c . 3 Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24. 1912.. yarTTfTTe. . ...,..,,. m?wywte"';'H POWELL CHECKS CAR WEIGHT Nebraska Expert Finds Marks on Sides to Be Wrong. TRAFFIC SCALES ALSO DIFFER Rossi la Many iMtiarrt I nor- by )Erro and (km Tbrnirlrrt ' ' Out of ..rKc Sns af 'From & Staff Corrwiionlent. LINCOLN. March !3.t Special Telt Sram.) Railroads may have their busi ness down to an exact science aa is often asserted, but figures compiled by V. G. Powell, expert rate man for the Nebraska railway commission, would not Indicate it He has been digging up some facts concerning weights to present to the Interstate Commerce commission at Chicago. The custom of the roads Is to mark on cars the weight of the cars, which marks are permanent. When a loaded tar la weighed this amount Is taken from the total to get at the contents. Out of 1.100 cars weighed by the com mission on tested fcaies 4A2 showed' a variation for correct weight from 400 to i,300 pounds, the others varying in letter amount?. The one which was off 7,800 was a Northwestern car and the sten. rilled weight was that much lew than Us real weight, the company thereby thcating' itself - out of that much on tach carload If It weighed up to the maximum. In others the stencilled weights were too (treat, the whole showing there was no design in the incorrect weights. In roweiglilng 500 cars of coal four dif firu scales were u?ed and differences In scales amounting to as high as 13.0Gi Imunds were discovered in one Instance. t'nnthrlilt'C Files Cnmptatul. The city of Cambridge has filed" a c;n hlaim aiulnt the Burlington roud In Which the allegation l made that the toad discriminates against the town and Kives smaller and less Important nlnces ! etter train service and bstter arcommo- j ( Inns for passengers. The complaint iris out that Cambridge Is the largest and most Important place on the Denver Ins of the Burlington between Holdrega unci McCook and on the St. Louis Una lif-tween McCook and Red Cloud; that It has a population of 1.S0O, hat a beautiful natural lake and a fine park which Is the pleasure resort of southwestern Ne braska; that It is the home of many raveling men and of the judge of the j district court and the common meeting la- for many conventions and public fathering. It is set out that the fast through trains of the road do not stop Ihcre, though they do stop at Oxford, s much smaller plai-e. It Is also asserted that the Cambridge depot is old, dilapi dated and entirely too small for the pur pose, is poorly llghtril. poorly supplied with di Inking iter and that the freight touni Is no small that crates of butter, eggs, fruit (sometimes decayedl, poultry lnl other things are plied in the waiting room and that the company refuses to give better fai illtles. while Alma has a (ins brick depot and other places on the line are favored with adequate facilities. The Commercial club, which flies' the j tomplalnt, wants the tioard to order all trains stoid at ;imlirlilge and a new and adequate dcHit provided. The com-, Malnt tlll be referred to the company j ml time giantcd to file an answer, j kfter which a date will be set for a, hearing In case the company and the j residents of Cambridge cannot get to tether on a solution of the trouble. More I ha n half the state banks have lent In their rcnrts In response to .the recent call, which the banking depart ment con-blers a good record, espe rlally If the remaining ones will hurry uy. Drltiif I omplnlat Heard. The hearing on the ltethany complaint pu street railway charge, utter being on III day yesterday and about an hour this morning was iwstiioned to a date l ot yet fixed to nmkc fur a hearing on I tuck island switching charges, which has set for Friday. The company wants a switching tariff abolished so far as It rclutes (o certain parties not on the line of Its tracks and