Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Ma. KcKeeng Counsel Iniista that
Alimony Contract is Good.
t Tim Alrsa... A.....
saeat Wu Slaraea He Did Net
Kaew Mack of Wlfe-e
Aettoaa aa New.
sJa-omenta la C. W. Hull's ault to en
(Jota tala former wife. Mrs. William R.
'MoKeeo, from collecting a i,(0) eliraonj
X v Installment, due April 1. are being made.
la resisting the Injunction application
Byron a. Burbank. for Mrs. McKeen, ar
e?ued that Hull at this lata date has no
iifct to come Into court and seek to have
e aside an alimony contract Into which
foe freely entered a year ago. He con
tended that Hull made no contest at the
wme, though he could hare done so Just
weu men as now. He waa not Induced to
nter into the contract by fraud and at
me time airs. McKeen procured her di-
vorce from Hull she had no Intention of
marrying McKeen.
As to the evidence that the former lira.
Hull centered with UcKeen when nego
tiating for a divorce from Hull. Mr. Bur
bank said that it Is immaterial whether
he did or not. because there waa no
legal reason why she should not confer
with, McKeen or anyone else in whom she
oaa confidence.
F. A. Brogan. for Mr. Hull, argued that
at the time his client entered into h.
aitmonjr contract he did not know what he
Bow Knows regarding the relations of his
former wife and McKeen and had he
Known of them he would have resisted.
One of the most Important parts of the
Mlossal program carried on by the Men
and Religion Forward Movement Is that
relating to work among boys. And there
Is nothing which commands higher In
terest in ths campaign centers than tue
Instruction given and the addresses de
livered by the several men who have
this in hand. One of these men la John L.
iAlexander, known to every lad In Amer
ica as the executive secretary of the boy
snouts of America and as author of "The
oout Masters' Manual.-
Mr. Alexander has spent his entire life
working with boys and in playing
boys, in gaining their confidence
and In helping them In ovary possible
way. He is a grown man. but for all
that he la a boy at heart snd wherever
ko appears the fellows flock to hint and
regard him as a companion on an equal
rooting with themselves.
Mr. Alexander will speak before the
twbUe affairs committee of the Commer
cial club Friday noon.
Marrlaate Mesas as. -
The following couples have been licensed
Name and Residence. Age.
Itoy J. Williams, Omaha a
Helen Nunamaker. South Omaha. II
Henry C Frteke, Omaha is
Elsie M. HoiU, Milwaukee. Wit ... ... y
Danish Bunions,
Corns, Callousos!
ISS M, btori (s,tit ffflli.I
Oat wise-get Bingo! Stop "Ouch'Mog
arhea people walk on your feet don't
tare a corn or bunion to stsnd on I Tisn't
tiecossary. Make a bee-line for the drug
store this vary minute ask the man for
Itinera. Take it home-put It on say
Bingo" pains take wings Immediately!
The Bingo way's the latest way the
safest, easiest, quickest way. Touch a
drop or two to a corn bingo! It begins
to shrink . aad shrivel. Entire oera
lessens, comes out root Included without
hitch or hindrance without aid of knife,
gimlet or sues words. Blessed relief! Now
slip on your smallest shoes go your way
Veer erwiM ass Blsie-er will st K If se
tiMn'L otliereiae, mat tea srics. tie, te Dm
SUsns nanaeoal Co., Ill N. Itaartofa it. Ckl
case, III, saS Set Street. BnseM. hN la
tats etty by Bifiaa a MrOsaasll Dras Os..
Ck ass Dossa, lets aa4 Haras,. SMI u4 Far
a. Mia Ho. Htk.
It Heah
bsmi t,mm H Mkn tt iimiw
snJMn.tjT ciwi wit brut trrRattesi t
Um sWflnlaj ssFs.-W rsFFtSJtSX,
mam it It wrm ktiiw m4 to kMv
toM ts &U Itm Uhob.
aAntiteptic Powder
Urn iH lr vfeTtirttM ft-r O
lut 21 jexf. T au m4l.
kycVtrsC aod turwttrw i w .
Piauii tMiataffr to Ttitr. ?ot3mi4
M mrmn. 77- nji mi
SoM sky ' sBTvsXBsvto) fvtvaVaMiB
U Ask rear Sector or seed iei Insist,
I AlTTttCssaaist,Tasasjtss,.C.
B0W W0B leak is m aitd
r -"'
II v
v' fl '-hi X
Religious Ex peril Will Open Four
Day Campaign in Omaha.
