i The Omaha Sukday Bee. . 1X)1'.DED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWAT.K. EDITOR. 11EK BUiLXH.NO. FAH.VAM AND 17TH. Kntered- at Omaha potofflc as seeond r c'a.- matter. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday one year a15 , Saturday He, one year M I "ally Het (without Sunday), one year K0 laiiy Be and Sunday, one year K 00 v DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Kvenlng Bee (with Sunday). Ier mo....K Daily He (including Sunday), per mo. Jily Bee (without Sunday), per mo. ...46c Aadrnrs all complaints or irregularities in dellrery to Ctly ClrculaUon Dept. REMITTANCES, ttemtt by draft, ezpreaa or poitaj order, livable to The Bee Publishing company, only 2-cent stsmps received in payment of amatl accounts. Personal checks, e cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accented. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha Sis N St. Council lilutfs Srntl St. LJncolsv-Jk Little Building. Chicaco IS Marquette building. Kansas City KHIance Building. New York-M West Thlrty-thlrd. Washington TS Fourteenth St., N. W. CORREdPON DENCE. Communications relating t news and editorial mau.-r should bt Tddrssscd tunaha Bee. Editorial Heparin, it. FEBKLARV CIRCULATION. 49,463 ftate of Kebraska, County of Douglas, f. Dwtght Wllhanu. circulation manager of The Be Purilshln comiuuiy, being duly worn, says that tbe average dally circulation, lean fixitled, unused and re turned cnpiea, for the month of February, l'U, was .3. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed hi my presence and sworn to brfora me this ith day of March, I31A (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER. Notary FubUc. Sakwrrlher levUs tko ally trapwrartlr ahnld bay Tka Ilea aaallea t tkeai. Address will ka chaaced fta aa re quested. Mayor Jim says tbey gotta quit kicklnf his dog around. Rich find ot potwb made In Cali fornia, hurrah! Down with the coat of living. It la stretching it to refer to the paper filed la detent ot Lorlmer at a brief." "Hit the lino hard" It supertlu . out adTlc to giro to thott North ., Dakota fellows. I Whether tae colonel callt It a ' gam or not, he hat drawn cards and la titling In. So far, at least, President Madero of Mexico has not yet proved to be of the resigning kind. Among the many useful agencies designed for the child's welfare, how doea the home strike you? Bettei the day, better tb deed. Let spring 'really begin on Sunday and make a good Job of It, It will not teem Ilk 8L Louis . with the old Four Courtt building , lesertsd as the temple ot Justice. A Chicago Judge says It la woman's duty to "Jolly her hus band." Just kid them along, you now. ' Mr. Bryan thinks Mayor Oaynor would make a good president, seeing e, too, has no cbanc ot the nomlna- 1on. It still bears repetition that there la no partisan politics whatever in Ihla commission plan ot city govern ment. ' - Tb trouble Is that along about July and August tb effect of all thl - -old weather will hav been com pletely tost. Ye, and don't make the mistake f Imagining that all th trlendt of tood government ar behind on per Ucular slate. Yes, but It Governor Harmon Is oraJnated at Baltimore, will Mr. Bryan promise In his Individual ea paCty to help beat aim! 'l A railroad switchman la speaker 1 f tb Arizona house ot repeaenta . Uvea. He ongbt to keep them oa tb mala track all th time. Describing It la th vernacular, - Mr. Bryan calls for cards, but re- .- fuses to chip In hi ant until be I - lure he hat the wl nlng hand. Don't overlook tbe fact, either, that th secretary of our Water board Is playing on of th prin cipal role In th water power site grab game. Tb Toog war la again oa la Cel f tfornla. Bink Kong, Wong Kong t and Tom Long ar prominent par . Udpanta. Pins Pong 1 keeping In ' th beekgrvaad. Strange, Isn't It that Secretary Knox has not yet beea accused of a sing the patronage club In behalf of President Taft while making his tour la th South American repub lics? A California wine manufacturer c told a congressional committee that 'Jn way to cure drunkenness was to . fiv men plenty of win. Sure, It is drinking water that make men 'ntoxlcated. . Mayor "Jim" wants it distinctly understood that a did not expect to be oa the Cltisens aaloa slate, aad that he la not disappointed In the least in falling to find his same in i anuiated list A Lost Opportunity. Without going into the merits or demerits of the candidates for roun ellmen "slated" by tbe Citizens" union, It strikes us that a great op portunity has , been lost we would be Justified In saying recklessly thrown away by those who under took to chooee tbe road for this or ganization to follow an opportunity presented of making an issue in the coming campaign for a new set of men to administer a new plan ot city government. Whoever public sentiment has been aroused bebind the movement for tbe commission