where it relates lo handbill; cars brought in by other companies. The company asserts that Iho business handled under that tariff la all interstate and beyond the Jurisdic tion of the stute commission, and further that It Is a general rule among roads hot to switch cars brought In by other roads to a wagon traiks of a competitor and that no other road In Uncoln has tuch a rate as the one this company seeks to havo abrogated. ' KrliKltias FlKarra. Figures taken from the religious census recently made show that one man out tf each six In Lincoln and Us suburbs U employed by the railroads, or a total tf Of this number the Burlington rmploys The Roman ' Catholic ruurch claims by far the largest mem bership of any denomination, with the Lutheran'' next. Klght per cent of the employes of the headquarters own their iwn homes, the comparatively small liumber as related to other classes being ttrlbuted to the fact the percentage of tingle men Is greater In the headquarters. lf the engineers and conductors to per tent are home owners, Tti per cent of the roundhouse men, yo per cent of the truck men, 4u per cent of the swttebmen, & per rent of the yard officers, 10 per cent ti the roundhouse officers, 13 per cent of the signalmen, brakemen and baggage men. Hooka for Teacber. At the meeting of the Nebraska State Feathers' reading circle board held In Lincoln Friday. March 22, the following books were adopted for the year 1912 bu: t. Sturry "How to Study and Teach ing How to Study," published by Hough tou Jillflin Company, and McKenny s '"the personality of Ine leacner.' -pub-l-Shed by Ko, Peterson Co.. for ieacbers In cny schools t subdivision and 14). oognt's "American Rural Pchool, pub rerio by tne Siacmihan Company, and Mcteenny'B "The personality ol the i'eacaer, ' published by Kow, Peterson r Co.. ior toscners In raral and village iCOOOMI UUUV110Q . These books represent three lines of work: "How to btuay and Teaming How to Htudy," peuagogical; "The Personality f the Teacher," inspirational or cultural; Amerxau iiurai ocnoo j,," vocauonai praintng. ; Members of the board art: Ksperln edmt.diUi A. Lathrop, Clay Renter, president; Prof. Fred M. blunter, scttou It agrlcaltare. University of Nebraska, t toe prsoidini Supertntodent J. M. Mat reo, Preiaonl. tuperbuendeet H. E. till, 'WUber; UUt Superintendent .'una . Lelieil. Lincoln, manager. The board of supplies Is busy looking over estimates for supplies for stats in- stitutions. Bids will be opened next Mon day. Fisherstea Worried. The duck hunters is not the only branch of the sporting fraternity which is worry ing. The opening of the fishing season is April 1, but with the amount of snow on the ground and the time required to get the snow water out of the lakes and streams it will be long after April 1 before the angler can hope to enjoy much sport. Woodmen Called to. Meet Monday to Perfect Plans H.VSTIXUS. Xeb March a (Special.) The executive committee elected to carry out the program formulated by the state insurgent convention of Modern Woodmen of America has been called by President Beghtol of this city to meet In Hastings Monday. March 3. The details of the adopted plan of insurgency will be worked out at this meeting and prob ably another conference will be held In Omaha or Lincoln a week later prepara tory to the making of formal demands on the head officials of the order. The resolutions adopted by the con vention commit the Insurgent Woodmen to the following line of action; . 1. To secure the submission of the rate question to the entire membership for a referendum vote. 2. Falling In the first, to endeavor to secure a meeting of a newly elected head camp for a reconsideration of the rate question. 