Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Infants' Short
For Easter
Dainty little dressea,
every one, and all ready to
lip m. Mothtri hive found
that the dreasea delected at
thla abop fire the little tot
a. gweet, cnlldrih appear
ance aa eiclnalre and in
dividual aa are the pretty
trice and apleadid Work- "
manahip of the carmesta
The aev dreeaea are ghowa in floe lewna, nalnaook and batiate,
aoie are trimmed with exquisite lace and embroidery, many have
featherstltchlng and French knots, otbera are hand embroidered.
The aliea are ( months. 1 and 2 yeara, and the price lower thia
one could make the dreeaea for at home.
73 S1.00 S1.25 "d S1.50
V." invite your apecial lnapectlon of beautiful showing, ot
handmade dreeaea ot French nainsook and lawa, head embroidered
and entirely hand made. Sizes month. 1 and t years.
Price $1.75 S2.25 S2.95 3.23 "d P-
rational line la what ha bad U ear.
Oasdaer Informed ma mat k had no
lateotto r desire to craata a disturb
ance that that b would ceatloa alt bear
era BOt te do Tlelanra, From what I
fast told aaw. b kept his word. It waa
, adding mat he said that aroused the
'nob stint, as far a I know.
"The aollce wore particularly careful
'last BUM to do nothing that would start
trouble. Tber stood bravely all klada si
tauata aad ridlcul aa the street. aub
'Htod taemoalrea to easealta with brlee.
bats aad rocks aad finally wkea three
of the were ertvea to the liver bank,
without rH face ea their part, they
flaaliy found refege la the police station.
An Wlaaawe Broken.
. "Whoa the nee) eaaa down ta the
pence atatlea the polio did not epoa
Or end Iker found tber were trapped
aad then they fired several rot lays ever
the head of the crowd after Comaahv
aloaor Hon had go out la front of
the etatioe and urged the mob la kindly
toma lo darner. He was t with
Jeer aad Uuata aad fusillade of brick
bat. "The shot wore fired late the crowd
aaly after moat of the window In the
oily hail and station bad baea broken
had a number of the peUcomea tnstde
had beoa kit with brick and tones.
"Th hol trouble from It Inception
Biay a traced lo the fact that I en
forced the law against disorderly saloon
aad obop uey olnla That ia what
brought forth the attack upon me by
the Looney paper and It it at the bottom
of the entire disturbance.
, "Wo are not going u quit now until w
reatore order aad rM the city of the ele
ments of disorder and deruaee.
"Further pubilo assemblage whore
pollUral addreeeoa may be mad, will
aot a allowed uaUl eulat I restored
and the loono of the etty will he cloeed
fur the preaamV ti . .
' PEORIA. Ill, March I7.-Flre original,
lag from poataneou eombuatioa ia
painter's supplies la the gymnasium, gut
tad Peoria' new Toung Men Chriitlan
asooctaUoa buUdlng at o'clock this
mormag. Loas estimated at W.0Q. The
bulldmg we all but completed aad only
yesterday at Boon, worker ended a cam
pntfa for HMO for furnishing for the
bending. The building waa erected at a
oeat of net.) aad ha beoa three yeara
b I he betiding. A building risk of Ca.J
waa eamed ea the etructur by tha oon
t meter aad at a mooting of the director
Oil fereaeoa. plana wore aiad to repair
and aomphno the build tag.
BCiatOI ATRr. March XT.-Elght
Persona were knied and thirty Injured
her bast evening during a cyclone which
eos4 the col lap of several old rt
dencee. Ten Were killed and twenty la-
.Jered la the district of Junto, about U
mlioa to the wesuof thK city, which
aleo waa ravaged by the cyclone.
According to my experience I do not
coartdgr there la anything to equal Dr.
Kilmer" wamp-itaot for kidney affeo
ttea. Tortc H relieved me' whoa I waa
Tb hut time I waa traveling la Tern,
whoa my kidney became affected, and
for tea day I uffered excruciating pain.
w laauled with aevere chill. several
.year provieua. having been relieved of a
alaMlar attack. I natural It (ought relief
aa before from waaip-Roat. I
After uatng four of the urn j bot
tle. I waa completely restored and went
e my way rejoicing aad pralalng Dr.
