THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MARCH. 23, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET v 1 1 Sup in Wheat Harrow, Changes Amonntin; to Vowing. Acnvrn is koted is cons Mld-W. later Weather Darta Jiarrk Baa Forced Hfiir Feedlag Oar. swAloa Likely StswOaT Sitaatleai Wilt emit. "OMAHA. March . li The wheat market la in a rut. Th range each day la narrow and prtoa change for thti .week will amount to Hula or nothing. Tha trad la timtd about buying because long wheat la dumped an tSe market on every bulge. Without a definite crop scare, tha Mtua tloa la a hesvy one. and at tha aama time It la reasonable to expect a period of crop complaint, which mill prevent heavy selling.. Tha corn market -a a hit more active, due mostly to a more active cash demand. MMnnter weaiher during the month of March baa forced heavy feeding oper ation to continue. If the demand Im prove a wrong situation will develop In both the cash and future. Tha opening wheat market was rather weak owing to lower cable. Selling waa general and price stayed below eater day ctoea. Cash wheat waa unchanged. Corn held steady and a bet'er cah de mand helped advance value. The market keep In a healthy ton and higher level ar expected. Cart torn wa StrVc Primary wheat receipt were 304.0OI bo. and shipment were 11S.0W bu.. against recelpu last yrsr of AH.O00 bu. and hlp mente of irto bu. Primary corn receipt wer 4tsW bo. and shipment wer bu., against receipts lust year of !,' bu. and ship ments of 47140 bu. Clearance wer tl.444 bu. of corn, none f oat and wheat and flour equal to irr.SBe bu. . Liverpool dosed VCM lower on wheat and Sfisd lower on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. hard: 1 car. 11.02; I ear. B 1V Rejected: 1 car, c. CORN-No. 1 yellow: 1 car. MC No. 4 yellow: 1 car. 44Sc; I cars, Vc; 1 car, 4Se. No. I mixed: J car. sMr. No. 4 mixed: I car. to'tc; 1 oar. : l car, y: 1 car, 44c. No grade. I car, etc OAT-No. I white: car. llMc No. I whit: 1 car. Use No arad: 1 ear, Uc Omaha Cask Prtoe. WHEAT-NO. I hard. 1.tlst?l: No. I bard. UOlfJl.04; No. 4 hard. VM L CORN No. I white. Ctr7Vc; No. 4 whit. HCc: No. I cole. 44S7e; No. yellow, eHerMMtC; No. 4 yellow. e: No. I. sc. No. 4. mvtc: no grade, tlijsaa. OATS-No. t whit. IHUJMc: standard. limrilV. No. I whit. leM4c: No. 4 white. lftCmc; No. I yellow, U0tlV.c; No. 4 yellow, sOSfltlc -' BARLEY Milling.; No. 1 feed. Tatttan: heavier than feed. Mcett-4. Carlet Keewfat. . - Wheat. Corn. Oate. Thlcago IT m 144 K.nneapou ......... Is ... ... Omaha 11 M M liuiuth T CR1CA04 AIX AND PROVISIONS reateeee at the Trading aad Cloatag r rices ea Hoard af Trad. CHICAOOt March IS. -Cora plaints of ex tensive wop aemev. im soft winter wheat east of the Missouri rtver rallied the market today from the effect of jarlsh cable The close was firm with prices varying from Sfl-So off to So advance Corn scored a net gain of to Mlwc, and oats a rise of W St Hog products finished wlihlo 4 tnfi either way from last night . rUrongth In wheat developed late m the dev. Tha easier feeling at the outset followed a break at Budapest, due to an unexpected Increase In Argentina ship ments, tit forwardlnge lor the week reaching a total the largest In over a vear. Visible BUDUlle at 1 Pitta port had also become much more bulky then had been looked for. The movement o( wheat northwest of Chicago, however, waa eats to hav shown sign of grad ually growing and this (act eneour- mmA .unnnrt. Houthweet market, too. were reducing storks by liberal selling to country mill. A timely bulg In corn - afforded help also toward giving the market a lift. It was feared that the re- . - blllma .'iiuM nmvi Atilv too serious, which principally turned the wheat pit to the buying side a the sea. alon approached an end. A St. Louie authority made the outlook In this re aped decidedly bullish. Largely aa a re sult the My option, which between the opening and the close fluctuated from ti ni SAT I K1,, wound up firm at fLattf i-We. a gala of so net. A flurry among short at St. Lout I formed the basis of the- upturn In com. Speculators of the heavy caliber sort seised the chance here and forced the 1 crowd ( Pit trader to rush for cover. Receipt were light In all directions and there wer sum rather wild sturlea of fancy price outh and southwest for Texas wss said to be selling at 11.09 a bushel. In Chicago tha May option ranged from 70Nt7lse, closing steady at ' TlStrTlso, an advance of NJSo above UUH ntgnb v Hn gnu" .n, 1 1 1 hi. ..w. t yellow was quoted at 4ff7e for car kS. ( nsettled weather that was predicted and that would further retard the open ing of erring work mad the oat mar ket yninatbtss with corn. Business, n thcugh. was only of fair volume. Upper end lower level touched for May were Ut.4-rr and MSo, with last sale c ' Selling by packer aulliried the tendency of provisions to rise, owing to Ue email treagth of grain. When the last gong etruok the market ess practically at the , same point a twenty-four hour before. fjtkjtt.f Inn. an eiititrea f ' ' mm fnilnws? twins. WQWtbc; young America, Wi9 Oe: lohg horn. lc - POTATOES-teady; receipt 74 car: Wisconsin. $1.1761.3,; Michigan and Min nesota. 1. lMjl.W- POL'URY Weak: turkey, live, 14c: turko. dressed. OHc; chickens, live, 14c; ehickena, dressed. Isc; priac, live. 14c; spring, dressed, tfc. VSAV-Steady; 7vlle. NEW . YORK. GENEHAl MARKET atat(raa ( tk Owr Various esaaaed 1 1 lea. VRXf TAR K March H FLOUR Steady: spring patents, tU5ti6.6: winter straight. Kaf-4.e; winter patents. S4.dOS 4.0; spring clears, K4.&; winter ex tras. No. l. gJ.7ttriJ.8U. winter eir. o". t U .'4sX.a; Kansas straight. t 7witt . Rye flour, steady : fair to good, HH(4.; choice to fancy. sS-viitrS.S. in hnska jyMdv line wniie au dried. it.;. . RTF Quiet: No. t KC e. 1. I. BUliaio. WHKAT Stmt market steady: No. Z red, 41.01 elevator, export basis, to arrive. nd ll.Ti. f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern. imluth, 1.1H f. o. 0., opemng nsvisa-tron.