Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Sammoned to Appear in District
Citizeat' Union Favorite Declare
They Will Camp oa the Job.
Court Monday, April 8.
I 9
Litre your axcatj a disn of Alaarom
sr oma thYll enioT it it's eood for
them full of
and it cosa
you sore
Cot Macaroni
made from rich Durara what in a
sanitary factory under the Strictest of
pure food regulations.
Fust Brad Macaroni Is cot in nmfora
pieces so k cooks evrnJr k cn't become
Is-. Vi n V cipear
L - J EIAuIL E205L I
Real Hair Grower
Found at Last!
The Great English Discovery. "Crystolis"
Grows Hair in 30 Days.
$1,000 Rewaid If We Cannot Prove Our Claim.
Try It at Our Risk. Nail Coupon Today.
je, .! V( . i, w ,
T t' '
' .- .
Jsautiful Xalr sad Lota of
Borne of the most en.lnent scientists
In Europe, consider "Crystolis," th now
English Hir Grower, the moot wonder
ful discovery of the century.
The Judges of the Brussels and Paris
Expositions enthusiastically awarded
uoic sieuai iy hub iiir.riwu
Since we secured the American rights,
thousands of men and women from all
parts of the world write, telling of the
phenomenal results obtained by Its use.
People who have been bald for thirty
h years now glory In beautiful hair. Others
who have bad dandruff all their liTes
bare got a clean, healthy scalp after a
few applications of the wonderful drug.
We don't care whether you are bothered
with falling hair, prematurely gray hair,
brittle hair, atrlngy hair, matted hair
or dandruff. Itching scalp or any or all
forms of hair trouble, wa want you to
today for Hayner BOTTLED-llN-BOlNU Whiskey the
land you KNOW is good and pure the Government's
Official Green Stamp over the cork is YOUR protection.
"X TO MATTER what others
I may promise no matter
A 1 how tempting their offers
may seem see if they offer
Bottled-in-Bond whiskey and
remember there is only one
way you can be sun of getting
pure, straight whiskey and that
is to insist on Bottled-in-Borid.
That s what we offer you Hay
ner Private Stock Bottled-in-Bond
Whiskey rich, pure and delicious
shipped in sealed case Direct from
Distillery and all it cost3 you is
$120 for FOUR full quarts-express
i charges paid.
, There's no question about a whiskey
i, like this-Ahe Government's Green
Stamp over the cork is your assur
! ance that it 13 Bottled-in-Bond fully
aged, full 100 proof, full measure
and 2 guarantee that it comes to
you just as it kft the distillery, in
all its original purity and goodness.
Note fie rrica only 80 eentt a troart
delivered. Where rise in all America caa too
buy B Bottted-in-Bond whiskey eg thai mag-
sifioent quality at this pnexv
A delightful,
nourisMng dish
at little cost
trbolcsome noansiunent
so Enir. But be sure
scfgy nm truer ss roe tang
pieces so often do.
Gets 5c package from
toot grocer and gire
the family a trar.
Would yon Bkzacopy
of oar book of re-
Sent free oa
. ' , v.- V '
f i i '
It If To Vs OrystoUs.
try 'Clystolls' at our risk.
We give you a binding guarantee with
no -strings- or red tape that it won't
coat you a cent If ws do not prore to you
that "Crystolis" will da all we claim for
It and what's Important, wa hare plenty
of money to back our guarantee. Cut
out the coupon below and mall It today
to Creslo Laboratories, 74 C Ktreet,
Blnghamton, N. T.
mi couroit
The Creslo Laboratories.
74 C 81. Blnghamton, N. T.
T am a reader of The Bee. Prove
to me without expense that Crystolis
stops falling hair, grows new hair,
banishes dandruff and Itching scalp,
and returns grey and faded balr to
natural color.
Write your name and address plain
ly and pla taia eompoa te your letter.
Inrliii snS
mwi mmiMt cjen
I Saisu at m no.
Sraad Jary Will Be Able te "-
plete Its Warlt Wlthla Tkre
or Fear Days Wltweaees
Betas; Sakpaeaaed.
Federal grand and petit Jurors havo
been drawn for the April term. They are
summoned to appear at the I'nlted States
district clerk's office on Monday morn
ing, April 8.
