10 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Decrease ia Primary Beceipti of Wheat ia Betdly Expected. liTJCH BETTER TOSE TO MABKET Cera Higher la Liverpool Mack Grain la t'sea Feedta; Pealrtaa Bipl' Seen Be Baltlsk. OMAHA, March X. IMi Leaders In ths wlieMtrsde are the pirirtloa seriously front ths nortn wcst that farmers have outt selling "eat and that a decrease In primary receipts about to taita place, which has been pro tilcted for three months past. Southwest markets hava vary l"t " retpts. a good demand and ara radurln; stocks mat art ally. It at reaaonabla to be lima that reserves ara uauaually low ana that during tha next tanaty days lbs wheat will dleappeer very I rate tha market has a better tone and easily works Ma her. which la very en eouraglns to bulla and vice vers with tha bears. Sentiment favors careful buy- inf on I ha dips. The Liverpool cables were strong and hither on corn today. Heavy feed ni oper s I Ions all over the country are still necee- eary. Inlets country eu-n movement wilbe light from now on and as soo as present supplies ara used up the position of cash corn will ba a very bullish one. . . Higher cables, better cash lighter reoelpta at primary points brought out good support In wheat and values sxl vanced. Cash wheat was "o higher. Corn was strong In sympathy with wheat aad aborts covered, advancing, the market. 's corn waa wry active aud strong selling MJo higher. Primary wheat receipts were CM bushels aad shipments wars IA0O bush els. against raorlpta last year of VSs bushels and shipments of J'1- Primary com receipt. "1' els and shlpmants were against reealpta hurt year of liuM busb ". us sBlprnu of hua Cleanness ware K. bushels of corn. 11 bushels of oats and wheal and flour equal ta .' bushels. Liverpool closed MrM higher on wheat and 'an xd his her on corn. .(olio-ln. cash sale. w.r.r.por, Wheat-No. t hard: I car. tlAlKo. hard- I ear. fLOU. Corn No. I white: 1 rarT Tt; I car. Vc. No. 4 whits. 1 ear. Ur' ear, 47c. No, 4 color: 1 ear, . , Id. 1 car, Vc: 1 car, 41c. . Oao Standard: I cars. alHc No. whits: I .era. IVie: f cars, Uie. No. 4 whits: I cars. Uc. No. I mixed: 1 car. Be Ossaaa raak Prises. WHEAT No, I hard. 11 .Hl.sf. I hard. n aUrW rn; No. 4 hard. Mc1 4. CORN-nT I whiu . w: No. 4 whits. CO"o: No. 1 color, PUOW'i". No. I ysilow. -HtoNo. V?'-"?. sHie-Wo. 4 ysilow. ajrrsnwc: No. 1 AO; OA TrV' " 1 "w hTt?.d Srr?st an d -rd. KVJ1eC: No. I white, Ur: No. I whlteTsHwMc: No. t yellow, elfi3Ye, Xo. 4 yellow. H'tX.le. BARLRT-MalUng, Mc6l.S; eavy feed. IBffawi, . ATE No, t, nMc: No, I. Wt Carlat Racalpta. Wheat. Corn. Osts. ChU-sgo M llnsolls srl ... Omaha II Is 1 bululh ..- 4 t HICAGO CIIIAIff AWD psjorl10li reatarsa o tks Trad lag aad Claalasj Men aa leant at Trade. CHICAGO, March . Persistent though limited selling to reaJIss profits for hold, ers mora than wiped out an advance today In wheat. The July future suf fered besides from a steady peppering by leaders on lha bear aide of tlw market, t 'losing prloss were aaay and HVao to v'o under mvruruar night. Corn fin Uhed Me ro HCrHo higher, oats varying tinm a shads off to a like amount up, and hog products at an advance of i inc. excepting fears of May shorts about all ttie bullish Inspiration for wheat specu lators cams from aonsa tha Atlantic, 'i here waa enough In tha cable dlsnaiohes, howsver, ta bring about a enaatnerable now of strength In tha first half of the session. Word of a rapid decrease In i-tocka at Liverpool waa coupled with predictions that continental Kuropo would soon be purchasing freely. In the lomeetlo field, there waa soma attempt to start a crop scare regarding lata sown wheat, but so miu-n snow waa reported to be still on tha ground In Kansas that th effort fell fist The decrease In the vlslbls supply of wheat proved as less thaa had been looked for, a fact which waa Influential In helping to turn sentiment and bring shout a substantial setback as tha day approached an end. Between tlw opening and the cloas May fluctuated from tl. it.m to UV with last sales ll.OMt, a ue. line or strwc net. tlrest sctlvlty prevailed In the corn market Prices at first rsepooded to spao uiative demand and raaaed higher, but ruhesquently gave wav under realising and short sales. Kougn w earner south st furnished a basis for the ad ranee. The Incentives of the other sort had their nsln at tha seaboard, where resales wars leported at figures much below what rnra could be ' offered at from Cnloaaw. May delivery hers rsaged from 71to to :r73V. cloatng weak at tte, Just tn rer Haturday night's IsvaL Cash grades sers firm: No. I yellow Was sot quoted, tints had a prop by reason of tha ale. eunrrtfrtaacee that tha ttepterober option w as sue a Bushel cheaper than Beptember lorn. Such a dtflererjcs mads tha lass expensive forage appear attractive to many traders. Outside limits touched for May were tlHs and MM4o, with, the i lose a shade up at the first named flg urea. ' Kcardtr of offerings explained the lias of Dro visions. Tha bears have been adlr beaten of late, and seemed ta have ne heart for a tight. Pork made a net edvsnos of U'tc and ths rest of tha list quotations sa ru tares closed ss follows: ArtrHe) Open, I Hlgb. Low . CloeeTittaf y. on.eii I I I lsy. liH-H;l,wS-Sf14Cvr.S: VC 1V Juiy.HeV(T..Ii9tS, N wtf, H .-est.; .MSI Vf . MS v i. i iay.:reji.risesl July.l73tySl 13 tfept.lRw1' iJS' - I I I ilsy.mtr'.'W'wwV jui.ais VS' fvot. t-l(fS,U-U i t i I Wsi 71 nisnstfai m, rsi an, tsssjau 4SS. CS'ltSwHl slty.I K M K CHI MM Hli I M C Jul) ; It M IWlSl SI STHl J eept.l ! 1THI U KHi II Uri: 17 1T 17 J i I I I I Msy.ille-Tw ),! s tit .uly.i TTS tm I TTSj Kept.; It HB tics rpt.;' ( tt7 i rpt.; t I rv ... eUStsS-r, I4S ttl iHV t rst , cvt. "jrooi IB l i sjM quotations were aa follows: , ixit'it ettaady; winter patents, 14. lief . .: winter straights, to.eWe.ae; seeing . vents. IUBia; spring straights, Hs v ..t; bakers. BSWMes. . , r; No, 2V tOsMirp. .'.l!LlI-l'eed or mixing. 7erCS)LW-, - tu raoMw malting. 11 lktfl K . ..t.li.s-Tlnvutiiy, HajvltS; clover, uov li-IOSS-Pork. BMss. Hit letro. i ni-es. IS os. Hftort ribs, loose. B oV ..Mat clearances ef wheat aad floar . eerual to Ts'i.tss be. Primary rerwlpw ba.. compared with 412 OS ou. i . eorreapoadtng day a year ago. Ths ; ..iVe supply of wheat In the United i .ales aerreased l.B7.H au. for the week. . . t sraount of breadstuff oa nnaan paa- : age lacreouied X47Z.VWV su. aatimatsd re ceipts for toesorrow: Wheat e cs iwi ,i das cars; eats, fTt cars; hoga. lASOg lieaa. . i xit Cash Prices Wheat: No, tied. :,V,'-V1W: No. 1 red, tleuttLwl: No. 1 .ait, tl.4SS4il.teS: No. hard. II iueji 0i: .,. 