Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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THE OMAHA 81 X DAY BEE: MAKCll 24. 1912.
ruiruiui ni ouuiu UiUrtilfl
Sood-Gillia Crowd Gt
jww -"
Judge Troap't Decision.
AUa Send Eaaieury ta Iadace Perry
Wheeler ta It ad raw, Display
tag- lahereat VMkMH at Pe
Sv alttaa at Gaas, Leaden.
The carefully devised scheme of the
Good-Glllln gang r professional office-
uu.ueia iikl yesieruay urauw 111
flha district court when Judge Troup
ruled that City Clerk Good would have
to place the names ot the citizens' nomi
nees on the ballot despite the danger to
Good and Glllin's perpetual office-holding
Both Good and Gillln recognise that
tilers Is a determined fight made upon
them by the creat mass of common
voters in the city. In their efforts to win
out, both men are said to be making
overtures to their opponents. Within the
last few daya William Broderick, brother-in-law
ot John Gillln. saloon keeper and
member ot the democratic city central
committee, has made overtures to John
Gribbie. candidate tor treasurer on the
citizens' ticket. Gillln wanted Gribbie to
pull off the ticket and give him a clear
field for two years longer. He has made
the same argument during the rather
long period of his political life. Gribbie
explained to Glllin's emissary that ha was
not seeking the office for honor or
emolument, but because It seemed to be
the opinion ot a number ot good cltlsens
that he would correct the evil conditions
that now exist.
Perry Wheeler, republican candidate for
city clerk, at whose aspirations City
Clerk Good says tie laughs, telis a story
about a visit from J. W. Jordan, a clerk
In the office ot Treasurer Jehn Gillln.
He says the remark was laughingly
made br Jordan that Good, considered
Wheeler's candidacy as a metns ot get
ting a political Job. It was farther Inti
mated that in the event ot Wheeler's
withdrawal Good would appoint him
deputy. Wheeler save he l a South
Health ! tli foundation of all pod
looks. Tli wis woman realize this
and takes precaution to preserve tor
health and strength through the pe
riod of child bearing-. She remains a
pretty mother br avoiding aa f ar as
possible the suffering and dangers of
such occasions. This every woman
mar do through the use of Mother's
friend, a remedy that has been so long
In use, and accomplished so much
good, that it is in no sense an experi
ment, but a preparation which always
produces the best results.' It is for
external application and so penetrating
In Its nature as to thoroughly lubricate
every muscle, nerve and tendon in
volved during the period before baby
comes. It aids nature by expanding
the ikla and tissues, relieves tender
Bess and soreness, and perfectly pre
pares the system for natural and safe
motherhood. Mother's Friend has been
used and endorsed by thousands ot
another, and ft use will prove a com
fort sua benefit
to any woman
- . . M V
remedy. Mother's filQiW
Friend Is sold at ' VWVIW
drug stores. Writ for free book for
expectant mothers,: which contain
much valuable information.
UOrULO UGUUTOl CO., Atlasta, Ca.
) -
- Owing to the Inclement weather
I will continue my reduced rates.
Please note address below it in
terested or In recom mending
' .
Am not connected with sny
Ladies' 'Tailoring firm and have
net changed my location.
The Original L Knee. er
Omaha's Beat Ladies' Tailor.
Plione D. 6063. 008-8 So. 16th St
Cease ta Omaha la lari
Salter aa4 Publisher at -
which ha established ta ISO.
Alfred Sorenson
- 9
ii City
It's lp to YonTTiunkit0.eri
at aosea't say "Let the people rule";
ha aoeent say "The people aball rale";
feat he aoea say "The people WXU
. roJ."
mm Wifii
WA i CH!
' the city ad citizens a square deal.
') . HrlKit Bands it Bark.
Georfte Mc Bride, chairman of the re-
,.k. ... . , - .t.i--
dsy gave out the following Interview rela
tive to an absolute misstatement of fact
that appeared In yesterday's World-Herald:
"The statement made in this morning's
World-Herald that the protest against
engrossing the names of the noulnees
of the citizens' progressiva party upon
the official ballot was signed and tiled
by republicans, was a misstatement ot
"I have looked Into the matter care
fully and have examined the registration
books which are in the care ot City Clerk
Prank Good. The following names were
signed to the petition: Henry Schmeung.
registered democrat, stock yards employe;
Charles Reemer, democrat, butcher; Mike
Harvath. democrat, porter in a saloon;
P. J. Vomacka, democrat, bartender in
the same saloon; Rudolph Techout, demo
crat and member of the school board.
