Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mutt Mu Have Thought a
'f JM r- M RAB Sae ua.
"tEO OF KlMfc HPCea rM
GtUt tiLtfT a. T. an watc 7k.
no. ah jeaAt.e LrrFM
'(;. I NAT X
a-wr-i rcr- m.
Futett Team of Four States Flay
4 in Omaha Tail Week.
Tt Haa Beea InuiH ' thai Each
"Y seoad Shell Meal the Other,
p; Tkaa Dowtdlaej Champion
ef aala at MlaaaaH Valley. .
' Plana vara completed laat evening by
!C I. Reed, athlaue dlractvr at the
L Omaha High school, tar the lakwourl val
lay Intsrschoisstle post-season basket
Tbaii tournament, which vlll b bald at
the a. "i" eaeooeUon gymnasium
maif ajia Mtaroay af thla mak.
' ' Tkraa pramlar Door quintets wilt be en
, tara, all tna pica at Mebiaaka, Iowa,
Mlaaonrt and Xaaaaa. Tboaa repreaentad
.will be Omaaa Hlb. Nebraaka eham-
Xanaaa CHr Central high, champ
at Mlaaourt a ad Kanaaa, and Ottumwa
Hub ec hod, wtMwra of tba Inter-blab,
aaboal baakat taiirkar at Iowa thla rear.
Ottumwa dafaated the taat rUoul Cltr
fl aaiiirilay araalnf Is the tuna at a)
U m. tnua eumJntuna tha Bloui from
eaajioa a Be Tepreaentad.
, Daflatia aaeUMaoa Uet tba twa out
Ida taaaM woatd enter waa reoHved In
' tha farm of talefframe raatrrder from F.
U. aUmajatt' director at athletic at
Itha Ottumwa arhool, and Prof. Porter
.Oravea, mnfr of ap mj at tba Kanaaa
CUT Central Hlb KhooL Tha Ottumwa
quad will leave there Thursday after
oaa at 'clork and arrive ber lata
tha aana erenlnf. Tha Xanaa City lad
plaa to ret ber Friday momltut. . While
bar' tha two aquad will be entertained
by a raaaptloa aomraltte of the local
Thraa Oaeaee la an.
There win be thraa rme In all, an
Prldar aftartMoO, ret her ,th earn
rranrac, and the fliuu eonteet Daturday
alht. All tha tontaei wlU b ataawd at
the "t" -rtmrleilum. ' It baa been ao
rancad thafeaaob. taau will awet tha
tw otbara barara tha ales of tha meet.
- A stiver lorn( oup (or tha winner 'of
th tournament hah bean donated by 0.
W. Ryaa,. tha loral Jeweler. Tha cup
I ana af rha meet haadaoaia aport
traphlaa that haa bees hum up her for
eome time. j", ' 1
Jones and Kelly Are
Keturned to St. Joe
CHICatH Keren S.-Firat haeeman
"Tea" Joaea, bad Outfielder Kelly bar
been turned back by tha Chicago Ameri
cans to th Bt. Joseph Western League
.dab and Catcher demon ha bash re
leased to Wichita, whence ha cans, so
cordlnc to news from th tratnlnc camp
t Waco today.
At a meeting af th Greater Omaha
Bow Urn laaoctoUlnn. a ayatam waa
adopted for .tba rolling oft at tba tame
for tn 1a Valdora trophy, a aw aUrer
lovlnt cup. Than ara el slit leaaua In
tha association at present and th pea
ant winner In each league will roll
agalast ach other for tba cup, Tha
matches wll be rolled on allay one and
two. ltorrlaoaa, aa soea a tha leagues
aa ttntshed thatr raspaotlva sunns
Ft fames arm b railed by each team
end tha total pine will he counted. ,
Firs boxing erent ara oa a rard to be
give at tha gymnasium at Fan Omaha
Wednesday evening. For tha wlncup
KM Jensen, tha local blacksmith, w.'il
bra "TounaT Moore of tha post.
Eralaa Track Maaaanrr.
