Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Areragc Trader Did Sot Look for
tie PrtKBt Advance ia Wheat
Mi Cask DnuH Jttn Care at
tna Lara Sarslaa Stack
a Haaa I era Slake a
Scot Mark.
OMAHA. March S. lSli
Thi advance in wheat eem to be
mora or lese unexpected By tl vw
traders, the support tt iceneral, however,
and Is due toxaibly from ine decision
criven In the packers' cse a-alnst the
Foreign situation l a Mron ooa and
the crop news from Ohio and other east
era state is becomilat more nullum. How
ever, a good active cash demand to take
car of the large surplus stocks now on
hand would be a welcome feature to hoid-
The corn market made new high points
for the crop year today. The principal
feature was the sharp adrance made m
the cash article during the present week.
Ho doubt a change to milder weather
conditions would ,liar soma temporary
effect an the selling side. ... . .
Wheat opened . strong and worked
higher on firm cables sad guod buying
support due ta soma crop damage reports.
Cash wheat was unchanged.
There was a good broad rad In earn
and values advanced. The ton of the
market Is strong and -with good rali
dentin value are steadily working
higher. Cash corn sold 'c hlgrher.
iTtmary wheat receipts re MS MB
Isabels and shipments were ?.
els. against receipts laet year of ,
Luehela and shipment of W4.6W bushels
Primary coin receipts were aojM bush
els and shipments were bushels,
against receipts' last yeer of etlTO bush
els and shlpmeias of is,0 bushel .
Clearances weiw bushel ot corn.
4 bushels cf oats and wheat and (lour
equal to 3B.a bunhel.
Liverpool closed MlHd higher on wheat
and Hd higher to d lower on corn.
Tha following eae sales were reported:
Wheat: No. t hsnU 1 car, 11.00; No. J
hard. 1 car. tTurke)'), tl.Sa; No. I mixed.
I car. tl.4w. Corn:. No. white, 1 car,
7Kc; I car. Tc; t r. rtc; No. S yel
low, 1 ears. Tie; I otr. :Ve: No. 4 yel
low. I car. vc: 1 car, Mr: No. S mixed.
1 csr. 7ot,c: i ears. HVjc; No 4 mixed. 1
r. m',c; J cars, tr; no grade. 1 car,
me; I car. '. Oats: No. I white. I
.ar, 2t,c; 1 cars. Jtc; crs. Kc; No.
4 white. I car. Wic 1 car. fcft,c: I car. Kc.
WHKAT-No. 1 I Bird. ll.2Mfl : No. I
hard. II 4141 i; Nto. 4 hard. WVjcirtl.aj.
i 4'ORN-Nu. 1 ahlte, .Wt: No. 4
white, eejiTsi:: No. 3 vellow. TOOTlc; No.
4 iwlow. eaittsc; .1 .1 TBUw;c; No.
4 tMti ':; no grade, c.
tMT-Ne, I white, tattot.c: autnitrd.
I:ti3c,' No. I whltr. iCVtOuMtt': No. 4
white. UeiiV: No. t yellow, ttOUHc;
.o, 4 yellow. iiuytfic.
IIAFII.KT-Meltlnc. rtft1-!: N. t
feed TOniOc: hesvier than feed. faVCI.W.
r.TB-No. t 4lsic: . . stww.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
fhlcago SI 1S m
Minneapolis ........... e."lt .
-imaha ........ 17 M
Duluth ...... H
I. I.aal Ueweral Market.
urons; track No. I jed, ll.uucl.01; No.
hard. II.OWI.U. .
COHN-lllgber: track. No. J, WJllo;
No. I white, 7M74e
OATU-Klrm; track No. X S6t; No. t
white. fcmMaV. , .
lining prlcei of futtires
WHKAT-rtrm: Way, 11 Ji: July, Me.
i-OH.-Hlher. May, 7Se; July, V
UATB-Hlgher; May. eHos July, Vic
IIYKL'ik hanged, ate.
HiUH "'' hut firm; red winter
da tenia, I4.antr5.lx); extra ' fancy and
etrnitht, e4.li4.i; hard winter clears.
Hh Kli-Tlmotliy, ll.WU.W.
RHAN-tUrong; sacked east track, H XI
11. .
HAT-fVerce and f.rm: timothy, Ct.W
Ul: prairie. IllWtctU.W.
PWLVlHION-Poik, unchanged: Job
bing. tii.Jk I Artl. unchanged. Drf salt
meats, unchanged: boxed extra shorts,
to K; clear rlba, K: short clears, 7a.
Hscnn, unchanged; boxed extra short,
HO., clear ribs, short deaors,
POULTnr - Pull; chickens, 1JU!.
snrlnga, Ue; turkeys, Itc; ducks, w;
geeiie, sc.
HirrTKR-Hlgher: creamery. ITSIHia,
KOIirV-liOWer, litis.
Receipts Shipments.
Kioiir. barrels l.WW , .M
Wheat, bushel ....l'.nn . sin)
4 "urn, bushels . '.'
I wta, bueheis 4a, ow (i n
MAN wauta puaition aa teamster. 411
North 17th. B-S3J.
YOl'NO lady would Ilka a position aa
rumpanlou with soma lady slaying alone,
Address f.-Kf. cars Bee.
WEEKS 0BA1N CO, grain aierobaaia.
Consignment awucttea. nai Hraooeia.
Hhlp year stock ta South Omaha. Bar
niileag and slirli.kag. Your esnsia.
aienui receive pruoiut and careful l lea-
Ley a.
t It Iteck Caaasalselaa aterebaat.
Byer Bros aVOe. Btreng and reepoaslbla
Live btark 'taasaaiastoai Merebsala.
WOOP Vnon.. a-a Exchange Bldg.
tit eat West. Cow. Co.. Camefha 4k Denver,
W. R. EM1TH BON Just handle sacea.
"TAGO BKOd. handle ear tie, tvoga, sheas.
Cli y, Robinson a Co.. HO Exchange Bldg.
" laierslate Co. Batter results, ghtp to us.
' CUrroiT" Com Co.. ta aVachanaw Biag.
" Cox Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustler
U K. ROBERT JkCa. x KxcB Bids,
rarasen L. a. Com. cSTsa Each. Bldg,
Martin Bra. Co.. M-t Kxoh.
Deoostt proceeds ef shipments In Stock
Yards Nat l liaak. Only kaaut at yards.
Separate bids will be referred until 4
o'clock ea Monday. April 1. 1S11. at the
office of the Secretary of the Board ef
Krgenta, I. Hirers! ty of Nebewaaa. Lin
ixjJn. for the eonetrucUon of a Medical
College Laboratory BulMInc also fur
heating and ventilating apparatua, piemb
lag and eiectrloal wiring for th same:
the total coat la be approximately M,sja,
te be built oa the northeast comer of
Korty-eeoond Avenue and Dewwy avenue.
City ef Omaha, Nebraska; according to
plana and specifications by Xhepley,
It jiaa and Ceaudg. Architects. Chicago,
III., and bow ea file In th office of th
upertntendent of Qswraoke, Room
Mi, Administration Building. University
of Nebraska, Unoola. Bid must be
sealed snd marked wfta th bidilar'a
nam and the words:
K:d tor const ruction of Medical Collet
l.ilratry building.
Bid for beating and ventilating appar
atus of Medical College Laboratory
Rat of plumbing of Medical College La
Insraiery , Buudiag.
Bid for etertrte wiring of Medical Cat.
lege Laboratory Building.