Gataertaa Will Bo Held la First
Preebrterlaa Cfcsreh Wedaeaday
vestas aad This Will Mark
esrlBalasr of Aetrrtttea,
Beginning with - a - mass meeting
Wednesday evening at the First Presby
terian church. Seventeenth aad Exlge
streets, the men and religion forward
movement will open a four-dj campaign
with delegates from nearly eery church
lb Nebraska present. The awviiiei will
close Sunday evening with a mass meet'
Ing at the church.
Among the prominent speakers who will
be present to deliver addresses on the
work of the movement and religious
topics In general will be a team ot a
porta consisting of Clarence A. Barton.
New York: Dr. David - Russell, 8outb
Africa; William A. Brown, Chicago; John
L Alexander, New York: Dr. Isaac J.
Lansing, New York; John. If. Dean,
Seattle, and John M. Moore, New York.
Each of these men have spent much Urns
In this work and are very able speakers.
On the local executive committee are
Henry F. Kelser. I. J. Beard. L W. Car
penter and Warren E. Cottrell. The com
mlttes chairmen of the various depart'
ments Involved In the ooopa of the new.
old religious movement ars Dr. Daniel
K. Jenkins, Rev. E. R. Curry. J. E.
Lodds, E. F. Denlson. O torse C. Wallace,
F. H. Chlckerlna. Frank E. Mayer. Rev.
C Douglas, Rev. John O. Shlck and
J. P. Bailey.
Protest Against
May Pole Games is
Before the Board
Dr." 17. " HotoVtchlner; chairman of the
sonrmlttes on course el study snd text
books of the--Board of Education.- has
called a meeting, of "the committee for
this ' afternoon when' ths problem
of .dancing In the public schools "will be
discussed! Establishment of a commer
cial high school will also be considered.
A protest has been, received by the
board against the maypole and folk
dances, classed ss "games" by the
members of the board, and ths abolish
ment of the dances requested.
Superintendent E. V. draft holds these
diversions ars gameatnd not dances and
ths committee on course of study has
classified them under ths head -of "rec
reation a" ' -i
Under these circumstances no action
will be taken on the. protest further than
a letter written to ths opponent explain
ing the situation.
Thirty-six maypoles have been ordered
by ths board and ribbons of red, groan
and yellow ths Ak-ear-Ben colors have
also been purchased. While there is a
division of opinion in ths board as to
whether the "games", will be continued
the preponderance of opinion la in favor
of the ''diversion,"
Prof. L. C Ruamtsei, head of ths com
mercial department at ths' high school,
wlii meet with the committee to discuss
ths advisability of making Leavenworth
building a commercial high school. Dr.
Kolvltcblner says there will be no opposi
tion to carrying ou the- plana. Prof.
Russell will be placed in charge of the
school. 1
Three of the old one-story buildings on
the weot side of Tenth, between Har
ney and Howard streets, that have been
occupied for fifty years, and which ware
among the first business houses erected
In ths city, are being demolished, having
been condemned.
At one time In the dim past ths three
buildings now being destroyed were occu
pied by a 'high 'class dry goods store,
then by a clothing firm. After business
turned the corner and started up How
ard. Harney and Farnam streets, at in
tervals they were occupied ss saloons
and restaurants and shops. For a num
ber of years they have been turned over
to the cheapest kind of second hand
stores, . pawn shops - snd - employment
Several changes are effective In the
local offices of the Chicago Great West-
city ssstugsi and ticket agent, suo-
seerllng Henry Suaoos. who is promoted
to the position of district passenger
agent, with headquarters la Omaaa. Fred
Wight, former district passenger ' agent,
gets a promotion, becoming division pas
senger agent of the northern district.
with headquarters la St. Paul, Minn.
Births aad Deaths '
Births-Perry and Faith Cook. KOI Caaa.
girl; Fred and Leoda Erxleben. Ill North
Twenty-fourth, girl: .W. L. and Olive
Hamilton. M1 North Forty-ninth, boy;
Henry and' Lmte- ftoaldinev lot South
Thlity-etahth. boy; H. P. aad Edith Vln- I
cent. Manderson, glri; Ralph -and .
Iona White, sns ? X.lrty-euta
avenue. !v;viw ai.d Agnes Wis :
Com. XTH North Twenty -e-cond. boy.
avenue: Fred H. Hlrke. . . Uneoln
boulevard: Mrs. Lillian J. TumeU. s,
SC4 North Thtrty-olxlb street.. J. A.
U N'sai. C. SL Joseph s hospital.
Engineer's Force it Busy Trying to
Save Property on Bottoms.
Preeaatloaa Are Betas Takea Every
where sad aa Effort Is Brlaa
Made to Itsre Off Disas
ter Whsrfc Three team.