1 portom. tl.llfrLH: Na t north l.ssl.L: No. 1 estlng. tlAMiLS); : a. i sprtag. 41 WW : No. 4 spring, AVSJ . .- .lvft c'l.ff toitl S; durum, Kct ; v'. tent: Ne. 2 sPvTSr: No. I white. No. i retrw, eoSriesr: Na A t . , I a kite. rv,c; No. 4 vel ev ge W: No, 2 ii:ic, ot9,; au& He,. ysilow: i . - cTi car. 4V.c; 1 e.r,; No. 4 J-low- cars, tnte; 1 ears, at; I cars. rntfi. I L7r,: icir. Ma. No. 4 mlied: ears. ss'4c: Xi J white. SCtS4ic; Xo. 4 while, 52fiir.c: standard. M'.iMe. Bye: No. 2. SlUc. Barley. Tsctjll.:;. Timothy aeed, eV'.eufili.sO. Clover aeed. tlLHifaS. BITTER Steady; creamertea, 173c; dairies, SHriTc. BtKiS Easy: receipts. r7 caoes: at mark, caaea Included. lH4j:c; ordinary, firms. Mr: firsts. Sc. CHEESE Steady; daisies. U"rJte; twins, IMVISVk: young Amertcaa. UVsVlic; long horns. 1 nitrite. potatoes Meadv: rsceipu. 1U cars: Wisconsin. 11 IMrl.Jl: Michigan and Min nesota, 11.2191 .24. POCLTRY-Stcady: turkeys live. Me; dressed. 1V: chickens, live,. lie; dressed, lie; spring, lire, 14c: dressed, Ltc VEALr-dteauly; 74111c. NEW TOBkv 42ESEBAL MaKKET Oaatatlaas ef tks Dar an Varleas reassaadilltes. XEW YORK. March .-FUM.Tt-Stesdy: spring pslrnts. l5.25ttVsO; winter strairhts. el.teitiie: winter patanta, $t.u t ie); spring clean, HSfet.M. winter extras. No, 1, UWIIK winter extras. No. X tsAQX fi; Kansas straights, H7MMK. Rye flour, quiet: fair to good; H iiajt ; choice to fsney, IS.uutts.2S. fOllXMKAi-nrm; fine wnuo ana yellow, tl SShl.70. coarse, l Jot1; kiln dried. 13 W. K r-Htesdv; wo. xjc, e. i. r.. nuiiaio, BAKLKY-gulet; malting. H.t?L. a L f.. Buffalo. UHEATnpot market Irregular: No. t red. ll.DErH, elevator, export basis, snd $l.i. f. o. b., aflost: No. 1 northern. Dulutli. I1.1SH. f. o. b.. afloat opening navigation: futures market advanced early on the firm cables snd unfavorable crop nrwa, but lost pert of the gsln under realising on the visible euppiy. ng ures. wlikh were not ss small aa ex pected. clolng Sc net lower to So higher. Mir, IlfMll.lS; Ciosoa SI l.w; juiy. II (T'.trt. 05, closed at li on. Receipts, llt.oo bu. : shipments, e,ss ou. tViKN Snot market firm: No. 1 tfie. elevator, domestic basis, to arrive, and export TIVc t. o. b.. afloat; futures, market waa nominal; rscetpta, 4u bu. i,ATii Hoot market firm: standard white, 4uc, In elevator; No. t, Tt No. i, ; No. 4, WV: natural whits and whits clipped, IstsiMe: futures market as nominal; receipts, ei.rw ou. HiV-rirm: urlme. II bUl 40: Ko. 1. r i2Swi.; no. t $i.im,l. .no. a. ii. wl.ls t . HOPtt Steady ; stale, common to choice, B11, aefac; IMA, nominal; Pacific coast 1SU. 4itj-t4n: 1H0, nominal. Hinut) Steady; central America, at Bogota. tsMrSeSe. , - , LKATHKH slrm: hemlock firsts. Kg) Sc; seconds, IltjJtc; thirds, Utr&fc; ra Jaots, Uc. PROVISIONS-Pork, firm: mess, lit 'C9 M M; family, tlteflsmW; short clesr, UI. eUJt. Beef, firm; mess, H.i1l.io fiumUy, lls.OuOlAU: beef hams la.wajai.uA Cut rnsata. firm: pickled bellies, W to 14 pounds, a Her lees; piisiea name, sii.sns 12 00. laud, firm; middle west prime, HasSe.TO-, refined, quiet; continent '; South America, lv.s; compound, (7.0un V. TALLOW-Oulat: prims city nnas, tc; special. c; country. MatleAtc. hiittkk ftteadv: reorlDts. 4.0St tubs: creamery sperlels, JJc; extras, tic: firsts. JsSrtMlc; slate dairy, linesi, juuair; good to prime, 27fr9c; common to fslr, 24tiwc; process specials, Kw-'iV-'; extras, Mtsc; firsts, tMTi&'V. t Hlui'e.'S'irm; receipts, eu ooxes: state, whole milk, held, whits or colored specials, lie: skims, 4rtSc KtHJtfr ntrung; receipts, h,ih caaea; fresh gathered, extras, 4rWc: fresh gathered, firsts, HHtOHo; seconds. ti HiMc; weatern gatnerea wnitea, mvaiq. t, l.smie iisaeral Market. T. LOI'IH, March -WHKAT-Cash strong; track No. I red. It.1; No. I hard. H.tnnl.U. CORN ftigner: track ro, , nwix: No. I while. 7ai. OATa lllkner; traca co. a, mumw; No. a white. Kac. t'loslng prices of ritures: WHKAT-Lower, May, tl.4U,01.lH; July. s&Hr. t OIIN wcaa; stay, vieNCi 'uiy. "Sc. OATH lligner; stav, et-tc, Juiy, wie. ItYB-t'nohanged, IHt6o. ruilin-ulet and steady; red winter patents. USHniOu. extra tsncy and slrslsht. H.WMH.W; nam winter cieara. U.tons.la, hkki He Timotnv, siv.ivDns.iu, CORNsTBAL-sSn. BRAN Bcsrce; sacked east track, ti lt I cT- tea.lv: timothy, ta.00Ots.0ll; Prslris, lll.suftffi.6A. I'MOViaiOhS Pork, unrnangea; mo- bins. Il7n. Lard, unchanged: prims at earn. mmr.(. Pry salt meets, un changed; boxed, extra aborts. I"c; clear nha sue ! snort clears, ho. tsscon unchanged; boxed extra shorts. MSc; clear rlba, r,c; short cieara, l(ro. PtJULiKY uuiet; cnicsene, springs, lie; turkeys, 17c; ducks, lec; Bl'TTKR Higher; creamery, MHOtlc. tUOH-Ulgher; llVc Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls U Wheat, bushels avono Corn, bushels .- M.ws) u.iw Oats, bushsls s.ouu anno Kaasas City tirela aad rravtslsas. KANMAR CITY. March . WHKAT- Cssb unchsnged. No. t hard, llottyl W; No. a, tl.inirl.ui; no. 1 red, il.oitsl.m. No. a Mrtl.tll.t iyiuk-utile h rher: No. I mixed. 73ft ttwu; No. I, JIWc, No. I whits, MWM: sio. a. owiic. OATS Unchanged : n. i waits, nw fcc; No. a mixed, U- Closing prices ei luturea: WHBAT-May. II.Sww bid; July, ISe; September, aafssie bid. COrirt sisy, livwirao stu, suiy, u?sc bid; eVeptember. Wi1c. OATn-Msy, &IUc, July, tec. R Y B eattsSc. HAT t ncba-uted to inc hlrher: ehoers timothy, IWOUJ1W; eiiolos prairie, tuVMi MUTTER Creamery. Mc; firsts, Jtc; ssconds. itc; packing stock, lie ECKlA bxtras, uc; arsis, wc. Receipts Httlpmenls Wheat ba ..Jioi 4.M Cora, bu M.n I OS) Oats. bu... MOW 12,00 Mlaaeapelts Urala Market, MINNBAPOIJS. March M. WHEAT May, tlss: July, tl.s7Vtrl.4s; Reptsmbsr, tl.ous. Cash. no. l hard, si.ss no. northern, IIM; No. I northern, lids, No. i. W ot. FLAX-r BAKLKY-JSrsa M. tXll.N-No. I yellow, T0CSc. OATb-No. t white, eWsc I RYrV-Mc. B KAN In 1 pounds sacks. U SieU i. PlAl'R-f1rst patenta ... seo- end patents. 