THE BEE: OMAHA. -THURSDAY. MARCH 28. 1912. 7 BEIEF CITY NEWS Save Soot Mat It. Jeff W. Bedford tor commissioner. ddv Alfred loura for city ectnmleelooer. -Adv. Blectrie Ooffee lioetes Burgest Granden Company. V. B. Tacker, republican candidate for senate. BU phono "Florence Mf."-Adv. Tot for Goodley F. Braeker for Coro rMewoner under th Coajralasinon Form of Government. Adv. !! la Baaaaoaad Iarael Gershater. M North Sixteenth street, 'reported to the polite that a suit of clotbea and mm email change had been atolen from hla 1-itsgard tocoa atowoy While Tbomaa Fltsgard of M -Sherman avenue waa ab aeat from hla room Tuesday someone broke Into hla trunk and took W cached there. Te OaaipeU for Frofram Muatcal eompetlttoa for tha ltu Omaha Hlsh achool commencement exercises will be held Kay I. according to plana announced by Mat Mary Sullivan, head of the English literature department Tha plaoa for tha contest haa not yet been decided upon. . . Kara Fatttteaa Hied E. A. Clark. Henry Schroeder and D. W. McVea have filed tor commlaalonara, making aeventy alz ' who have filed, . altrtough . three of them-Fred M. Schroeder. Frederick Mil liner and J. H. Bennett have withdrawn from tha race. P. J. Creedon, Dr. Joseph F. Nina. A- J. Hllddlnger. Mat Kat tie man and M. Baaanblatt took oat petitions today. Thia raJeea the number of peti tions now out to Its. POLICE CAPTURE A MAN ROBBING GROCERY STORE John Mullen, ISO North Eighteenth atreet. waa caught but' night In the act of robbing the .C Peterson grooery store at Twentieth and Clark atveeta by De tectives Patullo, McDonald and Emery. Neighbor? aaw him amaah a rear window and they Immedltely called the police. When the offtoera arrived Mullen had .guemiijr mwiu fuw aim touwsuo and waa rifling the caeh register, which contained but a few pennies. At tha elation Mullen feigned drunken ness and pretended that he did not know what ha waa doing. Mullen waa discharged by Judge Foster, after leaning that he waa a paralytic.. AFFAIRS ATJODTH OMAHA Warm Fight Among' Democrat Over Trcaiuer Gillia. QUEOAK SUITS BIO KTOFUS Call for Help Sent te Omaha by the Demoralised Machine .PIT - rashes Old Claiaaa te the Frt. Vfith the Good-Gillin machine wabbling because of an overload of dead freight there appears to be little doubt today that the old gang in the city hall will be cleaned out from top to bottom. Glllln la I making a desperate fight and is willing o sacrifice any one and any thing m order to win out. Hla past record for treachery to bim own mates baa an tagonised powerful local leaden and there is every indication that the democrats wilt tuna In a body to the support of John Cribble, who the democratic candidate tor treasurer on the cltlsens progressive ticket William Queenan. one of the lieutenants of Omaha leaders. Is out in war paint for OilUn'a scalp. Several years a go when Queenan was tax oterolaaloner dilltn started a fight on him for the custody ot the commissioner's books. Later OUIIn reversed himself add Insisted that the present tsx commissioner, Jerry Flts gerald. should vacate the us of the treas urer's office. Now both Queenan and Fltsgerald are out with their friends to get the scalp of the treasurer. That Olllln recognises his desperate strait waa evidenced day before yesterday when he sent a call for help to a demo cratic leader in Omaha. The leader, who has a big following down here, la under stood to have recalled the fact that QlUIn refused to help McShane last tall. Glllln'a appeal was denied snd be must now fight slope. Queenan, in discussing the matter, said yesterday: "Every real democrat In town will vote for John Cribble In place of Oillln. who haa put the success ef the whole ticket in Jeopardy by bis official conduct." Frank Good, who felt sure ana safe In bis tleup with Olllln. Is beginning to look askance at the alliance and war In that section is Imminent Plvaaka Veehaeged. While the republicans were' preaching their platform of honesty and efficiency te a meeting of the residents In the vi. olnlty of Twenty-fifth and P streets last night. Fire and Police