Kilmer daramp-Boot. Thla was throe
rear ago, and I have a IndlcaUoa
of the return of the aft liclloa.
Tour very truly,
J. C BaHTH, Jr..
I Johnaoa M. Jackson, Tana,
tat of Tonaeaae
County of Madison I
Subscribed and iwora to before me thla
11th day f July, 10.
P. "C. i TOY ALL.
Notary Pubtlc
Lotto a
Br. Xllssse b Co.
laarbambsa. M. Y.
Ttm WkpJ SiT4t TO Dt far In
Bead I Dr. Kilmer Ce, BiagbamUm.
If. T for a sample bottle. It will eoa
vtace anyone. Tea will also recotv a
booklet ot valuable ntormatloa. telling
all about tho kidneys aad bladder. Wan
writing, be ton and mention Th Omaha
Dell Bea. Rsemlar r e,.- . ..
""ar els hot tie tor al at all drug
TK A1aaa-L-lre W L. aet. s
mi -r-wa Ilia, WIlLUgJ B9W TOQ
ean EAJULY guard aaaiaat eppecdletuo
"'leve eonaupauoa or
gaa ea the Moauseh aaneet IN8TANT
tl' ';.' ,r ,or 'hoc tlm by
Tho Shora-aa A MeuoaaeU Drug Cs,
l'r- i'h Dodgo. Cor. Itth Hsm.,:
tor. 2ik Faraaa, J7 Korth lut at.
White Dresses
' (Continued from, Flrat Tag.)
it all for litem eelve without paying him.
Res, for hi f lunge. The croas-exa ml na
tion oa thla point was directed to show
ing that Mr. Davie ha acted fairly In
tha matter and that tha Kountae only
tapped la when Mr. Davis waa unable
to ftneno the project aad that then Mr.
Davie stepped out
Doherty Co aa amor Backer.
It earn out thla afternoon who the real
peril la th contrevarey are aad way the
deal to sell the Kou compaay to Kountae
Bros, tailed, t. H. McKathroa waa teeti
fylng aad had aald that he owned per
cent of th Roe company. Later be aald
that he waa now la the employ of H. L
Doherty and company of New York, who
are behind the Kabcook proposition to
take water from th Loup, and who owe
th Lincoln Oa aad Bieotrto light plants.
Thla eiplalna why Roe waa unable to
deliver th (lock aa propoeed to Kountae
Bros, aa McKathroa, la response te a
question aald that be had aald h would
But Bell hi stock a h would consider
It disloyal to his preeent employer,
whom, be aald, wore the Doherty com
pany. While th Bahoock propoeltten con
template taking tha water of the Loup
and turning moat of It back Into th
Piatt at Fremont. R ale contemplate
earning l,2t cublo feat per second onto
the Missouri river near Calhoun. This
cannot be done If tb Coed filing, be
longing to the Kountae la allowed, but
with tb own rsrp of the tloo claim.
if held valid, they could divert th ntir
flow to th Calhoun plant and greatly
Increase the power generated, and In ad
dition would bo free front any complica
tion with filing lower down th stream.
Nothing els of Importance waa brought
out and the taking of testimony cloeed.
Th legal argument will be heard later,
probably some time before April li,
though th data ha not yet beea fixed.
(Continued from Flrat Pag.)
and asking th governor t take such
teas aa he saw neooasary ta remedy aoa-
Mr. Hutchlneon aald that the sovea
Roosevelt delegate probably would be
th four chcaen from th Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth districts, which an
controlled by National Committeeman
William L. Ward, City Comptroller Pnn
dergaat of Brooklyn, former Congress
man Ladua N. Uttauer of tb Thirtieth
district and Percy O. William of th
Thirty-ascend district
Messrs. Prendergast and Uttauer, he
aald, ar strong personal friends ot th
colonel, and Mr. Williams' district was
strongly opposed to Mr. Taft'i reciprocity
Another Primary May Ba Held.
ALBANT, N. T., March tJ.-Attorney
General Carraody today adviaed leglila
tor that th aupreme court apparently
ha authority under tho election law ta
grant relief by ordering a new primary
election, and Senator Stllwell Introduced
a bill empowering court to order a new
election oa evidence that the regular elec
tloa waa aot held la full accordance with
the law.
Uovernor IHx declined te comment
today oa allagatloae mad by Roosevelt
follower concerning tho election, but
discussed th question of holding an
other primary.