- Kutnrc-i easy at the trt on cable, hut rallleH nn ennd huvina tor local ac count on rumor of export Inaulry and large weekly export, closing 64c higher: May. lot x-jsc cioeeo at 41.07 -l: July, dosed, at I1.0S1S-K. Re ceipts, k.sju bu.; shipments, :.sw ou. TOKN spot market, nrm; no. s, ic. elevator, domestic basts, to smve, and export, Too, f . o. b . afloat. Future mar ket nomlnaL Receipt, U.J75 bu.; ship ments, 13. Ate bu. OAT3-pot market barely- steady: standard white. Wc la elevator; No. i, ;:. No. I, Mc; No. 4, (sy ; natural white and white clipped. fi2Sc. on track. Futures market nominal, liecetpta, 1st (W bu. -- - ' HA Y-Flrm; prim. tlM; No. 1, ILI09 LK: No. X tl.l&l.a-; No. . 41.064IL1O. IIOF-Julet: state, common to choice, lll crop, ic; UX crop, nominal; Pa clfle coast. 1911 crop, 4144c; UK) crop, nominal. HIDKi-Ptenrtv; Central America, Me; Bogota. a&2o. l.EATHKK r'lrm: hemlock flrata, pWc. seconds, mil thirds, iltfSe; n Ject. 16c. PKOVIHION8-Pork. firm; raee. H?. 17.75; fmlly, l.S0J(ai); short clears, tll.V&UM. Beef, firm; mesa. U3 009 U s; family. 15tiCwii.a; beef ham, gfi.w ifm. Cut meats, firm: pickled bellies, 14 to 14 pounds. Is K; pickled -una, tlu.7i j(ll.. Lard, firm; middle wet prim. Is Htt 6 : refined, steady: continent. outh America, 1; compound. 4.Te 7.UH. TAI00W Steady; prime dty, hhdi, c; apeilsl, 4c; country, MfMo. CHKft'B Firm; receipt, tm pkg.; lute, whole milk, held, whit or colored, liSulc: aklnx, Mjlit. lido-Firm; receipts. 14.84 cases: fresh gathered, extras. DUBVro; firsts, KeaiStcj seconds, :i't)3Wc; western gathered whites, TVaUr. Bl'TTV.Il-KIrm; receipt, R.S01 tubs; creamery specials, nwaie; extras, Wi'iJ lie; firsts. vw, second. SWc; atata dairy, flneat. sue; good to prime, ft&SM, common to fair, BuiMc; process pecial, XJi tIhc- extra, M4& POtXTHT Aliv, steady; western chicken. I: fowl. 1M&1V.: turkeys, l!!c; dressed, steady; western fowl, I4ti4c; turkeys, l:'rr?lc. " , f. I.eals Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. March . WHEAT Firm; track. No. t red, 1.Uj9Ls; No. 1 bard. 'COKN-Hlgher: track, No. X, IWffTOe; No. I white. kWo-efV. UAT8-r1rm: track. No. a, NM53Hc; No. 1 white. WViC Closing prices of futures: WHKr-Wesk; May. I1.00S; July. KH "c'oRN-Hlgher: May, 7H: July, TOo. OATS Firm; May, Uc; July, tftxC HYB-Unchanged; sSo, iFIXjl'R gulet: red winter patent . (; extra fancy and straights, HI09 t: herd winter dears, H l.7s. HKKIi-Tlmothy, U4.0tvtJlJ.00. COttN'MKAL-UaX H'tAN-Slesdy, aacked, oast track, tl 30 4ii a HAT Firm: timothy,. f2S.ff.0; prai rie, ll.iinfia.o. rU(HHNi-7Hc. . , I'ROVIHIONHPorK, uncnangeq; jon- blng. ti'.Tf. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, tV.ft41s.Ce. Dry aalt meats (boxed), lower; extra snorts, asm; ciear noa. w short dears, K Baoon thoxed), lower; extra shorts, io.S; clear rib, ilO.S; short elear. fld W. , r Pol'LTKY-Mteady; chicken, UW; prings, Itc; turkeys, 17c; ducks, Uc; geese, SC. Bl'TTBR Firm: creamery. 14930c. , KUUbV-Hlf nr; lie Iveeeipta. Bnipment NEW YORK STOCK-MARKET Prices Again Hove Forward Eecordi for MoTement to Flour, bbla., Wheat. !u. Corn, bu...., Oats, bu 4, est , 11,'inu , dl.MS 16.0U0 Kaaaaa City ftli aad PreTlaleaa. KANSAS CITY, March K.-WHEAT-teady; No. t hard, ll.oteji.W; No. t 1. i.H; No. 1 red, ll.Wul.01; No. t, ii t?ORN-rnchnged to lc higher; No, I mixed. .TlOTISc; No. a Mf7:; Na I wlilte, 7lVu;ic; No. a wHfr OATR-Cnchatiged: No. I hlt tW9 MHo; No. I mixed. KWftMHc. Closing prices of future WHKAT May. l.uOH1.00V.; July. II V bid; September, 4tO bid. CORN May, n!; July. 74V:; Beplem ber, V bid. OUTat-slay. , July, 4T!s9e. H X br ftetfsec. ' HAY-t'irm; choice timothy, . ID; choice prairie. S17.M. HITTKR (reamerv. IHc: firsts. Mc: econd, Mr: packing stock, JIr21Vc-UGaS-Extras, So; flrata, 21c. " Ilecelpt. Shipment. Whetr bu. . Corn, bU. . M.000 Oats. bu. 7,W K. Mlaarapolla firala Market. MlNWFAFtil.18, March; July. ll.wVkOI.Oe: rVptem brr, 1.4uH- Cash. No. 1 hard, 1.; No. I northerns tl 47S4l.4Re: No. 2 northern. tl.ojejejKOt; Ko. s, 1.3V NEW BEAU FACTION 0KGA5IZFJ) Lwglcml Kxpla nation far' Iapewrc- saeat Fact that Stocks Wow Tkereagkly Majaldated Be fore HsvesHst Began. NEW YORK. March 22. The reaction ary tendency which overtook yesterday's stock market was partly dispelled today, prices again forging forward and estab .Ishing new high recorda for. the move ment in a number of Important Issue. Trading waa uncertain at tlmea, but, tak ing the etocke which constitute tne back bone of the list, top price were from S to 7 points higher than at last week's close. 1 he most logical explanation for the Improvement Is to be found in the fact that stocks were thoroughly liquidated before the movement began and that they did not decline In the face of many de velopments of an unfavorable character.' W hat may oe termed the old short In terest waa probably driven to cover early in the present week, but new lines of stocks have been put out since then. Ac cording to board room gossip there has come up another bear faction In the cop pers, ateeL smelting and some of the standard railway snares. This element he tubbornly opposed the rise of the last few days and may be expected to continue their tactic unless the present movement get out of hand. Metal nock were easily tne feature of the day. transaction In Amalgamated Copper exceeding those In United States meei or any other market leader. An other conspicuous Issue was American Smelting, with a Me of over 4 point from the previous day's low price. Union Pacific led the railway group Reading and united States Steel were rel atively backward and American Sugar, international Harvester and American Can. preferred, resumed their recent activity, making new high record. mce yielded materially In the last hour, but net galna wero numerous. More financing to meet requirements of railroads was reported from the Missouri Pacific contemplating an Issue of K.OW.oH) three-year t per cent note to pay off obligations recently Incurred. Bonds were lrrgular Total sales, par value, CIO. 000. United State 4a and Panama la advanced per cent on call. rtumner oi aaie ana leading quotation n stocks today war as follows: alee Hlrh. to. CleM, I specie for this port for the week ending today were V-ZS j stiver ana sau.aes goiu. Exports, fsTl.t) stiver and 1,7.S gold. REPORT OF CLEARIXa HOISK Traaeaetleae at Associated Basks far tk Wert. NEW YORK. March St Bradstreef hank eleerinn renoet for the week end ing March tl shows an aggregate of USS.