14 CeM K; first cieara, 13 (pt76, second clears, K.isan.7s. l.tveraeel lirala Market. LIVERPOOL March -WHEAT - npoi. nominal; futures, firm: sts v. :ok spot steady; American mixed. new, 4a id; Amerlcaa mixed, ok!, 4s HMd; A men can mixeo, new sun oriea. as lo: futures, firm. May, es id: September, is oa. FLOUnV-Wlnter pal ant a ta M. HOP-ia London. Pactflo coast, ft lis jaw us. Mllwaakew eala Market. MILWAUKJCrl Wis.. March WHEAT No. I northern. 11-UtrLU: Ne t northern, tl.rawl.U: No. I hard winter. el.eoxri-vi; stay, si-eres: juiy, pec. CORN No. I yellow. Tic; No. I white iir; -o. a, wrreT; May, ,;',c; July, assise. OATH standard. MtjtdSc rJAKL.e.1 Halting, tl Bajl. Is. I reeva Market. PEORIA. 111. March X. CORN lligner; Ke. s eilow aad Ne, I mixed. sSc; No. 4 yellow. sTSc; No, 4 mixed, CSo: sample. 4c OATS-iiigber: No. I whits. USftMe: stasoaro. MMroec: o. i white, iifcc; no. a wmie, sttsHvec. Klele Marie Market. ELGIN. III.. Merck H-The quMatlon Mnsahtes ef the Elgin Butter board this eotnasltti Bfternoea declared butter firm at M rente a pound. Output tor the week 77i.s Ossaaa Map Market. OMAHA. Merck al HAY Xo. L tl4 tJISt: No. I olSU: Ka i, JUSM ls.4-. No. 1 midland. II toe 1 ; No! 1 kvwland 117.Wiikws slfaifa. choice id and 4th cutting. Kl.aajS.: 1st and td rat ine, tssewia.,, No. t Ll.tia,4t. No. t. L-iOvlo.. Medaed agnur Red seed. NKW TORK, March K-AH grades ef refined sugar were red-Jced n erats a huadiew pounds lods . THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH IVVW VflltF CTflf F M1PFPT I fllllll IUlUa sJ.vWs fflAIUUll Frieea Contiime Advance with Heay- . ieat Trading" of Tear. SUBSTASTIA1 GAINS 15 HOHTH Ca Feead far Isspraresaeat la Bitaatlsa Other Thaa Market lei sravesseat Skil- 1 fsl a sea latere Beay. NEW YORK. March S On trading well In excess of 1.0n8,JO sharea. the largest thus fsr thw year, stocks todsy continued their advance. The move ment lacked aome of Ita recent breadth, but waa none the less effective. The rise wss recorded In ths fscs of such conditions as ths refussl of ths railroads to grant wags Increases to their en gineers, further unrest at several do mestic Industrial centers and continued deadlock In the British coal strike. Ths counteracting Influence wss another ad vance In copper ahares. Taking today's top figures as a basis, prices sbow gains of u, to SO points for the month. A canvass of ths conserv ative element In the financial district throws little light on ths Improvement In ths market situation, other than tha belief that it has Its gsnesls In better mercantile and political conditions. It Is no less sppsrsnt that the market Is largely In the hands of skillful specu lators. levelopment among the copper shares contributed mors then anything else to the market's strength today. Meutl and kindred securities sold st best prices In sorfie months, while some attained their lushest Quotations In mors than a year. Lsst week's spectacular nee In American Smelting wss continued, the common hares rising well shove 0 on enormous dealings The eagerness with which this stock was taken offered additional proof of the existence of an enormous short Interest, the Isrger part of which hsa been rushed to cover by now. , Industrials, notably American Can, com mon and Dreferred. maintained their prominence of last week st higher levels snd as a whole comprised a large per centage of the day's buslcess, ths Stand ard Hallway shares being comparatively dull , until the latter part of the ses sion, when Heading rose to its Best price of the year. United Hlatrs Hteel shared this distinction for a brief period. The market msds Its first hslt in ths last hour, at which time ths heaviness of Must Amalgamated Copper and Union Pacific, brought tboaa stocks back almost to .their starting point and Indicated that offerings had created another stats of congestion. Reading and fmelting were ths most striking exceptions to ths gen eral tendency, the former selling st Its best prices or ths dsy. nnsi dealings were on a moderate scale, with the tons barely steady. sixty and ninety days money rates were advanced here todsy. chiefly aa a reeult of last week's future decreases In reserves and eonttnued bor rowing by Germany. Increased firmness waa snow a in com mercial paper. For the first two dsys of ths bank week local Institutions have already lost almost ti.ono.ew). London bought snd sold In this market. the, balance representing purchase-ydo ths extent of about U.00O shares. Bonds were In better demand hers todav. prices In general reflecting arrester firmness. Tntal sales, psr value, M.ZM.. tot. United Btates government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of aalea and leading quotations n stocks todsy were as. follows: ales. Ulrh. saw. Clses. AIIH-Oislaers fd l4 i Ansisswalos cososr ... Men li w att Aeiotlrss Asrksilsrsl ., les ssla 4!t i 4 lo lei, a4s Affisnrsa Boot sugar Americas ess AHortess C. A Asjorlesa fattos 041 AasrUas HAL sd.. A a. lot soosrHles. asisrKiss LIsovoS AmerleSB Lol iiiXlvO ... AAerlcsa S. A R 7. on a w ISM) IS 174, ' 1.4M Hw stt( 7r Mt , it iu se tes st MS It. I an 4S ts4 it t I MS SM, t! US ItlS lett IIS IIS Aa. g. A R. era Aa. Steel reusdriee...., Aa..susar ftsflslns we It lew ins "7' Arserlree T. A T l est ns iS iS ISS 14V, mt iss le r t tH Lies US 41 4is I. To IMS 1eH ims let lots I4S 1 sao 11S IS) its . 1. 70S lets 1"S 1S I. io lis US 4.eel s CS i.us tut, is ts Me ii s nit Amerlrss Tntastwe srd..., Atnertras no lee Aseooeds Mtsisg Os...., Atrhteos AtrMaM I4 Allsntlo Casst Use. Biiitmere A Okie... sotmsbow aust Bealys Rseld Tr tnsdlts rsrltle astral lasissr t'sntrsl Lotlkor pfd. tan I trsl el New 171 TVS TI 71 US OS ! Onar-stis A Okie. ctirsro A Alias Cbleseo O. W., sew its ISS its iS is is n ii, r let HI 141 HIS i.ws ue lets; istt. 1 01 trass U. w. sts....... (biotas A N. W C-.. M. A St. F .. .. o.ta u..i...., rlorsds P. A I .., Colorado A seatkera Ceeealldetei Oss rsrs Produets o... IT 4lt II9S 1S H'S USI 14 l'e IMlSsrsrs A Hsdaoa Desvw A Bis urease.... r. a a o. sfd ntMlllers' Bscsrltlsa .... etrte 1st p!4.'.'.'.'.!.'.'.".'."