Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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See the Splendid New Line of CROWN
Choicest assortments and values; matchless values worth much mora
than the price.
- fl fr-A
1 i ( H It 11 I : t v.i
See Our C'f'jfCWS Kew 8Pris5
"Distinguished" UiTOtflBl9 Millinery
Trimmed Hata an I K liOTVJPsj.l h Very Moderately
t S5.00 - B IP I-:tW:-:'fv'r!lu- Priced Here.
W 1
Try Our Shopper's Light Luncheons.
Served at the Soda Fountain.
New shipments received daily, are brought forward for this sale. Each day's special bar
gains are wonderful. Don't overlook a single day's announcement. Don't
miss a single day's bargain sales: ,
Wednesday's Extra Specials in Brandeis Basement
Manufacturer's Samples Seamless Bleached Sheets, 39c ea.
238Uozen sheets, suitable for full size beds, three-quarter size beds and extra size beds,
worth up to 75c best bargain ever offered in sheets Anniversary lQn
' sale price, each
Various grades-10 to 12 yard lengths, Wednesday, at, per yard J
Dress Foulards, corded silks, shantungs, pon
gee silks, fancy taffetas, Persian and Bul
garian designs underpriced, - KAp
on bargain square, at, yard Uwt
Wash goods section, main floor, silk aisle
40-inch Roubaix voile, in all the street
shades and evening tints, worth 11
60c, at, per yard L
Mill ends of cream whipcords, diagonals, etc.
rJ75c and 69c
Embroideries, val and fancy wash laces and
insertions; hundreds of neat pat
terns, worth up to 10c, at, per yard ... 0 C
27-inch fine batiste embroidered flouncings,
in floral, eyelet and Japanese, 10
worth up to 35c, at, yard.' w C
16-button elbow length gloves, extra heavy
tricot silk with double finger tips; black,
white and colors, worth 0
$1.00, at, pair UVC
Wednesday's Specials Linen Dept.
59c Art Linen at o'Jo yd.; an excellent qunl
' ity, 36-inch round thread blenched Art
: Linen, at, per ' OQ
yard "C
69c Scalloped and Huek Towels at 1(1
. V 7 V
39c, jacquard borders, at, each
Specials White Goods Dept., Basement.
36-inch extra heavy quality pure white Bel
fast Dress Linen, for suits, tailored waists,
fancy work, etc., 45c grade, 1t
at, yard vC
40-in. white Applique Swiss, 35c 1ft,,
value, Anniversary sale price, yard. .IwC
Now is the time to purchase your spring wants in wall paper. Four big special lots
for Wednesday. Don't fail to attend this money-saving event.
Lot 1 All papers
worth up to 7c; at,
roll 3c
Lot 2 AH papers
worth up to 15c; at,
roll 6c
Lot 3 All papers
worth up to 25c; at,
roll. 8V2C
Lot 4 All papers
worth up to 40c; at,'
roll 12VjC
Campaign Open with Bif Xau
j , Meeting Wednesday Sight.
Uctvltlee Will Kstend Over Prrl4
ml rtv Pay and Tner Will
,j Mwlltn l
4 ".
Dr. !hio J. Lansing of New Tors, will
be the principal ipaker at th ma
tneetlng thl evening t th First
Vrab)terian church,' Heventeenth nl
iodg streets, which opena the (our da)'
: aamoelgn of ma and religion forward
tnorement la Omaha. Th aubject of h
, address will bo "The aortal Interpreta
tion of the Lord's ITnyer."
- On Beat Sunday each of tho member
of tho team who will be hero with ape-
"Vial messages for the convention will or.
cupy pulpits In local churchee both In the
morning and evening. There will be three
meeting held Sunday afternoon at 3
An evangelletlo meeting will be held In
the Boyd theater at which Dr. Dnvll
Rusaell will be apeaker. Muata will be
urniahed by the Young Men' Christian
association orchestra and quartet. The
i second meeting will be held In tho First
" Congregational church. Nineteenth an1
. Daren port streets, which will bo a mam
-.Meeting for women. Tho other meeting.
- which will bo held at the Young Men'
'. ' Christian association, will be for boys of
U veers or older.