Fred Ryplna. IX was appointed student
majiager at tha 41) Omaha High srhont
track team by the faculty board of con
Jtrol today. It will his duty is take
fcharg af tha track affair thl aeaeoa
! under tha supernal m ut '. K. kml vl'
principal, aad ta ecooinuenr the regular
'.squad ea all out-of-to vn tripa.
aaaxkar Cawtraet RaeelTOd
v Th ccntract of Pitcher Bunny Hears
.raa reeeteed yesterday by Diek Orott.
aecretary ml th omafta ball elub. Bunny
aent a letter alee la which he nates thai
be I eoacklag the Atlantic Christian aa
orteiiea team at Wlieon. N. C and get
ting a good shape. He aald hie contract
was entirely eattefartory and that he
-will work hard to mak thl his best
ar b) league beaa ball. Ha will report
la Omaha an April a.
City Hall Quakes
For the Old Regime
Excitement reigned rampant la tba city
Jiall for a while yetaarday afternoon, fol
lowiag the fan of a part of the ceiling- A
. pauh af plaster dropped tha eighty feat
to tha first floor, narrowly mlaslag Street
C jwunieeiooer Tom Flyno, wh
baaded toward aa senator. As a buger
chunk of plaater was loossnsd tha area,
Where tt waa Bkaly to fall waa fenced
ta ta forestall possibility of Injurtea.
A crowd gatbarrd where tha plaster fall,
several souadlmaa aad city, ball ofO
awle apaeualtlng aa ta whether tha ca
ll r raaf would (Its way. -Oh. na." said
somebody. n aura will falL It waa
Juat a ntvr ap in splnai cola i o
the maalrtpal oaelle at tha thought of
tha old regime's departure.'
t mm u. raffl. a wj; .& t&
" ' f" '
1 I a! last- As?, I I I T VILIT DUES I I 1 . V I I TVCS 1Mb 1 -. ' w
J S 11 Vri LKJ -.' v l 1 111 s I V ' I IE I I I . ViPlw V
1 Vftrn do 111 I lTti' v ; ?
.! fa SB I I 1-1 1 kCM' s S (
Uf N l O ife;"V
Present Scheme of Representation is
, Hot Satisfactory. . .
Caatratlea la that Clab at Tea Mean
acre Sbeald Mat Hare ftama
Vale aa a Clab with 100
Players Earallea. ; . t
NEW TOP.K. March S.-Many lawn tan-
ala players are wandering whether any
thing will coma of tha effort being made
to bring about a change In the present
method of representation In the United
States National Lawn Tennis associa
tion. Th matter will com up at th
annual meeting of the association on
February S, at which time ths committee
on, representation, which waa appointed
at. tha last annual meeting, I expected
to make Its report- Thl committee con
sists of Joseph R. Carpenter, Jr., Phila
delphia (.Ticket club;. Ward V. Burton.
MnnetonJia Yacht club,, Minneapolis,
Minn.; Calhoun Oragln, Wast Bids Tennis
club. New York; Frederick C. Colston,
Baltimore Country elub, and Thomas C.
Bandy, Loa Angeles (Cal.) ' Country club.
Tha appointment of this, committee by
President Jamas D wight last summer
waa tha result of so agitation watch ha
bean going oa for a number ot years.
Calhoun Crajgla haa barn one of th moat
peretetent advocate of a change In tha
yitem of representatloe, and tw years
ago a committee ot which h was th
head brought la a report making certain
recommendations. These did not meet
with taror, however, and when they
war discussed at tha annual masting
I hey were voted down.. Cragln haa kept
up ths fight, nevertheless, and at tha last
annual meeting th taking ot a proxy
rata ea th matter at a tat boor waa
avoided only by the promise that another
committee weuld be appointed to study
tb subject Cragla wad satisfied that
thl waa tha beat ha aoald hope for and
ha withdrew th motion far proxy
rota. .,.,. ... .
. , Ceateatlaa af CraaJa. . - '
Two classes of members compos th
organisation of lbs National Bsaodafloa
-clubs and associations ot clubs., Th
former haa en vols and ths latter three
or more, depending oa the number ot
elub la their organisation. Th con
tention of Cragla and hi supporters Is
that It I manifestly unfair te glr a (tub
banag, say tea members, the earn voice
in the council of th association as an
other having a hundred or upward. la
the discussions that have takes plaos
It baa bean pointed out that there are
etuse having lees thaa halt a dosta mem
ber, yet they have the earn , vote as
the Wert side Tennla club, which baa
more than SO member.