Elrht men have" been sent from the of
fice of the city engineer to protect prop
erty on Nicholas street, in the lowlands,
now rapidly being inundated.
kle'.ting enow has caused streams of
aster to pour Into the lower levels of
recant Ian
I property la
jN Small iak,
: pioyed on I
land near Nicholas street s
threatened. Ditches are being
carry the surplus water away.
lakes are forming In several por-
th city and over 100 men are em-
the streets and by cltisens to
open outlets to drain off the water.
Barring a few culverts washed a ay
and ungraded streets badly damaged, no
I property In the city has been reported
destroyed or damaged. Precaution against
flood Is being taken everywhere and an
effort Is being maoe to ward oft dls
astsr. The street car company Is expecting
considerable difficulty with the adveut
of warmer weather.
Cartoonist "Bart"
Talks on Success
to Business Men
'Ths Geography ot Success," wsa the
text 4aken by Charlea L. Bartholomew,
the cartoonist of the Minneapolis Journal,
in his chalk talk before the University
club Monday noon.
After the announcement of the topic he
straightway declared that there Is no
geography of success, but that such an
abstract quality Is in the Individual.
"Success Is In yourself snd not In the
town or business which surrounds you,"
said he, as he drew a cartoon of Roose
velt chasing an elephant labeled "third
term." His audience caught the humor snd
significance of the sketch Instantly and
applauded vigorously.
"It has been said that a cartoonist la
something new under the sun. I wish to
make it plain that cartoonists snd car
toons are ss old ss mankind Itself. Before
man could speak or write ho made plain
his commands to his wife snd his wishes
to his feltowman through ths medium of
drawn pictures."
Whlls causing a laugh by ths state
ment, he doubled his humor by an evolu
tion In a sketch ot Robinson Crusoe jo
the figure of a woman on a desert Island
searching for a man. , .
Mr. Bartholomews Illustrated talk
sparkled with humor and none of it was
lost on his audience.
Charles Hshn, a butcher employed at
the Public Market told the police Sunday
night he hsd been strong srmed and
robbed of US while passing In front of the
ptasa hotel at t o'elock.
Early Monday the police arrested
Adolph Belgel, a clerk and Nets Lundall,
a painter, as suspicious characters. The
police do not place great confidence In
lbs story told by Hahn.
Both Belgsr and Lundall are being held.
but It it probable that they will be re
leased. Hahn has no witnesses to prove
his sssertlons that they were the men
who "strong-armed" him.
' roaaterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pills: for constipa
tion, malaria, headache and Jaundice.
For sals by Boston Drug Co.
A specialty of the Post Tavern at Battle
Creek and now supplied for home tables.
A delicious blend of wheat, rice and
corn. To be cooked like porridge and
served hot.
'"'... . ...... --. f
Autos Being Made
in Omaha by Omaha
Motor Car Company
Active work has been begun by the
Omaha Motor company at the Stroud
Machine factory on building the Omaha
"30" automobile, and the company expects
to have several cars on the streets by
April 1. This company was organised but
a short time ago. with a capital stock
of tl.OOl.OM.
D. W. Henry, the man who Is pro
moting the new enterprise, has just re
turned from an extensive trip through
the eatt, having made contracts with sev
eral large parte companies for material
ot which to build the cara '
8everal Omaha business men and auto
mobile dealers are interested In the new
company and are confident that the car
when put on the streets will make a de
cided hit. One of the excellent features
of the machine Is that It is underslung,
which few machines of today are.
Twenty-five new members were admit
ted to the Omaha Italian Social club at
Its meeting In Curtis hall Sunday after
noon and prominent members of the club
say that by May U there will be a total
membership ot more than 300. Addresses
urging Italians to work together for their
own advancement to try to raise the
standards of the Italian people In this
country and to etrengtnen ths bonds
among themselves were iiade by Joseph
Sesto, Peter Procoplo. J. 3d. Calabria and
others. Club meets Sunday afternoons.
After an absence of ten years, except
for visits, Patrick M. Mullen, who re
cently resigned from the land office In
Alaska, Is back In Omaha, where he used
to be counted .among the old resident
He is looking after, his property hers
snd , will remain sor some months.
snd perhaps permanently. Before re
ceiving hla appointment to Alaska Mr.
Mullen was In the legislature In Ne
braska and had been employed In the
Union Paclflo shops. . .
In snswer to the ruling that the pro
test made against ths filing of Congress
man Lobeck ss a populist was received
too late, ths following letter has been
sent to ths secretary of stste:
OMAHA. March tt. Hon. Addison Walt.