United States Attorney F. 8. Howell Is
of the opinion that the grand Jury will
be In session but three cr tour days, as
there Is nothing of great Importance to
come up and but a small number of cases
to be investigated. Witnesses hare been
subpoenaed already and service has been
secured on almost alt A few, however,
could not be located.
Graad Jarara,
The list of grand jurors Is as follows:
Thomas Barker, Jiartlngton, retired
John J. Boulter, Omaba.
John Brennan. Alliance, ranchman.
J. R Campbell, Chadron, farmer.
D. 1). Coburn, Laurel, auto merchant.
Edward Collins, aierrlman, merchant.
H. J. Cook, Scotia, farmer.
A. F. Kmpy. Fapilllon, ttamster.
E. F. Feaster, Columbus, autos.
John Goff, Pierce, farmer.
J. L. Grantham. Obert. farmer.
D. K. Hancock. Pender, retired farmer.
M T. Llpman, Bassett, merchant.
8am Newklrk, Oshkosh, carpenter.
W. A. Page, Decatur, real estate.
O. F. Plum, Petersburg, real estate.
E. W. Smith. Herman, merchant.
Bernard Schllta. Omaha.
A. Tlllery, sr., Omaha.
H. J. Templln. Palmer, banker,
T. E. Wells, Orandy, farmer.
N. 8. West hope, Norfolk, real estate.
A. B. Yates, (utherland, merchant.
W. A. Clark. Taylor, retired farmer.
E. 1. War. Waterbury, farmer.
A. H. McOraw, Omaha.
J. C. Blefleld, Fullerton, real estate.
W. a HIUIs, Omaha.
Qedrge Brown, Hftrgent, farmer.
F. W. Arndt, Blair, merchant
Petit Jarara.
The petit Jurors are:
George E. Andrews, Bartlett, real es
H. F. Bell. Scribner. retired farmer.
J. A. Bailey. Springfield, veterinary.
Ulysses Bredenbaugh, Coleridge, banker.
N. C. Blackburn. Bt Edward, miller.
Otto Bolt. Columbus, retired fsrmer.
T. C Carletoo. Leigh, clerk.
Thomas Carroll, Fremont, real estate.
William 8. Crouch. Albion, merchant.
Thomas Cunningham, Bennington, car
Mike Dowllng, Omaha, banker.
T. P. Davis, Omaha, conductor.
J. L. Davis, Emerson, merchant.
C. E. Doollltle, Dakota City, barber.
William Ebersole. Dixon, manufacturer
Peter K manual. North Bend, farmer.
John Elm, Genoa, lumber dealer.
H. C. Oalnes, Fremont, farmer.
W. A. Higglns. Omaha, real estate.
Charles M. Hulburt, Oakland, stock
J. B. Healea, Craig, farmer.
E. A. llausoa, Decatur, banker.
Thomas Jackson, Valley, painter.
William Korth, Thurston, retired
I. La Hue, Tekamah.
Joseph Lohman, Fremont, retired
O. V. Marshall, Washington, retired
Peter Merlen, Cornlea, retired farmer.
Fred Moeller. Leigh, real eatate.
J. Moffett, Platte Center, real estate.
H. H. Powell, Omaha, printer.
C. H. Randall. Randolph, barber.
Charles II. Keuter, Bancroft, retired
Charles P, Roes, Omaha.
George Bleb, Omaha, retired merchant.
Frank Stdelar, Howell, retired farmer.
Adam Sldea. Dakota City, barber.
Ernest Severt, Omaha, real estate.
Robert etlllinger, Boone, barber.
Albert Shirley, Omaha.
Frank Snodgraas, Gretna, fanner,
H. A. Snow, Benson, clerk.
Watson Tysen. Jr., Blair, farmer.
W. H. Walker, Omaha.
Bam O. Wolfs, Craig, farmer.
Omaha lodge, Benevolent Protective
Order of Elks, Is already making prep
arations for the big annual clambake
to be given In the fall. Secretary Ike
Miner la In communication with chefs In
tlie east and will again Import dams
direct. The date selected wll probably
be Labor Day. Mr. Miner la trying to
make arrangements as to where thle will
be given, the two places moat favored
now being Krug park and the Diets dub.
a trial order
Wl WANT you to TRY this
whiskey on our piarantec
,. ntl GrA it- all
JUU niU AllaVl . EL Ml VV
as fine a3 you ever tasted
and the best value you ever
saw or you may send it back
at our expense and we will
return your money.
