10 THE BEE: OAfATTA, MONDAY, MAECII 23, 1911 The Faithful Employe Drawn for The Bee by Winsor McCay (foMt ON. OOCT 1 . nCo) I fa1 IHIfc "li " WTTrBI . I 'If"' HOLD - STOP A 1 fwo BY,"") uNLESS YOU 00 SO I- ttr$SeCVMAT 'YOO'UT, WH I fAUlKwlr rnTl IS THAT fltWint1 MISTER. GEORGE BY fOURo CLOCK WO Ct AiTtmiJ-W WlC.A.- "JiiSh PW ,2nn ' Ytf'M BUV WD TM D'ON T 1 a Wlu CLOSE JVAfylLni " cw iSf UiNQiSi put in. a sid on lwHY: with yhe 8 & 8 A UMaMEfc JY cJL7 T? Kmtt" V.MilCMf-JMt Vy-L COMPANY! THfcV ratVEs." r-V E't,Y' .AKrvC UKt L-Xqu rt? v -- ' MAN IS AT YOU? , j I DIDN'T LFT OM THAT YOU WERE AWAY. I -TOLD HIM YOU HAD JUST STEPPED OUT YMfi I GtABRED MY WHEEL AND ?j nU VlIf rM ALWAYS FIND ME JINGLES. 1HIS YIME im Glad YOU OiO:-s fHELLO ' MJSTER BlZZ IS HERE, IM HI OFFICE! WOWT YOU 5. IN AND HAVE 'A Tl If WlTtl HIM ? YES! UM; hvi Ik ' ' . I . - acalnat acalnat acalnat 'BRUNSWICK FIVE GREAT TEAM One Member Shot Here Lait Year and Hii Ability it Known. WA1EHZ A5 H0HIST BOWIES Officer at Create Oukt Aaaeela. . ..tie Will Calkrr at Crakam'a - , Today to Hart rietoree If ' i. , Taken. . '. Sehedale at Game far the Week. Mater Leacrwe. FRANCISCO -ALLBY& Tuesday Omaha Redd In company Mlml London Tailors. Brande fitch- halie again! Frrell Hvrupe. Popal-ulller Ptlatiwra acainat MaseppaB. Guarantee ijothlng company, against eHor Malta, i Merewalil Leasee. ."T FRANCISCO ALLEYS. r Monday A. I. Root company agalnat W- Paxes, Coray-MrKensI acalnat Mid land Paint and Olaee company. Coium uaa acainat Ancient Order of t'nlt4 Werknien Ko. 17, Outlaws acalnat fpauld- ,tnta. ti 1 Oaiaka laaaa. FTU.NCiBXX) ALLEY?. Ttldar-O Brttn Kandy Klda aaalnat arf Clothlnff company. McCora-Brady XVoa aaainat Mala Hroa., Hoapa Com jptay acatnat Jabca Croaa. T ' afarrlaaa Laasaa. . MORRI IN'X AUirl. Wadnaartay Outfit Tallora acalnat Old ton Brau. Omaha Field club acalnat ,tfykr Kw Co. Thuraday Alpha camp No. t Wrolh a Spaclala. Klka No. I flVpa. . - Gala t'Hr l.caaac. 1 ijoRRJSOW AIXBT. ' Tuaaflav Old tvl laaan May a. Tracy a 1 Trudaa anlnat Jama -Vammlaalon company. ; frtaay-Blori Triumpha acalnat Mon archal Amaiican Prlntlnc company catoat Hancock-Epatcln Company. ' - ' Caaaawwlal Laaaraa. ; KBTTB ALLBY8. , Jlanday Pata Loeha acainat it. JamM. aaaaday-Lnius acalnat Dralbua Candy nmpany. Wadnaaday-Parmlla acalnat La Vol-auraa. Tbiiradar-OoM Top acalnat Braaa Caard CYowna. '. Natrapaiiiaa Laaaiaa. W KKTT8 AI.I.EIH, JOaTP0Nlib CAMK.o Aii. WEEK. ' faa laaaraa. MORFUSON' Al.I.ETH. . Jt ' ' Moinla ulaht. -a Bronawlck Fla of Octal ar Na TSrK. Which baa Juat woo tha Amarloaa Wnwlln .ooncraaa championship at Chi- uac, It without a doubt tha craalaat rfaun that arar (hot la a toarnaimnt of a Ilk eharaosar. TW taam ataned en a trip around tha tfrtd State and Canada. undr tha aaaacamant of William Cordaa of the Grand Central allay of Near York, the' trip alndlnc up at Chtcac. ."Yn taam I comtMMcd of Johnny Koo r. the preaent holder of tha Kac raadal far wlnnlnc the Oraater Near Tora jlndlvMual champlonahlp; Alax Ihinbar, lh waa tha medal In 1; Lindsay and (ftori, two of tha beat bowler tn that part of tha country, and Olen Rkldell. vha won the ehamptonahlp medal la 191. mddell aa bar teat year and shot a umber of match Kama with Neele. Tflakeney aad ether, and tha'bowlera ewra wall know Ms ability to ahoet. -The team a a whale performed bitter Hen. any quintet that ever ahot la an ,mrlcaa Bowline cdncresa tournament, aab eaa ahootlnc Into a place la each t the five, two-men aad Individual eaia. no extraordinary aoorea ware aAot. but there wa Juat a ateady, con arttent hammtiinc of the pin. i' Obeerred fraaa the Oallery, -fad Huntlnaron'a aonv.nlnara miii 9f. the field with an open caajienca to iay of the younc teams In the city. Oil Kyi Lacera praferml. ! .'it eoat' the bowler about L' 00 to j ahoet la the b:c meet.' A peach of a ItauriiameBt cowd be held here at booie SST tut amount er a aiiol lot lea. I -f hll Walen i an honest bowler. II ,ml(e that be (Imply could not cot the 'nine at Chtcaco. Thil l belter than iiiu W the ezcuaea moat of the (hooters a.