THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24, 1912. A $ . y Bow lo Dress Girls ol 8 to 14 Years Tastefully and Economically A very important question, Indeed, to every jnotiier at this time 'el Abe, eV.- Mother who lave carefully compared the cost in time, -labor and money to make thenliMsea afhome are guicfe io see the decided saving nd id purchasing the children's dresses here. L . c i - . . The aseortmehta Eri"cmnpiet ed bow Is-the best time to select one or several of these service able, prettily fashioned dresses.. For Play. School or Outing there is an abund ant showinjr of fresh new waeh dreeses of percales, plain ehambrayn SJid ginshams in dainty col'trs" of tan, pink or blue in many neat patterns. Also a number of beautiful plaids In an ft lone. Cleverly styled ajd effectively trln.mel discs & to II years. Prices tuio,,, sajso, two . ... - . , . ' .;. - - For afternoon or "iifea-m " affairs one may; select from a viry complete citlectlon of UcllxM ' ful little frocks of Kronen Repp. Krench Linen and Wexford clotn. Trimmings of trish croviiet lace, emhtoldery and hand embroidered designs together with fancv collar and cuffs make them verv attractive and pleasing-. Many styles have the much wanted plain skirt. livery new and favored ahaie-tan, pink. navy, rose, leather, blue and. whit Hues $ to it year. -. Vrtesa 3.5, M 50. as.75, m0, M0, ti.7 a 0 110. th tohm ft re OWSI mm 1518-20 FARNAM STREET Bapllly BsoomlEf Omaha's Moat Sxcltuive Was NAMES SIMILAR ON PETITION Supposition Someone Copied Them in (or Judge Wetover. JIBBY HOWAilT CARKIED PAPER IVntklag a noeanrat 1 Show Who Wrote la S asses for Seeaad IM.Irlrt Klehcr to Speak ' Twlrr la State. . ' (from a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March a-iHpsctal Telev Siam.l-A count of the sixnaturea on tbel trillion ot W. II. Westover. as a demo crat delegate to the national convention, allows Sat names from the Second dis trict or forty-six mors than required by taw. Of this number, however, J appear to he senuln and H7 are in the hand writing of four different persons, which It eliminated would leevs him much leas thaa the reoulred number. Th petition was filed on on of the last days pro vided by law and th supposition is that someone, rather than hustle for names and take a chance of not getting enough even tltsn, copied some poll hook or similar list T. 8. Allen, who tiled the petition, says that so far as he knows all the signatures are bonsflde. The fathering of names In South Omaha, he said, was In charge ot Jerry Howard. There Is, of course, roth Ing on the petition to Indicate to anyone her who wrote the names, hut the handwriting to so similar on page arte M4h of them that it seams Impossible they could havet been put there by th parlies whoa names appear. . ' Ftaber a Speak Twler, Secretary Frank Currte of th Taft league haa received word from Congress man McKlnley thst Secretary of th In- PILES CURED AT HOME Quirk Relief Trial Parkas Mailed Prep to All Jn Plata Wrapper. Pile la a fearful disease, hut can be cured If you go at It right . , . . An operation with th knife" Is dan gerous, humiliating and rarely a per manent success. , Then I Jut on ether way to be cured painless, aa f and in the priv acy of your own horn It Is Pyramid Pll Remedy. We mall a trial package ' free to a'l who , write ; It will giva . you quick . re-' Jlef, show yea th harmless, painless nature of this gnat remedy and start yon well on th way toward a perfect cure. . - ' Then yon east get a full slsed boa from any druggist for it cants, and often o box cures. Insist on having what you call for. Just nd your nam and address to Pyramid Drug Co., tie Pyramid Build ing, Marahall. Mica., and receive free, by return mall, th trial package In a plain wrapper. Omaha's Hew Telephone ws necessary as our bus inlets has outgrown the old service. " 