Tha absurdity at this la recognised, but
what stands la th way I tb difficulty
of finding a new systsm that will be sat
isfactory all around. For example, If a
large club la given more votes It must.
of course, pay more dues; and to thl
some of the club would object most
strenuously. Again, there Is admitted
dlffloulty In fixing tb vol of club that
are not purely tennle organisations-
country golf and cricket dubs, tor In
stance. There I th Nw York Athletlo
elub. which la a member of the National
sasoc lotion. What representation shall
It have, with Me , or more member.
only very, small and constantly varying
proportion ot whom are tonal players t
There sxs dosena of ether big club
which ara In almost the same position.
and some of them are naturally averse
to having any change whatever made.
And, ae they are very Influential In the
councils ot th association. It hi obvious
that any plan eubmltted by the com
mittee must be satisfactory to them in
order to have much, c ha net ot going
(ampaaltloa at Cemmlttr.
The composition of the committee It
self ha a vary decided bearing on the
matter. Two of the members, Messrs
Carpenter and Colatoa, represent big
erlckot and country club of th kind
referred to, while another, Ward C. Bar
ton, come from a yacht elub which has
only a small number ot tennis members.
Bundy I la aa Interim nate class, for
he haa affUlatlona with both oountry
club and tennle organisation. Thla
leaves Cragla aa tha one member of the
committee who Interact are solely with
a tennla dub.
At tha asms Urn there Is sxcellrnt
authority for saying that the other
membere of the aommlltee are not hoa
II 'e to any change. They merely reo
ognlxe the great difficulties standing In
the way of finding a systsat that will
serve the Interest of all the member of
th association tha clasas mentioned
and the "hotel" members, who form
still another element There are about
a dosaa of these, mostly clubi formed
for th purpose of conducting tourna
ment held at hotela.
So great has become tha need of a
revtclon of the coniUtution and by-laws
of the association that It will be takes
up In earnest at th annual meeting. The
natrument ta an ancient one, having
barn adopted at tha "lawn tennla con-
etitlon" which met at tha Fifth Avenue
hotel. New York, Saturday. May fl. 1WI.
tnce than It haa been tinkered with at
'ueoesalve annual meetings, but It still
stain many af the crudltle Inherent
a a document that wa framed tor the
government ot a body numbering less
haa a score of ctuee, but whiob has now
trowa until It membership Is nesrtr
; w
At a meeting of th executive com
mittee held la December th subject ot
a revision waa brought up. and It waa
decided ta neommend to ths annual
meeting that "th association authorise
Train Hit Him
the appointment of a. committee to con
sider a revision ot tb constitution and
by-law, and to have any amendment
which they may propoe Included In the
call for the annual meeting." Thla haa
sow been dons, and official actloa of
soma sort will be taken on February a
Adapt Xew Coaetttalloo.
Although the recommendation apeak of
a "revision," It would not be surpris
ing If n entire new constitution should
be ad-pled. Thl I favored by th exa-
jutlve committee, while the membership
at large will undoubtedly weloome the
proposal. Tha present plan la to appoint
a committee containing one or more law
yers, la order that tha verbiage as well
aa the form of th new document shall
be beyond criticism. Only one of the
present officer I a lawyer. Richard
Stevens, but thl doe not mak any
material difference, a tha Intention la
to form a committee largely outside of
the present executive committee.
Many close observers believe that be
fore the work 1 concluded the entire
scheme of government of the association
will be changed.
There I a strong likelihood that a pro
posal to require the champion to play
through and to restrict the entry list at
the national championship will corns be
fore the annual meeting. Just what
strength will be behind them cannot be
said at present, but It Is not probable
that either will be adopted. To require
the champion to play through, after per
mitting him to stand out for twenty-flv
years, would be a move bo roaring on
the revolutionary, . and, entirely aside
for the sentimental side, there Is no rea
son to believe that the foroea behind the
present plan ara too strong to be dis
lodged, sspecislly at tha first attempt.
The other proposal to restrict the entry
ut at the national championship meet
ing will meet with much more favor.
