Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Mutt and Jef!
Kiag Ben of FnB Making
Every Day i The Bee.
- VOL. XLI-NO. 244.
Gives Tettimon j at Bearing Before
How Doth the Pres idential Bee Improve Each Shining Hour
I f awe Aoua 01 irrigation tt
r T.iwAl
Kountxe Brothers Declares Boss
Agreed to Bo More Thin Able.
befit nr xnn from boss
His Attorney Insists Fall Payment
Was Hot to Be Made.
J. H. Met. . urn Testifies Hi Own
Qaartcr i Stock, sad Betas la
Earlt, of Doherty Compaay
Blacks Keaatae Deal.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March S7.-SpeclaL-Charlea
Rom wa oa tlie stand today In
his own behalf In the hearing of the pro
test made by Kountxe brother against
his water power filing on the Platte and
Klkharn rivers. The whole tendency of
his testimony was to show food Wth
on his part In making the filing, follow
inf It up with work to proteet his rights
and efforts to finance the project, and
also to show bod faith on the part -fit
representatives of Kountze brothers in
nuking their filing through Wlllla Ooad
and also In the negotiation to buy the
tights of Ross and hi associates.
The cross-examination of Ross by I.
N. Congdon, attorney for Kountxe broth
era, was directed to snattempt to show
ihttt nt enaush work had been done on
Vjh pcujact to keep It alive, and also that
In the- negotiations for the sale of the
rights of himself and associates "he had
contracted to deliver a percentage of the
stock of his company which he could not
deliver when the time cam to make good
on the optica contract.
Ross' Effort as Promoter..
On direct examination Ross detailed
how when he mad his filing he gave
some stock in his company to Craig and
tha heir of Andrew Roaewater to clear
'any cloud which their previous filings
might have cast on his rights and also
" th details of hi plan, lie testified thai
In April, mi, he went to F. H. Davl
of th First National bank and gave him
figures showing th plant, waa capable
of earning SK,0M net per year and on
that balls was capitalised at H .000,000, of
which Davis was to receive J per cent
for floating the company.
Th dealings with the Farwell Trust
company of Chicago and other were de
tailed and then the entrance of Kountxe
brother through the medium of Loster.N
The detail! of th negotiations . with
Jester war recced substantially as by
Loslee, himself on th day before, the
principal point of dlfferenc belg that -r.
Csngdgu, sought show by th witness
that k was not able to deliver the H per
cent of the stuck la Ms company aa pro
vided In th option contract signed by
Ron and Losier. Rom maintained that
h could, white the "Counts Interests In
sisted he could not and that waa the rea
son th money was not paid on the op
tion. Rosa also testified that he bad as
surances he could finance his project If
the title to his water rights weer offi
cially cleared.
Noser aat oa Project,
Mr. Ross testified he and his associates
had expended S9J0S so far on. the project,
of which 17.S0O had been "paid in cash and
the remained in stock of th company.
Mr. Congdon on cross-exsmlnatlon asked
how much of this amount had been paid
for actual construction work, seeking to
exclude money paid for engineering ex
penses from being considered ss "prose
cution of work" aa provided by law to
protect the filing. Mr. Ross testified
that SJ.tM bad been expended on grading
work and that while most of the time
only one team had been working, th
work ft ad progressed, all the tiro when
weather conditions would permit.
The questions asked by Ma, Ross' attor-
ney concerning th negotatnns with F.
II. Davis were so pointed intending to
show the connection of Mr. Davis with
th Kountses as a showing of bad faith
and to substantiate his claim that th
Kountses were so impressed with ths
value of the proposition that they wanted
(Continued ou Second Page.)
The Weather
For Xebraakpr-Unsettled weather with
probably rain
For lows unsettled weather with prob
ably rain. . .
Trssweralar at
Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
S a. m M
a. m S
I a. m..-
S a. m T,
t a. m ...... fc
M a. m 40
II a. as 42
12 m.
