Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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m mm n.
- W. MSfrt--CttaL" -tte.W.littiMnlirMiiniKtt
llliuli far etty tiirnmi trmer.
-4v. (. ..
. Kseasis . Wsrssxag - Tads, Burgas
Oranden Company. , .
. MMr, reTubUcan'carjdtdate tor
mom. Betl phone "Tlon&e V"-AtT.
ow a. auafc, rtmtsr, tit s. . d.iim.
alias Imi Ounaiay Olmk Dr. W. B.
sfaatnews ha let lb tsnuact tor an ex
pensive residence and mr the
-Country slab. '
egex a far KuorU Bay The ran
emlat day committee of tne Grand Army
of tha Republic will meet at the city hall
on Monday. March S, il I a a, lo
ergsalae for tha coming observance of
Memorial lay.' '
Barker &ee Basona 8. Stewart.
Proprietor of a barter shop at 111
Nineteenth street, reported to tha police
that hla barbar aaoa was aatared by
i.-..ia. immi lugm and erery raaor in
toe ahop alolaa. besides a larta quantity
of aoap and tonics.
Oarteialat s aMra Ofcalk Talk Charlee
L. Bartholomew, eanoonlat of tha Minne
spoH Journal. will give a ehalk talk be
f ere the University dob Monday noon,
laneheoa will ba served in tha club room,
after which tha famona "Bart" will en
tertain tha membera.- '
Trsaet efflaar Slak Paul & ItcAalay.
foeth Omaha probation and truant of
fleee. la vary 01 with pneumonia and his
rsoaearj la doubtful Ha baa bora auf
ferine with asthma and a allfht cold for
two) week, but only within tha laat two
daya did K develop Into pneumonia.
Kasafactarsrs to Was Workmen'
Compensation iM Employers' liability
wOl ba a topic of discussion at a meeting
of tha Omaha Manufaeturarf aaaoclatloa
at tha Banihaw hotal rathakallar on
Tuesday evening. Dinner will ba aanrad at
IM e'olook. tha apaachaa and discussion
to follow.
Allen is Guest of
Ben Franklin Club
Hanry Allen" of Chicago,' secretary of
tha Ban Franklin Club of America, war
tha guest of honor Jaet night at tha ban.
nut gives in rha Pal-ten hotal by tha
Tri-City Bon rranklln club. Mr. Aim
poka ehlafly of tha coat system In rota
tion to tha prlntltit butlnala and ba loll
tha elchty raambara who wara praaant
that tha antral la tha boat thing that baa
aver happened to tha printing trade.
."Tha laborer la worthy of hla hire,"
aald Mr. Allan, "and tha laborar ahould
know axaotly what hla service ara
worth." Tha coat ayatam waa minutely
explained and all of its good pointa wara
aat forth. Mr. Allen'e ltlt hera has
stirred up mueh enthusiasm among the
mambara and ai a result th aeopa of
tha elub'a andaavora may ba conaldarably
widened. -
Other speakers laat night wara: R. E.
Cunnfnghsm of ' Olenwood. Ia.; Arthu'
North, rrad Graves, Charlaa Plaroa and
Fred Sohwsrts of Lincoln, and U J.
Qulnby, T. t BUI ok and J. B. Redfleld
of Omaha. H array Toetevln of Omaha
antaruined tha banqueters with a clarar
poem written by himself. Presides: C.
B. Corey presided.
Barttnder Telia Wttkiaginea Son.
Saloons Secern Frotcctioa.
Calvereltr gradeata at HoaM fee
frprtms Taemrtu Will Be Asked
to Xak Talka fra Hlah
SchMl kctllif.
Arizona Lawmakers
Vote for the Eecall
PHOENIX. Aria., March Jt-A raaolu
tlon for tha aubmlaalon to tha paopla
at tha next general 'eleotlon of a consti
tutional amandmont providing for the re
eall of tha Judiciary, paaaed ita flrat
reading today .In both houee of tha Art
aona leglalatura.
Tha eenate alao paaaad tha reaolutton
granting woman equal autfrage, and the
Income tax amendment to the federal
aonatltution on flrat reading, without a
dlaaantlng vote.