"Mr. Good's disclaimer of having any
thing to do with the protest. In view of
the fact that the attorneys who appeared
in support ot the motion to throw out
the names are the attorneys who do all
the Good-Glllln legal work, seems ridicu
lous. It Is Just the old familiar tactics,
but I think they will tall this time.
"If the republican ticket Is elected the
city clerk will spend his rime in his of
fice and there will be no shaving of the
city employes' pay warrants. It the re
publican ticket la elected there will be
no 'men Imported from Omaha to fill the
treasurer's office, nor will that official
have time to plan peanut politics. There
will be no salary raises nor term ex
tensions gotten through the legislature
to perpetuate a gang of ' officeholders
upon a long-suffering people."
lalveraitr Stndeata Talk,
For two hours In the forenoon yesterday
the high school students filled the audi
torium while erstwhile schoolmates, now
students at the University ot Nebraska,
told of the larger horison tbst awaited
the high school graduates.
rawara ' Kiddoo, Nebraska, '12, was
chairman ot the meeting and Introduced
Ixuis Horen. who addressed the audience
on "School Dramatics," Aba Cohen on
"Civil Service," Gene Bothwell on "The
Publio Library.'1' Carl Sage on "Medi
cine," Anton Lott on "Electrical Egtneer
InE." Herb Btryker on "Athletics" and
William Krug on "The Militia."
The speech of the occasion ass that
delivered by Perry McD. Wheeler, former
principal 0f the high school. Mr. Wheeler,
who Is a representative of some of the
big life Insurance companies and a candl
date for city clerk, told of the trials that
an Insurance salesman meets. His
marks were frequently Interrupted by ap
plause from the present and former stu
dents of the high school, with whom Mr.
Whetler was a favorite.
This la Reglatratloa Day.
Today is registration day and all the
voters of the city who have not done so
before are effected to register In order
to participate In the approaching elec
Party leaders are especially Interested
In getting out all who 'have become dis
satisfied with present conditions In South
Omaha. It la expected that many will
take advantage ot today's registration.
Ismrca Services.
The Bible school ot the West Side
Baptist mission meets st .:90 p. m.
The Bible school of the Brown Park
Baptist minion at Twentieth and S
streets meets at :46 a. m
The Committee of Five will have charge
ot the evening services at the urn Pres
byterlan church. Twenty-third and J
afreets. J. B. Dodds, chairman of Bible
study and of the Men and Religion Fur-
ward Movement
First Methodist church. Twenty-fourth
ana m streets, at ooa fellows nan. Kcv.
J. M. Bothwell, pastor. Bible school at
:S o'clock sharp. J. O. RlnKer. superin
tendent. Preaching at 11 0 clock by the
pastor, bpwortn league at Brass- chapel
at :30 p. m.
First Christian church. Twenty-third
and I streets. Sunday school at IV
o clock, rr. M. Graham, superintendent.
Dr. J. A. Beattle .of Lincoln will conduct
the services at 11 o'clock snd again at
7:45 p. m. All members and friends aru
urged to attend these meetings.
'1 he Christian Kndeavor Young People's
association nas inauKuratco a new de-
narture In the way of a dramatic society
which made Its first effort lam Thursday
evening before a good sized audience. The
several numners or tne ssetch were well
drawn by the young actors. The affairs
will Da repatea irorn time to time by the
l duo. .
1 United Presbyterian church. Twenty-
' third and K streets. Rev. William A Pol
lock, pastor. Bible school at :
I The paster will use for his morning sor-
mon, i ne un Baying on- tne cross.
Men's Baraca class meets at 13:30 p. m
; Yeiing People's Christian union at (.30
p. m. j ne suojeci ot tne lesson is, "The
' baloon and" Its Allies." Publio worship
;at. i:-v p. m. . i ne pastors suoject win be.
, , i ne lwemy-tniro rxaim.