Commissioner Joe Ptvonka was saaurlng a crowd of demo orals at Thirty-sixth and TJ streets that FIVE PARTS of a National Cash Register which benefit Merchants. The Indicators ' r 'When a sale is recorded a bell rings. This draws, the attention of, every one' to the amount which the figures at the top of the register show. The publicity of each ' record -helps -enforce the correct handling of your money., and accounts, s. . , n -, . ' i TheAddlng Counters The same which the amount, indicators show, is added on total adding wheels . inside the register. , This added record ' enables you to prevent losses. The Sales-Strip MUUpT -The register prints on the. salevstrip the same figures which the indi cators show. From it you can know every, transaction occurring in your store regardless of - where you may be. This printed record en ables you to settle dis putes and trace sales, The Printed Receipt This printed 'receipt, showing the amount of sale, goes to- the cus tomer when the sale is recorded. "-' The receipt, in connec tion with the added and printed records, enables you to get all your money, therefore all your profits. Clerks Individual Counters and Cash Drawers The individual counters tell ' how much each clerk sells. In connec tion with the separate cash drawers, they ' make each clerk respon sible for his own trans actions. - You can judge the value of each clerk in your employ; because you have accurate rec ords to measure each ' one's ability, honesty. t accuracy and industry. A modern National Cash Register is easy to operate, does so - much and costs so little. It will pay tot to investigate how a National will benefit your ' business. Send for booklet! H. B. WHTTEHOUSE, Sales Agent Tar National Cash Registers 404. S. Fifteenth St, Omaha, Neb. f sol If elected he would perform In the same manner as he had done In the last two years. - Plvonka told the democrats present that he was out for Ryan and that if the democrats did not vote for Ryan they need not vote for him. " The effect ot Pivonks'a speech on the other candidates was apparent In the wry smiles with which the words of the speaker were received. Later the dis comfiture was Increased when John Fra nek took the floor to address the meet ing. Hla words lacked their usual hearti ness and there was little response from the hearers. The most noteworthy feature ot the meeting, however, was the absence of Treasurer John OUIIn. This waa for merly a Glllln territory, but the suave treasurer had evidently learned ot his present unpopularity In that section and deterred hla visit to a more auspicious date. PelMlral Clah Meeting. The colored political and social club held a rousing meeting last night at M North Twenty-sixth street, Over 90S members were present ander the chair manship ot W. I Sawyers, who Intro duced the candidates of the republican and cttixrns tickets The meeting was full of Interest and after listening to the candidates and Mayor J. J. Trainor, the meeting ad journed until Friday -night, when the club will vote on the endorsement of can didate to be supported by the members. The club Is a permanent organisation and the members expressed their Interest In the coming tall election. 8. U Arvln acted as secretary of the meeting. Farmer lalared. Projected headlong from his wagon which was standing at Twenty-fifth and N streets yesterday evening, Peter Lasarowlcs, a farmer residing in 8ary county Just south ot Thirty-sixth atreet. suffered a severe blow on the head and a fracture of the left ankle. Lasarowlcs was' standing upright In the wagon when hla horse took fright The audden Jolt threw htm out on the pavement and the wagon passed over his left leg. . - ' He was attended by Dr. A. H. Koenig who sent him to the South Omaha hospital Republican Platform, The republicans ef South Omaha have bullded a platform with a foundation of pledges tor a better, cleaner and mora buslneas-like municipal government. The platform follows: Honesty and efficiency In all depart ments. Wa nledre a cleaner ana more compe tent government lor nouta umsns. We pledge a rigid eooaomy in every department of the city.