The -recall amendment waa ottered In
both houaei'.at 1:N o'clock by pre-ar-rangement
and waa given Immediate con
atdarationr Senator F. B. Breen ottered
a aubetituta tor tha recall which would
compel apeeltu) grounda to ba given In all
oaaaa of a recall petition being circulated;
tha petition mart be eworn to. and It doee
not require that tha offleuU affected by
tha recall ahould ba a candidate for re
election. Breen'a aubatltute waa ac
cepted and with tha other meaoure re
ferred to the oommlttee on-Judiciary. -Tha
recall maaaura probably will be
ptaoed on final ptaeege by next Monday.
A reeolutlon waa Introduced by Bene
tor John T. Hughae. requettlng eongreai
to aubalt a oonttltutlcnil amendment
rovldliig- tor tha - el action of United
Statsi aenatora by tha people.
Both bodlet adjournal until tomorrow.
Cue stevana. who aaya ha "allnca beer"
for Rybla Broe. at aU Q atreet. told the
membera of the Independent Working
men's club laat night that eome of the
aaJoona were receiving protection while
carrying on an Illicit trade. The meeting
of the club waa a heated dloeusalon and
the eara of the prearnt city ffictale muat
have burned during tha time of the meet
In. Sterena In hla add nee atated that all
the aaloona were not treated alike by tha
preeent board. He aaid noma had pro
tection and eome had not. Ha declared
the preeent ayete-a waa a dleoriml nation
against tha worklngman. who had to pay
for the thing la the rang ran.
Laat nlght'a meeting of the Independent
Worklngmen'a club waa well attended and
howed how deep aeated is the oppoaltloa
of the laboring man to gang rule. It waa
pointed out that the machine had awrcr
dona anything tor tha worklngman except
diepenee honied words.
City Clerk Good, In a mimeographed let
ter that la to be signed by eundry and
diverse membera of tha Good-OlUra ma
chine, la telling the voters of the city bow
"highly capable and efficient" haa been
the administration of tha city clerk'e
office within tha nut two yean. Those
who know the xact state of affaire In
the clerk's office can tell to a fraction the
average number of houra that 3ood
spends in tha actual work of hla office
every day.
In the case of City Treasurer QUlIn
the voters are Informed Olllln la the beat
treasurer who ever came down the po
litical pike. . He aaya ba collected mora
taxea, but omlta to state that ha haa
Increased the working force m hla offloa
to each an extent that even the demo
cratic council balked and put tha screws
on. He further sutea that he haa man
aged tha affaire of tha treasurer's office
In a "highly capable manner." retraining
from adding that tha special auditor
found more fault with "the treasurer's
bookkeeping system than In any other
department of the city.
The expression of aelf commendation
also omlta the statement made by the
auditor that tha city books were abso
lutely without a system and Involved la
such a mass aa would permit grave er
rors to go undetected for soma time.
The auditor urged a new set of double
entry bookkeeping that would allow the
ordinary taxpayer to know tha condition
of the city finances. The double entry
bookkeeping system waa not put In.
- nrlak Canaan sjalclde.
Mike Chrlatofferson, 6e years old, drank
carbolic add at hla home. 361 South Twenty-fourth
atreet. South Omaha, this morn
Ing at M:W o'clock, staggered out of the
bouse, aat down on bla porch and was
found sitting there dead by hs wife.
Tbia waa tha third attempt Chxistoffer-
son had made to end hla Ufa by drinking
earbollo add. .Several daya ago ha aa
cured a bottle and attempted to drink
H. but Mr wife struck It from him.
Only the wife aurvivaa. Chrlstotferaon
waa formerly In tha employ of tha 8wlft
Packing company. Ha waa addicted to
drink and had beep Imbibing heavily tor
the last three days.
The body la In charge of Deputy Coro
ner Bernard Lark in. ,
Stadenta ta Talk.
. University students who have formerly
attended the South Omaha High school
ara to ba called on the carpet Friday
morning at a mass meeting to be held
In tha high echool auditorium.
