Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1912, Image 4

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CVancil Bluffs
Albert Pttsnoa, Caught In Etonn,
. trends Klfht la Open.
Rescued ai hohb or hbs. bjlsth
eeed Prasea te teat et Waawn ui
ftuMt te Move Wllhoil Heli
Imrm Alto Severe
. Kaposure. .
Council Bluffs
Compelled to spend th night with bit
agon MiMk to snowdrift whoa be had
hseema lost, after being repeated 4M
abetter at a number o: farm novae. a
ert Pstsrson. a Ml twin employed by
fiie Council Bluffs attic at the ngr
tewing Machine eempany, was saved
Yea death br Vn Berth, raaldlng flro
StflM Matbmrt of MoOaUand. who hear
Ml mist ealla tar help when ah arose
' t I retook Wedaefday morning. At
Saws Ptttiaoa aa found thenthed is
to, alttUW helpless la his wagon with
Is Blading fresee to the Mat ana to
hearty train to death that hi moo
an at tb opportune moment to aav
Ml 111.
.Ptursoa Itft Couaofl Slaft !at Tuav
Jar atuniooa to ftrivs to Oakland. H
sd goes only a tow miles until tb mow
and uK tons that rsd all night br
eams M savere b eonaluded to abandon
ku trip aad aoa ah el tee tor tb aifht at
a- friaodly tana doom. At tb first boon
10 rnauett tor hatter tor himself and
corst waa ourtly denied. B want ea to
th aaat on aad received th uim troat
asset Tbla waa continued tor a number
t aula with tb ai result. Although
a attarad to pay say pries, h bnrd
ja rata t b given (bltr from th vto-
Kom of th lneraai'n' and dangerous
Rons, Owing to tb fTMt auantttles of
mow Id tba sublla highways tb road
rind around through tb tlld and In
trying to follow tb on b wa traveling
Petersen got lost, and finally Ma bom
Ponaderad 1st a drift. Thy war
Marly txhaoatad at tb tlm aad wholly
aaabi to pull tb light veblel out
C Peterson got; out and triad to tract hit
way hack through tba aaow. but tat
hawUsg wind aad anow had blddta avsry
not. Aftr wandering around la tb
arknaat tor som time, Peterson got
book to tb wagaa aad allmbed to and
ought t arotaot blnaalt at baat b could
agalnat tba aeld aad storm. When th
long alght war away aad daylight tarn
a found b waa not tar tram a house,
bat wbaa Im attmptad ta fat ant at tb
wngoB hla frooaa germente, welded to tb
seat with a thick eoating of lee, rafuaad
t yMd and ha found hlianlf prisoner.
BaaOataf that hla anly hop at fates y
la ealla tar help, b throw an of bit waa
tat aatrgy Into hit shoots, .
1 heard asmabooy talHnf amral
time before I ipok to my bob about by
aid Mrs. Barth rer tb telephone but
evening, "and I bad to tell him aharply
t ge out aad Ma wbe It waa. II eaw '
th lean aad wagoa ta th field and
a ant than, hut h bad ta bav help to
get th ansa sut When they got Mia
Inu tba house the naa wat a) moat dead."
fret arena waa kept at tb Barth bom
until afternoon and waa given th kind
est ot ear. He rarer Bed ta towa reeter
day aft era oca still suffering greatly. Hla
toadlooa. aeaeoer. at aat aerlnai aa be
atoapad with minor frostbite. Tea borate
aero ahnoat aa nearly dead aa ha waa,
ttteraaa to maa at amiddla age and
baa aaaa aa) at th valued employe et
tha eempaar for twenty year. II
nmarrlad and ltrea at th Ocdan house.
He doaa aat taal vary kindly toward th
beartlsss farmert wba would deay any
body ar anything ahelter front nob a
norm aa that which bo wat compelled to
tndara all night.
1 .
Uaaora. wlnea aad eordlala. Imported
tnd doateatlo. Koeenfekt Family Liquor
geeaa, iM B. Mala It. '
Army, of Tennessee '
Officer is Dead
Oeneral O. M. Dodga baa received word
of th deaui of Major VT. H. Chambar-
liln, for many year oomapondlng c
retary ot tha Army ot tha Tennoaaaa.
and wall known la Council Bluffa. Th
aged ctrtl war Teteran idled at hla bom
In RoxaaaU, near Cincinnati.
