Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Cjirek of the Covenant to Hold As
nW Meeting Friday Evening.
Mew. Fraak I-avrUad at ret Meth
-esdlst t'harch St. ttephea's
Mission ta Hm Klmk
rate Palm Saszay.
The annual congregational meeting of
the Presbyterian Ctaurck ( the Covenant
gylll be held la the church Friday evening.
Cfttwra will b elected, report will be
receavea auq aisposed or ana work 01
strengthening the church during the en
suing year will be planned. The congre
gational meeting of the Patrvtew Pres
byterian church will he held In the near
future, probably within two week.
Preparations fcir an elaborate Palm Sun-
lay wrrlca are being made by St Steph
en's Episcopal mission, Twenty-fourth
e tract and Ames avenue. One of the fea
tures will ha a series ot anthems, sung
by a targe chorus of children.
Dos of Roy Blunt, who was shot to
death Monday when a posse was pur
cuing eonviots who bad taken Blunt as a
hostage and were forcing htm to drive the
wagon la which they rode, will be dis
cussed from religious standpoint by
Bey. Charles W. Savidge, pastor el the,
Peoples church, Sunday morning.
The evangel lstlo meetings at Calvary
Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and Ham
ilton streets, will continue through Tues
day, evening, when this church will enter
the Men aad Religion Forward cam
paign. Rev. Walter Fowls, whs has bees
preaching this week, will preach every
evening, including the Sunday services.
His subjects for Sunday are; Morning,
"A Window Into the Heart at God;"
evening, Ths Man Whoa Oed For
sakes." Rev. Frank Love land, former pastor of
the First Methodist Episcopal church. Is
Whs guest of Ralph W. Brock anrtdge
trover Bunday. Ma will seoupy the pulpit
for the First Methodist church Bunday
mviiuus at u
Lenten musical service will be 'held
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the First
Pressyterlas) church, Seventeenth gnd
Dodgw streets, The. program will be as
Organ. "Meditation Blasts" from
Bu(iet ...BorowsU
Verne, "Urant, we Hesse oa Ttt'..
....Horatio Parker
Organ, 'Hymnus"',
BcrlDtur J..
..Alexander vonFleHts
Quartet, "Prayer" Marchettl
T,mw 'Th finrraa, af It ii t h Uvmn
pi Praise) Mendelssohn
Mr. Johnston.
Duet, "Stabat Mater Dolorosa" (The
Btory of the Cross) Dudley Buck
Mrs. Pale and Mrs. Miller.
Organ, ''Berceuse'' - Lecome
Bass, "It Is though" (Elijah)
Mr. Kennedy.
Addrsa '
The Pastor.
Organ, "Prelude Funebre",.....Gullmant
Choral, "Christ Ws Do AH Adore
Thee" ,.........,Dubol
Miss ;ilsabath Hamling arrived home
Tuesday and will be the soprano soloist
In the Lenten featlvsl, Du Pols, "The
Seven Last Words of Christ" st the
North Side Christian Church. Good Frt
day night, April i. The other soloists
will he Mr. James Knight, tenor, and
Mr, Waller Graham. The church choir
of thirty voloes will do the chorus work.
The support will be Mrs. Porter Oarrett,
piano; alias Swaneon, harp, snd Mrs. H.
i. Klrchsteln, organist and choirmaster.
.Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and
Bwardf)unday, I:, Bible school.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth snd Ptnkney,
Rev. J. 8. Ebersole, Pastor Bible school
st noon. Toung People's meeting at S;30.
fcosiiel meetings st 10:10 snd 1M. Mr.
V. 1'. Bonner, Logan, la,, soloist, and
Rev. fx. rl. waiao, preacher. Baptism In
First Baptist. Corner Harney gnd Park
Avenue Preaching both morning and
-evening by Rev. f. & Stein, D. D. Morn
ing service st 10:111; subject, "Altruism."
i eunoay scnooi at u. young people's
braver meeting at 1:30. Evening service
At 7.B0; subject, "Unanswered Prayer.'1
UTuklw .-..-- u(ln. IVnt..
tng at iiti,
Calvary. Twenty-fifth snd Hamilton.