!,' Kris. M sfd 1TIS 171 . a a 114 n 4m 'S I.MS M US MS MS 4,Se 47 List 44S Mi 40 (laetrle l.tot Mtu 1St Its Urolt Nertkera ard (trott Nortoora Ore etts.. l.m IMS 1S i"H 4,40S 41 41 4 to ins Ml 1IH4 l.ass its us 4. OM S US US jet ins 114 lie list II ni MS 1 set Its 14 S ASM IIS MH MS tat sts nS Me as a at im law 1171, IMS IMS n 44S M 1S 1S last sts s Illlssis Casual Istereoroesk Met later, sua. sfd Istemsttsasl HsrvsMer.. IMer-Msnss pfd Istsrastlonal Ptssr ..... Islerastlossl rssip Isaa Cantrsl Ksaise Cur ge........... K )'. So. ard Laclede Oss urutsvtiie A r.oetimie .. Miss. A (t. Lssa.; M . St P. A A B. St.... K. A T ML. K. A T. srd 44 HlsMsrl rsnns li.we r s tot ms Its I tot Btst HS 41 Uj MllosU msealt IMS IIS KAtleasl Load N. A. A, at BL M sot.. 111), Ne Tent csstrsi.. 4.SM 114 111 llH N Y., a A W. I. MS s It Norfolk A w. ...... IMS 111 IMS ! Monk Insrusa - its res rts ts . 17.70S IDS IMS IMS . l ie ns us . lots lav, i ids , l ies lets1 it's wis Nsethsrs resins . petine Mail resnerlvesia rootlet oss r . u. t. a si, to.... ptttseersk Ossl p mil atotl Cmr ta let it i US US let US HS MS Ft I'm is Pti,es Car.... Itettssy gtesl Series- Reeding . t. is n i;i, .IM.IS lS IMS lies tt ns haeeslle Steel snt 74S T4 T4 Ktok Itlssd O. Hook Islssd Co. ptd -II.' L A g. P M Hd. tt. lasle s. w St. L A w sd. ioavSMfftold A A f. ooalMrs rsrltte . II let MS 17S IS , u tls MS 41 S 41S 41 A as STS "S T4V T4S let 74s eis ins ot ins ins ooutoors Rsllwsr ts s ItS rtS no. Rsllwsr sfd... Tensottss Ootsor Tens A "otitic T.tt. L A W I BW Tt ISM 4S li . 4S 'IPS 1.4M MS US US MS S its T , St. I. a w. tr... Isles Psrllle llllos roriflo sM I tltod Stiles Koaltt... tnl'od Stsioo Rssesr.. Idltsd Ststos Siool. .... V A eel tfd rtk reesor VI. .Ckroltos CkeailssI toSSS A'tbsAS set US MS .. 44.1ta ITtS lS 17"S 40 MS tl SSS .. lot! MS n as .. x.tl II ITS ITS . U4 SM w, t .. tie HIS lias ll'S .. as.sw c sis t'S .. IWO MS .. Met ts rat s .. 1 sot ss .. i ts rts MS S S llu us MS 4 ni ns 4S M W on or, Msrruad WisiisSsetM Wosisrs L'slsa . . WhSollsg 4 1 A, bonis Volley tsise Co to or Bar rSeselleeMd . Aaeruaa Tstaica Total sals tor l lN st IS IS IS . It let H 1WS IMS , kMt m rs ITS . i.aa) its ns ns Ms an ass WS r. l.ii Jaaeaa Sleek Market , BOSTON, March sV-Clostng quotations en stack were as toierwe: Allesss 4 "eaawk 41 lou. stshorssa Caa t"S A Z..t A A tl Mlslaueg Mlsas .... S grlsosa Cwa Norm Sit to ITS t A a e A A M. I Monk lake 4S s OSi. A Anstas ..... "two Osl. A Hot la-... srt oweeia CVetonolei It leT OS Rsase O. C... 41 Sasasel n M itosonw ....111 MS S IS I IJ! cs,""""""l 4STsssrsek ; srssor ca V. A 1 rrsskUa liajooorw, A A M... S . s S . S . its . 4IS s II. A M.. S o srd . ssruk ca . giaysk Otsev Co... Ut Baiw rotwsr weresriBs in MieSU Coseer MS . Sew Yeark Heaey Market. NKW TORK. March MONET-On caU steady. SS4IIS per cent: ruling rata IS per cert: closing be. fS per cent; offered at. IS Per cent ..., TIMS LOANeJ nrm; sixty daya tSvS per cent; ninety days. JS per cent; Mx wk, SSI nee cent. PR1MB MKRCANTILE PAPER-itJ4S 'VtcrLINO EXCHANOE-Weady. with actual business In bankers bills at HMS for sixty day billa, and at KSS for de mand. COMMERCIAL BILIJS-ACKH. BIVBR Mexican dollars. 4Tc. BON Da government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotsttons on bonds today were as follows: O. a, ref. Js, rsg...rwVJspss ta as essess late, as s 0. g. ta. teg ISIwTL C. So. let .... ss ewes rMaL. a Sea. as UOI... Ht tj. A fc ess. 1" u a N. eel. .... t so coeeos H M. K. A T. let ta. si's aiiis-Cssi. 1st ie... as ee ess. ess. r-v ASMT. As is teUt'Me. pacific s A. T. A T. cv. V..1UVN K SS K Ws. M la Toaaose s- S-WN. T. O. g- ttos.... r. Me s I ee See. to. MV i OAnaoar Os. W RwN. r. N. U. A si. Aicatsos Ba. es..... cv. ss 1 ' l Se cs. k us a. AW. 1st a 4s. . as cr. SI ' as cv. e lie A. C U let s tsNe. Pscllls ta Bsl. A Okie s M se a " eo PtO. A U rfdg. .... US wll. lias.... smraaa. ev. tse IsU.. Brook.- Tr. cv. ... B o esa. ta. ins, 1st of Ge. Se.....lsRas4lsg gea. St ', Cos. Uatker ie taa,s. t, A s. T. Ig. Si M CL ef N. i. g S...l!l ee soa. sa U Ooa A Okie 4a..ll gt. L. A W. s. .. Utt ee ral. rv. s 'oo let asiS ia.... i'S CSIcsas A A t A k sdl. is U C B. a J. 4s.... sse. Pas. est. is..... l as sea. 4s , do ev. 4s Ws C M. a I r. . a is a ut rat. 4a m C. I. A P. a 4a r-i.es. hallwsy Is Isra, SS rff. is t1t so sea is ni, CMe. led. ie 11 lotos Faelfle 4s.... Cols. MlA 4a 41 do ev. 4o Ml C. A S r. A a 4ts rTti So 1st A ref. 4s... rile D S H ev. 4s SM.U. g. Rakerr sx....let u. A . O- 4s,.... V. S. stool M is. ...issts ee ref. is USVa-Car. Csosi. 1S..1S11, DtoUllors' ie avwsauk 1st is...:. .lei grte a I 4s : do 1m: A sa. 4a.. ,. H't as sr. 4s, sw. A.. 1 aaoters Ut. 4a t: So series B ItliWesl. glee. ev. Is., ft Oea. Use. ev. ia...lW a la Ootrsl 4s SI II. Oss. let ret. 4s. US Mo. Pse. ev. Is X Isier. Met. 4tis aPsnsms Is istsr II. M. It... li, Bid. eeoitsros. . Usloa aterk Market. LONDON, March "5 A merles n securi ties opened steady today. Ths coppers wsre sctivs leadcra during the early trad ing and moat of the list advanced a traction. At noon the market waa steady with prices ranging from unchanged to l. higher than Saturday's New York closing. . Closing quotstlons on stocks wsre: Cesswlo, mom 7. 17 il..eisviue A M Ill T7 lo-HoL. K. a T 11 ... sN. V. Csstrsi lilt ...III Norfolk A W lilt ...1041, So p4 K ...leiOnisrto A W 41 ...UStresssrlvsnla ........ 44 ... SiKssd Ulsss .' li ... 2S Kssdlng lilt ...limso. Ksllasr i AsssL Cosser - AKkloee So s Bsl. A Okie Ceasdiaa Paelrls -o.. A Okie Cklcsfo u. w ... C . at A Be. P... DeBeeej .......... Dosvw A It fa.. as pfd Brio ... ee 1st sfd de M Sf4 Orsnd Trask .... . 1ft ee ers ni . BtSootkere Psrtfle .. .lUt . um'aloe Pacltle 1714 . tl eo pfd M . i;,U. g. Steel 7lt, . 47H de I4 II . MtaWaeas 1u .14 as org II Illtsols Ontrsl 81LVER-Bar, steady, Is Hid psr ox. MONEY 1 per. cent The rats of discount In ths open market for short Mils Is Ms Per cent; for three months' bills, 17-14 per cent. rw l ark M:alafj ateeke. NEW TORK, March V Closing quota tions on mining storks wsrei Alice let ouuH, csief . Brsstwlek Cee Met Iras Ost. Tsnael stack.. 11 Ontsrle see heads II Oeklr roe. Col. A V Tl omssdsrd .... ires II I, or I) Ttliee Jsrkot OLasdvllle Cos. 14 Offered. Bask Cleaeiaajs. ,. I ..S ..111 .III OMAHA. March S. Bank clearings for todsy wsre 7.M4..ii and ror tne corra spondlng day last year sst. eo, ?v OMAHA CltJtERAL MARKET. RtTTTERVN'o. 1 Mb. CArtona tic: Ne. 1, in tv-lbo tuba, So; No. X ac; pat kins. CHEEBB imported bwiss, izc; Atner. lean Hwles. tec: block Swiss, tZc; twins. Sic; daisies, X!c: triplets tic; young Amsricans, Be; blus label brick, Sc; Um- berger, x-io., juc; i-to. xio. BEKK CUT PRICKS Rlb: No, 1, Wc; No. t, 14c; No. t, K'.oj l,olns: No. 1, l'c; No. t 15Sc; No. t, lc. Chucks: No. 1. tSc; No. X co: No. S, 7Sc; Rounds: No. 1, 11c; No. X lSc; No. I. iw. Plates: No, 1, Sc; No, t tSc, NRIBaWr40. X, lo; No. X 14o; No. t, rlOUNDS-No. V Uoj si. X mm: No. L 10c. LOINB-No. t ltc; No. 1, ItHc: Wo. X 4s. CHUCKENo. i, tu; No. t 70i No. X "fiATES-Ne. 1. tSC No. X tS; X to, FIHH (fresh frossnl-Ptcksrel. 