Th list ha grown so that It la axoeed
mgly difficult to hsndls tt Last year
the entries exceeded so, at least two
thirds .of whom bsd absolutely no chance
of getting beyond the first few rounds,
and nearly tw, weeks would have been
require tor tee . tournameat. evea .had
there bee no rain. If a aaslstactory
plan could be devised to keep down the
eslrles , H would undoubtedly receive
trong enough support,, although many
players feel that a big list la good for
the game and ahould be encouraged.
One of the plan that will be brought
forward provides for the aubmlastoa of
tha name of prtwpecttt entrants, first
te their horn club 'and than te the
executive committee of the national easo
clatloa. before being accepted. ' Thl I
merely the outline of the plea, and It
will undoubtedly be elaborated at the
It le Interesting to recall that the Eng
lish Lawn Tennis association voted down
a plaa to restrict the entry at the Eng
lish championship la November.
Women Will Enter
Fencing Tourney
NEW YORK. March Women ara to
be admitted ss competitors to the na
tional championship tournaments of the
Amateur Fencers' league of America.
That wa th declaration of Dr. Oraem
M. Hammond, president of the league,
and he even went further la stating that
the Fencers' club ot New York was about
to inaugurate a series of weekly eotreee
la which teams of woman fencers, with
tolls, would meet teams of men.
According to several of the leading ef
flcials of the league tb Interest among
women haa been cumulated and sharpened
by the visit of the Baroness da Meyer to
this country and her bouts. The fair
wield ers of the steel blade are now
anxious for open competition. Th result
m thst th Amateur Fencers league of
America haa decided to conduct cham
pionship bouts in class for women thl
esson for the first time la the history
of fencing In thl oountry. -
Dr. Hammond wag enthusiastic over
the plan. "Tha program for the cham
pionship titles and the divisions remains
to be determined upon," he aald. "The
league will officially offer tha usual
medals, but It le Jlkely that Colonel Rob
ert M. Thompooa also will offer -a
valuable trophy aa a prise for a team
match, or something of that sort, as he
has been greatly. Interested In furthering
the sport of fencing among women In;
thla country. Borne months ago Colonel
Thompson svea want ae far aa to get
Charles Tathanv W. Scott O'Connor aad
others to suggest lists of women fencers
who might be prevailed upon to com to
open competition. Th appearance of the
Baroness da Meyer, the Interest shows
by the Colony club and ether Incidents
have brought the women forward, so that
fencing bouts promise to become even
more popular than bridge.'
In .the east socket y women bare taken
to carrying with them Bantam chickens
ss pets, thereby putting aside the famous
lap dogs. In Omaha tha tab- aea like
more attractive pets, and they consist ot
rabbits, oats and birds. Yesterday a
young wvmen got oa a Ttrua car wttb
a black rabbit la her arms. About Its
neck wa a pink ribbon, tied tn a fussy
l"ot When ths woman left tha car
she patted bunny upon the head and he
.Instantly crawled tnte one of the large
pockets of her coat.
Stimulate ear biirlsess Vr advertising
In Th Bee-lb newspaper that reaches
all ot the buyer.
Iron President of Guatemala Fears
Nothing Near Knox.
Last Raler af Type at Mas Ii
Soothers Rapabllea Rales Over
Devratreddra Sabjecta by Aid
af Upper Classes.
GUATEMALA. March &-Correspoiid-
ence of th Associated Frees.) If the
visit of Secretary Knox to Guatemala
accomplished nothing more It afforded
tha president ot the republic a public air
ing, tha Ilka of which ha has not had
since the last attempt upon his lit some
four years ago. 1
Manuel Estrada Cabrera has a keen
sense of humor end he must have had In
mind more thaa be expressed In word
when be said at the dinner given by him
to his American guests at the government
palace that he had hugely enjoyed the
last three day.
Always at the side of the secretary.
Mrs. Knox or others ot ths guests, ths
president repeatedly "showed himself to
th people-end to their unfeigned sur
prise. Indeed the appearance In public of
the Iron-handed ruler whoa multitudin
ous duties, a he (xplslns, have long kept
him closely confined In the palace wa
much th feature of the visit
Kdlet Uewa Forth.
