Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE 0! AHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 24. 1912.
AJhere Prisoners Are Put on
liw of the reoeat tronbl. at the
Y.braexa penitentiary ul the
lore.), leeolte, wlwt Omna Weet
" tone aad wh a thinks stoat
eruBlwli ant prisons ia of vecaliar
interest at tola Um
Did you ever " hear ot convicts
working out la the open without
guards without ball and chain.
ven without stripes and number?
yea vict s working in the hopfields
and on the roads WITH A CONVICT
work making roads and sleeping
UNGUARDED in tents at night.
It doesn't seem believable, yet I
saw it myself.
I'll admit I felt like the farmer at
the circus who stared at the hippo
potamus for a long time and then
turned away saying, "Oh, h 1!
There ain't no such an animal."
I have nosed through prisons before
and pasted by rows of sullen faces and
striped back!, but never under the escort
of the governor of the state. Not being
possessed of a (Treat deal of morbid curl
osliy, I usually sidestep Invitations to call
at jails and asylums, so I really was not
enthusiastic Ian fall after I had finished
tny business with the chief executive ot
the state of Oregon, when Governor West
picked op his hat as I started to leave,
remarking, "Now that we have finished
our business, you've got to come out and
take a look at my slate prison."
We walked out across the capitol
grounds and took a street car. A few
people said, "Good afternoon, governor."
but most of them said, "Hello, Oe." The
governor of Orepon doesn't care a snap
about dignity, lio Is no long-tall-coat,
silk-hat governor. Oswald West wears a
blue sack suit and a derby hat; and his
socks are not (ilk. I thought a man who
waa big enough to go out and hunt an
escaped convict and bring htm in at the
end of a gun would be a great big fellow,
but ho Isn't. Ho Isn't very tall, nor very
heavy, but he has a determined look on
ilS face. I rather Imagine the convict
didn't hesitate much when he saw the
face looking across the barrel of a gun.
The summer before last three convicts
broke away from the road-making gang
and fled Into the brush. A powc was
organised. Indignant at the storm of
criticism of his new system, the governor
strapped a gun on and went out Into the
brush himself. About nightfall he saw
the smoke of a camp and creeping up he
covered Ids man and led him back to the
penitentiary at the end of his gun.
He talked "prison" as we rode along
In the street car and took a short cut
through a field to the penitentiary.
"I had my own notions about peniten
tiaries before I got to be governor," he.
said. "We had 6(0 husky convicts out'
here and they Used to take tliem out
and run them around the prison yard
to uxercise them, have them throw sand
bags, and then take them back to their
cells. 80 me people would fuss errry time
they started them at any kind of work,
because they 'toe work away from hon
est labor,' and to keep tliem alive they
had to take the prisoners out and exer
cise them Did jyou ever hear of such
rot? Every time the legislature met,
there was no money to do the thousand
things that needed to be done and here
were nearly eto able-bodied men without
"The governor, hero In Oregon, can do
a lot of things he wants to, and It
the people don't like It, they can call him
In. Wo have the 'recall' here in Oregon,
you know. I camo out here one morning
and called the prisoners and guards sll
together snd talked a little common
sense to them. 'J asked them which they
would rather do, go outside In the fields
and roails and' work, or loaf and be,
boxed up In cells all day; whether they
wouldn't rather raise some vegetables and
chickens and' have better things to eat;
whether tiny didn't want to learn how
to do something useful, so they would
have a trade and earn a decent living
when they got out. Being shut up In
a cell all day didn't sound a bit good
to them, t used to break horses. What I
put up to them Was the same old scheme.
a measure full of oats In one hand and
a club in the other. Of course, thev
took the oats. A horse will and so will
a man. But the club Is there and they
get It good and plenty, if they don't be
CENTS TOO. I'll show you.
"Do you see this field from the end of
the car line to the big wall? We bought
and paid for that out of money that these
fellows earned. Our attorney general
said, that nowhere did the law ssy. that
we could spend our money this wsy snd
I told him that neither did the law say
we couldn't. It didn't say we could earn
It either. We bought the field.
"We expect, to Irrigate that field be
tween here and the asylum grounds.
