4 TIIE BEE: 0MA1IA. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912. HELD FOR WHITE SLAYERY Sertie lore sod Claude Stoley Ar-, ; rested at Hot Springs, Ark. TO BE BROUGHT TO OMAHA Mrnl GnMl - Jary Which Cea- veaea Here Kelt Meath Will i. fwtMtr Caae GIH la j . Breach t from rh lease. :Twa Omaha persona hv been arrested In Hot Spring. Ark., and are twin brought back to Omaha by federal author-Hie to anewer to the charge of white slavery. Tbey are Bertie Love and Claud gtotey. who formerly conducted a disorderly bouse at 51 South Thirteenth Bertie Lore and Stoley are alleged to lava brought from Chicago to Omaha rta Dea Moines, Juanlte Ford, a 1-yeer-old girl, tor Immoral purposes, and by creating from on elate to another violated tlx Internal commission lawa . The three persona were first sighted In Chicago br th federal authorities and war trailed by th government authori ties ea suspicion. It being throught that th girl w t be used In whit slavery. Special Agent U. 1. Una Of th Depart ment of Justice was placed on th case and Informed that th trio was brand for Dea if olnea. Mr. Urns . was In Rock Island at the time on another case, but managed to arrive la Dea Moines five minute In advaac of the three.' When Peril Leva and the man and young girl arrived la Daa Maine they purchased ticket to? Omaha.. Mr. Um took the sum train and followed the threa from' th Union depot In Omaha to Sl South Thirteenth street. t " Mr. Urns the wast ta th l'ltd States attorney's oftiee and, filed a complaint agalast Bertl 1y and Jtolry,.but when be attempted to serve the papers on the pair a day later the girl had been spirited away and. Love; and Meter had left town. The girl was later located la a place of confine roent and Interviewed br Urns and told the whel story. Special Agent D. C. BeUeqmn f St. Loula .waa. thee placed en th trail, Um having been put on an other, case, and arrested th pair In Hot Springs yesterday. Their case will be In vestigated by th federal grand Jury next month, ft (- Dakotas Looking for Bumper Crops P. at. Arne. with th Retail Hardware Dealers' association of Sioux Falls. & D., at the Millard, said he believed that crop condition In his state never looked more hopeful and that with the heavy ralna of last fall and th snows of this winter, will. If seed corn la no problem, enable South Dakota to nave record breaking crops, not only of com, but In other grain. Seed com. he believes, will not be hard to obtain by th Dakota farmers, aa It Is a different corn than what la grown In Nebraska or Iowa. Lurid Advertising -, to Be Suppressed Fire ' sale of merchandise, railroad Tracked aalea and any startling misrep resentation or fraud la advertise menu by merchant will be classed as mis demeanors and violation of an ordlaeao t be drafted by thoae Interested In sup pressing such lerld advertising. Member of the Commercial club and the license Inspecting depart asnt bellrve thl prevent ordinance 1s not sufficient to cover th case aad will probe. Mr pre sent another to the eouncll within tba eat few week. It la really a mesne ef luring custo mers and oftea ef selling thetn Inferior Bserrhandtae at. a price for which good or the beat could be bought, ear thoee la favor of regulation by ordinance. "The ordinance) pa see i do act leg Biate and we would Ilk to have some means of controlling or preventing such outrage aa this,' said Aaalstant J4cenee Inspector Mathleaen, picking wp a large nd lurid advertisement ef a -'"wreck 1 " personal paragraphs ( ' f Mr. Joseph H. Wolley. the well known attorney of Urand Island. I In the city. JNebreekens and lows na registered a, maha hotels: ltome-4.'. Herbert Coy, Valley; Mr., and Mrs. K. Smeenk. Del saoot, S. D.j A. li. Ellis, Be City. Iowa; i. A. Rice, Unooln; C. O. Davla and Wife. Uncoln; K. L. alrBrtdc and wife. Lincoln; A. D. KesbIL Tekamaa. Ilan-ahaw-Jullua K Jungblutk, Arlington! C T. Bteffeas, Calhoun; James 11. Ksiley, Mason City, la.; Oeorge W. Mitchell and Wife, Winner. 