Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Menus and
' Ctm1 with Sugar and Cream,
fried Sausages. . . Apple Rings.
Sauted Potatoes.
!. Parker Houae Rolla (reheated). .
i Coffee.
t Rector Canapes.
Roaat Sirloin of Beef.
i Yorkshire Pudding.
r&lced PoUtoea. - Maabed Turnip.
, Charlotte Rnaee,
' Aaaorted Nuts.
WeUh Rarebit.
Unsweetened Cracker.
Lettuce Sandwlcbea.
Lady Baltimore Cake.
Ginger Ale.
Favertte Reelpes.
: Chocolate Cake-Tsro eggs, te eupfuU
thrown sugar, ene-half cupful butter, one
lelt taespeonrul oda In aour milk, and
tour milk, ene-hatt tabiespoontul vanilla,
two teaapoonfuls baking powder, one
bait tsaspeonful soda In aour milk, and
two and a naif cuptuia flour, em-halt
base ef chocolate dissolved In hot water.
: tuft-Over Scallop Fill a butlorcd bik
ing dish with layer of canned tomato
and cere and boiled rice. Season wlta
alt and pepper and en the lop ef every
third htm put a tittle minoed onion and
bit of butter. Cover the top thickly
with buttered crumb and moUte the
Whole with milk. Bake In a hot evea
until nearly all the milk I abaorbed and
the crumb en top are browned. Thl
I the way w we up what I left ef
tomato, corn and rtce, and It make a
diss St to et beior a king.
Vermicelli Soup Take two ounce ef
vermicelli and break It Into plecee about
jene Inch long and place It la boiling
kited, letting It cook for about ten min
ute; remove and let It drip, cool It with
water and let It drip again. In a etcw
pa warm two quart of neck, and when
nearly at tb boiling point put In the
vermicelli, but d not let M boll. nerve
with thl oup cheeee ball and ertup
aafara or cheeee etrawe.
Never Fall Pie Crust-On cupful of
flour, pinch ef halt, two generoua table-
lepeonful of lard, three taeieapoonfui (
bold water. Mia flour and lard thoroughly
felt handa, then and water. Thl makee
Bee large pteoruit which aerer tall t
B flaky and tender.
Eggtee gple Cake . Cream a
Sooaful ef butter or lard with en cupful
usnt brown ugar, add on cupful of
buttermilk or eour milk, a teupeonful
kl soda, two heaping teaepoonful of eoeoa,
la pinch of wit and two, cupful of flour,
cr enouah to make a batter a mil
pucker than for layer cake, flavor with
trie er vanilla a you prefer.
Button Brown Breed Mix together on
tupful ef Tanke rye, one of cornmeal,
ad one of whole wheat flour. Add a level
keaapeoaful of baking aode to a pint at
thick aour milk; when foaming add a
pair cupful of molaaeee. Turn thl Into
ah dry ingedlenu, dd a level teaapoon.
kul of aalt; turn the mixture Into a
kreaaed brown bread mold, and (team
kentiuuotuly tor five hour.
i - -r.'
llayden Bros. Heat DepL
We are paying high prices for our meats this
week, bat are offering them to you at lower prices
than elsewhere in the state. "Quality and prices are
always best" at Hayden's Meat Department, t
Pork Roast . . ... 8c
Hindquarters of Mutton 7c
Frontquarters of Mutton 6c
Mutton Chops, 3 lbs. for 25c
Mutton Boast lb 5c
3erloin Steak 7 12'2c
Porterhouse Steak '.. 15c
Pot Roast 8c, 7c, 6c
Picnic Hams 9c
Hams 15c, 12M.C
Bacon 17&C, 15c, 12'-:C, 10c
llayden Bros. Meat Dept.