- arrina. The old-time pill roller. Mile Qreen laaf, la try in the Jimmy Callahan on ie runwata and at that haa had orattv ecay necklnc with eoma or tha vanna- Ifailowa at Morrtaan'r. r tt't all up to fwber to brlnr home can Bowline eoncreao five-men event What la thla orcanlsatloa oomtnc to when the Weatarn Bowline ooncrea eaa afford to cve nearly thro time mora for a flrat priae. with only one-fifth a much entry money paid In. That one-third cut that tha American Bowline conarea of ficiate take off la aornethlnc one mifht aaater l.eaeae Played. Won. Loot. Pet. A. Brande Hlch ball Ti Popel-Olller Pllanera... 74 London Tallora 7 Maaeppaa 7e Omalta Beddlne Co.... 7i Ouarantee Clothlne Ce X mora Malta Farrell'a 8yrupa li Individual averaeea: Waruai ftiaaa . rata Ckrlauaaaa O. Jobnaea -. Rke .... Hall Haatlastee Waaaa WXaa 1r aaaala .... Mrtkr .. Hawaialiaaa Taaibrlafc ., Itetaaiek . Darta ... Amatata Uaara .... HeWM Hall At. Naaw IM Ralrk in Hilar . IMLraaa . IS rxaeell 1H aaeueaa in Waliarlek .... 11 rawaaar .... 1S1 Reeaeif ...... 1SS neanSer Its Wlllar .'. 17S Neraar in T Rite 11 MaUaa I7 c Jaaaaa .. r74 Ptaan lit Draanar ITI Hiart ....... Its Ralekla Its R aieraaa .. Ill Jaaaa til tun lit ranatl Ill ehltteaiare .. ....110. danaaa .. II Mereaatll Iaarae. 11 .IM ti tt 41 a .MA i 17 .Wa X 4 .M S4 41 .4M 41 .444 11 41 .413 Ar. H ie -1 - 1 I ' Ployed. Won. Loot Pet. Kl Faaoa II r PH) t'olumblaa 7i 41 17 .HO a. a c. w. so. a.... 44 n jm A. I. Root 41 U .m Corey Xltkensle Tl r, W .4M Outlaw 7 r .net Kpauldlnca 74 .n Mldlande .' 7 1 t M .iit Indlvklual averaeea: ' I Xaaaea At. Kaaaaa Ar. taoak ... J. Jaraa O K. Ml laa4 ... , 1U Nat ton , 111 Oaiaaatar . Ill J C UHkaU., . 114 Mearr , 114 r. Jaraa , ill aieteaea , 111 o. A. Maaaa...; , 171 heee . IM Btwva ............ , las Hatr , 11 R. aactiaalatar .. , 1SS a. aatkaaetatar .. . 1M Kalaacklak Haaall Dakar Kienaa X Xackaall Ortffla Lee eie!lk ... etblaaier .... Oram 1 reuar Rata tall IS4 L-aneii ui records to dau: men man came, Haml. 7; hlch man aarlea. noaor. ; hlch team came. Corey A McKenale. CM; hlch team aerlea. . A. ' O. If. W. No. 1.. L7. Metrepalllaa Leaeae. Played. Won.Loat. ret. Rumohr a Sport. Maney a elunklM... tery Woolen tor Bottler ... lrummera t'hrl Ly"ke Unrman Homaa tieeelln Mixer fpeclan- w. o. w Individual averaeea: M 4 U m It at M M 4 r 41 .M .u J7 .Mi .ttt sm .t .4M .1174 Kaaiaa. dllkaaa ., At. Naaiaa. , HI Blanaaa . . IIS vu IWIaa ... net .... ilk Lrk .... eaeer Hau .. Onaaaa Ketrfc .. raMr . naaataJa P. awatak p. fcaaaiaer H bailer .. efkoeaaaa . Lei MS H. Laadeaaraaaa ill orimtk 141 Banen 1S4 Ntee.ll 14 A. ballar 144 Hissiaa 144 Albla m Jaaaer 11 J Lae4eberaaa 1st Hajae 141 Vaaaeklsa ........ I JereiM Ill Paareaa I... II lief rafter HI mabar ill HTCerer Ill Cas U1 Paekera Leacae. PACKKR8. Played. Won. Lost Pet flmaha Hwift Armour Cudahy Individual averaeea: Nejeee. Nervlck .... Kock UoarUr .. Oaley Naax 111 Detbiaa . i:s neaa . , 1H neiar n 17 17 A. A. IM Ml ,11 let ..... 1H Hartetla .. Mclleeait Watetar ... tiannaaa Boaaell .. Mtkale .. in Crave .... 114 .aaa. Cakrr .... atakaaay .. Hulea ... uaa ..... irf uitkaai ... MrtlarHa ka aunkaai . llarttar ... Ilaalaa ... Deanea .. W. Beawa I Waeka . HaaaaMa erne of the cood baocn at the American Jkwllnc cm fraaa. All the eharke have awt ana nomine ootne. ao lat a aea what rtn'a promlatnc eolt can cel. kmy Chrleteneen haa shown that he I worthy aa a tottnuuneot ahooter. Ha lad lUia bora at Dee Motnea and aecured the ihmh total aerlea at Chlraco and he waa ipretty cood In tin all-eveuta. vami coaentan n rack aeaia with that . Hr envaeptne curve that seed to cat the tsnay on the old Lent Wllltama al Jeia. That' wbea thie