Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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jBrandeis Mores
Thursday's specials Trill be wonderful. Every. de
partment will offer 30th Anniversary specials and tht
bargains will be the biggest of the sale.
Women's Spring Tailor
ed Lingerie
Waists at 69c
Hundreds of the newest, dressi
est spring waists In smartly tail
ored or beautifully lace trimmed
and embroidered models high
or low necks, short or long sleeves
worth up to $1.60 and $2, at
rRvnrrvsTV Trmnwrn
Women's $1.25 House Dresses at 89c
Excellent euality, practical and serviceable dresses go on
sale on onr second floor.- .
New Spring Minery
Here are hundreds of cable edged tape braid.h'ats, roll
edge sailors with smart bow's or wings "7 f A
tip the front special group, 2d floor, at ... . .Via"
The New Stick Up Trimmings at 39c
For'trinuning the English sailors,' colors are primrose,
Empire green, King's blue or black and white mixed
second floor, worth 50c to 75c, at 39c
New Milan'Sailor Hats at $2.50 .
Popular new Milan sailors in white, burnt and blacks
with saucy badger hair stick-up trim- A CA
. mings special group, BAJSEMENT, at . . ... VMV
AnniTersary Sale of Silks Thursday
27-inch Jacquard silks in a beautiful lino of new pat
terns. These goods were originally made to sell for
50c. They. come, in all the street shades, evening
tints, black and creme bargain square' ' 25C
50c to 75o Silk Poplins, Foulards Pencil Stripe Mes
calines, Taffetas, plain Messalines and 9Q
peau de cygnes, at, yard C
Delicious Italian Bitter Sweet Chocolates with rich,
soft, creamy centers, pure fruit and nut OC
flavors; regularly sold for 40c lb., Thurs., lb.. . . iiC
An extensive showing of clever, new Easter Novel
tiescrowing chickens, mechanical ducks and rab
bitschocolate and ntarsbniallow ducks, chicks and
rabbits hand painted eggs, etc, etc., all at very mod
erate prices. l)isplay in Pompcian Boom.
"WMl'trf slXttkNtiTsTRKfelr"
11 vi
?o CKAJiaaa
; White Nubuck and tan boot.
Pumps and button Cfcfords In
the new spring styles at $3 per
pair and as an extra Induce
ment tor! you to try oave fair,
on" Thursday of this neck, we
give 70 free a pair of 33e boss
with each pair of our Women" s
300 shoes.
Every woman likes tba Idea
ot being well shod. "Shoe
Market" shoe wearers always
btve the feeling that' their
shoes are right and then
The Savin, is Worth Whih
fSy ' S3 00 ?
I I Iii'11 ' nuufiani 1
ISO Faraam St. . rwfeW Pboe Dove ITS.
Plata ... ,
. Extracting ,
rulings ....
tCrowna ...
...$2.00 1'p
. .ilfcLWUp M Tl
jm. I.I. rW '
Missing Teeth (applied
wlthoat ttatee or Bridge,
sock. Xervea removed
without pais. Work iu
office aateed tea rears.
p4 these days it is not hard
find a desirable Boarding House
" : v; i
because all that is necessary is to
turn to the Want Ad Pages of The
Bee, and there will be found a list of
many of Omaha's best Boarding
Houses, See TOD ATS Want Ads.
All Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
are Nov on Sale at Half Price.
Waists for Easter
If you have in mind the spending of a moderate sum on
this article of Easter apparel come to this store Thursday
and let ns demonstrate how much more prettiness, richness,
becomingness, style and quality we are able to give you than
any other store in town. . , '
IS Styles of Lingerie
Waists at $1.25
There are high and low neck
styles with (embroidery and lace
trimming. Hade from extra quality
materials, seams carefully lapped
and sewn, finished with an eye to
repeated doing-ups. This is only a
specimen of the styles and varieties
to be had at each price.