Remember you take no chances.
We take all the risk and we
stand all the expense if we fail
to please you.
Put us to the test Use the coupon below
fill it out mail it to our nearest Office and
Shipping Depotand please do it today NOW
while yon think of it Ai ktttr k wacaiwy
Cut Out and use this Coupon
SLSI tor vkMb t m TOVM fa
SOU-, of Brar rrmte Kneft. TottMwV tBBrtl Wh:
.hUtTHMtfmdHHVfwflM and mWmekMI SN
te e.ry r. R smr M i",im4 as faae ill wt
a trcwu lanniiii II lea
netWasakataB.ortOoaiwb'aLSIIg tJjJ rlii ill mf
SIOaaswSUJiarrieiMllniia Is-K
Uliy turn yourself into a
medicine-chest, filling
it with every new concoc
tion that comes along)
a Nature doe the car
ing, not medicine.
AaA yoerr Doctor of
Scott's Emulsion
s sjof TKt Iraafmaaf fr
Csauoa enef Caefa, Ctippt,
ens) aog otkmr Mm.
au aauaaiaTs n-ti
Illustrated Ads
Supplant Samples
in Promoting Wares
C-. R. Dorherty of the Baker Bros. En
graving company was the principal
speaker before the Omaha Ad rluh at the
weekly luncheon at the Paxton hotel
yesterday noon.
"The I'se of illustrations In Advertis
ing" was ths topic taken by him.
Illustrations," he said, "make It un
necessary to send samples to the con
sumers or to the retailers, as was the
custom before the advent of photo en
graving. Even before a thing Is made
orders can be forced into the factory by
the selling power of the Illustrated ad
vertisement, it shows the consumer what
ha will get. The picture attracts his eye.
It- Is through this medium that the mall
order houses have built up the business
they have. Their catalogues are Uttered
with Illustrations."
Robert Manley advertising manager
for the Brandeia stores, talked te the ad
men on the work of advertising the Bran
dels thirtieth anniversary. "From what
I am told by the advertising agenclet
about tha country," he said, "our adver
tising campaign of the last week was the
greatest of Its kind they know of. We
published In tha local papers sixty pages
Closest to that record le one made by
Th Fair of Chicago, with thlrty-tw
Mr. Manley announced a competitive
contest for the best peg advertisement
of Omaha to be published In Voice, the
national advertising men's msKaxtne.
Frlses of 115, 110, K and five It awards
will be made In the contest.
Ths annual "Beefsteak Vodevllle" of
the Omaha Ad club will be given early In
May in the Pompellan room of the Bran
dela store, according to an aaounoement
mad by Mr. Manley.
Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Com
mercial club closed the program with an
appeal for new members to the club.
New Beer Placed
on Market by the
. Jetter Brewing Co.
Th Jetter Brewing company of South
Omaha has Just placed upon th market
a new beer called "Old Age." an exact
reproduction of the "Old Uerman Style
Double Beer." Thle beer Is put in amber
bottles because sctene teaches that beer
held In amber glaaa will not deteriorate
and that daylight will not Impair the
minute particles of albuminoid matter In
such a degree aa In tha raae of beer la
light bottles. Our forefathers were well
aware of this fact, bene they used the
old-fashioned steins and amber glass In
which to place tbelr wine and beer.
"Old Age." the "Old Qerman Style
Double Beer," la a master brew, brewed
under the close observation of a Oerman
graduate brewmaeter. who has learned
his trade thoroughly, working for years
in th foremost Oerman breweries before
coming to America- The moot skilled
workmen In a scrupulously clean brew
ery, serve this brewmaeter. After the
beer leaves the kettle It Is stored In
hermetically scaled glass enameled tanks.
under Ha own pressure of fermentation
gas, excluding any contact with atmo
spheric air.
The ingredients used In the manufac
ture of this high grade "Old Age" are
of the highest grade. Nothing but the
choicest milt and the flneel Imported
Bohemian hops and sparkling, clear
spring water are used In this exquisite
beer. In "Old Age." the "Old Oerman
Btyle Double Beer," th Jetter Brewing
company has succeeded in putting en
th market a beverage that promises to
be th delight of every lover of a good.
clean, healthful beer, tot either the home
or tbs club.