1c: whlls, ltc: plks. 7c; trout, UtyUc; large crapples, Utylio; Spanish mackerel, 7c; ssl, lie; hsddocks, Uc; flounders, ltc: green cat fish, Uc; roe shsd, tl each: shad roe, per pair, 60c; salmon ltc; halibut. 4 So. yel low porch, to; buffalo, tc; bullheads, lie. POULTRY Broilers, tkousyl.W psr dos.; springs, ltc; hens, 14c; cocks, rOc: ducks, i&ftww.- mm. lb- turkeva. He: nlseona. per do., 11.14. Allvs: Broilers, USc hens uSc: old roosters and stags, to old ducks, run reatnerea, no; geese, mu feathered, Mb; turkeys. 14c; guinea fowls, 7o each; pigeons, per doa, 40c; homers, per doA, ll ou; squabs. No. L tLM; Ns. X tve. KRUITS-pples: Extra fancy Ben Davis, per bbl.. 44 Ot; Jonathan, psr bbl., t.0; fsnoy Wlneeaps, per bhl., tt.ot); fancy Missouri Pippins, psr bbl., 44 00; fancy Oanoe. per bbl., 14 S; Idsho Jons Uian. extra fancy, per box. t: "; Wash ington Bpttsanssrg. psr box. tTi.sO: Wsth Ington R Beauty, per box, ti.'A: Washing ton Styman Wlnesapa, per box. Mat), bananas: Fancy select per bunch, 12.364 lit); Jumbo, per bunch. t7517o. Crsn brrrlesi Wisconsin fancy, per bbl., I HITS; per boy, 13 71. be tea: Anchor brand, new. A) l ib. pkga In boxes, per box. tZ AS: Dromedary brand, new. t 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, H.0. Figs: California, per raaa of 11 No. 11 nksa. tic: per rass of M No. 13 pkgs., Uio; per case of M No. t pkgs- t-; bulk, in ana sv-io. Doxea, per lb.. No; New Turkish, t-crown In -lb. boxes, per lb., ltc; t-crown In lb boxes, per lb., 14c; T-crown In to-lb. boxes pr lb., 17c Grape Fruit: Florida. M sue, ner crata t&.0: 44 !. per crate. tAU; 80-e4-s slses, per orate f7.00. a tapes: Malaga grapes In bbla. fl.W'iM. Lemon: Llmonelra seteeteo orana, extra laacv, toU-JbO sixes, ner box. to. 00; Loroa Llmo nelra. fancy. tOQ-As) site, psr boa. K.M; 140 and 43 sites, tor per box less, oranges California Camellia Brand, navels, extra fancy. 4-ll17a-u-:u-oW sisea, per box, to.lt; extra choice, all slses. per box. KA?: Elephant brand. IM-UO-ITt-AaV 21 4-SO slses per box. tt.M: Lloa brand, Se-JNO-Et slses. per box. & to. VEuBTABLEcl Meets: old crop, per lb. tSc: Cabbsgs: Wisconsin, per lb., tc; new Callromla, per lb., or. celery: Cali fornia Jumbo, per dos., tl : Florida, In the rough, t snd t dog., per ease, PS. Cucumbers: Hot house, per doa., PV0 Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dot., A' OA Oerllc: Extra fancy, whits, per lb, Uc. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dos.. etc. Onions: California, white, boiling, per lb.. Tc: WIsounMn. yellow Olobe. per lb.. 4c: red Ulooe. per lb., 4'c; e pan isn. per crate. H ot. parsley. Fancy southern, per dos. bunches, HejrtSc Parsnips: Per lb.. TV. Potatoes: Minnesota Red ruver Early Ohio seed, per bu,. li es: w isconsia wnits stock; per bu.. 1 40tr) SO: Minnesota Early Roes seed, per ou., si.ai; Hues Tnumpn, seed, per bu, H 40. Rutabagas. In sacks, per lb., ISjc. Tomotoee: Florida, par 4 baaket crate. tlTs; Cuban, per 4-basket carrier. tAot, Turnips: Psr lb-l tSc MICK k.l-.UA.s,t-t-o larragona, psr in., loSc; In sacks kvta lc esse. Coeoanuts: Par sack. tMA Filberts: Par lb.. 14c; In sack lots, Ie leas. Peanuts: Roasted. In sack lota per lb., !Sc; roasted, less than sack tots, per lb., tr; raw, per lb., 4c. Pecans: Large, per lb., 17c; In sack lots, le lesa Wslnuts: New crop. 111, Califor nia, per lb., 17c; In sack lots, lc leas. Cider: New Nehswks. per 1-gJ-. S bbl.. at: per tt gal.. bbL, ts.t: New York Mott's. per II-gel.. S bb., tt.10; ner le gal, bM.. tVte. Honey: New, 24 frames, tt-Tt, Kraut: Per M-gsl. keg, t.7t; per e-trsi. keg. LJk Via! ale lapply at 4eala. NEW YORK. March . The visible supply ot grain In the United Btatee slarch B, ss compiled by he New York Produce exchange. Is as follows: Wheat H.U,JS bu.: decrease, LC7 ) bu.; In bond. I.S37.SO) bu.; Increase. 7s. bu. Corn, IU1II bu.; Increase, Xttost bu. Oats, 11-tTIl.OuO bu.; decrease, . bu.; In bond. AM PU-, irerease. so.eev is tvyw, aw 00 bu.; Increase. M.W bo. Barley. 2.41.00e bu,; dexxreese, 101 O bu.; In gond, o44) bu.; decrease. toJ.0 bu. Ths risible eupnly ot wheat la Canada last Saturday waa ,tff7,4M bu., aa Increase of SS,t bu. Sagrar Market. NEW TORK. March XV BUG A R Raw, at A kfusnvsda St teat. AAV: cen- irtfutfaL M teat. 4.47: molasses sugar, st test, I 47c, refined, easy. 26, 1912. OMAHA UTCSTOCK MARKET Cattle Are Generally Steady with Lut Week't Close. HOGS SHOW SOME ajCTOYEMEST Sheep Weak ta Test Crata Lower, While Lambs Make a Dewllae at aa Mark aa Tew 4a rif teem Cents. SOUTH OMAHA. March , BL1 Receipts were: Cattle. Hotn. Sheep. Estimate Monday 4.7ie e.70 JO.OuO earns day last week.... teat t.7c li.ua .Same day 2 wks ago... 4.7 t.M S.1U name day 1 wks ago... :tis S-W 1.4: Same day 4 wks su... 1.17 4.W7 . lis 10 Baune day last year.... 4.11 IM 1.44 Trie following table shows lbs receipts of tattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: ' 1112. 1S11. Inc. , Pee. Csttls ST.M SatUeJ Is.t41 Hogs 9.i43. 571.XK S65.M9 Shsep .UU.2W 4J4.itie UJ,iI .. The following table allows the range of prices paid for hugs at South Omaha for the last ft-w days, with comparisons: Iiate. I U12. .lU.iiw.tli.!liia.wi..iiBii, M'th iS ,1 It, 4 4V I i 4 M'ch 14, ( idSI f B W l 4 ill 4 4ii 4l 4 91 M Ctt 11 1 Si W SS, S JSI - I o u M'ch ltl 4 64i i2,l Wi 4 &s t 48 M'ch IS f M si I W 41, t 44! 4 3 i 4 TO M'ch an Ii lkS X o , i ,, s 4W ii M'ch Jlj 7 0H.I 4 46,1(1 U I 4 B t S I It M'ch -'li 7 I 4 47,111 4 t M 4 1 s U M'ch 3 t Ml It 45 10 41 M 4 t 1 4 21 M'ch ! I 4 lilts 4 sl 4 it il M'ch ts 4 M) IM 4 ; 4 nw 4 tt; s enunday. RereiDts and disposition of live stock st ths L'nlon stock yarda, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at J e ewea yesterday: HfcCr; I PTS Cauls. Hoss. rjheep.H'sea. -.. m. at. p. R-. II.. H uii i! a s J t 1 1 ii ii 'i l o is 77 11 Wabash R. R I Union Pacific ft R. 14 C. A N. W., east.... til A A. .. weat.. s C, St. P., M. A O.. 39 0., B. A Q., east.... 4 C, B. A y.. west.... 47 C 11. 