Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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    TTTE BEE: OlfAHA,- SATCEDAY. MARCH. 23. 1912.
The Honor of Your Presence is Requested
at the
Annual Spring Opening .
A Presentation of Correct Styles in Millinery
Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel, Fabrics
and Accessories to the Costume '
A Style Event Conducted for the Entire Week Beginning,
Monday, March Twenty-fifth
$72, 510, 515
If jam ess ths liw spring- salts v ere showine; t 97 AO, $10 end 1S Tom
wont m4 uj otter arrnmsnt than (our own judrment to sonvtnos you
where to 7 roar sprta omit. All ths serlj models sad f series an ia frssh
front tho makers. Wt oak tbo privilege of showlsf yon.
New Spring Hats for
Men and Young Men
Dmr a.l inuiurt ia now renlate with nU tho Tory
Intoot spring- styles of soft nan stiff hato from tho
a ooot
wa bats a ira or imn to aim tow.
Tho fastens John a. Btetaoa Mate up $3,50
Tho "waanatae Ipeolal Hate, nostttvsl' tho I Q ft
hoot hat valee in tho worM
Tho TmkiW Cloth Corduroy Kate, tho kind f I )E
that aro selng sold at $340, aro horo I !
Vow S0k Salt
Ties, (Oo kind
Para Ltalo Moot,
6o grades
liverafe Per Day and Per Towa
Boni Eig-h oa Trip.
JHIadea Kerelehed, the I.ars At
tendant of Aay City, with
Pern Second aad at. fa a I
Third on bo hint. .
Detailed r porta of the seed corn tralna
ftthlch toured tho otato during tho laet
kvoek of Felh-uary ana tho Ant wock of
March have been received by B. V. Par
frl.h. msnacer of tho publicity buroaa
pt tho Common iU club. Tho report a, at
fomplled by C. W. Pugaley of tho No.
Lraska experiment station, ahow thai
during tho two wek campaign 4
(towns is tho ststs wcro visited by thf
epecaal. Tho total number that at
tended tho lectures esgregsted U.RS. or
fen average of tt per town, a remarkable
Showing conalderUig tho weather during
jllie weeks.
' Tho total number of days wss twenty.
Mvon. which give an average of J.I15
per dor. nva hundred and flvo locturoo
rere given, aa avoraco of IN attending
lach lecture. Of tlila number It la eatl
raeted that M per cant wore farmers.
With U3HX tho Union Pacific bad the
largest allendanvo. while tho Burlington
-entral wat oecond with lUok Tho other
figure are: Southern Burlington, I.1M;
hater Burlington, T.U; Cfclcsgo
Northwesters. SiU and Minneapolis A
Dmaha. 4.(1.
Kxclusivs of tho espenss of running the
Iraine. which waa borne by tho railroad a,
Ihe total root of the campaign waa about
U.. Figured on thia baata tho amace
coat of reachlne; tho farmera and boat,
neea men of the atata waa ftt eenta each
or a campalcn which hurtod two nontbe
lad waa the moot ezbauatlee of any erer
conducted elona nunllar Unea.
Mlnden furaiahed the largeet attend.
nee at any mectlnrl.aSa. Fern waa ant
nth K and St. Paul third with .
