fiiK-'OJJAHA JSUXim- KtjE: AiAKL'H 24, lyl: lu STATE ROADBOOK OUT SOON; Etbiaska State Automobile Asso:i tioa Has few Department TO BS MOST COMPREHENSIVE I mrsr larpa ol lira Is Xavr Eaaaxed 11 ereariaa Data aad Maps Aid Aufalala ea Tore ' the Mate. Gossip Along the Automobile Row .. ..ri-artmer.l lo b known as the "Offl ci.' .'load Boo Ucpartment bos been i':j;:-n'l end Is now in operation In'.r. vl'h llic Nebraska State Autn tscc:alioa. Tfcw department, hka r.i:i be -Managed by Ray W. Ham-:-... X. w;ih ocad.iuaiif-rs at Fremont, will of a road book, or guide for tht UM . t ;nc nu-T.brrs of the state association. After the -innbers t.f tiie association -t he. ii supplied, the road guide will 1- p:arrt i aale throughout the wsst i : .c s.iblbi'.n of transcontinental tonr- iilii .!;d i-t'lrrr. C-.'r r' ib anil members affiliated with lue .NMiibka Mat Automobile aaeoci t'on will be entitled to receive a copr i'f thu bonk jratlr. Tiieaa clubs Include : :r U.tialia Dolor club, Lincoln Automo bile club nr. U several other Individual Viult .l:i tin Hate, toeetMr with all ol t!ie cointv organization, which number ianu; jixir at present. The official road book will be very complete. There will be at least 3 pagee and of audi material aa to make It ex- 'ntlonall durubl-. It will be about 5x 'inchm In siie. nnd the cover will be of i treble rnat'i al. County acctlonal map, I moving tiie toadi In detail, together t.ith the tlvcra and towns, will be ahown Ifi-ieratcly. one on each page. : (HHlalna Maa Maa. The r.o:k his progressed ao far that ,a:xiy. of llicne maps haro been received tod others are now being prepared: ine torreot routes, all of which have been Verified by tlie eountjr-aurveyors, will ba ln.own in color. ' They will be Indexed to that the tourlet in crowing on county (into another will be enabled to "pick up" a continuation of the road In the adjoin- Inx county regardless of whether It np wai on the following page. It 4 planned to Inue 10.00 eoplea of tlie guide, and It la expected that there will be conquerable demand for them. The tut of Nebraska at preaent la far 'liehlnd other atalea the matter of road .marking, and the work now being done by the cffictal road book department. In .unnectkin with the other affiliated cluba, l commended by stats and county oftl clsls, aa well aa the thoueanda of auto moMIe ownen and othera who make uaa i f the country roads. . Mr. .Hammond, who la In charge of the urpanment, haa bad considerable ex perience In similar undertakings. The compilation of the book. Including aa It does, ao many mapa and touring In for -matl'in of general Interest. Involves a great. deal of time, to aay nothing of the expense. To complete the book by Juno 1, In time for the opening touring ost eon, Mr, Hammond haa put several mea I In lle field and will hare ths work rushed through with all possible haste. When I completed It will be the most eompra i.enslve, and. In fart, practically tba only j.iomplete automobile mad guide oiler Issued In ths slate. The Wallace Automobile company re ceived a letter last week from W. C tripilnr of Fort Worth, Tex., la which be apeaks highly of the Strarns cars and the great Knight motor. In the letter he said he had owned a Daimler-Knight car for about three year during which time It had given him perfect satisfac tion, although he had covered a dlstanor of X.os miles. "I cannot see how anyone who has used efforts wholly to th- compila-;a Knight motor could bo satisfied with any outer kind or a gasoline engine, oe said. "The only time I observed bow much gasollee I used waa the two sum mere spent touring In th mountains of Colorado, where I got twelve miles per gallon, but -am euro I get fa) Per cent more oh the average Texaa road a My car runs, as well today aa It did thre years ago." 4 FrlsAt'sl Bisrlrae with, biliousness,, malaria and constipa tion,. Is quickly overcome by taking Dr. King a New Life Pills. Ouly Sc. , Per sal by Doatoa Drug Co. Key to the Bltuatlon-Bea Advertising. It la not often in these days that a new model automobile under normal circum stances will create such a sensation a to entirely block traffic on the streets of a great metropolis, but this Identical thing occurred In Fan Francisco the other day when the Thomas Flyer company took out their new Abbot-Detroit 4t Ar tillery roadster for the first time. The design ts so radical to anything In auto mobilea seen In America In