The campaign will be brought to a close
Sunday evening with a mass meeting for
men In the First Methodist church. Twen
tieth and Davenport atreeta On Monday
evening there will bo a conference of tho
men and boys In each of the lorai
-churchee to plan for eonaervii results
. and tor advance to be Immediately sn
Cv QpSwfy ( Qpmfy &a
Ossaka'e Vara rood Oeassa
Two Plain lettuce , go
Fancy lmone. per dosen aoe
n t.orianute. eacn
Cnellsh. Walnute. per pound.. lflUe
l-'resh ritrawberrlen. Mushroome, Spinach,' Hhlvee. Kgg Plant, Endive,
rreitn lomatoea mw laDoage, Ktc '
Itron, Orange or Union Peel, per pound Mo
Xto In.ported teetlle Hoep. per pound.
pound una "tiickmott'e - titgn urede Table Aprloota.
Ten uerrela FYesh. I'riap PreixeU. per pound..
Our r'ancy Country Mutter, In eanllary Jaie. per pound 34e IfJ
litrlctly Freeh KK. from Hrandele farm, per dosen aao ill
jenny nros. run (ream Krick t neeee, per pound.. 3o x.
JJV Tlslt BemoaetraUoa la Ou Tea nad Ooffea Bepartmeat. i
CfJ Coffee, per pound, 40oi two potiaa. i yaa tL
Try a cup of our "Lotue" Japan Tea You will be convinced that
mere in no equal per it pounn, aoei per pound a&e ere-i
3 UQuoaa. IV
V "lAtue" Kentucky Whiskey, yeare old. full Quart II no f
', full quart... ; TSo sJ.
full quart.... ai.oo fel
uuart io . f'
quart . tj-
IJS "lAtue" Kentucky W
TJ Monogram Whiskey, i
California Brandy, fu
V White Tokay, full qt
l port Wine, full quai
At a meeting of tea navy veterans held
Monday night at tho Paxtoa hotel It was
decided to bold tho usual services
Memorial day that have been held by
thia oraamaatloa tor the last four yean.
A mmlataro " bauleehla, completely
decked with flowera, will bo aunk la the
Missouri river under tho Douglaa street
bridge. About H navy veterans will at
tend the sinking of tho ship and fire I
volley over It. Tho navy bluejacket will
ana anarch la the parade trda year and
will co-operate with tho Oread Army of
the Repubtte to honor the dead.
The public echools of Omaha will close
Friday for the annual aprteg Taxation.
Work will be reroed Monday. April a.
A huge a umber of the teacher will apend
their vacation In the city. Others will go
to their bomea m various parte of tai
aod BMghbormg atatea. - - ---
ChamhTinr Coagn Baanody has wan
It, great reputation and extensive sale
by Its remarkable care ef eaugba. cold
and etvua. It can be depended Spun. Try
Maude Cates Fails
to Make Defense
The bond of Maud Cates, arrested a a
suspicious character, wa forfeited in
polio court. The women le accused of
visiting different etorea and buying good
and giving a fictitious addreec The police
say she secured many fin dresses In this
In the Interest of hi candidacy for
nomination for congress, Judge Benjamin j
ss Baker has gotten out a very at
tractive booklet, embellished with a i
striking portrait on the first Page, and I
containing hi platform, biography and j
other Interesting Information. Incidentally
it prtetnta a facsimile of the letter from
Attorney General Moody, reinstating him
by direction of President Roosevelt, a
asaoctato Justice of the court of New
Mexico, which as his vindication frota
the charge against him at that time.
Fred Hayes waa fined 112.3 and costs
ta police court for violating the speed or
dinance. Hayes waa arrested and waa
accused by the police of running hi
automobile about forty mile an hour on
Fifteenth street. Hayes said that has
throttle was out of com mission and he
could not control too car. "
Judge Foster announced that every
speeder brought before him would - be
fined tU.i the first time; the second
offense end a heavier fine tor each ad
ditional appearance la court.
The telle w FevtU
Jaundice malaria bttlotunre. vanisb
when Pr. Kins' s Nosy. Ufa Fills are
taken. . Kssy. safe, guaranteed.- Sc. For
The Wisdom
and Experience
of 15 Years
In the Dry Cleaning and Dyeing
business la something worth
putting your trust In.
Kiperkuce alwayg discounts
xnerltuents and experiments
ar bad fur your clothes.