New England Pork Chopa-Tek five
n, nicely trlmmrd pork chop, eaeon
th a teaapoonful of nil, bait a tee-
ipoonrul of pepper. Just a little pew.
age and aweet marjoram; dip
hem late well beaten egg. thea Into
rated bread crumb. Fry fur twenty
nut, then put en a hot dlah and
ce In the wanning oven. Mare ready
kppw (unpared) so that th cor wm be
la th middle of each piece ellee about
phree-foartf. of an Inch thick; lay them
da the frying pan the chopa were cooked
la and aaute a nice brown. Turn them
(terefurr ao aa not t break them, and
Vbaa tender etrve on th chop.
around them, grate nutmeg ever and
cover cloeely and cook oa top of etove
until appl are tender. After taking
them up. epHnkle a little granulated
ugar ever. Easily prepared and nice tor
Stuffed Chicken Roll-Make a biscuit
dough by elftln together a quart of
altted flour, three teaepoonful of bak
ing powder and teaaponful of aalt. Mil
In well a tableapoonful ef butter and wet
up wHn milk. Tb mixing chould be
don with a broad blsded knife and
about three cupful ef milk will be
ided. The dough want to be aa oft
a can be handled. ' Roll out the dough
and apread Ita surface thickly with
finely chopped nd highly aeaaoned
chicken. Roll up the doufh aa you do
cinnamon rolla and put It In a ateamlng
bag. . Place en the rak of the at earner
and steal,- Time, thirty minute. Re
member th roll must have plenty of
room to iwell er It will be soggy. Serve
with a brown eeuce from atsek or th
gravy left ever from the first aervlng
ef the chicken. Thl way ef aervlng
left ever ehlekea wilrcertelnlyflnd favor.
A pot pi and dumpling with chicken are
alwar welcome In eur family.
. Jerusalem Pudding Dtasolv one table
apoonful of granulated auger In four
tableaponful of cold water. In a double
boiler heat until oft one-fourth ef a
cupful ef chopped date and three pulled
fin chopped. Turn the gelatin and
flavor with vanilla. Boll one tablespoon
ful ( cream until tiff. dd rice and
fifteen minute and drain. Whip one cup
ful of cream until Miff, add rice and
one-third ef a cupful of powdered sugar.
Fold In the fruit and gelatine mixture
and turn Into mould to become chilled
before eerrlng.
wa knowingly within rang of the ani
mal, although ha wa aeen through
glasses. Bullet would be pumped at him
from a rang if a mil or more, but that
waa all. Prgleg had evidently learned hi
flrat leoa In warlneaa when a calf. The
supposition Is that a hunter had ahot hi
mother and that the bullet penetrated the
calf leg aa welL Th calf limped Into
th bushes. Later th wound heated, but
th leg waa awry.
Central Montana sportsmen aver that
never wee there a bead Ilka Pegleg's.
On each antler he carriea nine point and
th apread la wide almost beyond belief,
go great la hi reputation that many
Montana aa well a foreign portama
have gone In search of him. At times
sight would be had of hi mammoth bead.
A Helena grocer hunted Pgleg three
year ego. With a high power rifle at a
lOW-yard rang he even knocked him
down, but when he reached the spot
where the bull had fallen only a Uttle
blood waa to be Men. .
Thl season hunter galore took the field
Intent upon bagging Pagleg. Many mile
ware tramped and a region comprising W
square wa covered without so muoh
aa a trace being found. Tney reported
that Pegleg must be dead from natural
causes. Rerldent of Avon, however, re
port seeing Pegleg last week. He waa at
a point perhaps a mil d latent tn in
mountain. Hot only wa tb head recog
nisable through glass, but a later In
vestigation disclosed tola unmistakable
footprint In th anew. Nw Tork Sun.