1 p. m 47
S p. m
S p. m. ........... at
4 p. m S
t p. m., 4s
' S p. m s
1 a. m ?
S p. m
Coasparatfrc Local aXecordU
mi. 1911. lh. 190
Highest yasterday M 1
Lowest yesterday ...... S 2 Sd 31
Mean temperature I B K
Precipitation . . . .
Temperature-.' and precipitation depar
ture from the normal;
Normal temperature 4S
Deficiency for the day 00
Total deficiency since March 1 Ms
Normal precipitation inch
Deficiency tor the day . Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.... . Inches
Rxcras ; oca March 1 l.H Inches
Ieflclency for cor. period. 111. .44 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, bis. 1.14 Inches
Reports frosa Stattoaa at T P. M.
Btatioa and tttata Temp. High- Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. today, fait
Cheyenne, clear
Davenport, clear ........ tt
Denver, cloudy . M
Deo Moines, clear 41
Lander, dear 8
North Platte; cloady .... at
Omaha, dear ft
PuebiO, cloudy .......... 41
Rapid rtty. clear .......
rait Lake, clear U
Santa Fa. cloudy 31
Sheridan, clear .-. 41
ntoux city, dear 41
Valentine, dear 4
T Indicates trace of Brsclplfanon.
1 A. WELSH. Local Foracaater.
The National Capital
Wednesday, March ST, 101SV
Th Senate.
Met at 11 a. rra.
Resumed consideration of Stephenson
lection case.
Lorlraer Investigating committee briefly
considered Lorimer casa and adjourned
until Thursday.
Finance committee deolded to report
favorably McCumber bill to repeal Cans
dma reciprocity agreement, except wood
pulp and print paper section.
The House.'
Met at noon.
Considered! miscellaneous bills on regu
lar calendanT
Rules committee decided not to report
resolutions calling for Lawrence strike
Investigation. m
Julian Kennedy, mechanical engineer,
told Stanley Steel trust investigating
committee a etael mill running - to at
per cent full capacity waa economically
Passed bill reducing residence required
on homestead land from five to throe
Ways and means committee will take
no Immediate action . on cotton tariff
schedule revision.
Great Crowds Listen
to Seed Experts in
Southeastern Iowa
CRESTON, la., March r.-tSpedal.r-That
Iowa farmers are awakened to the
serious condition of seed corn this spring
and anxious for every suggestion that
will help them to produc a bigger crop
next fall was ' forcefully demonstrated
today by th larg crowds that greeted
th Burlington aeed corn fend soil pe
dal on It first day of the two weeks'
Itinerary over Southern Iowa. i
At th first meeting, at Indlanota. 70S
farmers crowded into th court room
and packed the entrance from the Ex
tension department of th State Agri
cultural college at Ames. Governor B.
F. Carroll made a few Introductory
remarks. Prof. M. A. Houser delivered
the lecture on the method of testing
seed corn, while a practical test (was
prepared In sight of th audience. ' In
the meantime other professors scored
the twenty-five tests that had been pre
pared from corn gathered from farmer
In that county a week In advance. These
testa developed that of all tested si per
cent wer strong. 14 per cent weak and
IS per cant entirely dead. - Accordingly
of all the corn submitted for test but
1 per cent mora than halt was fit for
-At Lacona, Hurray, Af ton and Lenox
the lecture wer delivered at the spe
cial train In the audience coaches, th
talks being divided among Prof. A. M.
Snyder, head of the Extension depart
ment; Prof. A. A. Burger, Prof. Q. R.
Bliss and Prof. M. L. Meaner, the gov
ernor making a short address at each
At Lacona th train was greeted by
a brass band and th crowd waa ao large
that th governor addressed It from the
rear of the train, which afterward'
backed to th station and (ha two audi
sncs coaches wer filled with agr
listeners, while tha overflow liatsnsd
through doors and open windows. Hera
tha business houses closed, and th
school adjourned during the visit of the
special. .