7 ' ' riumberi i ;::.:t had to be chaned to ob tain, thisplease remem b$r to call Douglas 2560 ?kYaons. Everywhere t i,...,, 3 Quality Laundry el nonn fm7 I Rll JtJ seaxe STORC of apparel shop for terlor Fisher can make but two speech in Nebraska, Instead of five, aa had been planned. The speeches will be billed fur Omaha and Lincoln, respectively, but the date cannot be given today, though Mr. Currl expects to b able to make th announcement tomorrow. Lincoln's ftabareaa Light a. Tho people of University Plac have three tickets In th field tor otty officer. Th republican nominee ara: Mayor, W.- F. Miller; clerk, Oectl Gates; treasurer. M. W. Kllnei city engineer, W. F. Payne. Tho prohibition nominees are: Mayor, E. J. Hanoock; clerk, Clifford Butler; treaav urer, F. W.. Miles, W. F. Payne, candl- data for city engineer oa th republican ticket, waa endorsed. Th democratic nominees ars: Mayor, F. B. Allen; lrk. Roe Sands; treasurer, F. ' M. McKlroth. No nomination waa mad for city en- g.neer, and Payne, the republican candi date, has no pposltton. Candidate for school hoard ara: H. B. Bmltk. A. J. Alway. K. K. Butler and C H. Kopar, They ware named by a republican oausus, but It la not believed that the other partis will plac a ticket against them. Mrs. 1. U Claflla waa nominated by tha Prohl- bttlonlsta to run against H. B. Imlth, but she declined to make the race. Over at College View the exciting ques tion la water works against anti-water works 1. II. Morrison and William Campbell were nominated at a maaa ooa- venttoa for members of the village board. They are known te favor th building of water works Th anti-water work rest dents are threatening to nam a ticket to run against Morrison and CampbetL Charles McWillkuna haa been talked ot aa on ot th appostUra oandtdaw. Arm strong is at present ohalrraaa of th vll htgs board, i; i '.' At Bethany th water works question waa settled hut year, and It la declared that ther an no burning problems facing th people. J. J. Armstrong end Wdal Mataon have been nominated for mem bers th vlliag hoard. Thar ars do other nomination MOVE TO IMPEACH SPEAKER OF THE NEWMEXICO HOUSE SANTA Tt. N. M , March a-A con t ere no of repubUraM that met last night, presumably to tak steps t Ira peach H. U Baca, speaker of th New Unite hows of wpnssatatlv, ad rourned after midnight. Partletpanta re fused to dlaclnao any aathM taken. It la believed no open attack apoa Bpeaker Baca will be mad la th house. Baca, according to claim. Is charged with bar, Ing withheld th contest papers ot three republicans because democrats, whoa of. forts an being made to staple, an voting for Baca for United eHatea amav tor. SAFE BLOWN TO PIECES AND CONTENTS DESTROYED ' NEW TORK, March XL -Cracksmen I set off as much dynamite under a safe In tha offfe of a htaln Island manu facturing compaay early today that the explosion waa board for mil and sassy parsons thought then waa aa earth quake. The Ave safe blowers fled after an exchange of shots with watchmen. Th safe waa blown to pieces and some of its contents destroyed. There 1a do clue to the crackroea. DEATH RECORD ' Mrs. C A. MatbeYfsrd. Word has base reoalved tn th city an- noundnf the death of Mra, C. A. Itutber- fotaV at Has Fraacleco, sks having died of cancer Thursday of this week, a dis ease with wateh ska had beea afflicted for eereral year. Mra, Rutherford waa tha wife of C.' A. Rutherford, for many year with th Koch Island la this city, ah waa th mother of Mra. 1. P. Fronaar, who wa with her at the tiro ot bar death, Mra Rutherford lived la Omaha all her life untU her removal ta California a few years. ago. . J F. Twetla. 