- OO.0t. as against x3,jw,uh,uw isai wee and t2.KS.i3.uM In the corresponding week last year. The following uiiww citlea: New York Chicago Boeton Philadelphia St. Louis Kansas City Pittsburgh San Francisco ... Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis fw Orleans Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles OMAHA Milwaukee , Louisville Atlanta Portland. Ore..... Seattle St. Paul , Buffalo , Denver Tndlanapoua Providence Richmond Washington, D. C. Memphis St. Joseph fKIt Ike City. Fort Worth Albany Columbo Savannah Toledo Nashville Han ford Spokane. Wash... racoma Dee Moines Rochester Imluth Article! OpetMHie-h i',o xrtrtv 711 751 , WlMSUl May. lOlwK lVi Julv.MM)1 W Sept. '. Wrtj-Si corn May. July. fats May.JSr Wt't IsNoSi Hept.jUttt.j al , Pork I I Mar 14 4r I I I. is i-av; Low. Cloee.i Tes'r. I I lVlftiH s4 taS..t.a4s 7S74, 711 f! 71 as, n,! 4S0 rirtj Jaiy.IM TtftrS, 14 B. 14 SIHl 14 77 It Sept. Lara Mar. Juh.1 14 u u im st i ii os iji t rvrT levtiiSM ss 7 7.4j 7JHTSS Tl' 71S 71H 4S 41' it rv 14 44 MKi 77s'S Bw t 74 8epLt9Ti r.V,W-i4. I Si Si Bib lib May.f I Juiy.l 'I I ts -rv lav is its -7W t eu ! B-7U. Septl a I I HiH 47i IM FLAX--24. BAB RI.KY-TOcttl.ak CORN-No, I yellow, eWTSc. OATS-No. i whlt 4iV2'tC. RYS-No. t Wrtsc. HIIAN-In 101 Ih. sack. rS.OOfi 55.50. KJAJL'R First natent. r.tfi.:il: second patents, K ': first clean, t3.tunj3.7s, second Clesrs, tilotiiTn. Cah qootationa were aa f ,1-ows FLOUR Steady; winter patenta. KlSfl . ars, winter vtrmiKina, skvo. spun patents, MstHK: sprint! straights, M 4 bakers, n 7tHi. RYE No. 1 . BARLEY-Feed or mixing. 7ici(tl.0t; fair to choice matting, tl Isarl.B. - EKrS-TtrBothj. tll.4util.i; clover. ." U4.wf3.. ' PROVISIONS Pork. mesa, tit IIS: lard " tic Uerceel. t SX Short rib looei. . Total tleerare-es of wheal and floor wer equal to 17 bushela Exports for the sreek. as shown by Br4V4reet' were equal to LOkM bushels. Primary reoelpts were SM.4WI bushel, compared with 41. , est swsOvIa tk corresponding dy a year aga. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: - Wheat, 14 car: corn. M ears; oais, lsl . cars: hogs, lfctjes bred Chicago Cash Prices Wheal. No. 1 red. C ttrLBV No. 1 red. H S1 .!',: No . l aud. C .01.: No. t hard. tl.ntsLul ' No. 1 sort her a.; No. ! northern, f-smill. No. I northern. r.Hrl It: No. .. : spring. fl.1 J; No. I spring. Mcfj1.4i No. 4 spring, tttttili.s; velvet chaff. c I: OS, durum. M.j414 Com. No. i eat - tt.c: its. s wtute, eswesi; a, s yellow, 4MTii&c; No. 4. 4Sjir: No, 4 white. SNi 47c: No. 4 yellow. wtJH. Oat. No. I white. UHj4Sr; No. t white. eSWfrc; v Ne. 4 white. SrtXMge; uandard, ts-ib-itc. Kye. No. I sr.-. bariey. Terttll M. Tlm ea hy seed. Hl.A)lLj. Clover seed, tile! t, HI TTER-Frrm; creamerie. J7tjlc; - dalrtee. JkrrJTa KKJ tiro; recelKi, JS1 cases: t trark. rases Included, Xv3r; ordinary fjrets. !V36Sc. - - tiilitst-etca; aaisiea, Wsfeltt; , Pklladelskla Pewelaew Mark4. PHItJVPF.LPHlA. March JS. BUTTER Cm hanged. EUH8 Firm, Ke per case higher; Penn sylvania and other nearby first, free esses, ts.7S per case; Pennsylvania and other nearby current rerelpia. free cases, 144: Western firsts, free cases, t7; western current receipt, free case. I 40. t'HWBIS Higher; New York full creams, fancy. lc; fair to good, 1st ijkc, . - Milwaako Oemla slaskrt. ' MILWAUKKE. March tt. WHEAT NO. 1 northern. ILlMll.ll: No. 1 northern. !fl'VH. !,. No. 1 bard winter, tl.MI l.'jj; Ajr, si.w; juir. smc COKN-N t yt'low, V: No. J white, . si'iTr; No. a ftw-; May. JlSe; Juiy, y. OATr-Standard. U'rC. Alliaiafm.n r eisaswtas caveer ... Aaericaa Asrlealtarel ... Aaterlcaa Bast gsaar Amartraa CVs Amerloss C A F ., Aatarioas rstto Oil Asierlces H. A U M. An. loa saesrltles.. Aweticea LiaaaaS ....... Asierloaa Leoeewtlve ... Asurloaa I. A R Asi. . IL Hi Stael FY.4rlw..... Aw. ausar Baflslas Aawilcaa T. A T Amertraa Toeseee att . . . Amertcae e oolee Anacsses Mialag Ce.. AteblsM Atrtliea p(4 Atlaetla Coast Use. HaltlBre A Okie Bauilahesi tlesl Hrsotlrs Rapt TV 4 Snarl us Paetrie iWral Leather Osnttsi usunar s'4 ttiaaaaeska A 'Ohle...... tlesa A Aitae tAitneeo 0. W., sew..,.., fTllcaso ty. W. pis. rlre A N. W Chlcafo. M. A St. P C. C. C, A St. L reisraila T. A I cetorasa A Sestssrs..,. Oiosohdsue Oe , irs rroavela Delaware A HsSsss Denver A Rle Orsses... 1) A R. 0. I4 Distillers' BScerHiss Kris Kris 1st tfd. ttrla 2d set Oantrsl gleftrta , Ureat Northers net uraH nerisers urs errs., llllMla ivatml InterboreacS Met. ..... ntartenmsh U f4.. Islsrsatlaaal karreeter Ister-Marlas p'4 iBfeeaattensl raser fBtaraatlonal Puau) .... toes tyvntral ,. Kasass City Saethsea... s. t'. as. st. Larlaes Oaa Lsulnllle A Naatrllls.. Hlha. At Bl. Iula M . St. P. A A A M.. Mlstoarl. K. A T....... II , k. A Y. eta MlssoeH rartria Natloeal BleraH ...... r Natloesl Lead N. ft. R. st M. M W4. N.e Terk Caatrsl x. t.. a A w , NerMk A Wsetsrs Narth ABjertcss' ........ Nonaera racins Hrllla Mall Pannarlvanls reotis's Gas r . U. CAM. u Sittsbenk Ossl Prim I Steal Car Ptllmaa F-aisoa Car..,., hilifray steal sprtsg..,. Haailiac , RcpiMIs Steal Itaetiklla Steal St4.... Dt l,las4 IV Rack blan4 Os. U4 U A A T. M al Lesls S. w., t. t, s. sr. pt. ...... Slnse-mMtflel A A I. oulaars Partne nosthera Rsllvay .... Be. Kalreav s'4 TenneaM Cseser Tease A Farina T.. St. Lv A W T.. St, U A W. sl . VskM Ptelfta t ales Parllie pr4 I'alte sutes Kwltr., L'nlta Sutae kaaeer., V'altad Malss taet.. .. V. A Staal Bt4 Utah Csneer Vaarsliss rjaeekleal Wahask Wataak pt Waster Marries ... WeeUnshoeae Eleetrle Wetter t'alea WtaallB A U Lahiat Vallat Ohtno Capper ,. key cwnanlleata 1.1 . LSD U.S0 14. SH I. KM 1.SW 4 7w S IrH lH 474 "w 1.H4 II t. 44 nv. t 17 Mj M lilt "ctt lie. 't joo tst . itH in Mitt HI Tt a Mtt Ui MS Hi a H II 1T 11 in. w 1H lost 4.4M etV. WV, 11.40 14u iota. let IMS 1S os list in l ew it rati iS iit t.toe rti l .SJt MS uH II 11 "J It tti4 m n4 tH l.ioa (4 t 1 u ISU 11 rat 7rs tn 14V ) 14V rru tm ltlvi u 1.144 MS. 144 'i'ioi 'jis 'rii, Ltei iiiti iiiii ast ltii I.M4 U.4M tH loa tne IM 4. MS last 1.0) l4 11 17 llilt loa M ilUj 141 1 ! 