kid wore knee ikraaeiiee, but he waa eome bowler. ' Hat off to Albert kiroj. Afcr an ah aca from the aileea for ahoot ten -re. be doubtee up wtth Wild Phi! I Warea and landa an the top of the heap ,f '.he Omaha entrtee. acorlne tin of the .total btmaeif. ? riffiara Af the firea'er rW.aS . latum wilt be preeent at the roeetinc SJ ; have been made to hae their j . ;otur taken la a croup. There will be ,aH daaa to' that photo. " Jumnr olth waa a eaavpntmant tn i the alnclea at Odcaeo. He cot a 44 total, p.a compared with hie T7I fa the Canadian a-aampioaahrp. But who said that 4t la ;kd? That about fifty pine mare than aa,',Oaiahk man waa able ta cet. ' Uad Hun fine-ton tried ta ladooa the aernmary ta tisiae Hartley aad hlmaelt -rr. to .otlaar alley trace tha aaaikeae .iat to Krse and Waaca aa aa la have , a, coed team aat the sav-a. aad yet they x ere many ptna besttml thaea two emha. ' Tfc matrb eaaa ba aa Lercb and iB Zant and nay WrMh end Jabaa -CYeaa'wee ymtynvi evrtne te a die. . i iieer aa to who siiooM axt aa fool Ea rf' aii. After mvk aiaatHial n ivts ai-.-a- thai Itr Tiaai I wuald bakl fria amtu-hy and to eaaisk arDJ be -'Reread a enoa aa - urn tavtan af -ta t weird ta 11k kxzvti a f- tck tie ter ttmm t M an r 1I Heater 17 bMa ..... ......... 1 Kakaaakr , 14 aaeaar . let MeUretk ta Partar ... 1(1 Ptv, .... Its Hartaar M 141 Millar U4 11 lutlskt let Merriaaa Leaawa. Played. Wen. Iat Pet Slatek Tailor V 17 i . Alptia Camp K Relua A. 5 Field Club 31 Old Saxon Brau 14 8try ker Hhoe Co. M Wrath lapeclala tl Elk ' Individual averaea: Oieiae ... Aarjekar aZar"!lll - ar. name. IIS Haaaea . ..... m rTttaiaar ..... tie Mae 1 Carka lis H rrlaaaaa .... 1W Wekar Id O. a aeka IIS C rrbaeaa ..... lO 0-atte ..... Id W.laaa let Wller Ill Rmilf. 1SS Jaraa lis HuMavrtea v ... 17 Tlacy ............ 17 ha4 ..... tl aaikera Kerr Keka .......- ITS LaDeeeaar .. Ill Deeean? ...... ... in Hall Itl aaatwaa .. ITI Palter .. - ITI Clark II II . . it i .tin 15 11 .it i: u .a) 11 11 .o i it .. a .ia A 114 Despain Secures TwoNew Pitchers I.NCOLN. Nek. March M.-Tw fMshata wa aAdad te the Uaooka kaae bail raatar tntay, . wikaa teran af the local roa Bearer wera aria at ad hry Jiaaaat Dart and u Jt Waener. Deyle eeanea frara the Ulnchanrtoa etas of the, Maar Tark Slaae kaarna. and WBaar from Culiniikna. A. C af the feaoa AtaSe lancaa. . OTTDMWAimClUMPIONS Superior Team Work Gives Quintet k Title, Befeavtinf Sionz City. GSUSjOT ' CE5TEB GETS - THUD flaaa Meld all CraaUer Part of aet hat Ottaaivea ctter at aaaratlac, aad Cave Gaaa . . . aad Meaar. . .. .... IOWA CTTT, . la.. . March K-tBpecial Teleeranv) Suparkjr team work sere Ottumwa tha atala baakot ban champlon ahlp over flknix Ctty en the Iowa eym- naalum" floor yteilay by a ecor ef S to . . . . I ' Orundy Center neat out Wilton juno tlon for third place In the tournament by the cleee count of 4 to 17. Don waa upaet In thai afternoon camaa. Sioux City bavtne hen picked a cur winner over the Brewna.i . The other cm wa more uncertain, yet : WOton' team work of the ' nurht ravleua ' and - tha apparent llstleeaneea at the tlmrof the tame with the Orundy Center bey cav, tbem a.altcht favor. Sioux City waa never In-the lead ef Ottumwa and only, once did the marfla narrow down to t points. - The ohunptonatilp (ante wa . liven added attiltenienf by the coraetaot acoff- Inc ef the offldala by FrtndfaU Haaunlt ef Ottnm. aad finally to . top him Scboeder tear the Sioux City a free threw which counted. Neiin ef Ottumwa aided by good aupport of hie teammate praottcaily woa tha tame by kl' U around work. Ttrae after time when Sioux city had rallied and crept up to within danearoua diet an oe he broke ap their attack and turned ' the tide Ottumwa wards acaln by clever field aoal. The Sioux City Ave had tha ball the creator part of tha time and played a pretty poelnc. but the Ottumwa taam tuarded eleeely