Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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Consumers Increase at More Bapi.
" Bate Than Producers.
11. Cleat Dearer Tells War TkU I
tha Oapartaae Time ta Serare
Farai aad ta Rata Cereals
far the Market.
"The present outlook for firming ls'cer-
ta!niy bright for the reason that a care
ful analysis of business conditions points
to the tact that there Is today a smaller
percentage of people engaged in produc
ing thing good to eat than ever before
in the history of this country," said D.
Clem Deaver, head of the homeseekera
information bureau of the Burlington
'Transportation has become so cheap
ened throughout the world that many of
the farm product are. now considered
world's products In all parts of the civ
ilized world. For example, butter made In
Nebraska and Denmark Is sold In Lon
don, matches made in Norway are sold
in all American cities at one penny per
box, canned goods produced In the United
States are sold In all parts of the civilised
world. Likewise farm machinery, mining
machinery and many products too nu
merous to mention.
-Wa have today in the world S,W0
miles of railroad, more than one-half of
which has been constructed during the
last twenty-six years, and we have count-
lea thousands of miles of trolley lines
throughout the I'nited States, the greater
portion of which were built during the
last .fifteen years. These railroads and
trolley lines now employ thousands of
consumers. The sled business has
grown Immensely and employs thousand
of consumer that do not, produce things
to eai. The oil business . has groan
equally great employing thousands of con
sumer that do not produce things to eat,
and the happy thought fr the furincrs
is that a good amount of his -farm -prod-
win tin.- mnrA trananortatlon
and more oil and more steel than ever
before and with the percentage of con
sumers growing raster man ma i-ervem-
Bgo' of producer, tho outlook tor tne
farmer In getting good prices for many
years to oonv 1 very bright
tssiimn lacrraae.
"A UtU thought will show why the
consuming population has grown much
faster than th producing population.
For Instance, in the form machinery line
one company ernplqy tzt) agent.
Breakfast foods arj oly a recent lnnovr
Hon. also package goods. Yet we find
breakfast foods and' various kinds of
paokage good on every store shelf In the
United State, and this Industry employs
countless thousands who are consumers,
but do not produce things to eat. The
automebll buslnes has grown up dur
ing1 the last twelve year. This Industry
employs many, many thousand of con
sumer that do not produce things to eat.
"An examination of the last census
how wonderful growth of the cities.
Tha building of these cities required -the
services of large number of skilled me
chanic and alo persons employed In the
lumber business, sawmill business and
cement business, plumbers, etc. Last
year T7,,i barrel of cement were
made in theilntted Statu. Those ar all
comparatively new industries In Ui mat
ter of employment of large number.
also hare a very great Increase In
the-number of person-engaged in the
plctare business, this being recognise a
th plctur ag as well " the cement age,' Are laereaalag.
The Increase In the number of con
sumer employed by express companies,
by the United State mail service, unl
versltle. correpondenc schools, munici
pal employes, traveling salesmen, etc.. Is
enormous. Th people employed In lex
trierty work, which la lo compara
tively' new Institution, r consumer that
do not produce thing to est.
Another new industry that has em
ployed many consumers Is Irrigation con
tructlon. During th lst twelv year
practically WOO.OOO.OOH ha bean spent In
this way. ,
W have also a very large Increase
In tha number, of people employed a
doctor, lawyers, politicians, Insurance
and bond brokers, hotel and restaurant
keeper, sight-seeing companle nd re
tired farmer, and the farmer who farms
must feed them all.
The acreage available for crop pro
ducing Is mil Increasing very fst. Out
side of the Increase In corn acreage 'n
the state of Oklahoma, during the last
period of ten year th mere In the
i-i., ., cu only a little more
than JS.M0 acre cultivated to corn. One
elate alone showed a decrease of
acres cultivated to corn. , i
l eu Cultivated la Ike Foot
"Other eastern state that showed
incress in population showed' a very
marked deerea In the cultivated area.