174 . tt u, MU, HI 44 It IM llt Ull US ix ttv. iae MS U 1I4Uj 114 n titt uvt i.i2 M 1M4 Hit nit n r as i iMH lest, mil wt t. MV till, 1 4IH ill's 14. I.M MI4 I.4SS ill BBS II ton II 1114 'si i4 "4 4H l14 u;h u 404 It ' 7l te us. sm Mta l eg III, l.M !. I4. 14 4 44 tilt Xt llSti ' - ST 4H H4 H4 .a) IHi t,M4 144al tet 7114 17 s 1st 1114 n 1WH 74 1S74 IU KW ll 114a 1HS 19H if, irt utVj lMUi 1H u. . ' ?5 tint lit Mt let ls is sia tt lit 44.SM IM I.W4 V US tst 74 tJS It MS hB) It. SSh 43 411 Jl US t T4S 014 4 IliS S rs M.tet 4S us sM... l.M 4.M4 l.sw I4S lS ll ties 1S Tl 4IS 41 10) 14 B tl S 74S as a ins ins Its OS 74S 7S S lS s us 14i 14 s ' tl.Mt 1tS 14 US 4M ttS 1.! US 4.SM '4IS .SS MS i mo uts 14.JSS s L7M M 1S 4t M 7S IIS s 1I7S Its la l.M 1 lot S.M MS a. list ,411 II 4IS CIS III MS US 'iis 414 tl S s 1st MS 17S 41S 14S s s H:A SB 1S 4lS ns is ts n Ml CITIES. Amount Inc. l,S2.3f..t 8SS.Ssil.0WS 1J7.7K SI,7Htl S7.9."f)( SS.7SI.0rt)i .24,OTi lS.47t.OUO ls.757,4rt) f.l!,rt S2.4K3 H)t Dec. B.7 20 3 M.Sl. .IJ. i.s!. i it:::. . Lib: .7 14.41 1J. i OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak to as Much at Tea Cent Lower. HOGS CLOSE FIVE TO ITS OFI arias' Deasaatl to Fat Sheep aad Leash Helde rrteco Fatly Steady tat tptte at tka Large Ran. SOUTH OMAHA. "March 3, a Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .0e s.7 U,3 Official Tueeday 4.47 M.21 ilM Official Wertneiedey.... 4.sht OMl 7 ill Official Thursday .... 1,417 2.C9S jsumat rxtaajr um v at.t 15.1HC.0W t.t 14.744.IOS le.t!.... 4.2 M. .4' i Ctl j.:...J 4.1 1511 Cal. Macon Oakland, Norfolk Wichita Peoria New Haven Jacksonville, Fie... lcranton Grand Rapids J Birmingham Sioux City flyracueo Augusta. Oa.. ...... ICvanvlli Worcester Springfield, Mass.. Dayton Oklahoma City .... Portland. M Chattanooga Utile Rock Charleston, K C... Wheeling, w. va.. Knoxvllle fan Diego Lincoln ..! Heading, Pa. Topaka Wilmington, D.. Davenport Sacramento Mobile Wllkeebarr Cedar Kspld. la.. Akron Youngstosm Waterloo, Is........ Fall River Canton, O tiprlngfleld, 111 Fort Wayne New Bedford Helena Islington York, Pa Columbia, 8. C... tTie. fa, Stockton. Cal........ Boise. Idaho Hock ford, III Muskogee, Okl Kalamaaoo, Mich.. Qulttcy, III Bloomlngton, III.... Tulsa. Ottl. .......... Owden, Utah lweii Cheater, Pa. BunnsTieia. u Houth Bena. ina.... Blnghsmton Hloiix Fsli. S. O. Jsakeon, Mis ixcstur. lit Manafleld, O....... Fsnro. N. o Fremont Neb...'.. vicKBtrurs; r JackaonvillC III --! "Houston Oejveeton 14.4J21.0nW 1S,22.(W 14.ts7.0tlU H.Jll.OOtV ii.r2,n t.OS7.t410 t.TIIS.OrAI ' 7.43H.00IS . t.70,009i 7.7B.ial t l 7,t:a M l 7.lffi.ll0i 34.11 . t.M1.0U0'.J....i R.r.0ll0. 4,aa.oH . m 4.7,Oll! t.ilC.OOl 14 v.',.vn js.Ji ,7X0W 4.l4.0l 4.1.W.O0I I l.t LKl.tHWi X! 4.4.lrtH 3.S' d.iin.orjw jt.ii i.367,IOI I .1 4.113.00l tt.ti S.MWI0I 24 .4i . 14.t 10.4 as. si...... 4.B...,., .( lOtlrtW S.i44.onM .4a,txw .526.l ' S.7S3.000I . I,ii4.atn S3.3i I.71.taM 7.4 - t301.ix 1.82. HOOT 2,l0,(i t.tni.onoi ,. I.4t7l,)0l 2,03f.Ol 1.67. I.11I.OWI . l.Mi.tmi t074. I.isi.oaoi 107s,nt) 2.4s.aoi I.V.W ... ... 1.407 ,i0l 14.11 l.M.olffl . 1.M7.0KJI 1.JU.400 l.tsi.iool l.til.onol l.Ml. 1.417,00(1 1.747, ' 'S.Hej.Om . 1.N2. 1 JtS.ll 1.119.WIM g.4. ' fTo.OWL J.7 t7t,(roi. tM.tOBj. 1. 20,001 r,i.anH H7.0IK) WW . l,aa . sM.ono . 7M.0t 7S8.CILO . 757.0W S3I0 ,() Ml. WO 677.OT0 SO.OfW, iri.a 491,0t . maw , tviA.ono . 4M,n 67t.ono 4!S.) SK2.otn 20,000 . ssi.eno m.m . 4B.922.0OI) 17.704,0110 4.1 M.ll 7.11 KJN t.t) OtJOl M.l OOM 104. 2 0lM 1H.1 otkl U.ll it it 7.t .4i lt.ti 1.1 It l.t T.T 1.7. is. 7; 11.11.-.. n.i. 1.1 11.41 14.1 lt.l 1 .H M.4I .t it ... 4.1 T.l Jt 'ii!t Flvo days this week.l.57 same day last week..l71 Sam day t w'ks ago. 17.447 t.14 H,27 74,414 TV.S .,77 3S.X4 eta U.47I 4.7 41.107 M.1M Same days I w'ks ago.H.4M Same day 4 w'k same oa s last year..ui,sH The following tab! show the receipt of cattle, hoara and aheeo at South Omaha for the year to dat as compared trtttt last year: i IW mi Inc. Dec Cartl 3U.1S0 247.0B4 KM Hog ......410.2s S64.7JI sH.sT ...... Sheep .....496.1S4 40U44 fO.40 The folkrwlnc tsbl (bow the rang of Plica paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Pat. I lilt. M'ch l 1 6H 1 1 471 4 Vi t aj 1 1: M ch 14 I 451 t U it J4I I 4 t U t It, M'ch 11 T lta! . 4oJ- 1 tiS ui Mch 14 4BS(tt3St Sl44, 44147 M'ch 17! It fr.lO ft) t 5Si t 441 I IU M'eh 111 4 -VUI S D M U UI 1 UI g 47 M'eh 1. t MSI- -1 10 tl I tiallit M'ch 20 I Si IK, 14 441 4 0i n M'ch 71 70M 44110B I 4 741 1 t M'ch 22' I 4 47M ! t 541 1 1 lt t II 8unday. c ReceiDt and disposition of Ihr stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, tor twenty-tour hour ending at 0 ciocs yesterday: . RECEIPTS-CAR". CattIA Hogs. 8heep.H sea. l 'i i 7 1 A st esspss ........ A la, r..... V. A 4a. rag.., Allla-CaaL Ag. - i.seeepswl tiswlsj Market. UYSRHXIU March at. WHEAT- itpot nominal, future easy; March. I :Wd; May, 7s M: July, 7s fad. ttiRN pot steadv; American mixed sew, 4 td. Amertcea mixed old. aa ud; Ametioan mixed new, kiln dried, s 7sd future easy; May, te ISd; September. a r- tfl. Pewrta Market. PtORlA. March 21-CORN-Hlgher: No. I white, 47c; No. 4 white. 4Bc; jm0. t yellow. nc; N. 4 yellow. ASc. No. 4 mixed. 4SV: sample. evSc. OATwnteady; No. t white. RHe; Btastdard. tc; No. I whit, tic. 1 ' - Caltra Market. . NEW YORK, March -COTTONRpot ctoaed quiet, anehanged; middling up lands, 14 toe; middling gulf, kustc: sale. L1M belas. Futurea opened steady; March. kVTIc; April, k.Oc; May, KX&c: June M 43c bid. Juiy. rUtsc: August. rAtfic offered; Sep tember. NVttc: October. W-S4C: November. Miwc: Deceinher, teste; January, 10 Uc, reoruary, ivsec errerea. .Futures closed barely steadv; March. 