under the baalcet, 'While the mrtherneiV satrde war unable te keep tha Ottumwa forward fror cawinc tee oocaalooajly far aa aaiy coal. AMU rich, who did sot etart the came, waa tha beat ef the Sioux Ctty eulatet-with the lanky Ceetala hull, aiae did eon- (Iderabl Ieouttoa. Wlltoa nad Orandy enter work harder for It victory and wa only tare point behind when the sua ao ended. Ban nick rvd n exceptional tar, but Haebreok f tha wlanlnc taam beak' Into bornetnlnt Ilk hi' old torn and the tela w.dlffinnt. PACKERS BEAT OMAHA FIYE Tri-City Floor Seriei End with Terr iuxciung uonxen. GAME A SUCCESS THIS TEAS ' SIOUX CITT. I OTTUMWA. Btroue R.F. P.F Schaefer Shull L.F. L.F Kevin Holmea C.!c Looter Shulkla R.t). R.O Lodwk-k Back ex L OJL.O Wormhoudt Field eoai: Nerln Kl. Sctiaefer (II. Aldrlch ill, St rone (1), Ureter (!), IvOd wlck. tM. Wormhoudt ID. Hack, Holmes. Free thmera: Nevln (4), Strone (ii. ORUNDT CBM. W1L.TON JCT. Connell ....R.F. R Bannlck Hu brook .....UK IUF.. ......... Abbott Palmer CIO Atwell tlorrtaon RO R.O Raid Ieeeelhoret ....L.O LO Tick tin Field aoale:. Con nail. Haabrook lit. Palmer tl). Mom eon tl). Tlrktln ti). Ab bott 14). Bannlck (1), Raid in. Atwell. Free threw: Ttcktln 7. Haabrook (I). Point awarded: Te Wilton, 2: to Orundy Center, L ORDEMANN WINS SECOND HANDICAP WITH GOTCH Henry Ordetieaan, champloa w tea tier of Minnesota, wen the aecend handicap match from Champloa Frank Ootck at the Krut theater but Bight, maklnc the fourth time hi aucteealon that Ordemann ha prevented the cbainpion from pln afat hla ahouldera ta the mat A a re sult ef the two matchea in Omaha, Orde- mana departed for Mlnacapotui carrylne wtth htm flTI ef Ootch'c money aa forfeit. The flrat bout on Friday aicht wa Ibrtltad ta flfteea mlautaa aad the bout laet aicht waa extended to twenty vmla I utaa. Laet BtchV mixup wa even more veaetacular than the one before. Ooteh appeared without bis athletic shirt, which he baa worn all week, and becaa to drip with perapt ration early la the came. Or demana aitniid faatar than the nkfbt pre- vloua and wrtecledi out of held which were aeeralncly certain to mult Id de feat, i The men worked off the mat aaeeral time and eoce Ootch had Ordemaan's ahoukder oa th cue floor, belt Farmer Barns, th reterae, decided that off th X waa a fall and compelled th man te rat back oa the mat IOWA CITY HIGH. TO SHOOT . OFF TIE WITH PORTLAND WASHINGTON. March X-Wltk . bet on batch remalalnc la the Interecholaatlc Rifle Bhoorlnt leaeue. It appears that Deerlne Hlch acbool of Portland. Ma., and Iowa City Hlch school will have to shoot off tie tor the ehamplooahlp. Both team this week war tied for first place wtth thlrteea wins aad oa defeat Pearl nc thla week made th bait tater- acholoatle eoare of the year a oat of a The tweutt ef " laat week's matches Peril af. Portland. Me, defeated Maa naL Waaau a tn hS: Twin CHy de feated Cairtrai. TUadarphla. Kl to ; BaHlaaara Potyterbake defeatod Salt Lake i.tty, M to IS; Movrla. Mew Tark. da featad Caartrai. Waahiiart'ak tM te A by oataolt-. Sowtikern. PhldeipEia. dtd-ated Waatars. Waahirayism. IM te O: Part band. M. Hs, defeated Pi eel tine. hUea.. s77 w Tab: It aln WaaUbartam, defeaaal Oresoa, Matt; dKaalt; Canrtrai Maaraal. PltihMarpjam. daShaaed liewTti, CTlataaa. If. T, ta a A ky Va-Xaidi, Plratea Wla Kdhelaa Cap Crelsh. tea Flalekea Secaad, with Two Hick Srhaola Tied far Third. ... ' Flaal Leaaraa Staadlaa. P. W. L. Pet. Pirate 14 13 X Crelahton 14 11 1 . Omaha Hlch ecnooi l ' South Omaha Hlch school 14 W 4 .714 L nlverslty of Omaha. 14 I .S Beilevu 14 I .aw Tramp..... .. 