QiS (53
Omaha' rare read Center
i . ' s
Saturday's Specials
rXCXAL 4.00 Assorted Carnation, par doaen - JSe
Fancy Juicy Lemons, per dozen . joe
Pplnsch. per peck f
Winesap Apples, per peck J
40c Navel Oranges, per doaen .........Me
Fancy Looking Klgs. per pound iao
Fresh Strawberries. Mushrooms. Mint, Iew PoUtoea. Wax Beans,
Pineapple Cucumbers, Shlves and Fresh Tomatoes. ;
High grade Table Apricot or Plums assorted tn it Si-lb. tins. In
heavy syrup; 4oc value r !
z'4-lb. tin Long White Asparagus Me
16c bottle Assorted Pickles '
( cakes "Magic Waster" Soap does all th work 5
4 cans "Nabob" soups Jf
Lotus'' Creamery Butter In cartons per lb. .: as
Our beet Country Butter in sanitary Jare per lb. 30
Jenny Bros, cheese, per lb. jao
Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb, t... ........ ....gee
Assorted Fsncy Cheese In Jar . ...100, lte, aad 5o
Melon Maneoea, per dosen JO
aweet Pickle or Chow-Chow, per quart 0e
Tiait Seaoaatrattea la Oar Tea aa Coffee Department -A
cup of -Lotue-Ankola" Coffee will make you one of our regular ,
cuatomers per lb. 40c: two lbs. for ...T5o
"Lotus" Jspsn Tea serve it for your family and your frienda, with
th assurance that you are pouring the choicest tea that soil ana
sunshine ever produced per H lb. 16c per lb. Joe
"Lotu" Peanut Butter th purest of pure food per lb. too
In glass Jars 100, loo, 8M aad M
Our Own Mak Crackerjark; per quart .
Dellclou Atlantic Cream Mints, per lb. X6e
Otir 1-lb. box of Chocolate and Bon Bona, regular 4u quality. (
Saturday only
pur. wins An uqvobs tom axnioniAij nrgurosss
"Lotas" Brand Kentucky Whiskey
I year old. full quarte 7. ..Y..W.'. '..11X0
Cedar Brook, full quart ....S1.00
Old Athorton, full quarta JlOu
Uurtenhelmer, full quarta j "f-0?
The following wlnea are pur and old, and cannot be excelled
for medicinal purposes.
Old Port Wine, S bottle for J1.00
Old .Sherry, a large bottle for II
W hit Tokay, I larg bottle for .
Table Claret, I large bottles for
Angelica, very old. t large bottle for '0
California Pautsrne, 1 large bottle for ..oe
Peach Brandy, i larg bottle for el. 46
Apple Brandy, i large bottle for J'-
Apricot Cordial, i larg bottle for tLtf
($2 (&$
I F.llt with Twisted
- Montana Masters ti
' - Kill. .
Fee that
The big game season ha cloned and
Pegleg, th moat famoua wild elk In
Montana, etllt lives. Cnleas be meet hi
fat thl summer be will therefor be ea
hand In the fall to give the hunter a
Hi cunning and wariness and endur
ance are wonderful, even for an elk. He
will become a more Important target than
ever fnka fail for the reason that the last
legislature created several new gam
preserves end th one adjoining th Tel
lowaton park la responalbl for th small
I number of elk killed hut winter. Ordl-
Drop Cakes While eggs were ao high narlly the animate would stray from
this winter this recipe waa given to me Wonderland, where 4hey are protected.
far a housekeeper wise through expert-
bne. Crcem together on cupful of
prowe sugar and on scant half cupful
ef lard or the fat from a pork roaat
(Add two-third ef a cupful ef our milk.
WHh one-half ef a teaspeonful of sods
Ptlswolved in It, then one-half of a cupful
eoXIee, one-halt of a autmeg grated.
' ef a cupful ef raMns, the same
nt of currants and two and
cupful of fiour with on tea-
enful ef baking powder stfted la H.
