Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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All the Remnants
30th Anniversary Sale
Go on sale Friday at the most
extraordinary bargains
All the thousands of accumulated remnants, short
lots, odds and cuds left from the two weeks' tremendous
selling of the Anniversary sales must go in "one day. "We
have grouped these lots at prices that will force them
out at once. Grandest Bargains of the sale.
Accumulated Remnants ef Laces.
Hundreds of styles up to one yard in length from the An
niversary sale, allovers, insertions and galloons in black,
white and ecru; some are silk embroidered
chiffon, at, each SOC
Odd Pieces and Remnants of Flouncings
18 and 27-inch flouncings, skirtings and insertions accu
mulated in our 30th Anniversary Bales, worth Q
up to 40c, at per yard llC
45-Inch Embroidered Swiss Skirtings
Slightly mussed from the Anniversary Sale; new, choice
designs, worth up to $2 yard, bargain square, l"7 ff
at, yard ............. .... OC
Sample Strips, Remnants and Short Ends of all kinds of
Embroideries 2 big lots, at, each 5c and 10c
Beautiful Medallion Portrait
Reproduced from any photo pwnfl
you bring -Absolutely rut?
2 Days Only, Friday and Saturday
March 29th and 30th
Aa a special 10th Annlveraary feature. Mr. Lederer, heal of tha
Columbia, Portrait Co. of Chicago, will ba her. paraonally for thaaa
two daye ana wo will 1v away thaaa large Carbon or Beple fin
lab afedaltona reproduced from any phoiosraph. Wa raqulra only
that you enow him your aalea check (for )0o or apt and that you
purchaaa a aultabla fraov for thla work ot art at our wholaaaia
30th Anniversary Rernnant Sale
Plain and Fancy Silks on Main noor
2,500 yards of plain and fancy silks in remnant pieces,
dress lengths, waist lengths, good pieces for linings, etc
the accumulation from our recent Anniversary QQ
1 sale Bargain square, at, yard OCC
, Great Lots ot Silks on Bargain Squares
It-Inch, 17-Inch, ! 4-Inch and 20-Inch fin illki, pongees, rajah af
fect, foulards, printed warp allka. tatfstaa, messallnes, Pft.
etc.; at. yard , ....OUC
Silk place iu I table
for trimming,
fancy work, pillow
top, etc., in all
aorta of pattern
each, 25 1 to 49
Odd pattern and
plain allk. kimono
Ilk, rajah effect,
fancy habntal llk,
etc; mala floor at,
yrd 250
Silk Section Regu
lar 91.60 .quality
Ilk and wool pop
lin. In all the atreet
and evening shade.
- 30th Anniversary Remnant Sale of
New Spring Wash Goods, Basement
Choose here Friday from sample bolts (each one differ
ent) high cost mercerized dress novelties, mercerized
plain pongees, beautiful poplins, etc. These sample
bolts were bought at a very low price. 25c 4Q
and 35c values bargain square, at, yard ....... 1 aWC
Longcloth, ma ill a
and cambric rem
nant; 10c yard val
ue, at yard 6H
Unbleached m a 1 In
remnant, 38,-38
and 40 lnche wide,
two width will
make full die
heet; perfect long
length, yard.. 6
Soft, . atlky, anow
whit aala ook,
verr high coat ma
terial; perfect, mill
length, Jd. 10
Just received one caae
of shaker flannel In
white,- cream, blue,
pink and gray col
or; perfect mill
length of the 10c
grade, yard 6H
Full atandard light
colored ihJrting la
aeat figure, itrlpe.
check, dot, etc.,
will make chil
dren' ureases, etc.,
t 4
27-in. wide unbleach
ed muiltn remnants
that are perfect
long length, at per
Specials in Art Needlework Dept. M"' Flw
maa flf vtewat Tanaarfrw nil. at . -ai i . .
riYo-inca Knotted Fringe la
red, tan, brown and green;
regularly tie per yd..
special, at
Roman Strip Tapaatry Bllpa in a
larse aaaorunant of eolora. fin
ished with taaaalad eornera, roro-
filete and ready for tha pll- A
u. Hesulax l.o vaiuea. I 111
apocial at ..w'
Waists In Package Dainty WaiaU la kimono style, a tamped oa
ui-iiiu iswa lur rmicB, eyeim ana puncb smbrotd
. ery. with aafflclent floss to complete tb embroidery; ct n
J, paper pattern la alaea 36, 38 and 40-ia. and chart for I Q J
catting sad making. A reg. fl value tor Friday only.. "v
Men's and Boys' Basement Clothing Dept.