Major Chamberlain waa wall known In
Council Bluffa. having attended each of
th Boatleiit ot th aoclety of which b
waa long aa honored si amber and offi
cer, that War held In thla city. H wa
her at th awetlnf ot tha. loclety laat
October, renewing hla trlandahlp with
Bluff rtxldent and with veteran of the
atvll war In tbia taction of Iowa.
Ho waa long engaged in newepaper
work, and wa correspondent tor tb Aa-
eoclited Praaa In hi bom city at C! tr
ain natf for twenty-eight yaart before bit
retirement In September, 1909. H had
aine made hla 'homo' la Roxaboil.
mall towa within a abort dlatano of
Whlla he had retired for tlx year be
fore hla visit to Council Bluff last fall.
however, he showed none of th charao.
terhrtlrs ot aa old man. Ho war bit
teventy-asven winter Jauntily, and aside
from hi anowwhlt lock looked and
teemed aa young and spry aa aiany
man ot ML
Ho waa first elected to the position aa
corresponding secretary of th Society of
the Army of tbe Tennessee, In which
capacity he ta chiefly known tn Council
Bluffa, about twenty years ago. Ha t
a regular attendant at th annual meet.
Council Bluffs
Only complete stock of Improved Via
tors and records. A. Hasp Co.
Real Batata Traaafar.
Real estate Iranafer reported to The
Be March 21 by th Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
Bluffa:. .
Harry O. -McOea and wife to Boy M.
lUrt. lot I In bkKk t In McUee
i aeoiaVn-t Council Bluffa '-w. d.. VD
Alfred 8. MrOreary and wife ta a.
L. I lar company, lot T in blork
n. Bean aubd. la CouneO .Bluffa
w. d. ..rr.; .......L 1
I U. I'mUat - and' wife ta Hlerte
fvanrHeo. outlot A In blook 1 in ' ...
Harrison street addition ta Coun
cil Bluffa. w. 4. ;. 790
fcU-rrbajila Kattonal Bank at Omaha T
ta Oarar Tounkermaa. lota t and '
he blork 1 In Backelta . addltlea
to Council Bhiffa w. d. M
T"e Benjamin company to W. g. -'
Lngaer, lot T la block M la Evans' '
second bridge addition to Council
Bluffs. w. d.r M
. rive transfers, totals
Xae-rtaeje Mas aaaa.
Marriage hcaatea war issued yesterday
te tba toDowiag named persona
. Kama and Addreaa. Age.
Petar Holbek Paulson. Aadaboa. Ta ..
Lena Johnson ulssa. Ueuacll Bluffs.. U
Praak M. McMeala. Omaha. n
Anna CelilarJjmaha U
'. Key ta the auuauoo Be AHvartlalng.
Sktan'g Liniment is great rcav
tif foe backache. It peoetrttc
anil relieves tbe pain instantly,
is also rood for sdatics. "
Ifr. WMTCwaa JfoiA, ef WkwHar
Oallf. wrrtee:-- I had osy bsek hart ta
the Beer war. 1 tried an alees ef dose
w"aa saieaii Two weees eao I gre a
tattle ef sinus lislieet te try. The
tm aaaileauoa eaaeed n i el rebet-
ssUlvalaasae. rsketam.aie.ati.aa.
Kerns and Papst
Lacli Get Two Years
Judae Smith McPherton yesterday de
nied the . motion tor a new trial sub
mitted and argued by Reed Fllcklngsr
and W. B, Oreen, Jr., tb young attor
neys wno oeiended William Kern, th
eonncted mall pouch thief I After an
nounclng hit ruling Judge McPherton
sentenced both Kern and Oeorg Papat.
tha latter having pleaded guilty to the
tome efteaee, to two yean la tba penl-
lentiary at Leavenworth.
Judge McPheraoa wa guided by both
aa aad heart la reaching lb decision
to tba'degrw of punishment. Ha
tooa ruiiy into ooaaideratlon tha youth
ot ue bow iitui thieves, aelthar of
whom la year aid. and announced hit
purpoee of giving then very possibility
allowed by the law to receive a correct
ive lesson rather thaa a sever punish
ment iar weir crime.' r
"""w pronouncing their MntenMa
euogo Mcpherson took ocoasJon to speak
In warmest terms ot tbe Um n..
tar them by thslr iim iw
or wnoaans much Mdar thaa tb trine
yweasfsra tnemseivea. Th contrast
onween in frulta of wrong and right
doing appeared to be realised taa deeply
Impressed upon the minds ef tba. bay
Prtooaers. They were taken to Fort
feavsnwortn sut evaaiag. 1....,
lawn PJewe Batea.