1 J. F. Tustln, gonoral rrdgfat claim agent of the Missouri Pacific, died at 81. Loals Frldny evening. Tho funeral will he held Monday at 8t. Lout and some of the local officials will attend. . William A. . ' T. JOSEPH. Mn, March S. William A., Brows, secretary of the Aaaertcaa Association ot Issinser aad Baggag Traosfer compazuos, died at hia horn here today, aged as years. r HYMENEAL NEBRASKA CtTT. Neb.. Marchv St (Special. -a. E. Bart bold and Mia Chris tina Ganfcsl wen married at the home of Rev. Zlmmermaa by Re. lisngbovwt of tha Bethel langflcal chore. The bride I from Denver. Colo, sad was sornawty a resident of TaJxeage. Their marrtag ts tha cchxrinattow win- n snii -ri gsaum waa called ta last year ta attend th mart age of his brother aad whit than net his brute aad they c6rrepondeJ, whtetv rosutted ta their Barrlage. aj-"tjw, We call especial attention to a beautiful dis play of confirmation dresses of mercerized lingerie, Datiate, rTencn laws ana wait voile, exquisitely faahloned and trimmed. Sites 8 to 1 4 years. Price. gD5 3.75 S4.50 An mi. . i. ay 1VA Xea, Womea aad ChUdres. LAST OF VICTIMS OF BATTLESHIP MAINE AT REST (Continued from Ftrat Page.) rnlraJ Charles t. Rlgsbse, who com- manded the Maine at th time ot th ex plosion; Rear Admiral Richard Wain right, Lieutenant Boyd and Medical Di rector L. O. Heneberger, officers under him at the time. For Admlnl Dewey and LleuU'iust General Nelson A. Miles, the ranking officers of the navy and array, special place had beea set aside. During the memorial exercises tha com mttte had arranged far the totting ot the "Paul Revere" bell of All Bool's Unltar.aa church, which haa been tolled at the fun. arsis of presidents, admirals, generals and other prominent men. Pageaat ta Cemetery. Winding slowly out from behind the aavy building Into Pennsylvania avenue, the funeral procession found Its way through th older parts of Washington, across th aequaduct bridge over the ro tomae river sod up the gray road to Ar lington, To Rear Admiral Bradley A. Flsk had beta assigned command ot th parade, and behind htaa wen placed first an eeoort of polios, a detachment of troop from Fort Myar. th Marine band, a squadron of cavalry and tha tint bat talia of engineer. Th naval oort oomprtsod a battalios ot marinas, tw battalions of araa, th Naval hand and the District of Co lumbia naval militia. - Just ahead of the thirty-roar army caissons, bearing th leaden caskets, wan plaead Chaplain Bayard and Father Chad wick, and lust behind th flag-draped coffins tha pallbearers from the aavy, the honorary pallbearer from tha United Spanish War veterans and forty-eight body bearers. . President aad Baeart, Th plao at th head of the mourner waa given te President Taft la th Whit House automobile Ms secretary. Chart D. Ililles and his naval aids. Lieutenant Tlramona, also had seata The president's personal eeoort waa a troop ot cavalry and th Ho behind hi automobile In cluded the secretary of war, tha secretary ot the navy, the assistant secretary of th aavy, officers of the Maine, skies to th Secretary of the navy, chief of bureau af th Navy department and the major general commandant of th marine corps. Just behind these officials place had beea left for the distinguished persons, th United Spanish War Veterans, ladle auxiliary ot the veterans, societies and eltlxena. Over the grans la Arlington tha simple exercises Included burial services by Chaplala Bayard and Father Chadwick. with I he firing of three volley of mus ketry by a company ot marines, a, tlenal ealut of twenty-one guns from aa army battery In the cemetery and the eoundlng at the plelative call af taps, tha dead wen given te the earth. MILWAUKEE RAILROAD WILL BUILD LINEJNTO CANADA MINNEAPOLIS, March It.