VVr.tten plainly oa ta eutside of each
Ud. reenectlvely. A deposit ot Tea Dol
lars parabl to tha undersigned,
will be required for th as of each eat
of plans and epeciflcatlraa, the asm to
W svrrendered aa retarm ef said plans
a.'f KtiecitVattons t the eWparintendant
of Conatruction. J. t. DALES.
ter's Oftloe. Omaha. Neik. March 9.
Jtt Sealed protxatai will be lexedved
l.ere until II a. m.. April ft. BU. for
j.1r,aa reoulred at Hdors. Dept. of to
Ma., and Ltrpot Q oartermaater' a Office,
tnis dty, during th fiscal year oeok
anencing July L 1U- Information fur
rushed, en aoplicatiea. John K. Baxter,
4lt, it. ML il.h 54-24-Jr Api U-J
Featares the Tradtas; and Claelas
Prleea Board at Trade.
1 1IICAGO. March IT. News of the first
seeding of spring wheat served today to
check an advance due to depletion of
stocks on both sides of the Atlantic
The doae. nevertheless was firm at ht&
e above last nud.l. Corn finished with
a gam of '.tiSc to Sc; oats, up ffc
to vtjSc and provisions dearer by feoitoc
to at-c. ,
The Jim River valley In South Dakota
furnished the tiding, welcome to bears,
that work had Nun which promised
a stsrt for the new spring- crop of wheat
earlier than had been expected. Ad
vices came alto that snow had practically
disappeared in the southern part of the
Red River valley In Minnesota and that
seeding there would not be later than tna
Those wheat speculators who inclined
to the bull side of the market found
their chief support In the fact that
Minneapolis stocks bad decreased SUuki
bushels in four days as compared with
Hu.w bushels Increase during the cor
responding time a year ago. In ad
dition, tnere were baropean buying
orders In tlw pit here, a circumstance
attributed to continued falling off in the
-tore of wheat on hand at Uverpool.
The bulges that 'resulted from these con
ditions, however, were -not fully main
tained, owing in part to mild weather In
the winter croo belt and o caih wheat
being off. red lie re with gTeaWr freedom
from Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.
.miiv wheat ranged from U.aJSWl.W".
with the close Sl-4na.wl.v3-, Just 4u over
twenty-four hours' before.
Corn sold St new ldgh levels for the
season and rloaed within a shade of the
day s top figures. The market was
a ell supported by operators of the larger
sort. Much rain and snow appeared on
the map, there were predictions of ad
ditional unsettled weather, and Mexico
had suspended her Import duty. Country
sales were lighter. May fluctuated from
;2HttT?Sc to Usv. ckMHWi strong So up
at nsOTJWc. Cash (trades were firm.
No. I yellow was quoted at n4rtt7So for
car lots. ,
l lata, Ilka corn, ended th day at vir
tually the best prices reached during
the session, despite liberal profit taking
by longs. The reason tras new demand,
as well as shorts scun4ng to cover.
Outside limits touched for May were
-' and e4ac. with last sales Htjfce
net higher st M'ihii'.e.
Active buying of small lots by out
siders put provisions up to record prices
fur thus fsr in lull. Paukera. too, were
buyer. Values gave way materially
under realising aales but at the close
pork waa liainaHo higher and other hog
products had increased In cost iaSi1
to lMflTHc
Quotations on futtiree eroseil as follows.
Article Open ! HUfn.l Low. I t;iote. Yat'y.
tihati 1 I . I
May. II OISY1 9V 1 . I 0SV4 1 JHH
te i
Con. i
July. 7J'.usl
Cats i ,
May. Mw !
Sept. 424jtt
sa'sl M
7Ir.-'StjeMiHVal i2ik
.- I
MHievHVwi M
el sW,,aWw
May. 14 K i 17 It i IT
17 UH
July. 17 174i 17 4i I 17 17! 17
BIT . i
8ep(.i 47 12-vl 17 7TH( 17 U IT I7H
, . I l I I
Lsid I.I I x I
tiay, awi'il ni tat
July. i I 10 12S1 7m
Kept, in 17(41 hi wni iu itxirl w m
trlt an M tli, 1 17li
Rlba ii i I
Msy.i S67V,4747v U
July. isi I 75
H-V't.i Mttvl 10 W I w
trsaa, ttlV.
t nvi
Cash titiutatlons were as follows;
FUJCH nrm: wlnwr oatenla M.lSat
LS: winter atralghu. M.sDtjS.OS; spring
paients, S4.anvni.isi; spring straignuj, et.DUt
4.70; bakers, ao. is).
HVK-No. 7. Hutn.
B A RL, & Y Keed or mixing. TSctjdl.OO:
fair to cholc malting. II Jutsl.sA.
BKKiiiB limothy, njoi4.j(; clover.
li.n .
rrtuv laiuns-aieas purs, fii.iw, ism
(In tlercesi. .7IH. Bhon ribs (loose), XV k.
Total clearances or wheat and flour
were entml to -"yo.uft bu. Hrimary rerelptg
were ai,aia but, compared with iu.gui bu.
tha con aa ponding day a year ago. Kail-
mated reselpta for tomorrow; Wheat, II
cars: enrn. 114 cart: oats, la oars: hoars.
MMm head.
thltaao cash frtras wheat: No. I
red, tiottatfl WVic: No. I red, tl.0Sl 4t:
No. 1 hard, tl.iUMtl vi; No. I hard, ILKtp
lot, No. 1 northern, ll.Uejl.14: No. I
northern, U.1041.12: No. I northern. fl.M
1 U: No. I spring. II.04HU0: No,
spring, el.044yl.IO: No. 4 spring, snrcrti
velvet Chen, sornii.w: aurum,
Corn: No. , nn)c; No. I white, 704
7Hc; No. I yellow, WatJTCHc; No, 4.
tl',pMc; No. 4 while. ntfVie: N. 4
yellow, 74c Oets: No. I white. MS4
MHc; No. II white, UreiMV; No, i
white, KtSMC, stsnnaiw. M'.tooc.
Ilyc; No. 3. B'Hiko; nariey. TarWTJ.St.
Keed, timothy, .U)rjl4.W, clover, tlt000
BljTTr.Il-Pteady; ereameriea, rt3So:
dairies. ZHTZ7C. ,
KtHia Weak: receipt I3.en esses; at
mark, cases Included. l4e; ordinary
Prats. 1sc: firsts. MkV-.
4!HEiuHhV-rirmer: dawea, lHsiSc:
twin. llrUftllMia; young Ainerkaa, llta
tOr; long horns.
I'; recelpta, 7 rara;
Wisconsin.; Michigan and Min
nesota, II .
PUUUTltY-Kasy: turkeys, live. 14o:
dressed. Wee; chickens, live, lHyr;
dreaeed. lie; spring, live, 14c; dressed, lie,
V&ALr-tfteady; 79110.
ftaatatlaaa at th Dap an Vrtwe
NBW TORK, March1 tT -FTaOUK-Dteady;
aprtng iwtenta, tTvX4.W: winter
strata-tit. t4.&t4.M: winter patent. 14 aaf
4 "4; spring clears, 14; winter extras.
No. 1, tt-TOtyl W; winter extras. No. 1
P HS 4e; Kansas straights, pt.TMM
Hye flour, steady; fair to good. 44.lutM.l4:
choir to fancy, Rash..
(XiRNM KA I Firm; fin whit and
yellow. II tattLTO; coarse, ILWtjLM; kiln
dried. tJ Ns.
RYB-rlteady: No, J, tee, a. t t. Buffalo.
MARLKY-Liuiet; malting. ILfittLM. a.
L f . Huffalo.