Turks Report Great
Slaughter of Italians
in Northern Tripoli
LONDON. V&rch fJ.-Th Turkish army
in Tripoli baa achieved a great victory
over th Italian army, whoaa losses wer
twenty-ssven officers and S.SW men killed
sad wounded, according to the report of
th Turkish commander at Benghaat re
ceived her tolay from a special corre
spondent at th Turkish headquarters.
Th location of th battl Is not given
in the report, which says that tha entire
camp equipment at tha Italian fell Into
th bands of tha Turkish troop. The
Turkish commander says that tha casu
alties among tha Turkish and Arab troops
numbered only la killed and wounded.
River'Breaks Into
Tunnel Under Berlin
BERLIN, March fT.-Eighty workmen
barely escaped with - their live today
when the' river pree broke through th
tunnel now being bored under th river
for th extension of th Berlin Subway.
Tha entire downtown section of the
ubway was flooded and damage to the
extent of several millions waa don.
CHICAGO, March fV.-Formsl orders
of commitment were entered today by
Circuit Court Judge Scan Ian against
John V. Stager and four other officials
for th SVger ft Son Piano Manu
facturing company, who wer sentenced
to terms of from three to seven days in
Jail for contempt of court for violation
of an injunction entered In a trade
mark suit. Th coort allowed an appeal
la all tha cases to the supremo court
and th flv bond and wars given their
freedom pending the ruling of th upper
WELCH; Vs., March Z.-Tb exnlosloB
yasterday la ibe mine of th Jed Coal
and Cos company at Jed snuffed out
th Urea of eighty-tare workmen.
Twenty-eight bodies bad beea brought to
tha surface today, leaving fifty-five mora
to be found. It is expected that by th
and of the day practically all of them
win have been recovered. Work of
Identification has beea difficult. Experts
decline to express an -opinion as to the
cause of th exploaloa. .
WASHINGTON. March X7. - Senator
Taylor of Tennessee, who has been 111
for some days with aa aggravated gall
stone trouble, was muck worse today.
His eonditloa Una afternoon is regarded
ss preearloua -
Republican State Convention En
dorses President by Three
- to One Vote.
Colonel's Delegates Attempt to
Force Matters Early.
Stewart of Colorado Springs Beaten
by Huge Majority.
Lasers. Hopelessly Oataambered,
Fall to Get CoBcoaatoai of Two
Eeveya-at-Lars te Na-
al Gathering
state republican oonventtoa her today
selected eight dlegata-at-larg to the
Chicago national convention. Instructed
for President Text, adopted resolutions
endorsing the Tsft administration and
chose United State Senator Guggenheim
as national committeeman from Colorado.
Tha Taft Instructions and endorsement
wer adopted by a viva voce vote and
Senator GiiirtEeul.elin waa chosen national
commltteemun over Philip B. - Stewart
of Colorado Springs by a vote of 657
to 141.
Never after the first test vet on tem
porary chairman, when Thomas H. Da-
vin of Pueblo, th Tsft candidate, waa
sleeted over lK-n Griffith, the Roosevelt
candidate, by tot to "Mi, was there a
doubt as to the adoption of th program
agreed upon ty Taft leaders.
Tha Roosevelt adherents, although
hopelessly outnumbered, carried their
fight to the floor of the convention, but
th minority report endorsing Roosevelt
and recommending that two delegatea-al-larga
be given to th itooaevslt forces
waa rejetd overwhelmingly.
The delegatee-at-largo follow: t'nlted
States Senator Guggenheim. T. H. De
vi ne, Jefferson Farr, Crawford Hill, A.
M. Stevenson. Irving Howbert, A. N.
Fairish and J. F. McDonald.
Th Roosevelt delegates forced the
doors of the convention hall shortly after
N o'clock and selected seate directly In
front of th platform.