1 First Baptist church. Twenty-fifth snd
H streets, Hev. C. H. II Icy. pastor. Bible
pchcol meets at 9: a. m. At 11 a. m..
Mr. Dennlson. general secretury of the
tomana young Men s:nnstlan association,
1 will deliver an address on "The Religious
Life of Boys and Girls." The parents are
(especially invited to hear Mr. Dennlsvn.
! Baptist Young People's union meets at
i S p. in. The psstor will preach at the
I evening service at ?:w p. m. on account
;of the "Men and Religion" campaign
I prayer meeting: next week will be on
Tuesday evening Instead of Wednesday.
iaa-ie ity uaastp.
John Parks Is confined to his horns by
a severe suae, oi rneumausm.
The funeral of Mrs. Hans Goettsch will
be held from her late residence. Twenty
second and Madison streets, Hev. nchaef
fer officiating. Interment will be made
in umrei Hill cemetery.
Frank Kiest.' an employe of the alfalfa
mills, waa painfully cut about tne wri'ta
iaxt night while engaged at his work. He
was removed to the- Mouth Omaha hos
pital, where bis Injuries were attended
by Dr. E. L. Da Lanney.
All members of the Danish brotherhood
are requested to meet at their hall, 24 Is
N street, Sunday afternoon at 1 oclork
to attend the funeral of Michael Cbristof
ferson, which wlU be held from Larkln's
chapel Sunday afternoon . at 1 o'clock.
Interment, Laurel Hill.
Mrs. David Anderson, wife of "Uncle
Dave" Anderson, celebrated her seventy
ninth birthday yesterday at her borne.
Twenty-fourth and M streets. In honor
of the occasion Mrs. Anderson enter
tained at 4 o'clock luncheon In honor
ot her children and grandchildren.
Japan's Expedition
. to South Ketunis
WELLINGTON. K. Z., March a-The
Japanese ' antarctic expedition returned
here today. The members report that
they saw nothing of the British polar
expedition of Captain Robert W. Scott,
The Japanese reported ail as board the
Kalnan Mare well. They were engaged
chiefly in coastal sxplorkig on Kin Ed
ward land.
Lieutenant Shlrase, bead of tne Jap
anese antarctic explorers. " sailed from
Sydney on November 1 of last year OS
board the schooner Katnaa hi aru. It waa
the second attempt of the Japanese to
reach the Sooth pole- The first expedl-
I Uoa sot as far as seventy-four ascites
south, but was foroed to retura on ac
count Tof stormy weather and Ice packs.
. the Kalnaa Mara proving unfit ta resist
the lea pitas ui The schooner was re
paired and Its equipment Improved be
fore the second start was made.
Widow Hay Take Action to Ke:over
Missing Organs.
la Oeasaad far Beaeflts Won a a ta
rearrested with Heart. Bralaa
and Kidneys at Hashaad
la Bottles.
Action to replevin the heart, the brain
and other organs of her dead husband.
John W. Moon, from the United Commer
cial Travelers, an accident Insurance
company, may be started by Mrs. Llbbie
Moon, who waa given a P verdict
against the company by a Jury before
Judge Lee S. Estelle In the law division
ot the district court yesterday.
A. W. Jefferis, attorney for Mrs. Moon.
said such action will be taken unless
the insurance company complies with a
demand for the organs, Recovery ot
Mr. Moon's kidneys probably will be Im
possible, as misplacement of labels on
several sets ot kidneys In the offices of
Drs. Henry & Henry makes It doubtful
if It can be determined which kidneys
are Mr. Moon'a.
- Another suit for damages, based on the
company's alleged unauthorised ap
propriation of the organs, may be
started, according to Mr. Jefferis.
Mra. Mooa Prostrated.
Mrs. Moon is prostrated as a result o(
sitting In the court room and seeing
remains of her husband handled by at
torneys and passed around for Inspection
by the Jurors.
Mrs. Moon sued on policies curried by
her husband, who died a year ago, sup
posedly from Injuries suffered in an ac
cidental fall. The company refused to
pay on the ground that Mr. Moon suf
fered from heart trouble fur several
years preceding his death. The case was
tried before Judge Estelle and a day and
a half was spent srgulng on the insur
ance company's motion to take the ca?e
from the jury and direct a verdict
against Mrs. Moon.