74 V; April, 10 17c; May. WXr; June. 14 43c; July. .c: August. r 47c: gp. tember. It.elc: October, kf.c: November, r4i: rcemher, W.iec; Januarr. M ite; February. M.atc. Veal Market. ST. IXn. March a-WOOL-dteadv; teeiitory and weetera ntedium. letriic; fio medluioa, lierlTc; fust, 4jUc. tet Mis Mis Total aaiaa tar tse ear, avi.sw Basres. tji-dlvldend. l.eadea Stock Market. LONDON. March tt-Amertcan eecur Klee were quiet end featureless during th early trading today. Price showed Ir regular change) ranging from So shove to So below yesterday a Nw York clos ing. Prices showed small. Irregular changes until late Id the session, when the mar ket hardened under the lead of th coal roads The closing was steady. London closing stock quotations: nbetsv1tle rJaatL.Tfl amaaat T7v,Uo , Kaa. A Tea., tea. ... TtNsw Terk Casual.. llts 4SN'ortalk A Waetrs.lltS Altaians HIS 4 N tt 4 p .IHSCMsrle A Westers. S aHISMes A Okie, .let Seaaavlvasl CS rsaStea Pertna ..MSIaRaeS Mlsaa S t'kaassaaae A OSta. nSRaaSIs IIS fV. Oraat Wasters. ttsSeeihers Ra sts L. MIL A St. r.ltIS aa sM - ns n naers JB Sostber ISetne ,.11S Oasvar A Hie a.... 9 latee recltla 171s 4e M - 45S 4 Bt4 Ms tn rrsi'. A steal tti a 1st set JIS pM UtS 4s M pel ItsWassa 7S 0rne Traab 44 e tt IV llUheta rastisl ....Ills SILVER Bar. aissdy at 24 lt-Md per ounce. MONEY -tat'i per cent. The rate of discount in the otMa mar ket for short bills Is IS per cent, for three months' bills. tViipHi per cent Wear York M:alag Stacks. NEW YORK. March &-Ctoln quota tlsei aa mining storks sesrel Allot tie uis CMsf .... g ameawtck Co .... Meiieea la Csam. Taeeal abaek.. n Oetarke , ..174 4a tease u Osbtr let Oaa. rat a Vs..... 74 aueaeie I Iras silver l lellee Jecael 1st eLeaavilla Oaa. M Otters. Not Included In total berau contain ing other Items thn clearings. New York yowOF Market. NEW YORK, March U.-MONKY-On call, steady at ls3H per cent,, ruling rat. I H per cenl; closing bid, 1H per cent: offered at Pi per cent. Tim loans, teady: sixty day a, m per cent: ninety days. VQMi per cent; six months, 14 rTmK MERCANTILK PAPER-4(M14 'otsTrUNO KXCHANOB-Steady. with actual business In banker' bill at M.MS for alxty-day bills and at t I7.M for de mand; commercial bills. tt US- gll.VEat Max loan dollars. 47c. BONDS 3ovrnmnt, strong; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today wero as follow: " .IttSlster. M. m. tse.., 47, .ISA-Japaa 4s MS .ll'.S 4e 4Ss Ms .kisk. c. s. ist a.... as .114 U A eb. 1M1.. UK .11 U A N. set. 4a.... Ms .III 'U K. A T, 1st 4s. tas .I41S s IS Ml. T. A T. sv. 4S...1ISSM. Psttne 4s 714 Abb. TSssees ex.... k".t R R at M 4Ss s a ts UOvtM. Y. O. g ISS.... 47S ArsMer A CS. 4SS.. US do oak 4s MS Ataklsea sss. ..... VN. T. N. H. A H. aa. ee. a. l4S cv. 4s UtS ee rv. la... letS'M. A W. let a 4s. sS A. C. U 1st ..... a rv. ex MS Bal. A Okie 4s M ke ISelfta . rS 4e tss 4tS e te 1 a a. w. isw tiso. A u rfs e tk reok. Tt. v 4a.... l7Sres. e. ISs 1IU.. 414 On. a( Oa. Is let, ee ess. 4s let. .'en. Laather aa saSRaaetag gaa. ex.... MS " si N. 1. g Ss...l!lSS U A A F. Is. ss st Cbes. A Oka ISa...ll a sss. Is US 4a ev. 4 SB. M . L I. w. a k IIS Olleasn A A ISs.. 41 -ee 1st (sM 4l.... tl C. A A 0. j. 4a.... MSA- A. U 4 TS ee ges. 4a MkSe. Pss. sat. 4s SJV O. M. A . P. A t IS aa ee. 4a. M CHlll.t e. 7IS e tat est. as MS aa rf. 4s ,. RaJleay l.....lsrs dale In, is 7:4 at pa s 7s tase. MIA aa. ItSCsteo rsetrle 4a....tes 0. A A r A e 4Ss MS as r. 4a ms IX A ft. ev. 4 M As ist A ret. 4s... trs D. A R O 4s S C. I (ahsar ta.....iete 4e ret. la 441,1'. A Sleet H ia...ltS PtaHHara U taVaSe. fja. Is.. IMS tn L aa MSWasssk jet 4s. let ee aa, v 14 es let A ex. is.... ITS ee ev. 4a. set. A.. 4ssWesters MA srrla Weet. Else. ev. aa.. ss 1st KMC. rv. la. ..It wia CSMral 4a st 111. Oa let ret. es. sMe Pea, ra. la.... t latee. Met. Sa Ks'rwsaaaa at 11 4 eA esiXIsnA C. It. ft BL P. Ry.. t. Union Pac R- R..11 C. N. W. R-. B.. ' C. ft N.-W. R. W..17 . C. St. P. M. ft O. R.. I C. B ft Q- R-. B...... . C. B. A Q. R. W.. t C. R. I. ft P. K.. C. R, I ft P.. .W.. I 111. Central, Ry . Total rc4rrt.:..M-' 10 St I DISPOSITION-HEAD. tjatti. Uogs. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co.v.. 186 " Ktl 447 Hwlfl ft CO 240 1.14! l.MI Cudahy Packing Co.; 341 1,747 2.071 Armour ft CO It 1.125 List Schwarta ft Co... .'... - Si - Murphy1 ... tet W. B. Vanaant Co..... Hill ft 8on:.....r...'.. F, B. Iwls , 1 - Jn. Root A Co......- - 4 J. H. Bulla 1 a.... McCreary ft Kellogg., tt ' H. F. Hamllutnn ' tt ..... Mo. ft KsnM'alf. Co.. k ..... nine ft Christls - 12 Other buyer lot Tots! r....7.Ta An CATTLE CAttl receipts wer light again today, but Mill th total for the week foola.ub lx.STt head. A com. pared with the. oorreepondlng five day laat week ano a year ago inei naa Been little change In th total rua Both yesterday and today receipt wer so small that I her wer realty not enough cattle on sale to make A killing for all packer. As a result some of the buyer tsyed out of the mark!, not try ing to do anytning. witn tn reeun mat the market was very slow and dull both days. This morning buyers picked up a few cattle, paying In some cases tnice that were not much different from yee terday, but generally speaking the mrkt on all kinds of killing cattl was weak to ton lower, mostly 10c lower and slow at that. There were no choice beeves on sale to make A good top, but there were some good tnough to bring t7.a. Th supply of stock cattle and feeders wss smsll and as there hsve not been very many cattle .of that kind receive this week th market did not show much chang as compared with yesterday, being In the main steady. Quotations on Catlle-Oood to choirs beef steers V tJOfJAOl); fair to good beef steer, K JT uo; common to lair seei steers. M.svWkM; good to eholo heifers, tt.Mtil: good to choice cow. l4.76el6.B0; fair to good cow, H 0044.74; common to fair oowa, lz.,6X4.uu; good to cnoic toca- , . aa ii an- t.i. .uu4 are aim aewuw,. ae.aav.w, puw, tS.OOOAst: common to fair, tt 40t 00; stock belters, 44 uotl J; veal caivoa, et.wijt.w. bulls. tg, etc, M.vseakus, Kepreseutsttve sues: - BEKF STEERS. saak CVeevrlase- OM AHA, March B -Bank eleau-lngs for today were K.414.MA47 and for the oorrs pondlng day last year gt.ti.2K7. t lew Tark. ntsw tokk. March n-Imports of nevi'Dairaiee ana ary goods at the port of New York for the week satUng March wer valued st lit, 756, 7li, Import f Na 4 14 I.. As, Pt. . IM 4 14 ,,lrj 1 01 , n in a m 4 i It fll 4 I t I 1 4 I I 4 I.... I t ...test t 41 ....KM 4 4 ist 4 ej Ill 4 1114 4 m r t Ns. 14 t:::: it i u i 17 II COWS. i:::::::: Aa. Pr, list 4 71 M4 I 14 Kit 4 it Mi I M 144 4 a tut 4 a , 141 4 M nil 4 a lit 14 us. I a .list I II .. ttl 4 II .ins i a ,. ae M , HI II ..lea i a .1414 4 M .ins i . si til I . 444 4 M ..... . Ml I 10 " I . v Attb. . st 4 a , I mia . 4 4 a . i4. .. a is . Ms 4 m 14 4 m . at l a us i a . a i a , - BULLS. ' . IMS 4 W 4M 4 I l..v. IB II 1 lit -4 I t 4 t 1 ttlS 4 74 1... 