int. ojiaha Sunday bee: march 24, 1912. f -SSI 3 1 H IV. 1 a' o fiorHff il' 1508-1510 HARNEY STREET ,-:-0rijQ,:il0fli kYfl.' r7 K v iff.: I M k v w VS U a. as- TU T e .Ja M 1 rES em ffife NT afW I A W a. 1 "a. 1 m m. a am m mm -v- i .x. . . XAl-V 1 1 4? low. H."l cv 0fc '.Ml T 0 Vii. 'ilrVf-M tarn ciedrg tap MP 8ft V .FINE... , JV FACE BRICKS baTa ben wed te most of the fine looking reddenee, church, partateatt sad office bail discs erected of Ute yesra I Omaha.' ' mm hi; s mi xr n r.'ir' i r -Or fc) , : -ISM hoadred paaeU. . .... f- HwL? IA1U.' .FitT PiTPft!I7P 1 RPAIT.Y" nnMF ffilPAMY WIT llV mm mono niniey xiou . r. .wxJTi'J ' . f . t r t- lt.'Srl -4Kr7Tvf GENERAL CONTRACTORS 4S19 Dodf St mm Built th Hipp Theater and Many Other Promi nent Buildings in Omaha . OF ALL KINDS Thos. Cusack I Company 20tti and Harney Sts. aU--- mm fT Fowcr Company ?? raajs of the WW 1508-10 Harney St. 1. m t OMAHA'S Newest. Best and Most Exclusive Picture Theatre Well Ventilated. Commodious, Beau tifully Appointed A Desirable Amusement Place ''r for Ladies and Children:'. ' ' - . a I a a1. Will fsrnish electric sernce for botn uiumi nating and power needs of the HIPP THEATRE 4. if 00 I 1 III ill Hfller, Stewart , & Beaton Company, 4134547 South Sixteenth Street Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Drapery and Interior Decorating Vl'lJXH'" P0 r,i Ct' '- ;j km ' 1 Is The Decorators Supply "Company of Chicago Furnished ; the Elaborate Decorations for the Front of Hpp Theatre CLUB IS AFTEOEW MEMBERS Big Campaign This Week by ua Commeroial Clnb. OLD MTira'n' WAX BUIT05S nit'r Haw Xaam a Dar.l t at Watoa tk. CaaaHttea ! aawt hf th Rrat - tls Daw. Ftftr Bern ben a day tor th Bt als tiyt tar th. Conaierolal club la th aumbar th. mambcrstilp oommlttM of th. club aofNa to laad. Th. eampiiia baa ban under way for teveral WMka, with rraat aueeaaa, and the (upreme .ffort will be aiad. thl. week, tor But wwk InlUaUoa tM aed owe will be advanced. Seek member of the otu. thl. week will weir a amnberanlp button la bla lapel and tne men without the button will be a fair target for the esUduttone of the BMmbanhlp conuolttM. Each member of the club tor all membwa will be expected to aaaat be amiberahlp eommlttae-wtll be armed with a booklet clvlnc torty reaeaae far btlooflnf to the elub. It th. expected M new memten are awured thl. week the atembwehip of th. club will be broacht ap to Utu, which will put the ersaamtloa "on ewy atreit." e tar ea parlnc expense, la the mac alflcent new club room ta the Wooamea of the World building. The booklet .taeued ta atembera bean th. followlK ea the title sage: "Omeha'a future will b. )ut what rea make It Good readtns for member, ef the Omaha Commercial club and them who are not member, but oagM ta be. iHued by the tM memberehlp oemralttee ef the Com BMrclal elub ot Omaha." . ij .. Rewaaaa Why. The following la printed at the top ef HEAD 07 COMMERCIAL CLUB . YT.HrBBRSHIP COMMITTEE. '" 5 1 ! v 8AMTJEL BURN8, JR. Civet Quickest and Surest Cora Fr All Sort Feet The following la absolutely the eeret and quickest cure knowe to ecleece for all foot ailment.: "Dtattlve two tahle epeonfula f CaloraOe compound In a hum of jrarm water. Roak the feet in Mtus lor lull fifteen .-ubbing the .era parta" Tee affect 1 really wonderful. All eoreneee goes jnatantly; the feet feel eo good you could elng for My. Com and callouaeB be peeled riant off. It elree Im- meaiaia relief for acre banloae. eweety. wneily and aching feet. A twenty-fire txot boa of Caioctde la mid ta be uf fl clent to cure the woret feet. It work, through the pore and ren.oTM the cause ef the trouble. Den t waene time oa un eertaJa rem ed lee. Any druggist .haa tJaiocide mnpoucd In stock or be caa get It In a few hours from hi whoie aie bouse. It le not a patent mettldae. eut I aa etUcai prierua, Adv. .. i f 1 y t m the tint page: Tbece are so many reaama why every lira buatnen and pro fesajeoal men of Omaha should be a member of the Commercial dab It le Im possible to enumerate than ell. but here are a t.w." . , ' "x Here are some expressions from lire Commercial dub meo relative to the value of membership la the eiub: a Haverstlck, President Omaha Commercial dub: "Through the Com mercial club are conducted all ot the necessary activities for Omeha'e eommer dal., industrial and dvlc inngrem. it le the only medium organised and