i at Omaha's 5 Good Drug Stores
Patent Medicines at
Cut Prices '
Raull MncntoBO ....45c, mo
Llatartn . . . 15c, iUe, 4Be, aa
Rexall Kidney Cur 4Sr, S9e
Borden'a Malted Milk 40c, 70e
1 Lrdla Flnkbain'a Compound
at ' ...aoo
1 Rexall VeieUbla Com p. MX
Glycothymollna, 85c, dAc, BBo
Newbro Herplcldo . .40c, HOe
Rexi'l 3 Hair Tonle BOc 1
Fellowa' 8yrup (or Me, $tM
1 1 Gray'a Glycerine Tonic. MOc
Eakar'a Food ...HOC, 40c, 6M
f 1 Win of Cardul for . . . .MM
Dr. Coopare Modlclna 40c, MM
$1 Hoatatter'a Blttara ....MM
1 Squlbb'a SarMparllla T0
Otomulaton ..45c, MM
Raxall Orderllaa 10c, SSc, eoo
Soott'a Emnlaloa ....40c, MM
Vlnol always 91.00
Hay's Hair Health ..40c, c
Toilet Soap and
Nearly 500 items of Col
gate's Sonps, Perfumes
and Toilet Waters at cut
1 60 rroaUlla C..13c
tio Packer' Tar Soap ... .14c
11.S0 Oriental Cream ..S1.09
French Toilet Chamol ....Bo
15 Bipey'a Creaoi 14c
UulQ Elliott' Soap, box of
eakaa, (or ..43c
Ivory Boap. I eakea for ..lie
SOe haa of Perala Soap , .84c
lit Plaaud'a Soap ....... ittc
Parotide Cream, with puff and
. Cbamola, 'Batuxday 25c
We carry a full and complete
line of Whit Croat Toilet Spe
cialties at moderate price.
Manila at Wholesale
We retail cigars by the
box at wholesale prices,
and in 'many instances a
whole lot less. On most of
our cigars we can save you
25. We purchase direct
Box of 25 Perfectos $L25
Box of 50 Londres $1.35
Box of 50 Panatellas $1.50
Box of 50 Media Regalias
for $1.50
Box of 50 Kepublicanos
for ....$1.75
Box of 25' Invincibles
for $150
' VelvetiRi Ccaionitratioi
At oar lth aad Iodo St. atora
Bo lur yon loreetliaU the
many auperlor qaalltles of this
lino oof Powder, Rogue sad
Cream. A strictly pore prepar
ation moderately priced.
Dorothy Vernon
Llae of Toilet Goods.
Now being; demonstrated at our
14th aad Dodge St. store. This
dainty line of Perfumes, Pow
ders, Cold Creams, etc, will In
terest every woman la Omaha.
Rubber Goods
l-qt Hot Water Bottles ..50c
1-quart Combination Syringe,
at $1JW
Finger Cots Be
Gloves BOc to $1.25
Nursery Sheeting, yard S1.00
A three oayr retreat win eenm wbmi
Bacred Heart church tor tho atodeate
the Sacred Heart Burb acbool andithe
ijdalltlea of tho parUh. At 1J o'clock
eolema high maoa will be celebrated.
r- celebrant bolns Bov. C Colllna, aa-
teUot paator; deacon. Rot. W. J. Iahy,
J.; nubdaacon. Bav. U A. Meyer, a. 1.;
naeter el coremoawe, JUT. ratnee; j.
uee. '
r ather Leahy, a dlttlnsulihod Jesuit
EijaHooary of Cleveland, O., will preach
no rooree of eermone far tho retreat
lith tour eermone or tnetmctioue each
Bar. every hour of the balance of the
Ulnc occupied with aomo reUctooe
jexcrctee. There la Beomtng maaa aad to
troctka, apirttual readtnt. alienee noura,
jthe way of tho croea, etc., cloatnc each
A-enlng- with eariunu and aotoma bono.
idictlon of the Meeetd aacrament. The
limine will 'be under tho direction of
jt-utr Sand.
There will be a concrecatlonal BMotlns
jef tlw people of fit. Stephen a Eotaoopal
ur.lar. ilgaday evenlnf. April 1 when
t: e rr.cade and members of tho miaatoa
';.! !. rntertalaed by the Men's club
at:il I'erith Aid society. Tho mioe
rode sraat profreee airxe It wu
nr.w.: toe flrot of tho year, aad a
lrc jiumbre of famlnoa are tuteiaatod
a !t wtilare. Tho parpoae of tho con-Ci-Kai!isa!
raeettnf la to bring an those
trtcredted and thoae woo have
. riniiv.loif Intereated themaalraa
I'. ii r ip'-:on testifier for mutual en-
. r,-.vH: na bwpirBtloe. A large
c. - -. . ;.i is .r.jfnted to Eiahop Wll-
J;s -.' t , ,:'m -tia en Monday r'ea'
encnMAM 0 PifionMMci 1 nnnn on The Five
Rexall Stores
unrcf Maa mt IT tab.
i.iiCfvkers anA lrrv cetera.
pp.-j. :Ju-;;td number ;--r tr-i: toy state
ao4 imb W.L
Candidacies Purposely Invalidated to
Help Mayor Paul.