1. A P., east.. W Illinois Central K) .. 7 C. O. W. By. t Total receipts ...9.1 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omsha Packing Co i Swift A Co l.uU 1.74. l.tM 1.4al l.uej i.s: Cudahy Packing Co....l.wi Armour A Co Bchwarts-Bolen Co. ... St J. W. Murphy Morrell TD Benton. Vanssnt at L.. XI Hill Bon 4-a r. B. Lewi W Huston A Co J. B. Root Co iM J. H. Bulla 1 U Wolf IKI MoCreary Carey lw 8. Vvertneimer JM H. F. Hamilton ti Lee Rothschild 11! Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... til Cllne A Christy 11 Other buyers 44 1,441 Totals i.5S 7.389 11.5M CATTLE Cattle receipts were a fair average for a Monday, being lust about ths same as one and two weeks ago. snd only a few hundred head Isrger than for the corresponding dav a year ago. Buyers of beef steers were out In ths vsras in very Istr season In ths morning and evldentur wanted ths csttle but then toeaa old not entirely coincide with sell ers' Ideas so that the market as a whols ws rathsr slow. The prices paid were lust about steady with Friday's lower close, but were not so good ss those psid on Thursasv. Tne qusllty ot the csttls wss very poor mere being nothing choice In the yards. There were, how ever, some csttls good snougn to bring Cow and heifers were In very fair demsnd and ths trsds wss reasonably active on that class of csttle. Ins price paid were luny steady wttn last week's close. Desirable graoes ot reeoing came, ins. la, cattle having quality ana carrying tome little fletn. demanded good llrm prices as compared with lsst weea. The lighter and interior sino oi came u not show very much change, selling gen erally In Friday's notches. guotationa on ceuie useu 10 cwn-v hoof wears r oMiauii: fair tu good beet steers, t&lutyi.Oi); common to fslr beef stssrs, Met.!); good to cholos hellers, lo.eurel.lo; good to choice cows, M.iHs.M; fair to good cows, S4.wws.ts; emmnw w fair cows. t2.7Kl.0ti; good tu choice strik ers and feeders, lASutfAto; fslr to good, tt OOtfkeO; common to tair. ttuKJt : stock hslfsrs, nowo.; vest caivss, ei.vjvs.w, bulla stage, stc, 14 oowioo. Represafltatlva sales: BEEF BTEERB. Ns. . 17 I 11 U...... I a ii M II Pr. Ns. Ar. Pr ... TM i U ... it 19 ...114 4 41 ... M 111 ... Ml 4 M ... 17 4 4 ...IM II ... tot 4 se ... IM I M ... M4 4 U M a i u it M 41 It IS li tl 74 ,,..111 I 7 171 I li ....!! 4 Ti ....ten i ....HI! I ei ... ITT! ts ... ICt tt ....leti tsi ... IIM I M ....1141 M ....IIM 1 ... ITT I 1 ....IIM 7 M ....Ml I U ....117 T M ... lilt I M IT... 1041 4M IIT1 4 44 ita tti tea ttt lilt' 4 4i ISM 4 7 IIM 7S tt.... II... II 11 t.... I... 4..... I ... ll.... I...., Jl II..., COWS. 1M1 4 M T ... ... 171 I XI ... Ut ill ...144 I M ...mi i tt ... Kt I tt ...IIM I ... lot 4 M ...1141 111 ...ITS 4 It ...im i m ...ltii i a SM 4 M ..... It 4 M lest 4 41 ....I M III M Hi Ml 4 M 1141 4 7i M I 4 1..., ST 1 14 It 101 I t It IMS i St I 11U I ! IS... I..., HEIFERS. n ii M 4 II I M t 1 1 I 1 t 4.. I I I ...171 4 I W I ... 401 4 i ...in 4 u ... m in ... tu i ...lot I ti 1 11 II M II sa i m .... Tt IN .... Ml It .... Ttl I M ....let m ....in lit ...441 It 1..., . Ml I 4t BCLIJJ. ...is 4 71 I ...IMS 4 M I ...IM 4 M I ...tit i M 1 ...iia I it CAT.VE& ... St 4 5 1 ... 43 I M I ... 441 4 : I ... 4M IS 1 ... IM I M 1 ...I7M : ss ...,1M 4 is ... ill I M ....1T1S I M . IM 7 SO . lti T M , IS 171 IS U . MS I M 1 It To 1 IM I o eTTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. IIS 4 H T M I 1 SJi 4 ) IS U4 I T IS MS IW U..... 171 4 It 4M 1 SS 14 4X5 1 Tl 1 tat IS 177 I T I i II 17 174 4 ..., 711 I M M Tl 4 IT Tt i to tt too s to U til IN I SM 4M A Ill l- S lot SU HOOft The hoc market ruled steady m a nickel hiaher on a limited supply. Condition of trade In the east waa a hoarioh inrtuence. nut tt waa more tnsn offset by smsll receipts and an active shipping demand. Outside btiters took an aggreeslvs interest In offerings st ths start paying prices little different from those In rorce raturaay. iot in more select kinds of hogs. They purchased Khout thirty loeda In all fully one-third Lot the total receipts. Packers were less aiscnminating man shippers and bought freelyl all along he line, a pnase oi ine wbui iw due directly to deficient supply. The run wss estimated at a moo est eigniT innrfa evervlhirur clear! ns In verv good season. Mixed (tuff showed strength ss a rule whlls ths more costly shipping hogs seldom were quoted better than Bexit heavies on sale brought 17.25, while bulk ranged from M to t7.ro. Bacon weights claimed the row spread, usually moving from 17 40 upward. Ilepreaaniauve aaies. Ma At. 1 17 . n I7i . Ita A. ... 4 14 ... 4 M 44 4 M ...ni ...it I st 1 SI 1 st I st T M 1 m m TT T ti. MS 7 IM ... 4 IT W MS 4 M 11 17 ... 41 M 11 JO ... It IM 11 IS 14 1M ... 4 tl ... M u tet M a X IT ... 4M 43 IS St st 4 3 MS t tt IM 4 4 to is m 31 It 44 21 ... I M MS IM J M 4T So N 1 w m IM H a ... 1 7 HI T 4 1 si4 ... T a 71 14T M I SS Tl a ... I s at . I.... rat 4 4K 47 at ... t 4t Set ... I H M 17 4S I 41 ITS ... 4 to 71 144 14 1 SS M lot I " Tl B I U 3SS ... 41 a J TS Ml T MS m I M Bfl WS t i s It 4 471, 71 t ... I 1 UT? ... t!S 7 7t. ;it ... t ts n mt ... t ! n Mf n in o ... 1 1 44 m n in m i ' 71 J14 ... I M 11 ... t 14 ft lsi ... T SI 71 ... 1 U Tl M4 M T at u Jo Bl 5 Ill ... t e tt lit ... 1 li 7 IX ... t SB U 1 I7t 23 S3 7 M U 144 ... t JS Tl m M 7 Ot a) JB... Ii M 13 4 7 4 4 re ... 1! n ii ... i tt 44 m e 1 1 m lti ... 