14 I 11 .141 CouncU Bluff "T" It 1 IS .7l Score of final earoo: South Omaha Hlcn chool, 17; Omaha High aohooi, la. The local baakt ball curtain for the 111 seaaon waa rung down at the "T aaaoclatlon laat vnlng when the Maelo City five defeated the Omaha Hlch ouln tet Is the Tnal came of the Trl-Clty league (erle to th tun of 17 to 15. A total if lit came have been played thla season In th leaeue aarie. fourteen by each of th aicht team n tared, and taking the project from all tsndpolnu there I little doubt but that tha (port ha become more popular her thaa ever before. f Toe much praise cannot be given Physical Director 1. Truitt Mai wall of the "V and hi aaslstanu for the pln. did outoom of the season. He was the prime mover aver since the ftpenlng when h Inaugurated tha Idea of urh a league, and t was largaly through hi consist ent effort that th games turned out attccaaaful. Pirate Caatare Trenaby. According to the final auuidlnc th Plrat win th Edholm elber trophy cup with twetv camaa out af fourteen played, wltri CYelchton aecond.V Omaha and South Omaha lilcb scboolsjare ties for third place with per cent V .714. ' Although the Purple and White suf fered defeat last ntcht. thl blur will not glv th Packers a claim) to th Mat champlonahlp a the Capitol hill boy a have trounced them byl decisive core en two former oocaatony. In th final of th state Interacbolst tio floor tourney at Lincoln, and la th Trl-Clty leaeue aeries Saturday event! (, March It Also th cam laat' event a wa not th deciding one of the eaae. Th South Omaha lads Matured at rouch play, and It was oaly after s public apology to Referee Miller feat Jim Col lin, captain and left forwtrd, wa al lowed to remain In the llaff p during th laat eight minute of th ft cood period. Nixon, right guard, ahoweii remarkable ability In lunging heedtoncAat hi op ponents ' ' Th lineup: ' , 8. OMAHA HJUHJ OMAHA HIOH. Menefee R.F.IR.F Hughe Collin. (C) LF.L.F...... Crocker (O) 1-yman C. C Rector Nixon ,.. ...... J.L.G. L.Q... Burkenroad little R.O i R.O. Gardner Field coal: Huchea, Crocker, Collin 'I), Menefee ft), Lyman. . Free Mirone: Burkenroad (ID, t'olllna (51. Referee: Miller of Omaha "T" aaaoclatlon. Um pire: Homer 8. Ctirtla Scorer: R. I Wet ker. Time of halve; Fir teen min utes, . . Sealer Alaea Win. In a hardfoueht preliminary contest th senior five of th two acbool battled acalnat each other, the Magic City tails whining out after some clever basket hooting from all part of th floor by a ecor of 14 to ft. Th lineup: S. O. SENIORS. I OM. SENIORS. Foley ILF. R.F Over Jeoe t.....ur. Ur. Jenkins Robertson CC Cole Philip L.G.IL.O Bowman Wool)' R.U.i R.O Suamann Field Coals: Bowman (1). Cole (!). Foley (H. Jooe (1). Free throw: Jenkln (li. Foley C). Referee: Homer B. t'lirtia Scorer: Welker. Time of halve: Fifteen minute. , , . Bent la the entry of a big racer with Burmaa nominated as the ptlet. i Burman la probably more In the public ye than any other racing driver, because ef hi aucceeaion to th throne of apeed klne and hi holding of Jho world' atraighuway record made at Deytona, Flo. He has been a contender In moat of tha great motor event in the past four or five yeara and has always figured more or tea prominently. Kansas to Contest the Championsliip WithCornhnskers UNCOLX. March !4.-gpeclal Tele gramrAcerdlng to advices from Law rence, the Jayhawkera will conteat th championship with .. th - Comhuskera. clalmaata in the Mlaaourl valley basket ball conference. Announcement to this effect was mad In th Lawrence paper. Th matter will be carried before the Missouri valley hoard and th respective claims of the two school outlined In de tail. . Kens assert that It was not treated rteht by It northern rival when BUehm refused to consider further Decollation for a championship aerie a provided by the conference rule. Btlehm attempted to arrange for the eerie, but th rather unexpected demand of th southerner made him finally call off negotiation. Although defeated four time etrelght by the Cornhuakera th Jayhawkera wanted to dictate on what floor the game would be played and to (elect the offldala. The Nebraska management would not listen ta thl and