3. Failing In the first and second, to Institute legal proceedings to prevent the enforcement of the new rate pending consideration of the question by the next regular head camp. 4. Falling In all these, to call another convention, to take such action as the circumstances may require. The committee charged with the duty of carrying out this program Is composed of the following: Dr. J. V. lleghtol. Hastings, president; Alexander ' McFarland. Friend, vioe president; F. Q. Uevoe. Omaha, secre tary; G. W. Phillips, Columbus, treas urer; J. R. Thompson. Grand Island; Nathan Bernstein, Omaha; V. A. Ander son. Holdrege; M. L. Corey, Clay Center; Lon Conn Oxford. The convention was attended by J76 delegates, representing 81 of the tK camps of the' state. Jesse Gandy Files for Democratic Nominee in the Sixth District BROKEN fiOW. Neb.. Marct 5. -(Special.) The primary election here promisee to be a spirited one as many candidates have entered the race from both partlea. Hon. Jesse Candy, who has been winter ing In Texas and is the present represen tative of this district, ha concluded not to file for the nomination of representa tive, but has cast his lot for congress and will appear as a democratic candidate on the primary ballot. The head of the primary ticket from this district will read as follows: Congress, republican: SI. P. Klnkald. O'N'eil. Democrats: W. J. Taylor. Merna; Jesse Gandy, Broken Bow. State senate, republican: A. 9. Moon, Taylor; W. S. Mattley. Ansley. Democratic: J. A. Ollts. Ord. Representative, republican: E. X. Bishop. Gates: J. B. Wilson, Broken Bow: A. L. Matthews, Callaway; James Haggarty, Sargent: O. H. Moody. Ansley. Democratic:- E. M. Webb. Callaway; Alfred Bchreyer. Callaway: George Green wait. Garfield: John Ptmle. Merna. Social ist: Fred O. Chase. Mason City; James Stockham, Broken Bow. Two Humboldt Pioneers Are Dead NEWS NOTES FR?M BEATRICE Oely Two of the giiteea Candidates for Comaslssloaer File Ex pease Aerewnta, BEATRICE, Neb., March 23.-Speclal.) Of the sixteen candidates for commis sioner only two have tiled statements of their campaign expenses. These are M. R. Roby and Morris Freshman. Yesterday was the last day for candidates to file their statements and the state law pro vides a severe penalty for those who fall to do so. Charles II. Dunlap of Ulysses, Neb., and Mi's. May Ferris of Lincoln were married here yesterday by Rev. U, G. Brown. "Deacon" Burroughs, who has been con fined In the county jail here for the last three months on a charge of robbing the store of the Klein Mercantile company, was released yesterday by County Attor ney F. O. McGlrr.'who filed a nolle prosse In the case. Burroughs appeared as a witness In the case against Clarence Cain, who was sentenced to the penitentiary to servo a sentence of seven years for rob bing the Klein store. About fifty students of the high school, who were recently expelled for two weeks because of the part they took In "sneak day" exercises, have chosen a faculty and are conducting regular studies In a room in the court house. NEBRASKA C1TV. March 23.-8pedal.) Those that have filed for office In this county are: W. K. Moran, democrat, county attorney; state senate, H. H. Bartllng. republican, of Nebraska city, and W. B. Banning, democrat, of Union. Representatives ; Sixth . district:, F. A. Rueter, democrat, of Syracuse, and w. W. Anness. republican, of Dunbar. Float representative Eight district: C. II. Busch, democrat. County commissioners, demo crats: James A. White of Palmyra, . Frits Ztaack of North Branch, Emil Jacobson and L T. Hensley of Hendricks. Ite- publteans: John -Moss of Hendricks. Thomas Rodawty of North Russell and E. C. Itudge of Palmyra. For county assessors: Fred tlemer, democrat, or Ne braska City, and O. ,11. Gross, democrat, of South Branch; Lewis Gsntel. repub lican, of Berlin and W. G. James, repub lican, of Wyoming. LEXINGTON". Neb., March 23,-(Spe- clal.) The following is a complete list of candidates fUed for offices In Dawson county: Representative, Sixty-seventh District William Stebbins, Gothenburg and Daniel Balmer, Coxad, republicans; J. D. Ander son, Cosad and Charles Spencer, , Lexing ton, democrats. County Commissioner. Third District B. A. Calling. Gothenburg, republican; M. E. Cos! In. Willow Island; F. O. Ilecox. Gothenburg, democrats; Rolf Johnson, Gothenburg, republican: J. H. Gorum, Cosad, democrat. County Assessors Frank Plank, Gothen burg; J. J. Mutchle. Eddyvllle, demo crats; Roy W. Johnson, Sumner, repub lican. County Attorncy-T. M. Hewitt. Lexing ton, republican. HUMBOLDT. Xeb.. March J5.