Women's and mioses' shirts with
soft cuffs and detachable soft coir
lars; very smart and popular for the
spring and summer seasons; 1.25
A sample line of chiffon waists in
colors and styles to match your tail
ored suit; have high necks, lace
yokes and embroidered fronts; spe
cially priced at 5.00. S.S and up
to 17.60 each. (
New Skirts are Here
All of the latest models In sergel,
whipcords, diagonals, fancy mixtures
and striped materials. Priced at
$5.00, $5.5. $6.5 and $7.60, as
material, quality and finishing war
rant. Also please Bote that the sale of
undernnelina continues - the balance
of the week. It's a stock reducing
sale in which every undermuslln in
the store shows a lessened price.
Children's Coats for Easter Wear
Some rare bargains will be offered the mothers of little girls who
come to the store Thursday.' About 80 coats for ages two to six years,
that have sold at $5.95, $7.50 and $8.(5, are divided Into two lots and
priced for the one day's selling
$3.75 and $4.50
with other extra special numbers at $2JM and 91.73. -Coats
for ages eight to fourteen years, ot fine serges and fancy mix
ture in light and dark colorings; newest styles most becoming to girl
ish ways; $2.76, $4.60, $5.85, $6.95' and $7.60.
Confirmation Suits
Depend on this Boys Store for
Dependable Garments and
Best Values
Double breasted and Norfolk styles, of fine twilled
serges and worsteds. Excellently made and trimmed
coats cut In the new stylish models; full peg top
trousers, with belt loops and pockets as the boy wants
them. Those designed for confirmation and dress
wear, aa well as practical every-day suits, $3.73.
$4.00 and $4.60. . '
Our Boys Suits at $5.00 -Save
Parents $1 to $2.50
It's a fact, known to hundreds of parents,, that our
$6.00 suits are equal to any bought elsewhere at $8.00
to $7.60. All styles-some with an extra pair of pants.
Una Knickerbocker troaarrs or aU wool materials,
worth up to $1.26, Thursday, 8&4.
r!indffd o fra & Stamps with
UrUfJCriCS 7W Crocerie. Thurs. Only
Toarted Corn Flakes
raady to errvt, no
cooklnv--m coupon with
each pack, Thurs
day, I paokaaes and IS
tamps for t&e
1-lb. - can Bennett's
Hreakfut coffee and
4 stamps Me
'Aaeorted teas and (
tamps, lb. ese
"Pride of Bennett's"
Flour pctal offer of
a aack for lUt
Tea ifftlng and 1
tan.vs. lb. ISO
40o Jar Bishop's fniltate
for aoa
J-lb. roll Premium but-
tertne for 41a
1 cans ehrtmp and I
stamps for
Lars can Mnoabee
muatard sardines and
1 stamps for ..lHe
Full cream cheese and
1 stamps, lb. ....ass
I can a Evergreen corn
and IS stamps .;..SOs
t cans Early June pru
and 1 stamps . . . . SOo
Quart can Kraace-Amor-
Icaa soups, usertd,
for C aoe
bars Electric Spark
soap, IS stamp, St
H-ib. ran B. C baklnc
powder. 11 stamp, 13o
Lars can Snider' pork
and beans, and 30
tamps for SQc
l&c can Happy Val
(teen aapangue, Sao
Cleaned curranta and 1 u
atampa, lb. If Hs
iLare can Bennett'a Can
not nawaiaw siioeu
pineapple SOo
Laree can Beunatt Cap
itol whit or bla.-k
chorrl for toe
1-lb. pkc Bennett' Cap
itol oats or wheat and
IS atamp for .... 10
I'can East Lye and IS
atampa Sao
3 pkca. Star and Cres
cent macaroni and I
tanpa Me
6edtd retains and IS
atampa pka. ....lilt
(Four cka butch Rom
or violet tollt eoap
tor ase
Snider chtl'auo and
l atampa bottl
Pint can Galllard'a ellv
ail reduced lo ....
opehiiig jn n mu ujay
On April 22, 1912,-the Government will open for homestead
entry, 6,300 acres of choice irrigated farm land at Powell, "Wyo
ming, in the., -
under the new easy ten payment plan without interest.- Only
small payments required the first five years.
but you locate along-side 400 farmers from the middle west states
who have splendidly improved farms showing what yon can do
on the adjoining lands now provided with perpetual water rights
and ready for settlers, these lands are only from two to live
miles from Powel, a good railroad town, and adjoin established
fields of alfalfa and othe. farm crops.