WIIBAT-Huot market firm; No. I red,
tteTA, In elevator, export basis, and
i V f . a. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du.
luth. II L o. a. afloat opening navt
gaiioa. Future market, waa firm early
oa tmall offerlnga and covering due to
email recelpta and the congestion In the
May position, but eased oft under liquida
tion on mora favorable crop advice,
closing o net higher. Export aalea ware
six toads. May. tl 7-imi , closed at
tl. 14-14: July. tJ.MSwl.44Sv rloaed at
tl.4H Receipts, 7,3U bu.; ahlpment.
st.iM bu.
CORN Snot market firm; No. I bom
nominal and export 74o f . ev b. afloaL
Puturea market wa nominal. Receipt.
U.S7S bu.
OATS Spot market firm: standard
white, MSc in elevator; No. L tuSc; No.
I, 4V; No. 4. x-; natural whit and
whit clipped, toatao on track. Future
market waa nominaL Receipts Mt.47a) bu.
HAT-Steady; prime, tl aHfl 44; Nt I.
tl EMllX. Ne. I tl.latl.. No. X. tl.Oa
4l Ht
HOPft-DuU state, oommoa to choice,
111. Ktreee; 141, nominal; Pacific toast.
Oil. 4lti44c: 1414. notatnal.
HIDK-4teady; Central America, NHc;
Bogota M-44,e.
UKATHKK Firm: hemlock firsts, B4)
Sc; aecoodt, M3c; tbirda, Illic; re
jects, lae.
PROVitnONiV-Pork. firm: mess. t4L7Ct
.3t: family. l&4oo.a v: abort clear. ti;.;i
ILTa. Bert, firm: mesa, laooeu.50:
family. riA.ietriLW; beef ham. tJ7.tJ4t3.oa
Cut meat, firm; pickled bellies, I to It
pounds, W.sOtjMiaO; ntckied bam, tll.iott
i-et lrd. strong; middle west prime,
sr.latJOJi; refined, strong, continent, t!4;
eoutk America,; compound, f7.4uo
TALLOW Steady: prime city bbds, (c
iperlal. 4tc; country, tStitWe.
BLTTKR Firm: rwceipta. 4.4S tnha:
creamery epeclalt, Sc; extras, tlc; firsts.
aevefic: state oairy. iineat, Jiauilc; good
prime. , Evmran to lair, 94tJ3c;
grace special. ITijS'.ec; txtraa, lVpc;
rsta, 357 X-V.
CHIi-8ri-F1rTn; receipts, ut !:
state, whole milk. held, whit ar colored
specials, rac: sauna, etia,
rXiOS-Kuter; receipts. Vest ,
fresh gathered extras, M4ai4c: first.
stisw; aceMt. Eox-rc. westers
gatneroa wruue, ataxae.
POLLTKT-AUve. irregTilar: westers
chickens. 14c; fowls, 14ji4c: turkeva.
limtK. Dreswrd. dull: fresh killed fowls.
lasirtCi inarq luraea. letrjC.
Key ta th Bltuaoewlsee Aavertialng.
Unexpected rinancing- by Steel Cor
poatioB. Stop Advance.
Msay Bacawauxry Railway sad In
d est rial Stacka Take Part la Mia
of If era I as? Lowest Prices .
la Last Hear.
NEW TORK, March n.-Another halt
in the upward movement of stocks came
today as a result of some unexpected il
nandng J- th I'nlted Htstes Steel cor
poration. The market gave every evi
dence of continuing its rise of last week
until It became known that the steel cor
poration had sold some VUl.ixw.uvO of bonds
for working capital and necessary Im
provements to Its more Important plants.
Last year'a surplus net Income was only
M.etti.uu. as against W.nj.ouo in lW. when
the corporation charged off no less than
S,OS0.tM for various expenditures. Includ
ing new plents snd construction.
Reading, the Hsrrlmans and Amalga
mated Copper were the stocks which
supplied the greater part of the bull am
munition in the early trading. Th
strength of Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific waa baaed on the belief that Feb
ruary earning would prove more favor
able than In the months orecedtne. The
coppers, were held In check because of a I
feeling iu conservative quarters that the
repeated advances In the metal were;
baaed mora on prospective than actual
Many secondary railway and Industrial
stocks took part In tlie rise of the morn
ing, the Uoulds being especially con
spicuous. The electrical and a few of the!
equipment shares fell back with tha rest
of the list on announcement of th steel
bond Iseue.
Lowest price were made in the last
hour when heavy selling of the leaders
more than wiped out ail previous gains
ans sent some stooks under yesterday's
low level. Klnal prices were a trifle
above the lowest, but the undertone waa
heavy. Total transactions aggregating
KO.Otu shares were the largest of any day
this year, last Monday excepted.
Bonds were strong at tha outset but fell
back In sympathy with stocks. Total
sales, par value. I1.2H.U). Cnlted States
bonds were unchanged on call.
Number at sales ana teaming Quotations
ea eiucse toaay were as loiiowa:
a .
' sates Ulsa. Law. Cleaa
Allle- Caahaers pM ..
ABMUtaawMas Cbeper
. IkM
. tl.M
. la. las
. l.te
I' W
ajaarlaaa Atrtaejtaral
AaMarleaa Beat tasar ..
ABMricea Car a rtry
eraiiaaa isiisa oil .. Tna
at. a L pit.. hs) J4
Urn BacarltMa.
asrartcaa. LlaaMS AM if
Aaaarloaa Leaawetlae .. I lea tea
a a a si mm ta
alV. a
a a ft . pie. ass
141 H litis 1,7
ti ji at
Ajaertcae Steal rdra..M Ha)
AajerKaaa Huar Kef .
Ajaencea T.I a Tel.
Ajeerteaa Tabaoaa p(4
Awarlcaa Wool, ......
s.m ih 1J7 in
1.7at 1411, 141 mi,
144 144 IN KH.
ia) isii rSi JI
lea 4i os 44.
una ist let , latta
14 lal4 least lS
lain nt inta
Anereaes Mlalag ....
Alaklaaa pre
AtlaMla caaat Use .
Helllaere Okie ....
i.e, ia ita
Beutariaei Steel a -at S4
Braaklra Rap'4 Traaalt A 404 ail.
la 14
Caaaaiaa Paellia t.laa XMia Ik
Ceatral Laataar 4. taa 141, lavi
Oanlral Laataar pr4 .... lea n a
Osatral at N. J
ke a Okie Lass fie, it.
Chteaae A A Ha a......'
!. ut. taat ea) )t!4 II
. OA, waat. pet.... MS lilt 17
Oil. a 14. W 4at 1414k 14141 141
"-. m ai. r i.tss iistt la lea
a. c. o. a gt. L.... lit 44 M 44
eoleeaea P. a I ,. I Ms nv4 as ant
Ualaraaa a (aataere lat 44 44 44
Oeeealldalet uaa 11. lot I4tti 1I4I4 11441
Una rralaau l.xa) H US liS
Ual. a Haeaae ...i en Halt 144', in
Dearer a lue Q raaea.. fat li at, uu
D R. 0 p!4 Mat 4414 IS 41',
mattUM- asearillsa ... SS4 II !T a;u
ne lT.aat n atu. ate.