Immediately notified Kansas to thl affect Then Btlehm wa Wld that Kansas would meet the Corn huakera on any neutral floor and with any officials aereeable to the two achoola. Stlehm Immediately accepted and at tempted to - do negotiations for the aerlea. Then Kanaka halted a rain and said Nebraska muat guarantee expense. Stlehm called off further negotiation and refuaed to conalder a championship aerie for th new demand. Then It wa too lata, aa to mcat In a settee altar th aprlng holiday waa Impoaslble. Th Nebraska board haa received no notification of the Jayhawker protest agalnat awarding the champlonahlp yto Nebraska. . ) KLAUS WINSJODL BATTLE Fighters t Daly City Forget Marquis of Qneensberry. BATTERS DLLLOirS STOMACH Referee Jack Welch Let a Meat Settle Dlf fercBeea la Their Own Pe caliar Way, SI ace Bath Are . Eeaally Callty. . . Pirates Trounce ' Fremont Y Five The champloa Pirate accresration of bosket toesera of the Trl-Clty league demonstrated ft superiority last eveninc at the T" by trouncing the crack aeao datloa quintet ef Fremont by the acore of eft to e. The gam waa featured with asm clever overhand basket flipping en the part ef Graham, tight forward and captain of the Pirates. Time and again he would shoot the leather wind baa; from the middle of the floor squarely la the woven aet The lineup: PIRATES. i FREMONT -Y." Graham R.F.1 R.F.. ...... Peterson Harrowman ...L.ir.ii.F Snlelda, f arson. ..C.'C Robinson L.U. I..G Vetael ..RO. R.O. Field aoale: Uraham (ll Rarrowman in. Shields (7.1. Careon. Pe- tereoa (a). Cobble 2I. Cbamhera (4). Mll- liken (Ti. rrre tnrowe: (iiiiixen, cnani her. Graham (4). Referees: Miller and Waienaeller, alternatlne each half. Scorer: R L. Walker. Time ef halves: Twenty minutes. Cobble Chambers , Jennlnc . Mllllken Robinson, Bob Burman to Drive Cutting Car in Race ' INDIANAPOLIS. IimL, March H.--W1M Bob" ararnain, world's epeed king, haa eenattaty aattled the anaatesa of hie meant !a Use aacead annaal sst-arUa b lernaTiORaJ aaeaiuetakia racs at th la diacapon Motor i aid a ay aattt Maaao rhU ear. Mar SV It was retjartad that Buiajaa weald drive a CDtxnag ear. and i imei, i ag tha swewex waa recatved TWO BASKET BALL GAMES AT PLATTSMOUTH PLATTSMOUTH, Nb.. March K- (Bsacial.) Two baaket ball ramea were played at the Coatee hall, laat event tie. Ta flrat came waa between the Younc Men's Christian eswoclatloa Junior team of South Omaha and Urn Younc Men Christies association Junior a of Platts moulh and waa ref creed by C, 0. Iraon. Th Plattamouth teem waa auoceaaful, th cor being a to 17. The principal gam of th evening was between the Plattamouth High school team - and a team selected from the alumni of the acbool, Th high school team outclassed th former student at all points of the gun. Th score was 17 to B. D. O. Primrose of Bellevue wa referee and Mr. Rocca of Omaha wa umpire. The lineup was aa follow: HIGH SCHOOL. I ALUMNI. E. Frana R.F.IR.F F. Waurh D. Arrtes L.F.IL.F C. Heal G. Edwards C.IC I Itlchev C. Schleter ....R.O.R.O I). W hite M. Arrle 1-O.tL.U F. Mann MILWAUKEE RAILROAD WILL BUILD LINE INTO CANADA MINNEAPOLIS, March Il.-Fullowlng the recent announcement, that the Chi cago, Milwaukee St. Paul railway purposed to spend tk.000.03 In Improve ment on It line la th northwest, espe cially In Iowa aad Minnesota, It was announced here today tost the road prac tically had arranged to build a new line from Butte, Mont. Into Canada. It I said that part ct the proposed rout ha bean surveyed and that it will pa through the Flathead Valley and Into Alberta. PROVIDES TICKET OFFICE FOR THE WOMEN BASE BALL FANS ST. LOUIS, lie. March M.