Secretary of State, IJncoln-Uy Dear Sir:
I beg to acknowledge receipt ot yours of
ths 23d instant, and note your final action
in the matter of my protest. Aa you
know, I have no personal Interest in It.
except the same deslrs which you. snd
sll republlcsns, should havs to stop a
traua on tne voiera. very truly yours,
Police officers seised a large quantity
of beer, wines and other liquors last night
In the Iler-Oraad drug store and arrested
the proprietor, Abe Benovfts, whom they
charged with selling liquor without s
license. Eenovlts was refused a license
by the Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners several months ago. Ths selsure
waa mads on a search warrant Issued
Satordar by Judge Fostsr,
Ths osss was continued to Msreh 2S,
to enable the grand Jury to tsks It up.
Oscar Mlak, a bricklayer who' left a
Dee Moines hospital only last Friday
Extra Good
2(1. 1912.
after a long siege ot Intestinal trouble,
slipped on aa Icy sidewalk at Twenty
ninth and Leavenworth streets last night
and fractured his left hand and badly
rut his fee and bead. Ha was found by
paaseraby who called Police Surgeons
Hlbberd and Aahe who attended to his
Injuries. Mink was on hla way to his
rooming house at Thirtieth and Leaven
worth atreeta Doctor Hlbbard feara that
Mink'a Injuries will prove seilous because
of his recent Illness. He was taken to St.
Joseph's hospital.
Button Causes Death
After suffering intense agony alnce
Thursday from a collar button that had
lodged In the windpipe. Alma Francee
Winkler, the 1-year-old daughter ot Mrs.
Joseph Winkler, died at their home, 11M
Eighth avenue. Council Bluffs, at a late
hour Saturday night.
The button passed slowly through the
entire length of the windpipe and lodged
In the lungs.
Dr. Humbach tried In vain to extract It.
It was a common small button the child
had put In her mouth and readily passed
through ths large air passage until it
finally lodged In the lunga. Dr. Condon
of Omaha was called In consultation and
as a last resort an operation waa per
formed, but the exhaustion caused by the
long suffering ot the little pstlent wss too
John O'Keal,
' John O'Neal. 3T1S Charles street, died
yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital from
internal illness. Hs wss employed at the
Union Paclflo roundhouse as a machinist
and was X years old. Tne funeral will
be held from Dodder's parlors Wednee
day a I o'clock. O'Neal Is survived by
his widow, besides two daughters.
David Theasiss,
David Thompson. 473B North Forty-
second street, one ot Omaha a ploneera
and a veteran ot the civil war, died early
Sunday morning at hla home ot Illness
Incident to extreme old age. -Mr. Thomp
son Came to Omaha more than twenty
) ears ago and had lived here continuously
ever since. He wss prominent in the
Grand Army of the Hepublio and that
organisation will have charge of hla fu
neral services, which will bo held Tuas
day afternoon at i o'clock. The Inter
ment will be in Forest Uwn.
Mary Ana Beavers,
Death relieved Mrs. Mary Ann Beavers,
71 South Twenty-ninth street, from suf
fering yesterday at her horns. She waa
f! ytars of age snd had been III for sev
eral months. The body will be tsken to
llarshalltown, la., for Interment.
Jeaaaette Herbert.
Mre. Jeannette J. Heibert, wife of W.
H. Herbert, railway mall clerk In the
fourteenth division, died yesterday at St.
Joseph hospital at the age ot S years.
The funeral will bo held Tuesdsy morn
ing at o'clock from the residence snd
Interment will be made In Foreat Lawn
II a Ida I aesMr.
Mrs. Hulda Csssldy, wife of William
rassldy, a farmer living near Burwell,
died yesterday afternoon at a local hoa
pltsl. She was 11 years ot sge snd her
demise wss caused by Internal Illness.
Ths body will be sent to her home to
dsi from Dodder's undertsklng psrlor.
Michael Marpky.
Michael Murphy, veteran freight clsrk,
who for mors than fifteen years hsd
been In the employ of the Union Paclflo,
died Saturday at a local hospital at ths
ags ot SJ years. Murphy's death followed
hie wife's Just three months to 4 day,
Mrs. Murphy dying on December tt. The
funeral will be held from ths family resi
dence st 1KB South Fifteenth street on
Tuesday afternoon and the Interment will
be In St. Mary's cemetery. .
Stimulate your business by advertising
In The fSet-the newsoaiier that reaches
all of the buyers.
Kaiser Will Meet
'King Victor in Venice
VSNICB. March i.-F.mperor William
of Germany, accompanied by Princess
Victoria Louise and Prince and Princess
August William, arrived here today and
waa received at the station by the mayor,
the prefect snd other authorities, the
tlerman ambassador and many members
of the German colony.