-tSpeclal.) Mrs. Marie Sophia Loonnig, widow of the late Frederick A. Loennig. died Thursday evening after suffering from cancer of the stomach for several months. She was born in Mandeldurs, Bavaria, Germany. In IMS and came to America when tt years old. , Her family settled In Illinois, where she was united In marriage to Frederick A. Loennig In ISM, They came to Nebraska forty-one years ago. To this union were born five girls and six boys, nine of whom are living. Funeral will probably be held Sunday afternoon and Interment will be In Humboldt ecmetory. James M. Trimble, a well known and highly respected cltlsen of Humboldt, died Friday, morning from cancer of the stomach, from which he has been suf fering for more than a year. He was born In Muskingum count)'. Ohio, in 1ST. About thirty years ago he was mar ried to Mrs. Sophia tlelixa of Appanoose county. Is., and to this union one boy was born. He moved bis family to Richardson county eighteen years ago and lived on a farm south of Hum boldt until two years ago, when he moved to town. Ills wife died in lttl and In ISOS he married Miss Sarah Revelle ot this county. Beside hut widow and young daughter he leaves three brothers. Funeral will . be held Sunday morning from the Christian church. ! if J I L. I' 7 1 f Li WV . - v . - 1 ' W , sis. -tMu '. ..' , 1 M'COOK HIGH WINS DEBATE ' FROM FRANKLIN HIGH CATTLE BREAK THROUGH ICE AND ARE DROWNED NEBRASKA CITY. March .-ipecll.) Henry Holtgrew, a large stock raiser, lost thirteen head of fine cattle yester day In a peculiar manner. The Little Nemaha river was nearly bank full and the cattle got out and attempted to cross the stream on the Ice. They broke through and were drowned. Part of the remainder of the herd was follow ing, but when the 'Ice begun to give way they retreated to the shore and escaped. M'COOK, Neb., March S.-Special Tele gram.) The MfCoolt High school debat ing team won from the Franklin High school team Inst night In the debate In this city. McCook having won from Tren ton and Franklin having defeated Beaver City, this victory gives McCook a big boost In the district championship. Mc Cook's debaters were Maurice Benjamin, Cecil McMlllen and Harold Schwab. The Franklin team consisted of Robert Gor ham, Marston Hussong and George Aver hoff. The Judges were: Superintendent C. F. White, Trenton; Superintendent P. W. Pepoon. Orleans, snd Byrn Marcellus, Lincoln. Principal K. M. Hussong ot Franklin presided. McCook had the af firmative tide of the open shop question. SARPY REPUBLICANS ELECT DELEGATES PAPILLION, Neb., March S. -(Special Telegram. )-The republicans of Sarpy county met In mass convention here this afternoon. Seven delegates wero elected to the sttte convention and a county committee of twelve members was chosen. I. D. Clark was elected chairman of the committee. Addresses were made by Howard II. Baldiige and R. B. Howell of Omaha. GENERAL BRUSH ASKS PERMISSION TO RETIRE SAN FRANCISCO, Maich.H.