-MI. Helen H. Brit ton of Cleveland, owner of the 8t Lout National league baas ball team. I here today la consultation with President Edward Steinlnger aad Man ager Roger Breanahan. In order that women can buy base ball ticket In the boameee center Mrs. Brttton crranged tor the Bale of ticket at A drug a tore Instead of la a saloon aa baa been th practice. Lam back if usually ceased by rheuma tism of the muoclea of the back, for which you will tied nothing better thaa Cham berlalQ a Liniment For sal by all dealers. Culled from the Wires Offldala Ban seeking th author of a letter received by F. K. Funk, cashier ef s Waahburn, N. D., bank, threatening hi Ufe. i , - Frank Whitney aad Robert R. Brott, two of W. Morgaa Shueter'e sides la Teheran while Mr. Bhueter waa la charm of rerata's flraanrea, reached New York oa the atnanaf- Celtic ObtsctJoa to the dictation ef colleges and umaoTBlllee aa to the i bib ef studies to be pa-od la high erhaeki marked the closing eeeastoa of the eaav. ventlaa of the North Central Aeaoctaltoa of Coilegee aad Secondary Schools. Benjamia Jackeen. tha wealthy New York real eetale broker who was a created after aa altercation ta the vestibule of hie home wttb J. Henry Laveiie over the batter a slater, during which Latelle waa fatally ahot. waa held by the coronet ta JAM bail aw a chsug ef homicide. SAN FRANCISCO. March St. -Frank Klaus, the. Pittsburgh "bear cat." out roughed, outwreetled, outfouled and barely outfought Jack Dillon, the In dianapolis middleweight In their fight at Coffroth'a Daly City open air arena this aftaraoon, aa a result of which he was proclaimed tha winner by Before Jack Welah after twenty round of th foulest milling witnessed In a local arena tn recant year. An eleventh-hour rally on the part of Klaus enabled him to leave the ring with Dillon' scalp figuratively hanging from hla belt hi determined stand In the final round, during which he landed fear ful alomach punch without return, con tributing all that wa needed to de termine the winner. The battle from etart to finish wa coulee ted with the men going It hammer and tongs, each with head and shoulder reatlng acalnat th other. They wrestled, elbowed, "butted" and backbeeled, the referee warning them time and time again that they were Inviting disquali fication. Referee Lata Tkeaa Go. Finally he turned to the spectators and shouted: "Both of these men are fighting a foul battle, therefor I propose to let them ettl their difference ia their owa way and wilt not Interfere. They are both equally guilty." A tbe contest was fought, there never was a dull moment each man fighting ceaselessly to ecor in hla own peculiar way. Dillon clearly showed his auperior Ity at boxing. He frequently staggered Kiau with altars right hooks to the Jaw, hut the latter showed himself capable of absorbing the blow and never at any tag appeared to bo la distress. Klaus all th -while drove In right and reft the body and It was this ayatamatlc peppering of the Hooalar flghtefs stom ach that gradually war the latter down and paved the way to ultimata auocesa. Dillon scored) first blood, a right hook In th second round opening a gash oa Klaua face. In the fifth round, however. th Pltlaburgher sant In a tremendous mash to the mouth and until the end of the fight Dillon bled from the effects of hi punch. In th thirteenth round Dil lon almost dropped Klaua on three dif ferent occasion with powerful right to th chin, and th crowd yelled Itself hoarse. Klaus, however, weathered the gale and Immediately resumed his mercl- tuslllad of body punches which proved a potent factor In weakening Dil lon and compelling him to keep bis distance. On th whol Klaus' showing waa a disappointment to the spectators, who agreed that as a boxer under the legiti mate tjueensberry rules he haa much to learn. Klaus and Eddie McGoorty of Oehkosh, Wl.. are matched to fight at Coffroth's arana aome time next month tn what k announced aa the world' champlonahlp of th middleweight divialon. Klaua wa faverlt In th betting today at odds of M to 7. Th men weighed in at lft o'clock at the 151-pound limit. In the preliminary Barney Rlchter of Racine. Wl., and Joe Acheeoa of Ban Francisco fought six fast round to a draw, while Babe Pleato of Loa Angela waa awarded an unpopular decision over Walter Scott after ten rapid fir rounds. SIX 1 BEST G0LFERS PI(XH) Executive Co remittee Announces Scratch Men. SATTJGS vC0VE& TEE COUBTEY Haadleape Kaago from Oae to Sla Strekee, the Latteev Belag tbe .Largest 5aatber Foaad rraettaable. . NEW YORK, March 3t.