The atudenta of tha nigh echool com
plain that the university atudenta become
so Immersed In the higher atudlea and
vlewa of Lincoln that they aeem to forget
the high echool and Ita alumni altogether.
The mess meeting la called for thla
morning at o'clock and all tha uni
versity atudenta who are home en their
spring vacation are expected to attend
the momentous sessions.
Maa-le City Gaeala.
Tony Hudock of Thirty-ninth and L
atreet la ill at hla home.
Magie City Lodge No. n Fraternal
Union, will hold Its regular meeting Sat
urday evening, March S, at the hall of
the Modern Woodmen pt America, 2611 K
Chrtotaina Goettaeb. aged M years, died
yesterday afternoon at her late residence.
2 Madison street, after an Illness of sevw
era! months. Funeral arrangements will
be announced later.
Frank Lure, employed formerly by a
firm doing business In the stock yarde.
was arreeted yesterday on suspicion of
having stolen a saddle beivnetng to Ed
die Cahow of the Live Stock Exchange.
Luce waa locked up on suspicion.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Fletmyer died yesterday at the family
residence. Thirty-fifth and D streets.
. si
' It takes the steady nerve, the elastic
step, the energetic body to meet
modern conditions, and the quick mind
grasps the fact that body and nerves
must be properly nourished.
Weak, hesitating, doubting natures
are those who lack vitality. Their
kingdom is the crust or outer edge'
the thin of things.
is the vitaUzer for all ages. It feeds
nerves, . body and brain with pure,
wholesome food-tonic It does not
stimulate it nourishes.
Pioneers Plan to
Have a Big Picnic
in Month of June
At the meeting of tne Douglas County
Pioneers' association at the City ball
yesterday afternoon Judge Martin Lang
don read a recital of early adventures la
Nebraska, and gave statistics showing
tha Nebraska Indiana were gradually die
appearing, ta follow la a few years the
buffalo and tha earlier Inhabitants of
tha plains.
Ha told of how all Omaha and eastern
Nebraska waa etlrred up by aa Indian
scans that aroae out of two boys seeing
a woman trudging down the road with a
red handkerchief tied about her bead.
Tha boys reported they bed seen a large
body of Indians devastating the country
and threatening the Inhabitants.
Judge Langdon also dlscuseed Nebras
ka's marvelous record aa a state and
prophesied yet greater things."
Social arrangements were made and
tna bills for expenses Incurred at the an
nual banquet were allowed. Plana for a
big picnic In Juna were discussed, but
definite arrangementa were poetpoaed.
Tha following permanent commltteea
were appointed by President A. N. Tost
and approved: Executive Martin Lang
doa, B. K. B. Kennedy. O. K. Rathbun.
Mrs. Charles H. Flaaette. Mrs. William
Brown. Memorial M. J. Fee nan. Joa
Redman, Martin Dunham. Mrs. R. H.
Walker. Mrs. R. M. Taylor. Vuatlng
and Flowers Mrs. Mary B. Sorenaoa,
Mrs. Ethel D. Eastman. August Lock-
ner, W. I. Kleretead and H. H. Claiborne.
w. I. Kleretead waa named to read a
paper on hla early experiences In Ne
braska. Each member must contribute
a paper upon being appointed by tha
president with two months' notice.
There are now. 837 membera of the asso
ciation. ' The deatha of the following
since the last meeting were reported
John Chrlstophersen, came to Nebraska
In "7; Mrs. Cornelia Luce, came here In
Uo6; George E. PrtchetU IK; Cheeley B.
Layton. IMI; Mrs. C. R. Light. IM; g.
Vsa Sryoe, 1S69.
Applications for membership In the aa
aoclatloa was mads by the following.
tha year being tho date of their arrival
In thla Mate: Mrs. George Ochsenbeln,
1871; Robert A. Reed. '68; John W. Simp
son. ; Robert A. Christie, ': Frank
Dewey. "71; Clarence J. Canan. "71; Wll
Ham P. Byrne. TO: K. P. Buffett, 'TT; O.