NEW BHOfiHOXE FOLDER Just front the press with map showing ex
act location of lands Just opened and containing
full Information abont crops, climate, markets,
schools and other local conditions. Write fcr it
today. It's free.
D. CLEM DKAYKR, Iatmarratioa AgewL
- 10O4 Faraaas 8C, Onmaha. X.
An Honest Shoe
E bare a shoe which
we can sell for
$3.00. A man's shoe
of honest value. We
have tried for many years
to find shoe that we could
sell for $3.00 and guarantee
just as we do our higher
priced shoe. Now we have it
in both dress and working
styles. It is made in velour
and box calf with genuine
Goodyear Welt 1st Grade
Oak Bole Leather Soles. -
Call for them. You'll like
1410 la main Street.
Regular Selling
Price, $3.50
How On Special
Sale. Your Choice
The Fair Store
Rug Sale
Friday, Saturday, Monday
Mar. 2, Mar. SO, Apr. 1
$53,000 Stock of Perfect
t Hew Spring Rugs
The choicest lot of Rug bar
gains ready cash has ever se
cured us A great opportunity
for you. to boy that 'new rug
at a bleavlng.
Witch Dairy Pipsn
Eemember that
your want' ad in
The Omaha Sun
day Bee will find
more readers than
an ad in alt the
other Omaha
Sunday papers
Phone Tyler W00.
Grand Opera in Our Vlctrola Parlors '
Thursdav. Carmen1!
- -'.
Every day 12 M
to 1:30 F.
See the New
Crown Jewel
Tailored Suits
No Other '
Suits Equal
Jrown Jewels.
r PnMn!ofu Cfinwinrj nf Hpiv Snrinv
A - am am . aB a V
suits, Dresses, uoats, bnown in umana
Many lines greatly underprieed for
Tlmrsflav's sellinc'. VI
Beautiful New Tailored
Suits Regular values
to $23, in serges, diagon
als, whipcords, English
suitings and other want-
ed fabrics, all newest
Elegant Sample Tailor
ed Suits--Direct "copies
of imported models, no
two alike, greatly un
derprieed, $35, $39.75,
$45Jo ........$59.00
Party & Dancing Dresses
$20 and $25 values, iu
prettyx evening shades,
most desirable materials
and designs ...$12.50
Charming Designs in New Serge
One-Piece Ureases greatly under
priced Thursday, at $10 OO
915. S18 od $25.00
New Ureas Skirt Styles The
choicest assortment of" wanted
styles and colorings, mstchless
values Thursday at ....$5.00
ClUIdren's Spring Coata Size 2
to IS years, to 15.00 values,
at '....SI M
ClUIdren's Wash Dresses ..89
Handsame Long Coats 150 . ot
them, light colors, navies and
black, in seven different styles,
t $10.00
Other Splendid Coat Bargains -Biggest
assortment in Omaha,
at I18.50, $20.00, 923 and $30
Long Challle Kiinonoa New
Spring patterns, - great simp,
at 95
One big lot ot dainty White -Lingerie Waista made to sell at $3.00 to
M-00, beautiful .'assortment, at, choice $1.50
Hew Laces
We have just received new
line ot the Novelty Macrame
Banda and Edges; same will go
on sale Thursday.
10c Laces 3 Me.
We will show a big table . of
Vsls., Torchon .and Notting
ham laces "Thursday, worth
10c, at yard ..; 3,,
Thursday will be the big Em
broidery day; . 18-ln. . Skirt
Flounclngs, 27-ln. Skirt
Flounclngs, 45-ln. Skirt
Flounclngs and Embroidery
Robes suitable for graduation
gokns, price, yd. . . ISo to TVc
Robes at, each $3.60 to $16.00
We are sole authorised agents for Hall-Borchert Dress Forms
Special Sale of White Dress Fabrics for Gradu
ation and Confirmation Dresses
Fine Sheer French Lawn and Chiffons, worth $1.00 yard, at
Fine Sheer French Lawn and Chiffons, worth $1.25 yard, at
Fin. Sheer French Lawn and Chiffons, worth $2.00 yard, at .-SI.