Various short lots of medium weight suits; also a number
of spring sample suits, well worth $7.50, $10 C C A A
and $12050-Friday, in basement, at VeU V
BOYS' $4.00 and $5.00 SPRING SUITS at $1.98
An entirely new lot of Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, also
Russian and blouse suits, medium and spring (4 no
; weights; actually worth $4 and $5, at ........ . " 5
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants
Light, or dark mixture la
worsted and cheviots SI ea
talues, will go oa sale. Qa
Boyt Waists, Friday, 25c
All fall eat. opea cuff sleeve la
black sateen, bio chambray.
light patterns. Me, OP"
t A...,. ZOC
Yon, Mr. Business Man that sign in your window
won't get the kind of a man you want. A few cents
spent for a Bee Want Ad will give you choice of several
good energetic men. Telephone Tyler 1000.
All Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
are Now on Sale at Half Price.
wmm mw
Foulard Silk Dresses, $5.95
Only Fifty of Them in Thie Friday Sale
Formerly Priced f 10.00
Four high and low neck styles for vou to choose from
all spring and summer 1912 modelsin black and white,
Copenhagen, brown, navy, heliotrope
and grey colors, showing beautiful
striped, figured and conventional de
signs. The silk that entered into the
making of these dresses is of an extra
good quality and the workmanship
far superior to that you will find in
any other ten dollar dresses. They are
finished with attractive . lace yokes.
Actual-$10.00 Talues Friday only,-f 3.95.
It' a splendid opportunity to secure an
Latter dress for a very little money.
Three tpecial number in
new Merge coats, in plainly
tailored and novelty utylet,
are feataret for Friday's
selling at $10.95, $12.50
and $14. 95. We court com
parison of these with other
coats selling at $3 to $5
more. Black, navy and tans.
SS (lightly nusaed coe
tames ot net, chiffon,
charmeue allk, crepe
meteor, dotted and
striped voile, worth up
to $75.00. for Bargain.
Friday, choice, SiiS.OO.
Site range up to 38.
Aeeat 100 woawa'a salts
of medium and dark nilK
turea and other all wool
materials that will make
ncellent "rough-and-ready"
aulta raluea up to t..S, to
cloas, Friday, ..
One Lot
Taffeta anal
Worth Up
to $3.95
A Sale of Four Big Lot of Undermutlin at "
19c - 49c - 89c - $2.29
Thaaa prlcaa represent four big lota that are marked aa extra (pe
dal in tha Block reduction aala of our entlra lines of mualln underwear.
Tou cannot aeleot a raiment tliat doaa not bear a reduced price. Tha aala
will rloaa Halurday, but It will ba wle to com Friday when you will bare
batter opportunities In choosing. . , . .
Two Corset
Thaaa coraat P e t a 1
have mora titan ordinary In
tereat attached to them on
account of tha proximity of
Kaater. Prtcea are reduced
lor rTioaye eelilnf only.
$1.00 Corsets, 75c
75c Corsets at 45c
The $1.00 corsets at
7lo are mads ot medium
weight coutll In mediums
butt styles, with extra
long skirts.
Tb 75c conets at 45a
are made of coutil in me
dium bust style and have
extra long skirt and two
pair of hose supporter.
All ilxe la both lot.
Hardware Store
Friday Bargains
ll-quart, hoary galvaa
lied palls, specially priced
for the one day only, at 13c.
$1.23 act of Mrs. Potts'
sad Irons, consisting of three
double pointed, nickle plated
iron with aluminum top,
tend and cold handle; Fri
day, 70c.
Galvanised wash tabs ot
extra quality are priced for
Friday only aa follows-No.
1 tlxe, 40c: No. I ilxe, 00c;
No. 8 size, 60.
Good quality tla waah
boiler .with copper bottom,
worth $1.25 each, Friday,
White China for Decorative Purposes at
30 Per Cent Discount Friday
On large table with Jug, bowl, compote, berry bowl, nut
bowls, rose Jan, Jardiniere, plates, tankards, etc., compos this sale.
All go at a discount of 30 per cent from their original prices.
Friday Economies for Housewives
69c. 70-lncb all llnea table dam
ask ot a good heavy weight;
tomes In a vartaty ot pattern, Fri
day, 40c the yard.
86-larh long cloth of a specially
good quality, priced for Friday'
selling only 08c the bolt of twelve
56c, 72xOO-inch seamed bed
sheets, made for the hotel and
rooming house trade; Friday, 80c
7 He. J6x32.lnch hurk towels
with red borders, limit f one
dosen to a customer, .at 4c each.
StMnth bleached munlln of
standard make, worth 10c the
yard. Friday only. 7 He.
