Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 14

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scorn plans for future
ilatrous aad Debutant j Gettinj
Beady for Post-Le nten Season.
Popular K.KS. Visitor
t las Are t mtmri Take .rasas
al tse n I'sol Wise llearke
lo Br Qarra la riar
r Br Clvea.
Korlal Talradar.
SIOXPAT-M- and i!m. Kiiaanl '"pdike,
lartv lor Mr and Mr Kdwart Titus
ot Fortia:!. Ore.;. Mm Moslir Ool
Piln r. mttiinfr of original Cooking
club; T. .1 Kelly. ierture-roclUI at tl
!"tT.e of Xln. Mrs. lire A. J'lelyu.--
TI'ESIIAY Mrs. Join T. Stewart. M.
nwetmi; ot Amateur Musical rlutt. Mrs.
Kubrit T. Smith, mertlng of itnno
elub. '" . ,.
AVKH.VUSTIAY-Mr.. Seymour IL Finite.,
bridge lumwm;-Mr. i. (V. Butsl. ken
uuKton tor iMM Jiaxgueruo Colooid ot
Oklahoma City.
THl'RSllAY-Onlkroo Hub. banquet at
Homo hotel- Mrs. J. B. Brooks, J'opu.
lar Card club.
FRIDAY Le,lle' Atd soclrty of First
Prei-byf-rlai church, lunrheon for bwie-'
lit of Visiting Nurse ajwactatlon: Mrs.
W. J. AnA-rfOn, mrellng of Keumlfr
club; Mrs. F. B. Corhren. meeting M
Lnanlmo club; I'M Kapp Pil fra
terniu. aaoual dinner in Llncola. " k
PATL'KI)AV-.Mr. and Mra. A. YV. tfrrlh
nttr nMtina of Mnrmenv club at hUW
of Mr. and Mra Paul Wernher; Kl
Kappa (Mmma sorority. luncurnB ar
Young Women Christian aiowlntton;
l-Iil kappa J't fraternity banquet In
With aocletr aeabif and lunrhlog for
the benefit of sweet charity and num
ber of group of young people practicing
two. and throe times a week for the
amateur performances to ba given la
1 ubiks as soon as Kaster marks the end
of Lent active preparations am also
going on for Easter wrddlnin 'and an
undercurrent .ot Interest flows merrily-
on regarding a number of pending en
gagement announcements. At least thrsa
popular couples of th young. Country
club set are supposed to be engaged and
the announcements are expected to lake
place nnar Easter. The young women
and the young met ere all " omehans,'
daughters and cons of weH knew, tarn-,
lllea, ,' t . . ' ' s
An Interesting engagement announced
In Chicago la that at MM .Gertrude File
get aid. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. illcu
rd FlttgeraM, te Mr. Jack 'Bsurn, son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bairm
Miss Fltegerald te well knowii In Omaha,
having keen the guest ef eif. and Mrs.
Beum. Mra. Frank Wlltielif and Miss
France Null on different occasions, and
baa a boat ef frjends here.' . ,
Both Mr.' Bum and Mlas '. Fltagerald
were In- the Wedding.'- party, of, .SUM
Brownie Bess Baun and Mr. Jena ftaiissj
whose wedding occurred laVat Npvfmber.
Mlas Fltagerald was here, for the WU-helm-Cudahjr
wedding. last June and alto
ha served an makt ef honor at toe Ak-Kar-Ben
bail.' Bias Fltagsratif attended
Mrs. other' 'scWI In WaaMngtrm, II.