This Industrial population ha grown
great la tho eastern sute that th dairy
men of the east find such a poor market
for milk that they are not producing as
much butter, proportionally, a formerly.
Therefor, butter producing ha grow
more ta th west than In th east.
Th method of one-year renting
throughout th Mlslslppl valley coun
try Is having th effect of robbing the
soil of Its fertility and cannot b con
tinued. Tha last census (how that there are
less cattl In the United State than ever
before. There 1 also at th present
tim a scarcity of bog In th United
(State and the sheep Industry lias . been
somewhat Injured.
'Taking all of these matters Into con
sideration, there can be no Question
aboat future good price for even thing
produced by farmer, and this should b
an encouragement to persons contemplat
ing this business."
Bell Company Gives
Out Big Figures
President Vail ha bad compiled and
sent rat the Jlt annual report f th
American Cell Telephone and Telegraph
company. It deal with figure to a
large extent, showing that during th
year . new station were oaeaed.
making a total of a.aCCS. Th total wlr
mileage ha been Increased until It ag
gregate nearly liOOT.W mile.
Tha dally traffic handled d urine the
year was approximately 24.13J.9a eonaee
tion. or 7.771. . for the twelv
month. Th set earnings wer KM.
StU7. an Increase of fl3as.m.s, over Ml.
Dividends amounted to X,1.4J.7J. The
capital stock, bond and other Item
outstanding aggragat t.mDt aad a
majority of th stockholders ar wotnea.
Stimulate your huatnesa by advertising
ta Tli Bee-the newspaper that reaches
all of Ut buyer.
In 1391 a number of Chicago business
men met and decided that It would en
hance the commercial values of their
city to raise Hs artistic standard, and
that th time came to all cities to con
sider entertainment of a high order as
a valuable asset to draw th class of
people who desire to give their children
advantage sot possible In the smaller
Place. They therefore decided to bring
the Theodore Thomas orchestra from
New York to make Chicago It home,
since which time this great orchestra has
cost tli buslnes men of Chicago more
than U.sM.OOS, but their effort placed
Chicago on the artistic map.
A good many year ago Mr. Thomas
J. Kelly, after attending a number of
concert m large eastern title and
broad, became ambitious to attain for
Omaha a reputation of high stand, d as
a musical center, and ha ever sine been
expending hi efforts along that Una
In 190 he ' organised the Mendelssohn
Choir of Omaha and became their con
ductor, and a number of (mailer con
cert together with the climax of th
sertea of concert of HU, showed ta th
Omaha publlo what success ha crowned
hi effort. On of hi aim had alwaya
been to bring tha Thomas orchestra to
Omaha, but It sever gav concerts
west of Chicago, It took a great deal of
thought, work, effort and money to in
terest that organisation. Tha combined
effort of air. Kelly and the executive
committee of th Mendelssohn choir of
Omaha prevailed, and tha first series of
concerts of this world-famous orchestra
Health, Comfort and
Welfare of Workers
The millions of men and women who
ar Inlerosted In th moral and physical
uplift of the working classes, especially
thaw In tho. crowded cities, will be glad
to know th-.t their dreams are at last
coming true
In at least on largo New York factory
th humanitarian theories of the Con
sumer' leagu and kindred bodies have
been crystallised Into fact This factory,
th American home of Nemo Corset, at
Sixteenth street and Irving Place, em
ploying over MM operatives, mostly
women and girls, has Just been com
pleted at a cost of over H.OCS.eOO. It Is,
regarded a (he most perfect factory
building in the world, from th stand
point of th health, comfort and safely
of th employes.
In the first place It Is really fireproof.
The latest automatic sprinkler system I
supplemented by the largest outride fire
escape In New York, and an Inside fir
tower of concrete th first of It kind
yet erected; fire partition on each fac
tory floor, tha door of which close auto
matically; a well-drilled fir brigade.
Wide, unobstructed passages lead on each
floor directly to the fire tower, through
smokeproof feed stairway. No more com
plete protection against dangers from fir
can be Imagined.