A great crowd gave the emperor an
oatlon and the applause and cheering
continued all along the route to the
Hohensollern. Italian vlvss Intermingled
with the "hochs" of the Germans.
The emperor, who csme here from
Vienna where he spent ycslerdaj' with
the Emperor Frances Joseph at Schon
brunn castle, will meet King Victor Ktn
ntanucl, who la now on hla way to Venice.
Shortly after bis arrival the emperor, the
prince and princess went sightseeing in a
gondola. The whole town la Illuminated
this evening and has put on a gala appearance.
Skinned fro as Head to Heel
was Ben Pool. Threet. Ala., when drag
ged over a rough road; but Bueklen's
Arnica Salve healed all Ms Injuries. Be.
For sale by Bucklen's Arnica salve.
Ths usual symptoms of Scrofula ars enlarged glands of ths neck,
oral and ulcers on ths body, skin affections, catarrhal troubles, wsale
ayes, and general poor health. Ths inherited poison, transmitted through
the blood, pollutes and wsakens this fluid, and in placs of Its nutritivo
qualities fills ths circulation with scrofulous matter, which saps the vitality
of the entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint,
hare spent their childhood In constant physical suffering, and grown ta
manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth,
and perhaps later toms disease of the bones or joints developed. 3. 8. 8..
given in their early life, would have prevented this. It would have
cleansed and purified the blood of the taint, nourished and ttengthene
their systems, and assisted each to grow into strong, healthful manhood
or womanhood. B. 8. 8. is the very best remedy for Scrofula- It goes)
down to the bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all
scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, diseased blood with strength,
and health-building qualities, and under the purifying effect of this great
remedy all symptoms ot Scrofula pass away. 8. 8. B. contains no minerals
in any form, and la an absolutely safe treatment for children, even infants,
or persons of nay sge. Llteratur about Scrofula and any medical advtcs)
I L-A-"
ITCHING usually
or fcaly tcalp.
destroys, the nerve vigor
ij .
111 jHrmilarfnn that la nsesnarv ti ntvwliiM
healthy hair. -
A harmless, but quickly-effective remedy It Dr. Kott'a
Hair Tonic This great ionic la a aeiennne rermacKJe
aa well aa aa Invigorating tonic If applied to the
Scalp properly and frequently, no dandruff, scurf.
or Itching disease can exist, circulation is re
stored, nerves Invigorated and the hair
surnulated. The Hair becomes thick
glossy and grows abundantly.
$1.00 ptt bottl f your Jmggltlt
tt prtpaia en raceof 0 ptk by
Uritbig fo Htuif-Ellk Dnig
Co., ManphU, Ttm.
SPECIAL. Mail as the
postal ard found in every
Q-BAN package for com
plete illustrated course of
lectures, covering cara and
treatment of hair and scalp.
Sustaining as Coffee But Much
Published by the Growers of India Tea
Free Land Information
xThe Twentieth Century Fanner, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, fre if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lards, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, . general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. " State
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Fiarmer
Omaha, Nebraska
To Remove First
Signs of Old Age
"The Infallible firat alga of sge is
the sagging cheek muscles, says Mme.
Cavallert. whose fame as a beauty eul
turtst la scarcely less than that of a
singer. "These are more difficult sn.1
serious to treat than wrinkles, she
contlnuea "The sagging muscles indicate
they have grown too weak to remain
in place: they must be assisted, streng
thened.' The best way to strengthen them is
by using a wash lotion made by dis
solving an ounce ot powdered saxollte
In a half pint witch haxel. This creates
a freer circulation to the parts, besides
causing muscles and skin to contract.
Saxollte, procurable at every drug store,
has long been known by complexion spe
cialists to possess remarkable properties,
valuable In treating flabby tissue and
wrinkles. Adv.
Afet tl rJlw of jrtvur has. IV MB MtUAcUofi
to ksvow that atariy pl ru sr tiisi
nulltr tor itvssUnj AJlao't Foot-KM, tbo Mtlw
tl pD-snlsir Into tbom. Just th tbirif tvt lo
1M WnlM, PtUnt LMthor Sbo, tuta for Bnoktnf
la New fthtM. WksM ratowra or keeono
iioMosjMry and tMr sUiosm pinch. AMa'a Kom-Bm
gtTM taitant roltof. SoitJ ororrvkMra, Me. S
FRKst. A-MrMsv Alrsxi (HnsAs4. La Ear. X. V.
Don't accvpt ny Mtatttittc
indicates dandruff
Such a condition
and Derfect blood
" : W a r J
m mi
A m
a-i --o