7 e si 34 ... i a M Ill ... let tl Vol ... t Jo 41 74 ... t SI PIGS. M ii ... a SHEEP A heavy supply of sheep and lamb, together with bearish advices from ths east, enabled packers to dictate prices, moet classes of stock ruling weak to lower. Trade wss uneven and slow In stsrting. but bear sentiment we pro nounced In sll quarters and cheaper cost Inevitable. Fst lambs outnumbered sheep by a liberal msjorltv. snd In most in stances fat lambs suffered the greater de clines. Karlv sales Indicated a market generally rut) lie lower, with sheep sell ing weak to a dime off. Receipts were estimated at about S0.000 head, a total tlMtt Incladed twenty-five or thirty doubles of western stock con signed through to eastern feeding na tions. Offerings usually carried very fair flesh and big bulk ot the run came In the fleece. From all reports, very little sheeting will be done this spring by sheepmen hsvlng strings ready for mar ket, as premiums for wooled stuff ars unusually wide this sesson. No toppy ssles were made during ths fore part ot the session and prices quoted cannot be credited with tested orcuracy. Good western lambs sold around ti.uv. In dicating a possible top of 17 K for choice Mexicans Fat ewes were In more active request than lambs,-goed to choice grail ee ranging within tt.li. Wethers were scarce, and yearlings were also the ex ception, some fair Mexicans bringing ti.TK Feeder business showed no new features worth mentioning. Country buyers plcksd up a few strings of stock hers and there that packers refused to bid on, but the total purchase lacked volume. Actual buy on country account last week waa much smaller than the official total Indicates, as It Includes a train load ot through offerings thst srrlved Saturday. Quotations on Sheep and Ioxmss: Lamba: Good to choice. t7 Hm(7.3t: fair to good. 3137.10. Yearling: Good to choice, t'Jutrt.to; fair, to good, t6.eoija.Ni Wethers ' Good to choice,. to.764r.0f: fair to good, e3.o0fio.7a. Ewes: Good to choice, K.lous.e9: fair to good. M.ifI6.1&, No. . A. PrtcA 511 fed lambs -. .J. 77 1 1 219 fed lambs 8 J SO 112 fed lambs 4 (0 375 fed ewes 16 4 10 SS fed yesrilngs tl t Tt K4 western lambs, feeder .... W i 71 317 fed ewes Si t 40 121 fed lambs M 7 121 fed lamba 41 7 li 1 shorn lambs 41 4 4 shorn Ismbs, cull b IIS Kt fed wethers ill t K 4X fed lambs 1 14 a fed ewes tot Tt weatern lambs, feeders II t 10 22 western lambs, feeders II 1 40 fed ewes 4 PJ 2U fed ewes 4 t 15 tl fed ewes 4 4 76 7W) fed Col.-Mexlran lambs.... 78 7 40 tatted Col. Mexican lambs .... it 7 60 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Drmaatl far Cattle Flrta Hoge aad kheep Steady. CHICAGO. March' 28. CATTLE-Receipts. 21. Oun head; mArkSt firm; beeves. tVeS4M.: Texss steers. M.tVttt.su; western steer. K.JWi.0; Mockers and feeders, HM.iii; cows and heifers. K.Ot4.7i; calves. t6.60tM.io. HOGS Receipts. & 000 head: market steady, trade light: light, r.suni.ei; mixed. t7.2Str7.4D: heavy. 17 2MP7 A): rough. fT.2fvtx7.4a; pigs. XUAPM; bulk ot sales, t7.s0;ii. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2SO10 head; market steady for best grade, others weak; native. I' TfSni; western, t4.40O4.2S: yearlings. IVtCtfi : Ismbs, na tive, eo.4tv7.7t; western. 6.-Udt.0t. tt. I.eals Live Stack Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., March Ss. CATTLE Recelpts, 1.300 head, Including lot Texsna Market Mktrltc higher: native shipping snd export steers, f7.torl..30: dressed beef snd butchsr steers.- K.oOtrt.00: steers un der 1.00U pounds, te.25dWi.7e: Blockers snd feeders, t4.2otte.2o: rows snd heifers. tJOO 61.54; cannon. t?.M.M: bulls. tLWetaO: calves. t6.0tieMj.0t: Texas and Indian steers. Ib.u0f7.00; cows and heifers. ttSOCAai. HOG-Receipts, 140 head. Market steady, tc higher; pigs snd lights. 6-164 7.4s: mixed and butchers, 7.4et7 tt; good heavy, t7.70ti7.8l. 8HEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelptt, 1.JO0 head. Market steady; native muttons, h.7oM.09: lambs, M.SOfRB,; culls aad bucks, fl.2Swo.at; Blockers, fl SOtJlM. Kaasas flit Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY. March 26. CATTLE Receplt. B.ouv head, including WO sou th orns. Market strong: dressed beef and export steers. It.aXfS.IO; fair to good. tK.u9tr7.Ot ;weatem steers. tS-7197.24; stock en and feeders, 44tf7U; southern steers. K.70tv7.S: southern cow fatot 5.6V; native cows. li.4QaA.2j: native heif ers. H7M7.W; bulls. t4 25j5 7i; calves. HoOtf.. HOGS Receipts. ai head. Market seady to tc higher; bulk of sales, tT.JOO 7.&t: hesvy. t7.su47.ofi; packers and butch ers. t?.3!&7.: llghu. 17 .00-U-.4J; pigs, tt.0 e.25. SHEEP AND LA MB-Receipts, it MO head. Market 10 to ltc lower; lambs, M 00 ,.&; yearlings. &.T.av: wethers, K7t tpiw: ewes, etttitju.w; stocksrs and feed er. f3.00trt 50. . I. Jasepk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. March J6. OA TTI. Ra re ipto, 2.100 head: market steady: steers, K.OOvs.OO: cows and heifers, M t57.0. calves. 14 5041 4. Hi Kir Receipts, u.vus neao; market weak: too, 17. 06: bulk of ssles. 17. 40417. 40. KH KEP AND LAMBS Receipts. t.5M head; market alow: lamoa, Vt.iyf,.tt. Stack la Sight. Receipt of live stock at ths five prin cipal western marseia esieruay. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. S.mth Omaha 4.750 i,70 AkOrti St. Joseph 1.I" Kansas City ." rtt Louis 1 .tot Chicago a. 11 om 14..V) -ji tut .60f 12.000 110 18.000 Totals . tS.loO S6.2CO) 7110 Evaporate. Apples aad Dried Pre Its NEW TORK. March St. EVAPO RATED APPLES AND DRIED FRUITS Market quiet and nominally unchanged: on the spot, fancy. Vr61ec; choice, l,t mc; prime. HswTV. Prunes steady with 1.. nnun to sell, quotations ranging from tSc to He for California up to tMOs snd jIc ror oregon. siiriwM un settled and barely steady,' owing to In creased offerings of consigned stock; choice, mei-Vec; extra choice. ttotisjio; fancy. l,1Ti,c. Peaches dull and fea tureless; choice. r5eio,c; extra choice. Utrimr; fsney. 1IVt13c Raisins Inac tive, with prices mostly nominal. Loose muscatel. 64Tc; choice to fancy seeded. ttr7c: seedless, S-fltrTc; London layers. tl.40tfl.4o. , Phlladelskla Prod we Market. PHILADELPHIA. March St BITTER Market unchanged; weatern creamerv. special, JJc: western creamery, extra, cc. western creamery, nearby prints, extra. KGGS Market firm, Jtc per case higher: xMnovlvania and ether nearby first. free cases. t7 20 per case: Pennsylvania ex.! mhar current receipts, free esses; rr 0i por case; weatern firsts, free, caaea. $7. sj per case; western currant nwiiw, ire. mms 17.4S oer case. ctiKiraR Market firm, tsc higher: New Tork full creams, fancy. 20c: New Tor full creams, fair to good. lSClSa Dry Gaietle Market. NEW TORK. March S.-DRT GOODS Cotton Broods hava Been aovancea iui ther, denims and tickings, c a yard; nar row print cloths. . 