A vast ventilating plant draws air from
the outside, high up from the street,
washes out all dust by a "water curtain"
(which also Insure a hygienic degree of
humidity), and deliver the pur fresh
air Into 111 workroom 'dt degrees
Fahrenheit In winter, while In the summer
the air can be cooled to thlrtten degrees
below the outside tenvsralur. So vast Is
this plant that the air In each factory
floor I completely changed every six
minute ill day long.
A modern system of overhead lighting
produce a diffused light. Ilk sunshine,
doing away wtlh ehsdow and eyestrain.
Refrigerated, filtered drinking water la
served from fountain throughout th
building no drinking cup anywhere.
On four of the floor ar modern kitch
en and lunch rooms, where employe are
served with the best of clean and whole
some food at the exact cost of foodstuffs
and preparation less than the price In
th cheapest restaurant.
A hospital ward none finer or mora
modern In New York with doctor and
trained nurses. Is at the free disposal of
employe. An apothecary shop furnishes
medicine! free. Patient 111 at their home
may have physician's services at th nom
inal charze of M rent a call.
A fin roof garden on th top of this
great twelve-story building will be main
tained for the recreation and enjoyment
of th employe, with constant elevator
service until 10 p. m. daily, thus supplying
an evening "home'" for the operatives,
many of whom are practically without
the comforts of a home.
This establishment ha been visited by
many men and women who ar prominent
in "uplift" work and It ha been adopted
a a model by many factory owner and
by th manager of vartou municipal es
tablishment. It la a conspleuoo example
of how much better It I to do things than
to be content wtlh talking about them.
Fathers and Sons
to Have a Banquet
Th second annual "father and son"
banquet will a given at the Young Men'
Christian association .Monday evening;
March . at J0 o'clock. R. 8. Flower,
boys' work director, has Issued Invitations
aad requested all who accept to notify
him. Mate will be as cent. No father
will be admitted unless accompanied by
hi son aad no son will b admitted un
less accompanied by his father. Th aim
of the gathering la to stimulate a closer
relationship between the father, son and
th boys' depai lmeiit of th Young Men's
Christian association.
Thl iagtltntloa Is tha only oo
in th central west with ceparal
buildings situated in their own
ampl (rounds, yet enureu
distinct and renderica It poaii
to classify cases. The on building
being fitted for and devoted to tbs
treaunant of noncontagious and
aoamenta! disss sea, no others be
fog admitted. The other Rent
Cottage beinc designed for aad
devoted to the exclusive treatment
ot select mental eases, requiring
for a tim watchful ears and spe
cial auraing.
Choir and Thomas Orcheftra
i -
Basso, with Thomas Orchestra.
In conjunction with the Mendelssohn
choir of Omaha was given May IS and
17, 111, and thus it was made possible
tor th musio lovers of Omaha and sur
rounding towns to enjoy concerts of the
Pioneer Beaident Succumb to Pneu
monia at Benson Home.
Forsaer President of City Coaaell,
Mesa her of School Board aad
, Prosalneat on Osaaha Fir
Depart see at,
Albert A. Gibson. M years old, pioneer
of Omaha and first foreman of th Union
Pacific blacksmith shop, died at hi
home In Benson Friday afternoon. Fun
eral service will be conducted today
.at 1 o'clock.
Mr. Gibson had been retired for about
tlevea yean. He was one president of
the Omaha city council and also served
at: a member of the school board.
Mr. Gibson wa born on February i,
1KB, In Fltchburg! Masa, and cam to
this city In December, Mt. lie soon
afterward secured employment at th
Union Pacific shops, where he remained
for many years. During hi actlv 11 f
h wa prominent In affairs, and was a
veteran of the Omaha Fir department.
Ill wife, Jcanett McCrosn Gibson,
died on September . WOt, Hs Is sur
vived by a sister, tho widow of Oeorg
E. liryu, once a prominent man Id Mad
ison, Wis.; a daughter, Mrs. Ida Gibson
Knight, and a son, Martin A. Ulbaon,
both of this city.