Special Grand Jury
at HiUsville, Va.,
Indicts Eight Men
HILLSVILLE. Va- March K.-Tha
imHiI wrsnd turv emDanalled to con
sider tha assassinations today returned
eight new Indictments against members
of tb Allen clan charging murder and
conspiracy to MIL Those Indicted, were
Sldn. Floyd, Victor. Claude and Frtl
Allen, Byrd Marlon. Sldna Ixl wards aud
Wesley Edwards. , Ot these Floyd Allen.
Sldna Edwards. Vlotsr Allen and Byrd
Marlon are In custody.
Steel Corporation
Raises Thirty Million
NEW YORK, Msrch rr.-The United
State Steel oornoration announced today
that It had sold to J. P. Morgan Co.
an Issue of t30.un.00O S par cent bonds.
This Is tha first time In years that the
corporation has Issued bonds, Its surplus
earnings heretofore having been used
In th construction of new properties.
It waa thought advisable to secure th
sum named by sal ot bonds In order to
keep ths amount of cash on hand up to
th aura shown at tha beginning of the
calendar year, according to Chairman
Stephenson Keeps
His Seat -in Senate
WASHINGTON. - March S7.-8enator
Stephenson of Wisconsin, octogenarian,
millionaire banker and lumberman, re
tains his seat. By a vote ot 4 to St
th senate today declared hla election
valid and rejected the charge that
U 07,793, which the senator admitted
spending In ths Wisconsin primaries had
been used corruptly.
Mexican Rebels
Capture Jimenez
JIMENEZ, Mex.. March 27.-Th rebel
triumph Is complete. Th last of the
federal force covering their retreat
under heavy artillery fire, fled during
Ibe night from Jlmenes.
PHOENIX. Aria.. March tZ-The
Arisona legislature by aa overwhelming
majority today adopted resolutions ob
jecting to the appointment of former
Territorial Governor Richard Sloan to
be United States judge for th district
of Arizona.
Mr. Sloan was attacked in speeches
made by democratic members, Senstor
John T. Hughe of Tuacoa charging
that Moan waa supported by the rail
roads, "who hoped, through biro, to test
the rights and power of th state rail
road commission.
Senator A Ions Hubbell. republican of
Asaeh county, defended Sloan, char
acterised tha resolution as being intended
to "ruin Sloan'a character" and de
clared It adoption 'merely a partisan
ANNAPOLIS. MiL. March Z7.-Joha P.
O'Malley. state auditor-elect, waa ar
rests, today oa th charge of attempt
ing to brio William R. amaJlwood. a
member of th house of delegates, to vote
against th local option MIL He was rs-
leased on SHOW ball. Renal I wood de
clared on th floor of th boos recently
that C Mailer offered him S&tt to vote
against tha bill.
From tha Minneapolis Journal.
Secretary Currie of Taft League
comments on Primary.
Seven Haadred Taft Delegates Will
Bo .' Chosen' by Meat Satardsy
i ' laht dtonscs Leave to
- oinai Stale. "," " '"-
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN. March J7.-8eclal.)-F. .V
Currie, secretary 0f the Htsts Taft league,
today. In speaking f th result of the
primary In New York state and city, said :
'Ths returns from Now York this
morning are Indeed gratifying to those
Intareslod In th success of President
Tsft' campaign. Well Informed people,
hare Insisted all the time that New York
would be for Taft and th result is but
a confirmation of that belief. Tha news
of Tart's success In New York will give
Taft's oampalgn an loipetua which I sure
to carry It to a successful Issue. Nothing
can now prevent President Taft's nomina
tion at th convention. II will have a
clear majority on tin first ballot.
"Th result of the election In New York
will also have a tendency to quiet and
set at rest tha clamor that only th
politician are for Taft and that the
great muses of th common people are
against him.