1-14c and Everett da-Kir trlnirhama. -hV. Drees sroods are In active demand. Worsted yarns are much firmer. Jobbers report a tair trade. Waal Market. c-r i nnil March WOOL tHeedv territory and western mediums. ltrUe; fine mediums, toiji.c; um, '-' Breach of Promise . Suit Against Rich. I Bachelor Dismissed CHEYENNE, Wyo.. March (Spa. rkxli-Tha suit of Miss Ora iawreica os Tienver against David Pickle, the Promo merit wool grower of Heeteetse. wyo. for e50.W damaxea for alleged oreacs 01 wromise. has been dismissed In tha fed eral court here at the request of the Plaintiff. Miss Lawrence, who la a. Denver school teactier, cnargeu was Dickie promised to marry her, and wtiew he failed to make good she brought tha. suit Dickie was a member or tni Grey-bull Bachelors- club or tsreyouii, Wyo. Several years afro the club ado vertised for wives, and Miss Lawrence, then Ilvlns; in California, seeing Dtckle picture In a Denver newspaper, wrote to him, and for several years they cor. responded with each other. They also met on several occasions, and three sum mers ago Miss Lawrence visited Dickie g ranch near Meeteetse. Dickie all alone denied that he had ever promised ta marry Minx Lawrence, or thst ha are had any thoughts of marriage. PROMINENT RANCHER FOUND ' DEAD AT HOT SPRINGS, S, D. HOT" SPRINGS. & D.. March JS.- (Special) The body of Perry Sickles. heavy land owner of this county, was foood last night in a room over tha Eureka saloon. In his pocket was a vml of strychnine which he had bought yesterday morning, and his death is) evidently the result of suicide, though), the coroner will make on peaitrva statement until the contents of tha atomach have been analysed. Sickles) was a rancher and bad lived near Oral for many years, and bis property, too get her with much property belonging to his) wlfs, acgregated several sections of land. His friends are unable to account for Ma act He carried 13, OU) Insuranca In the Modern Woodman and A tt, policy with an old lino company of Omaha. Tha room in which Sickles died la galot to possess a hoodoo, and ho Is tha third to take his Ufa there while the fourth. ah, dl- in sn undertaker named Joyce, went rectly from his room to his homo and shot himself last July. George Hllleer who owned the building, committed sul dde hero three months saw, and tha woodwork of the room bears A scar where the bullet ot A suicide struct twelve years ago. RURAL CARRIER INJURED IN RUNAWAY IS DEAD SIOLX FALLS, 8. D March Sf.-8pe- clal.) After prolonged suffering. Issaa Armstrong, carrier on A rural mall dee llvsry route In Lincoln county, died from Injuries received when his horses ran) away. Tha animals got beyond his cone irol while he was counting money wnirk had been paid him by A patron of tha route for a money order. Rather than) relinquish his hold on the money and hatro ing It scattered over the landscape, ha retained It with the result that ho tost his Ufa Tha mall wagon was tipped ore and he became entangled In tha lines) when the horses broke from the wagor, and was dragged a considerable distance. For eleven years he had been rural mall carrier and was highly esteemed for hi) bualnessllka methods and devotion to duty. CONGRESSMAN MARTIN . SAYS TAFT GAINS DAILY HOT SPRINGS, 8. D., March S.-f8pe cisl.r-'TreBldent Taft Is gaining every! day. The people ara coming to under stand him better and realise that no la nrogreeilvs and strong and doing a largo work for const ructlvs statesmanship." This Is ths way Ccwigreaarnan B. w. Martin of South Dakota ax pressed him self today In a brief Interview at hla ranch where ho Is getting a quiet rest. Hs thinks ths situation In regard to tha president has shifted materially In the last sixty dsys and said that while two months sgo his nomination wss rettardert as certain, his election wss not bo sore; while at the present tiros Tail's nomlns tlon ts more than probable. If ho wins ths nomination ho is sure to be eleetedl In November. Congressman Martin will make aa ad dress before the Taft rally to ha held In Chicago. April 4, In response to A re quest wired him today by Chairman Mc Klnley. He win leave hero Monday. morning, stopping; at Brookings and othef places In ths eastern part of the state. A gadaem Collapse of stomach. Hear, kidnsy and bowels ut most surely prevented with Electrto Blt tera, ths safe regulator. Me. For gala by, Beaton Drug Co. Gaffe Market. NEW TORK. March 24.-COFFEB-. Futures market opened firm at an ad vene of 11 to 1 points on active cover ing by local or foreign shorts who were supposed to bo Influenced by the firm. European and Braslllaa markets. Ie sptt reaUxlng at the opening figures' the buying was aotlvs and tha market Improved another I or t points during the morning, turning a shade easier In the late trading when the support appeared, to ba somewhat less la evidence. The does waa steady st a net advance of ttflt points. Bales, t4.25t bags. March. U.oc; April, 1177c; May, llMe; June, U-Stc: July. 11x5c; August 14.0zc; Sep tember, 14.13o; October, 14.15c; November, 14.00c; December, 14 04c; January, 14.01c; February, 14.42c. Havre waa 1 to franc blgtter; Hamburg was H4 Pfg hlgher: Rio, Tt rel higher at KM); San tos firm, t role higher, 7s. 7860. Re ceipts st the two Braslllaa ports. 11. ot baara against a holiday last year Jua dlahy. 4.000 baga Today's special San tos cable reports 4s tt rets higher and ao Paulo receipts of II bags sgalnst I0.049 bags the previous tdsy. Rain was reported la two dlatrtcta of 8a Paulo. It waa rumored that one ot the leading roasters had purchased 7V baga ot spot coffee tn the local market lata oa Saturday and also had been a buyer ia poTcoffee firm"; No. 7 Rio, 14c; San tos. No. 4. 14srHttc. Mint, firm; Cor dova, IwSltVtc, normal rattan Market. NEW TORK. March ot.-430TTON--Spot closed quiet 4 points lower; middling; uplands, r le: middling gulf. lOJEci salss. 1.7WI hales. Futures opened barely steady; March. 14 40c; May, l.4c; June. Mile; July. Mc:. August ML54C: Septeat ber. MlSsc; October. 10.45c: November. M (2c bid: December. rkc: Jaauary, 10.04c; February. rV.iBc offered. Cotton future rloaed barely steadr. Closing Mda: March, 1022c; April, MJc; May. tt.tsc: June. M.ttc; July, IBiw; AutPoSt 10-ale: September. r.37c; Novecs ber. to 5c; December, tt.Oc; Jaauary, W 5Bc: February. 1457c. Twrpeattae aad Nla. SAVANNAH, Oa.. March S. TURPEN TINE Market firm, 48c; sales, til bbls.; reosptts. IX bbls.; shipments, 414 ttbia; stock. 11.(14 bbls. ROeJIN Market firm: sales. 111 bbls: L receipts. Ll bbls.; sMpeaents, I.4M bbls; stoea, 10,011 0010. vuoxei x. 00.0,-1. t7.: E, fT.eV. F. O. H. tT.I-. I. fT.lStr K. f?; M. FK, N. r.W; W. G fT.Cs: w. w.. fr.Ts. K