Dewey Proprietor
Pays a Heavy Fine
E. A. W llklns, proprietor of the Dewey
hotel, arrested last week for running a
disorderly place, was fined S3 and costs
In police court, after pleading guilty.
Those arrested with him were tried last
week and fined 110 and costs each.
Stat lodg No. 1. Independent Order of
Odd Fellows. relebraUd t!u forty-flftli
anniversary of Its Institution Monday
night before a large and enthusiastic
crowd of Odd Fellows and their friends.
L. V. Crum presided and Introduced th
speakers and musicians who took part
to tha program.
C. A. Baumrardner talked on Odd Fel
lowship: Dr. 8. R. ratton told about the
Odd Fellows' Horn at York: Albert lill
dlnger sung a tenor solo; C. I- Worth
burton played a violin solo; W. R. Hunt
ington Old some clever sleight of hanl
stunts: Jack M-Kenna e-av a monoid':--talk;
Mrs. OHsrlmaa played a piano
(. and Etigar a:xi ha. I Latvia..
wound up th prociam with a vlolla duet.
Following th program supper was
served In the banquet Ml an dsncn.'
was carried on until midnight.
Bute lodge was Instltued Msrcb SS, 157,
snd Is today th wea'thiest lodge In the
Jurisdiction of Nelta ka Thomas H.
!stters was So have epokea a th
History of Stat UxIgV but was ansbt
to be present.
Ton Judge a man not by what be prom
ise to do. but by what b ha duns
That Is th only true teat. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Judged by thai standard ,
has so superior. People everywhere spesk !
f It la the highest terms of praise. For I
sale by all dealers,
Oestrewl Dlssatlsfaetlsa ExUts la
Opposlnc Cassp) Which Hat
Vadertakew Select
Ideal Slates.
Councilman Fred M. Schroder an
nounced his withdrawal from the com
missioner race yesterday. He will contest
for nomination for county commissioner
from the hirst district against Wlllinm
Cowger and Henry Molvmald. Schroeder,
a republican, referring to hla decision to
withdraw said:
'The fact Is I would rather hold th
office of county commissioner. There
are now two other eVhruefiers In the race
for commissioner anywsy and a third
will simply add to the confusion."
Charles Daughton. a stationery engineer,
endorsed Monday night by Ihe Ijtbor lea
gue, took out his petition yesterday. Henry
Fischer snd Thomas K. Allen filed, mak
ing seventy-three candldstrs who hav
filed and 116 .who have taken out peti
tions. A mass meting of the Labor league
will be held this evening at the Lyric
theater. Mayor Dahlman. C. M. Felder
and H. II. Flcharty will speak. Aa In
vitation has been extended to the public.
Platform wf Candidates.
Candidates for city commissioner en
dorsed by tbs Cltlxen's union, depriving
th executive committee of the task,
have adopted a platform of their own.
in which among other things they prom
ise to refrain from the practices of the
old regime, "camp on Ihe Job" and "ex
ercise a close scrutiny of all contracts."
The platform follows:
If elected we will "camp on the Job."
A level-heailcd business policy will be
our aim, unswerved by politic or per
sonar conemerailun.
will exercine a close scrutiny of all
We will centralise the purchase of all
supplies In one detartmenl, under a com
petent man. properly bonded.
e-xlatln duplication or otrlcea and
dutlea will be cut out at once, and no un
necessary employe will be kept on the
city payroll.
Inspection and strict regulation of
weights and measures will be made ef
fective by all the power granted under
the law.
We favor liberal public Improvements
and we will exercise a lively and thorough
supervision or improvement district
nonda. to save the money of the tax
payers. We will continue the Improvement and
extension of parks and boulevards and
the lighting system of the city: and we
tavor the eetanllahment or public play
grounds, free baths and public comfort
We will organise the street commis
sioner's department on strictly business
lines, to the end that street cleaning,
flushing and reiielrlng may be quickly
and effectively done.
we pledge ourselves to mske an earnest
and persistent sffort to belter the moral
honeat work for fair wage will be th
sole test In msklng appointments.
tlty business our business," will M
th motto.