In Nw York City tha contest was by
a primary lectlon, open to all votera,
and tha return show that th common
people were almost two to on in favor
of President Ta(L The result In Nebraska
must, of necessity, be Influenced by the.
result in New York. By next Saturday
night It la confidently expected by those
who are best informed that at least
7W Taft delegates will bo chosen. It
would seem ss though ths republicans
of Nebraska would prefer to get in line
for Mr. Taft before the primal lea and
throw their strength In his behalf now
rather than, to wait until after the na
tional convention, sine It Is a foregone
conclusion that every true republican who
desires to ho regular and to stand by his
party must vote for Taft In th Novem
ber electioa."
Hawser to Callforwlsu
W. L Houser, th campaign manager
of Senator La Foilette, who came to
Nebraska intending to stay until after
tha primaries, left this evening for Cali
fornia. Hla going la in response to a
talagram from his chief, stating things
wer getting warm m tha Sunset state
and his presence was badly needed there.
Colonel John Hannan will coma to Ne
braska to look after La oFllettes Inter
Th official ballot sent out by Secre
tary of Bis Is Walt haa been found to
contain a typographical error. The name
of Frank T. Swanaou, candidate for dis
trict delegate to the democratic national
convention, la printed Frank "P." Swan
sea. Youth Kills Farmer
Who Struck Mother
BROKEN BOW, Neb., March K.-tBpe-dal
Telegram. Joe Tenon, a farmer,
living seven mile west of Anseimo, 'this
county, wss shot snd Instantly killed
thia forenoon by Frank Bayers, a soa
of Mra. Mary 'Bayers, a woman who had
been living with Tenon.
Tenon, who was about years of ace,
aad of a quarrelsome nature, entered the
nous this morning aad started a fight
with th woman. The boy resented the
attack sa his mother and seising a re
volver fired thro show into Tenon's
body, killing him Instantly.
After committing the deed the boy rod
into Anseimo and gav himself op to th
Young Bayers la about IS years of age-
Governor Requests
Mayor of Alliance
to Resign Office
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March S7.-(Hpsclal Tele
gram.) Ten of the sixteen of the recent
grand Jury whkh met at Alllane hav
petitioned tha governor to brln; action
tn oust from offlc Mayor Fred W. Kar
ri of Alliance.
Th petition sets out that th marshal,
John H. Iliinsacksr. and In night watch
man. Floyd B. Donovan, have been In
dicted for accepting money from gam
bler and houses ot 111 repute and havt
iwmltted them to operate without mo
lestation and that this baa been -done
with the knowledge of ths mayor, who
haa failed to remove ths Indicted offi
cials. They nlso slleg that ha hsa ampls
knowledge of many unlawful acts In Al
liance and takes no steps to prevent them
snd Is altogether an unfit man for mayor.
Ths complaint Is accompanied by some
decidedly rscy testimony tsken by the
grand Jury, which Is submitted In sup
port of the complaint. The governor has
written Mayor Harris concerning the
mutter and advised him to resign instead
of waiting to have tins charges pressed.
Pending an answer to this letter the
governor will taks no actio. These doc
uments arrived the day before tha mur
ders at the penitentiary and hav been
overlooked since the excitement follow
ing thst event.
Insanity Will Be
- Seidel's Defense
ST. LOUIS, March J7.-Flve farmers
who had declared they bad no prejudice
against insanity aa a legal defense, were
accepted aa Jurors at ths trial of Joseph
Seidel, charged with the murder of
Martin Hunnlng, which Is being held
at Hillsboro.'Mo. That Insanity will be
tha defense wsa Indicated by the question
put to every venireman examined by
Seidel's lawyera Mra. Martin Hunnlng,
charged with being Seidel's accomplice
In th murder of her husband, waa not
In court, aa they obtained a severance
of their trials.
John Arbuckle, Coffee
Magnate, is Dead
NEW YORK, March r.-John Ar
buckle, the well known coffee man. died
early today at hla horn la Brooklyn. He
waa 74 years old. Death waa due to a
general collapse Incident to old age. The
body will be taken to Pittsburgh tomor
row for burial.
Fall and Catron
Elected Senators
SANTA F. N. M.. March 17.-A. B.
