Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Mayor Says Citizens' Union List
Studs Bo Chinee at All.
Exee-etlve el Tell Desae-
cratle Clalt He will B t oss sals
slower aad Will Agsla Be
Naaaed Major.
Denouncing tlie Citltcns' union as be
ing an raanixetlnn of aheep dominated
by a enteri of clever politicians. Mayo
Dahlmsn held several score of members
sf the Dshlman Democracy club spell
bound lut night for almost an hour at
the regular weekly meeting of the club.
The mayor vis not overly rholce In
bla descriptive adjectives und hla attack
a the Cm tens' union was received
vociferously by the Intete.'ted member"
f the club.
. The alate which was drawn up by the
anion and made publlo yeeterday after
noon came In for Its share of abuse by
the mayor and he predicted that aot a
member of the alatt would be elected a
the coming election.
"The fact that there men have been
chosen by the Cltlsens' union," said th
mayor, "is enough to defeat them at the
. polls.
Hla Huer Thaedrrstmek.
; 1 bav never had any time for the
(Mittens' anion," aald Mayor Dahlman,
"but 1 will admit I was anxiously await
ing the announcement of the alate, and
when I raw who made It up I was thun
derstruck. John Neble and Jack Ityder
were any appointees and I surely was
surprised to find them on the Hit. And
let me tell you one thing right now, that
If any of this bunch get Into office whv
K will be worse than any machine which
ever held the political situation In hand.
"I have been In politics for thirty years
ad have been up against His cleverest
politicians In the country In my time,
bet I never saw such a raw deal pulled
ft aa this one. There were three demo
crats put on the slate and four repub
licans. There was a Swede on the list
This waa to got the Swede vote of the
Ity. Then there wa a Dane put on
the alatt. That alee Is to get the bantsn
vote of tlia city. And then an Irishman
waa put en the list. The other four
Wets republican end they would rule
the entire seven. The other three would
be merely figureheads.
I "I want to tell you that 1 am In this
race tor ootnmlasloaer and what la mere
t sat going to get hack the aanw office
which I now hold and there will be no
Cltlsen a I'nlon to support me. 1 would
not run for the office of commissioner
If I had been put on the slat which was
tnade publlo yesterdtr. it would have
killed my ehaneee Just (a It ha killed
the ehinoa of the ssvsa men they se
ise ted."
Oratories! Aosejelatlon Off leers.
OSKALOOeJA. la., March Sa.-Th Iowa
Presbyterian Oratorical association. In
annual cession hers today, elected the
following officers: President, Ittvld H.
Oil). Pennsylvania college, Oekaloots;
trie president, Wayne Heck, Leandsr
Clark colege, Toledo; secretary, William
U Canaday. Highland Park college. Dee
Moines; treasurer, K. C. Williams, Cen
tral university, Pennsylvania.
it you have anytbiaa to exchange, ad
vertise It The Bee want ad eolumna.
A Reasonable Plea
For the Stomach
If Tour Rtomaru I lau-klnjt la
DlgvwtJv I'ower, Why Not Help
tile Hlomacb Do Its Work?
sssnltlly Was It Costs aTolalag t Try.
Not with 'drug, but with a rethlorce
sent of digestive ageaBv such as sre
naturally at work la lb stomachy Soien
Ufie analysis show that digestion re
ajulraa pcpala, nitre, re nous ferments, and
th (eoreUon of hydrocblorlo acid. When
your food fail to digest. It is proof
sesiliv that tome of that agents are
lacking In your digestive apparatus.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet contain
nothing but these natural element nec
essary te digestion and when placed at
Work m the weak stomach and small In
testines, supply what thes organ need.
They stimulate - th gastric gland and
gradually bring th dlgestlv organ back
to then- normal condition. , . . ,
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablet have been
subjected to critical chemical test at
bom and abroad and art found to con
tain nothing but natural digestives.
Chemical Laboratory. Telegraph! ad
trees "Dtfflndo." London. Telsphon No.
ttm CentraL 31 Cullum St., Fenehurch
St, K. C.
r Laadoa, ttb Aug.. 1KB.
I Havs analysed most carefully a box
s Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet (which 1
bought myself at a city chemist's shop
far th purpose), manufactured try the
r. A. Stuart Co.. M Clerkenwell Road.
London, K. C. and have to report that
I cannot find any trace of vegetable or
mineral poison. Knowing th Ingredient
ef the tablets. I am f opinion that they
are admirably adaptable for th purpose
for which they are Intended.
