Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Women Are
Doing in the World
RS. F. M. COLE. aecretary for
Nebraska of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs,
uili speak on ' The Proposed
changes in the Nebraska
atate-Constitution and N'e-
y b .... v.iub Women's 'Work -for a Board
of Control," at tbe meeting of the social
'science department of the Omaha Wo
man's cmb Monday afternoon at l:fc
o'clock, lira. Cole is a member of tbe
publicity committee, appointed by the
Mate Board of Charities and Corrections,
to eik for a bIH in the state legislature
providing for 'a state bvard of control.
Mrs. George' Coveil, state organiser of
the Nebraska Woman s Christian Tern
erance union. ' will speak on "Women's
Responsibility Toward the H gh Cost of
Living." Mrs. W. E. Chafer, president
of the Oniana Woman Suffrage society,
will give a talk on "Woman's Influence
on Social involution."
During the half hour's study of the
commission form of government which
will follow the program, Mrs. Edward
'Johnson will read a paper on "Sanity and
Democracy for American Cities." Mrs.
t W. Hayes will preside.
. airs. David Col will tell of ber trip'
around the world before the current
topics department of the Woman's club
Tuesday afternoon: Members of the de
partment will discuss current - events.
1'recedlng the program there will be a
half hour's parliamentary practice on
General Practice," led by Mrs. C. Vincent-
Mrs. William Jennings Bryan will five
e. travel talk before the department at
the meeting April .
Mica Laura Ooeta will give an illus
trated talk on "Kindergarten and Child
Music" before the music department of
the Woman's club Thursday afternoon.
illts Ruth Ganron has charge, of the
miscellaneous program, on which Miss
L.- .......... - T ..u... mwA Will ll.C.n. aMI
SVng- Miss Marie-Busch will play the
ywug ana Airs, tt . a, viiMiia will give
v. reading, accompanied on the piano by
Aire. H. J. Hull.
Mrs. Clement Chase will lead the So
ciety ot Fin Arts Thursday morning iu
Uie study of the classicists of British art.
Mis. Chase will review the paintings .of
Kir Frederick Ielghton and Albert Moore.
Mrs. Charles M. Wllhelm will review ilie
jalntlius of Sir Edward J. Poynter, and
Mrs. Luther L. Kountse of Sir Laurens
-Mma Tadema. The annual election of
.or fleers will be held.
Mu Sigma club will study the life and
Vritings ot Milton Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Waite tviuler. Mrs. Snuter
will lead the meeting and topics have
lieen aaxigned as follows: EaMy lite ot
Milton, Mrs. E. L.. Potter: political lite,
Mrs. Q. C. Thompson; later life, Mrs. C.
W. Axtell; review , of "II Tenseroso"
and 'IV Allegro," Mrs. U. H. blcknell;
nory of "Paradise Iost." Mrs. Axtell:
review of "Samson Agonlstes," Mrs. M.
J . Ilussle; prose writings, Mrs. Squler. ,
Each member will give the receipt for
her emergency dish at the meeting ot
the d.mesrio science department ot the
Mouth, Omaha Century Literary dub
Tuesday afternoon at the horn of Mrs.
J.. M. Lord. Mrs. M. P. Brown and Mrs.
George Walliker will be assisting hostr
rases.- A domestic science demonstration
of ways ot serving eggs and salads and
ways -of preparing beverages will be
given. . .
The University Extension club will meet
Tuesday evening at the Toung Women's
Christian association to study the con
stitutional government of England. Next
inontii the club will change its method of
work. It will meet weekly until the end
of June for the study of European his
tory, under the leadership of Mrs. Ida
llanchett at the public library.
The Wyche Story Tellers' league will
meet Thursday afternoon In the public
library. Easter stories will be told by
EMIss Grace Conklln and Miss Agnes Mc-
The Mothers' Culture club will meet
with Mrs. J. C. Buffington and Mrs.
iK. W. Koch on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. ' A. S. Pinto will have a paper on
"Modern Methods of Training Animals
and Their Lesson for Parent and Child."
Sirs. J. C. Aldrich will give a reading.
The Daughters of the Confederacy have
est the date for their next meeting to
Thursday afternoon, April 11, at the home
of Mr Elmer McManui. '
A delegation ot Omaha women at
tended the meting of the state board ot
(the Nebraska Daughters of the American
devolution tn Lincoln on Thursday and
had luncheon a the guest of the state
regent, Mrs. Charles Oliver Norton, at the
Lincoln hotel. Those who went from
Omaha were: Mrs. J. J. Stubbs, Mrs. A.
l Fernald. Mr. C. H. Aull and Mis
Fannie Adams, all from the Omaha chap
ter.; and Mrs. R. E. McKelvy and Mrs.
