THE BEE: (milA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27. 1912. 15 Jhe ee' jnp Ma a l i ryg page SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT :- jMttoShwei2LoniGJStheJndgeIs Drawn for The Bee by: Tad sJHU.- ITS SAM.-- TXCTfci natt irUecrTA A-Si-Ar-tr at ."..a-ia"-. a-jT tUM - iictka r- . " v , , 1 1 I I H I 4li I I f f" i - r Physical Culture in the Home By DOROTHY DIX. f t! asOB. A your.g girl who Ions to be beauti ful and to punrn 'the willowy figure that wo see depleted In the. public print write m a nut discouraged letter. Bho ays that ah la not able to take leeaona In physlcsl culture at K per. nor hat aha the wherewithal to set up an elab orate gymnasium In thai amall llarlcm flat which aha oc cupies with her family. And ah want to know what can a poor girl do. . . Help mother, daughter. You will find a perfect aub stituts for weight and pulleya and h s t derelopera and waist reducers -In t h homely utenalla of the hitches. Try them. The potato masher I a good lubstltute for Indian cluba. The proper way to uae them I to grasp Mu flrmlv In a h hand aim! a 1 1 ay If . nice, hot steaming bowl potatoes with them.. Throw vim and vigor and energy Into pounding the potatoes, using first an up and down movement and then get ting a rotary action n taem, mis eaer clae will be fine to develop the muclea o the upper arm and give flexibility to the wrist N. B.-lt has also an extremely good effect upon the potatoes. A flatlron makes a perfect dumbbell. Take a firm hold of the handle of the Iron and thrust th arm forward with a lunging movement, keeping the body meanwhile erect There are three result to be obtained from thia ex orcise. It is splendid for strengthen ing th back, as th weight at the bot tom of the arm requires foroe to keep It moving. It also reduces flesh about the hips and adds to one'a grace of movement N. B. The flatlron exercise I partic ularly effective when performed upon tha family wash. For the cultivation of grace and little ness of movement the best known medium Is the broom exercise. To d this get a good, solid grip on a broom handl every morning. Imme diately after breakfast, and after throw- lag up the windows so as to let In plenty of fresh air sweep th house rapidly and thoroughly. Th continual bending backward and forward of the body at each stroke of the broom renders th muscles of the back and cheat firm and smooth. It also developa th arm and the stooping down to sweep under the beds and dress ing tables supples th Joints snd gives great elasticity to the entire figure. When a supplementary exercise hi needed what la technically called "mak ing the beds" la peculiarly effective. Th latter movement is most effective be es us a beating up the pillows, turning over msttresses and shaking out aheeta and blanketa exercises the arm muscles and guarantees the svelt form so much admired today. N. B. These exeerelse likewti "eav th price of a housemaid. To reduce th waist measure and th abdomen try th tub exercise. Take ordinary wash tub and board. Fill th tub three-fourths full of hot water, then Immerse a piece of cloth In the water and rub It up and down, taking car that th hands ream th bottom ol th board each lime. This motion will effectually remove the fatty deposit on the stomach, strengthen the back and promote grac and symmetry. It la par tlcuiarly recommended lo elderly ladles who are fond of neb eating. N. B. This gymnastic stunt will also ssr you II or H a week laundry bill on your linger! blouses. To soften the hands and keep them whit and smooth, try dish washing. Remove th china from th table 1m mediately after each meal and submerge it In hot water. Th gresa from th soiled plates will be found an excellent emollient. Repeat thia process three times a day. Immediately after eating. K. B.