To these specific things, and to an open.
straight administration of the lews now
In force, or to be enacted, we pledge our
selves sincerely and without equivocation.
All ot Satisfied.
"Their platform la an indication of what
soma of that endorsee could be expecte I
to do." said a member of the Cltlsens'
Union who withdrew because tha ex ecu
tlr commute displeased him In that tha
members would pot hearken to th vol-e
of tha majority. "But the policies advo
cated would be carried out with as great
certainty by candidates who hsv not
been endorsed by a business men's or
ganisatlon or an association of laboring
Dissatisfaction with the slate of the
Cltlxen's union aa well as tbs manner In
which the Labor league candidates were
endorsed Is freely expressed by members
of both organisations. Members of th
executive oommltte of th Labor league
are firm, however, In their derlaratlur,
that tha slats thery have named I Ihe
slat for which th members voted In Ihe
preferential contest.
A Reasonable Plea
For the Stomach
If Your Stomach Is Wklng. la
Uigesuve rower. Why Not Help
the Mlomach Do It Work?
specially Was It Oost Votklag te Try.
Not with drugs, but with a reinforce
ment of digestive agents, such ss sr
naturally at work In tha stomach t Scien
tific analysis shows that digestion re
quires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and
th secretion if hydrochloric! add. When
your food falls to digest. It Is proof
positive that some of these sgents are
lacking in your digestive apparatus.
Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets contain
nothing but the natural elements nec
essary to digestion and when placed at
work In tha aeak stomach and small In
testines, supply what these organs need.
They stimulate the gastric glands and
gradually bring the dlgestiv organs back
to their normal condition.
Stuart'a lspepsla Tablets have been
subjected to critical chemical tests at
home and abroad and are found to con
tain nothing but natural digestives.
Chemical Laboratory. Telegraphic ad
dress "Dlfflndo," London, Telephone No.
ll"t Central. 2 Cullum St, Fenchurch
St., E. C.
London, tth Aug., 1MB.
I have analysed most carefully a box
of fttuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets (which I
bought myself st a city chemist's shop
tor Ihe purpose), manufactured by the
F. A. Stuart Co.. M Clerkenwell Road.
London. E. C, and hate to report that
I cannot find any trace of vegetable or
mineral poisons. Knowing the Ingredients
of the tablets, I am of opinion that they
are admirably adaptable for th purpoee
for which they are Intended.
John R. Brooke. F. I. C, F. C. S.
Ther is no secret In th pre pa rati aw
of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Their
composition is commonly known among
physicians, as Is shown by the recom-
mMirJattons nf eS.Saa lteenaed nh,-ilr4.-i
In the I'nlted State and Canada. They i
are the most popular of all remedies for !
indlgesUoa. dyspepsia, water brash. In. '
somnla, loss of appetite, melancholia, j
consllpattoa. dysentery and kindred die-!
eases originating from Improper dlssolu- J
Uoa and assimilation of foods, because
they are thoroughly reliable and harmless
0 maa or child.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at
once a safe snd a powerful remedy, one
grata of the active arlalcpl la these tab-
1 ts being strong enough thy test I te di
gest Hut grains of steak, eggs sad ether
foods. Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tsblets win
digest your food for you wnea your stom
ach can't.
Ask poor eVswgket for a fifty mat box.
or scad te as direct for a free trial aaro
ute package and yea win he surprised at
th res-alt. F A. Stuart Co., US aiuart
EWg , Marshall Mica.
J ' llil?, !!! ' I ll !l!il!!i t !M ' i hi, it i, ' i l is. h . in i i 111,
in i;i i i bin ii!'J
I1-!' Here is the
footwear for
VI nil mvocinnc
I.iiSi i iiiiii li
in ii: h -
1 I l i!!1 " I hi UalC 111 M)Ue OUU 11111311, i,nj;3i.-33iii mv.
ii i I I; ; utmost in wearing quality. They hold their
ih i i 'l shape and retain
Only the very choicest materials are used
in makinf? Maver Honorbilt Shoes the
uppers, sole leather, linings and trimmings
are of the very highest grade, selected for
their special fitness for fine shoes.