W.. A.. Dilworth from the Major Isaac
Sadler chapter. Mrs. A. E. Bryson of
Fullerton joined the Omaha women and
Went to Lincoln with them. .
The Fullerton women who have de
scended from ancestor who took part In
the colonial side ot the revolution, are
organising a chapter ot the Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Tbe P. E. O. sisterhood will have a
musical and literary program Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. R. B. Zachary at
the New Hamilton apartment.
The Ladies' Aid society of the 8C
John's African Methodist Episcopal
church are taking orders tor plain tewing
to raise money for the church through
tbe secretary. Mrs. R. Workcaff.
The recent outbresk at the Nebraska
penitentiary has brought forth a call
from Mrs. W. 8. Swanson ot Oakland,
chairman of the civil server reform com
mittee of the Nebraska Federation of
Women's Clubs, urging club throughout
the. state to hold meeting previous to
the spring primaries to stir up interest In
the pending amendment to our state con
stitution, which will, tf carried at the fall
elections, provide a board of control tor
our tata Institution.
Mrs. Bwanson send a series of one
boor programs for the study of elvw Serv
ice reform prepared by Mrs. Sarah Piatt
Decker, chairman, and Mrs. Imogen B.
Oakley of Philadelphia and Mrs. F. H.
Col of Omaha, member of the general
federation civil eervlc relorm committee.
Women's clubs of Oakland. Nebraska
Takes Lead
f S S . .. .At- . 2 V-. . ., w . v.
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r v., i - . Ms -r I '-... , n-v
c ? - 't h 'A) v;
T. W. AUSTIN. . i J
City, Randolph and Ashland are planning
to have meetings for. the study ot civil
service reform. , .
The Jewish Ladies'! I'.ellef .society will
hold its next meeting Tuesday ot this
week Instead of next .month, as their
schedule states. Tbe society will meet at
! p. m. in the Pompellan room of the
Brandeis stores. The last, winter hss
called for the most strenuous charity
campaign ever waged In the eight years'
history of the' society.'
PpHhi-iarijn (htirrh will arlve a luncheon
at the church Friday ,for the benefit of
tne visiting iurse association.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman auxiliary . of the Episcopal
churches of Omaha, and vicinity will be
held at St. Barnabas church Friday aft
ernoon at J:J. The program will be in
charge of St. Mark's .church, Florence,
after which Rev. C. C. Rollltl, secretary
of the Sixth missionary department, will
The board of director ot the Visiting
Nurse association will hold an extra
meeting Friday at 1: a. m. for the pur
pose ot deciding whether or not to con
tinue the babies' open-air camp In River
vlew park next summer. -It Is thought
by some member that the expense ot
running the camp and the benefits result
ing do not compensate for the expense
Incurred and that more good might be
done by taking the work of medical at
tendance and education right Into the
homes of the parents ot the little ones.
Mrs. Barton Millard 1 a new member of
the board.
From Mrs. Edward Johnson, chairman
of th press committee for- tbe summer
school and conference-to be held by the
women ot forty churches of the city,
comes an advance announcement giving
Information on the plan for the school.
Th school will be from June 11 to 2a, at
the University of Omba,,wlth sessions
each day from t to 5 p. m. and evenings
at t o'clock.
. The school Is for the purpose of giving
information and education In mission
study, social service: and. city, problems.
The outline of activities will be as fol
low: -
Course ot Study Foreign Missions,
China," Mis France B. Patterson:
Home Missions. "Mormonlsm," Bible
study, Mrs. D. B. Wells.
Methods and Conference Hours-Sunday
Schools, Miss Margaret Ellen Brown;
Social Service, Dr. Sailer Mathews; Chil
dren's Work, Mrs. Ed. P. Costlgan; Boys'
Work. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin; Missions,
Mrs. May Leonard Woodruff; Story Hour,
Mrs. Ed. P, Costlgan.
' Th Lecturers Mia May Ionard
Woodruff. New Tork City; Miss France
Bate Pstterson. Chicago, formerly of
pangrchwang; near Peking: Dr. Shailer
Mathews, dean Divinity school. Chicago
university : Indians, Rev. Frank Hall
Wright (Choctaw); Rev. Roe Cloud (Win
nebago). - . ' '
(Continued from Psge Two.)
Graff, who Is 111 at her home, m North
Twenty-fifth street - .' . .