We will put It in blue grass and have
a fine herd of Jerseys and Holstelns. I
recently told the city we would make this
a rark If they wopld pave the street from
the caplto! all the wsy out here. Ot
course, they agreed, because they didn't
know we would do It anyway. But we
will make this a park all the way down
to the city limits with fine roads winding
through. I'm going to have them make
a lake out ot this slough over here. Did
you ever see anything prettier than that
.-reek with that clump of trees? The
kiddles from rfalem can come out here
next summer and have picnics and dangle
their feet in the creek. Isn't that worth
while even If there is no law for It?
"There is to be a concrete hog bouse
that will be a model for any farmer to
follow. Farming, you know, is nothing
but common sense and hard work. We
have the men to do the work and we
can get out agricultural experiment sta
tion people tp make this one of Uwir
lemonstratlon farms.
"There are a lot of these boys here In
this prison who are lust as arrack Inter
ested in these perns and carrying them
out as I am. It is easy to get them in
terested by letting them know what they
are doing and why they are doing it, but
iba main thing ts to let then feel that
when they work they sre sharing, in the
lenelts of. what tbey accomplish.
"Over there fa our brick yard. We're
making our own bricks. We .have to pay
VI a Uiousand if we buy then in Salens,
snd it costs us 12.59 to make them- A
lot of them hsve been sold to build some
of the new. buildings of the other state
Institutions. We let them have them
Tor H a thousand;' save the slate money
and make money to do things around
here. That new bed Ming over there didn't
cost the stste a cent. Our sm made the
brick end laid It and tha few jobs that
rh 0.
they can't do are paid for with the
money they esrned.
This frame building being built here
Is going to be a model chicken house."
And the governor proceeded to show me
Its fine points snd tell me how he planned
to stock It with well-bred birds. "This
will furnish all the eggs we need and
make a profit besides."
I P on the roof were four men shingling
It snd some others were working below.
They were all outaida tits prison walls
snd no guard anywhere about. They wore
no stripes to distinguish them from the
ordinary carpenter. When I expressed
my astonishment, the governor exclaimed.
"Walt till I show yftu the bunch out In
(he hopflehU None of these men will
Lrun away. They know they couldn't get
very far. If they did try, and It would
go hard with them when they are caught.
We have ISO men outside and the warden
knows whom he can trust. The rest of
them inside are encouraged to do their
best as well. You know we did lose some.
but only three, and we got one ot them.
Four years ago, when we had them under
guard on road work, thirteen escaped."
"What about that capture you made?"
I ventured. "Oh, that was a lucky
chance," was the modest reply. "It made
me mad, when a lot of people, who
never have given this work a moment's
study, howled because of the runaway
and I went out after them myself. I hap
pened to find the smoke of one man's
campflre aad brought him in. The; posse
would hsve gotten him. and I rather
regret the dime novel notoriety It gave
me. It disgusted me to have a lot of
bonebeads whine that we were running
our prison wrong. Just because three
got away. The year before we started the
new plan thirteen escaped, In ail, and
no one said anything about It. Frequently
there art men breaking away from
prisons, in every state, and the public
never hears of It. The question ISN'T SO
MBN WHO GET A WAT. There are
IN PRISON. Suppose we do lose a few.
See what we do for these men and for
the stste. They learn how to work; thoy
become self-reliant and they make It
possible to treat convicts like human
I have heard that some big department
stores' and factories try to establish sn
atmosphere of cheerfulness In their estab
lishments, but I never had seen It before
in a penitentiary. The convicts brightened
up ss they saw the governor coming;; as
a matter of fact, a lot of them simply
beamed. He knew most of them by name
and it was "Hello Jim," "Are you getting
on to making shirts, JoeT" and "How do
you do, boys," all along the line. There
was no "present arms" and "hats-off"
performance on the part of the prisoners.
Moat ot them, but not all, touched their
hats or took them off. Those who did.
took them off as though they wanted to,
not as If they hsd to.
The prisoners Inside the walls are the
ones who need watching and the usual
patrol with a gun on the wall waa ever
present All the prison dally work Is done
by convicts. Including the making of
clothes, caps and shoes.
"Here Is where we beat the dark cell
and bresd-and-water plan," said the
governor, as he led mo into the com
modious theater. "We have a show here
twice a week; moving pictures, stunts by
prisoners and some times by outside
talent. Then we always give them Sat
urday afternoon eft for a base ball game.