Heavy Wide Wales, Bedford Cords and Piques, worth 75c yd., at 39c?
Natural color pure Linen Automobile Fabrics, worth $1.00 yard, 45
Correct Styles, Unlimited As
sortments. Lowest Prices Are
"What You'll Find Here in
The best opportunity to select your
Easter hat at a saving you have
ever had. 1
700 Hats to Choose From Nearly
all exclusive designs. at
from $5.00 to $100
300 Pretty Trimmed Hats Arrang
ed in special groups, $2.50, $2.95
and ..$3.95
Untrimmed Shapes 69c to $7.50
Yes, We Guarantee Willow Flumes and likewise all other
Millinery Marked in Plain Figures, Too.
Bordered Wash Fabrics Are Much in Vojne
These Thursday specials In beautiful colorings and greatly under
priced will bffer matchless opportunities for profitable baying to
Thursday's visitors inWash Goods Dept. ,
40-ln. Voiles, most exquisite printing and colors, worth 75c yard,
aale at kq
40-ln. 811k and Mercerized Foulards, beautifully bordered all the'
leading aprlng shades, made to sell at 75c yd., sale price ... .50
We have bordered Plumutls worth ISc, on sale at 121
Batistes, percales, etc, in big assortment of bands and border effects.
At S A. lav One case of yard wlda muslin, unbleached Black Rock, rerular
price lc yar IS-yaxd lin.1t at. yard alTa
At 10H A. K No. 40 M17 On caa of Union HtM-k Towii' ihal"
linen . Trry ' large, regular price la lite f pa Ira to eualomer each la
At S P. ML On case of HixU gheeta. Parfchill, resular price Sio ( otir
limit at. each ja-
At I'M F. at One ease ef ax3s No. 1M Pillow Blips, reaular price'isc--
t-palr limn at. each j.
dealer sold at special salea "
. Way W B the Biooary Baatas
IS lb, beat uranuiatea ousar ai.xv
tt-lb. ark Harden' beat hifh srade
Diamond 11 Klour. Bolhlng liln it
for bread, plea, c&kaa or puddlnirs.
per i-h
) bar Lennox. Beat 'Em All or Dia
mond C soap as
Kelloci Teuted Rice ITake. pkc.
IS-os. can Condensed alltk . ...S,
-os. can Fork and Bean Sa
14-oa. pkc. beat domestic Macaroni
at TH
t lb, beat whit or yellow cornmeal
at lo
9 lb, best rolled breaktut oatmeal
at So
4 Ihs. fam-r Japan rice SSe
; lb, best bulk laundry tarrb. . .as
ii lb boxes best selected SodU
-rkerM 40
Brass mot mcuu vstaiag
7tar tor a ti i ti
J-oron Muacatel RaUina, Itk, 8 l-3o
Cleaned Currant, lb. to
California Cookina Fig, lb. ...1-a
California Prune, lb. 1-9
California Heedles Ralaln. In. a 1-9
California Bleached Sultana Kaisln.
per lb. 1H
Canforna ETaporated Arplea, per
lb. H
California Bartlett Pears, lb. ..IS
California liulr Peacii, lb. . .lt4
w kiiron feel, per
BVma, BCHM aa BUTTSmiia
t araciAu
Creao.ry Butter, cartona
or bulk. lb. jo
The Bet Country Creamery Butter.
Per lb. (jq
Tim beat Dairy Butter, lb. ...'..STe
I Iba food Butterlne s&o
- is- ,lalli i. . . .. rr"
auxin or Oau
Z head fmh U. f 1. -
S bunches fresh, hothouae'
California Pieplant, lb. ...
Fancy Cauliflower, lb. ..,
New Potatoes, lb.
California Aaanurua. lb.
Fancy Kip Tomatoea, lb.
lrae ulk Celery .....
t large tioup bunches . . . .
rreah beeta, carrot or tumi, irr
nunca ...... ....a
Freh eninarh. peck "tee
Paacy was or areea bean, lb
Large head lettuce, head w
r Sttncnes rresta paraler ..........5c
nisnuuMi Aavel orange, per doaei
.at la, to, as, s
S greeo peppera ... t
Try HAYDEN'S First