MARAKAL,I,TOWN-Jamea Clark, a
one-armed man employed by the Brittaln
hln. flny. fell In the packing
tT. "'" btiTarm"
J'l " L'wr was caught In th
hafting and lost hla other arm. -'
l?iLC,TT.rToI, Bax " afternoon
Pleaded tU Iff tn m rim. I . ...
daua-itter, a young girl, and waa sentenced
L" l.wn':'lv,.y,r In tn penitentiary
oy wuoge nuicninaon. Buse waa arrested
last week and although ha could easily
have furnished the llu.oou ball required
be preferred to etav la laii ti. i. .
prominent farmer and It worth liw.Ouo,
.t .J .TTh D afolnee conference et
tha tnlted Evangelical church comprising
a",fUlri!;t' UMaM "d cedar
Rapida, will meet at Anita March auiL
The preUmlaary eeelon begins Tuesday
when the examination of pastor will be
held lasting a dsy and a half. Bishop
W. H. rouke of Kaiiiamii. rn m
It .. est
J ,X-m Smrts is Sat
I, mis hiv nui
OI.ENWOOlk-Mra. Harriet Mills died
ta Kanaaa City, Mo., March b) and will
be Interred at tbe Olenwood cemetery
March a The Mill.' were prominent
IT IV"" Olenwood from 1K7 to lwt.
William Mills waa prominently Identified
wlh eerher biatory f Olenwood.
and the family la well known In w eaters
Mill county. Two daughters, both, reel
denta of Kanaaa City, and one eon. well
known In Council Bluffa. eurvlv her.
- SHENANDOAH The Rev. B. V. Cries.
m"n- 'or four yean pastor of the Shen
andoah Methodist church ha aooepted
a call to the First rhurch ot Kedalla. Mo
where he will eater the ministry. His
suocessor at fhenandoah la tha He F.
W. klnitoo -of hkley avenue cfcurch.
Kanaka cltj. During Dr. rrtasman'a
pastorals at Shenandoah a PM.We rhurch
haa beed built and the membership bat
been doubled. An Increased aalary. dad
a desire to get back among old home
aaaoclatea were faotora la htm. .i,,.
the change. , . , i I?
OI.ENWOon-At a well attend. .i.i-
sens' caucus held la the courthouse laat
iviivwisx viir orncsala Were
Bominated for tha election te be held the
flrat Monday In April: Mayor, Dr. r
E. Doneisn; treasurer. Clyde Rhoada:
clerk. Ctutrle W. Bdwtrda; aaeeaeor, if.
H. Hamilton: marshal, George McMillan'
aldermea. Klrst ward, w, a. CreecH;
Bewond Ward. H. 11 rheyney: Third
ward. H. A. Dartina . Dr. rrank Done
Ian, nominee for mayor, waa bora and
gmw to manhood In. Oleawood. baa
oractleed Bwdtrtne eontlnuouslv rn hi.
tesM towa sines, arad-iatlea, He has
lever before beea a candidate for afTlos.
'leorga McMillan, candidate for marshal,
haa been city anaraaal for twenty years.
The ticket Is strong and will in all prob-
ibllity be elected wit boot oepeatttoa.
ET. LOUIS.. March II Panalonlng at
widowed and deserted mothera. rather
thaa the placing at their chUdraa la char,
liable Institutions, waa urged by Mis
Mary . Oarratt, ohalrmaa ef tha depart,
ment of hglslatkm. la an addreaa before
tha Mothera' National congress today.
Mbn Garrett, eonaaetad with tha proba-
uoa eaaooaaaa ana Mverdle qaart of
raiaowipaia, epoae la favor of tha Ma
.or the establishment of a federal chll
drea1 bureau. Th measnr has passed
taa ubrm otatee aanata.
Minor Mention
Tha Council Bluff Office ot
Tha Omaha Bee la at IS
tcott 8 troat. -Taiephona 43.
' Dayta. drugs. . ' .
Vlctrola. (U. A. Hoepe Co.
. K. BorwlCdi tor wall paper.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Te. pa.
Get the habit Cor btaranosa printing.'
Corrigana, andartakara. Phones L4&.
NSW TOHX plumbing Co. 'Phone tSU.