-The six best golf era, picked by the executive commit tee of the United State Golf association as scratch men in handicap tournaments in the Mil season, and the long-awaited list of handicap were announced tonight Tha ratings have been, primarily, as the executive committee of the aaaoclatlon put It, "to enable player to phvr any where "In th United State on a proper handicap." Th scratch men are: . "Chick" Evans, th young Chlcagoan who won tbe French championship . last year; . Frederick Herreehoff, th far-driving local player who forced Hilton, th Britisher, to aa extra hole in last year's national cham plonahlp at Apewamla; Albert Beckel, ttt w cetera champion; J, D. Travel, th Metropolitan champion; W. J, Travis, th veteran. Garden City golfer who has woa many championships, and Oswald Klrkby, runner-up tn th Metropolitan champlon ahlp, .1 , The handicapping plsn I the tint ex periment of the kind made on a national had la the history of golf -ta thla coun try, and aa such will be regarded wtth considerable Interest. In making publlo tonight the long Hat, over which th com mittee has been working for several month. It la declared that the rating rap recent th best Judgment of the com mittee baaed on such evidence as It haa been able to obtain, Tbut being the first list aver prepared by th association It cannot be offered as perfect." ' The handicap range from one to alx strokes. It being found Impracticable to fix a handicap greater than atx. Six men. aa wall known aa those la th ears tea list, ar given a handicap of one. Theee ar H. Chandler Egaa, R. A. Gardner, pgul A. Hunter, Mason Phelp and W. K. Wood, all of Illinois eluba, and W. C. Fowna. Jr., of Pittsburgh, who wa win ner of the national amateur Mtl ct Brooklin. Mass.. la 1M0. Five players ar given a .handicap of twot John O. Anderson of the Brae Burn (Maes.) Country club, K. M. Byere of th Oaermont (Pittsburgh) Country club, D. E. Sawyer of the Wbea ton (III.) Golf club. Walter Whlgham of the National Golf Links of America and P. W. Whiltamore of the Brookllne (Mass.) Country club. Thirty-one player are listed for a handicap of three stroke, fifty-two for a handicap of four, over twice that number ef five and th balance over halt of the entire list are listed trader a handicap of STANTON FIRST AND SECOND . TEAMS TRIM OPPONENTS STANTON. Neb.. March M.fSpecta1.- FTiday night at Germanla hall the last games of basket ball of th aeaaon were played when Stan ton' first team defeated th Norfolk High school team, 13 to 15. The second team defeated th Pilgtr High acbool team. 21 to t. Lueck, forward for St an ion. starred. Lineups: A Horrible Death may result from dleeased lung. Cure cough and week, sore lungs with Dr. King's New Discovery, tos and tLftft. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Stimulate your bcslners by e4vrtMiaf la The Bee-the newrpaper that reach all of the buyer. NORFOLK. Gillette ,....C. Isjtdera RF. Hoe man L.F. Koerber ........L.O. Smith R-O. PILGER. Bennlah C Rees RF. Barber UF. Montgomery ...RO. Pest el L.O. BTANTOTf. C Young itr iitace L.F...Roy Hollstien L.O Fuch R.O...RBV Holletien STANTON. C , RF... UF... RO.., UO... Rer Lueck .. Vasholx Tyler . 8ehultz Do Wltte n This is the time .pea advertising poultry, seeds . and second ' hand firm and gar den implements. V Bee want ads cost only a few cents, but they sell what you want to sell. Read and use Bee want ads. J i jw52f jcaw Jm af the Ataao- j i