recent years that a large crowd soon formed, and II waa some moments before the police could force their way through the throng to order the car to move on. The road ster was first exhibited at the Oran-1 Central Palace show In New Tork last I January and was the center ot attraction. M. P. O'Connor of the Powell Supply company haa bean elected a member of the Commercial club. He says the club Is a great organisation and Intends to put his shoulder to the wheel and push things along. The elub la Inducing the dealers along th row to Join. Prior to this time but few belonged, but In lata years the auto men along the row have become ao prominent In business circles It was decided that they would ba a great asset to the club. Manager Montgomery of the Interstate company spent last week in the. Iowa, territory closing up contracts. Ma says that he looks for a big aeaeon In1 auto mobiles this year when the roads open up. The H. E. Predrtc'keon company - sold three Chalmers "M" cars last Thursday at retail. Pretty good business for one day this kind of weather. George U Dlngman of Dallas. Tex., haa moved with his family to Omaha, Mr. Dlngman la going to taka charge of the Iowa terltory for the Marlon Automobile company. T. V. Oravea of the Ooodjrear Tire and Rubber company, returned last weak from a visit In the Nebraska territory. Ma says that ha expects an unusual large holiness la supplies this year. - Hundreda of booklets on Urea and tire troubles are prepared every year by the lira manufacturers. The general sameness In style of make-up and reading matter haa proved detrimental to all. It remained for Web Drown, advertising manager ot the Republic Tire compear. Toungstown. Ol, to remedy this fault by the prepara tion -of a -series uf Ui absentee booklets j distinctive and extremely attractive in I design and make-up. The first of these j booklets la entitle The Reason." It Is sixteen pagea and cover, and Illustrates tne various waya In which automobile tires become worn aad Injured. The Illus trations are made from actual , photo graphs. The booklet la three aad one half by six Inches and Is bound at the side. Tba front cover aad aucceedlng pages are trimmed, so that each page from left to right is about a quarter wider than th preceding page. This variance In widths permits the subject of each page to be Indexed longitudinally along the right hand edge of the page. Thus the points covered can be seen at a glance before the booklet la opened. This booklet la to be handed out only by agenta when a man make - complaints about the service given under unreason able usage. It Is a radical yet sensible departure In booklet making and haa a strong sdvertlrlng value. Ouy L. Smith has just delivered a new self-starting Hudson "T' to E. Koscbes. proprietor of 'the Great Eastern Cleaning and Qydng company. , For, the last two years Mr. . K oerhel has- aaed ' a Hudson for delivery service, the car running con tinually through all kinds, of weather. Mr. Koches' 'business has grown to such an extent that a larger car waa neces sary and It ta quite natural that ha should purchase another automobile of the same make that had given him. such remark able service. .The new car, is .very at tractive, the running gear and hood are painted black and' the body and carrying apace Is red. , ' l It was divulged by Ouy L. Smith that there haa been an - Influx of European automobile experts to this country for the purpose of learning th highest prln. clplea of American motor car engineering practice. This Invasion la algnlf leant by reason of the fact that America, It la con ceded, has caught up with th old world In motor car design and Is beginning to outstrip th Europeans. ( It Is Interesting In this connection tha th foreign engineers are flow members "VVK IJ.'awCssaasr Lkw. fl jtNttJii m aw g , y AS a tire buyer you don't have to solve the tire problem it has been solved for you by the Engi neers and Chemists who have spent .fourteen years in making Diamond Tires, unquestionably the greatest in mileage of any tires made. C If you prefer tire certainty to tire ex periment and chance, buy Diamond Tires and stick to them. If you want greatest mileage and lowest tire expense buy Dia mond Tires and stick to them. C Buying tires on a price basis is a form of gambling, and like any other gambling, the odds are always against you. C Buying Diamond Tire ii ihrewd invest ment Your