-Follewmg the recent announcement that the Chi cago, Milwaukee M. Paul railway purposed to spend K,0M,n 1 Improve ments oa Its line In the north west, espe cially In Iowa and Minnesota, It waa announced hen today that the road prae ttcolly had arranged to build a new Una iiwm uuiie. Mom., Into Canada. It la said thst part of the proposed route haa hem surveyed and that at will pass through the Flathead Valley and Into Alberts. GENERAL H. H. BINGHAM, FATHER OF HOUSE, IS DEAD PHILADELPHIA. March B. -General Henry H. Bingham, member of ooagresa fress th First Peaaaylvania district aad "father of th house," died at hi hem ken at s at o'clock this morning. He had beea a miatsir af the house eoatrauoualy slaca March 4. M7. He was 71 yean oM. Ooacral Blaghasa had beea HI for a lo&g tias frera a eaBpUcatJea at disss si a MONTGOMERY DEMOCRATS DIVIDE THE! RDELEGATION RED OAK. La-, March B. (Special Tel egram.) A double deWiratloa, eoatalnlac aa equal number of Hanuon. Wllaon aad Clark delegates, waa dram by Mont gomery county dceneerata this afternoon. FUllaa- with Watwa. RAGAX. Nab.. March a - Special. -Th lew suds north of hen known aa tha "Waoas an rapidly filling wtth water fro tb oaeltlag anew. - By tha tlaaa th snow Is all melted they wot so so fell as they ware at tha Base at the flood tea yean age. Tueae lagoone dry for tha last fin rears. Darts ara earning ra droves and the shooting pnnam t he better thaa any Haa hi recant yeaja. MINERS SEND MEN EAST Committee of Five Goes to Cleveland to Consult Over Wagei. TRY TO END OGDES DISPUTE Jadae Bradahaw S a pease Attorney Silas B. Allea for Oae Day Followta Dtahanaeat PrOFeedlags. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES, March a.-Wpeelal Tele gram.) A committee of five miner was sent tonight from the convention of dis trict No. IS In session here to Cfeveland. O., to consult with the miners In the east aa te what demands shall be made aa to wages nd conditions. The committee sent consists of W. H. Rogers. John Gay. Thomas Lewis, Thomas Stevenson and Andrew Swanson. The action taken at the Joint convention of miners and operators here will depend upon the report of this committee. The Joint convention today undertook settlement of the trouble at th Ogdea mines, when a strike has long been In progress, by sn agreement to take all the miners now working Into the union, but requiring that the striken be given the places If they desire them. This will be submitted to the minora at a refer endum vote. Allea Sasaeadrd Oae Day. 'Attorney Bllaa a Allen, former candi date for mayor, waa suspended from the practice of law for one day by Judge Bradshaw aa the result of an action to disbar Allen brought by the Dee Moines Bar association which charged him with conduct unbecoming an attorney. In stead of ruling that Alien be disbarred from further practice In the courts of the state Judge Bradshaw decreed that he be suspended for one day and that be pay the costs of the action. ' The actios was based on a contract be tween William See and Allen, In which the latter agreed to pay a fee for solicit ing business and bringing him law suits. Sea waa to be paid per cent ot all money secured aa attorney's fees In the suits secured for Allen. Doctor Close Meeting. Four difficult operations formed the entertainment for th Medical Society of the Mlaaourl Valley la a clinic In one ot the local hospital today. Th society had adjourned Its meeting at Colfax for a Meat on In this city. Th meeting closed this evening. Maine House Refuses to Pass the Local Option Amendment AUGUSTA, Me., March S. The legls latun today defeated the proposed amendment to the Maine constitution to allow local option on the question of permitting the manafaetun or sals of intoxicating hqsora la all the ettlea and ID such towns as accept the amendment's prnvtslona The democratic majority In tha houee failed to muster the necessary two-thirds affirmative vote on the final passage of th resolution and It was not carried. The vote was 71 In the affirm ative and M In the negative. f The amendment previously had passed the senate by 11 to . It la planned ta elect April I a United States senator to succeed Obadiah Oardaer, Idem.), who