Rev. K. R. Curry, Pastor Services at
10:1 aqd f st Evangelistic services con
tinued. Rev. Walter Fowls ef Orand
Island wUI preach at both services. Bible
scbpo) st U Young People s meeting st
Pimples? I!o
They've All Gone!
Ne Mors HumJJlatioBi the Wonderful
Stuart's Calcium Wafers "Get Right
Attn" those Ilmples, Boils asd
Skin Eruption.
Trial reassert Sent Tree rrorg It,
fio aeett fur anyone la go about any
longer with a lace covered with pimples,
blbtcbea, srujlions, blacahcsus, and Uv
srspot Th. are ail due to Impurities
In tha blood, clsanse the blood thor.
eugbly anil the bkuUfhas will diss
pear. '
That's what gtuert'a Cslcunv Wafers
ar Intended ts accuutiilsa aad do ac
complish. Their principal Ingredient
is Calcium Sulphide. Us quickest and
most thorough blood cleanser knows.
Tkass wonuerful little watsrs get
right late Ids blood, aad destroy erup
tive present Is il Is some
cases a fsw days Is sufficient to make
a marked Improvement. ' And whsa the
bleed Is purs lbs wools system is a hun
dred per cent better.
. Don I fret any longer about those
blackhead, pimples, bolls, tetter,
ettaem. Boor or akin amotions: thev all
go aad go quick"" If you use Stuart's
Tsa can tare a trial package of
Stuarts Calcium Wafers, simply by
sending your same and address to F. A.
Stuart Co. 175 Stuart Bid. Marshall.
Mich. Then, when you have proved
their value. )en can gst the regulsr-sis
package for M cents at any drug store.
Hons scmrrisT who 19 wbtt
o "srr, "
1:1V Bnerlal services Monday and Tues
day evenings. This ehurch Join In tha
sws ana religion camtwign.
Qraoe, Tenth and Arbor; Rev, B. F.
Pcllman, Pastor Sunday school at m
Morning sermon at 11, subject, "A Re
vival of Religion." louna People's meet
ing at 1. Pyening service st I. V. A hal
uuura music preiuae sy tne nunaay
echool will be followed by an address by
Rev. B, P, Merrill, D. p., at Rochester,
N. T., son of the first protestant
Siasionary to the Indiana of Nebraska,
r. Merrill will tell how this work be
gan at Bellevue, Kb.. In lees, and will
relate a grapnio story i pioneer sns
missionary heroism. Bible class Monday
night at S- Prayer meeting Wednesday
night at 4 A literary and musical nro.
gram by the young people Tuesday Bight.
UBUstisua. .
North, Bide, Twenty-svoond snd Lothr
rop , H. J. Klrchsteln, Minister Bible
school. t:W a. m. Morning worship, U.ts
s. m. cnniuis cuuewvor, p. m.
Bvenlng preaching aerloa. I:M a. m. On
Sunday, March 11, the new enure build
ing al Twenty-second and Lothrop street
Will be dedicates, and JT. I. N. Mcnuk
of Cincinnati, 0., will preach morning
anu eveuius
th'lsllaai Solcae.
First, 6t Mary s snd Twenty-fourth
Sunday school st 1:46. Services st 11 and
a bubject ei lessua-ssrmon, "Matter,
First Oermsn hs Evangelical, Twelfth
snd Dorcas Public worship and Lenten
addresses st M:W and l.M, led by H.
uruacnert. Hgnoatn scnooi st 2:30,
First. Nineteenth snd Davenport. Frad
erlck T. Rouse, Pastor Morulas worship
at 1:3. livening worship at ?:5, Preach
ing by the pastor. Young People's
society oi ennsuan snaeavor at ;.
St. Marys Avenue, J, A. Jenkins, D. D.,
Minister 10:30 a. m., morning worship;
sermon by Itev. Edwin Booth, Jr., Nor
folk. Neb. 7:30 p. m.. people's service.