dividend- tre sure, and your dividend ' are Greatest MDeaffe and Service. C The most important point about a tire is quality the type is secondary. Diamond Tires nre made in all types, all tites, and to it every style of rim You can mt in Diamond Tires any type that yon want, and in any Diamond Tire that you choose you will get what no other tire can give you tht Greatest Mileage and the best service that can be built into a tire of that type. - In addition to dependable (Sealers every ' evhenr, there are FFT Y-FOUR Diamond Servke Stations. Diamond Service means ' more fhan merely sellini tires it means " taklnt care of Diamond tire users. AT YOUR DEALER'S OR "The Diamond Store " 215 So. 20th. St, Omaha. Thcianind tifAbtv (ompang AKRON. OHIO of Howard E. Coffin's staff and are bow building the new seif-starting Hudson "33". This interesting news. In eonjune tlon with the fact that America haa caught Ha pacemaker, makea certain the truthe of a new epoch In American motor ear engineering, history.. - - . The pupil has turned teacher. Clark Powell of the Powell 8upply com pany saya he la bringing up hi, little son on Republic Urea. The corupanyi re ceived a number of small Urea about the slxe of a doughnut, and the babr has been testing out Ms sprouting teeth on one of these tires. Powell save that any- tire that will stand, this kind of see without being punctured tn -one place Is certainly some tire. Th first -word the little tot learned to aay was "Republic tire, daddy." has obtained from his Franklin Q tour ing car. In th last two years Mr." Warren has driven his ear f JW miles at a total cost of 11 21 SS. which Includes O-Si paid tor overhauling. The cost per running mile of the car. Including every expense, with the exception of the overhauling charge, has been tlC A report just sent out from the Frank lin Automobile company, y recuse, H. T, supports the generally prevalent feeling that the coming rear will be an unusually prosperous one for the automobile busi ness. In this report the statement la made that the total sales at the branch' houses of the Franklin Automobile com pany for the present business year are' 144 per cent greater than they were hut year at the same time. ' - W. Morgan of San Franclaco figurea that he has been given the Diamond tires on his Franklin ear ten and one-half mil-, lion chances to blow out In the last three years and a half, but tney are atlll'rnn nlng and tn good condition. air. Morgan bases his figures on ?,0W miles of European touring and ll,S0o mllea of touring through California. He multiplies tba total of M miles by U. the number of revolutions which the wheel makea per mile, and gets MiSW.OM revolutions. Each revolution ba claims hsa offered aa opportunity for the tire to blow out. Mr. Morgan attributes his freedom from blow outs largely to the easy riding and light weight of his car and the fact that the full-elliptic sprlpgs greatly reduce the pounding action of road shocks. The low coat of operation at which the preaent day email touring car can be operated la well ahown In the service which F. A. Warren of Lallarpe. III.. In appreciation of tha aid supplied by f're science to the re lection of materials some of the larger motor car makers, and especially the Peerless Motor- Car company . of Cleveland, have established tfi their factories departments of hietal lurgy that would do credit to a. great university. Heat treatments of steel worked out In the laboratorlea of the Peerless company and applied under, the ; supervision of-its scientific staff have yielded surprising results In multiplying, the strength of metal three, four or even a dosea times.. Tbta.has made it possi ble to cut down the weight of part after part, while 'at the same time resistance to strain la' greatly Increased. As sim plicity and lightness, with strength and efficiency, la much sought by all present, day. motor car. builders. It la plain why such value la placed en 'the' work. .Manager S C. Douaiaa ,of the Sioux City branch of .the Nebraska Bulck Au tomobile company, was In Omaha last week conferring with Manager Huff In reference to carload ' ahlpments, going Into the territory. ' The Nebraska Bulck Auto company claims the distinction of having delivered the largest number of 112 cars to data of any firm .'handling any make of oara In the state. They have already CM of the new Bulck models In the banda of consumers at thla time, and