waa appointed by Governor Plaisted after the death of Senator W. P. Frye. Mrs. Lucy Drexel Dahlgren Files Suit for Divorce NEW TORK, March tl-iult for abso lute divorce wsa brought hen today by Mra. Lucy Drexel Dahlgren, against Eric a Dahlgnn, son ot Rear Admiral Dahl gren, ot civil war fame. The plaintiff charges Infidelity, Implicating an un earned correspondent In this city. Mr. and Mra. Dahlgren were married In BM sad have eight children. Mrs. Dahl grea la a member of many prominent New Tork duos. He declined to discuss the suit today. SOUTH DAKOTA GIRL WINS FAME AS A VIOLINIST ABERDEEN, ft D.. March B. -(Spool si.)-K. O. Lea, a farm tnaehlnerv dealer hen. baa received European pa pers praising the work of his daughter, Mlsa Mabel Cordelia Lee. who is attain ing fame In Europe as a violinist The papers all speak highly of her work as a musician arS also praise her beaaty in extravagant terms, one erttle calling ker "the prettiest American girl en a European concert stage." sod another commenting upon her blonde complexion and dark eyea In extremely eulogletto terms. Miss Lee haa appaared at Berlin, Vienna. St. Petersburg and other promi nent European cltleo and everywhere has elicited highest praise. She was born and reared In Abr rdeea and waa seat te ast ern school and afterward to Kurape when her exceptional musical talent wae discovered. FRANK BAKER IS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER OF WIFE CHICAGO, Mar oh a-Frank R. Baker waa found guilty ot th murder of his wife and hut punishment waa fixed at flfteea yean In the penitentiary, today. Baker waa acueea ox naeiiuj miaa n wife after a disagreement and to hav shot her while he caressed her. pleading with her to rem hack to him. The un written law waa suggested In th trial. Baker on the stand declared thst ha eouid sot remember any of th happantng at the day ho shot his wife. MAYOR OF ROCK ISLAND ATTACKS PUBLISHEP ROCK ISLAND; BU Marcb XL-Mayor H. M. Bchrtver. after suppressing aa Is sue of a weakly paper which published a story objactloaabl to htaa. attacked John Lma. the aubllsher. In the city hail to day. Th mayor compelted the pubusher to max aa apology ana eamn xn au he had written about him was falsa. IsrrlaasataeT Caateat at thvlhy. SHELBT. NeK. March . (Speclsl.) At the dwsaawtory easiest held hare last eight Agnsa Neweeener of tha dra auUM class won first ptoos; subject. -Bobby Unwelcome." Evelyn Donaldson ot the same das area eeeaad : rnb- Jsct, -Frees a Far Country. Mis New eeaaer will serastnt thi school at tV' dtatrlet contest to be held la Fremont .March . Let Us Tailor Your Spring Suit to Your Measure Something different, sooietiiing more Individual and snappy that's what the better dressed women desire In their selection of clothes. And that's why the majority of them have their clothes tailored to order. You get the snappy appearance, the smartness of styles and the Indefinable "air" of the real man tailored to order garments that the "cold storage" ready to wear kind cannot possess. And that's the reason wliy oar tailored to order salts bate sprang Into kuch great popularity. Come in, pick ont the material yon want from our splendid spring fabrics, select the style you desire, let us know bow you want every little detail bronglit out our expert men tailors and fitters do the rest Tailored Suits to Order $20, $25, $30 If, perchance, your suit does not come up to your highest expectation, don't take it. The responsibility Is all ours. Also SKIRTS, COATS and DRESSES To Your Order SPLENDID SsHOWIXfi NEW SPRING MILLINERY Channing new models, in th prettiest new spring designs. In handsomely PRETTY TRIMMED HATS at $2.93 and $4.98 Tou'll bsve to pay at least $3.00 to $s.00 more elsewhere for mch hats as these. V Colonel Roosevelt May Visit Nebraska Late Next Week ' Pfinn-ANI). Me.. March 38.