John R. Brook. F. L C F. C. 8.
Thar at ae secret la th p reps rati oa
of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets. Their
eompoaltioa Is commonly knows among
physicians, aa Is show by th recom
sasndaltons of ". licensed physician
In th United Stat and Canada. They
are the most popular of sll remedies for
Indigestion, dyspeptla. water brash. In
omnia, loss of appetite, melancholia,
constipation, dysentery and kindred dis
eases originating from Improper dissolu
tion and assimilation of foods, because
they are thoroughly reliable and harmless
to man or chile). -
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at
once a safe and a powerful remedy, one
grain of th active prinlcpl In these tab
let being strong enough (by test) to di
gest La grama of steak, eggs aad other
food; Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets will
digest your food for you when your stom
ach can't.
Ask your druggist for g fifty rent bog.
or sead to a direct for a free trial sam
ple paakag and you WIS be surprised St
th result- F. A. Stuart Co., lis Stuart
BkJr. Marshall Mich.
Passenger Train
Jumps the Track
alLAMIgBURG, O., March IV -Cincinnati.
Hamilton & Dayton northbound
passenger traia No. 1 was derailed a
mile and a half south or this city to
night and, despite the fact that the en
gine, barrage car and an empty Pall
man sleeping csr went over a twenty-fool
embankment and the remaining seven
car left the track, no one ws killed
and only one man was Injured. The 1st.
ter was the conductor of the sleeping
car and he received only a few bruises
A spreading rail la believed to hav
caused the accident
The tracks at the point of the arc-Men-run
parallel with the Big Miami rive.
and the engine and cars which went down
the embankment stopped at the very
edge of tlie stream. There were 1 pas
sengers In the cars that were following
ihe sleeping car.
FOKTVILLE, Ind.. March tt-Twa per
sona wera killed and more thin thirty
injured, many seriously, tonight when
two crowded cars on the Indiana I'nlon
Traction company's lines collided Just
west of this ptaoe. The car were run
ning only about twenty miles an hour,
but the vestibules of botll were Jammed,
crushing the life out of both motormen.
Short circuits of heavily charged wires
und overturned heaters set fire to the
wreckage. The least Injured turned res
cuers and carried from the burning cars
those who were unable to belp them
selves. Armed Men Captured
On TrainAf ter Fight
ST. JOSKPH, March S3.-TW0 armed
men on Burlington train No. 4 from Kan
sas City were captured by I'olic Officers
Merenburg and O'Brien after e battle In
the chair car a the train drew Into Ui
union nation hero tonight. Thy gave
their same as Don and John stay, U and
1 year of sue. respectively. They had
ticket from Franklin, N. C, to Billings.
Mont. Huge revolver and a quantity of
ammunition were taken from them.
.Passengers on the train say .the two
wera discovered examining their weapon
Just aa the train drew lb at Armour Juno
lion, twenty-two miles from St. Joseph.
The conductor from that place wired the
St. Joseph police, who were awaiting at
on of the stops In th depot yards. An
officer boarded each end of th chair car
when th train (topped and, suddenly,
opening th door, stepped In, weapons In
hand. On of th men waa at each end
of th car and before they were swsre of
It th officer were on top of them. Hand-lo-haad
conflicts. In which a few of th
leas timorous passenger took a band, fol
lowed. Th men wer finally disarmed
and overpowered.
According to th train crew, th men
ha 1 not made any demand that the pas
senger hold up their bands, but on had
declared that he going to mak some-
cne dance to hi music.
Students Frighten
Lone Women at Home
CHICAGO, March -Th kidnaping of
a sophomore by throe rrssnmen irum
Northwestern unlvrlly end their ub-
aequrnt Invasion of th residence nf
Ralph Horn, who I In no way counseled
With student affjlre, led to th arrest
of th four boy, tonight. They war re-
. rased oa cash bonds supplied by aa of
ficial for th university. Horn said he
would prosecute th case. Th students
are J. A. Cromer, sophomore, and W. P.
Hart. A. J. Jlndra and O. W. Soott.
freshmen. Cromer waa to hsrs been, ths
principal speaker at th ophomor ban-
luet tonight and the freshmen determined
to sheuid, not be present.
After Cromer bad been captured, his
elaatraate pressed th freshmen o closely
that they dragged htm Into the Horn
residence, where Mrs. Horn snd her
stater. Mr. Robert Wilson, wer slons.