Krte lat pit l.Mt 44 Us Ul
seta at K4 ta J
beaerel Blaetrlt 4 tM 144 lit 1M4
OraaA Kenaera pit l.Mt la 1U 1111,
Ureal Nartkara Ore etts.. H.lal 4IS 41Ma 4t
llllaala ceatral 444 lilt. Ills 111
iiHrnmp-ao. a. IV, II),
lataraarausk-Mat. pM .. M.44e II
lataraallaaal Harna4r,., 1.144- in
latar slarlae prt 1.3U4
Islnaailaaal Paper - l.aue 1144
IMamallaal raw ' IN 11
laws Ceatral
K. C swears 1 SM M44
K. O. Beolkera sM
ao'4 eoa
111 111
14 II
ta u
1 11
' tr 11 17 S
l aw 141V lei lot.
Laclaea tiaa
Laelavlllt a Naakvllle .. 1.1st 141 141 1M
mas. a n. Leal, l.Tsi n n n
m , at. r. m a sea M Tna ui is
M . K. a T taa .ay, it
x).. K. a T.. pit... ..... ....
Miesaart Pasllia v ,M 14.
44 4t
nauiaai ntariut
, ' 441 I4 I4S
Ut II 11 17
N, A. ef M. M pfl..
N. Y. Ceatral taa. 4lr I.
74. T , O. a W..
Narfalt a Waetera
Nana Asurleaa
Nankara racllls
Perine Mall
Paapla'a Oea
w a?-, aa
. 1 KS 111 II
ist n
l aw ua in
te 1 7
. Lett ia in
4. aw it M
Lite im 121
ttt l 144 W.4
ntlaaarsk. 47. C a Bt. b I.IW llt 1 H4
Fltiaaareh real L:it MS 11 IP
Pallawa ralaaa Car ...
ftallear SUM4 tprlag .,
HaeablM Slaal
KapaMla etaal pf4
Rav U4aa4 C
Rack Waa re, sM ...
tl L 4 I T 14 B44.,
St. Lasts 4 W
It. Leata a W. K4...
, IM 144 ue III
IK4tt ia lies ie
I. Ma c
Sraaa-lBeftlelt a I J
soaikara raalfta II. tr
Soalkars Balleay 1.441
seataera Ratlway et.... I Wa
I .as
114 11?
SS xt
N 14
Taaeaaaat Ceppar ....
Teaae a Pactlla
T., t. L W
T . at. u a w. tel.
Vataa Parltla
lafra retfllt ptt ....
Uallat atatas Baaltp.
Valtat Ptaiaa Raeesr
Valtet Statee sural ..
MS 4 14
11 14 U
ttt 14 14 U
U,t in lar it
14 PI PI ilS
I. FT 7B ' W
T.ttt H 14 11
U4.M4 P r 17
a 111 111 113
tliaa Oapeae U.4aa
VlrilsaraUsa Cbeel....y 4at
Wabask V, Jim
4 4 tas
Waatars Mtrrlrat
WarAlataaaea Daatlit
Waaaare Ualee
. a. tat
akeallat a Lake Brie.. .. 14t
Uklsk vallar It. Ii
114 Mt 1 lit
(Slae Caepae It
hay Cvaaallaated 11.
Awarteaa Taaaace
Tatal aalea far lae ear. ati.tss aaaraa
Jew Yark Mewey Market.
oall. steady at IS4J2S Per cent; ruling
rate. 1 per cent; closing bid. tS per
cent: offered at i per eenL Tint loans
steady: sixty and ninety days, 14 per
cent: six months. SS per cent.
par cent.
actual bualnesa In banker' bill at Ks4
for sixty-day tuns and at M.a!ai for de
mand: commercial bills 44.13.
silLVKiA aaeatoan aoitars, 47c.
BtN Ilii Goverament, steady: railroad.
0. 1 M. k. reg...1llTat. Mar. M 4a
4s ceapen l)japaa ta lt
B. k la. ea 111 a 4e n
a names rai-PL C. Be. let ta ... lau
0. a 4a. rag. lit L. . 4a. 4s (1411). 13
44 eaapa "4 L IN. a 4a.. P
AllleOal. let Bt.. !. K T. lat ea. P4U
Aaaar. Aart. 4a ta, ,, MJ
A. T T. v. 4S..I14 Ma. radltt ta. 11
Am. Tsaeree 4a. -!!. R. at H. 4a.. la T
Awer. Tr TtaitJt. T. C. $. Ie.... S7
a v. aes.. ai -ao ea. ta M
Atrataaa tw 4a ... svi I. N. B AH.
ev. 4a ie, rv. la m
tr. 4a Ht'fH. a W. ar. H....11I
At. r. L tat 4e..- 4x. aw lat a. 4a . tt
B a ta 44 Sa ractrla tt tt
4e 1 ea- aa
a. a W. im.... It'tn s L. rft a ... aae.
Br. Tr. ca 4a. ITSfaiie. aw ISa BU., 17
C. at Be. aa- 144 1 4a tea 4a. if!
Oa. Leata. le. 4iialtaa4tB sea. ta.... W
c. ef k. 4. a aauia u a a r. tg. a
c. a a 44ta .... at tea. la asil
ta v. 4a BLlVta.cJ
ar. a. A, fas 41 4 let aat4 ea.... 11
v. a. . J .? a. aw at.. .1
a eaa. aa... ar-aa. ratine. ctL 4s 41
an. x. 1 1 p. ttt a ev. 4a. aa.
a rtt 4s."... "SSa Ralreay aa...'.ia:
acaka. lat aa Tl a eaa. 4a T44
Oala. alrllaet 4a... 41 Ualee Paclfw ta....lta
C. a r a e 4a. tr ta. c. aa. ia-
O. a v. ...- t 4e tat a ear. 4a... PIS
an. a TL a etas er-. a Rabter 4a.. ms
ea ret le ISF a Bieal at la . 147
Itratllterf te 71 s Vaaj- r;. aa. lse
Erie sr. IM 4s.. lawuitaa lat 4a. T
ea tea. 4a 71 4a lat a aa. 4a.... 17
a, av. 4a. ew. A.. 4T Wamrs Ma ea lr
4, eertet B. IPWaaL Blaa St. .. 4tl
Oaa gttc av. 4a.lBawtk Ceatral ea.... 41
ItL Ota Ml tel. ta.. 14 wa rac. ev. Kaa.. a
far. va te-. 4tTkstaa la pe
Lewdwa Bteek Market
LONDOX, March S American car
Hie war quiet aad during tire
early trading today. Canat'aa Pacific
was firm and advanced 1H. but the rest
of- the iiin raneed trom above to U
below yesteroay's New York closing.
In the afternoon' good general buying
appeared and the market advanced and
ekieed strong under the lead of Union
pacific and Amalgamated Copper.
London closing stock quotations:
. ..77 U-UloalavUla at Nul..W
...77 li-ltale.. Kaa. a Ttt.. sr.
st New Tent Central. .l!li
ISKertelk a Wsslsrs.111
Atrklaea .IU4, ea eM S4
4a pN MstaOetarta a wasters. K
Baltimore A Okie..MSWeeaavlTaele ........ 4H.
Caaaeiaa Paellte ..HI Raa4 Hlees 4S
Cbaeapteke a Okie. Tnaa41a . IU,
Cat. Great Westers. IS goetaere Rr , 11
rL. MIL St. MlJV, ea eft JTti
Uraiw a Rle O.
. MHlnlea raema .
. 44 4a eM
.. as I' a (teal
. Uii 4a sf4
. li'tWakuk
. Sta 4a (ft
4a 1st P'4
4e 34 pre
Crsa4 Trank ....
Ilhaols Oaatral
81 LVER Bar,
.... 44
steady at . Md
MONET I per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills Is t 7-JtaH, per cent;
for three months' bills, S per cent.
