Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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From Our Near-Neighbors
T-awrr ;iee K..-;r:ii rame flatur
fHni Oh- uiiirrarty tor Ihe MtI
wtauoe, wiucn eiunilj over ttu veta.
Krank G!.asn of th Piets 1-umber
t.M i tin' hart nume nun ' lumoer
nil n.-re rriUy last, Miinuif ta tne
til aturiU marnlnji.
"jirr. 4 A. Teal l able to bs tne
lir iitint nine.. MIr. Human ot Omeaa
--.n cut lo fcr Jim Teal and r-tutm-d
TueKiajr to the c-iy.
Jolmr.y T"dd wan unaMe lo o with
1, mm ene rt;tv last week during" the
I ami ihM Bli haa son ovar
ii.- ruiite mtu great d.flitaltj.
Onn miui er Irft Tuesday morning' for hi new home ens' near anlch
It- mil (arm yetr. Mrs. r-uroner will
rut to up until a seek or so later.
I t. ar.4 Mr. U nirhartaon enjoy'
vim Sunday from lira.- McKwma ana
nauHl.t'T. Mr, tireer. ami little babe.
riw rvturi4 to l-.k-tiorn Monday enotn
lrV. It lUchartl-wn took Mr. Richard poo
t t.niaua Tueaoajr moraine; to a hospital,
vtitr.- t,e eiei-lB to Ufid-rso an opera
tion i tu in the week. Mies L.ucy KWh
aio'a accompanied ner parenta to-Ilia
It; '.
l'.:cr Winner, who ha been at tht
of liia dausnler. Mrs. Kiirhardt. law two or three weeks, waa .able U'
be put tl.e finrt of thia week.' Mr.
liwr h2 quite an experience at hi home
In lUljtun. belnf taken sick' while alone
'nun.- tl (ever cold and stormy
v . . : I
Eitner LlnJnueiit and Otto vVIIaon of
the Hank of Waterloo have taken upoa
itnmelvra to make a demonstration
echooi advancement Bunas afternoon
and evening.
A farewell reception for Bee. and lira !
Shanker waa given Tnurauay ivies a
after nrarer m! In Im the lecture mm
of to Methodist Kpieropal church. The
will leave Friday for their new cfcerse at
O happen, Keb. Dev. Taylor and faoilv
from Chapsell. who will tak char- of
una new, wui iitin Friday.
The Blair baa ball team haa been re.
oncaoues and new aulu eroered.
Mr. Bernard Haller Hatted with bar
parents at Xennard aa hut Sunday.
J. flL Roberta haa nnrehajmt the Civ,
bakery, which be owned aura Eve year
O. Mehern aold hla brick bullirln thla
week to J. c. Un(. tlx meant occupant.
Mia Acne Ollermann. poet office clerk,
haa been bom for a week en account of
Clarence flofl of Lincoln I apeadlnc
the week here martins hi brother. At
torney Ueorce Doll.
Rer. Htsrdevant. recently called a
paater of the Baptlet church, will hefia
bu work on Sunday. -
A. C. Adam Turned hi mother, who
is 7i years old and . vary dek, at Doni
phan. Neb last week.
Pelte Berera returned Thnradav from
California. - where be spent several
months with a alitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beaty returned
thla week from Uielr weddlu trio to Chl-
iao and Rockford, IU.
Mr. Newt Sutherland arrieed from
oiouir ii.o i:e of Intensive farming ; tlu jCheycnne. Wyo., to help car for her
j-. . ... a t m -1 ni boiiom iaira vi in
ncrm, more or Ivje.. haa been aelected on
nie latin of Ottoe
I'tamtd lo potatoca... 4 ,
l h Waterloo Bchoot hoard met Friday
'.' 1 isnl aiel trana.cle4 eonalderaM bual
iicm, nwt liiipurtatit of whica waa the
Viaritif of the laelltu (rade In th school,
iaiiiiiiiia' with the.coiiilnf year. It will
i.Hvailate enraKlns; one more teacher.
1 he hoard taikvd imormally of the leach-
- ! lor.e Vr nut- year, but 'action waa
i. furred until ueh time aa applications
eiiould be formally hefer then.