-Brlgadler General Daniel H. Brush, commanding the Department of California, has asked the War department for permission to retire from the service April 13 Instead of waiting until his sixty-fourth birthday, which falls on May -It next. General Brush enlisted In the One Hundred and Fortyflfth Illinois volunteers and entered West Point at the close of the war. On retlrlsg he will' make his home In Baltimore. Stimulate your huslren by advertising In .The Bee the newspaper that reaches all of the buyers. CLOBE WERNICKE SECTIONAL BOOK CASES Orchard & Wilhelm arpet Qo. OSTEKMOOR MATTRESSES $15 Morris Chair Strictly Mipsion design In toft brown turned oak. Spanish lea ther cushion seat and back. High, quality throughout. Spe cial price "....819.75 . 7L't L' i-I SPECIAL GoBasket We are sola agent for this handy combined go-cart, chair bassiret. They come tn three patterns at 88.50 810.50 nJ 812.50 Go'Carts and Carriages New line. Latest patterns. We are showing many new and norel designs at popular prices. Collapsible Go-cart with hood, rubber tires, etc. Price 84.75 Other pit terns. . ..... .$6.0O, $6.30, $7.00, $8.00 and up. tl'(r AN 5? ffi & ! Kitchen Cabinet The ideal and most practical cab inet for kitchen use. Saves miles of steps. 8oltd oak, sliding ex tension top and many other fea tures. Price 828.00 Cedar Chests New styles. All, sizes. Made, from geuuine Tennessee Ked Cedar, at . .$9.00, $10.00, $12.00 to $2400 (J ft. x 9 ft. ..... 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. . 9x12 10 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft, Seamless Wilton Velvet Rags At such low prices that will attract all care ful buyers. The rugs are made of the best qunlity wool yarn," no seams. They are new and eppecially selected for the spring trade. 27x54 in 2.50 .........$11.75 '....$12.75 . ..'.$22.50 .$25.00 BRUSSELS EUGS Large attractive line of new patterns, Oriental and floraf designs Siz9xi2, at ..: $12.95 Koyal Wilton Rugs, extra heavy quality, 9x12 '. .$27.50 ' Do not forget our Special Oriental Rug Sale all this week. r 4 Stove Department SpeciaUdemonstration.. Wear-Ever Aluminum Cooking utensils. Visit , thiB demonstration, and as a special inducement to try this C C ' ware we will sell a 2 quart kettle, reg. price 95c special . . OOC Throughout the entire week we continue our wouderful 30th Anniversary Sales and every day will be an extraordinary bargain occasion in every department. Many -of our grandest .bargain lots have been planned for this week. Don't overlook asingle dav's announcement. Don't miss a dav of this- sale." . ; : :. Women's $1 Petticoats at 39c Each 1 1 its.lmrliJ siP Kilt i.l' iiaH)iWi(c ii in tit i iti s.lnlir.iiii-rtti" ArliiilutAI ITtrurv one guaranteed worth $1. Annirersarv SjiK irict. on front barirain'souare' W7V GLORIA SILKS, Worth Up To $1, at 39c Yard : These are all pure silk and wool, in black, blues and browns, sold up to $1, j Q Anniversary sale priee in dress goods' department, ''yard . O C , . j " ' 'JRq CH ALLIES 'ie8e are a" wv 8Pr'n8 . patterns, all guaranteed perfect, . 00 , strictly all wool Anniversary sale price, 1 "Odb - at ZUc Yard vard y:v....:x"v 75 Pes. $1.5041.75 All Sflk and Wool 42-in. Drets'Pdplins $l-f d. The most popular fabric on the market today in all shades of blues, light. to dark'taiis, browns, amethyst, all shades of grey, reseda, old rose and black; Anniver- , M ........ .V sarj- Sale price, yard 91.00 to $1.25 SILKS at 60c a Yard Fancy mossalines, peau de cygne, chiffou taffetas, rajah effoct shantiuig silks, nat ural iHingees,. dress messalines and a fine collection of the well known waterproof foulards, in small and medium prints in cluding dots ; Anniversary Sale price on front Bargain Square, Cfl a yard WC $1 to $1.25 DRESS GOODS at 80c Yd. On front- bargain square,; south ;entrnnce( most remarkable values, in. high gi-adb Spring suiting ever shown bv any. hqttifl at the prices quoted.) Plain . and r irincy serges, -novelty suitings,' ScotcK ttwecd, broken chei-ks and fancy stripes ;afso' light wtlght, all wool dress fabrics for - HV ona-placa drsss; a great miny'ln thls'lot lip are worth 11.25 yd., AnniVsrsary sale price. 