.''Mohammedanism and Christianity la
BU Stephen's Mission, Twenty-fourth
and Ames, Saratoga Hall Sunday school
st 10. Morning prayer and sermon at U.
subject, "Consistency and Christ." Con
firmation lecture at (.
All Saints, Twenty-sixth Street and
Dewey Avenue, Rev. T. J. Mackay,
Rector Holy communis at l:M, Morning
prayer and sermon at It Vesper musical
service at I Sunday school at 1:1a.
it Paul's, Twenty-eighth snd Parker,
Rev. K. T. Otto, Pastor Services at 10.
Lenten sermon In Kngllsh at 7:41, Sunday
school at U:l for the Kngllab depart,
menu Members enlisted now.
St Mark's English, Twentieth snd Bur
dens, Dr. L. Uroh, Psstor Jesus Out
Mercy Beat" t 11. "Ureat Attempla,
Great Results" at IX. Bunday scheolat
9:4s, Young People's Society e Chrlstiaa
Endeavor at 4 4a.
Grace, 13M South Twenty-Sixth Serv
ices at 11. Preaching by Rev. Luther M.
Kuhns. Bunday school at lu, Sunday
evening ai stereoptlcon pictures and
lecture covering the life of Christ. On
Thursday evening the Luther league will
give a social and entertainment. Every
body cordially Invited.
Kountse Memorial, i'arnam Street and
Twenty-eliti) Avenue; Rev. Pr. Qvtr
D. Baltsly, Pastor Services for the
fifth Bunday in Lent Morning worship
and sereinon st 11 o'clock, subject, "God s
Precious Gift." Evening vespers snd ser
mon st . subject, "The Great Hour."
Sundsy school, Oscar P. Goodman, super
intendent, at lv. Luther league, Mies Nel
lie Hchonlau, president, at 1. Special Lis
ten services on Wednesdsy evening.
Visitors welcome to sll services.
St. Matthew's English, Nineteenth snd
Csiteilar, Rev. G. W. Snyder. Pastor
Services at U. Subject, "Jesus the 1 Am."
No evening services. Sunday school at
Is. The catechetical class will meet In
the church basement Wednesday snd Fri
day at 4 snd the Boy's Athlells club en
Wednesday at 7. After drill the club will
go In s body to the drilling at the young
Mes's Christian association building. The
Woman s Missionary and Ladies' Pastor's
Aid societies will meet Thursday altar
noon at the residence of Mrs, C. H.
Onstst. tttt South Twelfth street.
Trinity, Cerner Twenty-first and Bla
ney; G. W. Abbott, Pastor-Morning sub
ject, "A Cry from the Pews." Evening
subject, 'Teople Who Attend to Other
people e Affaire.'
The Norwegian and Dsntah, Twenty
fifth snd Decatur, H. P. Petersen, Pas
tor Services wlib preaching by the pas
tor. 11 a. m- and I p, m. Sunday school.
:. led bv S. O. Dar teuton. Yeuns-
1'eepie noeting, I p. m.
walnut Jim. roriy-lifst ana cnenes.
Rev. Wllllsm Boyers. Pttor Mominr
subject. Harvest Tim Now;" evening,
"First Things First," Sunday school at
noon. Epworth league at t.W. The caurch
nursery wilt be open from 1.1 to booo.
First. Twentieth and Davenport,' lUv.
Milton B. Willleme, Minister Morning
service at U. Sermon by Rev. Frank L,
Loveisnd of Topeka. Evening service st
7 JO. Suhject, "Boys snd Bandits, a Study
of the Causes that Produce Criminals.'
Sunday school st 1:4. Epwortk leagus
at Si. ,
First Swedish, Corner Nineteenth and
Burt M a. m.. Sunday school, led by
Mr. F. E. Ssndwall; 11 a. m-, preaching
service, suoject, snenaing oi suooa ror
the Blessing of Others;" l.M p. m., Ep.
worth league service; 7:30 p. m., preach
ing, subject. "Element of Christian Char
acter. Special singing both aaoming and
Hirst Memorial, Thirty-fourth and
Larimora, W. W, Whitman. Pastor Mr.