-Thla exercise, If kept up regu larly, will prolong mother's life, and prevent her hands from getting corns on them from overwork. These are only a few of the many ad mirable txerciiea that the kitchen gym nasium affords, free of cost, to any girl who will try them. These exercises bring every muscle Into play, snd observation will show thst sny woman who habitually takea them has no need to go to high priced cures for robustness, or study Delsarte theories for grace. The finest figure in the world are pos sessed by housemaids, and many a sen- ant girl has arms, and shoulders, and a neck that her mistress would give a for tune to posse"!. More than that, the horn gymnasium get the glad band from men, and the girl who acquires ber slim, strong, straight figure by exercls ing with the broom, and juggling the pots and pans will have no difficulty In capturing a husband with It. The kitchen gymnasium haa the expen sive athletic club beaten a city Mock. Try It, daughter, try It WSa-awa V F SI .aSBr yOUCArtT pmyC A NAlt MfVl A SPOfffteS SOU KNOW NO NATTEH rtTf HM.0 JOAj (T TUB MS foun VSM OXXXCO AKooMt) Tit rv8i Toffeo TOW? ut pitwufcS OtatOoC Coot. DC Air aju am A0 HQ P-OtgN HAUL enr Him, 10 BCTTEfc ArtQ MCJUUi7TEA. laAc rw.. . - Jirrnn. at Ac! f 07HeM OfCNtTD TV, oil M'f fOYMWED THEN fcAfUCO. IFrMAftNMorf iQUfPTHE iAtONi VfXHAT VfO RKoOEmOC PHU? s sbbsbbbbsbbbssbbjbsbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbjbbbbbV ) ,2 i? ANO ONE POWfV. Wl-HA. A XnLO M A- MAM MDM risriil sauJ MAnOi-Ell r&dv a. iOKwgn . 3l 7rHJEMAMT sijsO TMe ROQtTER wwe WSTUN- ih TMS. OBCOS MKNArCR,cj. WeiLe N Al Ar' AvwlX rtUMSyl Ar0 on CP TV6 rtAl-roJ RulHtTD TO ParVTEX.PeU.OvVl VttUJhtt THeEUTMANrs mum a PC PMfOe AMTiWfie. 0CJF mJHeTO OOWrs UKS wRmw wforTf wftTwi. nrxcn WHrtUM RDWNO JtMW 09NT CAjeti if mey Af 6 HONW FUfX-S TME tUtUL- AT MATlrtCcT I THfO? '0 M-ir rtei-pirpkj- A-OOr0,WM-0 f 0WMy pack, tmcn tosi seme AiWTrrAT IrvtLArvjTAraWr WtefT tWt APDjoftg Sm fsAo fwishfo ruwrno House MtfW HEU tXXtJ AHO JAT OOvVf AT THETABXC TO OrtAVH A FSV Neu-wiptttey situs.5He ?EfUUaPB fXTOME THEN tuBOTE OM IT- UTUC MAfTJlE JCffOMC STTHEN TrIG BELL HAM ANO Jrtfe HUlMeO TQTMt 000?.. W HEN JME 6V0T 0AMC frlE NOTICED '"wr JOMEfiHb H AO AWED A UnE. OKTANOTO rVGfl noteX. CAN V0O MEN0 THE OWTAfc. Of PAW 7 WOP THAT WMEEL BAflROW VHAT 00 SOU AT?otT MACHNEJtV o i rvr a (U)f e APoofP vy AW-A--"OHou) a ore '"MVfArftl. rHLi7Hfr rMi.JAysQ(c AM0 AlL A WAOffi-0AC D- a 4 worHA TDAA9trVTV Little Bobbie's Pa J By AVILLUM F. KIRK. Fa A Ma ma went to a other show last Bite, It was called 4i mlnlts from Broadway. Ma wanted to go to the show beekaua she liked K. Pa wanted to go to th show bcekaus Ma sed Cum on, you. 80 w went I think It wud be a good Ides for a Snt ta b closer to Broadway than 4 mlnlts away, sed Pa. I doant agree with you, sed Ma, I think It wud be a good ide for sny man te be forty-five hundred miles away from thar. I had a dreem but nits. Ma sed, I dreemed that I bad rot a song. It went ilk this: : A fair yung wife was standing on New York's gratest street. Her husband waa a brllyust man, but seldom he did eat. ' ' Ula fair yung wife did face him at the close of that asd day, , She looked upon him thoughtfully, I A these words she d.d say;. CHORUS. A liver can't five long on Broadway It hasn't got no chance st all; Tour liver is your paid, but in time It will get hard. And 'twill croak yen In th springtime or the fall. Stomacha and livers have a lot of patience They're always loyal and they're always true. But a liver can't live long on Broadway And that the surest thing you over knew. I happen to have rota that song my- self, sed Via. bow do you like It? , I doant Ilk It at art asd Pa. No wonder that you dreemed that you rot It If ion trnr wok ap A rot a thing Use that you wud think that you had been thru a nltemare. But cum on, let us see the show. ' Wen w was waiting to let Pa buy sur seat Ma toald me about a gurl trend that shs had In th show. Belli Ftsher Is her nalm. Ma toald me that Bailie was the brltest gurl In tliare class at skooL Shs was so brttc, sed Ma to me. that she cud bound the Issmus