plan has drawn Ita inspiration from dissatisfaction with the old management of affairs which it is to displace. Tbe only excuse and demand for adopting the commission plan came from the de sire to get away from the old ineffi cient machinery of government and substitute a modern up-to-date mechanism that would tiake the tax payers feel they were getting full returns for their mouey. The spokesmen for tbe Citizens' union have prided themselves In their pronunclamentos that they were sponsors of snd special guardians for a new Idea in tbe commission plan, which was to inaugurate a new era for Omaha. But In applying theory to practice tbey evidently could not get away from the political pressuro and baited at the halfway station by filling In their ticket with tome of tbe very men charged with responsibility for the shortcomings ot the old plan of city government With the Citizens' union abandon ing the only Issue at stake, and mak ing Its campaign purely a choice of men, baaed upon individual Judg ment, then personal preference will be the determining factor all the way through. It w road the algns aright, this lost opportunity Is now Irrecoverable, and the chances of eliminating party politics, along with party labels, almost gone. Hen and Religion. Omaha will be visited this week by one ot the "teams" sent out to plan , for the conservation of the forces ot tbe Men and Religion For ward movement Conservation Is deemed highly necessary to give af fect to th effort ot th year. So many evangelistic enterprises hav spent their enthusiasm without, even to the church's satisfaction, conserving tb results temporarily achieved. So In theory, at least, this movement seeks to avoid that mistake. Another distinguishing feature of tbla movement It that from th first It hat gone down Into the street to try and Interest th man there In th cauat ot religion. This la such a natural thing for any religious en terprise to do that It teems hardly worthy of special mention, but It Is because of so many failures by the propaganda to do this that It now become notable. .It la wall tor tb church If through such mediums of Influence It Is brought to see that It must meet the man la th street, that It must talk to him la terms that he can appre ciate and must condescend to com pete with th worldly attractions tor bis attention and his time. For It has tried the other method ot bringing him Into tbe church by erecting commodious edifices and labeling them with signs, "All Wel come," and golug on with ita serv ices whether th signs attracted him or not At least that Is th impres sion th man In tb street too often got But this Men and Religion movement proceed from a very dif ferent conception ot churcbly func tion. It apparently proceeds from a determined notion that It Is time to "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, Oh Zlon." and exert a more keen and definite seal tor men. whether they 'be high or low In the seal ot social activity. Hew Home for Consumptives. American people are attll exerting aa earneat effort In the combat with tuberculosis, and not without great results. On ot the latest enter prises in this direction has Just been undertaken la Denver, wbero all Protestant churches of J he city hsve combined their powers to establish and maintain a building for tbe care of patienta afflicted with tbia dis ease. The building Is ' to cost 11,000.000 and It operation will continue to be expensive, demanding tbe best efforts of the united churches. Buch an Institution should be of vast advantage In the tight to over come, thl deadly enemy of health, and Denver la a good place for Its location. - Furthermore, It le grati fying to find churches effacing de nominational lines for the sake ot Interests so 'paramount Ot what possible value can creeds, confessions of faith and forma of worship be as compared with the direct actual needs ot humanity In this respect? Going It single-handed and alone, doubtless no one of Denver's Prot- estent churches could swing this proposition, unitedly tbey swing it with comparative ease. Is it not worth while, then, to merge differ ences and divisions ot human opin ions Into a purpose to .great and po tential. If not divine? It is a con sptcaoua example for churches throughout the land. It suggests what vast energies - tr lying dor mant aad what tremendous oppor- tunltles for needful service are go ing to waste because of too much consistency to formal religion. Worse and More of It. To republicans occupying specta tors' seats the ruction among the Nebraska democrats is becoming more and more Interesting. Out at Kearney Mr. Bryan was quoted as declaring that if Governor Harmon carries the presidential preference primary as against other democratic candidates he will refuse to attend the Baltimore convention, though commissioned as a delegate-at-large. As we have already