During the trial It developed that after
the autopsy surgeons representing the
company had9 taken possession ot the
heart, brain and kldneya and a part of
the liver of Mr. Moon. Some of the pares
were held by Dr. Samuel McCleneghan,
coroner's physician, and some by Drs,
Henry at Henry. The heart was used at
the trial in an effort to show that It was
diseased, but the jury took the view of
the plaintiff that no diaesse was present.
Appeal May Ho Taken.
The Insurance company moved for a
new trial and said that when the motion
Is overruled, as It will be In all proba
bility, an appeal to the supreme court
will be taken.
"If they go on with the case we will
demand these organs," suid Mr. Jefferis.
"Mrs. Moon consented to the autopsy,
but she did not give them the right to
appropriate these parts of her husband's
body. Only when she got Into his trial
did she realise that she had. not buried
her husband, but only his shell.. If they
do not turn the organs over to us we
shall replevin them.
"I am looking up the law with a view
to starting a damage action for the
arongful taking of Mr. Moon's heart and
other organe. I don't know whether a
suit will be started or not, but therewlll
be If I can find Justification for it In the
statutes.' I ought to be able to do that.
The Injury and suffering Is great enough
so that there ought to be some way ot
securing recompense."
Long Offers Eeward
For His Missing Son
CHICAGO. March M.-Alderman Theo
dora K. Long today offered a reward of
16,000 for the recovery of his son, Carson
Long, who disappeared from North Yak
ima, Wash., March 5. Tbe offer was made
by Mr, Long on his arrival at New Or
leans from Panama.
Until he was met In New Orleans by
William Carson " of Burlington, la., a
brother-in-law, Mr. Long did not know
his son had disappeared. The men left.
today for North Yakima to work on the
The missing man Is 26 years old, six feet
three Inches in height, has dark hair and
eyes and pale complexion. He accom
panied his father to Bogalusa, La., last
February and a few days later returned
to North Ysklma via Eau Claire, Wis.,
where he visited his fiancee. Miss Ger
aldine 8haw.
On March S, after taking somo headache
medicine, he left his lodging, ".walking-
toward the Naches river. He has not
been seen by relatives since.
WASHINGTON, March 23. The tariff
board Is puzzled as to Its future course for
the remainder ot the current fiscal year.
On account of the. lack of money tbe
board probably will confine Its work to
compiling glossaries of the schedules of
the tariff.
With Iras than . available, the
board. It Is said, will be un.ible to make
an extensive Investigation ot any other
Industry, It had been planned to take
up the leather and steel schedule Imme
diately upon the completion ot the woolen
and cotton reports. Tha proposed steel
Inquiry baa been abandoned. The leather
Investigation baa barely started and the
board Is undecided whether to pursue It
Mrs. Ben Cohen. H North Sixteenth
street, hsa returned from Hot Hprlnts,
wnere sne nas neen tor tne last three
Justice of the Peace Corkrell I able to
taae cnarge or nis amies alter a severe
attack ef la grippe.
Railroad Note, aid Peraaaala.
B. A. Little, asslstsnt general claim
agent of the Northwestern, who baa been
lu the city several days, nas returned
to Chicago.
. N. Cteland. general passenKer asrent
of the Northern Pacific, who has been
in town for a couple of daya working
a line-uir or leliowstone eassenaar
rates for next summer, has returned ta
bis home at 6u l'aul.
B. N. Austin, general passeiurer went
of tbe Baltimore at phlo railroad, is In
Omaha for tbe first time. He likes the
city and la surprised at Its good bondings
and business.
Assistant General Passencer As-ent
Auer of the Hock Island la In t9n frm
Chicago, having just come in from tha
weat, where he saw snow drifts fifteen
and twenty feet deep through northern
W. W Richardson, general passenger
agent of tbe Pennsylvania lines, with
headquarters ' ta rtltaDurxtl. Pa.. Is In
Omaha the first time in twelve ycc-a.
For a number of years prior to iOT. II r.
Richardson represented the Pennsylvania
here as district passesser aaenL He
notes many changes In the city aad re
marks an its wonderful growth, since be
went east.