equipped tor this purpose and la therefore Invalu able; the developer of the highest type ef dtlsenshlp and prepared at all times te cone with any situation affecting the city's material welfare. C. C Belden. Thorn peon, Bcldeo a Co.: "It la impomlbla for any business man le be well, ana favorably knowa unless be belonga ts th. Commercial club, and U be wea and favorably known hi a great tet to a man's business.' v ' C eerted Fere. ' 3. H. Dusaont, J. U. Dumont a Boa! The value ef the commercial dub of Omaha Mm chiefly In the concentrated force waic. the dtiaena of Omaha are enabled, through ft, ta throw tnto every effort made to Increase the business and the prestige ot the city and protect It against unjust discrimination and unfair competition, lacldamally. the mlngans ef the various dements comprising Ita membership smoothes out many differ encea which otherwise would ietord de velopment and apllt the community into factions. The work of the dub Is cee telnly arrataable to the dty. and every loyal ettlaau shoald aire It ala support." TV. H, KCor4 President McCord-Brady oomnany: "It It the desire of thl. com pany and- all of Ita 'officers to work for the welfare of thai Commercial dub I this dty la an unselfish and. Impersonal way.- It Is.. i.ellSv the desire icf the majority 01 me memoers m m. tvumw dal elub to work In the same way for the welfare of each one of Ita membera. It Is. therefore, only fair that the Com mercial club should have the earn, cordial treatment from each one of the business Institutions la this dty, whether retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer. - George H. Kelly', vtce preatdenf execu tive committee; president Adams a Kelly company: "The Commercial club Is the only organisation embracing all llnea of business through which Intelligent and effective action uiay be taken on any sub ject, it Is the business men', clearing house and the greatest single power for material development In the "city. . The dub la working all the time for the. good of the community and therefore to the direct benefit of every d titan. Its policy and work are carried on unceasingly until Its objects are accomplished." J. E. Baura, ea-presldent; The Bennett company: "The one great big fact that the Commercial club lands for Omaha la the essence of the whole thing, and to lightly represent this city the Commercial club should be an Institution strong, alert, aggressive and high-class, and representa tive of bvery business and civic Interest of the community, and that la Just what I think H U." County Board Goes to Marble, Colo., to ' N Inspect Quarries Four members of the Board of County Commlsstonera left yesterday morning for Marble, Colo, to Inspect the quarrtea and shops ef the Colorado Tula Marble com pany with a view to determining whether everything possible la being done to hurry marble to Omaha tor the new county sulldlnc and complete the building. The board thought It had better make the trip before finally decMlng whether or not to oust Caldwell a Drake, county building general contractors, for delin quency. Tne commissioners oa the trip are John C Lyacb. eoalrmaa. and Tom O'Connor, A. c. Harte ant. Frank Beat. - Commla etcner Elaeaser did net go, he having made a trip to Marble last December with. O. i. Plekard. then a member of tne beard. The ooaamlmlonera will return la about Ave eaya. . . Least Drake, ot Caldwell A Drake, ac companied the eommlaai oners. John p. Stout of Stout Rose, eouasel for Cald well . a Drake; John I a linear, county building architect, and J. -A. C Kennedy ef Mahonxy A Kennedy, ooec eel for the Fidelity and Deposit .company of Mary land, CaMweil a Drake'a bonaemen. were uaable to wet away., W. H. Morrow of the building company left thie afternoon and will join the party at -Denver or atarhleu.A " ECHOES. OF. m ANTE-ROOM Woodmen Will Combine to Give Big ' . Ball at Aaditorium.' PBOCEEuDS WILL GO TO HOME Order of geottlah ties a Is Basy Mak. lac Preaarattaae for Its Me morial Services Kest ' May. Announcements are out ta all members of the Woodmen of the World In Omaha, South Omaha. Benton and Florence ot a big Joint be'l given at the Audi torium Tuesday evening April t, the proceeds to be donated to the Joseph Cullen Root Memorial home tor ' aged and Indigent membera of the order. John N. Crawford, clerk of Omaha-8evmour camp. No. It, and