Death was caused by pneumonia, with
which h had been sick for a week. The
funeral services will be conducted at th
bom, im South Lynn street, Benson.
Covert Lodge, No. 11, Masons, will at
tend the funeral In a body, leaving th
Tempi at 1 o'clock and conducting th
service at t Interment will be mad In
Mt. Hop cemetery.
Birth aad Deaths.
Birth Logan and Mattle Marshall, KM
Ersklne. boy: Harry and Clara Fischer,
h) Lafayette, boy; A. U and Alice
Wheeler. SSI North Thlrty-secono, boy.
Deaths Luclle Kirchner, 3 year. K2
North Thirty-eighth venue; John Stew
art Lefturch, at vears. Butte, Mont.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
"assises w."-OIt year eklMrs for H
veulse IS k H trope la walar trters ssssls
tbs lellovlns: Tlsctant eessss. t Srsia; tisci-
si raas annDstie, s tram; ssais. flsM sslos
eert. 1 es. Mil well. Tkta sboeU be glrsa
sbsst sae hoer'ssfore deals Is ester.
Mrs. r C : Tbs whlttsk Slsrbart m wea-
uoe Is SB I a Slsesae called leticorrbea sad
which. Is very veskenlaf. If slert K fre
soestlr Bs t SMta ssrlses Ills aad 1 eoaii
dries roe, te efcuin es eeaos el Issnlc sr!4
suaeas 1 asuseptle vltaas sewdsr. Mis
and ass s lesssosafal ts swan at wan wslar
sad as aa falsettos vllb striata. To lacrosse
roar welskt sad ss a toate Uaa tares srsla hrp
aaciaaa Ubiets.
B) T. I mold adrlas the toUeXas larst
boatssoat: ooUls 1 oss. anttorstte rllaao saw
der. I a salt lnHMSfsl add oao plot o( Bran
ester aad frosi tbs Bain st tbs aaad aaslt to
rstcr tbroasb lbs aootrtls BSroral tllna a dar.
His a lorel uesaeoafal or tbo VILA no sovdor
to oao oaace of lord or vassliuo aad aapir this
bslai so tbo Bostrtis ss tw a as bssbib4o. For
baorasl trastawot ass tie) follewiB. Obtals tbo
ttlwvtBf lasTedteau at ar storb drug
us ay BfttttiB won: Brro sersaBaniNV
osa. soar, a aid banewort 1 os.. no
til- racks 1 as. Take oao toasBoeafsl tsar Havre
"Xi T. a wrltea "Mv aslr Is btrsb aa
rad look too and sir seals Is eovsrsd wn daad
raU. Caa row krl svar"
: CM a 4 os. tar ot atata yellow srla-
rot. aad aas K rarolartr sad roar balr wfll bo
orao soft sad rtafrr aad It will bring barb tho
brumal aataral rolor to th hair: yor daadraft
will hs cared Bad row will So rewarded WH a
asslray (rawtk of balr.
"Mra O." WTHest '1 wast asraothlBS ts m
rear ar wotrM siMt u or aa soaada. Mr
!ood as tbla. watery, awd I aaro a sale eoav
Vriloa. Doctors ray I ass aeBcrslc"
Aaswer! rrcbawr rtoar aaviwllatloa fuartleea
sro Isssoired sad acnema Is tbs reeaU. 1 weald
cries laat yoa basis labia taros srsla hrae
aaclsa tablets st oaco sad ewatlBaa until your
stood Is ro-rtlaUsad with red aad white ono
paBelea Taoso tsbsKa aid disostloa sad cases
tbo bodr te aarusllste tbo fauc atcwMjais hs
food, laws sirta solar, weight sad atroagUi te
tbo assMViBraiir lata.
Tool !C- wrluo: -I aars bss saabls ta
work for ascao wcoks a accaaat st rbovwasy
.avav WBat woald 70s s4nss"v t (
Aavwcrr Tsko tbs fottewsag and t sra aar
sou aill sorm bo bs-h at yoar work asaia. Iflx
tbs fojlowiac at boavo and tabs a tissymsfal
at artal Usses aad at sod Uses: lodids at bo-
V . iJ. .i$Wr' -4V- ' 1
very highest order at a price within th
reach of everybody.