of Psnama at A slngel bound. Ma sed. 8h Is on of. th sweetest littl gurls that ewer lived, sed Ma. Wen you grow up. Bobble. it wtll be th deerest wish of my llfs t hare you marry a gurl like Sallla Fisher. But after w bad went Into the show A Pa saw SaJtle Flaber. Ma acted kind of different becks oa Pa raved too much. Ma sed. Isent she the sweetest thing ewer, sed Fa. I cud marry a gurl Uks that ta a second. Pa aed. I wrud throw a rln onto bar finger a fast as Tneedore Busevelt threw bis hat Into th ring. Pa sed. I knew a thorobred wen I sea one. Fa aed. Look at ber, Bobbie, sed Pa. Isent aha a cutsy? I doant think she Is so prltty, aed Ma. I think wlmmea Is funny, thar alnt vary Rod treads to each other wea us mea inter-feres. Wbem c klaT sswhea. If something yon are cooking happens to scorch, set th kettle In cold water immediately, and there will be abso lutely no scorched taste. This Is worth trying. The Latest Dances and How to Dance Them A good poa In th bunny bug Is illustrated here, but It may be too acrobatic for many people. la such cases th woman dancer need not lean back very far. Americana are the best dancers la th world. They dance with mora grace and aban don than the Spanleb people, eves, but some times tbey are In clined to be car, leas la the way they held themselves. By Maurice, th Cabartt ArtittTht Bunny Hug Don't gly your self an attitude of extreme fatigue. At all time be perfectly relaxed, but keep Ih back straight, h cheat up and th hips back. U or women danc badly Just because they hold themselves awk wardly. They, however, dance well enough, when It comes to agility, steps, eta Even on ths stag th dancer mutt be both graceful and ele gant In their motions. IS. 1 INr ., 1 . ' ' !. W '. ' , .l-i f !- W. - W III A FLIRT FOR A WIFK BT vVINI FRED BLACK The bunny hug Is another of thos dances which has created sn uproar for no apparent reason except thst certain people who don't know now to dance, anyhow, bavs danced It neither wisely aor welL Of course, oa th stsga It's another story. Many pcopl go to th theater with th Mea that they are going to be nocked. If tbey aren't a tart ted they aren't pleased and don't think tbey have gotten their money's worth. For the people, and there are thou sands more than you think, on accen tuates the dances, makes them broader snd suggestive But even oa th stag th dancers must be both graceful and elegant In then- motions. Otherwise ths bunny hug. the turkey trot aad all th ether modern dances are agly and vol gar, to say the least Americans are tha best dsnoers In th world. They dance with more grac and abandon than th Spanish people, even, but sometimes they are Inclined to be careless la the wsy they bold themselves. Hold yourself perfectly straight; don't be stiff, however. And now for th bunny bug. Some on said this dance was espe cially adapted ta engaged couples. I think It ta, too. It osj-ufnly Is not a wild or hilarious dance. It Is a sort of "snuggly" dance where th girt puts bar hand an ber part ner's shoulder and ths two. In close em brace, do a very slow two-step describ ing a circle about ths center of the stsge or floor. - On the stage the dance has not found favor except when mar acrobatic step are Joined to the "hug." It la too muck like the lovers In the park on summer evenings, so to make the danc more successful and give It variety all kinds of different postures snd poses are added. The original step la the "hug" as de scribed. This should go with the siow pert of the music In two-step kind. If a livelier tempo Is struck th two danc a turkey trot "rock." asauming the regular dance position, but with hands on each other'a shoulders. At the end of earn musical phrase, when the natural pause comes In th music, th dancers assume a pose which is held until the music starts again. One good pose la illustrated here, but it may be too acrobatic for many people, in such ca-es the lady need not bead backward. By WINIFRED BLACK. Phs's