said, this Is s most remarkable attitude for Mr. Bryan to take after preaching "let the people rule" in season and out of season, and berating every demo crat honored by the party who re fused to accept the decree of the majority when it made him three times the standard-bearer. This declaration Is aa announcement of deliberate purpose not- to recognise the will of the majority as binding If the primary outcome falls to con form to Mr. Bryan's wishes. But now comes Mr. Bryan with a further proclamation ot bis pro gram, which can be characterized only as worse snd more ot it: If Nebraska democracy Instructs for Harmon I will refuse to serve as a dele gate In ease I anr elected, but will In stead go to Baltimore as an Individual, and as n Individual do what I can to secure the nomination of a progressiva democrat It is easily understandable " that Mr. Bryan would not be a very sym pathetic snd enthusiastic' Harmon delegate for Nebraska to send to Baltimore to help nominate the Ohio governor, and It might be within the dictates ot propriety for him to let his alternate go In his place. Yet, when Mr. Bryan goes on to ssy that he will nonetheless try to divest himself ot his obliga tion to hla party and go to Baltimore In his Individual capacity to nullify the expressed will ot the democratic majority In hla own state, he repu diate tbe primary In advance. It It It to count for nothing, the demo cratic end ot the much-vaunted presidential preference primary In Nebraska may at well be called off. A Second Isthmian Canal t ' Already, before the Panama canal It completed and In operation, we hear talk ot a second Isthmian waterway and some believe It Is not far In the future. They baa their belief tiuon tbe assumption that the Panama canal will soon be unable to accom modate th traffic demands UDon It. The Christian Science Monitor very appropriately points,' In this con nection, to the experience of western railroad building, when, fifty years ago, men planning tbe construction of a line from Chicago to Omaha thought that by some book or crook such a venture might In time be made to pay Its own expenses and trepida tion attended th vast enterprise ot launching a transcontinental line from Omaha west. But th history of what followed the building of the Northwestern and tbe Union Pacific is one of tbe moat thrilling chapter in all the annals of empire building. We have the Nicaragua canal rout laid out For thirty years its avsllsblllty waa urged upon tbe floor ot congress and for a long Urn It teemed to be th root for selection. So, perhaps, ss the Monitor suggests, a second canal acroaa th isthmus is not far In th dlstsnc, yet it does not seem so very near to us. Tbe doubt of tb Panama's psytng success for torn time may scarcely be compared with the misgivings In th minds of tb men who built the pioneer railroads, for there waa then no auch dramatic object leasont of transportation and development be fore tbla country by which men might form approximately Ideas of what to expect We have all those lessons and experiences to guide us today and may not be easily surprised. Yet some of thou, in closest touch with the Panama ar nnwllllng aa yet to consider Ita Immediate greatness from the standpoint of its prompt net revenues. They foresee a fight to compete successfully with the estab lished land transportation in the United States and the Tehusntepee In Mexico, to say nothing ot the Suet. Of course, time will develop a traffic which will, no doubt tax. If not over come, the facilities of the Panama canal and make necessary th build ing or the Nicaragua route, but this seems to us to be one ot th remote results. Unwarranted Comparisons. An eminent business man has been quoted, without making dental, as saying that present conditions in the United States presaged aa upheaval more terrible than the French revolu tion. If he aaid it he doubtless did not Intend more than mere hyper bole, but nevertheless such agitation 'should be Jeft to lips of incendiaries without weight No two periods la history could be much more nnlike than that Imme diately preceding the French revolu tion and this Jo free Asaerlca today. Corrupt corroded monarchist France fell a victim to Its owa Inordinate lust wbea its vicious appetite found no more to feed upon. Tyranny had dug Its heel unrelentingly Into the seek ot the "third estate," converting It Into a mas of ferocious human beings straggling for bread. Tbe kingdom was virtually bankrupt and THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAECH such a remorseless siege of murder, rapine and plunder as ensued has seldom If ever been known In the his tory of civilization. And yet it la with this condition that men dare draw a comparison of our times and country. We are en Joying larger liberties, greater pros perity and better living conditions than we or any other people ever have