Charles Unltt, clerk ot Alpha camp No. i, have been named aa chairman and secretary, respectively, of the general committee from all camps, and a final meeting will be held at Ba rlght'a society hall Monday evening to make final arrangements. Iadeaeadeat Order of Odd Fellows. Sovereign Grand Lodge Secretary John B. Ooodwln reports there la aa extensive demand for the new official receipt which la now being furnished to subordinate lodgee. The receipt la patented and la ex pected ta fill a long felt need la the order. The aame style ef receipt will later bo furnished for the encampment and Rebekuh branches of the order. Omaha lodge No, t will have thru, can didate, for the third degree next Friday evening. South Omaha lodge. No. leX held a very anccmsfal social gathering last Mon day evening. A Large crowd waa la at tendance. Addresses were made .by Rev. Wheeler, Pro! Cummlnga. Sidney Smith and Judge Sutton, Mr. ' Carter aang a tenor solo, and muate waa furnished by a mandolin club.- A. C Pancoaet presided and after the speaking supper was served. On next Thursday night the membera of Canton Ezra Millard No. 1 will go to South Omaha and aaslst Canton Efter No. it muster tat three recruits. Triangle encampment No. 79 will have a largo clam ot caadMatee for the Golden Rule degree next Tuesday evening. Dannebroc lodge No. Hi will have work ta the third degree next Friday Bight. The next meeting will be "hat. nJgnV when each man will put' the name of tf subject In', the . hat. and upon the hat helng paaeed around each man picks out a paper and speaks on the subject Indi cated. . ' ''''"'. . Memorial services will be held In May and ' preparation. ' for the servlcee are now going on. Fraternal Valoa of America, Mondamln lodge. No. Ill, gave an en tertainment and dant. at its hall. Twenty- fourth and Parker streets. Monday even ing, March IS. The folowlng participated In the program: Mary Creed on and Helen Adams, Irish )lg; Helen Kroner, dance specialties; Pauline Cappa, dramatic reading; Baby Francis Harrison, smallest classic dancer In the United States; Adolph Brandea, character monologue; Qulnane Twins, boy boxers and wrcetlers; Annabel and Helen Sinclair. Highland fling; Mrs. Draper, dramatic reading; Mary Britten, aonge; Messrs. Christen- aon, Johnson and Waugh, the owl trio, songs; selection by Parkinson's orchestra; Cyro Bllngerland, character sketch and songa The hall waa tilled with aa Inter ested, audience, and luncheon waa served at the conclusion ot the exercises. Aaalveraary Celebrated, V. S. Grant Women's Relief Corp. No. 104 celebrated the twenty-third anniver sary of the organisation at Bartght hall oa Monday evening. Membera of C. 8. Lpost were guests ot honor. The following program waa carried out: Vocal solo, Mr. A. Ounn. Radiation, Dorothy Kayre. Recttetlon with piano. "Daddy and Baby," Mrs. O. Wscner: atlas Alice Uorat, ranlst. 'History of the Corns.- Mra, R. 8. Wilcox. " "The Caoture and EscaDe. Comrade Andrew T raj nor. Vocal eolo. "At the Bound of Reveille." Mr. A. Uuna. . . ' Order of aeertf teh Chaaa. Regular meeting of Claa Gordon Ne. O. Order of Bcottleh Clans, waa held Tues day evwnlag. The attendance waa good and aeveral visitors tram eastern clans were present. There waa on. applloaUoa for . membership and one by . transfer. wo .were balloted. Cainsmaa Alex McKm made aa address upon "The Literary 8odetiee ot Scot land" aad Chief James Camera gave a very mterestlng talk upoa his tea weeks' trie- through Fterlla. Royal Achat ea. Oa Thursday evening Union todgej No. lit Royal Achtea, will act aa hosts for the lodge of Ben Bur whlcb meets .on the same evening la Bartght'a halL There will be aa elaborate luncheon served, after which dancing and cards will -be the feature. Weaeea Will May Carta. The womea's auxiliary of the Interna tional Typographical union will spend Friday afternoon at cards In the Vraa- desr .assembly room. Hand decorated china will be awarded to the successful player . Tribe of tra Bar. Omaha court No. lie. Tribe ot Ben Bar. will give a card party and dance for tls membera and friend, next Friday evening at Frenser hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker streets. roee aad Carpe to Meet, George Castor poet Ne. f and Womea's Relief corps Not St will hold aa apea meeting Tuesday evening, March M at Frateraity hall. Lunch wlU M