Mr. and Mrs. v. c.Bueit ana little
daughter Elaine have returned from a
stay of several week In 'Savannah, Ga.,
and other southern point. '
Mr. Blanch Van Court Schneider Is
here on her way from California with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Van
Court. She goes to Chicago the first of
the wee. ' 1 ?
Mrs. Bea Cotton and children hare re
turned from the east and are at the
Hotel Loyal with Mrl, Cotton, their home,
having recently, been leased to Mr. C.
W. Morton tor a year. - - -
Mrs. W. B.. Millard and son. Bob, ex
pect to leave the latter pert of the week
for New Tork to visit - Mrs. Millard'
sister, Mrr. Cfarlstlancr.' and will be
Joined there by her other .'two sons, Ray
and Jo, from th Cathedral school In
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall. Mr.
and Mrs. 1. E. Bdum, and Mi Cath
erine Baum, will Jo!B the Omaha colony
at Atlantic City Easter. Mr. and Mrs.
Baum will be . Joined there by their
daughter. Mrs. John RoesCwIth whom
in Benefit
March "I. 1896 Mr. George R. West and
Miss Julia M. Armstrong were caught by
cupid and married at Trinity cathedral.
The wedding was very quiet, none but
the parents of the bride and groom
being present. The bride was an ac
complished and pretty blonde and a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs E. L. Arm
strong. The groom Is a son ot Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. West.
March 24. im-Charles A. Grlinmel,
manager ot the Kountse properties In
Omaha, haa reached the sixteenth mile
stone of married life. Hertha Meyer was
hia bride and Omaha the scene ot the
March 24, 1903-Ilev. Ilohocan A. Fillpl,
minister ot the Bohemian Brethren Pres
byterian church, is entitled to celebrate
the willow annlvernary of his marriage
to Mary Srdlah, which happened at Al
legheny, Pa.
Mrs. Baum will return to Baltimore for
a visit of several weeks after Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Imlst will oc
cupy their - home April 1, when Mrs
Campbell Fair, who has had It for the
winter, will go east. Mrs. Fair will be
the gueet of Mr. and Mr. E. P.' Peck
until after Easter, when she Will leave
for Grand Rapids, Mich., and later for
Engagements ;
Mrs. T. Schonberger announces the en
gagement of , her daughters, .Miss Lena
to Mr. Samuel. L. Zimmerman and Mlts
Sadie to Mr. Julius Splgle. She will re
ceive In their honor . Sunday ; evening.
March 31.
For the Future
.The Pernio club will meet Tuesday aft
ernoon with Mrs. Robert L. Smith.
The entertainment committee ot the
Omikron club has sent out Invitations
for a banquet to be given Thursday even
ing at the Hotel Rome. Mr. Tale Holland
will be toiastmaster and following dinner
there will be an Informal smoker, with a
program by Omikron orchestra.
Key to the Situation Be Advertising-
The first of a sebes of debates an
the question. "Resolved. That the tariff
of the United Stales .should fa deter
mined by a board of nonpartisan tariff al
oe rt a, constitutionality granted.'1 will be
held by the debating squad, of the Uni
versity of Omaha Monday afternoon.
The university hss two debates in April
on this question, one with Nebraska Wet
leyan, when the Omaha team supports
the affirmative, and another with Amity
college, where they (will argue for th
rejection of the plan. ' Dr. Ramsey It
coaching tbe teams, and' to' facilitate
work is planning on holding a number ot
the preliminary debates. Those who will
speak Monday are: Affirmative, Mebaa
Ramsey. Stanton Salisbury,' -Peter
Strehlow; negative, Almet Solomon, Rob
ert Btrehlov, George PercrvaL
. r
Nebraska hunter are not overly en
thusiastic over the amount of ducks they
will bag within the short time left In the
open duck season. Th hunting statnn
for wild : birds doers April, i and th
Platte river ha risen to .soch a height
tit the hunter cannot get around so a
to get In range. .';.;.;.
.Balldiaa- Permits.
I. P. Demlrk, SM. 2M and 2S7 Waal
worth avenue, three frame dwelling,
total cost. s.(U. '
niimiusiui iimr uuaiiii ssssi uv saci pi iiunr
In The Bee-the newMsaper-ttet reaches
M of th buyer - . ; I
Ladies' Fine
READY The last and complete word of the
world of fashion for Spring and Summer 1912.
We Place on Exhibition Our Very Large
Stocks of New Spring Wearing
Apparel for Women.