enjoyed. Our nation ia the richest, most powerful, most progres sive, most democratic; our classes the most noble and our masses the most orderly. Social discontent exists, yes, because social discontent Is the leaven of civilization. Economic and political problems real and atern con front ua, yes, because they are the natural complements of tbe evolution of government and they aiwaya con fronted this nation and by them we mount as a people to higher rounds of citizenship and Individual and col lective power and Influence. What if we have not solved them all? One thing, we must not look for a solvent common to all, for a panacea, but one by one, as those before us In this nation have done, take these problems and work tbem out. Education and Divorce. An eastern school for girls boasts that ot its 7,000 graduates not one ever has been a party to a divorce. We do not know what proportion of Ua 7,000 graduates have married, the majority, we suppose, since they are young women, but the record Is mani festly one to be proud of. It might even be held up as one ot the very greatest attractions of this college, though to the credit of the Institu tion, be It said, it Is not making such a commercial asset ot it. What proportion of these young women have distinguished themselves for their erudition since leaving school, whst proportion have achieved fame In the forum ot public activities art, literature, the pro fessions or business or even In some of the conspicuous spheres of woman's political emancipation, we do not know and, evidently, their alma mater does not care. Not one haa been divorced. That ia record enough. . Woman's most natural sphere Is the home. These women seem to fit Into homes, seem to sdorn them wit1 natural womanly grace, seem to know how to meet their many little perplexities snd annoy ances, to exhibit patience, lov and forbearance in their relations with those whom they have accepted as their helpmeets In the preservation ot tbe firesides snd th resrlng of fsmllles. Tbey seem to forget self long enough to remember that life's most sscred bonds should not be sundered merely to satlafy a fleeting, personal whim or caprice; to realise that there It a higher mission la this world than th serving of a sordid temper or perverse will and that for man or woman the noblest work is to perform the part ot husband or wife, fatber or mother In perfect felicity and concord. . What has education to do with matrimony? Juat this: Education's prim function It to teach young men and women how to live before it teaches them anything else. The character and standing of this old New Engltnd institution is answer sufficient to any carping criticism about a school's right to delve Into the amenities ot matrimony We do not know what course It pursues, by whst example or precepta this school reaches its young women on thess matters, but obviously It inculcates some lessons which, they seem to re member and practice with most magnificent fruitage and it can make no difference about th rest This Is on Instance where, surely, th means Justify th end. And for other schools for girls, who artistic temperament may be finer, whose reach Into the del lent details of social preetlg may be more extensive. whose young women know more about' certain useless foibles of fash Ion, this school with 7,000 nndlvorced grsduatea stands as a pattern. Th bird men hav beea unusually quiet of late, giving th impression tbst winter weather Is not favorable to flying. If the airship Is to be a practical means of locomotion. It will have to overcome temperature and seasonal obstacles. Assurance is given that the "Im mediate and compulsory" purchase of our water works plant begun nine years ago, will be wholly consum mated within sixty day. And still a lot ot our people are from Mis souri. An automatic violin player is smong recent German inventions. If we ar not careful we will toon hav a mechanical trombone footer planted in every block and reading the air continuously night and day. A bumper crop ot wheat, corn and oats, for which conditions are prime, wlU make th Nebraska farmer see nothing but the rosy side of life, re gardless of th distractions ot presi dential politics. Tewt Fertile-. , IndlarjajwH News. The ordinary householders, bowtwr. Is not aa usually disturbed about tbe threat ened eoal famine. Ha Is saare r less need to that state f attain at this season of tb year, aad a begins te work up his fortitude te th point where It win bold oat until the good oM summer time ertass relief. 