H. Buffett. !; Mrs, Mary Cormeck. t;
Mrs. Jenny Bryant. T5; Henry C Har
try, -2; Mrs. Cornelius R. Gilbert, .'M;
Dr. Oeorge R. Gilbert. It: John R.
Dolan, HK; Thomas 8. Crocker. 77; Mra
Mary II. Christie, '; Mrs. Emma Rica,
'C7; John Reed. W; Harry D. Reed, "It;
Mrs. a J. Oliver, Mrs. J. J. Mahoney,
7i; .Mrs, Mary F. Lindsay, T4; Mra.
Kllaa Dewey Kleretead, '; Mrs. Jeaaette
M. White. 17; Mrs. Otto Weiss, 'W; R,
M. Taylor. T5: Michael Lee. '71; Mra.
Laura L. Smith, 7f; Robert Rosenwelg,
'M; Mrs. E. E. W'omersley, 'M
Male Suffragist .
Ready to Battle
for His Eights
DES MOINES, March H-Although H.
O. Cue. eeeretary of the Political Equality
club and manager of the Iowa auffraga
campaign, haa been twice "fired" by tha
autfraguita. ha refuses to aea It that way
and spent today barricaded behind locked
doors at the auffraga headquarters.
"But you bsva been discharged,' Mr.
Oue; why don't you leaver argued aa
angry suffragist over the telephone after,
it la alleged, aha waa refused admittance
to the office.
"Nothing less than a decision from tha
auprems court can cause me to leave tha
work I have so earnestly taken up In be
half of woman auffraga," returned Mr.
When a reporter suggested that tha suf
fragists might attempt to remove Mm by
force, Mr. Oue pointed to a shining re
volver In the drawer of hla desk.
Mr. Gua waa discharged at a stormy
session two weeks ago and again last
night He aaya yesterday's meeting was
"trumped up" and that tha action waa
It waa announced tonight that tha joint
suffrage campaign committee haa been
Man Says He Sent
JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Match ft Fred
Keweom, arrested hers as a vagrant, this
afternoon told Chief of Detectives Craw
ford that he aent to Judge of General
Sessions Rosalsky of New York, the In
ternal machine that came near ending
the Jurist's life.
Police are inclined to attach sorri cre
dence to bis story, because he confessed
to having robbed several homes near
here. Search of the places Newsora aald
loot would be found has resulted la re
covery of soma of tha stolen goods.
Newsora saya ha la a great friend of
Koike E: Brandt, whom Judge Roaalsky
sentenced to thirty years In a New York
prison and whose esse recently has at
tracted attention. Ha aaya the package
containing the .Infernal machine was
handed to him by a person whose Identity
he refuses to divulge and that It already
was addressed when be received It. He
raya he mailed It from Brunswick, Ga.
Neweom also la known by the name of
Fred Price.
NEW YORK, March U-Mr. and Mra.
Edward W. Favlsh of Birmingham. Ala.,
will get $1.30 damages each for tha
humiliation Incident to being ejected from
the Hotel Astor here last year.
Thla compromise verdict waa agreed
upon by counsel this afternoon after an
mdlacreet Juror had caused a mistrial
by asking a witness for the defendant:
I "What would happen if I held up tho
The witness told tha defendant's law
I yer; the defendant'e lawyer told tho court,
i The court lectured the Juror, then the
compromise was reached. The Favtahes
sued for $100,000. An employe at tha
Astor caused the couple to be put out
because ba aald the hotel bad Information
they were not man and wife.
CHICAGO, March tt County jndn
Owens today entered aa order allowing
Judges and clerks of the primary eleotlon
on April s to mark ballots for voters
of the Jewish faith. Primary day falls
on the hut day of the Jewtea paeeovat
i and all orthodox Jeers do not writs oat
1 that day. Between liOOt and tt,0M voters
j win save their ballot by tha order, .It la
! estiaaated
That Ptove
We've repeatedly told you that there is not a house in the entire city, all
olmms to the contrary notwithstanding, that can give you (not only promise)
as much "for your money as you can get here dollar for dollar, quality for qual
ity. This store is more than a match for any that disputes its leadership.