In Guatemala the wish of the national
executive I the law aad whea word went
forth that Guatemala waa to outdo the
ether Central American republics la Its
welcome to Mr. Knox It was a foregone
conclusion that the reception would bo all
that the considerable resouroas of ths
republic permitted. A special train bring
ing members ot the cabinet, high army
officers and other notables met the Knox
party et Baa Joas and the secretary was
escorted to the capital.
The railway station at all points wsrs
decorated with the Guatemalan and
Amartcsa colors aad half buried- behind
palms and flowers. ' On thd platform
were school ohltdrta, oiesaed ta. white.
At Ksuintle. where a (top waa made; for
refreshment,- th aecretary passed be-
tweea Una of boy and girls and one ot
the children presented him with an ad
dress of welcome. At Morsn, th mecca
or cockflghters, a band Jammed the Star
Bpangled Banner Into the two minute re
quired to take water by the engines.
Swimmer Wave Pleae.
Pressing to the southern shors of beau
tiful Lagune th train brought to view a
flotilla of canoe fantastically dressed
in the colors of the two countries, while
around the craft filled with young men
and women were swimmers whoso pro
truding hands held above the surface tb
Star and Stripes.
Reaching the capital the secretary waa
greeted by a distinguished group of gov
ernment officials and escorted ta a
mansion vacated by Its Spanish owner
for the use ot the Knoa family, through
streete gaily decorated, under arches ot
Welcome, past a duplicate ot the statue
of liberty end always between row of
soldiers, behind whom must have been
a majority ot the city Inhabitants. All
were respectful, but one looked In vain
for a glimmer ot the sort of weloome that
distinguished guest experts la North
America. . ,
That evening S.M Indian took part In
a torchlight precession aad President
Cabrera giving ju arm. to Mrs. Knox
stepped to alt open window from which
he witnessed the weird scene. It was a
pathetic sightdull faoed men. ' Vomer.
children and their miserable garb made
mor fantastic by the uncartata light of
their torches, trudging along to 'doleful
music aad occasionally cheering for.
Cabrera for the entertainment et the
president's American guests. Cabrera, the
last of the type of DUs. Castro and
Zelaya la the re pu si to to the eouth .f the
United States, Is the absolute ruler of hie
lOOC.tu) "subjecta," i.iM,tO of whom are
Indians; '"
Cabrera the Whole Thins.
Lett I la aald of tb president gad If
what Is said la true, be ta a nearly per
fect man. The ooooaulousnsss of his
minuter at tha various fuactlen waa
marked. He directed every soove. At the
lightest movement of hi bead men rose
and ant down, stepped toward him and
reterated automatically. -i
Th president attended 'a dinner at
the Ajsariean legation. At Its conclusion
a dignified figure aurreunded by afftclala
left ths legation and stepping into the
presidential earring was driven swtfUy
away. Tan minute later Cabrera
emerged unattended from the nouss snd
dlmMng lnt a dilapidated public con
veyance wea taken to tba palace. The
acre Ideal never toUowa the natural route !
In his travels aboat the city, nor dose
be ever appear Just when and where he
might be expected.
"Guatemala t alwaya peaceful." aald
th president la aa interview, "and en
wa do not nerd a court at Cartage, but I
aomo of the ether rep"' -a where there '
are occasloaal revelut !o seed such I
a tribunal, aad It Is a (. thing.
Guatemala, however, haa not been espe- I
elally puaetlltlous In observing Its
obligations under the Central Aitssrioaa
peace pact of OCT. and only recently
Salvador had sccastoa te complain sad
Invite the good office of th AaMrieaa
State department to secure Its territorial
rights against Guatemalan aggression
Preaiont aa laa la a.
Cabrera feels the burden of state, bat
baa no desire ta lay It down. Hs has
been reported aa la very bad health, bat
he does not look Uks a sick anas, ii I
an Indian, about fa year eld. cf medium
height thick-set with a well-shaped
head. Hi hair I thin and slightly gray
and his mustache Is Iron-gray. Hla face
la wonderfully mobile and expressive. His
black eyes are penetrating and he can
give one a disconcerting stare. At the
same time he can smile sweetly enough
and his manners are easy.