There Isn't anything that will make them
beg quicker than to take away their
privileges.' They are sll great 'fans'
snd when a man has to sit in his cell
and hear the boys in the bleachers yell
when somebody makes a three-bagger. It
brings them to time in a hum'."
We drove out about a mile to a tick
where sixty-one prisoners were picking
hops. Agsin wsy out there, there were
no guards; no ball and chain; no striped
"I want yon to see these boys work.
Most of them have never picked hops
before, but they keep at it and do their
level best The work Is paid for by the
farmer at the regular rates and the men
get one-third and two-thirds goes Into
cur fund that Is used for all the things
we do.
"Tne same Is true of the brick we sell.
Those fellows you. saw working on the
new building. We pay the. same, price
ss these mea get who work tn tha fields.
They can send the money home, save
It until their time Is out. or spend some
of It st the commissary, pur commissary
furalshes thsm tilings at cost and those
that do good work get' the best of (t
and eaa buy tobacco, sugar for their
coffee and soch things. That's th plan
we go on. Those, that work may eau
That's what I believe in. anyway the
rich man whv won't work oughtn't to
oat either. , -. . . .
The tables are traded -and they get
better faro at the head tables and pretty
poor at the last. One ef the worn pun
ishments is to pot a man at the bottom
table, or 'hog table,' aa they call lb
"Do you see that fellow going into the
foundry? That's 'Lead Pipe Bill.' Never
beard of him? His favorite pastime was
to meet s man in the dark and the lead
pipe did tha rest, lis was put at .was
v It's 3
'hog tablo' not long ago, and In two days
he begged for his rhsnce to be good. It
was the social disgrace. Oh. don't laugh,
there Is ss much soclsl distinction la
here, as there is anywhere.
"I don't think much of this," he con
tinued, as we walked through the foun
dry. "This Is contract work making these
stoves and there Isn't much In It tor
the state. We can make more doing other
things. I want to run a model farm here
some time soon. Please remember, too.
that what I call a modal farm. Is , one
that pays. And If work gives out, I'll
hsve them whitewash sll the fences
around hers," with a twinkle In his aye,
"and when they get through they can
do ft over again. We wen't have any
rosters hare." . ;
"From what I can see." I said, ""you
are warden of the penitentiary most of
the time, governor."
"I am willing to admit that, and I want
you to understand that I am proud of
the job. The warden here, Mr. Martin,
has been In thorough sympathy ami It
won t so long Before: I will feel that I
eaa turn hie whole Id hack to hhn and
I can go about some other business.
There has been treat change of senti
ment ad opinion among our people here
In Oregon sines we started this system.
Most ot them thought that It was abso
lutely foolhardy to turn the prisoners
loose.' as they expressed it. They found
out that we know what we are doing and
that the peace ot the community is in no
wsy In danger. The farmers st first
objected to even having them do road
work. Now these' same farmers are
Government Hut Find Substitute for
Tuei Abolished. -
Aetlsas of Imported "Robber Sol
diers" Have Complicated Sltaatloa
la New Hepablln Teachers
mmt todeata leaders.
CANTON, China, March IS. Il has been
said that Canton Is the pulse of China,
but It Is still truer to say that Canton
la ths brain ot China, not of the old
hide-bound, superstitious, unproareeelve
land, but of modern, progressive, liberal
China. Only to mention the names of
ths great leaders ot the times proves
ths statement: Wu Ting-Fang. Tang
Shao Yl, Sun Tat Sen and others.
It hss been In Canton where the revo
lution has been nourished and fostered
for many years. The actual overturn
ing of the city, however, like the preci
pitation of the revolution, waa unex
pected and In some ways unprepared
for. From what seems to be the moat
trusworthy account of all the many
theories, the false report of the fall
of Peking, concocted by the revolution
ists la Hongkong and the threats of
these asms men to blow up the city,
completed the parte In official circles.
The viceroy after some hesitation ac
cepted the offer ot the British eonsu
to give him an escort to Hongkong an J
quietly disappeared from view. The
other officials either made their escape
or welcomed the new government.
PeMes aad Co-Presidents.