Men's arid Young Men's
Spring Clothing
So superior to any and all the others in town that even a comparison seems
all out of the question.. The newest styles the newest patterns are shown
here first . Every garment without regard to price is absolutely warranted to
be made on honor and to give excellent wear and above all Nebraska prices
are invariably the lowest. . .
Suits for Men and -Young Men $10 to $35
. ....rr ?
Men's Spring Hats
This is the best equipped 6tore in Omaha to make your hat selection.
Nebraska Special 31.50
Lawton Hats- $2.00
A$bury Hats $2.50
A Full Line of Stetson's $3.50 Upwards
For the information of
would-be originators we pub
lish from a few old advertise
ments taken from our files-
Bees May 24, 1904.
Each grade la fully guaranteed by ns.
Bee, Jane IS. 105.
They are made of pure aU wool
American true Hoe serges. .Thla Is
grade ot serge known as strictly
sun proof. ;
Bee, June 1?. 190S.
The fabric la dyed deep rich blue.
The color is absolutely fast, fadeless,
unchanging. or satisfaction or
Tour money ia the warranty that pxa
with every serge suit yon buy of aa.
BeeTMay , 190S.
This serge will wear like iron. It
hi C. S. Navy true blue and will
never fade
Bee, April SO, 1909,
We guarantee every suit to prove
aa reprraented and will replace any
garment that falls to do ao. The ma
terial la a strictly all wool fast color
blue serge cloth.
It Isn't simply because ' of their
genuine custom style, and splendid
wearing quality that "Nebraska"
shoes are so greatly favored by the
most particular men and women of
Omaha It's because ot their com
fort. The feeling of perfect esse
which our ahoea afford in every Una
and curve of foot la due to nothing
leas than expert modeling.,
For men and women; prices from
S2.50 to 84.00.
Tit i' -"p
Omaha' Largest and Be$t Equipped Clothing Star
ieek Into Barrel Girei Lincoln Man
Hope for. $80,000.'
Act to fall raallattre IsSlaa Laata
' ea Oasaha Rrarrrattoa Strkraa
Wlaaekasje 111 Deter ?
Wlseeaala Man.
(From a Staff Correspondent) .
..WA8HIKOTON, D. C. March J2.
(Special Tlstram.)-ConsTssman Ma
gutre praole4 today, that tha apnreprla.
tlon cenunlttaa ot tha nous would pass
tha Item ot MO.OM called for to complete
Improvenwnta to the Lincoln poatoftlc.
Mr. Maculre appeared bsfors'tha corn
mlttse ysstsrdar tn.aupport of thla ap
propriation, and also aa to a possible
(f appropriation to prevent imaa to th
Plattamouth postofftce building, dua to
sinking ot tha foundation under one
corner. Supervising " Architect' Taylor
appsarsd alao before tha committee to
urge an appropriation. Tlis members
of tha committee tnelst that no appro
priation ahould ba made, but that the
matter ahould ba eared for by the de
partment out of tha emerienrr fund..
No decision waa reached.
Klakald'a Bill Beperted.
..Tha house. puhllc. lands. corumlUr haa'
reported favorably Congressman Kin-'.-aaM-a
Mil atloeins entrymsn under Hie j
sne-actlon Its to taka up tha full Mav-'j eocene
tlon, even though tney nave una ioi:conf
Dr. Wiley Appears
as Private Citizen
for Drugs Control
WASHINGTON, March IS-Dr. Harvey
W, Wiley, appearing aa a private cltlten
before tha pure food board In advocacy
ot a remilatlon guarding very strictly tha
use and sale of opium, morphine, cocaine
and other hablt-formlng drugs, aroused
tha anger ot drug representatives by re
ferring to them aa "doners." A .heated
argument ensued and for a moment It
looked aa If blows might ba passed.
Representatlvea of tha drug manufac
turers srgued that exception ahould ba
made In preparations containing only
small proportions ot opium, morphine,
cocaine and other drugs named. They
held that there were so many of those
preparations scattered through small drug
stores all over tha country that It would
reqtilreyrart-end be a heavy expense for
tha manufacturers to have all marked
with akull and e roes bones, aa tha regu
lation of tha pure food board would re
quire. '
Dr. Wiley declared tha manufacturer
had been making the' profits and e'-iould
pay whatever 'costs were necessary to
protect the publlo from the drug habit.