When we clean any garment
it's eleaa through and through
all dust removed, spots gone,
color and lit of goods revived,
wrinkles pressed out and
you'll be surprised at Its new
Dry Cleaning Prices
gllk Waists g .TS t $1 00
railered Suite l.Vt to 1 00
Oae-rieee Prises. . 1MM l.Tt
raaey Drosses S-00 to avso
Sua s ball IM
re Coat 1 as
Oversea to .' 14
1515-17 JONES ST.
Phcms Doucus963IndlA-S68
1 (WV
10 5. & H. Green Trading Stamps
FREE to All Wednesday
But In order to get them yon most bring your book to the Premium Par
lore, Balcony. Main Floor. If you are not now a collector of 8. ar H. oreen
Trading tjtampa, we will give you 2 KREB STAMPS for every book you wlato
to start. Also those who already have books and wish to start new ones
can secure these 20 free alanine, if they come to the Premium Parlora
Wednesday. Kemen.ber
10 Ft Stamp for All Your Old Booht
And 20 Fr Stamp for All New Book
Ladies Home Journal Patterns, Half Price
Our entire stock of the famoua Lad lea" Home Journal Patterns will go
on sale Wednesday morning at Half Price, The stock Is complete and
thai win positively be no reeorratloas any Ladies' Horn Journal Pat
tern you select will be Just Half Price.
All Ladies' Home Journal ISc Pattern, 8c
All Ladie' Home Journal 10c Patterns, Sc
The reason for this wonderful reduction I we have Just installed com
plete line of the Pictorial Keview Patterns.
CIa, New Creations Arrived in
Vjy-i the Garment Store
Bennett's suits and coats for women are a com
posite ot all that is desirable In style, fabric, color
and workmanship. They are the result of years ot
study of the garment needs of womankind, and the
women In and around Omaha In particular. They
embody a number of features that improve the fit
and the wearing qualities, the same being obtain
able only at this store. ,
Our Strongttt Effort in Suit ar
Pried $19.50, $25, S29.S0Tf3S
although there are other suits at lower, higher and
in-between prices; each representing the very best
in workmanship, material and style to be had at the
price paid. No line is skimped In any point. There
art varieties anl styles to satisfy all. .
Coats $10.95 to $35.00
Plain tailored and novelty styles of serges,
fancy mixtures, diagonals, striped coatings, etc. In
sites for women and misses. Some are lined, some
half lined anl others without any lining. Novelty
collars and reiers, side fastenings, new model
backs, Bengaline silk and ratine finlshtng-every
wish your fancy dictates may be met.
Junior coats In all good style and of all worthy
materials, 17.83 to 115.00.
Undermuslin Sale Continues
Every garment In the entire stock is reduced In prices-combination
sulta, corset covers, drawers, gowns, chemises and skirts,
anything you choose at less than regular prices. There are four
extra special lota to close out quickly at the following reductions:
Up to 35c valu at 19 e th Garment
Up to 75c valu at 49c th Garment
Up to SI. 50 valu at 89c th Garment
Up to $4 value at $2.29 th Garment
Closing Out Aluminum Ware
There are about 150 pieces in this Wednesday Sale and the prices
are the lowest that have been quoted In Omaha In a long time. Such
an opportunity can not occur again soon. Each and every piece la of
extra heavy quality, and ot standard make.
Berlin Aluminum Sauc Pan and Kettle
Masrt M.SS value S I a-aaarl else, S3 S3 nines S3 n
4- a.uart also, (ajg valae ItM I -aart siae, 3JS value $.
- Aluminum Tea and Coffee Pot
t-ouert alas, tl.TO valaes !. I lH-euart slss, S3 50 value
5- tuart slss, H-0 value 13-1 ' l-aart six, M values tij
$1.50 Tea Kettles, $1.19
No. I (lie tea kettle nickel plated over a heavy
copper base. An extra good tiuanty: lie il
lustration, we regularly aril at 11.60, priced for
lied Letter Wednesday, ana you, get 3v,
tamp FHKb wiin eacn aettie.
Oil-of-Gladness Dutt Mop
are the finest n.op made. They are guaranteed
better than any other snd ar warranted to give
satisfaction. If you wiah to bring them back
after two weeks' trial your money will be cheer
fully refunded. We wlfl gladly demonstrate them
for reu Wednesday and If you wish to purchase
rou Will get 3 8. a H. Oreen Trading Ktamne Kree. Priced f !., II. '5 and
lit each. An "Oil-of-wl" Bat Cloth Fro to the first 60S women
calling at tho woodenware department Wednesday.