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes five the greatest amount
of shoe satisfaction because they are made right
they are "built on honor.
Midi li ID styis id ilzii
To be sure you are
ting the genuine look
for the Mayer Trade
Mark on the sole. Sold
bv leading; shoe deal-
era everywhere.
your dealer will not
upply you, write
to us.
Look for lb Trad
Mark a ths sol
) Mirer Honorbilt Shofor Mes
i M it Miytf Hoeorbilt Short for Womea
I IJf mmlZ JM (lse-taeLsrfyBrsKll
I I " rCZ Mirer Hooorbilt Shoe for Cfclutrra
fyl -; T- tSHtlsl Meril Bresd)
II CGZ W also msks Mayef "Martha Wsshlnj
rVi , if"rJr"l ' ! X ton" Comfort Shoos snd e-777
Vtii-Ss V '!!lVMy''Yenna"Ctishloa &UfS.
Anv avmntom or diseaa. the teseitor const Dst ton se ssaaT
yield reedilr to th valuable medicines contained In Blaekkara'a
t!asiiaatsa first, thsn Mans,
Blllousnssa. with Weakness, liesd
srhe. Backache, Languor, Malaria.
Kidney and Liver Disorders, Worn,
anly Derangements. Bolls, Pimples,
Mental HIiiKgiahnesa, Nervousness
snd Sleeplessness,
Set weill You certainly will If
rou take these sweet, III tie Csssa 1
sure .-niia.
AW Driic1atB1Ae. tRe.
Tb Blackbura products CO
vaion, uniu.
n it-
MaIL ORDERS for "Ola Fashioned Lager Beer" filled the day received
Shipped Everywhere.
Catarrh Germs Easily Killed
and Vile Disease Ended
Jrut Breathe Hyomei; the Soothing, Healing Air of the
Eucalyptus Forests of Australia.
tf It BWMat SHts Satiefeetleei fas? Oe
tasTh, Oeagha, OeUs, Crewp t Oetarrhal
Gsafnesa, year Kosey Bask.
Delaya are dangerous
If you want te get rid of
catarrh yea must kill the
germ that caua catarrh.
Stomach dastng. ointment,
sprays sad douche have
all failed.
Hlgb-O-SM.) h breathe di- ff.fDMC
reetly over tb la flamed. VJL1VI leaf
sore, serm-lnfested mem
brane, not vnly dlstroylaa the mlcrebes,
but besJlng and seothlnf tb sor c-.
BUrhsU spot -
. i . ex i i
i iii i. ....... ii-n
. m . l tn ' 'l ii
correct -ii.ili m ii iii
men. suitable
cnantw anA iin-tft-
tneir stynsn lines 10 me enu.
for , trati ni Mint.
I r. .
f ifas
aW I fI5" jr 1
tm f
Any Symptom! !
ovkhcohb rxixsTiPt non.
Rich and mellow, with the
rare, dellcli'is tsng of the genuine eld
Oerman lager beer no wonder Old
Fashioned Lager Beer I a favorlt
It' nade after ths, true Herman for
mula. In the cleanest, most up-to-date
brewery In America.
Is so much more delicious, so tr.uch In
advance of every American ler. that
imitation jeer with similar names ais
being offered everywhere.
But no beer made In America can
compere In flavor and riciineas with
"Old raahtoaed &- Bear." Remem
ber that name and Insult upon it.
Every bottle In individual ca-lon
to keep out all light and preserve th:
purity of lt HaMiloned IKer Poer
from th brewery to your glaa. Or.ler
a case cent heme Roth phones, lx-ug.
Hit, Ind. A-214.
Have th dps au'i for prcmlnn.' list
Cackley Bros., Distributors.
Vm. H. lUKlnnnnn, General Bales
Agent, m o. Itilh SC
Breathe HTOMEl for catarrh, cougha
ceida. croup and catarrhal deafness and
If you are not satisfied with the benefit
obtained your money will
be refunded.
- Breathe HTOMEl; it la
made of purest Eucalyp
tus and other healing an
tiseptics and is very pleas
ant to breathe. Complete
outfit Including hard rub
ber pocket inhaler and
bottle of HTOMEl tLee.
After vow neei as. km In
haler you caa buy a bottl of HYOMEI
at pharmacists tvatywher) for eui