- We pledge emancipation from the bond am of contractor domination. - We pledge a clean, honest, sober and Miun fir and Do lice board. . We pledge a more rigid Inspection of an material and methods ot laying pave ments and that the people ah all desig nate the malarial without Interference ef contractors or solltldsns. We pledge the adoption of such a sys tem of bookkeeping as will protect the Interests ef all taxpayers. We pledge that every dtlsen ot our oHy snail have the right to vote for ha ha dI eases and have the vote counted without going te court to have this right estabttsnea. At the meeting ef the campaign com mittee of the cltlsens' progressive party held but night at their headquarters, the charges made In the World-Herald re flecting upon the personality and com petency ef present City Attorney Henry C. Murphy, seeking te discredit him and to create a teles impreastoa that hla in dorsement has caused some members of said party ta loee interest In the work undertaken by them, met with a vigorous expression of disapproval, which cul minated In the passage of the following resolution: ... We take' this ssnaelon ta make public announcement of the fact that Mr. Mur phy 'a Indorsement for city attorney went to ' him unsolicited and In response to the tact that hla manage ment ot the legal affairs of the city for the last two years warrants the highest eemmendatlona at the hands of all good out sena, and that we denounce thia meibitoua and unwarranted attack as being an attempt on the part ot certain people In the gang seeking to revenge the city attorney because of his fearless stand aa city attorney on all matters af fecting the public welfare and tights of the taxpayers. Signed: CITIZENS' COMMITTEE. Maa-ls Clr Ceeelp. . Wednesday Is bargain day at Flynn'a Open In tha evening. Bui a Ooldatrom la understood te be out of the city for the present. Frank Purdy and Chauncey Mann of Lincoln were the week-end guests of friends here. Mrs. McDonald of Tekaman Is the guest ef her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marsh, SIM S street f Mlas Hatch. 48! South Thirteenth atreet will entertain the Brown Park Lad lea' Aid aoclety this afternoon. Tbe Woodmen of the World drill team 111 will give a box social and dance thia evening at Odd Fellows' halt The young people of the Lefler Memorial church, Fifteenth and Madison streets, will give an Old Folks conceit Thurs day evening at S o'clock. Mrs. H. Rothkoft haa returned from the Nebraska sanitarium, where aba haa has besa for the last month. Henry Jensen. M2S N street South Omaha, died yesterday. Mr. Jensea was Si years old. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Booth Omaha Camp No. til. Woodmen ot tbe World degree team, will entertain at a box social Wednesday evening for friends snd members at Odd Fellows ball The kenslngton circle ot the South Omaha drove No. W, Woodmen Circle, will entertain this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Dolesoi, 401 North Twenty-second street Tls a new -ray bonnet With a flower garden on K, Juaf brought from Ryan's store; Wear It Easter Sunday, It will, I know, become thee, - 'Tie the style your mother wore. - KARBACH BEFORE THE JURY He Tells of Methods Employed by Fire and Police Board. ENTIRE BODY IS SUBPOENAED Boar aad Mayer Will Be Ojaee-! tlened at Teday'e Keeeloe, Fal lowing t'p lafermsattoa driven by Karbaeh. Activity. Member Karbach of the tire and police board was haled before the grand Jury eaterday morning and questioned as to hla knowledge of methods employed within the inner circle ot that body. Information secured from him by the Jury la the basis of a general summon to all members ot the board. Including Mayor Dahlman. to appear this morn ing to answer Karbach's testimony. Mr. Karbach spent considerable of the morning with the Jury, and after ad journment It waa stated . that be was questioned about the purchase ot sup plies and equipment - Purchases which the board Is authorised te make Indhider costly fire apparatus, police equips g snd the like. : Long . Seetalaed The belief prevails among thoae who kept close tab. on things municipal that Karbach'a appearance followa the gen eral and more or lees specific charges he haa made from time to Ume against the fire' and police board. In this connection he was prominent early last year when Chief Donahue wat tried on 'ouster proceedings brought, by the state for alleged failure to enforce the ' liquor law. " Karbach haa mad charges freely - and without restriction, the result, being that he haa had tilts win other officials At one time he and the mayor had a lively encounter.' . . . Pare, la . Slackened." The Jury took a recess at the cIom of the morning session and will not re convene until this morning. It la said that It la the Intention ot he Jury to hold light aeaslona from now on until after the coming primaries. This would Indicate that there will not be an early adjournment . Girl Refuses to Go Home to Her Parents Juvenile court off! dale received a tele gram Monday from the parents of Miss Iva Hubert of Waterloo, la, earing their H-yoer-dd daughter baa run away from home and was going te Denver to get married. "Get her to come back," was the final plea at the parents, Probation Officer Carver met the train oa which the girl waa supposed to be. Without difficulty he found her, a pretty, obstinate little girl wW quietly informed him that he could eend her back If be wanted te. but she would run away again. , Too see J met hlra frequently for eight months. He's a fine man and I'm going to marry him. I'm 17 years old snd if I don't get married this year I will next; so there." Carver argued but finally succumbed to tha tears of the pretty girl and told her to go oa and get married and sent hla eongratulaUens to tha flne mshtfal Paiaa tbe sumach, torpid liver, lame back and weak kidneys are soon relieved by Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. iSa Per sale by Bsc ton Prog Co. Peters Has New Alfalfa Mill M..C. raters, head of the Peters Mill ing - company, haa perfected a machine for the milling of alfalfa, and he Is hav ing a working model made by Paxton A Vlerilng. Mr. Fetera says that the new machine cuts alfalfa In such a man ner as to make It a granular meal Instead of pulverised dust, aa do most of the alfalfa milling machines. Alfalfa cut on Mr. Peters' machine Is said to be more a cereal than anything else and It makes a. much better feed for chickens and stock than the ' pulverised etuff. Mr. Peters Intends to establish a number of alfalfa mills In Nebraska and Wy oming. . SHERIFF'S MEN RAID DISORDERLY HOUSE Deputy shertffe raided Floeale May's place at S3) North Sixteenth street late Tueediiy night and arrested three women and one man, all of whom were charged with being Inmates of a disorderly houst The proprietress waa aot arrested becaust she could aot be found when the rak waa made. Boys' Confirmation Suits In the New Knicker $3.95 bocker Style S3.95 "We have just received a large shipment of Boys' Blue Serge Suit?, that were made to sell at $5. Our buyer secured an advantage that enables us to sell them at $3.95. Made from absolutely all wool; high-grade, fast eolor blue serge. THE COATS have extra strong linings, hair cloth fronts, felled collars and padded shoulders, and are guaranteed to retain their shape permanently. THE KNinvERBOCKERS are lined throughout all seams are taped and triple sewed and are warranted 'not to rip they have excelsior waist bands and belt loops. A strong $5.00 value Our Special Price . . $3.95 Spring Hats For Boys Snappy, new aha pea that ex actly accord with boys' Ideas of what he wants. In black and all shades ot brown and gray. ' Ex ceptional qualities at . , , $1.00 Spring Caps For Boys "HEIDCAPS A large) ajH-ortmeat In solid black, blue and fancy mlxtores; also novelties in (trowa snd rar, at 25c to $1.00 gggggH wgpBeBW-aBr ' I ' JOHN FRANEK IS INDICTED - aa-aw. , Sonth Omaha Council President Held for Liquor Violation. . . BROTHER MEMBER GIVES BOND This Is First ef aereral Iadletaseats Kapected aad Aetlea ilea De. asoraliaed Machine at f Which Me la Head. John