J1 r, nnU Mre. Charles Bouce, who are
the new lurcinaa and houeekeeper re-
- icetlvcly at the Carlton- Noyes farm.
.eitt lu Omaha Monday mumliui on-bual
m-u Mr. and airs, liouce came from
Hen.ern lima and took rhanre of the
noik lor Mr. Noyes the first of March.
"William Carter and wife, who were lor
. nwrl) at in Novr farm, nave moved
nmr Onialia. where they have bousht a
eitwll uutk fat m.
The vlllase primary was held Tuesday
vfmiiK aa announced. The following
Vre nomlnsled aa candidate fur trua
icvr. to be voted on at the election April
; A. If. Campbell, i. J. Mohait. C. B-.Mmu.-tua.
W. II. Jecoon.m. U. A. Blnnn
aiid K. A. Carmony. There was eoroe
iiMcuMlnn of water worka. a new to
hall and dralnaae of the villa., and a
nit. I Inn uiianimoualv earned declarlrut It
' Ihe eentlment of tnoae preaent that the
iturstion of aster worka .roaunrottteu
10 Ihe voters.
MtM Denton and MlMKJnc of th pub-
. I c erhools vialted over fWLujday at their
icepective homee In kennard and Hooper.
.VI in Denton was accompanied home by
1 JiMialn Hall and Bernlca Moore and Mlas
. kins by Itobert llall and Jeaato loao.
Mrs. C. ftamuel, who tea been vlsltlnc
.' here amone the old friends and scenes
nf former daya this winter, left t..ureOar
iiiurnlm f"r her home In Kimball, n. D.
lr. and Mrs. ftamuel lived here years
. mm and have many friend atnonc th
older people whom ah vlalied, stoppinc
- viih Mr. and Mrs. A. a nllwrt most-of
Hie II tu.
, r- '
mother, Mr. 1. 8. OearBart, whs 1 vary
W. H. It. Dnvte.-a former resident of
Hiair. and hi wife, were visitors her
ovmr Bunaav. prior to lolnf to their new
oome ia jtisaiecowrt, csi.
Banker F.--M. flaatetter. who retimed
from the 'south a few weeks aye, where
ne went lor ni health, ha s Improved
as to oe at in pane thla week.
Donald Kelly, son of city Enalneer
Tom Kelly, who enlisted In the navy In
11. la now a student ta th School of
uunnery at Weahlniton. D. C. Ha 1
on duty as a recruit! n offecar la Omaha
if a year. . , , ,
Mrs. J. C. Chapman
; Mr. and
Imukt vUllors haraday.
. I., rl Hetrlek of vatanUr w.
- buainras visitor her Isst Monday. -II.
C. Marshall was trsnaartln busl-
tiera in prwbat court at kilr Vmliws
iny. , .
H. J, McKllllp and Frank S. Reynolds
line tranaactlnf business. In Blair last
r-aluruey. 1 ..
'County Commlealoner sTred KuermSnn
nuended a meetlnf of th county huaid
at Ulair. Monday.
Mr. W. E. Antrim returned home Mon
lr night from Hislr where she visited
ever nunday night..
A. K. I'nthank (avs a complimentary
lanuuet to ,1he bualneas men. of Arllng-,
Ion at th Nelson-hotel on Friday' nichL
F. 1. Mrnkmf had an attack, of .the
Irrlpo laat week, but haa so far recover d
o lo be on duly at his place of busl
Iters sxsln.
Mra. II. K. McKlbhrn departed for
itliTn'oe, la., mat eaturday, where she
will be the curat of a daughter for a
ft weeka.
Mr. Cart Carlburg, sr.. returned home
Monday mornlnir from Herman, - a. here
lie has been vlsltlnc her daughter, Mrs.
W. K. Antrim returned to Herman Suo
clay aflemoon wher he I dome th
I'sltitlr on the ml school building he
me erected there. 1
. J. IK Kakln attended a meeting of the
" Modem Woodmen of America at Colum
hua the first of the week aa a representa
tne of the Kennard camp.
P."v. Mr. etmltb of Hooper preached
at the Methodist church last Sunday In
the absence of the regular pastor. Rev.
, Kiplln. who preached at Hooper,
Henry Brtnkman, whe has been out no
'.the coaat for the laat year, returned
horn last Saturday and eipsct ta tak
. iclisrg of his father's brick yard.