Harry Slgler sf the Union Gospel Mission
will speak st the morning lecture st U
s'elock. A representative from tiw Men a
Religion Movement will speak at tne
evening service at i:js. Tne misoay
school will be held at 1 e'eisck. K. W.
Lin net t, superintendent. Ep worth leaga
at . With Mr. W. W. Walking as
MeCsbe. Fortieth and Farnam; Rsv.
Joha Grant Shlck, Pastor Sunday scJkmI
st M. Preaching by the pastor at 11 snd
7:M. Themes: Morning. "Giving Necessi
tated by Receiving;" evening. "Pivotal
Points In Lite." Epworth leacus services
at .. William J. Weiner. leader. The
attentioa of the men of this church Is
called to the Men and Religion Forward
Movement program to begin sxt
Wednesday Bight.
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth Street
snd Lsrimors Avenue; Csii O- Baser,
Pastor-Men's Prsysr circle st M .1
Morning worship at N.JS. subject. "The
Christian's Commission." rHindsy scaool
teaehers' prayer elrele at 11:9. Sunday
school at noon. Junior league at 1.31.
Juntos leagus teas ere prayer meeting
St OH Epworth league at Evening
worship at a), sermon subject, "Chrls
tiaa Distinction." Official beard meets
Monday at p. m. Prayer meeting Tues
day at .
Hanscora Park, Twenty-ninth Street sad
Wool worth Avenue; Rev. B. B. Crawford,
Pastor Morning eervice, 10.1a, sersnoa
subject, "Christ Before Pilate.'' Evening
service. 7:& Sermon subject, "A Ques
tion Bvery Ons Aska Sunday acbool
at It, B. A. Wilcox, superintendent. :Ep
worth league at IS. Miss Wattle Lank
tree snd Miss Isabel Linn, leaders. Spe
cial Lenten services will he held each
evening during the week st T 41. The
Men and Religion Forward Movement
will have charge of teka service Taurs-
W, rriday and Saturday evenings,
Central. Tweatv-fourth and nadre.
Hugh U. Spoor. Pastor Morning worship
i ty-M. Dauuain scnooi at noon, loung
People's meeting at e:M; : evening
orspw wnn aaaress sy ur. r, s", 4am
ay on "The Acta."
C4lftoB HU1. Forty-fifth asd OraaL
Thomas B. Greenlee. Pastor Sunday
schoul' at 10. Public wssship at U and
?:. Morning subject, "God's Fellow
Vorkere.' Services uf ore yes and fellow-
wh rwnwuv SVWUBJ pi a
Third. Twentieth sad Leavenworth.
Sunday srhool al 1:30: A. D. Bchrmrhorn.
superinienosni.' ruoiio worsnm and ad
dress by H. & Keistar at 1 ti MuaK-al
oy tne cnoir at C. Fred Dtckason.
leader; Miss Elsie Unwell, srganlsu
First, Seventeenth and bods. Rev. F.d.
win Hart Jeaka, Pastor-Put Uo worship
at 10 W with serwioa by pastor. Theme.
'The Turning Back of tha Shadow oa the
Dial." Musical service at 4 In place of
evening service, i nnsusn hinaeavor at
i.u. unday school at noon. Everyone
is Invited to attend,
North. Corner Twantv-fourth anil Wirt
M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor Publlo wor
snip at tun ana t:s. Besmons by pastor.
theme. "The Boldness ot Faith," and
"According ta our several Abilities.
Sundsy school st 11 m- Young People's
society of vnriotian Bnaeavor at ass.
fresbyterlsl society at iM Wednesday
t.tuuii.i.i, i u 4 weoirois(n aMl
Mason, Rev. Thomas H. McConnall, Fna-
or a. rn., service oi worsnm wits
sermon on "God's Proposition to Man."
U noon. Sabbath Bftheal gnd Bible classes.