flirting with another man and ber husband knows It What la bs doing about It? Nothing but breaking hla heart What's th uses poor man! A woman ilk that Isn't worth a minute real pain, and, be sides, I wonder If it Isn't a good deal th man's own fault? "I am a devoted husband," aaya the man, "I take good car of my wife. I glv her every thing my money can buy. 8h says ah loves m and I always sweat to me, but eh won't keep away from th other man. I bought her a hand- sum fur coat for Christina and she couldn't wait ta get out of the house to show It to th other msn. What shall I dor' . . . . Do get a Utile oomtnon sense Into your poor head, poor manl Oet a little red blood In your veins. What shall you do? Bit still and let a littl feather-head wreck your life and her own and mak things miserable for th two children you say ah really lores? Come to think of It, I don't blame the woman so much for flirting with th other man. Maybe she thinks he's a man a real man and that I what she Is looking for. Th next tllne your wir puts on that fur cost and stsrta out, you put on your lur coat and ssy, "doing out? I'll go with you, and, do you know, I'm In a peculiar mood today. If I should happen to meet anyone I don't Ilk I really be lieve i d knock him down." The little goose who doesn't know snough to ap preciate real affection will fell In lovs with you on ths pot Phe belongs to th type of woman who love to have someone fighting for her. bite doesn't live for love, shs Uses for vanity. la the man bigger than you art, and will he do a little knocking down, too If he get a chance? Don't glv It to him. Tak another tack. Say, "doing out, my dear? So am I." And see to It that she sees you some time that very day with th prettiest woman In town looking right Into your eyes. Your poor mils gooes of a wife will be too busy watching yon after thai to ass much ot th man you dread aj terribly. What nonsense all this sort at thlnl ta what cruel, empty-headed, barren non ens! Slop and think a minute. IfttH Goose, If you nave any of tha apparatui for thinking In that littl noddl oj your. ' -i Who Is th beat friend you have 01 earth? Who will stand by yos whs everyone else haa left you? Who realli cares whether you ar wall sr 111, happj or miserable? Who but the plain, every, dsy man who pays your bills? . -This other fellow! What does - h amount to? Not a thing In. ths world Ks's all right when yea are In goo spirits, welt d re seed, happy and amusing: But get a good sharp attack or neural tn om day aad watch hla Interest tads H Isn't In kv with you or with anj an a earth but himself. Ha love tq stand back and watch himself work i tov to see yourself fooled by him? Ih vanity of a silly woman. B yoj Com to, littl Goose, com tol Too, are Just a harmless goo bow, vara soon you will b something quit differ, nt. ...,. It Is absurd now! this (Illy affair .of; yours, that seems so romanllo to you, Don't you know that ths very grocers boy in ths corner star. I laughing at you and at your dune of a husband j It woa't be so funny erhen yoa wsk g om miserable day ' and find rourajll deserted, disgraced, , -. . . You've been to too many matinee, that's all. ' You are really Just a foolish, vain littl thing with skim milk for blood and scrambled eegs for brains, fist y Ilk lo Imagine that you are a dangerous, fascinating, temperamental siren, luring men lo destruction with your langpurwt glances. Fudge! You couldn't really bs langourous If yon tried for a week. ' You have your pkc In tha world Use, best place ther Is, to tha position tl n honeat wlf and a good mother. Keen It, In th nam of all that's honest, and, let the notorious Mrs. This and th Sec ond Mrs That stay wher tbey beioeis-i In th play. As fsr you, you poor, deluded bus band, you can't make a woman ak th wit you hav chosen lovs you by pleading with her. And, for that, matter, no woman on earth can lovs a man whs will let her make a fool" of him. 8ha needs quit a deffcrent styls