"May I ask whom you represent?" aald
Mr. Hough of St. Louis, when Dr. Wiley
"I represent one 'private cltlten," ass
tha reply, "something new at these hear
ings, but which I hops will ba frequent
In tha future. ,
"Aa to the drug manufacturers' argu
ment that small - quantities of opium,
morphine and corelna ara not harmful, it
would taka a million Hague opium con
ferences to convince ma that tha small
amounts ahould ba allowed. Nothing la
better than' small doses as a means of
fostering tha drug habit"
CHICAGO, March n.-Resolutlons de
ploring tha resignation ot Dr. Harvey
W. Wtlev aa bead of tha bureau ot
chemlstrf of the federal agricultural
department wara adopted by tha Western
Cannera association's annual meeting to
night. The next meeting will ba held
here In November. M. W. Jones of Vin
ton, la., waa elected president.
a omtsSMltflvreveriskeees,
reaalleatlee, llsaa'arse,
f leaarh Treables, Teelkleg
Mserasrs. Oesirer
, lieu.
lWs In M Boeis. a ill Draesnii
vee tseeeH staple biiim fries. AMnm. A. S. OLMSTED. La Key,M.T.
Stimulate your hu.lneee by advertising
In The Bee the newspaper that reaches
all ot the buyers. .
rutlsm is due to an excess of urle acid, aa Irritating, IrUUmmatorr
ion, which gets into the circulation because of weak kidneys,
on, indigestion. And other physical irresularltlsa which ara nanallv
land elsewhere sufficient to make thelu con' .jd of no importance. Nothing armlied externall can amr reanh
entire holding mora than one section. I the t..-i of this troubls; tha most such treatment can do is soothe the pains
The bill was Introduced to relieve cases ! temporarily; while potash and other mineral medicines really add to the
art sink under a ruling of tha department I acidity of th blood, and this fluid therefore continually growl mors acrid
holding that sn entrymsn who owned j oad vitiated. Then Instead of nourishing tha different muscles snd Joints,
Isnd st' the time of filing would not be ' iccpl-iT them in a normally supple and eUatio condition, It gradually hardens
allowed to prove "up on more than snout a-d U:rtcns them by drying np the natural oils and fluids. Rheumatism can
to make hla entire holding amount to unti nave? bo cured until th blood is purified. 8. 8. 8. thoroughly cleanses and
- . ' - renovates th circulation by neutralizing tha acid And driving th cause
ladlaa Bill Passed from tae system. It strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead
n 1h,. ...... of a sour, weak stream, depositing acrid and painful corrosive matter ia
-Bw" 'ft, , th. muscles, joints and bone, it nourishes the entire body with pure, rich
celled up snd the i senate passed hla I 'hiooA Bnd permanently cure Rheumatism. 8.8.8. contains so potash,
to aaU tha unallotted Indian landa 1, or other harmful mineral, but is mad entirely of root, berbs and
th Omaha reservation and to dlttrlbui J ;:ark, gnat purifying and tonic properties. Book on Rheumatism and
the proceeds ot the sals to about . medical advice free to all who writs.
inman cnuaren who nave ao siiuiimi a. t
There are about iJM acres Involved. If
tne lanaa'were auoiiea io mere inaian
children - they - would get about seven
acres each, which would be next to noth
ing. In order to give them a fair sum
of .money .the plan .of sale was adopted.
Senator Brown offered several smendV
merits to the-Mil which were agreed to
and the measure now goes to the house.
f .Wtaaebaaw Mill Delayed.