Fall and T. B. Catron, both republicans,
were elected United States senators on
the eighth ballot today.
CHICAGO, March ?7.-Mlss Elisabeth
Nolan, a witness In the trial of Mrs.
Louise Vermllya, charged wltb the
murder of Richard T. Smith, a railroad
man. who died in March, ML at the
Vermllya home, testified today that Mra
Vermllya had told her, after SmituS
death, that slw waa engaged to marry
him. Miss Nolan said that Mra. Ver
mllya told her that sb had taken good
care of Smith and that he had begged
not to be taken to a bospltaL
Roosevelt's Leader in New York City
t Says Election Invalid.
Fallsre- to Deliver Official Ballots
t Msar PelHag Places (.erg,
to th Hepabllraa t'oaaty
Orsraalaatloa. ..-
NEW YOHK, March t7.-C1iaraoterlxlng
yesterday s primaries in New York county
aa a "farce," Charles H. Duell, chairman
of the Hnosevslt committee of tha city ot
New York, after a conference with Room-
volt leaders, today appealed to Governor
DIX to declare the primary Invalid and
provide for a second primary. Samuel S.
Koenlg, chairman of th republican
county committee, and William Barnes,
Jr., chairman of the republican state com
mittee, both express th opinion that a
second primary would bs Illegal.
Leaders of ths two factions of the party
cannot agree aa to who I responsibi fur
the failure to deliver .official ballot at
many of th polling places yesterday,
("hall-man Duell Insists that the repub
lican county organisation wu responsible,
while Mr. Koenlg declares thst the board
of elections and tha official printers had
complete charge of th printing and dis
tribution ot th ballots.
When Chairman Koenlg" s attention waa
directed to Judge Duell'a telegram to
Governor Dig ha said:
"The republican county committee will
not object to giving th voters In th
districts where there war no ballots an
f ppnrtunlty to cast their ballot, but why
nhould we Join In a request to the gov
ernor to throw out th returns of yester
day' primary and take steps to have th
legislature convened In extraordinary
session to provide for a second primary
contest? Such action. In my opinion,
would be illegal."
Delegates to (lie republican national
cnoventlos favoring the nomination of
Theodore Roosevelt were defeated at yes
terday's New , York state primaries in
every district where they opposed can
didate designated by th regular re
publican organisation and claimed by the
followers of President Taft.
The Taft campaign manager declared
today at least eighty-three of New York's
ninety delegates would go to Chicago fa
voring the president's re nomination. This
estimate Included the four delegates at
large to bs those at the slat convention
on April a
The remaining seven delegates were
designated by th regular district or
ganisations, but conceded to Colonel
Colonel Roosevelt lost th only two
fights his supporters mads "up state"
and returns trura the fifteen contested
districts In New York City and Long
island gave his opponents a plurality av
eraging more than two to one.
Colonel Roosevelt's supporters now are
expected to concentrate their attention
on the state convention In an effort to
prevent the Taft men from sending to
Chicago an instructed delegation. The
primary law In operation yesterday did
not permit specific Instructions of the
delegates at the time they were elected.
The leaders concede that the action of
the New York delegation will be influ
enced somewhat by th results In other
statea that bold primaries or conventions
during th Interval before the New York
"It ran be said from the most con
servative angle that the results point to
practically a solid Tsft delegation from
New York." said John W. Hutchinson.
Jr.. director ot the eastern branch of the
national Taft bureau.
Appeal to Governor Dla.
The Roosevelt city committee announced
this afternoon that It bad aent a telegram
to Governor DIx, outlining the evils which
It says existed at yesterday's primaries
(Continued on Second Page.)
Undercurrent of Vicious Fueling
Against Folice Gets Stronger
as Day Goes On.
Bullet from High Power Rifle is
Fired Into Office.
Entire Sixth Regiment is Bushel
to the City.
Mab Attempts to Iteerae Mas Ar
rested far Maklac laooadlarr
Speeches Polios Fir wars
tatloa la Attacked.
