struck It rich" relatives would know
thst he hsd done ao, f or be would sand
them elx small a of gold. The
nuggets arrived In sa envelope from some
point In Alaska, but no letter accom
panied them. This Is eagerly s waited for
by the aunt and Leealng's aged father,
Lewis Leeeing. August Leasing waa In
the northweet when the Klondike gold
excitement broke out. He left for Alaska
with the gold seekers, but before going
he wrote home that when bo "made his
Pile" the nuggets he would aend heme
would be the etgn that be bad dona as.
SIOUX CITT. Is.. March Js.-The Floyd
river, a email stream which runa through
the lowlands In the eastern part of the
elty,' went on a rampage this morning snd
flooded the bottom district north and
south of the East Seventh street bridge
Ths resldenta were forced to leave their
nomea. Many were awakened by the po
lice and eopght higher ground before th
rapidly rising waters reached their homes
- - ! Mows Usee. -
TRAP" BR The semi-annual meeting a
the Grlnnell Association of Congregs
Uonel-Churches ens' Mlnlaters Is to s.
held here April t snd 1 Rer. evens A
Ooaaalea ot Traer will be the moseralar.
CORTDON-M ra. Llssle Battle, a endow
to years at ase. la dead at her home
here as the result of burns, but Just hoe
they were received Is not known. Neigh
bors hard her scream and on running
to the house they found her lying In
the snow, her clothing in flames and
almost burned off. he died In a few
hours without regaining cenecloueaeea.
Teas Mlseew Kllkad by fall.
LRU ANON, III.. Marcs tt-Two miners.
Richard Leslie and Vlrwll Bouaan. were
killed at the Hennett coal mine near here
todsy when they fell Jot feet down the
If you have anything to exchange, ad-
rertlae II la Tha Bee Want Ad columns.
The Toppy,
Food science has taught us that
there is much body-building nutri
ment in the' whole wheat grain
Oman Coiifresimam Wants Earrec
ttr Combine Inrestigated.
Ha Sara TA'tekershasa Perassally Ap
peared Meters Hoaee Csasmlttes
Last Jess aad Preaeleed te
Bests Issatrr.
WASHINGTON, March X.-Representative
Lobeck of Nebraska, democrat, to
day introduced a resolution tn the bouse
calling on the attorney general for all
U-.e correspondence and Information so
far gathered In the International Har
vester company case and a report on how
the legal proceedlags are progresslag. Mr.
Lobeck Introduced a resolution of In
quiry last June aad hearings on It were
conducted at the time by the rules com
mittee. "The attorney general appeared per
sonally before the committee then." re
lates the resolution Introdcude today, "and
stated that legal action would be taken to
dissolve the corporation on account of
violation of the anti-trust act. Up to thla
time no action seems to have been taken
by tbo attorney general."
Mr. Lobeck declared the people of the
west were demanding to know what eteps
were being taken te dissolve the so-called
hanrestsr trust.
The resolution was referred to the rules
committee, but Mr. Lobeck gave warn
ing that If action on It were delayed he
would ask the house to undertake an in
vestigation on Its own responsibility.
Oaly riftewa Has Vaeeated at 1-
Slsastpelle Cesvemtlea.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 3 Jo
seph B. Keeling, one of the Taft man
agers In Indiana, today In a public state
meat replied to Colonel Roosevelt's charge
la his Chicago speech that "the Keeling
machine" frauduleatly unseated MO dele
gates to the stats convention, which in
structed four delegstes-at-large for Taft.
"Colonel Rooaevelt ia either grossly
misinformed or Is deliberately stating an
untruth." said Keating. "We contested
only fifteen seats, snd the Rooaevelt peo
ple contested Uo. among them the seats of
1x7 dslegatea from tha Indianapolis dis
trict, who had been elected at primaries
by a four to one rote. We simply pre
vented these legally elected delegates be
ing unseated.
"The Rooaevelt faction knew the Taft
people had a majority In tha convention
and begged for a compromise. They
asked that we give Roosevelt two dele-gttss-st-largs
and take two for Taft
That we declined to do. They were per
fectly willing to accept two delegates
from this same convention they now de
nounce as fraudulent."
"Died Sf Psesaaeata"
Is never written of thoss who euro
coughs and ealda with Dr. King's Nsw
Discovery. Guaranteed. Mo and 11 to.
For sals by Beaton Drag Co.
star to tha ltuatutea Advertising.
Face Peeling Eay
Blonde ot BrunetU
. "The blonaeg complexion fadea early
because her skin ta extraordinarily thin
and fine," says alms. 1.1 na .Cavallsrl,
The brunette e as a rule la the rererss.
rno akla la thicker and haa a tendency
to nn oily anpearancs."
For either the faded blonde's skin or
the brunettes oily or sallow complex'
loa, tha best remedy la ordinary mercol-
Ised wax, . aecsraale at any drug store
(an ounce will so.) Used like cold cream
It gtess one an entirely new complex'
Ion In about a week's time. It gradually
absorbs ths w era -out eurface skin, with
all Ita defeats, a little each day, with'
out affecting the delicate underskln. The
latter will bare the exquleltely beautiful
glow of youth Indeed, one may readily
loss ten or fifteen yeara from her age.
ao far as appearance goea, by this simple
method. Adr.
Not too big-Just big enough!