Bestea Stack Market,
BOSTON", March rT.-Clofln- quotations
on stocks wer ar
Allaaes 44 Mohawk S3
Aaial. Cspeer Coa f
A. Z. L a t.. I' Niplwlai Mlaaa ...
Aril. Cera. iNertk butl
B. a 1- C. a a U t Nana Lake
Oal. a Ana 7rv Dawlalaa
I'alaawt a Hkl ..474 Oeeeale
Mitaalal XI gulacr
Cappar Raaea CM. at gbanaws
rast Bette I14(&uptrlar
Praaklla ...t.. 14. Iliiperler a .' M
liouai I'M MhTaiaaravk ..i
llraabr Oa.
4t I s s . a 14...: na
41 pfS 4S
r' t'h Car. 14
MkCtak Cesser 41
4, .. n .euaa
..kUalmiaa Ill
tlrvaaa taaaea
Ula Karats -i.Oe-
Kerr Lake
tAka Capper
Muual Copper ....
esvYrk Mlalac Itscka.
NEW YORK. March rr.-Closlng quota
tion on mining stocks were: -
All's tee eLaasvllletCes. 14
Breaeslik Cee. .... Little Calef i 4
Caw. Taa. aterk... II Maaleas .He
w etm4a II Oatarle IU
Cee. I'll a Va Opblr its
Iroa Silver 114 Standard as
vftme. Y alios jacket It
Bank Cleartaaa,
uaaiin, .mi 11 -r 1 1 1 1 vicauiia ivr
tnAmv ei Ul llTSa mnA Sab t. -
apondlng day iaat year
toffee Marker.
NEW YORK. March 77.-COFFEE-ru-ture
market opened steady at a decline
of 441 points under ecattering liquida
tion, which may have been partly In
spired by th uncertainty as to the future
attitude of leading roasting Interests,
owing to th sudden death of John Ar
buckle. (Somewhat disappointing Ku
ropean cable and large recelpta contri
buted to the decline In connection with
European offerings and Belling for a re
action, but coffee was well absorbed
around tha Initial figure and th market
late In the day rallied a shad from the
lowest on bull support and covering. The
tlnee was steady at a net decline of itrt
points rales, 71.50 bars. March, llSaV;
April, 1171c; May, Ullc: June. Utejc;
July, Ullc: August, 14 00c; September.
14 08c; October, 14.04c; November, ij.Dc;
December, 14.01c; January, U Wc; Febru
ary, 13.10c. ,
Uavse was t; franc higher to 4 franc
lower. Hamburg was unchanged. Rio,
unchanged at KI775; 8antos, unchanged;
4s. at7M; 7. 7W10. Brailllsn exohauge on
London, 1-rd higher at It p-Kd. Re
ceipt at the two Bratlllan ports, lt.000
bags, against 7.0M bsga last year. Jun
dlahy receipts were 7,000 bags, against
l.iuO bags Iaat year. Today' special
Hantoe cable reported 4S unchanged and
Sao Paulo receipts of 14 two bag, against
13.000 the previous "ay. Phowers at rain
wore reported In thiee districts of 8o
Paulo, with fin weather In the other
two. New York warehouse deliveries
yesterday wer 14.114 bags, against 7.13S
bag last year. A private cable from
Havre reported th market dull, with the
reaction due to larger recelpta than ex
pelled and bulla selling.
Spot, steady: Rio No. 7. 14Vc; fiantoa
No. 4, MSc. Mild, dull; Cordova, ICelSHc
Metal Market. . i
NEW ' YORK. March i7.-MKTAl,-
tandard copper firm; spot, la.:li.J7;
March, llS.r'vwla.V,; April. tlo.S4jls.t7w;
May, tliJIttli.sO; June, tli.J2tilka: July.
ULtittttlLK. LAcal sale ai tons; April
at tU.2t; tons May at 115.17; tons
June at 114.90: a ton Jun at tlLKVa.
London market atrong: spot, tta 16
future, lit 11 4d. Arrival reported at
New York today. CM tons. Custom houae
return show export at 3,440 tons so
far tin month. Tin, firm:- spot 4J.J7
ff4J.7i; March. 4t.sn4t.7t; April. 4tt4
tlai; Msy. IliiOtHiTi; June. 41.at4ia.
Loral, sale. 4 tona April at 47.40. London
market iteady; spot, (194, futures,
(11 6s lrai, market steady: 44 MHoO,
New York: 4 JJ4X an, Ea.t m. taui,. tMn.
don. 114 23s d. Spelter, market Heady;
tSlrejlWl, New York; M.40 bid. Kaat ML
lult. Hale ot Ml. IxKlla apelter. 10B.0UO
pound April at M.60; (41.OW pound April
at t 47V. London. Ce la. Antimony,
market quiet;. Cookson's, tt.cO. Iron,
Cleveland warrants. Us l6d In London.
Locally Iron waa quiet; No. 1 foundry
northern, tit St li 7a: No., t, tH.7t4iU.3ri;
No. 1 soutnem and No. 1 southern toft.
ST. LO'-IB. March r-XIBTALci-Iad,
strong;, H&e)4.ta. Spelter, firm; faM,
Kvaswrated Apples aad Dried rralta
Af'PUW-Qulet and featureless,
with price nominally unchanged; on the
spot, fancy. rt10Vi choice, trsc;
prime, 7tJ7c.
liRIKO FRUITS-Prunes, Inactive and
only about iteady; quotation rang from
4Sc to Its fur-California up to Jo-tue.
Apricots, dull and weak, with prices
Vowr; choice, I4414o;. extra choice, 16e
uy-; fancy, 14411 aSc Peaches, inaotlve
and price are' easy, although nominally
unchanged; extra choioa, lltfliHc; fancy,
UVjl9a Rakdna, very quiet and prices
are barely eteady; mo muaratel, siaHo;
choi, e to fancy needed, 4fr7V; Medleas,
S'e7c; London lay era, tl.tlrtfl.ta.
Philadelphia Predae Markel.'.
Firm: weatern creamery specials, ste:
erestern creamery extras, J2c; nearby
prims, S4c.
KOUS-Weak. tie per case lower: Penn
sylvania and other nearby first, free
raaea. It. 7i per caaa; Pennsylvania and
other nearby current recelpta, free cases.
Met per. case: western firsts, free cases.
9a.7d per ce: western currant receipts,
tree cases, tatt per rase.
CHKF8E Firm; New York full creams,
fancy, tOc; fair t good, lMylpo.
IMia aad Real
tttpc.- ftales. 7 Mia.; re
eeipta, tl bblsa, shipments, IM bbls.;
liori,, ooie.
ROSIN-Flrtn. Sale. I. bbls: re
ceipts 477 bble.; shipments, l.grS bbls.;
toi'.x. lAtat ooi. wuote: n. pa ad: ii,
3700; K. r.; F. O. H, I. 17.15: K, 17.30;
.. j .
Oeaaha Hap Market.
OMAHA.' March Zf.-HAT-No. 1. Ill 04
0i.w; No. 3. nsjnouoe: No. t, fit asa
1404; No. 1 midland, 1144314.04; No. 1
lowland. I17JH41K4: alfalfa, cbokw Id aad
4th cutting. Ca.40wr.ot: 1st and td eat
ing. Jl!a.; No. 2. tte.00930.09; No. 1
Ltverpeel Ore la Market.
MVERPOOI. "March I7.-WHEAT-kpot,
nominal; future, eteady; May, 7a
7d; October, 7s 4d.
CORN Spa, firm: " American mixed
new, 4s 4d: American mixed old, 4
TVtii; xtsv, ae -u , oepremoer. es ML
FLOUR Winter patents, 3pa.