8. D.: D. A. Nlppell, Ne. Hgk. Fasten C. I. Bernard, Norfolk; M. M. Murray, Falrbury; K. M. Chapman. Aurora; H. D. Watson, Kearney; C. Os uar Olson. Shelby; Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Chapman, Kvanaton; C. A. Becker, Park City, la.; M- K. Beach. Shey. la.; II. 8. (filleapie. Mapletoo, le t H. M. My and Wife, Maplelu. REUGIOUS CAMPAIGN OPENS First Meeting tt the Tint Presby terian Church Last Evening. UK. LAUSISO STEAKS TWICE Talk the ttadeata at the Ft. hytertaa Theelear Sesslaa ry aad at th lalveretty f Oasaha. The opening gun In th Men and Re ligion Forward Movement waa fired yes terday In the appearance of Df. Isaac 1. ' Lansing of New Tork City, expert on social service, who Immediately launched Into his work by addressing th Presbyterian seminary and the Omaha university yesterday morning In mass meeting, promulgating the prin ciples of hi department. I la estimated that over sixty of Omaha's churches and their pastors have united to forward the work which Intends to envoka th apt ritual duties of lb citlsen of Omaha, especially the men and boys, and that with succeeding days days till Sunday the committee of speak ers and coworkers will carry on an ac tive campaign to arouse the men to a more active Interest, especially on the social aspect the church stands for today. fh. movement Intend to awaken a pacific Interest by the men and boys In the 'aortal service of th churches and Dr, Lansing, leader la this department, is eager to arouse Omaha along, with ether cities of the Mat sod country to a faN realisation of th Importance of tills feature In the development of the' moral and religious duties which Is sver before a Christina nation. That th leaders of . th Men and Religion Forward movement have given aortal service so prominent a place- in th proposed campaign lndlratea their appreciation of how close this feature Is to ale of America manhood. In this connection the leaders of this work who are vlsttmg Omaha will make an especial effort to formulate a systsm by which th churches of the city may uka ad vantage te bring the men and boys closer to a better appreciation of what the church means to them. Most Extraordinary Special Sale l ,-Ittt .V'': 'r-v:' .-TV". r . '(! I w omens pipeDpnng ifflsf 1 a Dougnt irom a prominent in ew i otk manuiac- mx i : 'sl fiitor of o f1roof rvina nnrt raocrrrroii-TfT nrtnAf " tr coll -S 1 "1- Bought from ' a prominent New York manufac- V(iK fni"at" of n ttfAof nnpo OfSnp'iecinn...nnoihvplv morlo tr coll a-va awaVaa V.a v j " X iuiiin to h ..o urt nn o p I hiircna7 nn nur cppnnn T nnr ar ""'6V VAA tAeV AiU10UU;,Vll . . . , . JT . T, j i' Detective is Sued , for Vicious Attack Detective Henry ilettfeldt cracked John A. B. Martin In the mouth with a revolver, knocking ut -two teeth, and Inflicted other painful Injuries, according to a demand tor m,(W damages filed by Martin. Ileltfeld Is sued on tils bond, th boading company having been made Pa-defendant. . Msrtln, Who conducts a rooming bouse at lilt Douglas street, recites that De tective Heltfeld cam to bis place oa th asoralng of February to Inailtut a search. Realataac may have been given, for Martin declares that the offi cer struck him on th back of th head, flooring him. Martin picked himself up only to be felled again. Ibis time hla eye glasses gtavlng been ahattared. He came up for the third Um aad was struck violently ta th mouth with th defec tive's revolver. wtldlaa revejIU. C Barker. 1S0I-U Harney street, areaway. under sidewalk. ,; yred Turkeon. IU South Thirty-first street: Louie A. Cottrell. 