Fare and Fraud, Bar Colonel.
FORT WATNB. ind.. March fl.-Th
primarle la New Tork ynterdav In
which th Roosevelt force wen de
feated. Colonel Roosevelt on hla way
w vnicago today, declared wen a farce.
"In New Tork stats aa a whole then
waa no real vote of tho republican party
whatever." aald th colonel. "Outride
of New Tork City tho primary law Is
a farm. Imud of Nw Tork City, tt
aa neea ahown to be a criminal farce,
Kvea aa tt la. one-fourth of the dV
tgatn an mralght-aut Roosevelt seen.
Of the remaining throe-fourth, tb gnat
majority of those elected from New Tork
City bar no mon claim to alt ia a
npuhilcaa convention thaa it they wen
sent to It by Tammany halt, for tboy
wen elected by methods mon outmgeoua
than th wont method that Tammany
nail Itaclf ever employed la an electWa."
DEXISOX. I a., March ZT.-4Spcial.-At
th 1st city election the voter by
atajorlty of elghty-stx vote defeated
the proposal to renew the franchhm ot
th local e'artrtc light company. Th
present franchise baa yet two yean to
run, but th compaay asked a renewal
bow, t determine aa to needed Im
mediate Improvements. Just before the
election the compaay issued a pledge to
put In SUM Improvement and to give
ta city th tint chance ta bay if at
any time a sale of the plant waa ta be
mad. Oa Sunday Bigbx tb Catholic
priest ia ah) aermoa deoHred for mu
nicipal ownership of tb lighting plant.
Th company tnslit tt la ready to aetl
to tb city at aay tlm.
Tony JCormtco Shoots Grocer
Effort to Kill Another.
fiiMil Food leawlaileaer I
ear Office for Aaether Temn
Labor leeaeo Call far Anneal
Federation Meeting.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la.. March X.-Oipeciel
Telegram,! Tony Moraeoo ejipt and
wounded Sam Abbruneaa, a grocer. In n
attempt, it is said, to kill Raffle Oabrl
oia, another Italian. Abbruneaa, Gabri
ola and a third Italian were Mending In
front of Abbruneaa' more, when Mo
naco approached and without warning
opened fire. Two ot hi ahota wont wild
and th third bit Abbrunesa in tha left
leg. Monaco then fled. The ahootlng I
the result of a murder two month ago,
whoa Nawarro Tune waa r ' i the
bead at a chrlMenlng.
Oabrloia waa oa trial In th district
court, charged with thla murder. Tune
w Monaco's brother-in-law, and It la
said th fear that Oabrloia would go
tree, aa Indicated by th testimony in
th trial, caused him to make th at
tempt to klU Oabrloia.
Sarfraa fa Wenaea'e Hand.
'I think there I no question but that
th tlm 1 coming whea women of the
country will vote," aald Lieutenant Oov.
amor Oeorg W. Clark, candidate for
governor of tow, today.
It simply. In my Judgment, depend
upon themselves aa to bow soon the time
will come. Whenever It la perfectly ap
parent that a conaiderabte number of
thorn really want t vote they wllL If
I had a opportunity to vote, I would
vote la favor of submitting the question
te the poopls."
Carroll ta Kama Baraey.
Governor Carroll has announced he will
reappoint W. B. Barney to be dairy or
pun food commissioner for Iowa for the
term commencing next month.
Labo Federation Call.
Th call was Issued today by President
L'rlck of State Labor Federation for the
twentieth annual convention ot th Iowa
Federatloa of tabor at Muacatlne, June
11. About L delegate will be entitled
to aeata.
Governmental control and fair regula
tion of th telephone companies of th
country won favored by Manfcrd Bavag
of Champaign. III., president ot tha Na
tional Independent Telephone aaaociatlon,
ia aa address before the Iowa telephone
It la probable the convention will In-
dor a plan for a public utilities com
mission in Iowa.
Wilson Mea'e rial ana.
Chalrmaa Earl Bronooa of tho Iowa
Wllaoa league tonight laaued a statement
claiming sixty-eight out of th Ut dele
gates thus far choaen by Iowa county
democratic convention fur Woodrow Wil
son. 11 concede eighty-nine delegate
to Hneaker Clark In tb atat convention
at Burlington, to data, forty-eeven to
Harmon, fifteen to Bryan and says there
are fifteen unpledged and unlnstructed.