Th second aerie of these concert 1
to be given on th evenings of April S
and 3, with a matinee on th afternoon
of the latter day. In addition to the
Thomas orchestra of Chicago and the
Mendelssohn choir of Omaha, which, un
der Mr. Kelly's direction, h ahown re
markable progress, and which ha only
received praise t th hand of critic,
th management ha also provided for
th appearaac at the concert of Mia
Florence Hlnkle, soprano, who ha been
doing the greatest festivals and ha been
given unstinted prala; Mm. Nevada
Vandervecr. contralto, th wire of Mr.
Read Miller, th tenor soloist of hut
year's concerts, and who I highly en
dorsed; Mr. Miller, whoa rtttlo .work
of last season will be remembered with
pleasure, and who will fee even more wel
come this year, and Mr Frederick Wald.
basso, who Is htghly spoken of In eastern
musical circles.
While th Thomas orchestra was
brought here through th effort of, Mr.
Kelly and th Mendelssohn choir of
Omaha, Its future presenr depends on
the (ucces of th present festival. If
Omaha la to hav this annual event It
must be supported liberally. The effort
of member of th Mendelssohn choir's
executive committee to enlist th Interest
of Omaha people hav met with fair suc
cess, enough to encourage th promoter
In the belief that th concert will be a
uccess. But th help of all t needed
and must he had If th concert are to b
made a permanent artistic asset of the
Button is Designed
for 1912 Ak-Sar-Ben
Sample of th membership button de
ckled a for this year by the board of
governor of Ak-Sar-Ben have been re
ceived at the of floe of Samson.
The button Is a white enameled shlsld
bearing two crossed Roman swords, on
red and th other green, th word "Ak-ear-Ben"
appearing In gold In th red
sword. Above th aword Is th word
"Omaha" and below th swords "VUV .-
Shannon Promoted
to Superintendent
Omaha friends hav received word of
th promotion of Luk Shannon to the
position of superintendent of motive
power of tho South Dkota Central. HI
headquarter will be In Sioux Fall,
wher he ha been located for th laat
year or so, sine leaving Omaha.
Mr. Shannon wt formerly employed
her a a machinist by the Missouri P
cltlo and Burlington. "
If you hav anything to xeharti. ad
vertise It In Th Bee Want Ad column.
Ct This for Colds
Pissirtptlo far PoatUe Basalt
Boat Xxpsrumeat. .
"Prom your druggist get two ounces of
Glycerine and half an ounce of Concen
trated Pin Compound. Take these two
Ingredients home and put them Into a half
pint of good whiskey. Shake well. Take
one or two tewnpoonruis after each meal
and at bed time. Smaller dose to chil
dren according to age." This I said to
be th quickest cough and cold cur
known to the medical profession. B sure
to get only th genuine (Globe) Concen
trated Pine. Each half ounce bottle come
In a tin c row-top sealed case. If your
oruggist is out or stocx ne win quickly
get it from his wholesale house. Don't
fool with uncertain mixtures. It Is risky.
Local druggist say that for th past
six years this has had a wonderful de
mand. Adv.
Th question enswered below are gen-
i in onaracier, ine symptoms or dis
eases are given and the answers will ap
ply to any rase of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice free, may
address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg.,
College-Ellwnod His., liavtnn. l r,rin..
In self-sddreased stamped envelope for
repiy. run ram ana aaareu must be
given, but only Initials or fictitious name
will be used In my answers. The prescrip
tions can be filled at any well-staeaxt
drug More. Any druggist can order of
S drsrat: sndlasi atllcrloia. a Imh,
wis of ratestenra, vt nbos; ccotp. oMcnc car-
oin. 1 os. , usis saiaiwott, 1 as.! sad syraa
anaparllla, t sia
"Clara" writes: 'i bars bad a eeetb far Sbsat
a year sad tear t skill sever hs nd of It, as
H am woroo with srorr froth OO Id SBStrast.