Amid th screams of th women, th cap
tive waa carried upstairs, bound with
rope, and thrown out a window to th
roof of a porch. Whll th freshmen were
attempting to eacspe, policemen arrived
and placed th four student In a patrol
Both women bar been III, and ac
cording to Horn, are In a serlou .condi
tion as a result of their eipertene.
Accused Soldier .
Gets Military Trial
SItKRIDAN, Wyo., March SWSpectal
Telegram. r-Wtl liar Wilson, th soldi er
who two wests age ahet and killed Pat
Loft us. a former comrade, and who waa
unconditionally rtltastd by th county
offices Monday with th understanding
thai be was to be tried before a military
court martial, has been -returned to the
custody of the civil authorities by Colonel
Davis, commander of th Eighteenth In
fantry stationed at Fort Mackensis. In
aooordanc with Instruction from head
quarter at Chicago.
Wlitea wsa oa duty with his company
Tuesday, but he was placed In solitary
confinement la th guard house Wednes
day, pending th receipt of Instructions
aa to th procedure to be forwarded In
Fourteen passenger wer rtuy hurt
when four coach of the second section
of th Vancouver eipcees of the Cana
tlaa Pacific railway lest the rails at
JaekCsh. north of Lake Superior, today
and rolled down aa embankment. Toe
injured passengers wer taken to a hos
pital at Port Arthur. A broke . rail
canard the accident.
Stewhens af Tessa Saya Red Men
Are Casd Indian.
WASHINOTOM. March IX-The house
Indian affairs committee waa today dl
reeled t report within fir day on th
resolution which call oa th secretary
of war for rertsia mforsoatioa about th
i Apache Indians. A proposal has bi
: made) to transfer the remnant of
. Oeroatnt' band froea Fort Sill. Oki,
,to Artaona.
; Representative Stephens of Texas wa
j roused by Representative Palmer's pres
! sure to get action oa th resolutkm. M
has been charged that th Apaches wer
not well treated.
I Th Apache Indian Hi within fifty
! miles f my home." said Representative
' Stepneas. 'They are -not prisoner f
' war, although they an under Ins ear
iveilianr f the muiiary branch of the
government. They are good Indians and
;l wlib w bad store of them."
Fifty, Men Meet at Mitchell ant
Decide to Incorporate.
frspesed Rente mi Railroad Line I
fraaa Mitchell te Pierre " a resets
Aleag fleale Pledge Thrtr
assort. -
'- MITCHELL, 8. D., March B.-(8peck
Telewrain,) Fifty men; Mving along fh
irnsrd mute of a railroad line fron
int. fc-11 to Pierre, attended a convention
here this afternoon, which had for th
turpose the projection of a plan loo kin
to build the road. To carry on the pn
Urn! nary work and to Incorporate. UJ
'n cash was raised at the meeting, it w.i
'icciiled to Incorporate for the sum A
a.tai.OV. TLo title of the rorpnratlo'
ass given aa Sioux City, Mitchell
Tierre railroad.
The following directors were elector'
Theodore Quale. Blunt; J. B. Ko'
Miller; T. S. Hull, Cann Valley: A. I
Hitchcock, Mitchell; D. B. Miller, Mitel
ell: D. I. Jekyll, Hlglimore; H. B. Weil
Wesslnk'on Sptlngs; A. W. Eeaart at.
C. E. Crew. Pierre.
it was shown In the last few month
iroitg.ig contracts have been given b
farmers living along the proposed rout
to the amount of tlA.OOt aa pledges
flnnncuil aid to build the road.
Vhe work is to be purhed from n.-w o
and the actual work of construction b
run aa soou as possible. The men atianc
Ing the meeting were enthusiastic ovui
fio posKible outcome of the road j con-nt:-urtl?n.
PIE RUE, fl. V., March 23.-Rpecial.)-At
appiaisal prices placed on state school
lands in the southern part of th Mate
for ths sale which will begin April 1 and
continue through the first half of the
month, the permanent school fund should
secure a large sum If there la any buying,
a the general rang in all th counties
run from Ko aa high aa IM an acre, with
tli level near the KO mark.
la Davison county the range Is from
HO to 171 an acre. Douglas county from
H to and Charles Mix country from
MS to t7t, the low rate being on the rough
lands of which the Missouri bluffs show
a considerable acreage In that count. In
Hwtohtnton the range m from Mi to ITS,
In Hanson from 143 to 190, In Lake from
Ki to t1 and In Miner from HO to the
general level In that county showing less
variation than In any of the other coun
ties; and even valuations.