30c. 8-4 bleached Peqaot aheet-ing-one
of the very best sheetings
made when wearing qualities are
conildered-llmit ot ten yard to
a customer, Friday, at 28e the
Are Cut Pried Dsuslnfhc
i Big Pure Food Grocery
Soaal rtaxpa ea trraaalstea saa-ar.
5-lb. voll Premium buttertne. . .Sa
Cleaned currant, dt la .t pa, lb.. iie
I aexa leal 'Bai AU aeap saa
On doom boxes aafrty amtchea, Se
2ee caa Carpenter's aklnleaa fla. Its
I'l'ijuitii awdh
3 large bead plain lettuce.. lOe
Fancy Florida ripe tomatoes, the
lb. i3He
S bunches California ssparagua
at 23e
4 lbs. fancy rhubarb". as
New beet, carrots and turnips,
the bunch ,.Sc
5 lb, fancy dates for. ...... .25c
Those famous Redlanda oranges,
shipped direct to as from Red
lands, Cal.. the doxea, 15c, 20c,
23c, SOc aad SSe
POTATOES. Those who bay bow
-will save money for prices are
sure to be higher sqoa. The gen
uine Red River, Early Ohio and
Early Rose at less tbsa you can
buy them elsewhere.
FISH and MEAT BARGAINS for Friday Only
Fresh Baby Halibut. . .t2yte 1 3 lbs. Country Sausage. .25c
Fancy Herring, keg 90c 6 pounds Lamb Stew 25c
Bennett a Capitol
flour, eack. SI.
l-lb. can Bennett'a
Capitol baking:
puadar and in atauipa (Leo
Bennett' Beat coffee and J
the lb Me
t Iba. Bennett'a Bast coffee and 9
stamps for., 1.00
Aaaorted teas and 7t atampa, lb., e
Tea alftinsa and 1 .tain pa, lb.. ..las
ia-lb. caa pure black pepper and
atampa 10a
( iba. hand-picked navy beana..s
Snleer'a chile aauca.and 1 atampa.
the bottle ..He
Full cream cbeeaa It el'pa, lb.. Me
Hand eneeao, each............ .SSe
N'eufcbatel chaeee. each as
aU kiado ef newer aad ewawtaUa
aeaa, tas pks. ............ .Sta
Bennett'a Capitol extracts and se
atampa, the bottle lae
14-lb. eack "Uueen of the Pantry"
paatry flour and 4 etamfte. .SlSf
t pkfa. Toaato for break faat a cou
pon la every packase with I
atanioa saa
Pint can GalUard a pur olive oil
oucea to
wuart caa franco-American aoucn.
aaaorted aoa
Large can Rnldera pork and beana
and sa atainpa. soa
Sour pirklea and I atampa. ot, lae
1 rana Kvergreeu corn and 1 atampa
far ass
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
XVith Happy Hooligan. Little
Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids.
and the vhok interesting family
Twenty Cannibal
Kings Proposed To
One American Girl!
In The Omaha
Sunday Bee
'. - -
this young woman will tell how this score
of African potentates went about it. The
story, illustrated, will occupy a full page.
Harry Furniss
The famous London cartoonist, has
analyzed the faces and the features of
Americans. It takes a full page to
give the details and pictures of this
important event.
"New Spring Draperies"
The woman who knows the "last
word" in affairs of the fair sex, has
prepared another of her exclusive ar
ticles for .The Sunday Bee. Every
woman in Omaha will want to read
this article.
"Traitor Nerves"
That famous beauty, Mme. Lena
Cavalieri, has given this title to her
. beauty talk which will appear in the
magazine section of The Sunday
Everybody is interested in the styles
of today, but many would like to know
what their ancestors wore. This fea
ture article describes the clothes that
delighted American women of tht
early forties. .
Spring Fashion and
Easter Number
. A special section is devoted to articles
on men's and women's clothes. Beauti
ful pictures are used in illustrating these
stories. Talks from Paris and other fash
ion centers and detailed notes and illus
trations of what men will wear,, are in
cluded in this department.
Four Pages of Comics
The colored comics seem to grow
better each week. This Sunday finds
all the characters in richest vein of
humor. The children of Omaha and
Nebraska look anxiously forward for
these funny fellows. ,
Delightful Mutt and Jctf
These national fun makers surely
are constantly growing more popular,
and no one is up-to-date unless he
knows what they are doing. They will
, be. in the four-page pink section next
There will be many other features in The Sunday Bee.
To be sure of a copy order from your dealer NOW!
If a man buys only one Omaha paper he
buys The Bee. If an advertiser uses only
one Omaha paper, he should use The.
Omaha Sunday Bee. It reaches more
Omaha homes than all the other Omaha
Sunday papers combined.