The grievance of the lower classes. If,
Indeed, they realise that they have any,
I to be found in th poverty rreuHIng
In part at least from th Immense reve
nue necessary to maintain th president
and army In lavish style.
What the better classes think Is not
known for certain, but It Is through them
that for fourteen years Cabrera has
maintained a military dictatorship.
Yet many Americans resident bar told
number of tba . Knox party that no
other government I possible and that
Cabrera s sbsoluttsm was better , than
ceaseless revolutions: that tha United
States could not hop to do more with
Cabrera than awe him Into being "rea
sonably good" and so protect the neigh
boring governments from encroachment.
Mere Active Bodily Cataballam Pre
vente DeraMageaseat ot the -'
Civilised man ha lost his natural Indi
cator for the need of sleep, namely, abun
dant muscular exercise pure and simple,
unmarred by accompanying nerve-fatigue
We are apt eternally to forget that our
brains were evolved as organs of motor
co-ordination, and that, lacking thla kind
of exercise, their melabollem may be de
ranged. Wa are apt to call To see and
Tabby lasy animals, but no physiologist
doubts that they llv mora hyclenlcally
la respect of sleep than do their human
masters or rnlstroassa, although many of
these domestic pets, too, that are city
livers, get only a (mail fraction of the
exercise they really require. Hut like
their wild brother In th forest and en
the plain, they sleep much and often,
la the cities rell-to-do .multitude llv
and dl without experience of the "pure
delight" of .unadulterated muscle-fatigue
and of the sudden and deep sleep that
normally follows a day of purely, muscu
lar work. Here, then, I ona reason why
we sleep too little and too III, save when,
perhaps. In camp On our" vacations la tha
wild. Should pot these expert encee teach
ua something.
perhaps the second moat efficient rea
son why we sleep so llttls Is ths general
use of grey matter stimulant coffee,
tea,. cocoa, tobacco, alcohol, all or one
or more In a day. Largely because at
times they hare enjoyed good sleep Im
mediately after taking these, many un
medloal person are firmly convinced that
they are not kept awake by these stimu
lants, whan, In reality, a a rule they are.
Ot oours. at time on may sleep In
pit of them, for reason that no on
can a yet explain. Mor active bodily
oatabollsm would rid th body mor
promptly ot the alkaloid, eta. and o
minimis their harm. A It Is, throng
of sedentary people are kept from feel
ing normally sleepy at the proper time
by thee stimulants to th Insistent aa
aodaUen of Mean Thus the physiologi
5 and "American "5
Collars are seen at
the great outdoors
E game. whereverE
5 you turn. ; E
5 They are big favorites S
with the business men
because they give both
ZZ ttyU and cornorU jZ
S "XatlenaVand'Amer.
S itan" have th - Slip-Over"
Button - bole, th Easy -Tie-
aa Slide " space snd unpla rexxm -
lor tba scarf to abow.
Ask your gooc haberdasher
wa about ths special ftature4 in -
ytion (pilars
s -rsisef flu t -- ' '
mm fflsiil)
for The Bee by
cal bed time is Ignored In favor ot sn
artificial hour dictated by drugs more or
less Injurious, somnolently speaking.
A third reason obviously Is the evening
entertainment habit, despite the necessity
of early rising for work. How numerous
are the theater-mad and the opera-mad
and the bridge-mad In our day, and
generation need no emphasis, and they
unduly waste the sleep-time.
A last reason that may be recalled for
our sleep deficiency Is ths vicious circle
of nerve-cell exhaustion that makes sleep
scanty and Incomplete. The causes of
this are both too trite and too numerous
for proper discussion here, but among
them ara soma that are underestimated.
For example, th almost continual light
snd sound stimulation (rhythmic electric
signs, milkmen, automobile horns, etc.)
to which dwellers of the large towns are
now, day and night subject would wear
out the strongest mechanism while cer
tainly the neurones are the most delicate
ot all known organs unices It be the
ear and the eye. Here we are victim
et a negligence of physiological health
which a 'Inter age will look back upon
aa only just removed by a tew. years
from the renaissance of common sense.
Medical Record. .
Fickle Fort one Fades Away aad
Proceea Server Chase the
- ' Remnant.
J. Brandt Walker, th Chicago plunger
who amassed a fortun of million in
Wall street during the 1SD7 panic, 1 dying.