In Boa Homme the rang I from tM
to n an acre and In Minnehaha 14 to KM.
Th general average In Aurora county I
from 140 to 1m an acre, but It I probable
that on section In that county will be
offered at th minimum prie of lit an
acre, a several town desire to purchase
the section, which I now largely swamp,
and make a Ink and park of It by th
use of artesian water.
They have raised a subscription fund
for this purpose and will likely be given
an opportunity to secure It for that pur.
pot. Thes figures show a decided dif
ference from ths rush of sales of school
lands at II an acre, which cleared most
of the state tract up In th older coun
ties of the (tats.
Eighteenth Infantry
May Move to Border
SHERIDAN, Wyo., March aWSperial
Telegram, r Orders hsv been received
by th Eighteenth Infantry stationed at
Fort Mscksnils, tw nil tea northwest of
Sheridan, to pack and erat all private
and public property and prepare to move
at a moment's notice. Instruction to en
train for th Mexican border are expected
hourly. Indicating that If th troop leave
they will not return to Fort Mackenst
Th orders Include Instructions to leave
all property, personal and otherwise, in
this condition, for they may be assigned
to another station and It will not b
necessary to send aa attachment back to
superintend th packing and shipment of
th goods,' . .i
ST. LOL'IS, Marck SS,-Mlas Henrietta
U. tUtSer of Baltlnwr. Md.. waa elected
president of th Music Supervisors' Na
tional Txmmrenc her today. C. H.
Miller of Lincoln. Neb., wa alerted vice
preatownt and alia Helen it. Cook of
Itocbetter, N. T . wss elected seoretary.
James McElroy of McKeesport, Fa., wa
re-elected treasurer. -
Ths committee on American national
nturlo reported It work toward stand
ardising the words aad muslo of th
"Bur Spangled Banner" a S national
anthem. It reported that U bad found
It task a difficult on because the com
position of lb musle a of sucb.- nature
a to mak It almoat Impossible to re
arrange It so that every on could sing It.
A new committee wsa appointed te carry
a the work and th conference, ad
journed fo meet at Rochester, N. T , mat
COL AX. la. March XI Th discussion
of tuberculosis st th meeting of th Mis
souri Valley Medical society featured the
second day of the session. Itev. A. E.
Kepford of Dee Moines. Stat lecturer a
tuberculosis, sddrtssed tbs meeting.
A plea for the establishment of research
aad clinical labsraforte In th due of
th Mississippi vslley was mad by Dr.
tstniel Morton of St. Joseph In hi paper
on that subject, after wh -h a committee
waa named to report sisns tor ths carry
ing out at this feature at tlie a naval meet
ing to be held In either Omaha or Council
liluft next fall.
Th tuberculosis sssalua this afternoon
was featured by ths presentation of a
number of remarkaM case treated by
nember of U society.
CHICAUO, March S. Eight hundred
and fifty-seven colleges snd secondary
schools war placed oa th accredited
list st the North Central Association of
CoUecea and Secondary Schools by the
board of Inspectors of tbs association at
their annual meeting today. Among these
ar school ta Iowa located at Cedar
Raptda. lie veil port. Ditbaqn. Keakak,
Manchester. Marten. Museatina and
Waterloo ,
aTOTaraUaTTS r sxrguu STSAMXSS,
L:c .' L,....TtH...,
rKOVlDBNW ....
XKWCA5TL .. . Hamai
i KImiKUAJS...
lists tons. .Vrftara .
10 Lots o
Monday Ushers in
fiiimi nmuTHUIllllin
Te ( VLL4JLK CXIlCHKlj A choice but limited line o(
J Couchea that would bring $12.60 In the dC QC
NO. 1 I regular way will ko at each iU.JJ
- HALL TKKKS Genuine quartered oak, French mirror.
I 4 double coat hooks,
No. 2 1 value up to $10.00, In
T-nt I tAKiiOK Hl'lTKH S-piece mahogany finish, uphol
J stered In Imported velour, loose cushions, f A Cf
NO. 3 1 $27.60 values, at, per aulte OltsUVI
itrO-CAIU'S The folding kinds so popular now. A liin
J lted line of go-carts worth to $C50 each; tlJO Efi
4 (.during this sale, each PeJeJV
t-4, ( Krit'HK.N t'AHI.NKrS 0E6 of the labor-saving styleB
li0 Jthat usually bring $6.60, Included in this QA
NO. 5 selling at, each, only PJ.7U
V .A I
AsOii th.l wnnM hrlns-
NO. 6 I ularly, going now at,
W1LTO.N V'KLVKT Kt'UH 27x64 size, very fine, heav
ily bound St edge, large line of $3.50 i ?C
values, at, each, only agl eUJ
j No.