C, with number of young women from
Omaha. Mr, Beam Is a popular memuer
of the rongr,st law' Omaha and Juts
recently gone te Boston, where he Is In
terested In tMWipaper work.. ,
s s J- ,. ' ." ' '.f
'suelelr Will Swiaa. '
Interest la ewirsmlng tt almost t great
and keen as tiiat' In weddlnga, and en
gagements. I At least' Wt women hsre ap
plied (or ef tbe.puol being oonelructed
In the Mrn'nptilllsVnlaln' andSthHtti
mill be reaty tw 'ttH next month. The
Interest ' &UuWaia nef MoutlUut
the fact that .thenar are it number .of
expert! In this agnatic spert. Among these
Is a group of women we used te (vim
together at the Basque eluk and they
nill dive and swim and float In the
Metropolitan pool In this group are Mes
damee T. 9. kehoneT, J. T. Stewart,
Hemuel Bums, Lather and Charles
T. Kountx.
In another group swimming together
will be Mesdane Louie Clark, Clarke
l'owell. Arthur Rogers, Barton Millard
end Mlsm Katherlne Moor he ad, tars
llne Barkalow, Kalhsrtne Fowell, Gladys
A group of debutante and young so.
tlrty women who wil form another group
are Mlwis Ruth Hammer. Kathertne I lee
eon. Elisabeth Davie, Mildred Butler,
Kllsabeth Brace, IxiulM Dinning. Dorothy
tevens, Fraaoe Todd, Marie llolllnger,
Louis Mcpherson. Esther Byrne; Leets
Moldrege, Oretchcn MeConnell.
A class of Dundee women will have the
pool for a certain period once a week:
Meedameo D. C. Dodda, C. fr. Talmage,
Alfred Elllck.' W. E. Bhoades, W. E.
Wagner, V. P. Peckenpeugh, W. K- ahep
ard, W. B. T. Belt. B. B. Rush. K. K
Klmbeiiy, O. M. Durkee, T, W. Car
mlchael, 1L D. Reec.
A Bomber of young girl wh will swira
t of ether are Misses Kstella ThurameU,
Josephine . Congdoa, Marlon Kuhn,
Eleanor Macaay, Oreta Lane, Frances
Hoetetler, Jeannie Patterson, Gertrude
Kaapp, Helen Ingweraon.
Bear fit I. ear far VlaKlagt lima
On of the largest benefit affaire ef
the Lenten season wilt be the luncheon
to be given Friday by the Ladle- A a
society of the Ftrat Presbyterian church,
the proceeds from which will go toward
earring on th work ef the Visiting
2ura association. This will be the
eighth annual luncheon which th Pres
byterku women ear gives for the ben
efit ef the society.
' Thoee who will hare charge ef tobies
are: t
Lincoln riaher.
Howard Kennedy,
fjlenn Wharton.
Barton Millard,
: ii. Hex Cotton.
Meadamee -Charles
C. F. McOrew,
Walter Preston,
J. B. -kaa.
W. A. Yonaoa.
George Tunniclltf.
Those nreeeslac ersr the dining room
will be: .',;.
Mesdamee: Meadamee:
W. B. Marshall. C. A. tlrlmme!.
Frank W altera. V. J. Bradbury.
Waiting en tables will be:
rVuiah. Evaflv 3
Haxel Evans,
Ruth Hammer.
Kathertae Mllroy.
Kiotae Jenaa.
Cora Evan.
Hilda Hammer.
Mab.e Hawley.
Kaa Cunningham,
Frank Knicier
J. P. 6 ater.
Florence Power.
Mary Hcherrnerhora,
AiKvirr Mcureer,
lMiu Hunt,
tiertrude Bchcr-
Fannie Adams.
Mabel Saiagiey.
Harry Ketiocg.
1, A 'VV
'i'r:- W V
' i a'. '
home of Mr. and Mra. Fred Larson. KJI
Hamilton street Tuesday, urine- the
evening several vaudeville sketches were
given by Mr. Ekdahl and Mr. Travis.
. hose present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larsen.
Miwea Miasm
Ethel liatr.aey.
Louise Raabe.
Annette Horchman,
Olive Brown.
Eva Frederlckaon.
.Ida May Larsen.
Sadie lArsen.
j (iiadyg 8hamp.
iOertrude Klauck,
I Violet Michelsen,
f Emma hasetrom.
ijnlin 1-eeder.
Hum Casnberg,
Alfred Thompson,
tilmer Kantin.