-CoIonel Roosevelt, who arrived hen today to make a speech tonight, gave the first taik of his New England trip at Dover. N. H.. when hla train stopped a few momenta Judge Ben Llndaey of Denver, wno reveled nart of the way from Boston with Colonel Roosevelt, urged him to vllt Nebraska and other states not In cluded in tha Itinerary of the next week trip. Colonel Roosevelt took the matter under advisement, "it eam to m that what I preach te you In New Kampsbln la actually being accomplished by Governor Bass.' said th former president. In bis speech at Dover. "Tha m-oeresslve movement meana te apply courage and common sense In order to get Justice, Tou have a chance, to de cide whether you Intend ' te rule your selves or to have other people rule you. It Is up to you to deride." i-Mion! Roosevelt said that the people in order to rule themselves must exer cise self control, "and I believe that the American oeoDle an not only able to govern themselves, but to govern them- eelvea well,' be said In closing. Robbers Try to Use Turnstile Door to Trap Their Victim KANSAS CITT, Mo.. March SSThree mew made an unsuccessful attempt to hold up Dtonysos Yrokaris, a wealthy Greek. In the poatoffic hen this after noon, while scores of people wen In the lobby. Aa Yrokaris suited through the turnstile door, two men stepped Into the same section and attacked him while a confederate held the door fast. When the Greek's cries brought asslstsace. the three men fled. Two of them giving k. a.m.. of Charles Hamilton of Omaha and Thomaa K. Kelly af Joplln, Mo.. were captured. . : GOOD SEASON FOR TENNIS PREDICTEDBY COMMITTEE NEW TORK, March Si-Lawn tennle promises to have one of Its best seasons this year, according to memhen of the executive com, nil ice of the National Lawn Tennis sssodstton. who met hen twtev tn atrance the annual schedule of contests the country over. Applications for dates, especially mm me west, hnwerf a Urea tncreas ever last year and a large number ot new ctubs hsve applied for membership. The numerous conflicts in dates and other matters will require several days to straighten out. and It was said after sn allday session that the dates would not he tn shape to maks pubile before another week. A list ot about M contests Is expected. WESTERN GOLF TOURNEY DATE WILL NOT BE CHANGED CHICAGO, March 11 The directors af th Heater Golf aasoclatloa announced today that no change would be made In th date of the Western amateur gob. clumpsoBBhlp tournament, which will ha held at tho Denver Country dub the week f July M. - I Owing to the change In the dsts of the national amateur clumplanehip matches, the western opes chamseonshtp dates alao were changed te August S aad S) at the Idlewtld Ceuatry dub, rioseasoer. lit. te allow Herald H. Hil ton, the British amateur champion, who won the Americas tkle last year, to eom pete. Tha new dau I only a few daya prior to the national event at Wbeatoa, in. NEW BISHOP OF DES MOINES CONSECRATED APRIL 25 DAVENPORT, la.. March tt-AprO S la the date set for tt.s enaeacratloa of th Rev. Austin DowUng a first bishop of th Ruenaa Cathotle diocese ef Dee Moines, according ts word received from Provldenoa. R. L. by Bishop James Darta of Davenport today. The eon srerattoa will take plac ta tho cathedral at Providence and Btshop Davis hi aakd to assist at the ceremonies. It yoa have anything to exchange. aeV vsrtlx tt la The Bat Want Ad columns. Women's New Shoes and Pumps, &9 CA The kind that other stores sell for $4 and $3 "aaaaatalsni'maF At this price we feature scores of new designs in tans, gnu metal. Velvets, suedes, white bucks; also the new Colonial Slippers and Pumps. The novelty 6. Z-h8 No g-gr OMAHA Venezuelan Folk Give Knox Notable Popular Welcome CARACAS, Venezuela. March SL-tVlth th capital In holiday attire. Philander C. Knox, tha American secretary of itate, arrived here at U:3a o'clock