G. L. A. Thompson, district, and
George Beltzhoover. general traveling
passenger a&ent of the Pennsylvania
lines, are la town, both coming Irons
Save Boot Prist It,
Jeff W. Bedford Coal.
Shoe. V. Biaekbnra for toagrssa dv
BUottte Coffee Percolator, Burgess-
Granden Company.
P. a. TMker, republican candidate tor
senate. Bell phone "Florence ." Adv.
Boy A. Balph, Prlater, lit & IS. D.lltt.
attain- a federal Practitioner At
torney Julius J. Zltnig was admitted to
practice in the federal court Attorney
Frank Crawford accompanied him to
move the admission before Judge Wil
liam R Hunger. IL- C Hoyt. clerk,
administered the oath. 1 . -
Thaoeophical Use ting At the regular
public meeting ot the Theoeophtcal so
ciety. Sunday evening, Mr. U J. Qulnby
will deliver aa address on Emerson's
"Oversoul." The meetlna- la at the nm.h.
School of Music Eighteenth and Famam
streets, st S o'clock.
at, P. Port to htova HanH t IM.
a retired business man ot Chicago and
father of Oerrit Fort, passenger traffic
manager of the Union Pacific, is in
Omaha, Wparatorv to mnt'inar hatrat atwii
May 1. Mr. Fort will rent a house for the
present, but during the summer will
either buy or bulld
Wroth la Hn4 T f xi . i.
fined Ki and costs In police court on a
charge of conducting a disorderly house
at lilt Famam street Thomas Edwards,1
a waiter, was fined ti and coats. Wroth
a-as arrested Tuesday when Detective
Donahue found several persons drinking
champagne and beer in the ehiii n.rLw
after S o'clock. Mr. Wroth gave notk-e
of appeal. ,
another Msxloaa Caarhi Fred Ron.
xslos, a Mexican, has been arrested In
Sioux City with several suits of clothes
which were stolen recently when The
Fair. 1024 Farnam street waa timkn lntA
by burglars. Ha is being held In Sioux
City for the Omaha police, who will go
after him. Four Mexicans were arrested
Thursday wlih a largo amount of stolen
property In their possession.
Motel Hot to lama -Investlaatlbn at
the cave of the young girl who- was
brought to Omaha from Harlan, la., for
immoral purposes, and forcibly held In
a room at the Millard hotel, brought out
the fart that- the hotel authorities harf
nothing whatever to do with the affair,"
said United States Attorney Howell. "In
the Investigation we were accorded the
greatest assistance, by tbe hotol em
Judge Wall of Loup City is in Omaha
looking after some legal matters and at
the same time he is predicting soma ef
(he highest water within the next two
weeks thst has ever been experienced
In Nebraska.
According to Judge Wall, right at this
time central Nebraska la covered with
the heaviest body of snow In the history
of the stale, ranging on the level from
one to three feet. It has melted but little
and when It does go he expects It to be
with a rush thst will raise the livers to
the flood stngo within a few hours. Both
of the IOiip rivers, the- south and the
north forks are now bank full with
water. The Ice remains as solid as In
midwinter, showing no signs ot break
ing. On the low lands, la anticipation ot
flooda, farmers are moving their stock
snd other possessions to the hills In order
that they may be beyond the reach of
the water.
Key to the SItuatton-Bee Advertising.
if eating is forced, indigestion.
But, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskev taken before
i meal, gives
eai properly.
In yourself.
II kT 1
Consists of several slightly used Player Pianos, the prices of which are exceptionally low.
Consists of that beautiful Art Style, $238.00 Piano, regular price $450.00. Only 9 of
these instruments are left over from our last week's sale.
22 Steger & Sons pianos. One of the most popular and well known pianos manufac
tured in America. We have sold over 2,000 of these instruments. This bargain lot has
only to be seen and heard to convince you of the most wonderful opportunity of securing
a high grade piano for your home. The low prices placed on these instruments will
astonish you.
Consisting of 14 Pianoa. the names of which are. Vose Son. ChlrkerlnK. K..ahe, Kimball, Eitry,
filnjrer. J. C. Klsliew, Hteinway, Arion. Hardman IexinRton, Bootlie t lire, Krbe anil Idghte Co.