Laat week A. F". Tyson sold his farm.
r,caet of town, lo A. C. Marshall for
...ti&.iM. there being MS acres. Mr. Tyson
i and fsmlly expect to move to California.
Mr. and Mr. John Toft returned horn
Wedneedsy from Blair, where they were
,1 ailed by the death of Mrs. Toft's father,
John Ksnaen, which occurred la that city
last Sunday.
Mra. Emma deaselmaa and 1 J. Oles
selman were In Blair Saturday tranmct
.tng buslneea with County Judire Kiler
1 tu relation to settling up th estats of th
lUte Herman Oleaselmaa.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Hunt, after apend-
- lug a few days In Arlington, th guests
.. Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T.' )L Johnson, returned to their bom
,ln Little isiouz, la., last week.
Mra C. U Harrtaoa and Mis Mary
Harrison wer la Omaha Tuesday, cs
turnlnc home ca the evening train, ac
. onrptuad by their daughter and sister,
Mrs. i. r. Mills of Madrid. Neb. .
Henry Plugs, soa nf Fred Plugs, who
wss taxes to an Omaha hospital and
operated oa for epped Kitls a few weeks
. eo. haa returned horo fully recovared
roa th affects of th operation.
; Clkhsrw.
Miss Deedamona. Baldwin returned from
Omaha-Saturday., . . . .
Mra. B. BaMwIn from Tetter. la.. Is
vlsltlnc with. Dr. Baldwin's parent.
Mrs. Charles Witts and daughter. Mis
Koaa. were Omaha visitors Monday.
Meadames C. W. Baldwin and Anna
Mrtlrew wer Omaha visitors Monday.
Mra.. a. McKansIa and daughter. Mr.
Greene, visited Sunday with th Dr.
Klchardson family at Waterloo.
Mr. -and Mr. C. Uayermana of Millard
visited wits th latter outer. Mrs, C.
W. Baldwin, and family Monday.
Mrs. J. D. Mickey returned from Lin
coln Saturday after several weeks visit
with her soa, Clark Cj and family.
- M rs. Hotnar Mickey sad baby returned
last , week from (Jtbboa. - They were ao-
companled by Mra. Mickey's mother, Mra
Mr. and Mrs. T. C McCormlrk ram
1r a visit with th MoCormlck families.
They recently - came ta Omaha from
Burk. S. D.
V. V. Lawtos left Thuredsr for his
homestead In Kimball county. The
family will remain bar until th build
ing are finished. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Baumamrdner enter
tained a large number of friend Mon
day evening, being the birthday anul
veresry .of Mr. Baumgardner. t
Baldwin drove Into a ditch tinning the
busty over. The doctor wsa somewhat
bruised swdts bow oonflned lo tu room.
prtagfleld. I
-Tli'a Intant'san o Uliand Mra)
A nder aoo died Monday.
Rev Whiting returned front Arvllla.
Ark., where se baa sees bunting since
laet fall. .
Ths Piatt river Is breaking today and
a foro of ma I kept kuy dynamiting
th tea floea.
James Packles departed for Idaho rmlla
taking his mother with him. she wUl
spend the summer la Idaho. ' -. ,
Th young men belonging to th Meth-
edlst Hiilacopai Sunday school cava an
entertainment and lunch at th bom of
r.4iand Mrs. u. Ja. Bat. 1
The following candidates for eeunrtl-
men have been nominated J. C. Man-
geld, 1. V. Cornleh and W. J. Armstrong.
Ths question of license or no license will
bs settled by a separate vote.
Frank Orahaia and Mlea Bertha Mundt
wer united In msrrlags In Omaha by
Bev. Charles W. Mavldga and left for
Kanaka City oa their honeymoon.
Mia McClur of Paollllon area a
iara visitor Monday. . . . ,
Mr. Schsts snd dauhter..Mra Fallon
visited In Omaha Tuesday
S. O. Anderson of Elkhora transacted
business In Millard Monday.
Mrs. Foaeler visited In Omaha mlih
friend Monday aad Tuesday. - .
Miss Marl Nelsea and Miss Dorothy
Anderson visited la Omaha Isst Batur.