LACK CI KTAl.No Nottingham of good width, in many
J nrettv oatterns. worth to $2.00 Per pair. 1f
NO. 8 in this sals at, pair
T . , Hltl HHEbri Bias Samles. site 8-3x10-6, good heavy
1j0'' J texture, very select psttems, $18.00 Mf9C
NO. 9 I value, to go st, each aj) 1 U.e&sJ
J reds, etc., worth up to
NO. 10 1st, only
Credit on aw
purchase, in spite
of Sample Prices
Bernard Herrmann
Dead at West Point
WEST POINT, Neb., March (Bps-
clal.)-Bernard Q. Herrmann, former
hrlff of Cumicf county, dld at his
retidenc at I o'clock this morning. Mr.
Horrmann bad baea In average health
apparently for many years, but two day
age complained of feeling 111. Littl wa
thought of th matter until h wa tld
during th night with a sevsrs hemor
rhage of th lung whkh terminated la-
Uily after a few hour Illness.
Mr. Hemrmnn bad been out of ths her-
Iff office since ths new year, being suc
ceeded by Milton Knight. Mr. Herrmann
wa i years old and la survived by a
widow and four children. He wa a mem
ber of th Modern Woodmen of America
under whoa auspices bla body will be
During hi Incumbency of th sheriff!
office, for on term, h wa honored by
ail his fellow townsmen, his conduct o(
tbs ofOc being Impartial and kind. lie
bad been a resident of Cuming county
all hla life, bt father, still living, being
a pioneer settler, a few miles from West
licans of alarWn county tonight selected
delegatea to ths etate . convention which
will name tour delegaUa-at-larg to the
national convention and also nominate
two electors. ' Of th 134 delegate, a largo
majority favor Toft candidacy.
Reports from a number of counties show
that Tart delegate are la th lead.
sra Kevrs Mates.
n. '.1 UuritflMM Will VUB
a seed corn special through southwestern
Iowa en March J to . Toe stop at
ntenwonri will b. an Friday. March .
from U:K to tt:S-
OLEN WOOD Lafe Toung of I
. . ... i. . .. sjfilreas
atuinee win pw,, hi
t th good road meeting to be held
: s., . I Marrh ?9 The
la uicnwuvu mm . -' -
clerks snd supervisors will bs dined by
ne t'ommemai ciuo.
r UK 1 iMlvir-riwi" . . - ' -
farmer of Webster county. Ilea at the
point of nVth with lockjaw.' Il Is
-teadllv growing weaker and bis body Is
stlffeninc. The vouni man recently cut
hla head and failed to take proper care
lot it.
CRESTON Captain Joshua Bishop, one
of Union county s old settlers and veter.
ana. died at hla home In Dee Moines
The mtv will be brought to
Afton, bis old home, where Interment
will be made. Me was a u ""
paper man with a wide acquaintance.
CRESTON The Cumheriana srancn oi
th b urung toa la Ihe most
. . . . . ahta Marr-ti Ttvev
trouoie in . . '
are minus trams about three davs each
week. Stars shipments ere reiuwa.
freight not delivered and they congratu
late themselves If they have coal for
their need. Th deep cuts snd crooked
track are the mala cause of th block
ade. . . . . . int, hrkniiteA end
iAntn-e"i " ' -
spendtraf a pleasant hour or mors In
short stkeecnmeuMus i' v -ctui.b
her last evening, thnee In t
tendancs went to the Methodist church
where Jacob J. Peat of 'China King.
China, lectured on "Religion of tb Chin
ese" Rev. Mr. Carson tw tb Vharac-t-rtatio
of the Ch'pese," snd Rev. C. U
Baxter of Council Bluffs on "Outlook of
the Home riera.