this morning from La Guayra and was ac corded the greateat popular welcome given him during hla tour of tha Latin American republics. Today and tomorrow have been de clared legal holidays In honor ot Mr. Knox's visit and the city la profusely decorated. When the American secretary reached here, attended by Lino Duarte Level, under secretary ef sute, he waa greeted by the foreign minister. General Manuel Matoa, and when he and his party took carriages at the station thou sands swarmed about the vehicles waving flags, cheering and giving other Indica tions of friendliness. On th drive to th residence of the prime minister. General Linares Alcan tara, which had been selected for his occupancy during his suy In Caracas, Mr. Knox's eye everywhere met Inter twined flags of the United Statea and Venexuela, multi-colored buntings, tri umphant arches, garland of flowwa and ftiedalllon of Washington and Bolivar. WASHINGTON, March SS.-Secretary Knox today by wireless from the cruiser Washington advised the State department that th result which tt was hoped would come from hi tour ot L'tin America had been attained. POGGENBURG WINS BILLIARD MATCH WITH COUNT DE DREE PARIS, March U.-J. Ferdinand Pog genburg of New Tork, tha American champion, today defeated Count da Dree In the continuation ot th International j amateur billiard tournament. Poggenburg I scored too polnu to 123 by the Frenchman, i At. Art us, a Frenchman, playing under the name of Blanc, has made the best (showing In the tournament to date, hav ing won tltree games and lost one. Pog renburg and the Belgian, N. Maura, an tted for second place, each with two games won and one loet. StlmvlaU your business y advertising In The Bee-1 he newspaper that reaches all of the buyer. . . JF -- ' I . V . ' , I ' V . -v . v ..(. V f f Nit - v 4 FRAKKLM C. HAMJTR Mr. Hamer, who to republican candidate for state treasurer, is presi dent of the American Safe Deposit Co. of Omaha ud Lincoln. Special Sale Women's 92.50 Shoes and Pnmpg $1.48 "Bart," Cartoonist, Gives Exhibitions Here Twice Monday Charles Bartholomew, cartoonist on the Minneapolis Journal, will give au exhibition Monday evening at tha Toung Women's Christian association of the double art of chalk-talking. The chalk-ulk calls for a double con centration like the trick of rubbing one's forehead herlsontally wtlh one hand while rubbing one' face vertically with the ether. It demands a double action ef the will the crayon monologtst must spur his head to keep pace with hla mind and put the chock on his tongue to go wtth his aeaca Thla mental acrobatic feat ha been the subject of study by Mr. Barthol omew for many years. In summer he has practiced m the woods near his summer home at Lake Mlnnetonka and In winter tn the basement ot hi city home. For three years he has given chalk-talks throughout the west. Bart, aa ha Is better know by his newspaper cartoons, Is a western product, having been born In Charlton, la., and graduated from the Iowa SUU college at Ames. Since then he ha beea on the Minneapolis Journal, aa reporter, editor and cartoonist for over twenty year. His political cartoons are familiar not only to readers ef the Journal, but to readera ef both the American aad European Re view ot Review. Many ef his cartoons hare been n produced tn The Bee. He will alas give an address at th Uni versity club Monday evening at a lunch eon. Key to th situation Bo Advertising. PROVIDES TICKET OFFICE FOR THE WOMEN BASE BALL FANS ST. LOUIS. Mo., March tt-Mrs. Helen H. Brttton of Cleveland, owner of the St. Louis National league base bell team. Is hen today In consultation with president Edward Sttlntnger and Man ager Roger Bresnahan. In order that women can buy base hall tickets In the business center Mrs. Brttton arranged for tha sale of tickets st a drug store Instead of in a saloon aa baa been the practice. ft A