Two hundred -men earns up from
Hongkong on November lth. and on tht
9th took charge ot tne different govern
ment offices from which the officials ha
fled. Since that data there have bee
several presidents or co-presidents, th
most successful ot whom has been Wu
Hon Man. who Is reputed to be a Chru
tlan. He waa taken to Shanghai, wit'
Dr. Sun to act as his private secretsry
The present Incumbent Is Ch an Kwln
Ming, who seems to be able to work
' II, ' , . - nl I a . I.
1 ms fwi wm in i.q wwuvm vi
I province.
The government Is . dictatorship, ss
revolutlonsry governments generslly are
until a settled government Is established
aad the army la onruly. Most of tbs
generals are robber chieftains who are
Invited to come to the city by the revo
lutionary party tor tsar the "new army"
and the provincial troops would not be
able to overawe the Manchu garrison
aad ths Banner-men or old-style troops, y
This mcuraioa or reooeroiaiers ' nss
greatly complicated the protjlem of gov
ernment. The several chiefs are work
ing mdependenUy and are not sjubmis
slve to lBe' command ot the governor
general. 7 ' ' -' . . '
The great -need of the now government ,
has nees money. Immediately after rhr
dty turned revolutionary,. tsxes of every
descripdosi wets asoJtshed. Me money
was in ths treasury, and many thousands
ot mesr to he supported. - The officials
gave tHerr servers two months ' free of
charge.. A great' wava ot 'enthusiasm
spread over Cant ess everywhere In the
world, and mi 111 00a of dollars Mexican
leave been paid in at freo-srlll ottertass
to defray the expenses of the new gov-"
enment. Merchsnts. landlords, students
ricksha eeerles. servants eves, gave lib
erally of their funds to help the eommoa
wesL The awed ft ronttoarxas. however,
snd entbustasm quickly dies down. " Ths
students ot the Canton Christian college.
fected over M.MS. .
' The fwernooejit acheoti hare all closed
Honor by
. Lvi k '
coming to u to get our help In picking
hops snd doing all sorts ot work snd
nobody gives the matter a second
'To tell you the truth, we ere making
a lot of money- out of this," said the
"What do you mean by a lot of money?','
I questioned.
"Well, our leglslatute st the last ses
sion appropriated tlto.uoo. for this Institu
tion;' that Is, f7.u a year. We arc
making a whole lot more than that, and
if we had to we could make the institu
tion entirely self-supporting. I don't
snd will not be open this year unless
conditions Changs remarkably. Many
private schools sre also similarly af
fected. As soon as some settled form
of government is sstaUlahed, Uses may
be again adjusted.
Robberies are occurring continuously
lit sll sections of the country, snd food
it becoming dearer as transportation of
supplies has been rendered so unsafe.
Dr. (tea's "Declaralloa" Reversed.
The long train of abuses, oppression
and injustice haa been until now heard
of but Utile. The people have, how
ever, risen, and Dr. Bun Yiit Hen's
"Declaration ot Independence" will be
placed by China's sons alongside the
similar statement so revered by the Amer
ican cltlsen.
The newspaper, which originated In
Chins, hss only during the Isst few
years begun to play Its part In educating
the man on the street No greater ex
ample of the Influence of the dally press
can be cited than has been shown tn
the present-day Journalism of China.
Hongkong newspapers have not been
censored and their terrific philippics
against the Manchu government have
borne fruit. Canton newspapers, subject
to a strict censorship, still sre wielding
immense Influence among the reading
The students and teachers have been
leaders from ths beginning. As soon as
Of Automobiles
Nebraska Buick Auto. Company
Kja! BtmaI. lata and V tts. K.
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HUDSON . 2205-2207 Farnam Street
the State
, iavor that, however, because there sre a
lot ot things Out we should have In
order to get the beet results, but I am
J opposed to letting a big lot ot 'husklee
loaf when they can be made to earn their
own living."
As we passed out of the prison gatt
crossing the road tosrard the warden's
house, the governor was approached by
a man carry ing a kit of plumbrr'a tools,
who stopped him. saylnj;. "I have finished
that Job. governor. 1 put in three days
more than p-rhups was necessary 00 It.
tut ss you said this was going to he my
last Job I wanted to do it right. Do you
think I can get away ly Monday?"