130 a. m.. Westminster chapel. Sundav
school. I P. m Westminster Young
s-voiue s soojeiv meetinic. d. m.- aer.
vie ot praise with serai tin 6a "The Inev-
its Die uiscavsry, "
Fafrvlew, Pratt and Fortieth, Charles
U. Flaming, Pastor Bible school at 1 44.
Afternoon worship at l Subject, "Jehu,
the Bob of Niauhl." Ns Matthew work
nest week on eccoust of the Msa and
Religion Forward movement. Annual
songregstionsl meeting will be held al a
date soon ts be announced. Al) members,
attendants, contributors and friends of
(he work are welcome,
Lawe Avenue. Fortieth and Nicholas:
Rev. Nathaniel McOJfftn, D. D.. Pastor
Morning service at 10:30. sermon subject,
"A Man's Rellnlen." Sundav school at li
Junior Endeavor st I ts. Senior Endeavor
al l.M. Evening service st 7:30, sermon
subject, ''r'lve Calls ts Men." Men's
meetings si Lows Avesns church Thura.
day, Friday and Saturday right at 7:40
In eonnecuosi with Men and Rcllglos
Forward Movement.
Church sf the Coveasat Pratt and
Twenty-seventh, Charles H. Fleming,
Pastor Morning won. hip at 10 4&. Sub
ject, "What Wilt. Thou Have Me to Dor'
Bible school at boob. Endeavor at 4; 48.
Evening worship al J JO. Subject. "Jehu,
the Son ef Nlnnhl." No Mattnew work
Wednesday evening en account or Men
and Religion Forward movement. Annual
congregational meeting Friday evening.
to wnicn ait er ins cnurcn aaa enngregs
tlon attendants, contributors ao4 friends,
ot the work are welcome.
Flnit. Rev. C. M. Hohrbauth. Psstor
Sunday school at 15, c. W. Thomas,
superintendent. Morning worship at 11.
Christian Endeavor at I. Preaching at s,
subject. "Eternity." Miss Daniels of
Bellevue will sing.
(1 sited Presk rtertaa.
First Twenty-first snd Emmet; A, C.
Douglass, Pastor Quarterly communion
service sad reception of new members
at theme, "Making the Most ot the
Men and Religion Forward Movement."
Bible school at 11 Young People's serv
ice at 4.S1
First. Seventeenth and Cass. Rsv. Maa-
IraS UlUefora. Ph. D. Mialsler atervloea
at 10:10, subject of sermon, "Our Indebt
edness to ths Bible." Sunday school at
11:4s, There will be speslsl meeUsg ef
ths church afisr the services.
New Thought Fellowship meets la ths
Weed building, southwest earner of
Elihteenth and Farnam atresia, en Bus.
day morning at 11 o'clock, when Oscar A.
Albracht will sneak sn "Concentration.''
The regular midweek Meeting aa Wednes
day evening at I a clock.
At the Bunday afternoon meeting of
the Omaha Philosophical sooietr "Capi
talism, Socialism, Communism snd Iqdl
vldusllsm Compared'' Is the subject lor
discussion at I o'clock m Bsright hall,
Niaeteealh and traraam. Haary H.
Uerlng will deliver ths artnslpal sdoress.
PaadI' Chureh. Rev. in arte w.
Savldge, Psstor-Mornlng topic. "Roy
Blunt-The Innocent Dying With IhS
Guilty.'1 Bvening topic, "Whst Shall the
Deserted Women Dor Bunoay scnooi
at U. Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor at . Prof. Merles ha
charge el the must a.
Y. W. C. A. Metes.
Mis Orecs Coooock. asnersl secretary
of ths Young Women's Christian associ
ation in pnangnai, i-nina. wns w neme e
a furloueh. he been Ins guest of the
association for ths last fsw days. On
Friday evening all tne sunscnoers to tne
Iav In Chins fund wers Invited ts essst
Miss Copposk. st aa Internal reception.
eiundav Ax the veaoer service at 480
o'clock Miss Ccppock of Shanghai will
give the address on opportunities ox ins
young women s cnnstisa Aasoeuuiow in
ths New China.' special vocal numbers
will he furnished by Miss Ruth Ganaon.
Ths social hour at I 30 o'clock win be la
charge of the missionary committee.
Monday Tha la mis asm uircie win
hois lie secular monthly meeting Mon
day svenlng st ths usual hour. Ths study
ror tns evening win d m coarse vs ssisses
Minnie snd Gisdys curry.