For Ssls gla-room house. TB Sixth Ava
Uwla Cutter, fuseral direct sr. 'Pbon tr.
Our glasses ar sysslght prassivira.
LeffarU'. '
Dlcksraon for fine work aa R. B.
watcbaa. U Pearl Uu
Bluff City Laundry, Dry Cleaning and
Dy works. New 'phone No. ait
Mutual Bidg. Loan iu'n., m pearl.
Wanted young married man. compe
tent tteaograpber and bookkeeper; good
Position. Address "U." umaha Bee. Co.
Council Bluffs ehsntar Ko. ta. Order 6f
Kastern Star, will meet in regular session
anday venlne?. A full atteudanca la
Incubators. 9-err capacity. t7.S: !
egg capacity tor U.. We Mil the Des
aioinea incubator Una. P. C D Vol
Udw. Co., tot B'dway.
household good, nurses, cattle and all
chattel aecuiitlee at a big discount of ths i
11 .11.1 laa OffiA. nv-m 3"ll W D..,
MBSH BAQ8 repaired, re finished like
new. Repaired, rupiated, rellned at rea
sonable oust. All kinds of Jewelry re
pairing. Leffertt Jewelers, sut Broad
way. Blga of the Clock.
Hera tha Rev. John Relcom flhaw. D.
D ot Chicago, at the First Presbyterian
church Wednesday, Thursday aad Friday,
I p. m.. and !. p. m. At the Nicholas
Theater from Lt:X to IMS P. m.
IMvorre wera granted vaaterdav to
Peter Wahlgren from Louisa Wahlgren
on the charge of desertion. Marguerite K.
Hpittier from Avery C. gpllller on tha
plea of cruel aad Inhuman treatment.
Effi M. Wataon from Ira V. Watson on
the name rrounds sad to Rafhaal Miller
from Nalbaa Miller oa a statutory
found. , .
Patronising a dry cleaner ia not merely
a matter of personal pride, but a matter
of business as well. If a man or woman
values the good appearance of their cloth
lug enough to cause them to want It kept
loosing neat, freah and new. you will
find tbey are the persons that usually
succeed in business; neatness It always
appreciated by tha nubile. Wa under
stand what this means, conasquently you
win maae no mistsks In sending your
farmente to tbe Bluff City Laundry Dry
'leaning and Dye Works. 'Phone Mu,
Rev. Dr. Burton at Camden. N. J., wha
ta bare conaiderlng a call to the vacant
pulpit of BC Paul a Episcopal church, was
sntsrtaiBed at dinner last night by Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Hohrer at their home on
Vine street. Dr. Buxton haa consented to
remain here another week and will araln
ooeupy tha pulpit at SU Paul's an Sunday.
ne naa Been entertained tnrormaiiy every
day during the week and haa thus been
given excellent opportunity to meet the
people not only of the church, .but of the
city generally. Those present last even
ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Emmet, Tlnlry,
Mr. aad Mrs. R, H. Marrtam. Mr. and
Mra K. H. Doollttle. Mr. and Mra. H. A.
(Julnn and Mra. F. 8. Howell. .
J. W. MoQulre. ' In wheaa Doaersslon
were found a complete set of burglar'
tools, a blf black si ask and a loaded re
volver of large slss, waa sent to the
county Jail yeeterdsy by Police Judge
anyder to serve thirty days. After the
committment waa made and Mctiulrewaa
Un, led In the jail Sheriff McCaffrey Mked
net tne sentence do changed and that
tha maa be held te await the acflori of
th grand Jury, which meet a asaln en
May L McOuIr waa sent from Omaha to
the Lincoln penitentiary for burglary and
holdup. He Intimidated one of bla holdup
victims by thrusting an unloaded pistol In
bit fnc. McUuIre was liberated from
the Nebraska prison about the laat of
1 .... . h - .... 1 1 V. 1 1 . ,
,." J . mMltM 111. fn,W H.IIB1V
caught blm lust la time to prevent him
starting ea a freah career at crime. Mc
gulre le a young man a yeare old, of
powerful build and mora than tls feet
tall. With hla hugs black mask and .
caliber revolver be was carrying he would
have little difficulty Intimidating an or
dinary man. lie will be returned to the
police court thla morning and tha quae
tlon of holding him to the grand iurv
decided. - '
ATanafaT 4V, ?. 1 .sagaBSsBPsavaBeaaaws-aBaB- - fajm ff av a . W - k . . . V f sa, - 1
If 7v;,a.;:V:V::;:-:;.f::
Three wonderful rouchct bow 4NS sale
are npholstered throagfaoat iB (fenaino im-
perinl leather which fog actual sejrsioa Is
owe of tho beat roveriags made. They look
like irrauine and for wear are far superior.