To Which You Are Cordially Invited
TE have searched the market for months and
our buyers have been alert and active in their
efforts to secure the newest and best of everything,
as a result of which we are now able to show you
the superb collection of ladies' Spring garments.
We have many novel garments, some that are
exquisitely beautiful, others are neat and dainty,
while others are smart and fetching.
These goods are direct from the home of fash
ion. They embrace every new style and include
every new fabric.
Turn where you will you cannot duplicate our
style, qualities or prices. You will enjoy this mag
nificent exhibition.
Women'i and Misses' Suits $19.75 to $75
Women's and Misses' Coati $12.75 to $55
Women's and Misses' Dresses $10 to $60
Police Are Seeking
Tyo Runaway Girls
N. C. Banks of. Oraj's Mills, Wis., Is In
Omaha looking for his daughter and
niece, who ran away from their homes
laat Tuesday and ram to Omaha with
two men. Mien Banks, aged lt years,
and Agnes.Vlayaon, also IS years of nge,
became infatuated with two men a fw
weeks ago and ran an ay with them. Mr.
Banks has sworn out warrants for the
arrest of Herbert Montgomery and .lolin
Montgomery, brothers, who rnvelgled the
girls Into leaving their homes. The po
lice know th four persons to be in
Omaha.' '
Rev. C. W. 8avldge has secured a lease
on the old -Col. Burnham home at MO
North Twenty-seventh avenue to be used
In connection with the House of Hope.
This will give Mr. Savidge forty rooms,
the newly acquiring house having ten
rooms, the Ue'tter I Thomas having
twenty room, and the old Driscol hous:
tsn rooms. .
Mr. Savidge saya he lias a strong team
which he will gladly send out for furni
ture. It anyone will telephone him that
they have some which they will give to
help furnish the new house..
If you have anything to exchange, ad
vertise it In The Be Want Ad columns.
, How many peo
ple s n f f e r 1 ng
froib excess of
fat can expand
their lung to
fullest extent
giving to their
bodies an abund
ance of fresh air?
The short, pant-
tng j breath -of obesity makes the
heart work feater, sending the Mood
through veins and arteries at double
pressure, giving no time for proper
nourishment of the body. And ail
because, the lungs are crowded with
rolls of fat tiiat prevent smooth,
easy , breathing. How .much better
to dissolve the fat, and allow the
system- to produce compact muscle.
This ,ls-accomplished surely and
harmlessly through Marmola Pre
scription Tablet. These convenient
little tablets are the condensed torn.
of that famous Marmola Prescrip
tion which for years has proved so
harmlese and effective in reducing
fat people to sllmnesa The steady
even reduction I accomplished,
without -dieting or exen-'se. allow
ing you to live as you H ., eat what
yon like and still lose 1 to 1 ox. a
day. Marmola Prescription Tablets
are for sale by all druggist or the
Marmola .. 3! Farmers Rldg.,
Detroit. Mlc.h. at "tc for a larse
case. If getting too fat for com
fort, buy a case today. - -
Silk Waists .
See Our Show Windows
A White
White Styles Will Prevail
in Women's Shoes
WK announce the spring
styles In Milady shoe to
proving tho white ihoe
It will be a white season.
The prevailing materials will ba
cravenette, nu-buck and genuine
buck. The style in high shoe
will bo button; In low effects,
pumps, colonial and two and
three button sandals.
We are showing the finest line
ot only the beat material in white
shoe ever seen in the city in
prices ranging from
$3Lto $70'
in high
$2L9 to 95-
in low
1419 Farnam Street
The quiet little Rest Parlor
under our 18th and Dodge St,
store, where Dainty Lunches
and both hot and cold Drink
are served. '
Sherman &
McConnell Co.
Tel. Harney 2687.
New pupils received Monday and Thurs
day aftern-jons and by appointment
$5.00 to $25
TN this day of rapid changes in the electric vehicle
industry, when new cars.are.sprin$ing!up every
season, the tang Baker record1 of i ffi:iency stands
out as a known and well tested' value tor the pur
chaser's guidance. This record ' is 'more , than a
dozen years old. . .. .
...... .
Special electric pneumatic or .
Moru High efficiency .-rashkm tires,
KxMe batteries standard' equlpmeat.
Electric Garage Co.,
Osssaa Distributors,
X. W. Cor. 40th and Yi
Eave You Bead the Want-Ads Yet Today? '
You Will ind'Most Interesting 'Reading; on the
Want Ad Pages. . ..... i, V -
The Baker Motor-Vehicle Co.
CrvcUad, , Ohio.