"You can go tomorrow." answered Gov
ernor West, "if you will come down t
my office and get your papers."
"Do you think you could get me a Job
In one of the shops downtown, governor?"
"Yes, I csn, but 1 won't." csune the
brusk reply. The man looked a little
crestfallen, until the governor added,
"You don't want to stay around here.
The first time something happens, they'll
put out a dragnet and soma of these
cheap detectives will round you up. You
better start In new somewhere else. By
the way. If you go down to California
you will find you II not be treated as
well as this It you get Into the same kind
of trouble, so you had better behave."
That's all right, governor," said the
convict; "you don't need to worry about
me. I have been treated square here.
but I don't want no more of It. I can
hold down a good Job and I am willing to
work if they will leave me alone."
He thanked Governor West and then
wslked past the guard and Into the prison
What do :ou think of that?" asked
Governor West. "I promised that mart
to pardon him as soon ss he had finished
the Job on which he was working and he
has put In three days more than he had
to. In order to make it a good Job. I feel
that when we ran get response like that
we are reaching those fellows In the
right way."
The warden, Mr. Martin, came up Just
then, and a curly-headed little girl, who
had been watching our approach from the
porch, leaned up against the big man as
we were Introduced. "What do you think
of all this, Mr. Martin?" I asked. "I un
derstand you have been here through
some of the troublesome times." .
We are certainly on the right track,'
he replied. "I wasn't very keen about It
at first, but I admit now that the gov
ernor is right. You can bet that I
wouldn't say this unless I believed It,
with these babies ot mine Just across
from the prison gate." ,
Ten years sgo the Oregon State peni
tentiary at Salem had probably the worst
reputation of any prison In the country.
Everyone will remember the outbreak
when Frank Tracy, the Oregon out-law,
skipped leaving a bloody trail behind
him. Oregon today has within Its prison
walls, no doubt. Just ss desperate
criminals as there are In any prison In
the country, and as Governor West ex
pressed It, "It Is no molly-coddle Insti
tution." There Is no reason why the
same progress in prison management
cannot be made In Nebraska which haa
been made In Oregon.
any work could be done the students vol-
unteered to do It. They hsve enlisted a
regiment of troops to serve without pay.
They have organised associations for
securing contributions of money snd for
Instructing the people In the principles
of the republic.
Msay Of'leUla Are (hrlatlaas.
It must be remembered that there are
probably not more than 6,000 Christians In
the l.Ouo.iaju of t'snton's populstlon. Many
of the new offclals are Christiana and
more are friendly to the doctrine. In fact,
the Important position In the councils of
the province of so smsll a body hss
begun to crests Jealousy In quarters un
friendly to this belief.
The outlook is fraught with grave
dangers. The leek of money, the an
archy In the country districts, the Idea
that liberty means license, ths ignorance
of the principles of government the fac
tions and feuds, and the carelessness of
foreigners traveling In the affected areas,
combined with ths Inexperience of the
new administration snd lack df control
over the soldiers, make the mos sanguine
tear for the future. China haa awakened!
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Salesroom -tor. Tenth tad Howard SU.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Undergronnd Gasoline Systems
and public garage. I R. Clather,
agent. Phone. Harney 6573.
Why the whole world
pays tribute to the
Cadillac car
Wat is the source of that mysterious
enthuslssm which makes everyone speak
In superlative terms of the Cadillac?
What peculiar qualities does It possess,
which Impel the public to dismiss Im
patiently the suggestion that other cam
are "as good ss ths Cadillac?"
What advantages does ths Cadillac
owner enjoy, day by day, which convince
him that his Is Incontestsbly the better
Why do Cadillac dealers everywhere en
counter a lively disposition to compare
the Cadillac with the cars; but
not with cars ot like or hallway higher
on what basis can we explain the
Phenomena, encountered everywhere, ot
men reverting to the Cadillac, from cars
costing two, snd three times ss much
money I
The rrlmal Cause of Cadillac
The subject Is a big one; It cannot be
compassed in a brief statement.
But the source ot Cadillac satisfaction
can be indicated.
We van trace the cause; aad we can
paruany picture me exiecu
Let us take, merely as an example,
separating it from sli the reet-ene, big.