ROCK ISLAND, ill.. March 17. Fear of
a possible dynamite outrage as a sequel
to last night's fatal riot ceased Rook
Island municipal and county authorities
to invoke th protection of martial law
lata today.
A complete regiment of twelve compan
ies Y the Illinois National guard, tha
Sixth, waa mobollsed her tonight. As a
result an early threatened demonstration
was averted and oayor Harry M.
Schrtevr relinquished hla powr to th
military authorities.
Sheriff Oscar L. Bruner's fear ot "pow
der men" waa substantiated when It waa
learned that several exrprlenced construc
tion workers familiar with the us of
high explosives were mingling with ths
maicontenta Thia discovery waa fol
lowed by a raid oa th railroad yards In
which a score of man were arrested aad
Uken to Jail. Deputy sheriffs aided by
mllltla otfloars, Investigated report that
that a dynamite plot had been perfected.
A recapitulation ot th dead and In
jured revealed tha tact that but oaa
maa lost his lit last night A eonfualoa
ofldenlltle and the fact that two men
were missing were responsible for ths
report that three men were dad. Tha
Hat of Injured has Increased. .Of these two
were ssld to bs In a dying condition.
Although thousands of Derosna thronged
th downtown streets tonight th sol
diers kept the crowds moving. Groups of
thro and four that grew Into crowds
last night were not permitted to gather
tonight. The city nail, where tha broad
side of bullets r tired twenty-tour
hours ago, waa th scsnter sf Interest all
day. Thousands ot eurtous eyas, chiefly
those of farmer from th surrounding
country, wore turned on th structure,
which tlity believed might be th seen
ot fresh riots la ths near future.
hat Mr4 at ths Mayor.
' An unsuccessful attempt to assssslnsts .
Mayor Sshrlvcr at th city hall waa made
today by aa unidentified person, who tired
a rifle bullet through th mayor' office
window from th top of building sv
rat sottares listen t, Th bullet missed
Mayor Schrlver, who was standing m
front of th window, aad burled Itself
la th wsll of ths office.
Last night's rioting continued prac
tically unchecked for thro hours. Ths
nolle said there ware mors than S.40S
Persons la th mob which surged through
ths downtown streets pulling car trol
leys from ths wires, overturning wagons
and In other way seeking to block pub
lie thoroughfare.
Attempt to Meaeao Speakers.
Til mob attacked th city Jail last
night In an attempt to release sympa
thisers with John Loonay, publisher of
a weekly paper, which had asveraly
criticised Mayor1 II. M. Schrlver.
During the last three days tha peopl
hav bean stirred up over th contro
versy between the editor and the mayor,
and last night the police arrested two
Beakers who wer addressing a crowd.
This inflamed the friend ot Editor
Loo ney and they began to hurt atone
at th nolle and break windows of th
police station.
Mayor Schrlver. who was directing ths
polio, ordered th officers to tire on the
mob. On man was Instantly killed and
about a doaen were wounded. Th mob
dispersed, but reformed after an hour
and attempted to procure arms from a
hardware store.' Ths police surrounded
the store and were sbls to drive back tb
Mayor Make Htalesaeat.
Mayor Schrlver Issued toe following
statement from hi offlc tn th city hsll
after a conference wltb tb other city
"We are devoting our time now to aa
attempt to restore order. 1 feared trouble
last night and yesterday, talked with
various dtlsens as to the beat and wisest
course to pursue. 1 did not want to
Interfere with free speech, but waa anx
ious to prevent disturbance and vio
lence. '"I had a pleasant talk with E. K, Gard- .
ner. editor of th Tri-City Labor Review,
who, aa I thought waa to bo the only
speaker hurt night, and assured him of
the desire of th city administration that
ha bs allowed to make hla speech aa
molested and urged him to refrain front
Inflammatory utterances.
"I told blm to go ahead with his plans
for ths recall if he saw at and to aar
what be pleased about my administra
tion or official acta, but to keep within
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