U x; Ntivw fall ber since Jsnuary
1. fifty -Inches: lidl. fifty-one Inches;
leM. Ofty-elght mches; lwa. seventy
tee inehes: latl. ftfty-oos Inches: UK.
etghty-eigbt nwbes snd In ISO, 1!
mchea. The Iswee tessperstBr here thus
far this Winter was at degree below aero
at Uogsn. s."i iswient Inatrument; C t
Missouri Vlley and t Woodbine snd
4t st Denhton. In Jsnuary. ISM. th tem
perature t Woodbrn was mnch cetoer
than In VU.
f T sO.-de"..-. " J
VIllUll VSUlfflltflg leU, 5
March Sale of Forniture
Manufacturers' Samples
Each Lot Listed Deserves Close Reading
umbrella attachment, tf J" QC
this gale at.
r8-3xlU-, beautiful oriental de-
no to 130.00 rec- ct 4 p
each J)10 Q
portieres. In brown, greens,
$10.00, In this sale
CUsOi,lliAlr.i, iid
Ragtime Declared
Bad for Children
ST. LOl'IS. March ft Resolution en
dorsing parent compensation legislation,
a federal children's bureau and equal
guardtanahlp for th parent was adopted
by th committee oa resolutions of the
National Congress of Mothers and
Parent-Teachers' association her today
and will b read for adoption by the con.
gres at a business session tomorrow
Another resolution endorsed the educa
tional value of motion picture and rec
ommended their use In the public schools.
That ragtime music I undermining tho
musical ear of the present generation of
children wa th charge brought by Mr.
Prance B. Clark In her address on train
ing ths ear In music before the school ag
before a meeting of mothers.
"If I had my way I would throw M
ragtime music Into th sea," h de
clared. "Mother languag I Imparted to ths
car long before th child Is able to read
HRfelB P'Es) !
asai Catarrh and lndigstiun.
Mr. P. Brsi:u. s '.. cew lork City, K. writes:
"for nearly a dossn years catarrb hss bothered me la one form ar an
other. I waa troubled with nasal catarrh that had affected my tomach.
wblca troubled m most Ir. tb morning. My rppetlte waa poor, and I did
not aecra to relish my food. Indigestion bothered m at tin., also. I wsa
advued to take Psruns. snd I toob It as prescribed for a month, when ray
cur was slmost complete. Today there la not a trace of catarrh la my
system, aad I can say without hesitation that Parana cured me.
Ontarrh of Mead and Stomaek.
Mr. Prank Rlchter, J East Second
8t. Whom, Mino. wriUs: "As a
remedy for catarrh I tab pleasure la
recommending Peruna for catarrb of
the stomach.
"My catarrh wa principally located
la my head and stomach. I tried
many remedies without ssacccsa. I
tried several doctors, but tbey wer
unable te cur n-s. I rend ef Peruaa
la th papers and five bottle cured me."
PRICED "Sanples"!
J give carved erfects, the
HO. 11 l$ii.50, the tale price
JjQt fl'AHLOK X A KLK8 1-arge, square tops, American quar-
- 1 tered oak, highly polished pieces, worth syps
NO. 12 up to $3.75, in this sale at J 1 O
Lo f LIliKAKV TAHliKS Large square tops, American quar.
J tered oak, good sized, with drawer,, worth t A J r"
NO. 13 ($9.50. but In this sale'at . . . aer O
Lot fKULDl.VG CXJTS Steel frame, metal attachment for pit
xr ii "S ,owa "te' sanitary fabric, $3.50 values f Q Q
NO. 14 to go in sale at r. . . , J 1 Oi7
Lot ( K.YTKNMON TAIlLivS PedestaJ style, with b-ft- slides,
it ec"l Tiy En8"8h or American qu-tered , (in p
NO. 15 oak, $17.50 values at j . .a . . J) 1 UsOU
No. 16
J two 01
or tnree oi a kina.
00 values, at, each
Ty) riMtEssEKs Circassian walnut, full colonial effect, most
xt 1 PPular BDd beautiful $35.00 glressers to Ain rjm
1N0. 17 go In this sale at J 1 V, I O
Lot rill.M.NU CHAIR Good
v, n - seais, guiuen iinisa, never sen ac less man swg-a
NO. 18 n.26. now. t ...(UC
Lot f UKKKMEKft JolUen oak finish, 3 ery large drawers
r 1ft wood handles, trench bevel mirror. $15 t11 TP
0. la values, to go now at , lll3
t fBSD DA VEN POHT Quarter-sawed oak frames, carved
. J posts, upholstered in Chase leather, s Ann mm ,
atU real $45.00 value at ,t . . OZd.i3 -
a primer," ahe eatd. "The child hould
have muslo almoat at It birth. Every
child bat an Initlnctlve longing for
music. It manifest Itself first In th
desire to bast oa things drums, for IS
Mr. Clark proceeded to tell th?
mother Just what music to play for each
of th child' moods. Unwittingly her
argument wer demonstrated by Earl
nynekoop, year old, who Is attending
th convention with hi mother.