114 4 1, lie 14 t 4; t y 14J4 in .: ii im I..... I... 1... is 1 1 ,...m 4 a ....mi i a ....UI4 IM A I I ii:::-:: 4.... - CALVBB. 174 t 14 11 I 4 Tt I 4 W !' eras received than tha trade ordinarily needs at the week end. almost t,00 bad showing up. Yesterday s rua was de ficient, however, and packers took sa unusual Friday interest In offerings, buying bulk st figures steady or very nearly so. In spot, fat lamb even ruled strong, sheep selling steady to A ahade lower. - . Quality of the run was reasonably good. about th only difference . between new and recent supplies being A s nailer per centage of near-prime stock. Mexicans es pecially. Attractive fed western lambs ended readily at 17.3047.25. while the best Mexicans oa sale brought t7.S. Strictly choice Mexicans are quotable up to, one string selling st mat llgure yester day. Merely good lambs found aa out let at 17 01 and less. Fat ewes 'made tip the big end of sheep receipts and toppy stuff waa conapic- oous by It absence. Qood ewe changed hands around, indicating a limit of tf,50 for best quality. Heavy wethers, high grade.- were wanted around tbt&tfsot and choice, bandy yearling were in fair request at IA4tM.e, al though nothing of this description ap peared In the display. Feeder buentess waa a oulet. small af fair, th aupply and demand both proving very light. Nothing whatever sold on country account yesterday, but the feeder purchase for the previous three days was rainy targe, ' amounting to t.sue bead. Feeder lambs and aheep are selling at rough dollar discounts from similar qual ity fat Mock. Compared with a week ago. current prices for fat sheen and lambe aha a general advance of a quarter; ewes. wether, etc. moving with a greater de gree of freedom than Ismbt. Recelpu hav been normal in point of volume. but the proportion of shorn stuff has been very email for this Urn of th year. Shorn lambs ar selling up to 16.60. wuotauon on Sheep and Lambs Lambs: Good to choice. 7.10f7.StV, fair to good. M 464T7.10. Yearling: good to cnolce ..lSj SO; Fair to good, Weth er: Good to choice, fnlr to good. tS.60tj6.7S. Ewes: Good to choice, CSS.M; fair to good, t4.7set.2s. rfceirresentauva sairav No. ll fed owes 36 fed ewes, culls....... tt fed ewes, culls S3 red ewee 567 fed Ismbe as fed lambs, culls 3M fed ewes a fed ewe cull S67 fed lambs IM fed lambs si fed ewes 12 calls 114 fed ewes eulle I7 Fed lambs 14 fed lamb.. fed lamb 7 fed ewes 483 fed ewe 4 fed ewes, culls 2 fed ewes, culls tot shorn Isaibs. feeders., 70S shorn Ismbe 121 fed lambs MS fed Ismb let fed lamb SH ted lamb In fed lambs IB fed lambs 44 red ewee 27 fed iM .. Beetea SioeAv Market, BOSTON. March r Cloetng quotations n Mocks wore as roimws: Alasees 4?Meah Ami. Osear nSMevaea Oe A. A U A g.. ...... MSNIplaata Mutt .... S Arises Caas. HXartb Pens ........ n B a C C A A M. 7Net leas a. Pal. A Ailnaa Mtu4e- BialsliS ...... eS Oil. A Hecat. at Oaeseta til reslaaalal tjeieer IS fee. Rasas C C... IXlSKsaava MS Hast Baits e M.... llaoseetar .. Ss rreekus . H4s-aetse ft A M... S (Ureas OA 7-lfTasaareek !t Orsaar Cae. MSI" S A . A -- lal Geesae CBseBas .... 14 ra lata karate Caesae.. fta Ce. 7S Kerr LAS ....A.... vaaaear u..... ae e Caspar siwiaaaam 1 Sslle rheew...-. ISWMvarsss IU Missal Osear S I CsHtdltlaa.wt TraenatT. . I WASH1NOTOK. Ifsrrh SS. At the. rap t-Inning of business todsy tn cowarooa of th I'nlted States treasurv waa: Worklrag eatJance wi i-vbsitt ernvi, tM,41; tn hank ate rTiiitpren treas ury. gn.74: mvMi .a a--. fund. sb.4.44A Oedlnerv receipt yea terdar were .,. with ordinary dte bunsU of fcl'A. tOcJt t. ,,e th! fiscal year. tl7.44,lS. a against a deficit of st thl. rmv MM year Theee flruree oxelssJe Paaaata canal and public debt traiisavrtieei. Ssafjar sfarket. NBW YORK, stares) asy; Misscorsdo. t teat. Ilk: eeattrir- eal. M IMt 4.42c: 1.47; naaeA, quMt. 1 114 t tl I at 11 I IK IS ......... MS I M 111 TM I It 11 .... JM T 74 I tss I M STtlfcRA AND HElFEHS. a im 1 4t - t4 m t a St M4 I M 11 to 4 m t in 1 S4 M ra 4 m t ms 1 a lfwiA A mors" cautious ' ahlooing mand and an aueenc of any pronounced bullish feeling In eastern hog market bad a sobering effect upoa the local trade and buying was rather hesitant from the start at figures steady to eerlto lower. K.m, huaioeea wee done early est ship ping account at price firm with those of yesterday, oJ tne nnrona wee owiv. and discriminated sharply la favor of se leatt offerings. From steady levels the market developed Into a MJioc lower at fair ,-lniln at th full decline. Outside buyer shewed lee ht In filling orders than ew recent days, but ! nf thl fact they mad th early market, purchasing fully one-fourth of h. total receipts. Packer remained nn der cover until late In th aeaeloa. and movement tlirosighout wa rather dull, wearing along to a tame flntsli at mld- A.v Kunolr wa satlmated st a short A4M bead, and th run as a whole presented ru. -anerUllv sasw feature. Medium and Ught butcher predominated, wtth Ught bacon aad Heavy lard of tertngs equally BeaM baslvT hOgS OS) SSle Btwllght t tAeaitrai with veMerday' top. while bulk ranged from M K to n.U. Light stuff claimed the tow spread anal the amount of bust nee under th 4 man wss rela tively small. iUpreeenlative sal: . He. Av. SV . r. Na Ir A Pr. u ... 4 a . M st us ta a i7 4 a let m ta t at its, at ... la ... S S I. S I ... T4B 44. St at a r a 71 Ml 5::::::: . ... I .tat m I m jaa 44 TM ,m ... 1 41 .in ... te Xt T M .im ... T m m m ib it st 1 a W4 ... T4I M MS t aa .ttl ... TPS .1ST It jrt st ta .sa t a 1 xn ... i 1 at w i nos. M ..teg ... IM MS IS a 18 BHEKP Conditions- sn th atieep and asm market were rather newish than ether-arise, but a good, healthy sVtnaad mors Usaa offeet aU other influearee sss. price war well Mart lard. Mar Mock 1 1 m la m t a ait ... tt ... t a ... tit. ... ta ta ...ta ... fa . ta let ... la at ta ..Mt ... 