they bava contracts to data for 174 Bulck automobiles to ba delivered, which are bona fide contracts, with deposit on each car. Shipments of Packard trucka tor the first three weeks In March exceeded tha best previous record for any one month. Spring business In motor carriages la gaining momentum rapidly, with Indica tions favoring the biggest season In the company's history. DEMAND FORJMS JS GREAT Problem Kow Ii to Make Enough to Meet the Demand. OT AT.MTTR.S FACTORY IS BUSHED If you have anything to, exchanga. ad vertise It la Th Be Want Ad column Wsrks Overtime glace I-aat Jaly te . krr Va with the Flao4 at-Or. elera frosa All Sections at . the Ceeatry.' , . . We know that the 'see son of 113 will break all automobile aale records," -saya H. . E. K red rick son. local representative of tha Chalmers Motor company. "Our local bualnesa has been running far ahead of anything we have done previously, and now come advices from the Chalmers factory which ahow that the same condition exists la all parts of the country. ."Winter is usually considered the slow ailing season, yet the Chalmers factory haa been working all night as well aa all day In most-departments, sine the first of last July. Even thla extra effort haa not been enough to keep the supply equal to, or . ahead . of the demand. Our anxiety now la to get sufficient cars to supply all of those who wish to buy tha Chalmers.' Ws are only one of nearly- I,) Chalmers' representatives throughout the' country, and all of them . seem to be qulte'aa anxious to get cars as we are. In, the latest report from the factory. I am told that the 8an Franclaco dealer , recently ordered ICS care. New Tork City Is asking for cars at th rate of about 100 a week, recent orders being forty-four on day, twenty-three another day and thirty another day, and ao on. Just the other day Portland. Ore., ordered U cars. , The day before. ' Philadelphia ordered seventy. The day following we aent specifications for fifteen from here, while Sioux City, la., ordered twenty-one. On one day during the last week Boston ordered forty-nine cars, Newark, twelve; Philadelphia, twelve; Minneapolis, eigh teen, and Dallas, Tex., thirty-eight. "AH of those big orders have been occasioned by th strong demand for Chalmers cars for spring delivery. I have merely named a few ot tha larger orders to show that th big bualnesa la coming from all parts of the country. Even greater Quantities of cars are ordered byi the dealers In smaller territories; wtif are sending in orders for three, four, ftfx ' and eight cars for Immediate shipment, every day. During the last fifteen days, for instance, the average number of or ders for Immediate ahlpments baa been forty-eight cars a day. while there have been several days when the orders ran weU over K cars, with a maximum dup ing the last two weeka of MS orders la one day." Motorcycle Notes Motorcyclists In St. Cloud. Minn, arJ live wires. They recently organ Ixed a V. club, voted to affiliate with the Federa tion of American Motorcycllata and agreed not to use the muffler cut-out In the city. The club la planning several endurance runs during the coming sum mer. 1 Ontario, Cat., can boast of a motor cyclist who Is a real enthusiast. L Rabe, his wife and children wanted to make a trip to Fresno. Cal.. some distance away. He tent his family on th train and rods hia motorcycle to hla destination. Milwaukee officials expecf to take aa' advanced step In municipal government, by adding from fifty to M motorcycles tor a public safety corps. Two machine, are to be placed at each engine house for it ts maintained that tha speed of, motor cycle firemen responding to any alarm would make It less difficult to. locate blares when the heavy apparatus' arrives. Or. J. P. Thornley, chairman of th competition committee of the Federation,, American Motorcyclists haa granted sanc tion for a race meet on tha one-third mile board track at Tullerlea park, Denver, Colo., for March 24. Motorcyclists at Augusta, Ga, ara planning a race meet April 1 and have have obtained tha sanction of th Fed eration of American Motorcyclists, Co lumbua and Savannah riders have beea asked to enter th races. A Daaaereas Weaad la rendered anUaeptlc by'Bncklen's Ar nica Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns, piles, ccsema and salt rheum, Kc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ...Bmji.i.rti -iiuwi1 1 1 s i in iiiii '.a !K " ' " .. ' '. '---T--- - - rHlnisTIH n" ' 1 1 " eni The Lowest Priced 35-Horsepower 5-Passenger Touring Car on the Market A T we can uarantee immediate J delivery on our Model 60-the $1200 touring car that is the equal of any 51500 car, o( any other make, on the market ' Ever since last July, we have been 'working tooth and nail endeavoring to supply the heavy demand. It waa utterly impossible to nil the great volume of ."rush!' orders that kept pouring in, yet for months, we shipped on the average of one hundred cars a day. The steady in flux of orders was perpetual. - The dealers and public alike, from one .end of the country to the other, tried every conceivable means to force extra orders through our great Toledo factories. They ..burned the telegraph and telephone wires in a frantic effort to urge and press rush orders. .-' Now the situation is changed. ' - - Hie thousands of our anxious friends who -have had a "60" on order for two months or more and waited- patiently, can kave tkdr car at one. And this is due to our greatly increased plants - We can now turn out 150 cars a day. In January our mammoth new factories were completed and after two solid months of night end day work we are pleased and relieved to announce the arrival of a ' complete tine of "Sixty's" in this city. And no wonder the public is scram bling for this car. Nothing in the history of this business hu ever equaled it. Of all the exceptional Overland values, that you have been accustomed to, this one has proven the most conspicuous. Think of it! A thirty-five horsepower five-passenger touring car for $1200. This is the lowest Priced thirty five horsepower tourint car in the world. Part for part point for point it is the equal of sny $1500 car made. It has the power the speed the comfort the ap pearanceand the construction. Take the powerful motor the strong and rugged rear system the Vanadium ateel gears the fine bearings the pressed steel frame the drop forged axlea the big tires the superb body work the high grade uphol stery; in fact, take every item that goes into the makeup of this automobile and yon will find the duplicate of this car cannot he had beiow the fifteen hundred dollar mark. Here is a car with a powerful, silent, smooth-running thirty-five horsepower mo tor. Here is a car that seats five large pas sengers comfortably. The upholstery is of good leather, hand stuffed with fine hair. The body is finished in our famous dark Overland blue and the wheels in battleship - gray. The transmission is of the selective type, three speeds and reverse fitted with the fine F. & S. annular bearings which are used on the most expensive can in th world. The frame is of pressed steel and Lis a single drop. The crank and gear casings are of aluminum. The front axle is one piece, drop forged I section fitted with the famous Timken bearings. The tires are 34x4-quick detachable. The handsome massive lamps are finished in solid black with brilliant heavy brass trim mings. Self starter $20 extra. The Overland center control is the on proven and practical location for both operating levers. The method enables you to operate the levers with the left hand and gives you free use of your right hand for driving. It gives you the use of the right hand fore door, as well as the left hand fore door, which is impossible if a lever is placed one side or the other. You can get in or out on either side. It is easy to hart die no stretching out or reaching. Any one can manipulate the levers without a particle of effort Take the specifications of this $1200 ear compare them with any $1500 car you know of and the only difference you will be able to find is the difference in price. Why pay an additional $300 for a purely imaginary value ? Our dealer (name and address below) will give you a thorough demonstration any time or place you say. ' The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo. Ohio . . ...... t VAN BRUNT AUTO CO, Distrbuteri, Conndl Bluffs, Iowa, and Omaha, Neb. Omaha Address, 2101 Tarnim Street. t . X. r I S XH: aoreepewer. a k.rar slnM; Urea. Ma 4 SKh Q. D: eons- TSTT" II j. S ' asest. awes ed amps la black aad brass isaaa. two xaa Usapa. aa I i f J ' ., SaM dianst.Saeatra. Iwsa4aiaaafcesa.fc. ' Iff j.,.., -aa., !. .. " ""aR'. .1. J "" 'I'.TtXAPjuiB t--rr t rXtm..m AmMmmtKM t.i, . ...t-aaaa. 1..1 l.. -u.n ...... , 1 aiuii ssljiii. aau ,j;;; L.J. .1 11 1 1 , 1 s. , , 'A a - -