. The frame is made of selected solid a-
bare larce claw feet, The biacolt tnftlnas
are tied by band orer foil set of higbir
tempered, springs. Von positively eaanot
. dnpbrate thla valne fa any store In ghia or
ear ether atty. Oa sale Saturday ealy, rsfrnlar
so ealaa, at the low prio asMtUaad aba.
OCOKOstOWOC. Wla,'. March m
Twsivw. kandred doUsra, a rwoard price
for a Wisconsin cow, was paid by Cbarkw
D. Kt linger at Tlnley Park. TIL. ta hi
H. Tlehenar tor Thelma Gleawood. a Ka
uenal Dairy show champion, at the sec
md sal at tha Westmoreland Ouernaey
.arm. which waa attended by U borers
of the north central tales. Thelma Olen
wood haa a record ot 7S peonae of butter
or one year. f
Key the BHuarVm-Bee AdrerUslng.
Mrs, Vermilya Placed
on Trial for Murder
CHICAGO, March tl-Mra. .Louie Ver
milya, accused ot poleontnf on after an
other several men who bad boarded with
her and had Insured their lives In her
favor, waa placed on trial today for the
murder of Richard T. Kmlth. a collector
for the Illinol Central railroad. ' A chem
ical analysis ot th organ of hi body
disclosed a large quantity of poison, la
th viscera.
Tha accused woman had to be wheeled
hi oa a reclining .chair Into tha court
room. ' Bbo was unable to walk, her an
kles having been paralysed owing to
drug which ah swallowed - In aa at
tempt to commit suicide after bar ar-
Indicted While Hois'1
Away on Honeymoon
CKBTENKE. Wyo.. March &
Psoriatic, secretary of tha Cheyenne In
dustrial club, whs hi la Charleston, a C
oa hla honeymoon, waa Indicted by a
federal arand iury today pa tbe charge
at Mbornatloa at perjury and conspiracy
to defraud the government by pubtt band
Oeonte W. Breer of Egbert. Wyo, waa
iBdsrted with Pear 1st! ne. Pearlltlna waa
married tea days ago at Denver to a
young womaa ot Sidney, Neb.
C W. Barney at Denver, J. Lewis of
Klsataaea, Fle and J. H. Stroub ot thla
city also were UMicted today aa tba
obarge at conspiracy ta defraud th gov
ernment ant at valuable timber and stone
land la Cook county.
Free to
m in.'-wi i.j'-f.i-.i
Rocker Special $4.1 0
Tba frame of this rocker Is
mad ot American quarter
sawd oak, deeply carved. It
is unusually large with aa ex
ceptlona! high back, upholster
ed throughout In Imperial lea
ther over' a full set of steel
springs. Only on of these
rorkers to a customer.
Credit j'
People .
where. JfM
Seven-Piece Dining Room Set
Iautifullyinade in sl3quaHer 'sawed oak.Ijable has large
topi 6 ftveteteion and fitted.witli ea8yv running slides, mas
sive pedestal and carved .claw feet.. Chatrj are made to match
table; have "Vide paneled- backj gei'-ine leather' seats; you
can practically furnish your diniag room at the fr F CA
pric you would usually have to 'pay for the V
table alone "-
Folding Go-Cart $3.95
This Go-Cart folds com
pletely with v one, single
motion, hood and all.- Is
light, yet strong and dur
able.' ' The handles are
made of tubular steel, havo
-in. tires. Well. made
and - guaranteed, for this
sale only. " '
$22 Value, Now
mm i
,r..:ey:iv.v.rf, i
a w .1 t , J, -.JSi
Another remark
able offering. Eich
Oriental designs,
heavy, soft weave,
newest spring color
ings.. Have no cor
ner seams to wear
threadbare. ' You'll
surely sgree with us that
they're worth double ths
price. . '
Solid Oak 0ress8r.....$7.50
' This high' (rade dresser toad
entirely of solid oak. Has large
French beveled edge mirror en. ,
closed la beautiful carved frame. '
They ar handsomely polished and
havs 1 large drawers; regular
114.00 value. .'