Rev. Mr. Bach man of Castloton. N. D..
visited with friends bar Saturday and
Arthur Anderson of lexSalls. Cole., ar
rived Wednesday evening for visit
with hi parents. Mr. and Mra. P. c An
Mra. Fred Walsh and son, who have
been visiting with her father, Jamea Nel
son, returned to her bom at Omaha
Sunday. ,
Ths following were passenger to
Omaha Tuesday: Mlas Anna -Ooech.
Mies Margaret Slert,, Mrs. Nolaoa and
Mies Amelia Frits.
weary. Cards were played, Mrs. George
Mr. and Mr. William eon Dorhn. nr.,
gavs a party Saturday evening to cele
brate Mr. voa Dohren'a birthday anni
versary. Cards wars played. Mrs. George
Ronmer winning first oris and Mrs.
Welch th consolation prise.
1 Valley. -
Mis Qertrod Ingram went to Omaha
Mr. aad Mrs. W. 8. Eddy wer business
imtor la Omaha Tuesday.'
Th tnfaat son of Mr. and Mrs. K. B.
6 hot well died Wednesday aftenoun.
, ' Miea Ruth Whltraora gavs a were en
Jovsbis m. Iauick s party at her bom
Friday evening.
Trie member of the Imp Tear c'.ub
will ,-tve an Invitation ball la the W eekly
1 hall Friday evening.
Mr. and Mra. H. M. Puffer left for thelr
home in Minneapolis Wednesday after a
week's visit with relatives and friends. .
' B. A. Vve was called from Omaha to
. Aurora, Neb . Tuesday by the serious u
aeas of his father. Mrs. 1T and ths chtl
; uren left Wednesday te Join him.
Th Misers EdHb Bradshaw, Anna FehU
maa. Martha Ooetary, Peart Henna and
. Lottie Spangier were the suae is of Mies
J -hajina brows at her bona la Fremont
for Uie week-aad.
The St. Patrick' social irlvea by -the
om&n'a club Friday evening was a suc
, In every way. A fine mustea! and
htc-rary program wss followed by a lunch.
Over K wer m attendasKS.
Mr. and Mra Will Miller gave a musical
- PHiu.-dar evening In honor nf tne mem-
-r 01 tnetr bouse rarty; Mr. and Mrs.
lrvtaateo. ' . .
Mlas Vmnil njundell of frv4nlM m.t
Wsdaesday night with Miss Kfll KU
liaa of Benson.
Mrs. C. L. ScheH. who has been Mvins
with her daughter, Mra J. c. Krats
of Irvlneton, left Filday for Uncoln.
1 ene win , i I'll ner oausnter, at in.
H. H. Harmon. Her grandson. David
Krats. will accompany her as far as
Lincoln aad then go u Beatrice.
Walter Maason of Benson and hit
brother wer. guest at th Del a bom
Mr. Taylor of Ames, Keb. was a vis
itor at lb Bunnell borne Thursday.
Miss Minnie Lohrt wss th rnest of
Mis Lillian Builer of Benwa. Wednes
day. Mr. Peckinpaagh and family, whe ex
pected to leave for Iowa March 1, were
detained by th railway company fall
hut to send aa agent to Irvlngtoa. They
expect to leave soon.
' semtate.
Charles Hoffermaa returned from Boone
county Monday.
' All th oast and eteet roads ar drifted
full of snow again.
I. Frsmea of Millard was calling on
inmua nevw wunuay.
Mis Margaret rt of Millard visited
Mia Nancy Oft over Bunday.
B. I'8eymoor and C C, Cywvaei hava
taken out hunting lice ns us for ths next
we weeas.
A Keaearkaals Hapaewtaa.