41 North Nine teenth atreet, frame dwelling; KJM.' ..' ; Th kit est point ef iromas's htp tsst raacbe4 only thmcda moth sraood. la Um eUsptag oX kar child within her iTBt Tat th wxOm4 t Is oftea tearfal ot ba lure's ordal hod shrinks from th uffertnc ind eat to lu ecciummatlon. But tor Hare's ills ssd discomforts nature provides reoMdlse, and ta Mother's rrlead is to be touad a raedlcla ot treat Tala to every zpeetaat suother. It hi as. eamlsloa tor site real ppUcatioa, rampoeed ot arrwdlents Uca act vita seoeflclal and aootn lag effect ba (hoe portions ot the artteai tarehred. R is la tended to prepare tae system tor the erlaii, and ,tbos rellerv. la creat part, tba suffer tog through which the toother usually Ipaesea. Th regular as of Mother ,Frtend win rrT any nvotaer In th comfort tt affords before, and the help ffttl restoration to health and strength tt brings about after. Ukf cornea, (Mother's Friend J tor sal at -rag stores. Jwrite for our tree book for expectant moth ers which contains (TO Webster Gives Up Water Company Books The water company yesterday got possession ef lu books which have heeq ra th hands ot John L. Webeter. at. terney for the water "board, when the heating of th case waa resumed la th federal court before Master In Chancery Oeorge H, Thamnval. Uf. Webster has had the books for some time and refused to give them up, awarding te-B. F. Stoat, attorney for the water company. A aubpoenae waa aaked far by Mr. Stout and was served en hlr. Webeter command 1 htm to "ring th hook to court, which h did. and turned them ever to the water com- e Xl-iic ic fK mncf Mirrnr1prfiil calp nf camnlpc rf MrntriPn'c Viirrh inlacc annafpl : fl A 1 livj xJ iifv UlvJs nuuuliui ijuiu ui ;uiiiiw w a it utttvii u aaaaa vtuu ujuivi i i-riif Rronr1!c ftfrtrc vAr KioM . 5rvM-c rf t Via rrlrct efnnnind ' finrl nfrfpptlv tailorpH ctSrind.'i I tltai s-& uuuwiu utuivu v.t VI iiviu, uvuivj ut, litv , utvtii uiutuuu eassv. viiwyki euasvri u upiiu suits made up as samples for one of New Tork's exclusive wholesale tailors every one an e ee se e' . e' ' 1f1rt" J t. :'m 1..' it- ' it:?, hi 1 f ' '' ' inaiviauai styic.ior wil ana an oi mem sening at mucn less man ineir aciuai vaiue. www ' . e a . .1 . eejaaaaaaaaasssaaaassaaasaaaasaaaajssaaaaaaaaass . '. XT' 1 PROMOTION FOR OMAHA ' ROAD SUPERINTENDENT J. J. O'N'elll, who for the last ai months haa been local auperlntendeat of the Nebraska division ef the Omaha road. Wednesday morning received notice ot his transfer to th Northern Wisconsin di vision ef the same road, with bead auarters'at apooner, wis. I. U Welch from the operating department and who has been assutant to the superlntenden of the Southern Wisconsin dlvistoa, with aeadetiartara at Baa Claire beeamea su perintendent of the Nebraska division. mock valuable "lcformatlon, and ausr suggestions ot aeiprul nature. ilADFinj) MOTJLTOI ca, AllaaU. Ca. . DQX'T 6ET RUN DOWN - Weak sue wneiaia a rm se Kieaer er irt- puss in (iw auft sr.S teri IM .1! ..v m . "THan uhat-s aRosUTtc w.xr. th. . It er blkv We ken soar ew snnacal s.u.M eke ase m4 this affsl tuamtj. kM B leanUter a hM ae V?1 r aMsar Orsfe AHOMAT1C Utar er mm er aul far at eu. - t'- T kicker (Mr C . LeRor. N. T DROWN'fl Brokchiax. Troches or annaiin. Ceaghs, laaaawd laieaa. Be. gmetalrsuet. Aaarktoa(aBSerlerssena.Ba. aeisslytiatiwaiaa7aanafaliBgialsa. Seat eauyaaaw aaipis mellettree. ifSBM L PHfWM a aoj), RoeML Vaas. CHILD PLAYS WITH MATCHES AND HOUSJECATCHES FIRE The 4-year-eld chn ef Helmaa Schwarts while playing with matches eaardair morning la a eJuaet oa the second floor of their home at i Lind say avenue set some clothes on fire, which eauaed a loss ot shout IM to the clothe end furniture. Th child was not burned. . " 3!G VERDICT FOR FALL DOWN ELEVATOR SHAFT William Wunrath, who fell down an elevator shaft while employed by the Proptea' Furniture and Carpet company, haa been awarded Hut damage In dis trict court. He asked for B3.S) (or per sonal Inlartes. Tl-.e eaae waa tried once eror Vul U)e Jury disagreed. Blithe aad Dew the. Births Ran and Uwrtla Abbott. UM 6outk Twemy-etath street, girl; R. F. and Kllsa H. Dewar, 4M Reea etreet. Benson, boy; Harry and ToWa Oilbert, MJT North Twenty-fourth atreet. girl; Bert Weaver and wife, lea California atreet. boy. beathe-Oeenre Bogara. M years. St. Bernard's hospital ; J. i. Poulk, a years. Wood, Blver. Neb.; Frank Dorwurt, M rears. M North SJatemth etreet: Jo eeph Hodge, years. 