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST.
Oak Side Board......$12.25
Made throughout of solid oak
and fitted with plate mirror. Has
massive base and double door
dish compartment, large " lined
drawer and two smaller ones
sew and elegant design.
Kivers Over Banks
Cause Big Damage
WTTBBCRQFf, KaTch H-One dead,
several injured, beavy daraagea aad con-
tuteraMa sutttrlng today marked a flood
stage at tba Allegheny. Menongahela.
Toacalogbeny and Ohio rivers and tbelr
aitnr tributaries. The da mace ta said
to reach nore thaa II. 00a. est.
A tsaapnrary abutdowa oC nuwy la
duatrial steals and river coal mines haa
resulted, tbrs-raig.aeveral thouaand per
sons out of enplomenL
At midnight tbe fiver stag her bad
reached twenty-erven feet. Before aay
Ugbt twenty-eight feet, tb crest tba
are seat rise, hi ezperied.
svaartvea k ere lee Eaeeated-
MEXICO CITY. Marrb yL-Pourtaea of
the twenty-three members ot the rural
-uarde wo mutialed last Tuesday at
late-pa-tie ware sal today, iae eae-
uiwn. were os
yenatoa of guaranteea.
Kiss Either Mercy Eetents Qaertion
in Slander 8uit
ay Freeldeat JaUaea at l alveveity
Aaeerted Ma Waa Taa Maay
Listen ta Wesaea Barred
Vresa Cellege,
CHICAGO. March K.-M-rcilesa cross
examination ot Miss Esther Mercy IB her slander auit against Marion Talbot,
dean ot women at the University ot Chi
cago, left her exhausted at tha close ot
today teealofl of court. Rio will resume
the witness sjand tomorrow.
Tbe university woman's hltorsjeys an
neuBeed today they expected' to prove
that Miss Mercy's veracity waa "ex
tremely questionable and that bee general
character waa such that aha waa aaflt
tor attendance at tba university, hence
was discharged.
harp and heated aaawera were re
turned by Mlaa Mercy te Bsany questieee 1
put to her, touching upon her relations
with her fiance. Warren K. Reynolds,
whoso present le tha girt of a bet worth
13 aad .ths aubaequenl tbett from Las
headgear at valuable aigrette brought
about tba difficulties (roa which tb
present suit arose.
Though Mlaa Talbot attorney aald be
did not propose to ahw that Mia Mercy
was Unmoral, be questioned her repeat
edly after aba had admitted aha knew
Reynold waa married when she first
became engaged to blm and when be gar
bar tb bat.
Ksew Ha Waa Marrrted.
Mia Mercy admitted aha knew Rey
nolds had two children and that aia wife
waa sutng him for divorce, and that Rey
nolds) had been arrested on charges ot
immorality with other wnaisa: hat an
said aha -didn't think It waa tha Bolrer-
atty' business," so did not relate that
fact, when, as aba testified. Mlaa Talbot
attacked her character la aa latervlew.
Wis said Mlaa Talbot told her sit waa
Immoral, that aha waa being ejotbed by
men. that her relations with Reynolda
were not proper and that ska waa -utile
better thaa certain women of the streets.
A letter troat President Harry. Pratt
Judsoa of the Culvers ty of Chicago to
the reatatrar of Northwesters ausreeralty,
wBer Mia Mrcy wat refused admittance
after aba left tba L'aiveralty of Chicago,
was to trod need. It read:
"Dear Sir Mlaa Esther Mercy It a regv
larry matriculated ttudent in the Tarrer
aify of Chicago. She ha aad beea per
mitted ta reregister m tha euwvarsttr for
rsssnat that bar aa direct bearing aa
her Kbotaetle standing, bat her trathfsl
neat has been seriously called tnto gues
rjoa. Tears eery truly, -
bTss Mercy told at her vtatt te the ef -
Dot of IHrtdtat Jadsea after aharsas
had been preferred against bar by Dean
"I said: Tor God's sake can't you help
01 eetr " she testified.
"What did th prestdent'sayr wat
asked. - . .
' "lie told ta be wss too busy to listen
to me."
NEW TORK. baser-, si-America no
longer will look ta Pari to art Its fash
Ions la woatoa's apparel U th U design
ers ot women's suit and wraps, gathered
la oonveatloa hare -today, taa make their
dec tare tioe of lad. ten denes effectiea, Tbe
convention, that of th Ladles' Cloak and
Suit Designers' Association pt America,
ensDjmoasly adopted Mich a dedaratloa.