Aa elderly gentleman of rural appear.
aao had hardly seated himself In th
CToastowa street ear when a young lady
a ho bad followed him In approached him.
fir. did roe lose a at btllr" she aaki
Tvr moment the farmer observed her
W lf llvcm. Ted I tv on. Maode rMv.. ' .-"""' . inen saal
i u. .j 1...... -j eonvincingiT, -lea, ma am. 1 did.''
oinilVr of Lrmah. " " " I 'T?" "!.'. the
, fc ' oiu i" rum. 1 perse litip behind Sou
Ker. Ralph Houetman. , Preabytaeh from the car floor." '
tuiBlay orlKwl aecretary of Nebraska. "Thank ye very much, young ladv for
conrtucted a communion eervk-e at the your honeety. This la a most remarkable
Preabytertaa church Bunday morMtHr and happening!" resseraeoie
au seaviosi in Hi Interest ot IhunUe I Vb, 4 dont think so, sitl I btikrr
tvloreThaii 1o?ooo Yards of Imbroidery
c on Sale Saturdav at CCilpatrick's
f.lcst varied collection, choicest assortment and all in all BIGGEST VALUES ever offered by us.
' Early this, month our Mr. Koenig visited the salesrooms of one of the LARGEST IM
PORTERS in NEW YORK. Their advance 'order business was finished and they were ready
to sell airthe sample pieces (from which they had taken orders) covering many ventire tables.
The goods are new, perfect in everv wTay, and so desirable that you cannot resist buying nor
will you want to. . t
10 O'CLOCK sale starts and ends promptly at 9 P. M. nakinj 11 hears of strenuous, exciting selling.
4 Lets 9c, 21c, 39c and 79c
4 i i ll i C!on tains fine embroidered
ISt Collection edgings and insertion, hand-
9 Cttf I nf loom, also fine Madeira em
broidery baby patterns,
sweet, cute and dainty colored edgings, too
a vast quantity worth 25 cents, and Borne are
worth more.
1 J n II i Contains fine Galloon, deep
2nd COlleCIIOI edging 9 to 12 inches wide-21-CsbI
Lot leautiful insertions, quali
ties such as best stores ask
40 cents, and some others would say worth
much more.
) J l II Contains Corset Cover em-
3rd vOlleCtlOn broideries, 27-inch flouno-
39-Cent Lot "-""V delicate designs
and many elaborate patterns
75 cents would be a fair statement of worth
tall talkers would put the figures higher.
... H 11 i' Contains the very choicest
4tD COlleCtlOn goods 45-inch dress flounc-
79-Cent Lot j11?8 sl1 Crochet patterns
in 27-inch flouncing, v and
Galloon, value $1.50. When you examine thia lot
you will admit we have placed the valuation
low. .... - -
To make easy selection 2 lots will be dis
played on main counter at the regular depart
mentOne lot at the Toilet Goods Section
and; an important lot ON THE SQUARE.
Each and every day remember some item
goes on the Square away below regular val-ues--Thrifty
and economical buyers are de
lighted daily buyers
The American government, it seems, was
unable to exclude the Jap current from 'Alaska
we wonder if that is responsible for the Arctic
conditions these Spring days We bought a
big lot of 16-button Pure Silk Gloves in whites
and black, fully counting upon selling weather
ere this Deep cutting is the only thing which
will avail under present temperature
Saturday, therefore, 70 dozens will be sold ;
double tipped, guaranteed, elbow length, in
tended for $1 per pair 69c at glove section.
Do not fail to visit the NEW Cotton Goods
Section Ladies go wild over the collection.
Special Sale Saturday Snit Section
Whipcords, Wide Wales. Sersres. Eatines.
unite, -navy, tan, ecru, etc.
Remarlsable value, each
Shoes Stuck in a Snow Drift
Long before now we expected to announce
our formal opening of the
New Shoe Section
. , First we were delayed because our orders
were late getting into the makers' hands extra
care too, was necessary and extra time taken in
getting out the shoes, made to meet Mr. Tut tie's
views: Then storm after storm delayed the
shoes in transit -
Stock is almost complete; we are doing
business Saturday will be a big day.
Get acquainted with the new department
Ladies', Misses' and Children's footwear of
superior grade in keeping with
BALDDUPF'S Candies, Cakes, Confec
tionery, Novelties for Easter Leave orders
now, so that friends will not be disappointed -Easter
Eggs, Easter Bunnies, Easter Plants,
Unique and Exclusive. Many orders already
placed! Don't delay yours
Largest and choicest gathering of Silks
ever shown by us 100 special and confined
. a a
ee.ry on ahaatd return th money In
anen ay.eaa aa.uus., w a war
remarkahl about Itf . ' ,
"Why, I lost my Mir to ysan ago!'