I Robert Travis,
Hugo fliholn.
Frank Kkdahl.
Howard KraKSkow,
liuis Kredertcksen.
Arthur Enbolm, .
by WIIUajTaVIr. Uttle Miss Eleanor
Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Auitrn. wee selected to take the leading
part In in play, that of Princess "now.
White, j ,
Hepefal le Inaenleee.
It I probably th grownups who hav
eh best Mm at owi of the children's
pertiea, for there le absolutely no telling
what th kiddle will say or do.
At ' on of th recent parties a smalt
boy, i the eclon ot one of Omaha's most
promt neat famine, waa told to Invlt
on of U little alrl to be his partner at
supper. 'He -replied that net thought It
would be more fun to have a boy part
ner, and) aftar considerable persuasion
he. thoughtfully selected one of the little
Returning home, the young hoperul re
lated the following experience to his
mother: ' "You see, mamma, I thought
sli was a PoUte little girl, hut th wasn't
Why, at the table ahe threw cake at one
of the chUdrea." . "Well, what did you
avfu'eak hi momer. "Well, I just
kicker tier hard CA.Um hlnavad then
aaw kehaead feanBut" ,l. . .'
".. ' Amsr Dlsnmew Part lee. -,
CoinpllmMUir to ynf (1 F. Hart
mann. comnianding officer of - Fort
Omaha, and Mr. Ilartmann, several din
ner partita nave been given. Last even
ing Major and Mra. C. F. Ilartmann en-
tertalnrd at dinner, when those present
Mslor and Mra. C. F. Ilartmann,
Captain and Mra. Arthur H. Cowan,
Captain snd Mrs. William Michel,
tlrv OllchruM of Cleveland.
Sir Tnc-V'Uaon of New York,
LI.miIi nant end Mrs Clark Lynn,
liKVir and Mrs. Ollchrlst.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Lynn entertained
at uinner Wedneeday evening for Major
and Mr- Ilartmann.
LkuttWMit and Mra. Clsrence Fernham
ot Fort Crook will enteitaln at dinner
tbi. evening for Colonel and Mrs. Wil
liam luttler. Those present will be:
Colons! and Mra. Buttler,
Ma)or and Mrs. Frederick Dale,
('plain and Mrs. John Klngletoa gwlser.
Captain and Mrs. Nesblt.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Farnham,
Mra, William Allaire,
Mrs. Tounglof.
Mrs. Olendennlng,
Ds. II. M. McCUnahan.
Pleasures Past
Mra, Leo Grotte entertained at a mat
inee luncheon at the Hotel Loyal tr'.jr
day. Afterward they attended the matin
at th Brand ela. Mr. Orotte's guests were
Mrs. W. L. Conant Mra. Benjamin Baker.
Mrs. It R. Rush, Mm Walter Mo lee. Mra.
1, H. Rohrs, Mrs. Henry Wind helm and
Mis LUllaa Grotte.'
Mis Clan liar nee entertained a num
ber of the young people ot the University
of Omaha at her hoene. 1701 Georgia ave
nue. Thursday evening. , Thoee present
present were Mesdamee J. M. Bemlsh. I.
Doshe. C, H. Gates, 8. Weaver, A. Wess
man. J. Hhol t, C. Wlnqulst. R Worley.
P. Perkins. P. Knight. F. Sheet and J.
A party was given by Mia Ferris Cleg
gett and Ml Bertha Hwanker at the
home of Miss Claggett Friday evening
The evening wa spent In playing games.
Those present were:
Misses Miiftee
F-thr Karel, Christina Madsen,
l.'mma Kaderlt. Bertha Mwanker,
Margaret Mcllermot, Ferris Claggett
cnEaoetn ecnomi,
Meaera. -Rmll
Fred Oonder,
rirl MrKenna,
Lite Jackeon,
Karl Kennan,
Karl tttevenion.
Jay Cole,
Frank Madsen,
Arthur Nelson,
Kiev McDermot.