Coald yea (tve ar rsnsdy?
Aaawtr: I es aire ess rocjodr last ,m
saro will ears yaw and oao last Is abashjlsty
araiMas aad slsoasat fa tabs. Mass a irruy
- BTaaoiatoo avsar sod eoc-balf
fdst of bsllla wator. pal oa tbs fir aad Id It
coat to a boil. Ihoa oooi and add tho osateatt
of a 4 oa bottle of osssac raralbs-laioao,
wbleh yaa oaa rsrehaas at aar dnw store, aad
yoa WJII bar a slat Of tee ftaset esaib rrrus
oa tbo BUrkat today. It Is aboat eight tlarx
sboiaor tbaa erdlaarr Issslid orosb avedklaoa
sad WW last Slack hrasar. ar-ueiaoe
o 9
M.rr" sera
. wwiv ourjaiaios IBT
tseitootloa. 1 oiMvot est aad sat cross sad Ir
- cbritd, rav aaa sra crssB aad Ir
ritable ll the tlava. 1 lear It will eaaas ss-
as rear draesut lor tablets tri
jostlae sad taka sceordin U Iks direcltena
Tbsse ar slab, white sad Was UbMs aad ars
te a Ukoa rasrala. aeoa. sad alsbt iisiiu
tlrety. This will cars year tMlaaattea sad srs
osai susallcllbv
Pot 10 wbatersr. I coo set aler st sldau aad
T aerres are rs s terrlM asadttloa. Caa yaa
tall what wewM beis ssor-
Aaswer: Tbo telhrwltg bis bslaod
sarrar aa to do. Oct I 00a syra af
brpoBboaobrlea sssts. sad 1 ss, st tlactore cado
ooo foot cardassoe) aad tab a tassreseral bs-
- win iraiiiie year aarroas
systera aad yos win bs arroo sad wsll wltaas
o ..,. .
"fmrf m m. . .
far eso tbat Is las UL I bars tried ircraVa!
at taer do sat beta."
r-iio ivr roaaeiBg WrlfDt,
Jwt ben i Is a safe, ealck aad rare loosed, oit
- ' 1 oirair aaa oa of aires!
srbolon. Mis by shakls wall sad take a tea.
tbea.deaMe the does. A radooUoa of a Boaad a
say is set aaaaal after ta tim was ar tea.
. 1 " w?M'm : ""esas sdrlss stirsslblss ta
tsks tkat will core caroale seaatlaallos, I bat
safferes far raars sad sacs ased suaa slsdd M
sills, sot Use do act ears."
asawsr: t thlak svosl of ts !!?sa fct' eaasH
by cbrraw coootlpotloo. ft tb felleoisg uklota
sro taboa rotalartr I boy wlii gradaally cfJsct a
car as tber ausvabita tha liver aad tmou int.
besltbr actio. They are sacked SB Scaled tubes
sad ars called three seals salsherk lab! I sot
oniswar laototas ns salt sirn lies
nor wilt ana panry uvs Mood and taaa ap th
coin rrstcaa. It yoa are dropcptle, ukcbb
lota trtopaatla. Tboas tw Brntlciaes ye vill
fled la aay -to-dat srag store.
We Are Striving
To Reduce Our Stock Before We Move
By Means of the Most Startling Price Reductions
Our new show rooms and display windows at 10th and Doufclas streets are being built and mod
eled to suit the needs of our growing businosa.
Put we are not going to move these, precious display of Diamonds Watches and Jewelry into the
new store. The expense snd delay would be far too great. Everything must be sold at Half Price, or
Lni Before April IS, and that is the reason for our
Great Sacrifice and Removal Sale
which is now in progress. This cession affords an opportunity for discerning folks to secure our well
lukowai Iravdlng and standard make In Watdic. Jewelry and Silverware at prices that never have been
and most likely' never wlll be equaled in any elty of the Vnlie.i States.