7 a Pr. IW S 23 I S t 00 7 2S tot t& t 00 T IS 160 115 . ISO tot 72 T2S 4 75 IS tot I to 121 lit too T tt T tl T T4 t 4 t 0 13 4 7i CHICAGO tlVB STOCK MARKET DeaaaBd for Cattlo aad Sbeep Steady Hear Lowes. CHICAGO. March 21 -CATTLE-Re ceipt a, toot head; markt steady; beeves, .344j.; Texas steer. MoOtiAeS: weat ra steers. tMOtfAsS; Blockers and feed ers, HI40AM; row and heifers, IMOtf A7: calves, tt.totsa.4. HOOS-Receipta. U.0N: 'market gener ally to lower than opening: light, r ts T.tS: mixed.; heavy, e7.tOtr7.4i: rough, rw.t; pigs, kaMr.N; bulk of sales. t7 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. T.OW head; market ateady: native, M.004JH.OO: wesxera, MsOtJAX: yearling. tb-SO-uAliO: lambs, native. weatern. M.AWI AOs. 1 Av. 17 .. 88 .. Bl ,. MO .. 71 .. M .. Ill ,. ::5 .. t .. M ,. M .. 17 ... 7 ... M ... tt ... tt ... M ... n ... K ... II ... M ... II m H 71 Its) M DON'S REVIEW OF TRADE Tendency Toward Broader KitJibn-A tion Throngnout tonniry. ; DTPBOVZJCEHT, DESPITE ; COIJ) ' Efforts to Advaac Frlcca of Iroa anal Steel Are Meeting writ . tsat gaccea Pry OasAs , . I Market Flraa. "i x'vw vriDir Marcn 21 R. O. Dun Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: - V . . . . . 1 a. . . A 1 The tendency in toe -jr ,jv '-e. trades Is toward a broader dlstrlbuUon. J ne incressea ecuvity i ' v" ". 'T slow breaking up of a winter of uniutuai .... 1 m ahrsid seventy. 01 uenuina w.w..- - --- and at home. Including, as they 00. the still unsettled coal strike in r.iia the disagreement between cosJ operators and miners in this country. Other labor . . . t m jtlatuehlnr trouDje. nowever, - The Lawrence strike Is vlrtusjly ovwr. wbiio advances or wage ot i-y oent tn the cotton food trad indlcat the betterment In that direction. It Is lgniflcant that the report from the west now reriecr. improveo ut -ment and thl notwithstanding that west ern conditions are still generally 0.0. larornble for distribution of merchandise. Efforts to advance prices of iron and steel are meeting with some sucosss. Pig Iron I slightly firmer and there 1 sortie . . . , , . .-I nlatea SfiC shanes. With the approach of spring and tne resumption 01 i.hji,. materiai la more' active and fabricating shops are fairly busy. Prospective. busl- . . . . I . ,an on .,.,1 hA ama. acee route up w over w.w. ; ,, , tion of the new terminal at Detroit will can tor a large tonnag. 1 "l planu could handl more buMnes and railroad orders sie still disappointing. r .. . , 1 fin . tVvmand ueavwer i iiwu ... ....... - for tin plates has broadened moderately. out sneers atw snattea arm vw .... is much less than capacity. Th dry goods markets continue verr firm and with a broadening trade prices generally display an advancing tendency. Print and print cloth continue very ac tive and sundard prints are to bs o vanced to s cents per yrd. while regular print cloth ar now quoted at et cent. Olnghama are In brisk request and semo unes 01 mese ana 01 couiumi neiww . oeiu at value on iuiuiw m...,j. ... woolens some of th best soiling tines, are being eagerly sought, but mills are unable to lncrense their deliveries. Ad vances in some lines oi men ibh w nave oeen maw or ,-1 vent . . ,, . one large producer has advanced all of its staple ana ceole a yard. Th largo staple dross good mills hav abundance of orders snd ... v. k . Anlna, - lufiM Kfinaa trade. Cotton yarns are very firm. There is a mooerata oustnee moving in anas ...r spring. Leather Is very stronr higher. Hides are firm. BRADSTREET'S TRADE Kaaaaa City Live steek Market. KANSAS CITY. March x-OATTT.R Receipts, 10. 400 head, including 3W south erns; market steady to 'Weak; dressed oeer ana export steers, I7.0utja.40: fair to good. ls.aotgS7.ilO; western steers. t6.7tVty7.sO; stackers and feeders, M.75rt.7$; outhern steers. t.0la7.te: aouthern cow, tins As: native oow, tt .26; aatlv heifer. U.Uv:jh- bull. KAstyAli; calves, ttVOIkJ taw. HOOB-Rrptij, C0t hd: mark Needy to -tuint; bulk of B&im, 17.2.56; ivjbs j, fpakA.Hwr bmiu vuu nvi-, rstfT.SI: lights, 7.ltT7.OevOlga, BHEEP AND TjAmBS Receipt s. loot bead market, stssdy; lambs, tt7,76; yearlings, K.i0t.M: wethers, M st400; ewe, t4.0Ofl.7t; stocksrs and feeders, 3.W tft-S SI. I.eel (teck Market. ST. LOUIS. March 2-CATTLJC-Rw cetptA WO head, no Texan; market, strong; native shipping and export steers, t7.tVXii.S0; drsssed beef and butcher ateera. ttvfcsjje.00; steers under l.OOu lbs.. I3.A9 ate; nocaer sna reeaers, M.2trft.z: cows snd heifers. tl.Outr7.60; canners. t2.0utM.0O; bulls, tl.oot.i0: calve. I6 0o.6o: Texas and Indian at eer 16.0047.00 ; cows and itM av 'jiaj ei k HOOS-Recelpt, 5 000 head: market tc higher; pig and lights, t4.Jbif7.74; mixed and butchers. t7.4Mi7.87V4: good heavy. l7.7rMr7.I7. rH Krir ano LAM til Receipts, 40 head: market strong: natlv muttons. M.OO tiAOo: tamo, p&ohjsi 00; cull and bucks. gaejs.111; stocKors, s-atajavaav SI. atoecpk stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March I2.-CATTLE RocelptA AO head; market ateady; steer, tHuMjAS: cow and heifers, U.3MF 7.U: calves, taBA0s. HOOS-Keceipts. J. " head: market strong: top, 4. t; milk or sales, r 3U47.5. rn r.r. r- nnu lsxoo neceipts, i.oai bead; market slow; lambs, 4.,0S7.;i, Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at tha flv clpal western markets yeaterday CatUe. Hogs. South Omaha. l,snt . ;, prln- 8t. Joeeph.. Kansas City.. St. Louis , Chicago Total , loot ,.3tM 40 .. ) AOta) ,. tout 14,014 ,.SOs) - K,IW 7 1,004 i,i TS T.OW ms itr ing And RBYIIW Metal Market. NEW TORN. March 21 METALS Standard copper strong; spot, tits March. lA42H4i1t.t7'4: April. Ill totr 1JS; May, tlcml4.7): June, Sli.K.'V 14.W, juiy, tu.4SS4ii4.x7tt: indon market strong; spot, tee La td; rut urea tar 11 3d Arrivals reported at New York today 4U ton. Custom bouse returns show ex port of 14.047 so far this month. F .ake copper, tli.l2iti 15714: electrolytic tl4.b isa: casting, xncvuitj.u,. ixacai aale 21 tone April at tltC'4. Tin. firm; spot. tC2Mr42.4I: tlan-h. tCWttlg; April. t1.4Katr4:.U; May. t414ij Br. June, ttl 40 Ml. 7. July, 4i "j4l ; London, quiet; spot, fill te: future. (18 i. Local aale It tons. April at te.SO; 21 tons August at 441 .tA Lrti firm: KStrttA New York: H J 4.2714, East St. Louis: London, fit 3s td. Apelter. quiet snd nominal; ttSAtp ?.. New York, and K.24t.7A East St. Ii uls: tjondon. 