113 WiVt atreet; Minnie Feteraon. l years, un Lafsv. jette avenue; Mrs. A. Minardi. years. .Flereore; WBlie Stremberg. 4 year St. Joseph's hospital: Mr. Kathcrine Klng jeitr. It years. Grand Island We state, positively .: that so . many exquisite styles in women s ; spring suits: never were offered at special sale.' Here are all cbl- jars and all new, wool fab ricsall sizes for women i and misses, , J '" $40, $50 and $60 Suits at Newest spring ideas, white Merges, white whipcords, light; shades, light hairline stripes, etc. new long lapels, new-ratine trimmings new shape) skirts every ' elerer spring novelty. HAMEM Jf Iffi SUITES LiTelf Eeoeption Aocorded Cituent' X Uaioa sal labor Tickets. . nrfafBTUg IXAVT5B BOTE BODIES Cesaplalata Methede aad ateeelts. ef Flatferaa Anaeaaeeet aad ea Other -Fwtet Are flea 4 eraaly Heard'. As the alatea are cenung eut la the eommtsetonerahlp contest, the hammers are appearing aa a matter of course. And some pretty lively hammer awiaglng la la piogioea. aa can be determined by ilatenlng wherever two er three are gath ered together to discuss the local altua tloa. t la th Cltlsens union much murmuring Is heard; dtaaattstactloa with the Ucket chosen, with th. method pursued, and with the plattona announced I eanreoeed and talk of withdrawal among mem sera I rife. On candidate for the endorsement of the CUtaena' union la said by hla sup porters te have bad th votes of o9 me ra kers, who Joined especially that they might vote tor him. tie are Ignored by the executive commute, aad aow hla friends Insist that he will g te th poll and bust the computation wide open. Lab Leasee Ala Split. Much the same coadiUoa exists In the Labor kagu. The slats aaekere there have not met with the enthusiastic sup port of the aneaabera that they expected, and ar getting some pretty plain talk troaa the tnea v -e are expected to fur nish the vote. Withdrawal of some ef the big labor organisation front the league seem certain. The platform adopted by the entases' uniea cndite also the topic ot eoa- stderabl .weated dtecusstoei. It was adopted by the candidates who expect te run on tt. but tt doeaat asset the ap proval of aa who are expected to assist : la electing them. Especially Is It eh-j iectad te by th editor of the newspaper ! that waa looked apoa aa being th real I tusaasated advocate of all ta Cltaams' ' tmloa adopted. He ha openly expressed I hat disapprove of the document perhaps j because he did awt writ it, and aow the candidata' are receiving 'demands that the plattona he recalled. - Omly Vaeelfteh srentalehttaa. : Th pubHcty committee ef th CUtaena' union pots out Its daily "dope sheet" setting forth that th Clttseoa union Is a "self-constituted" body, but Is only ne ot a number of such; the difference being, according to th bulletin, that the Cltlsens' union Is the only on that Is sot organised for a selfish put poos, the only one without aa axe te grind er a special Interest to serve. WAR TO BE WAGEO ON CARDS PLACED ON POSTS A war upon bill posters, politicians and ethers who pise Boaters er seacards apoa telepaon aad telegraph poles throughout Qmaha wilt ba . laaugu.e morning by th nolle. Captala Henry Dunn will detail several officer with a wagon te drive ever the city ead remove the unsightly poetera. signs or whatever they may be. Chief of Police Donahue says that pol iticians are making the Botes took un sightly sad bin poetera an giving Omaha a country look by placing their sagas apoa th poles. MarrsaeT leecaeaa. The following couples secured licensee te wed: Name and residence: Age: Otto Pickering. Omaha S Btnel Peuraua, Arlington... ti Thotna K. Kltigeraid. Hooper, Nek.,.. M (trace Seamena, Clarke. Keb 2 Francis i. Thompson. San Diego, Cal... 30 Olive I. Leadbetter, Austin, i.l 8 William W. Walton. Im Angslee. Cel.. XI Belle a Kibbler. Meadow Grove. Neb... J? John O'Brien. South Omaha. 