It should not be necessary to emphasise the character of our business. Anyone who has rer mad
a purchase In our store will know from experience thnt we handle the most durable, dependable and
up-to-date line of watfhrs and Jewelry that fan bo secured from leading manufacturers of the world.
Our twenty-seven years of business success Is bssed on our ability to buy direct from the best and
most renowned mskers and to sell with 'the smallest profit.
On the occasion of this. Our Rig rtemovnl Sale, prices on our high class stocks are still further re
duced and no matter what you select In our store, we quote you half price or less.
During the coming week we are going to make a Kseclnl Ketlurtion on Our Immtwise Stock of
Watches. As far ss this modern ncuesslty is concerned we have the best that Is made, and during this
sale we are selling Matches at the moat astonishing aarrtflre. This offer comprises the finest and
most ornamental timepieces aa well as durable and airtight cases for rougher usage, while the mow
menta in all cases are guaranteed by us for five years and we keep same In repair free of charge.
Please note and compare the following hacriflre and Keiitoval Bargains:
15- alre, II jewel Rockford movement, filted-lu a
20-year gold-filled hunting case; regulsr price
$40.00; Removal Sal price 23.75
Same as above, In open face 321,75
18-sfxe, lT-jewel Elgin, VValtbsm or Rtorkford move
ment, fitted In a 20-J ear gold-filled rase: regular
price $24.50; Removal Sale price $14.25
Same as above, In open face . .$11,75
It-aise, 1$-Jewl Elgin or W'altham movement, fit
ted In a 24-year gold filled hunting case: regular
price $21.00; Removal Salt price. $12.25
Same as above, only In open face ....... .$9,75
18-slie, 17 Jewel, .Hampdoa movement, fitted In a
10-year gold filled open face case; regular price
$20.00; Hemova) Bats price -$10.00
H-slse, tl tuby Jewel. Illinois or Rockford move
ment frtted In a 20-year gold-filled hunting case;
regular price f 13.00; Removal Sale price $21.75
Same as above, In open fare $20.25
16- alze, lS-Jcwel,' Elgin, Waltham, Itockford or
Hampden movement, fitted In a 20-year 1 gold
filled bunting case; regulsr price $28.00: Re
moval Sals price ........ . ....... . .$17,75
Same as above. In open face $15.75
K-alze, 15-Jewel Elgin, Waltbam or Rockford
movement, fitted In a 20-year gold-filled hunting
case; regular price $24.00; Removal Sale
pMey ..$14.25
In order to Inaugurate our new venture In proper festive spirit it is our duslra to put oar new aad
beautiful store at the disposal or a Happy young couple (o be united In wedlock on oar great opening
day. Soma sturdy lad and smiling young lass! had bettor see us about this soon. t
To be married In the most exquisite snd gorgeous parlors In the city Just before tha doors ar
thrown open to the publlo for Inspection ought to serve as a good omen and aa Incentive to happiness.
We are going to present a valuable and magnificent diamond ring to the prospective bride whom we
select for this occasion. See Fred Brodegaard. , . . , . ..
Prescription Which Is Valued
by Elderly People-Mix It at
Home Harmless and Inex
pensiveRelieves All Forms
of Stomach, Kidney and Blad
der Troubles and Rheumatism.
Th great majority ef men and womat
at th a ef it rear begin to fael th
first aim ef advancing axe In soma form
of kldny treubl, stomach disorders or
bladder weakness. Few ar entirely free
from that torturous disease, rheuma
tism, which I not a dlseas In llael'
but a ymptom ef deranged functions
ot th kidney, which hav beom do
ted and lusftsh, falling In their duty o
sifting and straining th polsontus wist
matter, uric acid, etc., from th blood,
permlttlnc It to remain and decamp
ettltnc about th Joint and musclar;,
causing- Intense pain and suffering
Th bladder, however, causes th eld
folk th mt annoyance, especially at
bight and early morning. Hundreds of
readers who uffer will find the follo
ng, which Is known as the "J. II. II
Mixture." th most harmless snd effec
tlv treatment to clean la system of
rneumstlo poisons, removlnr lrrltstlon
erf tha bladder and relieving urinary dif
ficulties ot the kidney and urinary struc
ure, rainvicoratins tha cntlr ystein.