The March number of las memsershlB
entertainment course will bs gives, Mon
day evening at 1:1 o dock when Charles
l nsrtnoiomew, earxovnisi on in
Minneapolis Journal, will glvs a chalk
talk. This entertainment will be aa usual
free to sll members oi tne association.
Thursday At ths Been musical Thura.
day tha progrTJB will be la charge of Mis
Edith Foley. Thsss musicals srs g'ven
by ths courtesy of friends of the associ
ation on the fourth Thursday sf eeeh
awata snd srs free to ail, Ths Prugram
will bs as follows;
Mandelsaobn Vartatioa..., .....
(al Wlegenlled Brahms
Fred Um DUo
Flower Rain ..chnejdsr
. Edith A, Fsley. -
Reading Selected
Mlsa Bsralcs Banghart.
AadaBttao I srsars
WUI Hetharingtoa.
Noctums. Cbopls
Fred. DUob.
A Birthday ...Woodman
Edith A, FWIey.
A Musical Moment ...Schuhert
Mr. Hthertngu,
Reading. . Selected
Miss Bang hart.
From a Staff Corvee pond' set)
WASHINGTON. March U. (Special
Telegram.) Senator Brews today re
ported from the committee at) tsrrltsvts
a bni providing for the compulsory eem
cattoB ef the children of Aleak. Tot
bin has the support of the National Ota
mission of Education.
Senator Brown takes ths position that
since ths gov era meet provides ths
schools for children ef that territory, the j
parents aad guardUas should bs com
pelled to send their ehrtdrea ts schaoL
This la especially destraMe la esav ef the
satire children, whose parent do ast
seem fully ta appreciate school privi
leges. It Is thought there win be little
er 00 opposition to U-S bill In the passu.
Stimulate your bust
i by aeVsrtfslBs
tn The sMe-tBe
SB Of the taJetav
Breckenridge Gives
Picture of His Tour
Before Brotherhood
"Oasts Is India It largely responsible
for the degradation of the people., it has
taken away all initiative. It has tilled
ambition, A sua l bora In one of a
kundrsd castes snd cannot get out of
i easts. If bs dees he must gusjast
hhBStll ta pssloagsd purification.' da.
aland Ralph W. Breckenridge, address
ing the Mtthodlst Brotherhood at the
First Methodist Episcopal ehurch Isst
Mr. Break en ridge d.sciibed Incidents la
h'a recent trip around ths world. Vivid
word pictures sf life la Kgypt, Bombay,
Ingspors and Manila ware drawn for a
small kilt latgnsely Interested audlanoe.
There ts no plsna In the world where
trey have a many (He, beggvi snd
such poor lighting system as In Cairo,"
bs said. "Ths people are dirty and eotnc
at them wear clothe Isna years old as
far as fashion Is concerned aad ths cum
Itself is as old a the wearer."
Beggsrs. pleading for "baksheesh upoa
every oososivabl excuse, (ollow ourtfs
through the streets. One half naked
native followed Mr, Breckenrldge's Jln
rlkleba ts gay "goodby" and then re
quested a tl for b's trouble.
Civilisation in India was briet'r dis
cussed. The speaker pointed to too Taj
Mahal, built by a Mohammed Mogul,
Shah Jehaa, la honor of bis favorite
aire a token of respect ts texusnslve
: bat ths people were Impoverished lo pay
for It Later Sash Jehaa wss ousted from
the throne by his son ea toe grounds be wss Insane ta do sud a thing.
Mswsvsr. ths TsJ Mahal, marbls ef
purest whits, steads ss ths ageeltsetural
wonder and ths most beautiful structure
la the world. It was completed when ths
SBMrk-ene were pushing Into the west
a on fighting flsrcs Indians oa aa ua
CPBCuered frontier.
"Which shows what a vary young peo
ple we art." said Mr. Breckenridge.
Continuing his description, he referred
ts Calcutta as the "filthiest city" be wss
tor In and hoped he'd never he there
again. Ths British government wag very
wise la removing the capital from Cat.
sutta lo Delhi, he maintains!.