44 I ui. Antimony. quiet; Cookson . t7.4wt7.t2H Iron, Cltrye amnd warrsnts. !a lSd In London. Lo cally iron was firm. No. 1 foundry north ern. tla.StylSW; No. 1 foundry northern. tlt.7itlla.U4; No. 1 emit hern and No. 1 southern soft, lU.Asirlj.iA BT. LOUIS, at arc n a-siiALO-uiA Orm: H2A Spelter, weak. tUA vapesmted Apples aad Dried Few It NEW YORK. March 22. EVAPORATED APPLEitQuiet and steady, with prices sneunared: oa the spot, fancy. MslltWc: ehertee. tsc: pelme, TVkAC. DRIED FRl'TTS Prune, easy with MaMdersbts pressure to sell: quotation rang from 4c to tie tor twitrorasas up a, xt-sBs. and CSeHSe for Oregon. Aprt- txrta. quiet aad steady; chotca, lrl4Sc; extra cooaeo, ia-vwia' ncy, setenv. Peaches, steady, but trading Is quiet aa buyer and seller ar apart; cticAea. MSA Mc; extra choice, lltrliSc; fancy. US Uc. RakttBS, Inactive and oasy; knee .naeaiala. 4TVc: rhoic fsacy. seeded. 4Frsr: sstditsa. (StfTe; London layers. 7.Btjl. Twrpewtlao aad Itesla. SAVANNAH. Isarck & TFRPEN TINE. firm: S. Sales. 5A. bbla.; re ceipts. K7 bbla.; stuposeata, 323 bbts.; stock. T CIS Mm. ROtt IN Flras. Seles, 412 bbt.: receipt v SU bbla: shipments, t4M bbl.; stock, 73VCM bbl. Quote: B. KITS: D. taST) 7; K. r4ES4S: F. O. H. r 7: t. K.ti K, I7.J; M. K. V: WW. I7.IA Merrkandlse Caatlaaes to Move la Good Volume. 1 NEW YORK. March Jt-Bratlstreet' tomorrow will say: " Tho-jgh adverse weather oendltloas In various parts of the country tend to make for more or less Irregularity In trsde. merchandise continue to move from first hands tn good volums. However, It Is probable that while business has not pre Treseed It hss retrograded, thl being due to the Inclemency of the weather rather than the diminution of want. Condition, predicated on the lightness of stock In the hand of final purveyors, are really propitious and growth In confi dence, despite some untowsrd clouds In the field of labor. Is one of the moot characteristic features of th general situation. Dry goods snd coal remain In the fore front aa regards activity. In the dry goods line advances oa several kinds of goods have been made by the mill and In view of th fsct that Mocks ar light, that labor demand higher wage, and that production I still nader normal, mer chants recognise that if they want good they mint not delay In placing orders at values satisfactory to the mills. - Leather Is not especially active, but prospects bearing on the future are good and prices are expected to advance because supplies are decreasing, raw material I higher and usee for other articles than shoes ar being extended. - - It must not bo overlooked that some sections of th country, those enuring to the coal mining regions and particularly bituminous mining, are Inclined to go slow in making purchase, pending clearer vlewe as to the outcome of dls--cucsion over wage scales. In the Iron and steel lines there Is more activity in foundry Iron, the leading Interest has adopted a firmer stand for higher prices snd there Is somewhat mors railroad buy ing. Business failures In the United States for the week ending Msrcb tl were 352, sgalnst 941 last week, tat In the like week of mil. 231 in 1910, tx In 1900 and 2st In im. . Business failure In Canada number thlrtv-seven, which compare with twen-tv-flve laat week and twenty-tour In tbo like week of last year. Wheat. Including flour, export from the United State and Canada for th week ending March 21 aggregate 3.0tt,O74 bu.. against 2.332.0H last week and i. 324.51 7 this week last year. For the thirty-eight weeks ending March 21 exports ar 111, 7. 83 bu., against (S,l;0.Sa In the corre sponding period last year. Cora exports for the week ere 307.7M bu., against 134.400 last week snd 1.I10.7M In 1911. For ths thirty-eight weeks ending March tl corn exports are t0,e,143 bu.. against s7.M2.4S last year. .. . . OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BITTTER No. 1 Mb. cartons, tic: No. I. In it-lb, tubs, tic; No. X 2K; packing. Ec. .... CHEESE Imported Swiss, 52c; Amer fran Mwls. 24c; block Swiss. 22c; twins, tic; daisies, tie: triplets, tic; young Americans. c: blue label brick. Be; Hu bs rarer. S-lb , 20c; 1-lb. at BEEF CUT PKICEB-Rlbs: No. I mtc; No. t 14c; No t, 12,c Loir.t: No. 1. Itc: No. I, IfSpc; No. A In. Chucks. No. 1. tc; No. 1 7c; No. J, Ttc Rounds: No. 1. lie; No. 2. WHc; No. X. 10c Plate.: No. 1. Sc; No. 2. Csc; No. X 4c. RlBS-No. I 17140; No. X M; No. X 2c.- ROI'NDS No. X Uc; 2TO. X lOVic; .No. X 10c -. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: Tarra gona, per lb.. 1140; In sack Iota, lc less. Cocoanuts: Per sack. kVOA Fillrerts: Per lb.. 14c: In sack lots, lc less. Pea nuts.: Roasted, In sack lota, per lb.. 7Sc; roasted, less than sack iota, per ib., a..; raw, per lb., tc. PSeans: Large, per lb.. 17c; la sack lots, lc tees. Walnuts: Ns crop. 1ML California, per lb.. 17c: la aacg lots, lo lee. Cider: New Nehawka, per S-gal. H bbl.. U.4.; per Jt-gal. bbl, & Near York Moll s, per lS-gai. s bbl.. rj.-' per 10-gal. bbl.. M.6A Nsw, i frames. f-TV. Kroul: Per U-gsi. kec t3.7a. per t-gsi. kog. tLJI. Coffe Market. -NEW YORK. March 22.-COFFF.E-ir.,. rures market opeovd Irregular, with March weak at a decline of II points. April I points lower aad other months steady at an advance of 3f0 points lt response to higher European cables, Th close was firm at a net advance of from 5 to It points. Sales. IK OA bags; March 1J.JSC; April, ttltc; May, U.14c; June. 13.4k-: July. U.Mc; August, lATtc; tjen tember, 1182c; October, tt77e: November wvniwc, eanuary. IS ,VT ; February, lt.Sc Havre waa VBS franc higher; Hamburg wa Va prg higher: Rid. unchanged, at !.): Santo. changed: 4 Ii6; 7s. TT'A. Receipts st tits s,2.,y"?-,,,,t,, vm " sin.t B. bag last year: Jundlahy recetpte AOs bags, against 2.7 bags last year Kaia wa rvponea in bao Paulo. Today pedal eavnto cable reported 4 un changed and tJao Paulo reuelnts n aaa against U.044 bag th previous day. New 'ea --. vaatwartea yesterday Alal baurr. against XOR ben las . 0 ..rT coffee needy; Rio. No. T. lSc: ttatwe. No. aWinaL t-oroo, 14A1IV.C. I Dry Seioela Market.' vrw TOPV k mm Th Algonquin Printing ccmpLiVeV ened diacountB m atanx. day. Trade lap rtnu and rrJi.J active. The tnbbers report a fair Vm. onab business, running materia n a ahead of a year ago. ' Osaaha Ray Market. OMAHA. March 24-HAT-Ne. 1 Its. 1 . No I midland, nvovmia. , Vo-land. tltl7oraIfJfhti J, tth catting. ; aa.dS