"la oak rag ibtt step," said a aarmber,
the aaanrlslloa Is acting as a trad
Oeorge Wssblsgtoa la throwing aft (be
yek of Partslaa depeadenca
Tha a send allow appointed a committee
to decide anoa tha proper length of gar
ments for the coming eeaeua.
. wssl'e la a .-.asset
Elkhart IndL, boasta a aian with the
longeet surname In the state. It eoalalne
thirty-nine letters. Tb poess--. I pro
prietor of a Ureek candy kitchen, and
when time permit or oft! rial title and
signature are necessary gets by with
this; PappathoodorokoaoiMranountainjrgs
otopouloa. When aald p.and-ae-oa I 1b
a hurry he algn hla name gperot Mi
chel. The shortest name in Elkhart It
that of John Bi. who wine aver Oacar
Ek. who held the record two years ago.
It la declared that Elkhart county bolda
the unquestioned title to the shortest
name tn the alate-Ed Ek. He says his
Christian name la Ed and not Edward,
r any other combination With aa "Ed"
prefix. Indianapolis Mews.
Palate4 Paraarrapha.
Better a strong prejudice than a weak
It Is difficult for a maa who bj broke
to break Into aoclety.
Beginning a proper aame with small
letter la a capital offenae.
The more a man expected tho more be
will be surprised If he gel n.
Alimony is th cement that la soma.
timea used la mend a broken heart,
A woman may pray to get Into heaven,
but she will fight to get Into society.
It' easier for a man ta make money
if he ban t aa speaking term .with ail
It would save people a lot of trouble
If they could be bora wHh their wisdom
already cut
Talent w U wtehea aad a baianoa la
tba bank shoo id forsa a cambinaiioa for
generating domestic bile.
Some worsen are bard to please. They
hardly get a wedding sown before they
begla to look up material foe a dtvare
aul u Chicago News.
rora s&BTAToa mnci
Seoutionil Purchase and Sale
of .YoneoYia. Misses $795
Tailored Salts at
We place on sale Saturday morning . Ill
Tailored Suits In all sixes aad ip-to-data cloths
at the unheard of low price
for thla time et the year.
The skirts (Job are worth
more, but aa we will In the
future handle the- Hedfera
garments only, hence thla
ale. . -
oiiuratT. .2uu xew tv
Spring hats, beauties, a
raltrei u to aA MI'S
!$7-50, for . .
If S
1 1 ea iT "t H- -
VwJ Jl -
BATTRDAY Dresaea, real lit and
y I1S.M Tames
mtibmi great sale ea BprlBg Coats at
.v $10.0. - (Isndreda to select from, scores t
style (hat are shown only by as.
Traaredlea Told la Heedllaee, -"Ch'ireh
Moose Causes Postponement ot
"Piano Proves Too Heavy for Floor of
New Bungalow."
"Craah of Plate Glass Window rails to
Waken Night Watchman."
'Street Car Collldee with Motorcycle;
Only One Person Hurt."
'Nobody st Home When Burglar Calls-.
Except Atbletle Husband."
"Johnny Put Gunpowder (n Papa's To
bacco Pouch." .
"Baby Bora ta Fashlonabl Apartment
Houae. -Chicago Tribune.
lim ffyssge4ssjpiss
I bv U t l
' i ' i j i n tart I
tv Una ' J
l,V bbbbbbUbbbbbbIbbbbT
I Ml
era business test -well admit.'
- " a', PropoeiUonfer
L" k""" Slocks Bands.
Private Papers. Jewelry, mm
anything kuhla te LOSM by are
ar burglar, let as suggest yeur
reaUac a Bafety Bog ta ear
Madera Bafa Deposit Vaults, at
a aaat ef It ysarlr.
asartty and Privacy assured.
Omaha Safe Deposit Co.'
Harness and Saddles
."f oaw aasraass at 1 Imli
fiTf1 tno firm that maJtea
iS?!. ""ddlmaa profit
Our bar-aa, mrm made ef tba baa
twa sou ef cheap factory mada
saraes. and east yea ae mora Our
SS!-'""r years n5
uanajia. Every thins e-nrenta.d Wa
uomipauiioa aa goad
WrHs f-r estslocB,
Aatrsj Comlsi & Co.