Ingspors ass ths best streets la the
world, la the opinion of Mr. Breckenridge.
Aad. although It Is la the torrid gene aad
got a great way from ths squalor, it has
alss a pleasant climate, a prosperous
poBtslatlos sad a world bomoieree it) rub
Concluding hit address with a 4eseria
tloa as Manila, clean, up-is-eats sod aa
the high road ta future of unparalleled
so inss. Mr. Breckeartdge assorted that
the aettey of the Halted States ta helping
the Filipinos contrasted sharply with
England's treatment of the Indiana, ths
sontrsst being by a means ts the British
empires credit "la India the lead Is
despoiled, the people ef ladla Impover
Mhed and misgovern meet obtains, while
ta ths Philippine the very reverse It
tfsad Crltes was arreeted Isst svenlng
la the Breads! store by Detective Wit
ness Caaey sa a ruspMous eharwrter.
Whoa arrested aba had a suit esse filled
with goods which she bad charred te
regular rastomert sf ths stare, is all she
bss bad three bills sa) the store. Twist
she get away with the goad, bat was
ssussl last sight
The attempt to parches a corset
ekarged ts ths account of Mrs. L Fried
Orkin Brothers
318-20 South Sixteenth Street
Monday y March 25, '12
The unolding of the
new in wearing appar
el for the women and .
misses suits, coats,
evening vvraps, street
frocks, evening gowns,
Everything, that bears
upon the fashion require
ments ot the well dressed
woman is shown in;
Orkin Brothers'spring
man, ml North Twentieth street, formed
the clue which led to the woman's ar
rest Someone telephoned ts the stors st 4:3s)
S clock Friday nflernoos) and ssked If
K corset could be delivered to ths Fried
man address. When told aha could tha
woman answered thst shs had a friend
downtown who would call for It
Suspecting something wrong, Mr.
Friedman M called, 8h dsnlsd ah
hsd srderad a aoraet
A Ptnkertoa detective captured the
Crltes woman when the appeared for
the corset
Mrs, Cudahy Sorry
For Noble JJurglar
LOS ANOKtKU. Cel., March C-MofTts
J, ceadsrr. shsrged with attempted
burglary at the home at Mrs. Jack Cud
ahy la Fatadtna. Cel., was arraigned la
tht superior court here today. Hit trial
was set for Msrsh IT. .
Mrs. Cudahy expressed sympathy for
Condsry whoa his father. Prof, V. Cos-
dory of San Fraaelsoo, told bar that ths
accused man was a grandson of the lata
Count Charles Mesl sf Copenhagen, Den
mark, and lbs tsls heir te the count's
H.tW.Ml sststs.
Prof. Condory, who Is a member of a
wealthy Hungsriap family, arrived here
today to aid hie sob. Ho declared thai
the accused man at timet suffer lapse
of memory.
Mrs. Cudahy. whlls expressing sympa
thy for Prof. Condory and his son, said
she could not help thsm out of their pre
dicament, at (he cess wtt in the. band
ef tb Itata,
C.H.Bascum is to Be
Ordained on Sunday
Rev. C. K Bascum will be ordained
irlest of the Kptscopal church Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock at the All Saints'
shurch, Twenty-sixth snd Dewey avenue,
by Bishop A. L. Williams of Omaha. As
sisting Bishop William will bs Bert. T.
I. Mssksy, James Noble. John A. Wil
liams and J. W. Jones. Ths ordination
sermon will be preached by Bishop Wit-
Mr. Bascum graduated fjoea tbt West
sro Theological seminary of Chicago lest
September. Me wss bora In Castries St
Lucia, British West ladles, where hi
father I pastor sf ths Holy Trinity
church and has been In the ministry for
the lest forty. three years.