Litis fact.
Every Cadillac piston and every Cadd
is o cylinder is Interchangeable with every
other Cadillac piston; and every other
Cadillac cylinder.
More than euo essentially accurals di
mensions In Cadillac parts are measured
down to one one-thousandth of an Inch.
Johannson of rkeltiina. Sweden, Is
the inventor of the most wonderful sys
tem ot limit gauges for inftnttestmally
fine measurements the world has ever
seengaiise which are accurate to the
one ten-thousandth part of an Inch.
Ths Csdlllso Company la, and haa been
for years, the world's foremost eapoueiit
of Its own; and of the Johannson system.
Cadillac adherence to unexampled ac
curacy antedalee the Johannson discov
ery. It goes back forty years to Its In
ception ten years la Ha application to ths
Cadi Use car.
So here you have the primal cause
the source of the world-wide, mysterious
Csdlllac enthusiasm ths despair of cars
which may look like, but are not like the
Cadillac; because they have not wrapped
up in them the fervor and the lifetime
deration inspired by aa ideel.
affects Walsh VoUrw the rrlmal
And now as to ths effect.
How la the Inherent difference of the
fsdlllae expreaced In its outward behav
ior now does It differ and now toes It
In a hundred ways: seme of them In
tangible, but ever-present; many of them
Intensely practicalthings you can see
snd feel snd know.
1 he first fruit el fine measurement sad
lerfect alignment je. of course the reduc
tion or tricucn to tne closest possioie
approach to a theoretical sere.
Friction Is the ret snd most relent
less enemy to efficient service la a motor
The defeat of this relentless enemy esn
be accomplished by no other weapon
known to motor oar manufacture than
the most scrupulous and properly applied
Once accomullehed. t carries In Itt
train two other splendid victories.
wear, tear and reialr are the evil on-
spring of friction.
And when irkilon is reduced to a min
imum, their capacity for discomfort and
danger and damage Is almost totally
At one snd ths asms time, and from
ths same source, another splendid bene
fit Is conferred upon the car.
Elimination of (notion meana extraor
dinary eass of operation.
It achieves that luxurious evenness
which Is supposed to be one of the chief
eharaoterisilea In cars of the highest
price; snd ths cardinal quality for which
men are willing to ray that high price.
These extraordinary requisites red no
tion of wear, tear ard repair, and run
ning qualities of velveiv smoothness are
the distinguished characteristics ot a
frlclloiileas csr.
You have them In the Cadillac because
the Cadillac Is the world's foremost ex
Oil) (0fe(iB'?iB
At No Extra Price
TheM patented Urea uted to cott ontvfif th inoro
than other standard tires.
Tbey were immensely economical then.
But the demand haa grown until these tires out
sell all other tires. Our multiplied output has cut
the cost of production.
Now they cost no more than tires that rim-cut,
tires not oversize.
Save 48 Per Cent
With old-type tires, ttatittict
how that 23 per cent of all
ruined tires are rim-cat
No-Rim-Cut tlm save that 21
per cent, plus a large amount of
worry. For these tiret nevtr
These tiret are also 10 per
rent over the rated sue. That
meant 10 per cent mora air 10
per cent added Carnri&f capac
ity. And that, with the aver
age car, adds 25 per cent to
the tire mileage.
Thus these two savings, under
average conditions, cut tire bills
ripM in two. Tent of thousands
of users have proved that
1,000,000 Used
Over one million Goodyear
tiret hare been used, on tome
200,000 cars.
Some 200.000
separate users
hsve proved
their immenta
The result It
In two years
the demand for
No-Rim-Cut Tires
Wni or Without N-Sue! Trend.
r hmwmmmkmm fitetswirtttaavajtlM
This Qua iiasy ssj as connection
rahsee eeaeera whteh sees
TeL Donrtaa
Fortnne or success have often come through a little want ad
Have yon read the want ads yet today?
ponent cf anti-friction methods 01
Advantages yea smsy ex Joy aa 91s
advaatagsa yea may escape.