A soon as he heard th strains of
muslo he rushed to th front and lis
tened, uclaiming aloud hla delight.
BERLIN, March U.-The stabUshment
of two additional corps to th Prussian
army. Increases In ths Saxon and Bavtr
tan armte and th establishment of an
extra naval battle squadron Is Germany'
answer to the recent speech of Winston
Spencer Churchill, first lord of th Brit
Ish admiralty, given today by the sub
mission to the federal council of the new
army and navy bill.
System ta Sad Coadi ties
Mr. Mlcbsel Rooney. !( Fifth St.
WstervlieU N. T, writes:
"If I hsd krow of Peruna years ago
I should ha- been saved much suffer
Ii X Under carelessness aad exposure
In my younser years my system rot
bits a very bad condition before I was
aware ef It.
"My friend advised m to try Pe
runa. for which I am very thankful, as
It has cured me in two mc-ntha1
Yet Offered in the
values range up to (ti? Crt
..i pOsOU
lot with leather seats, only one, I
Dot positively up CO TC
.... ... 47d.ef J
i low-priced, kinds, with, wood
No matter what
your income, we
have a payment
plan to meet it !
" i .'-..'".
numphrTg' Stsventy-Sfrveja
' Break up Cldsuuarl ;
v. " ' . v. '' .
Conservation of health.
There Is room for tmprovsmsat
In the treatment, of disease snd
the conserving of health'' '
"Seventy-seven.' meets these con
dition la jiievtnesirasnt ot Grip ssd
Colds, betanss eventf-ssTsn"
toes direct . to tio'tSi spot, without
disturbing Us rest of tbs srstein.
A small vUl of 'plMnt pellets,
fit the vest poclcrt . At Drug Stores
25c or mailed. ' ' '"" '
IIttmnhrey Homes. Medicin Co., Cort
William and Ann Street. New York.
fTf Monldlnr aad Art Co. ft)
I an art In Itself, pictures framed
real artistically add nvnch te their
beauty. That' our husln ess, framing
pictures artistically. On trial will
convince yon. , .:'.', -
men ttgfERLCtn. ruoN a lm
Vjluable Item
for Men .
Health and strength hitherto
unknown will be feu surging In
rich red blood through in ar
teries an -I veins sou life great
est ambitions -may be realised en
nvr before. it tit fmiowine
pecial treatment Is followed by
tuos men. and women, "too, who
are struaen wltn mat n.ost
dreaded ef all at dictions, nerv
ous exnaustion. accouivanled with
such symptoms as extreme nerv
ousness, insomnia, eid extremi
ties, meiaarnolia, hendachs. const-potion
sud dysvepsls, kidney
trouble, dreadful dreams of dire '
ful disasters, timidity In ventut--'
lag awl a gsnersi Inability to
.t naturally at all times aa
other people do. Lack of poise
and equilibrium in suso is a con-
slant scute of eniuarrasstaent
even when th public leaet sus
pects lb- For ttie benefit ef
those who want a restoration t.
. full, soundisg nealtb aad alt the)
happiness s coin pan ting it. tb '
faiioniig aoois treatment, .is
given, it cotuaios no opistes sir
habit-forming a ruga Whatever.
Mix it at bout so on one wilkbs
tlie wiser as to your affliction.
Ths treatn.ent la simple, ther
eusn snd correct. Leading drug-
gists SiipBly tb Baaia UtuUure.
extract aad essences bi sne
ounce bottle, ready to mix. Get '
lbres ounces ayrup saraapaiilla
compound, mix .with one ehnc
cotnpjund fluid bahnwort. and
sea id two beura Add n nunc)
ceaoaund- usee car let, and
a . oaac uaetur i cardomend .
cowi.MHind (not ejrdaaore. Shaisj
well and take a teaspooiifol after
sack aieal assi en at bsdume. - -
Tb laeredkssts tn asa far
various preacr.etien.
Tb abov prescription t mean
fscturtd by the well known pnar
nwevtleal bouse. Preecrtptlssi
PneWia n..,u Kw,-.
. aU aU