Twenty-two counties bare selected their
delegate to tho state convention and ot
those Chairman Broooon claim for Wll.
on. Clay, Delaware, t'nlon and Taylor,
with a total ot thirty Instructed vote;
Johnson, Montgomery. Page, Decatur,
with a total of thirty-eight
Brotwon give to Clark th Instructed
delegatleua ot Enunett, Black hawk, Po
cahontas, Calhoun, Cass, Da Molne and
Lee, eighty-five vote, and lue unln-
tructed delegation from Montgomery
and Pag, four vote To Harmon art
conceded parts of th delegation from
Tama, Johnaoa, Wapello, Montgomery
and Pag. Bryan I given Mahaska
county and those unpledged are aald to
be Marshall and three from Johnaoa
CHARITON. Ia., March n.-Declarlng
that it waa Bryanltm alone which haa
mad th people of America think.
which ha converted La Follette Into
democrat. Roosevelt Into eemoleon
and forced the Tafta Into opea opposition
to majority rule In this land of th
free," Fnnk O, Stuart, on of th moat
prominent democntla leader of Iowa,
today announced hi candidacy for dele-
gats-at-larg to tho Haiti mon conven
tloa. "I am for William J. Bryau for
president." ia th opining sentence of
Mr. Stuart' announcement
lee Coaaty for Clark.
DONXULSON. ta.. March IT.-The Lee
county democntla convention hen today
endorsed the presidential candidacy of
Speaker Champ Clark and sent a delega
tion te the mat convention under the
unit rule. Clark adhereota claim forty
four out of th alxly-alx delegate an for
the speaker.
LAXATIVB BROMO Quinine, th work!
wute ion unj urip remedy, remove)
ceus. Call tor full name. Look for aig
nature. kV W. OHOVB. t-t.
Sure, Safe Way
To Cure Corns
"Iis8" feats Hoody Raxor enf Aa
Fuss bo mon ertth bloody knives and
raaore with alhny salvo and atlesy
aUcklng alaaten! Bother ao mon ertth
bulky strap, cotton wad, cloth dough
nut and similar nuisance! No mon aeed
adding insult to Injury. .
Foot-torture day ar over! Praia be
to Bingo! Oreat wonderful, Oora-Coa-
ouerlna Blnao! Worm coraa auicalv
yield to Ita withering touch. Inflamma
tion and pain eten -e If by magic!" No
harm to normal fleek Cera or callou
jum tadee away you wel H ott cut It
from your ataht foot trouble . tboa hi
merely a memory!
Make no aHetake. If xsteied with
core a. bunion, cailousea. wart sevscal
ly or collectively It BINGO you waat
Then hm't anything "Juet aa good."
as reevMsr. Me. or airwa esee unlet ef
srue, ky li nilni nanseeal cbl, ll Ne Dssr
ksre at. Cskese. IU. Sol kj UUs enr ar
sstsu a HeOessll Dear Ce.. at ss Dseee.
Coco fee I II J
Care-fret I Nja
la aa stareer. Mb aa yaraaeu Ke. tea.
ROMA March tJ. Pop Plua I ta
much better health today, although the
catarrh from- which he haa suffered for
soma days not yet quit cured. H
decided to resume today the usual gen
eral audience, which. It waa announced,
had been uapended until after Kaater,
and met about Kb persons at the gen
eral reception and besides a number in
private audience. Several American
cltixan an to bo presented to the pontiff
Tboma Kaotnew.
NEBRASKA C1TT. Neb., March 27.
8peelal) Thomas f Kaatner, who haa
beea a resident of thl city since HSU. I
died at the home of his son. Joseph
Kaatner, after aa limes of some week a.
He waa bora In Bohemia, ta tt and
served In the Austrian army la 1M and
ttm with honor. He came te American In
liTt aad settled in Dodge county, when
be married, and after a short reddence
m Omaha moved to thl city. H kt aur-
erred by four eona, all grown, being
Thomas, Joseph. Jameo aad John Kaatner
of thla city. Hla body waa taken to
Dodge county, when tt was burled under
the direction of a Bohemian society of j
which he waa a charter, member.