Prtamrlea latonttonally Called Alto
tho Leaal Data Bad raweed,
The a AawnlHag AU tho
Republloana of rioreno will sjot bold
primaries to nominate candidates for tha
Bpnm aleetlon. The otatral eiornmlttee
thought It would bo a capital tdoa ta
call the primarlaa after tha legal time
for holding thorn had md thus in
validating all candidates. This move was
made In tha Interest of Mayor John &
Paul, who had made many enomlea during
Me admtntatraHoa by tying up with
donincraia, area going so far aa to out
ia a democratic attorney. Be better was
thia feeling against Paul that there was
ope of his being nominated But
nothing would praeoat him running by
petttlo after tha nomlneea at the Illegal
primary were knocked oat.
Seawato Sa Slxpleatedl.
The achamo waa exploded Friday morn
ing aad a great huatllng for aamea to
petlttona waa etarted. One petition to place
tho nam of F. 3. Tucker for mayor
eooa bad more than enough signers, but
Tucker refused In allow It to be filed.
explaining that he la a candidate tor state
senator and therefore enable ta accept
the local office.
Tha aemocrau held their prlmartea last
Saturday aad so Bule Interest waa manl
taeted that only twenty votaa turned oat.
sad they only put up a partial ticket.
It now appears thatith office would
have to seek the man or aw unfilled the
eoeung year. The reason for the lack
of candidates lie In tha tact that the
affairs of Florence are so muddled snd
tied up ao one deetre tho Job Of un
tangling taem.
For the hut three years every action
of tho city officials to do any nrogres
etve biialniao has been tied up la courts
with Inunctions.
Lecturers Secured
by Enterprise Club
for Fruit Growers
Realising tho stimulus to bualneea that
batter prices for better fruit would bring
the Ecterpria club of Florence has
seonred front the University of Nebraska
tare of their professors of horticulture
ta lecture owtarday. .
The dteaasos sad care of fruits snd
trass win be explained, as will also
awe ring and pruning.
.. All tha fruit growers la the county
has been Invited ta attend tho demoe
strstlons which will be given tree st
Cola's hall Saturday afternoon. The
Douglas County Fruit Grew era' aaaecia
Uoa baa taken the nutter up aa of great
vmloo aad hi urgtaa all members to not
nly attend but ta bring another fruit
Be much enthusiasm has already been
manifested that the Eoterprieo dub hss
ta head now tho taking over of some
orchard at one and giving tho profes
sors full a way in It to dennaatrato by
actual work. Over a dosea orchards
have been offered the dub for the dess-
traoon, hut none win be oeleatod
"til after (tha ntofeaaois bar
theat over. 7
If yea bate anythhig to exr&aare. ad-
Xrerttss H in One Ess Want Ad oetiunns. .
JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. March S.-Fred
rtewsome. allae Prod Price, the man whs
claims to have sent the bomb which ex
ploded la the homo of Judge Roaalsky In
New Toe, evidently is either demented
or a notoriety seeker. Such is ths opin
ion of the police here today, after uea
tkms which brought out conflicting state
ments In Newsome's story.
N evert heleee the prisoner's familiarity
with the Folke . Brandt case gives a
color of credibility to his atory. He
claims his frlenilJhip with Brandt began
when the former Sc.1' Iff relet was stew
ard os a Norwegian ship. hVinseoBe
wilt be held here of charge of petty
thefts which ho has confeeoed after
turning ' over to the police tho stolen
Boys1 Shoes
Our $1.00 Boys' Shoe Is a
80 parents think who bars
been - buying them tor their
We selected good Box CaU
for these Bhoea, had them doa
ble soled aad strongly made.
looked after all the JltUe
data! la ia making and aeU then
for the reasons!)! pc) of
Somebody, somewhere, may
be selling ss good a Boys' Shoe
for the earn money, bat we're
got to see It.