served. MRS. M'KEENMAKES DENIAL Beclarei She Bid Hot Act Improperly While Wife of Another. SAFET PHY STOBT IS RESENTED lalerrallag Affidavits Read la Hall's Aetlsa ta Freelade Payment of Allaaeay gooa Dae to Hie Former Wife. , . Emphatic denial of all the charges made against her by her former maid, Mia J Anna Klelson. was mads by Mra W. It McKcen, formerly Mrs. C. W. Hull, In an affidavit read before Judge Troup In dis trict court yesterday. ' The reading of the affidavit by Byron O. Burbank, attorney for Mrs. McKeen, waa a (art of the hearing on Mr. Bull's motion for aa order restraining Mra. Me Keen, bla former wife; from cellectlng a K.00O alimony Installment due April 1. Affidavits charging Mrs. McKeen. then Mra. Hull, with tiding around the city with Mr. McKeen in the early summer ef 1910 were read by F. A. Brogan and T. J. Mahoney, counsel for Mr. Huil. Mr. Hull was the only party to the suit who appeared In court ' Did Call Occasionally. In her affidavit Mra McKeen denied the maid's testimony that McKeea fre quently visited her wbea she waa Mrs Hull, but admitted that he called 'occa sionally. She denied that he frequently remained until midnight, and declared that oa the rare occasions on which he called he always left about le o'clock. She denied that when he called he was entertained la dimly lighted -rooms, hut declared there were BO doors between the rooms aad all the rooms ware well Il luminated. Mra. McKeea denied the story of Miss N lei son that once when Dr. "Paul Lud- dington, Mrs. McKcen's brother, called, ' she let McKeen hurriedly out the back: door. Regarding the girl's statement that 1 onct after Mr. McKeen'a departure she found In the library safety pins with, which the petticoats of Mra Hull had ; been fastened, Mra. McKeen said (be bad no recollection of any such Incident, but she knows positively that no safety ping were removed from her clothing at any time when Mr. McKeen was at her home. ' Dlda't Read McKeea Flowers. Mra. McKeen denied that she frequently sent Mr. McKeen wafflea and flowers, denied that she had a system of signals for communication with McKeen, denied that she took automlble ride, with him and denied that sne conspired with him to get alimony from Hull. In affidavits by McKeen and Mra lie Keen denial was also made of state ments of George W. MvClaln, Joseph Cooper and George H. Pettis that they saw the two driving together In th. early summer of 191. These statements were made In affidavits read by Hull's at torneys Mr. Borbank read an affidavit by him self denying conspiracy to secure alimony from Hull by threatening publicity. Ha said be (lied the original divorce petition for Mra. Hull and withdrew ft from the file It charged cruelty and adultery. Later a supplemental petition waa filed, -he said, and Brogan, aa Hull's attorney. destroyed the original petition and asked that the papers be kept out of the office of the clerk of the district court so ha newspapers would not get them. . Two witnesses to show that McKeea brought a property for H.509 shortly after Mrs, HuJl received her first alimony m- stalment, were placed on the stand. Baraea Beya Oraaalso. The Immsnuel Parses born at Twen ty-fourth and Plnkney have reorganised a train this year and expect to be aironger than ever. Any one wiehlna to book camee should call Red wn. or .iMruoo r n. jonnaon. manager, at eaf Bouta Twenty-fourth street. Housework Drudgery Homework is" dradfery for the weak wosaaa. rhnhraa. as, darts and serahs, or is oa her feet ail day artradud as the away actaim of the household, her back echuxfac temples throbbmg, aervea enivermg aader the stress of earn, possibly ditxy feehags. Soawtimee Rat m had ia eat ratraebiag. because the poor tired servos do aot par aait of refreshing steep. Tap real weed of weak, aan oaa woaeee eabaaod by Dr. Pxrce'a Favortta Ptmwrajrtma. -. It Make Weak Women Sfvag and Sick Women Well. TUm - fMsoaffoa" rvasoree ree awsma f wweaoer-a m,mkmtmu9 AaalatorvSsaT awarfsa ait mlwmUum, aaa nm iau euiarun aa aecal.r ra woasauir ?"'" awea. wmiZtH tl evaettfte ewe iwdecoa rOml tttnf. sua - Favorite Prrccriptioa " nafaim. . rnmnla 1.7. WmW. o. the bortiwr,r7D ot let -y mr. sioos drstfat rjarsuade yea mat ail eaastimt st ,,..nM eompoaita ia " tasf as jeW " m ocoer taat aa saay awaa a bitter proa. Just smile aad asaae yaw kaad 1 Da. fsrree'. flniast f diets aaiasBv