Ltttrb armdeheft. '
(Spedal-i-Lutch Bradeheft died at hi
home In thla chy yesterday of phleUia,
after aa lllnes ot sixty days. He waa born
la Germany and came te thla country In
1M and was married May 17, US, and to
thla union was born three children Mrs.
O. A. Wilson of Red Oak, la.; Paul and
Minnie Bradeheft ef tola city. He had
been engaged In business la thla etty for
th last thirty-five yean and waa a
prominent number ef th Sona ef Herman
and Woodmen ot the World. The funeral
will he Friday afternoon from the family
residence. .
Jadsjw Henry W. Bark. '
8T. JOSEPH, Ma, March R.-Judg
Henry W. Burke, president of the Kt
Jeeeph Khool board, died today, aged
74 yeara. He wee a pioneer eewapaotr
man and lawyer, whe had beea a Jus
tice of the peace thirty year.
Alcohol for Boys? Co To Your Doctor
Ask your doctor how often he preserves an alcoholic stimulant for
children. He will probably say, "Very, very mehr." Ask him
how often he prescribes a took for them. He will probably answer,
"Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer's non
alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the young. tSJnfci
-Va ma
jfttj iai waeraatai
' A Valn all TT t
BS. isssssaaw
M r J
poses. It is pleasant, smooth and palata
ble. Far better than most dollar brands.
' . . : f Vbeae. Cell at Write ,..,'
Has been always
Will always lie
Can therefore
Published by the Growers of India Tea
Friendless, Dependent Absolutely Upon Himself for Support
Jonn Gordon Will Earn $5,000 lor Soma Public Charity, .
the Interest of Which Will Bring Elm $25 a Month
For Life $4,000 of Which ia Earned.
It jree are a magaaina reader yew c
are S cents and kelp earn S.e iat a
cearttabl laatltutioa ao4 be ot great
aaletaiKe la atakiag a llfe-loag orlpJ
elf-eMppertlag. J ana Oereea, the aaa
azln asaa ef Oenaha. waa aaes waa
arekaa alerea yeara age. la a frtaaalm
aa4 help lee paralytic. Meweeer, rataer
tbaa a a ehartly patleat. a aecaaae a
asagaaln aabacalptiea agent Twe yeara
age be arranged te write It aubacrtp
tlona for the Cartia Pubtlsalag Co. each
month for twenty months for which
they will deposit IS. ta the Ceeusere
atlea Saving gt Loan Assoctstlea with
tb aaeeratandlngt that tb prlaclpal
woo Id revert to aoene CHARITY which
bi aabacrlber mast decide, the later
Here's an extiwdiatry opptrtawty far yti econamica!
tajer. U id yosr lew EASTER HATS at remarkable' .
uTinL We boo(it the entire sorplos stock i trimmed
aad Mtrimmti bats, and utmtn Irom a Ur.e vnoiesaie
millinery toast, at less thaa 50c on the dollar. The entire
stock now in sae at remarkable hafains.
Handsomely Trimmed Hats
Also New Straw Shapes r
ia scores of pretty new designs, positive values np to $6.00, now on sale at
98c '$1.98, $2.98
FLOWERS Clusters of pink and red roses, six large roses to the cluster, regular Q
75c and $1.00 values, on sale at
Exceptionally Pretty New Trimmed Hats, worth $8.50, at $4.98
Order Your Easter Suit to Your Measure Now
All suits ordered this week will be finished for you for Easter. The newest spring
fabrics are. here for jour selection. Every garment carefully man-tailored to your in
dividual ideas, and a perfect fit guaranteed.
Tailored Suits to Order, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00
Women's New Shoes and Pumps I
The pretty colonial pumps, in white buck, satins. Special
etc, suedes, new shoes in tans,
velvela, tc. the kind
otter store aak you
4.0 and S.OO for
$2.50 ,
km vi
Mg aai aa
n VtY A fAl nil Vl ATM A M1 ta
1309 Fima Street,
Onihi, Neb.
be relied upon
eet ef which will assure nun aa Income
ef ft a year whea be can no longer
Ifr. Gordon haa avceaded la anting
1117 aubaerlptlona to the Ladle Horn
Journal, tbe Saturday Erenlng Poet and
tha Country Geotleraaa price 11 1 a
jrear but atlU aeeda 1,(41 rabecrlptlwia.