Personal Gossip
Mrs. Frank Walter I In Chicago for
a brief visit "
Mrs. C. D. Mucahy of Colfax. Ia., I
visiting Mrs. R. B. Zachary.
Mr. and Mrs. Dyer O. Clark, formerly
of this city, are In Washington.
Miss Ella fichenck leeves this week tor
a few months' stay In New York.
Mf. and lit. Samuel F. Miller left
Friday to spend Easter vacation with
their daughters. Evelyn and Helen, who
are ,at the Burnham school, Northamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee are hack
from Florida, where they have been since
February L
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady arc ex-
; pected Tuesday from six weeks at
I'.ollealr. Fla.
Mra. A. B. Smith Is visiting her daugh
ter. Mrs. Clarence R. Day. at Fort
A son wa j born Saturday morning to Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Spalding, 1M South Thirty-eighth
Mis Dorothy Stowltts underwent an
operation for appendicitis Saturday at
the Clarkson hospital.
Miss Mary 1-a.Dow Proulx, niece of
Mrs. E. W. Nash, leaves today to visit
her brut her In Boston.
Mrs. CharU-s Hewitt and Mis Ethel
Hewitt ot Des Molne are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Gutbrls.
Mr. M. C. Peter has gone to New
Tork to visit her daughter. Miss Daphne
Peter, who attends school at Ely Court
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith has gone east to
spend the Easter vacation with her
daughters, Misses Harriett and Grace
Mr. and Mr. T. E. Price of Florence,
who have been (pending the winter In
Jacksonville, Fla., will return about
April 1.
Mr. Francis Gatnes and Mr. Fred
Daugherty, who attend Andover college,
will spend Easter vacation with their
C'ssiiar Offutt will spend hi Easter
vacation from Tale with Mr. and Mrs.
Aycrlrg and Edward Aycrlgg at Stam
ford, Conn.
Mr. Louis Jaques of Chicago, formerly
Mis Anna Rl Oreutt of this city, la vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Arthur KeeHpe, and
Mr. Keellne.
Mis Loughrldge of Peoria, who ha
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Thum
meL'wIH spend thl week a the guest
of Mra. E. P. llls.
Mrs. Luke Shannon of Sioux Fall Is
her to visit her mother, Mrs. Harry
An entertainment was given at the
(Continued on Pag Three.)
. e-T"
Spring Opening
: AND ,
E, Mrs. S. Richards,
25th to 30th. "Omaha Quality Milliner" Bank Bldg.
Of Women's W i 'MM
liW ond Misses' MW '
Conect faring . ;U Ug '
Vm'W$ Apparel and K- V I '"SiliVNS
;g ' . Millinery . M ' M
Mj ml
Madellne Horton, .
Lottie Underbill.
Mae Veates.
Mildred Foster.
Rhea Lamoreaux,
Meeere. ,
John Seiby. 1
Paul Selby.
Foreat Hvrd.
Charles Frandeen.
Sunton Salisbury,
Bertha Wilson,
Xeta Elmer.
Penay WiUtama,
Mary Alice Kldwell,
Clara Barnes.
Pavtd Lareon.
IVter Strehlow,
Uenrse Perrlval,
Robert trehlow.
The Golden Glow club met Thursday
with Mrs. P. Knight A contest afforded
am use meat for th afternoon. In which
prises were won by Mrs. C. Gate and
Mr. A. L. Flanagan. Visitors at the
club wen Meedame R. Berry, C Flana
gan. Ira Flanagan, W. Fraser, F. W.
Flanagan, D. McCllntork of 8t Joseph.
Mo. and Mia Cleny McKre, Membor
Mlaa Bearke Will Be Oscea.