In gem pans or layers. 1 only use
' the rule and bake the batter la gem
pans. If you tire ef them as a cake,
serve them with a pudding- sauce aa
only te be abet dowa la larg number
while en Montana aoU. Hereafter th
aporumaa who bag aa elk will ting th
chase tar more difficult bees use of th
rreatloa of the preserv and therefor
tb premium on Peglegg heed will be the
Pegleg acquired hie aame about tea
years ago' when hunter ha the Uttle
Blerkfoot 'country reported seeing the
track of an enormous sjk la th anew. It
waa reputed te be twice the atse of that of
an ordinary bull elk and waa ' glstJa
trruruUhed from the tracka of the ether
elk by the twisted left forefoot. N hunter
Asparagus Comes
With Strawberries
to Omaha Market
Watercress, trawberrtee and esparagu
are new arrtvala on the Omaha market
thla week, watercress selling at M cents
a bunch, asparagua at a cents a pound
and Btrawbenie t 7t cent a box.
Other high-priced articles are tomatoes
at a cents a pound, egg plant at U to W
rente eech, cucumbers at M to M cent
each, artichoke t S cents apiece and
French endive at M cents each.
"But common vegetables are cheap,
even though they have te be shipped In
from the far south," say A. King, man
ager of llayden a grocery department.
"Tea can buy lettuce at I cent a head,
rhubarb at t cents a bunch and carrots
and turnip at I centa a bunch. Just aa
la the summer time. There are tender
young onions at Vi cents a bunch, celery
at g cent a bunch and suing beana at
30 centa a pound."
Spinach rang from 39 to M cents a peck.
Oranges are It to el centa a dosea, pearl
at te 4 cents a doaen aad apple te
cent a doaen.
As a Phaser" te the whisky and beer
given te th Missouri river by the police
department Wednesday afternoon tb
government may pour la flfty-Ov bar
rels of vinegar.
A shipment from the Marshall Vinegar
company of Marehalltowa. la,, t May
SaTTasmy-, OMAHA'S RELIABLE tj"lZ Ikaa else. MP AT MARKET .a
Pork Roaat, lb
Una a trips. lHc lb.
Mutton Lege, Its,
OVObAB 14 A-ieaS. ' X.ATB-TOBT
Belleertee W eel to yertteth. South to Coster aad Bona te Oamlag ere,
Best to the Market. Ask Tent
Large Loaf 5e
Bros, at Fremont waa seised Thursday
ire Deoutv United Stat Marshal Has.
on a libel filed In United State district
court by United State Attorney Howefl.
charging that the vinegar la adulterated
with acetic acid.
The United State manual win nolo u
vinegar for the order of the court,
which mar decide it will make a good
chaser er pertp a bracer for th full
May Bros, ef Fremont are In no way
te blame for the adulteration of the vtne-
.r. run arotectad by a guar
antee from the Marshall Vinegar com
' Just why chicken has becotiw a fa,
orlte meat for Hunday dinner Is hard
te explain. Whether hotel, boarding
houes or privet family, you can bank
on it you li have chicken for dinner
next Sunday. If it cornea from
Bath Market you can aio bank en
It that you'll have the beat, pureat
flavored, cleaneet and moat tjoth
som fowl th market affords.
Not only In fowls, but also choicest
beef. pork, mutton., veal, lamb, home
made pork sausage, home-rendered
lard and th price will be on a
strictly cash and no delivery beats.
10 pounds Leaf Lard gl-00
Pork Chops, per pound ...lte
Pork Steak, .per pound lHe
Spare Ribs, per pound H
Pork Roast, per pound 10O, ae, aa
Rib Roast per pound. . ..-.lte, lye
Uome-Made Pork Sausag. lb... It
Home-Rendered Kurd. lb. lt,e
Home-Made Hambarger. yound. ...lOo
Tel. Sssg. .
Absolutely Pure and Reliable
At All Grocers
Pig Pork Roast . . 7c
Swift's No. 1 Hams, . .112c
Steer Pot Rout, 6Hg 7V4
Steer Steaka 10
Veal Roaat 10
Lamb Lett 9tt
Lamb Chop Ogt
Codahy Rex and Armour Shield
Bacon 15V
6ugar Cured Bacon . . . . 1 1 g)
Fresh Dreeaed Cblckena, 10 1
W bar now a good supply ot Public Market Special h "
Not and Lumn.Coal. per ton aPOsUU
Wood Chunks, good for quick fire in the furnace,
per cord
Belli Douslag 0443. .. lad.; A-S642.