It le abeolately aecaaaary that he sasll
secure lit aabecrtptloaa te con.pWt th
tM for March, otherwise th IUH prise
Betwala Maw let the Ladiew'
Hoea learn al wtn be 93 oo a Tar.
Why aoi e4 ia roar reejewal Bow
a few aaoatB fa adaac aad aar
M rcwUT Trewrat price ttM.
Thoeuaajda pwxrha the Satartlar
; KTeaiaa; Peel" aesi atajed thaige
1)0. HI arte tlJO. 8av t Itt.
ef faiana araa anarfcet
tb Coaatrr Oratleaaa.
tl-O. KTwry artier earn M tenia,
Year eaelar will aot aaly eater a
great beaeflt aa thla aafoetaastto maa
la pswrfcllac for ala fatara, bat wUI
actually coatrtbata M cent beware
tbe 4.00a for eharir. Baaa la reaar
rder aad reaewhi twday. Him tale,
paoaa to Doaglaa 71ft. Athareea,
Joha Gordoa, eeata Seta IMrec,
Onaaha, Neb, Tear orer, or teaew.
aL aaa aare tbe as.000 prixe, which
aiU cHbea-aise be toe.
i.tiar.1 ufia aa wn. i
w I
whites, gun metals, ed and
Z-t8 No. OMAHA
Exchanged Pianos -
Our floon are train crowded with planoa taken In exebansa !
for ear Oranda and Player Piaaoe ,We mnat clear our atore ot
uaed piano, regardleea of price or term.
Many of these are lent than on year old and an food aa tba
day tber left tbe factory. Compare tbe name and pricea liated
' below;
. HERUCH Y CO. Original prtctt $4HO aow. . 85.00 1
HALLKT !.V18 Original price MBO now $5.0O
HO TON FIA NO Original price $330 now S100.00
. ERBK Original prira IUJOO now .150.00 '
Ml'ELLKH Original prlco 273 now 9165.00
Many other well known make, aucb aa Kranlch & Bach,
Kimball. Stelnway, Weber, Voa & 8ou. Hallet Darlg, all go
In thla eacrlllce aale. . .
Slightly Used Player Pianos at
$265. $275. $300 and $350
Term to ault ever purebaaer.
, 1513.15 Douglas St.
Buy Alamito Iilk at Any Grocery
You can buy Alamito milk by the quart or pint at
your corner grocer. :They all sell it, but in order that you
will know yon are purchasing a clean, pure, safe milk
and not getting .a substitute for which the grocer pays
considerably less money. ....
Alamito Sanitary Dairy ;
. Phone Douglas 411 '
L Teauerht Vntil . aaa, gee, Te
atarcay Matlae. ie aad to
Th Beaauf al Flay ef
roataaT nrrataarr
tartlaa' BWa- Hat. J
ItoUea VKtane B aVaae
aaa auajia
Xm Two Hay Wlgaaa, It e aaa
Ms lease Uy, aa .aaa aaa
The DUSBAB, Last 2 Timet
. masy aad Berraxday
B1nimlrti Tlfa.
3 Thton, April 4th
b. m. mu
Muslin Underwear
sale of beautifully embroider-
lace trimmed gowns, underskirts,
combination suits,
etc., regular $1.50
Special Sale
American Theater
Veaarht, tea. Taa, Tham, Sa.
aad the
vooBwajta sToos ooKwjjrr ta
" raaaaoit of gpgainru
Meat WeekTea Bigs ef the Oroaa.
tr aw es e aev .
atat. eery Bay iiia. Xesry Kigbt dug.
Ada Reere. Will . Itoehaa'a Athlettci
Girl. Falls Cairo, Maud. OVeli a
Co, Weetoa Ben He y a c., ?alei a'
Kaaa Tbe Uir Trio, KJnetoscap
Orpbeiun Concert Orchestra, rYlceu
NlgBU lte. tee. c lad. Matinee, lee.
boa aeata lie. except Saturday Ud
aaxAJiA'a rtra oaarza-
EZTaaTaaajraa aaa VAvaartiu
wltk Bert Halter, tb trptcei ud- nM
Lataeir. tb Sea , Taurus, gm
Feeiey Kelly; Ta t bucks: I .a
ater . Broiler Beauty Omnia.
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