of treat ment. ... r The House on the Rock Br UK, FKANK CRANE. The history ot mankind Is the record of usl Insight that we s hug experiment In getting together. Without organisation we get non ot the finer element of life, such a orchestra and steam heat cities, street cars, dic tionaries snd police. Furs Individualism means barbarism. Each man dwells In hla own cars with the woman he has taken. . he struggle upward on th part of th race la merely a struggl t crush out thos element that prevent co-operation. Price, lust, money-love, power-love and all forms of primal egoism disintegrate society, prevent unity, spilt ail pacts of mutual help snd are thus sgent sot savagery. They minister lo primitive egoism, but, they destroy th higher, finer and mar permanent egoism: that Is to say whll they seem to Increase a man, yet la reality they eat him up. They mak him small, they narrow his nature, provin cialise his Ideas snd push him back to ward the brute. They ar not forces ot evolution, but of dissolution. Now, therefore, almost all attempts at getting together, all efforts at organizing Into atates, churches, armies, cults, unions snd the like, have sppesled to thasa primeval passions, which In their nature can never glv eolldity to bodies ot men. Ths cementing passions are curious. For thsy seem st first glance to bo antl Indlvlduallstlc: to make for loe to m and gain to others. Really, when he corns to try them out they Increase and strengthen me. They ar. as a matter ot fact powerfully egoistic, only that quality is concealed In them; It takes time, faith, vision snd spiritual regeneration to see u. For Instance, tak love-of-man, of men souls themselves; Instead of the love of power over them. That seems to mean for me to annihilate self for others. Also take Joy-ln-work. and devotlon-to-Ideal, and dellght-in-service. All of these seem to strike st self. We rebel against them with the Instinct of self-defense. It Is only when we reach a certain point of rlpenera In experience, of ma turity In witdom and of power la splrtt- through tha shall to tha kernel. It Is then ws perceive tha actual truth of Ih saying that "h that Bareth hla lift shall loss it and ha that loaelh hit nfs hall find It" For we learn by and by that only as we put away th cruder exolsma of lust, money-love, pride, th desire to b mas ter, th bate of service and so an, do we come to a sweeter, wkler, nobler egoism; we cam Indeed to some sort at true an- piTCHHiva a, ww v"m svuia sm v. wrcir worth to ua and ths world. Oaly through altruism, only by tha Pf t't of altruism, do ws reach a sound Individ ualism. . In th highest nalm. ot character al. truism and egoism mens th same thlpc They blend. Tbey make tha full har mony, the wait light of aoula. All thos Institutions, therefore, that. ar founded upon th sands of crude effo rt ma must perish. Th itata that mean mere defense, the church that stands tor rescuing the elect "as brands from tha burning." th schools, whoa aim Is ta make scholars and gentlemen apart from' the vulgar crowd, the business world which has for a motive to aiak rtoh and. Independent and separate from 'my fl-' lows, ar oa rotting piers and will go ..... 1 ,i .... , . Jesus wss right Human society must be built oa tbe abiding sjti-ulstia snotlrss; onlv so shall "the a-atea of bell not tape. . vail against If Nletxseha was short - a-lahled and fflin rfU-lal Tnlaf nV era right Disarmament Is right. j Oaly as we dare to trust, tha altruist! laws, only as we fearlessly build our' m stltutlons on them, only as wa hav: a practical, bold faith In tha usisils eaarfr al nr. Una UIBB, aM MM IIOH f . U- llut ll ' .. i - . laca pui iwawai iw II, aO of what they say, only a eaa wa perma nently get together aad build ur bouss , upon tns nek. - What Warns As Data a. Th oldest women's, col leg la th United State Is that at Oxford, O., wbjm was organised m IS Dr. J. w. Seott father-in-law ot Pre! dent Haul i. ta the first president - I