45-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirtings worth $l, at yd. 59c Also 27-inch Flouncin'gsiaiid Allovers in choice, new designs; worth $1.00 yard,. Anniversary Sale price, ' " PO per yard ;'. :.'.. . ..:.:.t:.,.V.,.f.r;. '''..Wv Fine Convent Embroidered Edges and Insertions, go at, yard 8o Very'.. fine 'long- cloth in neat open work designs; worth up to 20o; 'Anniversary Sale price, . "ifrl ler yard .', , .' vC - .-.',' i 1 .. - i - 18-inch Cambric and, Nainsook Embroidered Skirtings,' 19c Embroidered Skirtings, Flouneings, Corset Coverings and Oalloons; worth up to 40c, Anniversary ' ; , ,, lQ Sale )rice, per yard , , ; '. , . .'. .C 16-Button Elbow Length Pure Milanese and Trioot.SUk Gloves 89c hwblaok; white;'aud colors; worth $1.00, ou sale in glove detriment at the Anniversary Sale ' 104 price, per pair ..... 1' . ,'f. .. , . ,9trv Women's Pure Silk Boot Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, high spliced heels and toes; black, t;in and white lfj colors; a 50o quality, at pair slllC 18-inch '. Fine Allover Laces "-j In -new, shadow,' crochet, filet and 'cluny; effects .worth' to 50c, sjiecial, nt'a.'.L! .'''45 yard ........... V. l.SZ GREAT MONDAY SPECIALS IN KNIT UNDERWEAR Odd lota of Women's Nunslnc .Union Suits Irreg ular hlah neck and Ions sleeves in knee and ankle lengths, etc.: rogular and extra slsea: worth' up to $l.B0, special, suit.... 69c Wotnen's fine Cotton Union r Suits-iLow neck, sleeveless and umbrella f C-t knec-lacc. trimmed nor suit-. iSc As a sjwial feature of thin Anniversary week we have secured for Monday. aiidlfiies day a siHHiial showing and' sale of Exquisite New'Imported Tunica and .' Kobes;S'V.hioU will be exhibited by a representative of the New York importer. There 8re l,0lr9made and unmade garments of beautiful lace, hand embroidered and beaded. effti-ts,' These will be sold outright Monday and Tuesday at lower figures than they could possibly.' be purchased in any other way. ' : . 1 1 . ' Vj' Anniversary Sale Specials in Women's Suit: IXepCllU CHILDREN'S CLOAKS New Spring Styles, worth ZKm: $1.50 WOMEN'S DRESSES Silk and Wool Dresses .'in new styles, worth up to $10, at $5 HOUSE DRESSES Scores of pretty, new styles, worth up to OAfi $1.50, at .. . ...OSft WOMEN'S SERGE COATS Smart Colored Serge Coats,' worth up to $12.50, at .... $6.98 WHITE SERGE fS&RTS Women's and misstfeVsizes nicely tailored;,' ' Ynh worth to $6.50,ia't'0 I4tr V 1 J' Children's '.Wash ' Drtftses ' Practical styles foi's'sfjrjng and siimmer-i-yql-' ri6k up to $2, at:-.. ..UW ues 30th Anniversary Specials in Our Basement -- v 36-inch Dress Percales at 6Y2o yard Fancy light and dark figured dots, cheeked and striped designs. This fabric is known as the American Dress Percale and sells everywhere at 12',5c, special, 1 U a yard 2C 25c Poplins at 15c a yard Do not pay 25c for mercerized poplins when you can come to Braiideis basement, and choose from every wanted color, also black and white at a saving of 10c on every yard. Every yard of those highly mercerized poplins should sell at 25c a yard, special at a yard '. IwC 25c Tissues at 15c a yard-.Wll-Jknowhjti sues retailing in the" best"8toresoyejtiie, country at 25c a yard pretr'sinaU checks,' plaids and neat strifjes. ilnsfiead of 25c a yard, Anniversary Sale P price, per yard ...V". .'..... ."ls?C 122c Fancy Dress Ginghams, 5c a:yard Light and dark styles. Here :are perfect dress and waist lengths that'are'edUallto me uei gnigiiiiuis Btimig , reguiariy, '81 12,2C, Anniversary Sale price, 1 per yard . V. '. 5 c Special AnniTersary Offer--Initial Writing Paper ! No use saying much about this great bargain the price talks strongly' enough except to say that a box contains one quire and one pack of envelopes of Cloth -' 4 ft ' Finish Paper, the fashionable square shape, stamped with initial in color' ; -at, per box RAKDEIS STORES 4