Shoe Co.
lSlk aad DceigUs Sts.
Think oi the Hot Summer Coming
Comfort then means much to the
employer as well as the employe;
More and better work can be accomplished
in a cool, well ventilated office such as is
affordedby The Bee Building.
The spaciousness of
the building in
made prominent
through the largo
court and g 00 d
ly connected with
outside exposure,
which aids in form
ing air passages
through the wholo
structure. Other
conveniences of
Bee building ten
ants are assured through attentive janitor service
and speedy elevators. Now is the time to move into
' A few vacant offices are listed:
airnn S3 aad SSS Adjoining room can bo rented single or en
suite. At prexent both rooms are divided by temporary wood
and glaae partition: have an eaat exposurs on Heventeenth
street snd are very desirable rooms.
SIS la lSHtHH feet In slae; hss two north windows snd a
private office partitioned off Inalde this apace. Tills room
would be particularly well suited for sa architect or studio.
asa Fronts on Farnam atreet and ia almost In front of ele
vator lending. Site llill4. or 1M square feet Partitioned
to afford private office ana reception room.
Boos Ml Reception Room, private office, two largo close ta. large
workroom with two north windows Ideal ottios for engineer,
architect doctor or other professlnal men, - Hen la! per
moots ..0Ma
....1 :r
ll-z) In sis, located on ths court doss to sir
llgnt thus having aacellont natural light The apace could
be emoed ao aa to maaa two very pieasanc room, r-nce,
PK mouth
age Office in ths northwest corner, hsvlng four lsrgs win.
down A fireproof vault for tho protection of valuable papera
la much In demand and la afforded in tlila room. There la a
' total of 12 square feet of floor apace aad some would be
' eeuippea with partitions to aatiafy good tenant The rental
price i per month ............ .. u ...... u ,.....,.bm
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Business Office 17th and Farnam Sts
Inailan A Mam
Cttnvfih iuat
"fSjEW styles for
Springs are now
ready; better than ever.
You won't add much to
your weight in pounds
by wearing
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes but you'll add
to your business weight
Good clothes 'like these
make a man look more
important ; and that's
one step toward being so;
We'll put you. into the
.right clothes here;
at the right price.
Suits $18 and up
Overcoats $16.60 and np.
This store is ths home of
Hart Schaffner A Marx clothe
for Sturdy Little Fellows
&ww Bares I
Effective tmtil April IS. Specially tow
rates will be la effect to pouts In Weet
ern Canada, Waahtneton. Idaho aad
Oregon, via ths Canadian Pad fie Ry.
Particulars oo sppltcatloa to Geo. A.
Walton. General Agent, 124 South Clark
fsjsst. Cfcicasa,
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of its readers for land information, has gathered -and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the oonntry. It is willing to give out this
information, free; if postage is sent with inquiry.-
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lards, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc. -
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. State
plainly.and specifically what you want to know. iWrite,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska
Tou, Mr. Business Man that
sign in y our window won't get
the kind of a man you want
A few cents spent for a Bee
want ad will give you choice
of several good energetic men.
Telephone Tyler 1000.
NO ordinary Boy's
shoe will, stand the
knocks that a real
American boy will give
. them. That is why we
carry better boys' shoes
than the ordinary boys'
shoes we call these shoes
because they wear like
iron. The difference in
price is nothing as com
pared to the difference in
quality both for wear and
' Sizes and Prices
10 to 1312 $2.00
1 to 2 $2.25
2',1 to 512 $2.50
1419 Farnam Street
Interest allowed ia
sayings departmental
2 per annum .
s e
The United States
National Bank of
Omaha gives prompt
and court eoua service,
affords absolute ecor
lhr and has a most con
Tcnlent location.
Career ' fl Ps!vt CsaM
Sift Bi A EXjl J7M.0M
Oaaaba's Great Horn Paper,