24, 1911 BooIunBackwaril HiisDiW inOmalia ? COMPILED IBOM BEE flLt-S 1 I-1 March I i I Thirty Years Ago The local musical event was the benefit concert for Mlsa Lizzie Calderwood. th program being contributed by her friends and associates In church choir work in Omaha. Those participating besides Mura Calderwood were the Glee club. Mies Claire Rustln, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ester- brook, a quartet of Mrs. Equina, Mrs. Mrs. Bsterbrook. W. D. Wilklns and Mr. Beterbrook, and a male quartet consist ing of F. 8. Smith, . B. Wilklns, J. W. Wilklns and J. S. Smith. Another grand labor mass meeting was held In Central hall, addressed by Presi dent Walsh. Mr. Wlnship. L 8. Hascalt, John Qulnn. Judge William H. Riley, James Knight and P. W. Murphy. A report ot school board finances for the year ending March, VStt, shows total revenue of tl.S.l and bonded In debtedneas of tlO0,OOS. The Millard hotel Is te be ready for opening June M. Herbert Leavilt. tbe deputy county clerk Is oa the sick Hit. The steamer Sherman Is on its way from St. Louis to up-river points. John Taylor of the county clerk's office has gone to Denver and his place Is filled by James 8. Vanderberg. A large section of the plastering on the celling of the main hall tn the old court house bulldinc took a tumble this morn ing. "It is time folks were getting out or the old shell will collapse entirely the first thing we know." General John C. Cowin left for Sidney, to return next week. Mr. B. Haas, who has for many years been preparing the elegant garden ot F. Krug, has Just completed arrangements for a five-year lease of the greenhouse in Hanscdm park. "Parties desiring handsome-plants or boquets can b sup piled with anything In bis line." Ladles are Invited to take a look at those Shetland shawls st the Chicago Dry Goods store, ISIS Farnam street. Twenty Years Ago After all the fuss and furore about lo cating the ball park across the river, the club management yielded to petitions or Omaha fans to locate tha old North Twentieth street grounds, which Mr. Mo Cormlclc, tha owner, sold for SS.00S. Ralph E. Stout, sporting editor of the Kansas City 8 tar, who had put considerable money Into the enterprise here, assumed charge aa tha financial overseer. Miss LllUe Crummer returned to her position as teacher In Lothrop school, much Improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corl of Chicago were guests ot Mr. tnd Mrs. N. It Mc Grew of North Twentieth street. Mr. Corl, a former Omaha eltlsen. was en route to San Francisco on business and pleasure with Mrs. Corl. Mr. snd Mrs. T. K. Sudborough left for a trip through the south. Mr, Bud borough, who was principal of the Omaha Normal school, expected to visit some of the leading universities ot the south. J. J. Farley, s banker of Marquette, Neb., was st th Psxton hotel with his bride, who was Miss Elizabeth Carter of Osceola, where their marriage was per formed th day . before they 'cams to Omaha, Mr. Farley was remembered In Omaha ss s member of th Twenty-first session of th Nebraska legislature, being quite a friend of Dick Berlin and George O'Brien. Th ham ot D. H. Wheeler, jr., B0 South Twenty-eighth street, was entered by burglars between I and ( while the family was away. Tea Years Ago W. H. McCord mad a move for th re vision of th Auditorium plan so ss to provide for horse show accommodations. Mrs. Henrietta U. McCagu. wife of Rev. Thomas 11 eC ague, D. O., died at their home, tX South Fortieth street. Mrs. McCagu was an old resident of Omaha, having come here In IM7. In ISM sh was married to Thomas McCagu and they went almost at one to Cairo, Egypt wher they served ss missionaries of th United Presbyterian church. In ln they returned te America, locating in Ues Moines. In IMS th family moved to Nebraska City and In 1M7 to Omaha. Dr. C. P. Werten baiter of th United State Marin hospital of New Orleans arrived In Omaha for th purpose of ex amining Into th smallpox situation here. He bad a conference with Mayor Moore and began st once to follow up sugges tions mad. Andrew Nyberg, years of see, died st his residence. U34 Capitol avenue. It was open, hens day st th sew Ben nett Company store st Sixteenth snd Harney streets and 'thousands of people took advantage of th occasion to visit th handsome structure. Little Miss Louis Bennett marched st th head of a column of husky police officers, who bad chart of th vast crowd. Thee eoupl procured license to wed: Sol Troutfelt. . and Sarah Brown, S. Omaha; Jo Rex, tt and Nellie A Swan sea, l, Omaha; Otto Ootsch, ft, Douglas county, and Anna Luschen, Is, Besclng ton. THE PHESIDEMT IX BOSTOX. A eeetle I svrwew te la Ita Areler. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Really It was time for William H. Taft to be given taste of a routing ex hibition of tb popular favor and ac claim. II got It In generous measure In Boston. It banished th smile from his face when be stood before tb legislature and mad him sober and forceful be yond hla wont II was profoundly moved. Th deeps ar being touched In th man aad th people. W hav tot down to discussion of th basic things In our government which la Incompar ably th world's best exhibit of democ racy today, despite all defects, as It was In Its beginning. Thoughtful Americana will not lightly abrogate constitutional ssesuard. Our legialatlv reporter, whose experience runs hack ever more rears than he would car to hav us trtU describes th president s reception In tbe hall of the house of representatives as unprecedented la Its ardor snd th wet eosM ss BtMniesUonaMr genuine. Th same story Is told br th Boetoa taper of last evening. There can be no mt tak about th facts, end ttttl room for debat aa t th meaninc of 1 lional a demonstration. TreaeSy f SUwac. . New Tot Peat. lfr. MuEsey says that th people could not com out until tbey knew what the oiowal would A aed tbe colonel could not com out antU he had heard frea tb people. Waa there ever such a tragedy of th enforced silence of lovers? People and Events A thorough canvass of the situation shows that Medicine Hat Is the only one securely In the Tins. It is a safe guess that Secretary Knox all! not hav his hair mussed during his South American tojr. Cheer up! After the blizzards and Fnowbanks and the ties of snoveling cornea the flood. Things are bound to more. A large consecutive guffaw greets the plaintive wail of a New Yorker -who boldly asserts that a remedy lor the high cost of living Is more vital to the plain people just now thin courts or constitu tion. Oh, what s mutu An electrical wlxard abroad flashes a wireless hope to the snowbound belt that at some distant day the weather aill be made to order. Coal men ana Ice men might delay the crack of doom by keep ing prices closer to the earth. America's gilded youth put up a, lively pace, but they are not In the class uf s Berlin sport, who wants bis father, a steel and Iron magnate, to cash In his bills, aggregating TaO.flOu. and deduct it from his Inheritance. That's "going some." When you gaze out on the back yard shrouded in white and contemplate what a Chang will com with th emerald hedged blooms of belated spring, it la little short of a crime to jar the sanctuary of anticipation with the hoarse cry: "George, dear, poke up the fire; the house Is chilly!" If any of th common people, who are claimed to be the bone snd sinew of the democratic, party, hike to Baltimore for tbe doings on Juno . It behooves them to make ample provision for a season of high living and common thinking, which is scheduled at about SIS a day at the hotels. Checks drawn on snowbanks won't go. Judge Irwin Beeman of Sterling, 111.. Insisted on having the last word In his court one day last week. Mrs. Beeman "butted In" as the judge was sentencing a likely young man end made such a disturbance that tbe judge imposed a fine of 5 for contempt and made her pay It on the spot The Item Is unique as a plain statement of fact, but lacks the heart gripplng feature of the Incident which transpired when the judge reached home. BUSIAL OF THE iLAEJE. Pes Moines Capital: The Maine and Its sacred scars are hidden from the eyes of the world. The sea upon whose bosom It one so proudly rod will chant Its eternal requiem. New Tork Sun: In the hour of a duty well and decorously performed and as th fragment of the Maine disappears forever the American people are reluctant to believe that the Spain of Cervera waa dishonored In the tragedy that sent so many brave and unoffending men In continently to their death. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: What the government has done with th remains of the Maine Is worthy of the national dignity, and shows the highest apprecia tion of the brave men who enlist under th flag. Though the ship will rest at th bottom of th ocean Ita monument will endure In the patriotism of the peo ple. Philadelphia Record: The history has been made. Cuba is free, and we em barked upon the conquest of nonoontlfi ous territory. Home of th result are satisfactory. Let us hop that In th course of time all of them will become such, and that In the end It will prove that th JOT officers and men who were killed en th Main perished for the ad vancement of human liberty and happi ness. Springfield Republican: The sea burial of the old battleship Main must hav Leen an exceedingly Impressive specta cle, If th sight of It had th effeevthe reading of It did. Tb government la to be congratulated upon sinking th blasted hulk ON fathoms deep. Instead of bring ing It to our ports for cheap display. The task of raising th ship from the mud bottom of Havana harbor, settling forever the question ot th explosion's cause, and then sending It to eternal rest was executed with sn efficiency which th country Invariably expects from th engineers of th military serv ice. ( Tcllf Pltsburgh Dispatch. - I Th suggestion of "Wilson and Wiley pur democracy and pure food" pre-1 sent a problem to tha former chief; chemist besides which "What Is j whiskey?" and th other conundrums were simple ot solution. There Is a wider , divergence of