The presence or the absence of the
qualities described herein qualities trace
able to properly applied standardlxatien
and the resulting correct alignment; qual
ities tracedbls to skillful design and ad
vanced manufacturing methods sad the
results ef scientific research aad develop
ment, explain:
Why the owner ot one car has to crank
sad crank his engine to get It started
while the Csdlllac owner gets Into his
car. presses a button, dlaengagee the
clutch and his engine starts.
Why the owner of one car, even with
a so-called "selt-stsrler," cso start the
engine only some of the time while the
Cadillac electrla cranking device Is fully
as strident and fully as dependable aa
every other part of the Cadillac oar.
Why the owner of one car meat get
out often In the rain snd mud open his
lamps, tumble tor nistrhee, turn on and
regulate the gaa and light up while the
Cadillac owner without delay or aaaoy
ance simply closes the swlicues aad the
electric lamps are lighted.
Why one car otsns with s Jerk and
a lunge while the Caeiilao csn be started
oft with the smoothness ot aa ocean
Why la one ear about all the driver's
strength is required to operate the clutch
and brakes while with the Cadillac slight
toot pressure Is ail that Is necessary.
Why In one csr the change ef gears is
scconipanicd by a crash and a grind while
with the Cadillac the change can be made
so that It Is scarcely perceptible.
Why one car Is difficult to keep la the
road while the Csdlllac seems almost to,
steer Itself.
Why In one csr with a steering gear
which has no prsvlsloa tor tak.nx up wear .
lost motion develops making steering un
certain and unsafe while In the Csdlllao
steering gear the adjustments provided
are mors adequate than will probably
ever be required.
Why one car rides hard and stiff, ths
springs seem unyielding and the car Is
leas comfortable to ride tn over a paved
street tlisa Is the Csdlllao over an ordi
nary road.
Whr one car may run quietly and
smoothly when aew. but eooa becomes
noisy and shakee and rattles while the
Csdlllac ertea after years of service runs
aa smoothly as when new.
Why one car runs all right en level
roods, but when It cornea to sand and
hills It haa not the power te make the
pulls while the Cadillac has an abundance
of power tor all reasonable requirements
snd with Its standardisation, the correct
alignment and the substantial const ruc
tion, the maximum ot that power la de- '
Uvered st ths rear wheels.
Why one oar shows only I or M miles
on a gallon of gasoline while the Cedlilao .
avsrages a) to so per cent greater mile-
hy one ear after a few month he-
fine to evKlenoe a loss ot posrer while
adillact frequently show an Improve- '
Why In one car the eaglne overheats
and the water bolls while with Csdlllao
construction snd the Cadillac cooling sys
tem the eeuses ot over healing are praott- '
cally eliminated.
Why one car emit volumes of smoke
snd It becomes necessary to eleea the
engine and especially ths spark plugs
every few weeks, while the Cadillac with
Ita efficient lubricating eystsra aad the
accurate fit of the cylinders, pistons and
rings emits no smoke at all aad frequent
ly rune far a rear or mere without even
having a spark plug removed.
Why the oil consumption of one ear Is
from Iwe te four times that ot the
Why ths owner of one car must be
continually tinkering with hie ear to keep)
It going while many CadlUao owners
rsrely open their tool kits.
Why one car after a tew months' ass
deprectstee In selling value to half of
Ita original cost or less while
Uon In ths Csdlllao la reduced
absolute minimum.
So many "Whys" Indsed, which evi
dence the pre-eminence ot the Cadillac
that we cannot here cite tvea tenth
part of them.
No-Rim-Cut tiret bat multiplied
tlx timet over.
And these tiret outsell tajr
other tire.
Tiret which won to many wtS
win yon alto when you try them
We Control Them
With such a demand for tins
that can't rim-eat other makers
moat attempt tbem, too.
Bat the feature which makes
thit type practical it controlled
by the Goodyear patents.
Other devicet won't do, for
reasons explained in oar Tin
That it why thit demand to
largely centers on Goodyear No-kim-Cut
tires. When you corns,
to thit new type doat get tht
wrong tire.
Char 1912 Tkw
Book, based oa
13 years of tire
arias', la filled
with tacts yew
skeald ksjow.
Ask ns ss snail
k tares.
RUBBER OCX, Alotan, Ohio
whatever wrth aav
the Oaetyooj aaaso.
410O. Bell.
-J ' . : . . i I