Peweta Market. " '
PEORIA. III.. March S.-Cora-
Firm: No. 1 whit. 7uiC: No. whir
c; No. 3 yellow, 7c; No. 4 yellow.
a - . . a " '
OATS-Hlgher; No, 3 wbtte, MHc; No.
3 wjllt, a3c
NEW TORK. March I7.-8UOAR Baw,
steady: muacovado. tt test, 344c- eea
trifugal. 04 test, 444c; moitasae, it teat.
asiou iteiuaea. ran.
Pra are WUI ssastatT Deewaar Tetataw
CHICAGO. March r.-Charte (Chart
Fraaer. formerly a Cklcaso National
lagu pttcber. has atgned a contract to
manajje th Decatur. I1L, tears ta the
Thrw-I taagu tor tn coming aeason.
' It yoa have anything te txtxtajst, ad
vertise it The Bee want ad olssjxaa.
Cattle Slow Selleri, with
" CLang-e in Price.
Sheep Casaasaad Ft raw Prleea, While
Fat Ar Iteady ta Paaal
bly a Little Easts Tfcaa
Taeaday'a Prices.
SOUTH OMAHA. March 7, ISli
r.ecetpt were: catlle. lions. Sheep.
Official Monday... MIS a.Sa3 Js.2
Official Tuesday ,i7 17.223 ,.
Estimate Weorerday.. 4.9H0 14. J.iw
Three days this w'k.U.117 X7.0W S7.5J
Ssme days last weck.ia.ett 4i41 .eia
Sam day I wk ago.. 14.7117 a. let K.414
Same day I wk ago.. 12.453 41.i .0
Stm4 days 4 wks ago.. 11. 107 K.ta 3a.4
iame davp Ian,7J tk,it7
The following table elwaa the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South
Omaha for the year to date as compared
with last year:
191S. Ml. Inc. tec.
Cattle Ep0.7 a,7t .
Hogs fca.lBl 67S.4 S80.1U ....
Sheep sM.211 44I.& ....
Th following table a hows me rang ot
price paid for boga at South Casta ha for
the last few days, w'-sj eom?ai-ons:
Date, j 11.'.;07.19.
M'ch 1. '! 110 til HI 4 4 44:
M'ch 2( SS H 1 441 4 44' 4W t 17
M'ch SI 7 OWtl 46110 K 1 731 45 SSj
M'ch Hi 7 ft. 4 47 14 49, t ill 4 14, U
M'cb 231 M I 4 46-1 tT sdj 4 7M t 11 4
M'ch 24 I 4 4114a 4 l4taV I 4 tl
M'ch 2Si 7 01 HI K;10 tai iS: 4 t!
M'ch 3i 7 hrl It44l 4 47 t el t t M
M'ch K I 72 t a U tt
Receipt and disposition of live stock
t th Union stock yard. South Omaha,
for twenty-four hour eliding at I clock
Cattle. Hogs. 8h p. Htt
C. M. 4Y 8t. P...
Missouri Pacific...
Union Pacific
C. a S. W eat!....
C. 4V N. W.. west....
C. ML P. M. A O....
C. B. 4V M.. east
C. B. a g.. west....
C. R, L a P, east..
C. R. I. P.. west..
Illinois Central
C. Q. W
Total receipts.. .19 - 197 3 U
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..... 7 Li 7W 1.024
Swift Co ..1.11
Cudahy Packing Co... .I I:J
Armour 4V: Co.
Schwarts 4k Co
Slnclara ..
Bocek Co
W. B. Vanaant Co
Hill Bon. ...a
P. B. Lewis
Huston a Co
J. B. Root C
J. H. Bulla
U P. Hues
U Wolf
Mccreary e Kellogg....
Werthelmer Degen...
H. F. Hamilton
Mo. Kane. -Calf Co....
Clin Christie
Other buyers
Totals .......MB li4 l74)
CATTLE Cattle' receipt were liberal
again today, making the total for the
three day 13.117 head, the largest for any
similar period for a number of weeki
hark and larger than a year ago by about
1.404 head. At the same time most other
markets were fairly aupplied with cattle,
so that the situation could not be re
garded as favorable to th selling Inter-
Trier seemed to be a very fair demand
for beet steers, but swing to the liberal
receipts thus far this week buyer wer
somewhat Independent and could afford
to take their time In filling orders. Aa a
result tha trade waa alow, but still price
did not show any very great cnange. in
sliabl kinds of cattle wer about sleady
with such cattle that buyers did not es
pecially want, possibly a little week. .
Cows nd heifers, though not very ac
tive, moved somewhat trior freely than
beef steer and tha market on that kind
of rattle was generally quoted aa ateady
with yeterdy. ...
Taara waa a fair allowing of feeder
cattle and a reaaonably good demand.
Pries remained, practically statioiiary,
allowing little or no change In either dl-
"',lon- . .
o notations on Call; Good . to choice
beef ter. r.0tt.00; fair to good beef
steer. tteCt7.00; oommoa to fair beef
a tears tt tOo&O; food to choice helfera,
S.aOtjC.30; good to cholc cowa, H7aj.U;
,lr to good cows, t4.uoy4.74; common t
fair cows tTTHKOii; good to cholc stock
era and feeders. 4a. SOB 4. 40; fslr to good.
14 0006.60; common to fair. I wnjt..oa; stock
helfera,; veal calvta, M.ft'tfui;
bulla, atags, etc,
. Keprntatie sales:
. afber aiiB.a,Hn,
He. -
Av. sr.
rr. .
114 4 14
...174 I 4
.... lit t 71
....14a 4 14
,...IMt til
,...144 4
.... 171 I A
... Ill I U
.... atl I 44
....test 4 44
...lew lit
.... tat w
Ml I 44
1144 u
1144 I 44
lm B
,..1H4 II
.....nit 1 at
.....IMi IN
int t ai
1711 It
in 7 at
int. 1 tt
174D I It
.....trtt t4o
tatt 1 tt
IM 1 1
1777 7 It
i....1t4t t 14
111! 7 1'
1171 t U
1IM 1 94
IM 7 34
1714 7 M
iTtj 1 a
int 7 at
lait 7
114I 1 it
I4M .7 41
i:ii 7 44
......1111 4 14
I m
....1111 t it
....1474 I II
W ita 1 14
tt. Ittl lli
I ....144 4 14
II 111! 111
ii liar 71
iaat 1 n
t. MSI I 71
7 itn 1 n
at. 111 m
11.. IK.T 1 at
a leu 4 at
a... r:
it .
4 .
,..-... cowa , -
1. m m !... 114
I Ml t 4t 91 4M a tt
4. 14 4 M - 14 ttl I ti
I au 4 Ti . 1 -.mi 1 a
I ist I tt 1 1711 I 71
t M I I lilt J 7i
II ISM I tt II 143 4 7
11 141 I 44 1 1111 1 71
4. tsi isi it.... tin 4;;
I tat 1 tl 11 an I la
I lab I H t ntt t tl
M tai 1 ' 4 ittl I 44
It Ml 1 II 1 1U3 I C
I... MM IB t 1141. Ill
4..... M 111 I I1B I 14
1111 4 7 ' t 1444 4 14
U. 1444 1 44
It 414 IB , 4 447
I IU 111 U IM t 11
t IU I 71 It 714 4 M
t 441 4 IS - 4 M4 I ti
I...... 711 4 at 11 ta 4 M
a. i 4 ,. 49 4 li
. . . BULLS.