opinion on "pure democ-1 racy" than en any Item of th food and drug list. i IMIIar lMplacr. Indianapolis News. I Mr. Knox real'y seem to bs making ; some headway in hi effort to convince I tb Central American states that all w i want Is that they shall trad profitably I with us, snd that we hsv not th alight- est Intention of Interfering with their en-1 Joyment of their own quarrels. j Sanitary Tooth Company 403 Brandels Building . DR. C TODD'S Fi WAY. J s) -'r s; ... St'sUnnS fA'iiyi-''ssWA .hen lists brwuln I OLD WAY. . tr Ti r m"T-' ' : -1 DR. TODD, 403 Brandeis Bldg. SECULA2 SHOTS AT THE PULPIT Houston Post: A Pennsylvania pastorj k inherited t3.60S.ea. No doubt it is s call from burdensome toil. Anyway, a man can t preach well ana manage tnat much money, and no rational being would want to see the devil get hold ef so much coin. New York Tribune: Out in Kentucky an earnest believer in congregational ingtng was recently Indicted for disturb er public worship by chanting too loud. A Jury acquitted him. Happy Kentucky. then, a churchgoer can still throw his soul into hymns and antnems. cnrir.rii.id ReDubllcan: A Californ iia .11 pastor preached last week on "How Shall Women Prepare Tiemseive for Cltisen- ship," and told his hearera that many women "now read only the pussy cat magazine and the late novel." Now that they have been enfranchised, he said, they must read more substantial ..terature. Boston Transcript: Th theory that a prince of th church Is entitled to pre cedence over a civil magistrate who is ot leaser rank than a national execu tive. Is not likely to suffer sny diminu tion during Uls Enuuenc William O'ConneXs cardlnalnt. judging from the bser.ee of Governor Foa's fromthe din ner of th Charitable Irish society. In eff.ct, th card.nal yields precedence to che president of the United States, but not to the governor of Massachusetts. Hut does Cardinal OTonnell reflect that Massachusetts Is a sovereign state, on of forty-eight sovereign states, making up that federal republic, the United States of America Does he reflect further that, in asserting a claim to superiority over Governor Fots on an occasion like that of Monday night, he tmplies that the dlBnitarics of the church are to be cere monially preferred to a state's chief mag istrate chosen by tSe people DOMESTIC H-EASAITTBIES. My dear, what Is your kitty's name?" "What kitty, my love?" "The kitty you talk about In your sleep thnt you hav at your club." "As far aa I om concerned, my dear. Its namo is Dtnnis." Baltimore Ameri can. "Paw," asked little Johnny, "what is the rule of three?" "You. your sister Bella, and your mother," aighed Mr. Meekun.-Bostoir Transcript. "Ten, before pnpa would consent to tnr marrying George he insisted on looking up his past life." "Mercy that was risky!" "But he didn't go very far. He stopped Just as he found that George wa th only nephew of three . rich unolea." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. Newlywed I think you are too mean for anything. , Mr. Newlywed-WHafs up now? Mrs. .Newlvwed Tou used to say you would die for me and I've Just found out that you haven't any insurance. Philadelphia Record. "Tell you what would make a peculiarly exclusive club," snys the man with th yellow liqueur. "Don't admit anybody but folks that hav been divorced." "If It's real xcluslveness you want. ' suggests the man with the lemonade, "why not admit none but those who never hav been divorced? "Chicago Post "ASK ME HO MORE." Alfred Tennyson. Ask me no more; th moon may draw th The cloud may stoop from heaven and take the snap -With fold to fold, of mountain or of capei " But o too fond, when hav I answered the? Ask me no more. Ask me no more; what answer should I give? I lov not hollow cheek or faded eye: Yet, O my friend, 1 will not hav the die! Ask me no more, lest I should bid the live; Ask me no more. Ask me no more; thy fate and mine ar seal'd: I strove against th stream snd all la vain; Let th great river take ma to th main; No more, dear love, for at a touch t yield; Ask an no more. Bring that prescription here where it will be filled by expert druggists with fresh, pure drugs. "We have one of the largest dis pensaries in the west at our 16th & Dodge St. store Sherman & McConnell Co. Our forefathers were carved teeth of Ivory and were satisfied. The last halt century, dentists have been making half teeth of gold and porce lain and people are Ignor ant of the unsanitary re sults. Dr. Todd is not satisfied short of a full tooth and his Inventions on full sanitary porcelain teeth have made his of fice practice the largest In Nebraska. Those who are wearing half tooth bridges need a trained assistant to keep these teeth clean. Dentists in many states are now using Dr. Todd's methods and are doubling their business. If yon want clean work and guaranteed to last twice as long as the old wsy. go to