Franek, democratic president ot the South Omaha diy council and mem ber from the Hecond ward has been in dicted by the grand Jury. The belief la the charge ot Illegal sale of 'liquor on August ti, primary day. The papers were served Tuesday night and Wednea day morning Franek appeared to give bunds. Bond waa furnlnhed by Matt Peterson, democratic councilman tor the sixth ward. This Is the first of the Indictments ex pected In South Omaha and the news has demur sliced tha local democratic ma chine of which Franek Is one ot the pil lars. The Indictment Is a direct reflec tion on the fire and police board, which had knowledge ot the ease last August, but refused to eonalder the asms attar Franek had been tried and acquitted oa a similar charge. Vlelatre Lienor Law. Franek runs a saloon at Twentieth and 8 streets and It wae charged that be openly sold liquor oa primary day last August. Ths esse was brought before the Fire and Police board tor trial, but that body refused to consider the matter alleging that tbe dismissal of prevtcus similar charge bad closed tbe matter. News of the Indlotnseat apraad rapidly and the gang that has controlled for as .ong were plainly downcast. The report of grand Jury action caused considerable others known to be Included In the Fire anji police board Investigation. Omaha Ad Men to Go b to Dallas Meeting The eighth annual convention of the National Association of Ad clubs of America will be held at Dallas. Tex., beginning May IS. and lasting for over a week. The "100 te Delias club" ot Omaha la making arrangements lo at tend the convention In a body, and as are s Urge number of other Omaha bus iness man. The Omaha delegation will leave Sat urday morning. May IK, and will arrive at Dallas the following morning. The following committee has charge of ths trip: Victor White, C. C. Rose water, j, A. C. Kennedy and R. B. Wallace. BLUFFS AUTHORITIES THINK ATKINSON'S NEPHEW HERE James P. Atkinson, who died In the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital In Council Bluffa early Monday morning, is believed to have a nephew In Omaha. Atkinaon waa Injured In falling ever a stairway . banister in the State hotel Saturday night about II o'clock. The . body Is st Cutler's morgue In rv.n-M.ll Rluffa waltlaa for a relaHvtk elJra It Atkinaon waa M years eld, unmarried, and worked for a railroad contractor la western Canada for the last three sum mere, and came to Council Biaffa for the winter months , Backache Is eaty ear af taaay aysspteaM wbiea i dart thr-ralh weakaeee er dnpUeeateat el lao ergaas. Mn. Lixxie White of Mampkia, Teaa., wrwta Dr. , ft. V. Pierce, at loirewa i At times I wat hardly able te be gey feed. I believe I bad every p-aaa aad aebe wieaia . see Id bave. Had eery bed ease, less real ergee-a were eery aawob die. seed aad say bash ' wee very weak. I aaaTered s di-aa deal wwJl erveae beedeobee. fas fee. I eafared ad ever. This wee gay eeediriee wrbea-1 wrece as ywa as edviee. Afletr lakJ-ed yeer 'Pev-ereM ft .so-as Mee,' let a beet tJaree ages eea say abet gar ; beeftb was aevet better." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Ilk positive eere lor weakaeee aad eiseeae el the see-Mae orfeasjei. it aflave iedaesaistiee, keels eicerotioe aad sgstkas aeaa. Teese aad bailee sp tbe eanea. De net permit a disksesst dealer te taWtttsts for thia asadieiae wbiea baa raaard ef H years ef en res, " Ne, I seek yea, I weal wnei I eat hr.M y as edge. a tonic, a food and a beverage l III Brewed from all the finest hops and grains pro curable, under strict-direction of a brew-master who knows every turn in the process of beer-makinl Old Age is the finest of beverages and the beer for the home. Always keep a case on ha..-. IN AMBER BOTTLES to protect it from the purity-destroying light rays and to keep it fresh for months after it has left the brewery. FAMILY TRADE SUPPLIED BTl Seat Omaha WM. JETTER, zaoa W. 6r Phewe So. SM. Omaha HI GO F. BUZ, 1S2 DongUs SC. Pbotae Dongiaa 1542. JETTER BHE17IHG CO. SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Kay to the BUuetloo-Bee "Tll1rn