Mis Anna Boark ha been chosen Is
take the part of the queen in the play of
'Princes Sasw-White" to be given at
'Jhe Brandeie theater sous after Easter
for the benefit ot the Child Saving Insti
tute. This ts en of the principal pans
and renuires considerable bisrrtoote talent
Mis Bourse ha appeared In a Bomber
ot local amateur performances, the latest
of which waa "Around the World With
Terpsichore,' gives hurt year. In this
Mia Bourke took the parts of the Meal
Partsiaa model and th Gypsy frrtunte
Another part In the "Piincees Snow-
White" which requires ability Is thar of
After Om Aft Fifty
From thl age the human system grad
ually decline and the accumulated pois
ons In the blood causw rheumattrm in
)olnts, muscles and back. These earnings
rhouid be promptly relieved and strtoua
Illness avoided by using the following
prescription which comes from a ao;ed
doctor and Is said to have no equal in cur
ing rheumatism and test of In physical
vigor. Good reeuits come after the first
doee. "From your druggist get one ennee
of Torle compound tin original sealed
peckage) and one oun-e of syrup of Her-
par lit compound. Take these two In
gredients home and put them into a half
pint of good whiskey. Shake the bottle
and take a teaspoonful before each meal
and at bed-time." If your druggist doee
not have Torts compound In stock he will
get It for you In a t-w hours from his
wholesale house. Don't be Influenced to
take a eatent rnedleiae Instead ef this,
in it on bar! rut ka genuine Torie com
pound In the original owe eunce, sealed,
letlow sacksge. Adv,
Every Wallace
Nutting Picture
Bears His Signature) ummmm
Mr. Wallace Nutting's charming'
pictures are rapidly gaining in favor.
His individuality is stamped on every
picture and the effects he procures are
really exquisite. Every subject of this
talented artist is based upon personal
observation. This is true of his colo
nial subjects as well as his nature
Every home should nave at least
one example of this artistic work.
. The prices asked for ''Nutting'
pictures an extremely reasonable, in
fact, no more than yon would pay for
ordinary color work.
Framert Craft Shop
13115 Douglas St,
tince your watch was last repair
ed? For perfect time a watch
must have good care.
Let Lindsay repair it this time
S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler
Spring and
Summer 1912
AN impressive array of Fa
mous Redfern exclusive
Coats and Suits. . Original Lu
cile Evening Gowns and
Dancing Frocks await you during this exposition.
Come and be our guest. Plenty of experienced
and courteous salesladies to welcome you to
Omaha's new and real Daylight Store. -
The Millinery Section lias outdone itself in assembling the new and beauti
ful spring creations of original Parisian models, from such famous designers as Viroils, Comle Eogers, Mme. Corlier & Moison Losse, and clever con
ceptions from the best American manufacturers.
' - 1 - ...... u.i . :
The Golden model, etft. Every 6nc is an, expression of the designer's nrt.
NO two hats alike. Every hat a perfect piece of art. . Y
Take the Elevator at 214 South Sixteenth Street
tTfrf&AAs) tfry Cleaning-A Giant Economy
tSJB&4JiCKZf It'g cheaper to CLEAN thaa to BUY. It's cheaper to DYE thaa to
thaa to
ITKOHA8K. It' cheaper to ALTER Uiaa to UPEND. Ot'B Dry Cleaning
methods ciuvblo you to get SEW EASTER lOTHES out of LAST rear'
garments, Let hare the garments NOW.
Just 'phono Tyler 1300, or Auto. A-J2J5, and get poted.
We pay express one way on shipments of work amounting to $3.00 or
over. Up-town receiving station at Brandels 8tores, Pompelsn Room, and
at Dresner, The Tailors,. ISIS Farnam Street. . .
DRESHER BROTHERS, 2211-13 Farnam Street
Announce Their Appointment As
Official Selling Agents in Omaha for the Renowned
Forsy the Waists
This is a distinction that is accorded only. a few. of the
highest class stores in America. This will enable women of Omaha and
vicinity to buy the exquisite tailored waists worn by the most exacting
women of New York and other eastern rtyle centers. '
The Forsythe Waist
for Women
is the custom made waist so ex
tensively advertised in leading
magazines devoted to women's
Complete lines may now be
seen in our separate waist section.