I..., mm 1 a t..... leu 144
t,. hti IS l.......llt in
L UM I 74 t 1171 i s
1 474 4 14 .... 174 t I
1 14 7 It 1 It I M
.., let 7 74 l .r. IM Id
''V'"i3t6ckers and feeder!
t- 1.: til 4B - - B 741 AM
t tM 4 74 It Mt 11
!. 411 4 ti , M.. 474 t B
31 147 is ' u.. ....... ta 4 a
U M4 4 li
HOOS-iieevy buying of hogs at big
advance, packer leading, gave taa mar
ket a sturdy appeararice throughout. The
general revival ot demand on slaughter
account appeared aa the roost aigniflcant
feature ot the trade, a It means that eur
ieot softy prtcea are natural, contrary to
recent gossip that shipper and specula
tor have been developing a market more
or leaa artificial. Keen competition not
nly produced lively moveaneui, but sent
value upward with a rash, bulk selling
furure ranging trim a dime to a quarter
Receipt were fairly large, but they
were anytMag but exiitiiive. everything
atoving acaiewerw In a ateady proceeatoa.
Soaaething like law head arrived, the
supply conalatlng of all weight iwnniwa;
frora choice heavy dawn to poor light
Shipper furntsaed a fair outlet for
quality offering, but advances were a
Uttao to large ta meet with their entire
approval aad purchase aa wtsid orders
lacked th volume of recent dare. Ahont
ana light h at th total sold 1 bur era not
see or la ted with local packers.
Best heavy hoga. ea sale reached 37 44
th high price paid aiac aVufust of
last year. Bulk sold within IT 2St3751. but
the market was naturally very uneven
und spreads between tha various weight
wer poorly defined. -
Sa Ar. Ea. rr. 4a Ar. Sa. Tr.
57 1 ... 7 t 47 14 ..T I 44
XI 144 11' 71 -A M 7 4t
St Ut t li , C - ... I M
7- IM ... Ita 71 13 ... Ita
Jt ill ... 7 li II 75 V 7 4t
K 144 ... I It ' 71 Sril Lit I m
tt IM ... 7 S " at t 7 at
I IM .,15 71 711 It IS
ii IM .-.-7! 14 Itl ... 7 4t '
51.; IM 44 7 Si M ... 44
a in ... 7 zi b :u 44 t tt
a in mil; ti .u ... l tt
;l 211 tt I 77i M t ... t H
71 tl! 44 7 M tl 741 ... 1 44
(S ..747 ... 7 7 74 744 ... I 4t
a ...... 721 ... 7 44 7ii It 7 41
IS SM ... I 34 B 743 ... t 4t , .
S 117 ... 7M 44 li ... 7M
M 117 ... t M 171 774 M 7 47
XI 91 ... 7 M 47 75 4s 7 41
t4 711 131 7 It 44 ZA M I li
-.4 TH ... 7 St 71 7;S ... 7 ti
U Ill ... t U J41 ... 7 41
t Tat Ml 7 31 li -711 M 7 4S
S 3t aa 7 B 71 Tit ... 7 41
7; 711 ... 7 Ii 77J ... 7 li
44 775 M t li tl 7l M 7 4a
51 3 41 7 n 41..;....!7 41 7 44
74 S3 ... 7 II C 7M ... 7 41
,5 154 ... 7 14 41 . ... 7 -
St 73i 10 7 34 41... ....Til ... I M
i 734 44 7 14 41 71 1X4 7 IS
il lit' I 7 li 17 HP 41 J 34
Ti 734 ... 7 3 SI 344 7 54
3 :0t 44 7 SI 14 Ttl ... 7 M
M 7 .'4 ... 7 14 41 747 ... 7 M '
41 741 44 7 ii 344 M 7 a '
11 77 ... 7 75 4 Ml ... 7 14
tl 31 ... 7 4 . U 744 ... 1 44
tt 3M ... 14 ML Ill ... 7 ill
71 ,. 7t I 4t. a 77t....?ii
tl 1.74 17 7 M it at ...TM
7:.......l ... 7r 41 444 B 114 -
74 Sit ... I 4
41 IM ... 414
8HEEP In most essential, sheep and
lamb trad was very similar to yester
day' market. Prtcea for fat stock ruled
generally ateady throughouL but lam he
were more plentiful then sheep and actea
rather slow at the opening. Kwea. weth
ers, etc.. sold with a fair degree of free
dom, usually being quoted firm, while
lambs drew figures steady to a little
Receipts had very decent volume and
seaaonabla quality. . the run aa a wholt
presenting no new features of conse
quence. Yard estiraat cslled for over
1.904 bead, everything except a few scat-
terea shipments coming In the rieec.
westerns wer th rule and Mexicans tn
Hell-finished offering were favored In
packing circles, almost all of the top
prices being paid within the first hour of
trading. Attractive western lamb
brought as much a t7 h.itr7.3b and extra
good ewes landed at feMtfi-to.. Indicating
an extreme limit of possibly aiTa. Shorn
sheep wer quotable at discounts ot 7t
cents from similar quality wooled and
nom lamoa were la good request at
prices about a dollar under wooled lamb
value. Some toppy aliorn lamb changed
hands at Kern, Wether and yearlings
were both scares
Feeder trad consisted largely of a few
sales of fair killing stock for sneering
purposes. Prices' ruled only slightly
higher than those offered by packers
Very little stuff was purchased for feed
ing only, ths two daya' buy amountinc to
a scant i.Ouv head.
Quotation on sheep and lamb: Iaimba.
good to choice, !7.utf7.40; lambs, fslr to
good, tt.SOtr7.0t: lamb, shorn, io.btx.40;
yearlings, handy, taOtfa.; yearlings.
heavy. H.; yearlings, common. ta.eO
600; wethers, good to cholc. B.&t3.X;
wethers, fair to good, ta.4uju.B; awe,
good to cholc, 71; wes, fair to
good, 34.75474. M.
Hepresentauv sties
.. ti
2 fed lambs
41 fed lambs ,, ,
307 fed ewe
&2B fed lambs
370 fed lamb
o7t fed lamb '.
7 10
7 ti
.. K
.. 77
.. 87
. (77 7
37 fed ewe
.100 .(40
574 Mexican lamb
jnt fed lamba
441 fed lambs
7 25
7 30
4 65
7 M
6 80
.. tn
.. 81
.. SI i
.. 40
.. 74
.. DO
.. 71
.. 74
.. 84
114 fed lamnr
311 western lambs, feeders...
374 western lambs, feeder.
4S4 fed lamba
:9 fed lamba ;
342 fed lambs
313 fed lamba ...'.
tut ted ewes
447 fed lambs .,,
40 fed lambs
lip fed ewe
' St. I.aal 1,1 v Black Market,
ST. LoriS, March .-CATTftae-Re-celpta,
3,300 head, including MO Texan;
market atady; nattv shipping and ex
port steers, 37.autTH.on; dreamed beef and
butcher steers, t,.irttf.iVi: steers under
t.OftTI lbs., I3.23ti.i7i; Mockers and feeder!,
14.jA7: cow and helfera, 33.ontiT.aO;
..anner ElOtrlOCl: bulls. UHHj SO; calves.
tn.004iO.00: Texas and Indian steers, I&.00
e7.iji: cowa sna neiters, .avai.A.
HOtI Kocelpta, 7.40 head: market 10c
higher; pigs and tights, ts.(ftf7.; mixed
and butchers, t7.70us.uj; good heavy, f7.ft
HHBBP AND T,A M Bi Receipts, 1300
head: market atrong: native muttons,
g3.7i74ii.0n; lamba, 44 sf?. 25; cull and
bucks, f1.2jtjS.2i; Mockers. ll.SOtjU.oa
St. Joseph Lira Stock Market,
' ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March 7.-CATTL-
Recelpta 7.710 bead; market, steady
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the -jonntry. It is willing to give out this
information, free- if postage is sent with inqtxiry.