23 Fern Blake. Clan ad, la. a John B Crawford. Omaha. Kuaabetb K. Heflla, Omaha. Oeorge Lewry. Lincoln 11 Ruth liotoerta, Liacoin a Jay W. Bart leu. Omaha. r. Helen Gay. Omaha. a Clyde H. Durham. Uncoln- a Alt Moesberger, Uncoln 1 Joerph H. 11111. Omaha Kvaltna Hudson, Ciemento, Kan.. a Mltrbeu W. RedeL Rlalr Myrtle Mlllroua. Blair M If yoa have anything to esxhanga, ad reriiae It la Th Ee Want Ad columns. t Myers Advises 411 . to Invest Money - in Real Estate Th Increaalng Fries of Gold and Its Effect ea th Prices of Real Estate" was th ytl ot an address made by F. H. Myers of the Benson gt Myera company, before the Real Eatat E- ebang yesterday. The sneaker contended that th present high coat cf living was largely due tt the ever Increaalng production of gold coin and prophesied greater unrest up risings and radicalism thaa at th present Say wer etnred In the future Mr. Myers aays the prospect for the '-ncreaae in dividends on stocks and bonds not bright Real aetata, he declared, a due for a tremendous ad ranee being associated with ether eoounodiUes. His advtos te those who wish.' te beco wealthier is te go la debt tt seed be to purohea reel estate. J. H. Dtuaoat followed with the read ing 'of eocne letters from Oeorge 1L Payne, president of V Payne Invest, ment company, wbo Is visiting en the Bermuda islands. Mr. aad Mrs. Payne and their party left New Tork March t on a sea voyage, Lloyd A. WiUla conferred with the ex rhang anent fh building of ea apart nt house on th lot recently purchased him at Downy, aad Park avenue and ilarney atreet The lot Is sixty feet wide by M feet deep. He wanted to know akbut the sis snd elaborateness of the structure. laiered Iw Fir or bruised by a fall, apply B'uckleo's Arnica 61 vs. Cures burns, cuts, wounds, bolls, sores, acsema, piles. Guaranteed Sc. For sals by Beaton Drag Co. "ouot say" HORLICK'S Hltani .. ; Orlgloal and ImuIn MALTED MILK Thi Food-drink for All kgtu . . More LeaMifJ iKaaTea or Ccsfee. ' Agrees with the- weslcat cueatiaa. : Rich milk, msJieyj grain, ppwdq form. A tiick back preptrea ia niimte. TaV m aaostitato. Atk PsrHORlIOLT. sf" Others tare imitations. Low Rates South APRIL 2 and 16 ROUND TRIP FARES FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS CUca St- Leale .Fh. $SX7 $2$M .- " M.50 2940 . MM 31.45 . " 44 0 J7 M . 34-50 29.40 . " MM 2 ,40 . 30X0 20 AS 1.7 .T0 Fh. 31.7S 23.70 Miss, 30X0 22.00 St Aarestiae, ..Fh. $3&1S 2-0S rhaW Ft UaaWeals-- " 44-IS 37.0S GaaasiviDs " SSM 2S.7S Oats 34 SO ZM Fsrt arrant " 36.SO 20.40 Psklka 35.40 24.30 Vest Fike teats " 42.PO 35 SO ' i ii " 34.50 20.40 lajkad Fh. 34.50 29.40 lay snwaa..-.Ah. 30X0 20.45 Fsaasai Cay Fau .- 24US Dew Orlssas-..-La. 30.00 22.00 aaah Ala. 3000 2045 .Ah. 2A5 2055 FtpiHioaatery Le-w Rasas U Meay Other Peaeaa sn Alabama, Hofida Georgia, Terutessee um1 Misaisalppt 25 DAYS RETURN UMIT. LIBERAL STOP OVER PRIVILEGES FOR FULL INFORMATION ADDRESS J. L DAVENPORT, D. T. JL, Sl Leak, Ms. P. W. MORROW, K t. P. Jl, CWara, Ifl. 3 - Rug Sale tlAYDEH'S Fradajr, SatarJay, Uomif . . Mar. , Mar. so, Apr. I $51,090 Stock of Perfect lew Spring loss The choicest lot of Bag bar tains ready cash has ever se cured as A great opportunity for yoa to bay that saw rag at a hif series; . see turn cupuy : Watch BuTy Taptrt t