Judss s Library.
i ! !
relate raeagrraaaa.
Soma thing that com to pas art
reined. ' "
Th man who steals a valcb -ought to
wind up In IL" .. .....
Il l easier to gat left than to be Ither
right oe BTSsldsnt. , -
hoi 1 a alsesss but It Isn't as con
tagious a It used to be. .
By performing an autopsy a doctor
kone to secure mslda Information.
There's no fool Ilk an old fool except
th fool girl that marrtea him. ,
' Th man- whs borrowe trouble .usually
gets mora than he bargained for.
If yoa ar truthful you will have to
admit that you ar mora or leas, gossipy.
Every time- a man-etend up for hi
right ha la apt to tread oa om other
fellows' toe. '
A girl's face Is usually a great disap
pointment to th young man who meets
her after having seen her- photograph.
Chicago News
Lesssaa fr Farmer.
Western farmers are noNr going to tha
woodr-huck for lessons In subsoil plow
ing They find that tha grass grows
ranker around ths eoodchuck's hoi
because he hsa rooted up the hard pen.
Dynamite will do th nam thing, but
dynamlt la made by a trust which Im
poses high frlcea for Its goods on the
poor farmer. The woodchuck I a fin
representative of th competitive era. He
may bs raised m.lsrge quantities ami
taught to burrow where hi subway
will do th most good. Spristfleld Re
publican. - I
A Life FraMeas Meed
by that freat health tonic. Electric Bit
tern, Is th enrichment of poor, thai
Wood and strengthening th weak. Nc.
For sals by Beaton Drug Co.
Hospitality Ronald by tha
rloaloB of Mischief-Making
Ths palate, which frequently says "Keep
ont" to plain cod Uvr ell. always says
"Coma la" . to Osomulsion, nearly fifty
par cent of which kt Norway Gold Medal
Cod Liver OIU mada from sweet, sound
selected cod-livers.
With It are united Hypophosphlte of
lira and Soda, by Oaomuunoa original
and only osoniaed process, both kmg dts
tlngulshed for usefulness In consumption
and disease Involving ' Iota of
A fourth Curative agent la healing
Glycerin, chemically pur.
Th stomach, which plain oil oft
Irritates, finds Osomulsion bland as
cream and passes it right along to th
There's no fuse nor delay la the perfect
digestion of Osomulsion. ' -
The new solid flesh It forms makes
yea look better and stands between yoa
snd Consumption, Pneumonia, Grip, Ca
tarrh, Anaemia. Bronchitis.
Think of these things, all who need
strength, and realise th danger of a
neglected cold.
Saaipto BtUl Fre by Mail.
That those who are seeking health and
strength tor themselves, children rela
tives ar friend may experience th lite
glvtng properties of this exclusive Nor
way gold medal osonlsed cod hrer oil
medicinal food emulaton as wed as to
know Cawmulatoa superiority In being
most palatable and easy to tak a gea
eroua g-oa. bottl will be seat by mad te
tnoee who send address by postcard ot
letter to Osomalaton, M Pearl St, K. I.
1 t4
, v t. t . e. -.. ' a ',.-. jl
v. ev M 1
20- Below Omaha Price-Not One Day But Every Day
2 inch Pest - Vernis
This i Below Rejulir Price
Tour choice of satin or bright
finish, 2-inch post good Brass
Two-inch continuous post high
grade Brass Bed s
Two and one-half inch posts,
large fillers, very massive
, Brass Bed
All Iron Sanitary-Springs
Will Last For Years, at
011.00 Folt
Get Our Rug Prices
'A inch Velvet Bugs
at 95c
L'ixo-t inch Asminstcr Hugs
at $1.45
Cx9 Seamless Brussels Kups
i at $4.75
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs
at $9.75
9x12 Velvet Bugs $12.50
9x12 Axminster Rugs
at $15.00
8ee oar complete Um of Body
Brtswel. and Wiltoa Bags, fsrav
tshed ta all sizes at MICH BE
We sell a good 4-hole
Range for .....$24.50
We sell a good 6-hole .
Range for $26.50
Set up in your home.
Full Line of the Famous
QUICK MEAL Ranges, in
all lues.
I $ ft
Everybody reads The Bee.
Advertisers can cover Omaha with one paper