H is down and out III with tuberculosis
la soms refuge In the Adirondack, snd
with sheriffs deputies, armed with writs,
hunting desperatsly for what remnants
ot worldly possessions b has left la New
York and elsewhere.
Hla friends In Chicago say he I
camped In th Adirondack, they will not
tell where, fighting his last battle.
The Ufa of Brandt Walker reads Ilk
mm m aim:
OU Ayis Lmft I th beer that Is brewed Just rlrht
snraetbief err-inly different in ta beta lnr Una just
aa good as vr could not b ad hotter.
a HeXXMAN BUWUfa COteTAirr, U Cee, WW
LEJtCH V VAN 8ANDT, DtatTflwtotW
S t Saaslk lTaVCmCajrA.NI!S.
,m t mm
BaSV " I S"sr-
few V it)
its-- ? s x
liMl A.
i.ts a.
f lltOS P.
fTvr-3. til P.
For reserratioBt.
rates, tickets and
haadsoaMrf fllustm
ed booklet ttUinfill
about Hot Springs
(Nsrnre's Greatest
Sanitarium) call at
oaSct, or 'pbaa.
rir .,iLsv. sew-
I "IV I If --Jil t
"Bud" Fisher A
IWC 9wm
a romance. It has been a gay one and
dotted with many periods In ths extremes
of poverty and prosperity. He is nearlv
50 years old, and he ha spent three-fifths
of his career dallying with the goddess
of fortune.
Adversity to him was a mere Incident.
"Money Is easy to get If you keep at It,
was his motto, and when a sudden turn
in ths market found hla all swept away
for Brandt bet every cent he had when
he had it he would borrow and keep on
plugging until he bad a foothold again.
He had the happy faculty of turning a
10 bill into a 11,000,000 without mussing
his hair or wilting n collar.
When thing became too slow for
Walker in Chicago ha went to Now York.
That was several years before the panic
Tha story of hi world-famed winning
on the short side of stocks In 1907 fur-
nisnes material lor a spienuju vn ui
tlon. From a stack of whit chlpa tran-1J
formed Into several thousand dollar in
one night's sitting at faro bank la Caa-
fleld's in New York he ran the stake into
the millions, selling Union Pacific and
other railroad stocks short, when these
securities crashed down during that pe
riod of depression. . , .
A summer home at Lakewool. X.. ,.
with claborat furnishings and a collec
tion of oil paintings by old masters, and
sumptuous city apartments -wsrs ac
quired with lavish hand when Walker
cashed In his fortune.
During the last big day of his stock
market coup it la sajd, hie profits aver
aged 00,000 a day for a week of exchange
trading aseslons. Fir million dollars, ail
In cash, is said to have been a very, con
servative est! mate of hi total winnings.
But It all went. Just as It came. , ' ,
I had rather die a poor man, sitting
on a high (tool and watching th ticker,"
walker once said, "thaa be a itch man
lacking even a single interest, to keep
him ailva" Chicago Journal.. ,
Now in Service
. via (Ae j j"
Missouri Pacific
ivin e greatly imp roved service
between Kansas City, Coff eyville,
Ft. Smith, Little Rock and Hot
Springs, and to and from points in
the South and Southeast.
Vt. lv.
Kaeea Cfty
raffervllle .
Per Salt ,
LrMIe Keck .
Little Rack .
Hot Sartasa
..Ar. TiSOA.-g."
. . Ar. 13:90 A. f .
. .Ar. Tieer. j.
..Lv. IK P. VI.
..Ae. .tin P. j '
..O.v. tliao A.M.
M. Lv..
w. Lv..
WJ. Ar..
w. Lv..
Jt. Ar..
This new tram put oa erpeaalrf (or Hot Spring
Usstl ranyinf one of "Our Own Dining Car
out of Kanau City snd aa Obsrrvitien-Caie Car
betweca Ft. Sexitk and Hot Sprutgt, with naadatd
Isihnaa 6kwpef aad Ekeant Chair Cars and
Coaches provides every coeniort and eotrrrajencs.
Missouri Pacific serrlc
from Omaha makes ex
cellent connection with
this new train.
I. A,
Fa main St.