After graduating from ths Chicago sem
inary Mr. Bsssum was transferred to ths
Omaha diocese. He will be put ta charge
sf St Stephen's church at Ashland and j
St Joha'a church at Wshoo. I
LONDON. Vsrch a. Ths eenntsss of
Craven, who wss Miss Bradley-MaiUa ef
New York, gave her first big dinner end
reception tonight as sn official hostess
for ths government Ths dinner guests
Included the premier end Mrs. Asejalth.
ths secretary sf war. Viscount Rsldsne;
Foreign Secretary Sir Edwerd Orey sad
ether cabinet mislster.
At the reception there were 1.KS guests.
Mr. Asqulth stood st the heed ef the
staircase with tha hsstess te welcome
them. The duchess st Marlborough
broturttt a large party and many pram.
meet AsMdcaas wers present among
them Whitetaw Reid. the America) as
bastsdor, sad Mrs. Reid.
Baldrige Club Has 1
Membership of 919
President A mot f the Toung Msa's
BaJdrlge-for-Oongress club annousesd
last tight that the membership at the
organisation sow total Ilk During the
lat week tha daily growth of the club
hag beta pearly sevsaly-flve members.
Tht organisation, la isst tbas three weeks
The Omaha High iekeo debating squad
was gtvss) tbt MBsaliaiMM tesiglea at the
Judges In a heated label ) tha lmm.
graHa tuslls with tht Ceuaetl Bluffs
High school tssat at tha Bluff school
sudltsrluat last tveaiaa, About M su
dents. Istluilsg a special diHegatloa (rem
ths Cttltol hiu tohoel, sites led.
By upholding tht Begatlvt tht meal
debaters were sale te put some stiff
argument which rather battled their ss
ponsnts, glthougk tht lewaat vert eg.
eeedingly strong In dellvarr, Osuk
tsetured with pointed rebuttal whlCi
merited approval from all tMst. Ths
purple snd whits was represented by
Oeorgs Orim, Mauri oe Clsrk gad Bar
ney Kulakoftky asd tht Blufta taenia,
teat by Robert Paalslg, Harry Cktrnlss
and Harold Barr,
Tbt tuestion WM st fsllowti "He-
Hardware Specials
for Monday Only
Money Saving Bargains.
tec large ties.
genuine V rooms
ink .trainer, ,je ,Itrm
st .7..... IIC Strainer, Monday.. C
19c, fait t!ie
metal, 11x5 S,,
h 1 a ( t d front,
wits steel tprlpg
lor balding pa
per, Monday
only 290
tie, full size,
with sprint pi
per holder, with.
Corbip. lock and 1 flat key.
Fitted with name plate sod
llats front 49d)
76c box. same as above exsapt
In old copper, or stall braes fin
ish, Monday only ........ 59$
& 80118 CO.
solved, Tb,at our present Immigration,
laws be amtndtd so as to debar all lm--migrants
over 11 years pf SI and un
able ta read and writs) provided that
thig amendment shall not debar dee
pendent oa qualified Immigrants or resi
dents of the United States."
Ths judges were Superintendent George
Martin of Nebraska City, Superintendent
N. C. Adams of Flatumouth and Prlnrt.
pal C. X. Humphrey of Denhwn. C E.
Heed, vise principal of ths Isoal school,
Brass Cross Stolen '
From Church Altar
. -
Report thst a brass cross had beta
stolen from tht altar of t. Paul
(episcopal church, Thirty-second and Call
foriiHV Wat mad q tht police 1st yes
terday by the warden. The eras had bssa
sks) fine Sundsy.
Walter Fisher, eeereUry of the In
terior la President Taffa cabinet will
speak rn Omaha sn ths svenlng of April
t under ths autplcss sf tka Tata club.
John U Wefaoter. president ef the Blab,
bad a talegsam Friday from Mr. Flahss
making ths positive announcement sf ths
If you have anything to ssobange. ad
yertlM It la Ths Bee Want Ad coiustns.
Useful Necessities at sharp re
(factions for one day only.
10e heavy
wire Potato
wo0(l hu.
Pare, healthful
water always oa Up.
Wo connect this
pressare filter direct
to ths water pipe,
over rour sink.
SatllfsetlOO guaM
anteed. Hundreds la at
in Oman.
PHee connected com
plete .... ..S9.00
f.ton Jar Filters,
t S4.25
See our new Cat