In opening spring season 1912 we offer to the public
a store stocked with a nice assortment of Men's and
Boys' Clothjng, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes, managed
on the most economical basis. We are not in the high
rent district, therefore, we are able to give you bigger
values than any .store in the city. You are invited to in
spect our stock aDd compare our prices. It will pay you.
SUITS, Men's $5, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and up
SUITS, Boys' $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and up
FANTS, Men's and Boys' 50c to $4.50
HATS, Men's and Boys' 50c to $3.50
Special In order to advertise our Spring Hats we will giro
every lOtb bat customer hat free of charge.
Furnishings We carry the most complete line In the city.
Shoes Mens and Boys'. .00 81.25 81.50 82.00
82.50 83.00 and 83.50.
Free For 10 days, a pair of Boys' Black Hose with every pair
ot Boys' Shoes.
Remember the Place See I s First.
J. Helphand Clothing Co.
314 North Sixteenth.
Free Timing, Free Insurance, Free Cartage If kept sit months.
Tel. Dong. 1623; Ind. A-1623.
Are t, spsolalty with this Association. Wo eharg
Interest only from Us data of paying out the first
Instalment ef money, and render any assl stance
possible In completing ths house without liens.
Our loans an repayable In monthly instak
msntg, or we rseelre llOt.OO on principal any day,
stopping Interest at onos on the amount so repaid.
No commissions. Prompt action promised.
The Conservative Savings & Loin Ass'n
1814 Harney
The sld Idea of using legs for aarksn
trig the hair la again coming Is vogue.
Our grandmothers had dark, glossy hair
M seventy-Ore, while sur mothers are
gray before thee are fiftv. fnir ihiwl
mothers kept their hair soft and gleesr
With a "seas Tea.' whleH slaa mIimJ
the natural ooler.
One abjection to using such a preaer
etlon waa the trauhi as .
This ohjeetten has been overcame by
ths Wyeth Chemical Company of New
Tork, who haa placed on the market a
superior preparation of Base, combined
smn suipnur aad ether valuable reme-
dlas for dandruff, ttehlns mrmim ..I
thin, weak, falling hair.
The beauty of ths hair depends more
en Its Hh mwmn aH.ith, .. . aktM
else. Don't have dry, harsh faded hair,
when a simple, harmless remedy will
bring hack the osier la a few daye; and
don't be tormented with dandruff. Itch
ing scalp and loose, falling hairs.
Wyoth's Base and Sulphur Hair Remedy
will quickly correct these troubles, snd
gtvs ester, strength and beauty te- your
Oat a fifty cent bottle fresa tour
druggist toddy, and prove thla to
rear ews eatls&etteeu All irunlei
Ball It, under guarsatos that the money
will be refunded If the remedy Is a ex
actly as law scouted.
pedal agent. Sherman eV hteCeoneL
Drag Oa
For the LAWN
Wizard Brand
Sheep Manure
For fertilizing Lawns, gardens,
berries, melons, vineyards,
orchards, grain and meadow
lands. I" nequaled In the green
house or In the field.
HA Wacom Load la a Bug."
Seeds That Crow. Need Any?.
Tha Nebraska Seed Co.
1013 Howard 8C Phone D 1SM1
Open Saturday Evenings.
( "Fashions of
70 Years Ago"
Exclusively in
Next Sunday
J 6th St, Xear Chicago.
Street, Omaha.
Months la ew Tork. t Months fa
Cthleage. S Moatha la miaaelpala.
s aeosuis w siosaon. suae
tiro, Color. Motln.
rrlces Sic Me,
3' Thurs., April 4th
a. m. gtrug, .
' IS Shekespsreaa ateperteir "
V rrlces SOe, gSOO. .
Seats stew Selling.'
Tonight Until sat, t6o, SOo, 75c
Saturday Mattaee, See aad Oo ' '
The BeaatUal Vlay of
sTemsa Xatereet, -
All sTsst Week Sunday afTfnrt
Matinee Xaea Dsy. -. - ,
Fstoto Pilars
maraara ta "Madame Sana fleae"
Blights lte te SOo. Mate-, lea. toe.
American Theater
Tonight, Mats. Tuea, Thus Sat.
aad the
th ruisoa or ivugri
est Week Ths Sigs ef the Cross.
Mat. very Bay S:1S. Svary wight sag.
Ada Reeve, Will Koehraa Athletio
Ctrls, Fells di t'aire. Maude O'belle k
Co. Wretoa Bentley et Co taUel fc
Kane. Ths Esthor Trio. kUaetoscooe,
Orpheum Concert Orchestra.- trices
Nlsht. inc. 2ic tOc. Jit Matinee, lee.
best seata Ism. except, Saturday and
OatAXA'S TV Cimi"
Suss,'?,,.. THE BOX TOM
SXTnaTaeajtSA An vatrDsvnts
ltn Bert stake, the typtcej tan: bo
Lsteor. ths Sva Tsaguay a-iri;
Feeley eV Kelly: The t sucks: Lob
ster ftr Bro!tre Beeuty Chorus.
tsdlee abas Mstlaee stvery Weak Hay.
ooxt oomtm gnu
na taiat boskbts
dcfylDg sesth by aSowlng as K. SL
f, -V sousDoblla csaryjut five pas
sragers cs drtvs ewer tus sesli, enrav
lrc end neck.