Congrrssmsn Stephana attempted to se
cure today the paaaage of th bill pro
viding for the ultimata distribution ot the
KtLOM capitalised fund of tha Winnebago
tribe. Objection waa made by a Wis
consin member In order to hare tha bill
amended . In- accordance with a. recom
mendation ot the commissioner ot Indian
attain which had not yet reached the
committee. It la understood that tha
amendment may call for a further en
rollment of the Nebraska Wlnnebagoea.
though It has not been tally decided
upon. The bill -went ever nnth Monday.
at which time It la expected the proper
Amendment may be' made and the bill
passed. ' '"
Congressmen Martin of South Dakota
la visiting his district, looking after his
fences, and will alao fin some speaking
engagements prior to bla return about
April L
Congressman Kinkald has recommended
the sppotntment as postmaster ot W. L.
Downing at Opportunity, Holt county.
CHICAGO. March 21-Fresidenta of
ninety normal schools ta fourteen atates
today listened to aa ostites of the "Wis.
eonafa experiment" et arevidlag the state
university trsarmsa and sophomore
courses at all the normal schools in the
Mte by Charles Mc&enaey of tha Mil
waukee Normal school.
U C Lord of Charleston. 111., war
sleeted president and D. W. Hayaa ot
Peru, Me., eras elected secretary of the
Normal School Presidents' aaaoclatloa.
Sag to. tha JBtnattonpc Advertising.
Bridges the Distance
With Safety, Speed, Comfort
Between Omahte and Chicago
Leaves Union Station . . . . . 6:08 p. m. .
Electric lighted throughout, with drawing-room, sleeping eu,
observation car, dining car, chair cars and coaches.
Arrive. La Salle Station . . . . . 8:09 a. m.
Oaly One ea the nevaSss Loop
Arrives Eng-lewood Union Station . . 7:54 a. m
Osasealaal ts Boatk tuae Matrle .
Other Good Train at 4: Id p. a, 13:M a. .
For tided, wcroatkm or iormafioa, eeVms, arils er e$A
Tkfcet Offlcet
1322 Faraam Street.
Valuable Item
for Men
Health snd strength hitherto
unknown wtll be felt surging In
rich red blood through the ar
teries and velna and llfe'a great
est ambitions may be realised aa
never before, it tha following
special treatment Is followed by
those men, sad women, too, who
are stricken wilh that n.oat
dreaded of all afflictions, nerv
ous exhsuetlon. accompanied wilh
such ayniptoma aa extreme nerv- '
ousneee. Insomnia, cold extremi
ties, melancholia, headaches, coo
atlpatloo and dyspepsia, kidney
trouble, dreadful dreams of dire
ful disasters, timidity In ventur
ing and a general Insblllty to
act naturally at all times aa
other people da Lack of poise
aud equilibrium In men la a con
stant srurce of embarrassment
even whan tha publlo leeat aua
peota II. For tha benefit ot
those who want a restoration to
full, bounding health and all the
happiness accompanying It, the
following home treatment la
given. It contains no oplatea or
hablt-formlng druga whatever.
Mix It at home and on one will be
the wiser aa to your affliction.
The treatment ia simple, ther-.
ough and eonrect Leading drug
glsta aupply the main tinctures,
extracts and essences In one
ounce bottles, ready to mix. Oet
three euneea eyrup aaraapaiilla
compound, mix with one ounce
compound fluid balmwort. and
stand two hours. Add one euaee
compound essence cardloL and
one ounce tincture eardomene
compound (not cardamom). Shake
well and take a teaspoon ful attar
each meal and one at bedtime.
The Ingredients vn used for
various preecrlptlona
The above prescription ta manu
factured by the well known phar
maceutical house. Preecnptioa
Products Co., Day tea, Ohio.
ta,ta-a,w:jeas- saaass
ranav .
THOUGH there re
A more Diamond Tires
sold than any other single
brand, your tire repair
man will tell you thst he
repairs fewer Diamonds
than any other tire.
C Hell tell you too that
a patch trill stick on a
Diamond Tire, that a cut
or smash that would ruin
any oiner ore can oe re
paired in a Diamond. .
C No tire tesecidVnt proof. The
tore that Is easiest and cheapest
to repair la the best tire to bey
especially whea K alao give
roe the Greatest Mileage as the
Disaaoad Tire does.
Trie Diamond Store
t 815 So. 20th St, Omaha
Ws i