' Quality Baking Rolls, Coffee Cakea, Finest Bread Fresh three
-time dally from the New England Bakery; 211 North 16th. 1 -
10:30 A.M.
and 3 P. KL
mo m-
Dour. 2147
iMimX bwako! )
bjA Kasw H
s V
Order a box
for breakfast
Blended from
Whoat, Riw and Barley
If veer arooor
not ease fled. tl
ra e n e wuiuu
IM and a rack'
ax will be deliv
ered te roe-
Omaha Sales Co..
aTattaaal neelttj Sldg,
Pounds Best Granulated Sigir
If Ton Pnrrhaa gl4 Worth of Other Gods.
Try Our Coffee Special, at, lb. ate
We also carry Spires. Baking Powder, Kxtracta
cocoa, eiu. .
risxtiiiaiA Taa 406 North 16th St.
HIWJUIIV WH WWe Ta. D. 1448; lad B-t44d.
Apple Caramel Brown a large table-
aoonfui ot butter and a half cupful'
pragar la granite pen. do not let them
pcorched. Have apple aaahed. eut In
Bialv and cores taken front fhrov. put
Lm.. aJt- . ..... '
whw, pour a nine water
"Fbllovv the Beaton Path" To Drug Economy-Special Saturday Prices
Wttfe every verekea ef (Os warth ef elgan.
ear heaaa. we will five a glM Aatieentle Batety
tumar. We Ae thSa ta eraer e aopmlastse torn
aatety react, wsiofe la rapteUy eyylaatiag tk
let style raaec.
75c Lady St. Clair's Perfection Cold
Cream 40c
Tula 1 one ot th moat popular cold creamg
oa the market.
50c Casseyaria Greaseless Cream . .35c
50c Woodbury's Scalp Cream . . . 40c
Tour nearest drug store is roar
' When shopping step in and get a
50c Daggett & RamsdelTs Cold Cream,
for 38c
$1.00 Booth's Hyomei, completeT. 89c
25c Beaton's Velvet Cream, excellept for
spring chaps 15c
$1.00 Duffy's Malt "Whiskey 89c
25c Packer's Tar Soap 14c
25o De Mar's Bose Glycerine Soap 10c
We apeclaily recommend thla tor the toilet
and bath.
50c De Mar's Benzoin and Almond Lo.
tion 23c
telephone, Douglas 81, 82, 83,
cup of delicious hot chocolate.
50c Shah of Persia Soap 25C
75c Pinaud's Vegetal Iilas ...... 49C
25c De Mar's Tooth Paste 16c
25c De Mar's Tooth Powder 15c
25c Colgate's Tooth Powder ..... 15C
25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 14c
25c Sanitol Tooth Powder 14c
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 14c
25c Sanitol Tooth liquid 14c
Sanitary Napkins, one dozen in a pack-
are medium size '
'.Vt' Peroxide of Hvdrosren' 7c
75c Rubber Gloves 39c
-Tnlg glorg la positively tie beat one yoa can
get at th price. It 1 the equal ot any 1.09
glove oa the market. 0r-
$U5 Lyon I'oontain Syringe .... SoC
$1.00 Lyon Hot Water Bottle , . . . 75c
$2.00 Seal Combination Fountain Syrinx
and Hot Water Bottle ......-$1.55
These) are all made of pure maroon rubber.
Every oas guaranteed.
$3.00 De Mar's Whirling Spray Syringe
for .;.r.:...... ?a.iu
We sell the very best candy made.
Nationally known goods; Pnrk & TT.
ford's 1 to 5 lb. packages 80c and $I.0V
a pound; Guth's at 80c; Ixwney', up
from 60c. O'Brien's and Woodward's
are strong favorites. The ruling pas
sion of many a society girl is MARY
pound; two pounds 7Sc. Take a box
home for r Sunday treat
BEATON DRUG CO., Farnam and Fifteenth St.