$12.00, 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $8.95
If you purchaae Wednesday. Three different styles for you to rhoos from,
with pink, blue or green decoration. Made of extra quality porcelain vara
lut a. IL Oreen Trading 8tainpa ire with each set
Red Letter Day Specials in
the Stationery Store
10 . M. wrsea Trading tamps
wUl a give rasa with each of tho
folio snag specials. All ar for
Wednesday's selling only:
t pkga. commercial alto envelopes, lot
Box of fine stationery with it sheets
of paper and it envelope, to
match for 1
Roll lunch iper 10
1M decorated napkins ....loo
Bottle Carter's Ink. pen bolder am
Ix pen IS
t pkga shelf paper, assorted colore.
for Oo
Postcard albums that will hold iv
potcarda 10s
lotion Bargains for
Wednesday's Selling
4 spools black or white darning
cotton for 5c
2, 200-yard spools black or white
machine thread Sc
2 6c cards nickel plated safety
pins, all sizes 5c
10c 5-yard bolts black mercerized
skirt braid, Wednesday. 2 for Oe
Jet pins, box 1
lie cilk elastic remnants, all col
ors, for lOe
Chinese Ironing wax la.
Women's and children's 1&o pin-on
hoe upportra. all colore, pair, as
Wednesday Grocery Bargains
Bennett's Capitol flour, sac . .S1.W
2-lb. can Bennett a ureas last conee
and 4 stamps en
Assorted teas and f stanps. lb.
Tea slf tinea and 1 stamp, lb. IS
xt-lb. sack "Oueen ot tho Pantry1
pastry flour and (tamp.
Woanoadar OesshiaaOea Sreeial
J lbs. granulated augar
Bottle f alder a chile eauce ?c
1-lu. can B. C. baking powder . ...;c
Bottle 'Benaett'a Capitol Textracf lc
Weaaeaday- ario, with So fpm. Tie
Mb. roll Premium butterlne . . . .So
Full cream checae and 1 stamps.
th pound ana
EnWer'a calls aauoa and ,1 atampe.
bottle -
Quart caa' Kraaco-American aeun.
assorted too
Plat caa Caillard'a olive oil ....too
t cans Evergreen corn and It stamra
1-lh. ran ' Bennett's Capitol baking
powder and X atampa . . S4a
Cleaned currant and 1 atampa.
pound for ISteo
Bennett'a Capitol pears or poache-s
and 1 atampa. ran
slew aad vaaweaal aeeaa f all
ktaea, paakag H
4c )ar Bishop a frultate ..SO
dee's tomato aoup and t atampa
can for 10
Bennett Capitol raspberries and is
atampa, can toe
IS bare "Beet-'Bm-All soap S6
murrs andi
re w a waw rc .
Fresh spinach, jiock, 20c
3 lbs. fancy, rhubarb 25c
Large Florida grape fruit 10c
New beets, carrots and tur
nips, bunch Sc
2-lbs. fancy ripe tomatoesASc
Bedlsads oranges, shipped di
rect to as. front Redlaada.
Cai., tea finest orange grown
any here, 15c, SOr, 23c, 30c
aad 85c per dozen.
3 lbs. Country Sausage, 23c
3 lbs. Hamburger 25c
3 lbs. Shoulder Steak . .25c
4 lbs. Boiling Beef 25c
lew Spring 1912 White Goods
Sheer soft finished Lingerie Cloth, worth 25c yard .12H
Pure Linen round thread Waistings. worth 50c yard 25
Pare Linen colored Dress fabrics, all shades, worth 50c yard, 25
Mercerized Waistings, Madrases and Swisses, worth 60c yd., 25
Irish Crochet Laces Wednesday at 20 Discount From
Regular Retail Prices.
100 pieces of fast colored Ba
tiste ...12V4 10s 74
Serpentine Crepe, genuine ar
ticle 12 tt t
25c Foulards 15f
ISc Foulards
India Linons, 7 gttg)
10 nd 12
English Ixng Cloths, . 7e
8 10 12 15
25c white fancies 15f
18c white fancies ..'..12Hf
15c -white fancies 10t
12c white fancies 7',i
At 9 A. M. 1 case of Amos-
keag apron checks . .5
At 10:30 A. M. 1 case of lie
Turkish towels, each &t
At 2 P. M. 1 case ot yard
wide sheetings, full bleached,
regular 7 He values
At 3:30 P. M. 1 case of 72x0
heavy sheets, regular price
75c, sale price 53(4
Egyptian Tissue made by Lor
raine Mills la the standard
tissue of America; none gen
nine unless thia name is on
th goods. We have them In
tripes, plaids, checks, plain
and all the new spring shades.