Th J. B. H. Mlxtur consists of the
fallowing imp!e prescription, the Ingred
tsnta ef which can be obtained from anv
good pharmacy at small cost: FlaM
5xtre Juniper Berrle. one ounce; Com
pound Fluid Balmwort, on ounce; Com
pound Syrup of Hypophosphltas. four
ounces. iShak well In a bottl and take
a teaapoonful do before each meal and
araln at bed time; also drink plenty of
. This prescription, though simple. Is
always effective In the disease and af
flictions of th kidney and bladder and
Th above prescription I manufactured
by the well known pharmaceutical house.
Prescription Products Co., Dayton. Ohla
South Sixteenth Street
s x Sample Free For Relief flCS ) '
f 1 m tC wars.-, wa arwwwaa tyvTi, "'
v iu rivvc if uj at viua is- yit
XA TLBASTltT Kedoa'swlfh iwr ewrapUraenta frir
J I f VV 1 catarrlial aor threat- eolda or aay catarrhal L$J If '
I I aaf N trouhl. Plaaaaal. Sara, onkk is (toe distress MlVi II - .
f onaa a OR oa mis sr.ra.iwi owviniBBj, rjooinai . C"F ' I"1T m BawaooVaai li
J wall rnle the aaaal or .urov Tak a satal'poe- mi. I ""T.;-.
u sstoraally. lesvla la ta throat at loraj as If U utaH-
jrVdOoaslbl. rub lb throat well with th JsHy-roall I! tUxM- .,
If J sad slraost Intaat rairal. Get s Oc t !0o tab to .. I : I .ae-. ....
Ill aayof youroMsa-lst st eM sasasy postal te a iss Wffffifll.'i' I f ,,
igi iVu aM
reads Bee
Same as above, In open face $11.75
12-alzc. 17-Jewrl Elgin or Valthain movement, fit
ted in a 26-year solid gold-filled esse; regular
price $30.00; Removal Sale price $18.75
12-stze, 17-Jew-el Elgin,' Waltham or Illinois move
ment, fitted In a 20-year gold-filled case; regular
price $26.50; Removal Sale price $15.75
6-slse Elgin or Waltham movement, fitted In a 14
carat, extra heavy, solid gold race,, raised, orna
mented and diamond set in star; regular pries
$42,60; Removal Sal price $25.75
0-slze, Elgin or Waltham movement, fitted In a 25
ycar gold-filled case; regular price $21.00; Re
moval Sale price $12.50
0-slze, Elgin or Waltham movement, fitted In a 25
year solid gold, raised, ornamental case; regular
' price $37.50; Removal Sale price $16.75
0-slse, Elgin or Waltham movement, fitted In 20
year gold-filled case; regular price $18.50; Re
moval Sale prlc $8.95
400-slze Motley Stark, smallest sise ladles' watch,
solid gold, 14-carat case; regular price $38.00;
Removal Sale price . , -$17.75
400-ie Molley Stark, Hampden movement, fitted
In a 20-year solid gold filled case; regular price
$20.00; Removal Sale price ......... .$HJ25
In all the above eases we can give you any de
sign case yoa may desire. ' All rases are guaranteed
to wear for 86 and to years, Just as w advertise.
Drtb. ItiACH & tViAWn
Nralsst equipped sVrntal office) la
Omaha. Hlalieat-srad danlstry at
icaeotiaM prices. Fsrawlaln ttUlnsa,
juat Uka th tooth. All Instrument
c artfully siwrlllsMl after aen eparvv
Corner Ittn sad Varaaas Me.
Tsnan nooi. taztosT i,otr
want ads
ii i m -U. -i-" '"a.l "V 1 Bf 1
f-wsr w m