Each one of three instruments la
1. C. Fischer .,
('nickering t tkm
We are determined to make
history and If BIO VALUES. LOW PRICES and EASY TERMS are appreciated, there in no question
but that our expectation will be reallied. Indeed, this last week's sale may be fittingly called "a great
slaughter in price sale." '
The above great eale will last ONLY SIX HAYS. Quick action on your part means the saving of
many dollars Do not delay another moment, but call at our store-rooms and be convinced for yourself
that we give greater values in Pianos. Player Pianos and Oragns than you can possibly-obtain elsewhere.
We are exclusive representatives for the Aeolian line ot Pianola Pianos, Including the Weber,
Wheelock, Rtuyvesant, Steck and Technola. Also the matchless Bteliiway. Hardman, Steger ft Sons.
Emerson, McPhall and our celebrated Srhmoller Mueller pianos. The Schmoller & Mueller Player
Piano Is made In T different styles. A full assortment of these Instrument will be found on the Sd
floor of our building. Orders by mall will receive prompt attention. New Pianos for rent, J,00 per
month. Free tuning, free Insurance, free cartage If kept six months.
Kstabtlslied ISTiO Omaha. Nebraska
Plans Now Ready
for New Structure
Plans and specifications nf the medbal
college building of the University of Ne
braska, to be erected at Forty-second
street and Dewey avenue, Omaha, have
been received by the Omaha Builders'
exchange. Several Omaha contractors
will offer bids, which are to be returned
to the university board ot regents at
Lincoln by April . The appropriation
for the building Is M.O0O.
Judge Howard Kennedy of the Juvenile
division of the district court celebrated
his fifteenth wedding anniversary by lec
turing the smallest crowd of young reo-
the body the desire
s x
Pure Malt Whisky
free from adulterants. It is a good, healthful
stimulant that helps the system to help itself.
rrove the value of
At druggists, grocers and
H-M large bottle.
i n
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
aV r
Ul LA n
The Fourth and List Weak of Our
Anniversary Sale
During this week's sale extraordinary inducements
will be given to piano buyers- We have divided this
sale into four separate and distinct bargain lots:
apofiai narfram in hscii, aa mis
Former Price Now
,...$323.00 $125.00
, ... 400.00 140.00
bteinvtay tt Son
300.00 . 265.00
title closing week of our 63d ANNIVERSARY SALE the largest In our
reants the Juvenile court has handled
this year. Judge Kennedy waa married
to a Lincoln girl. Officials of the
detention home and Juvenile court officer
presented the Judite with a huge bouquet
of rosea In commemoration of the day. -
Charles Hmlth, who broke Into the store
of the Illchardson Drug company and
stole a quantity of opium and other
drum, pleaded guilty In criminal court
and ass sentenced tu one to ten years
In the penitentiary.
Ben Hoffman. Indicted by the grand
Jury for iwtll larceny for stealing a wil
low plinne from the Brandels Stores,
plesded guilty and was fined 110, which
his father paid. Hoffman waa an em
ploye of the stores and earned . tW a
month at the time of the theft
a man is
riaOTlVYw .illlllllll!
tired out from
a nerve-rackincr
business day,
ner, makes
able difference in his
p A tired
in a poor appetite or,
to eat well and the strength to
its moderate use
liquor dealers, or direct,
m win snm.
Former Prior Now .
,...4O0.0O 81 55.00
... 4so.oo 175.00
... 750.00 280.00
lSII-llllS Farnam Street.
Tel. Pong. 1623. lift!. A 1021.
Dermody Does Dive
from Open Window
Tom Dennody. "did a Bro.Ho" out his
back upsudrs window at Slut Douglaa
street. Friday night when he heard the
police were after him. He fell in tha
snow and mud or his back yard and
waa unhurt, althouah he waa stuck long
enough for tha police officers to over
take him. He had been causing an un
necessary disturbance whlls In his cups,
Wll.KKSHAKUtt, Pa., March SL-Tha
exodus of miners' from th anthracite coat
fields In anticipation ot a suspension ef
work began today when MS Slavonians
who were employed In the mmsa ta the
N'antlcoke region left for New Tork to
sail tomorrow for Austria. Tbey expect
to return in July.
a good
taken in
before din
a remark
body results
u urm