They are sold the world over
at, yard lie, Tuesday only
we will sell them, at, yd. 19
We have them in plain. In
black and white stripes. In
printed figures, bordered ef
fects, plain white, . plain
black, also the new Ratine
voile, half silk voiles, silk
striped voiles'' and every kind
of voile made for spring 1913,
at. yard 13c, 18c, 23c, 39c,
SOc and 75t
Passepartout Pictures, worth up to 35c, on sale at 10c
5,000 ot them in the lot, big list or most desirable subjects for
your selection. .
Why Ws Bo th Oroosry Bnslnss of Omaha. Bead These Vrleast:
IS lbs. beat Granulated Buirar (1.00
4 8 -lb. aat'k Hayden'e beet high grail
Diamond M Flour, nothing like It
for bread, plea, cakea or puddings.
per sack (1.SS
10 bar lnuux. Beat 'Km All or lla-a
mnnd C soap 8 So
Kellogg'a Toasted Rica Flakes, pkg.
at Se
lt-os. cans Condensed Milk
l-o. can Pork and Beana SSo
lt-oa, pkg. best dotueatlo Macaroni
at T4e
5 lb, best whit or yellow cornmral
at .-..IS
Iba best rolled breakfast oatmeal
at SS
4 Ih. fancy Japan rice S6e
7 Ilia best bulk laundry starch ..S6e
6 4 lb. boxes beat aelevted 8la
Crackers too
lion nun gpacia-La -.wothiag
riaer fa Saao.
t-Crown Muaratd Raisins, lb., 1-3
Cleaned Currants, lb. ion
California Cooking Klga, lb. ..!-
California Prunes, lb tl-so
California Aeedleas ltalsln. lb. S l-9s
California Bleached Sultana ltalsln.
per lb. 1SH
California Evaporated Apples, per
lb. lllit
California Bartlett Peara, lb. ..las
California Mulr Peachea, lb. ..ItHs
Lemon. Orange or Citron Peel, per
I". toe
aUYiit, IOF1 and BUTTBtUlTal
The-e Crean.ery Butter, carton
or bulk. lb. Sao
The Beet Country Creamery Butter,
Per lb. gso
The beat Dairy -Butter, lb. 87
t Iba good Butterlne ..Ss
2 Ih. good Table Butterlne ...,SSe
i hrada fresh leaf lettuce S
3 bunches fresh hothouse radlahea
for j....S
California Pieplant, lb. 6o
Fanry Cauliflower, lb. Tw,o
New Potatoes, lb. ,..,.re
California AHnaragua, lb. ......lad
Fancy lllpe Toniatoea,. lb. ...... loo
Large atalk Celery .......... .a
3 large "Up' biindies ........ ,,e
Freeh beets, .carrot or turnips, jier
bunch .'... ... .. , v,... . ,4s,
Freeh spitiacli, peck .t. . .too
Fanry wax or green brans, lb..... too'
Large head lettuce, hrad ......THo
I bunches fresh parsley so
Highland Navel oranges, per dosen.
.at tsa, aoe, ase
3 green peppers
EST VIctrola Parlors "iSM
Wednesday We Present Pagliacci
Watch Windows and Ads for the ; '
Greatest Bargain Sale of Itugs
that has been shown in many years. Beginning Friday,
continuing Saturday and Monday $50,000 Stock, the best
Mill Purchase ready cash has ever secured us; all perfect,
goods, all new Spring Patterns.
Neatest equipped dental etfle tn
Omaha. Highest-grade denlstry at
leaeonable price. Porcelain filling,
lust Ilk the tooth. All Instruments
carefully sterilised after seen opera
tion. Oemer leth an reman Bts.
Twrnn n-oon. tito a tor
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the untry. It is willing to give out thia
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc
llow to get irrigation lap.ds, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha. Nebraska
li. kid by ail dealrre
. I sal by Eeatua Dru