Do You W.ant to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc '
How to get irrigation lards, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc. -
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying. ,
-Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and Bpecifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Cenhaiy Ftaiiner
' Special Announcement
The Conpajcie Gene rale Transatlantiqne
...... -'. , ........ , .
'" ". v 'p'" :.-.
i r ' 4j
- .J' J-::-C
'ti., Fl
Steamer afloat, will leara
oa Its first trip from New York for Havre-Paris May 2d. TTiis
Steamer has 67 sal tea and rooms with private bath, also Torktah
bath rooms, gymnasiam, laondrr. pasaengeT elevators, art Kallerlea, -etc..
etc. The other fast flyers sail etery Thursday on class cabia
steamers (II. CI.) Saturdays at popular prices.
Fall particnlars will be gladly famished by , .
XV. E. EOCK, 1324 Tarawa 8a. U KEESK. First National u.-i.
t. B. RtV.NOLDS, 1SOS Farsuua 8t
steers. &0O41S.007 cews and heifers, U9
reives. aa.ivBo.vv.
i . . ... . a iaat head: mark-art
higher: top, 7..i; bulk of sales, 37 aitj. M
Sun-D avn I.AMHS Recelota 1 jrVl
bead; market, slow; lambs, t-7;7i.
Desaaad far Cattle Steady Hegw
and Sheep HlaTher.
CHICAGO, March 7.-CATTLB-Re-ceipts, bead; market ateady to 10a
lower for iteers; others higher; beevea,
P-StiS a1: Texas steers. W.Mw.S; western
steers. t5.3i.90; etocker; and feers.
t4.aiaiii.S0: cows and heifers, tiut.7S;
calves. tti.0O8.tS. , .
lIOOS-Recelpts. .0j0 head: mjet
eteadv, SitlCc higher; light,
mixed, 7.454TI.: l-.Sf
rour.h, r.tatiT; piss, a&7.S; bulk oX
sties. S7.jat7.75. 1
SHEliP ANU LAMBS Receipts, B.W0A
htad: mark at We higher; native sheep,
HfejlK: western sheep, 7rt.7Vjrl'W: year-
llnir'. 3o.tar . w; niiive iamua, f"v-"i
western lainua. ea.iaao.w.
Kansas llty Live Stoa-k Market.
tr v-ii l 9 a1TV atlrrIrt a 1TT .V.
fl, Oil a t 11 1 ms . I aa-v- - -
n :. c lia i Kai tuaiiuiinar am Ban II I h
VlYTIl'La, v.atw siqraa
ems: steers steady to 10c lower, cowa
steady to We hleher: dressed beef and
export tsrs. I7.1ijli.2: fair to rood,
s.37.1j; western rers. tt.7Btr7.ia;
tockers snd feeders, J4.7:t;t.3: eoutjiern
steer Sa.a0447.2i; southern cows, &&t)t
i.; nttlve cowa, tt.loti'vSS: nxtlvv twlfera.
ti.HHj7.ou; bulls, KiwioiS.; calves, 6.00t
X5 . ' . . .
HOGS-Receipta T head; market 14)
filfe Jiigher: bulk of sales, r t7.;
heavy ff.TiVrtlT.sSi: packer and butchers.
t7.-5-vn7.80: lights. ST.W'l.TO: PUte, eVOW.tJi.
VSHEEP AND UtMBRet-elpts, 14.00I
head; market loe highei ". lambs.
7.W; yearnnss. aj.aove.iiw. wtiu.o,
i w- eaea U.MX.H: stocker and farders.
.... . Stock ta (right.
n.tnta nt live stock st the fiv prin-
cipal western markets yesterday:
South Omaha 4.) H.OiO tvSra
St. Joseph ?.W .o 1 aW
Kwsaty i. Jiono ltJ
St. Louis 2.' 7.400
Chicago ls.0i TVUUt as
. Total receipts ti.WO 43,400 52, Kw
Kanaka City Grata aad Pravlsleaa.
Cssh. unchanged to lc higber: No. I
hsrd. t1.05WLU; No. 3, Ii.ot'ffi.w: iso, 1
redi.03til.oi: No, 3, t7.(al.otjc.
C1KN Ijncnsngea to """
S mixed. 74tJ7c; No. 3. TJc; No- 3 while,
7(tr77c: No. 3. 72H4373V4C. '..-. ,
, i'ju.Hv- N'n l white. iltttoaHcl
No. 3 mixed. W,44imc.
Closing prices 01 luturea .
unv.iT-Miv. 31.014a: July. Ktec: Sep
tember. wjilvc ma.
CORN May, 74Hc; July, Ti7Jio 1W.
septemoer. vn u,.
OATS-May. bJsc; July. 4tu54tHc bid.
tlmotnv, a4.uu; cnoicet pminc, ftra
nt'TTCRnumtrv. zxc: f I rata
seconds, ztc: pacains; atoca, sic. -i
EtHitJ-Extraa, ac; iirsta inc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu MOO S&.t
Corn, bu M ono jaono
Oats, bu a."
Wl.ualta flMla Market.
May. tlWtc; July, tl.08Htl ; fVP
tember, 11.41. Cash. No. 1 hard, ll.COM
No. 1 northern. tLOriSUl.Ot't : No. t north
ern, tl OtrS dl OtTit; No. J, tlO4,tt.04;v
BARLEY itctttl.ta.
. CORN-No. 3 yellow. 75c.
OATS-No. 3 whit. M03C. . ... .
. RYE No. i. 88c.
BRAN In lOO-lb. sacks, 3i5 fiotj- 50.
- FLOI R First patents, t00i.30: ec
ond patent. M.tTJtrt.90; first clears, ettOtj)
L73r second clears. g.30ty2.7d.
Mttwaake Grala Market.
' MILWAUKEE, March 37.-WW5AT-
No. 1 northern, 11-1241.13; No. 3 northern, : No. 3 hard winter,. tL0U4jL4t(
May, tl.Olta: July e asked.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, 7IVjlJ7Jc: No. 1
whit. 73o; N. 3, 72c; May, 73ic; July,
Waft ' ,
OATS-Standard. Mtjotc. .
BARLEY-tl R1.3t.
Dry Oeeda Market. '
NEW TORK. March 27.-rRT OOODS-t
Th cotton good were quieter but still
very firm during th day. Woolen ant
wonted guod are In better general dee
mand for spot delivery. Yarn ar ateady.
Jobbers report a eaaonabla detnaud' ot
nearly normal proportions.
' Cattaa Market.
' NEW YORK. March 7f7.-CTJTTON-4
Spot cloaed quiet, H point higher; mid,
dllng uplands, lO.Sic; middling gulf, 11.10c
Hales. 1.400 bales.
Cotton future closed Tory steady.
March, 10.41c; April, loic; May, 14;c
Jun. 1000c; July. 10.Kc; August! lOttc;
September, lOCic; October, I0.72o; Novem
ber, 10.74c: December, HUbc; January.
.74c; February. 10.73c.- "
Waal Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March J7.-WOOL-,
Steady; territory and western mediums,
lt)ltc; fin medium, liSI7c; fin, it
tlic ,
ukes much plraiur In aa
nounclns that the sew
Largest, Fastest and Host
Magnificent Coat I b m tti
Quadruple Screw TnrtalTe