Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Debility Has Sees Cause of Many
Ills of American People.
Taa Many Xti aad Wesaea of To
day Ara Pleddlas; Along All Oat
at Sort, hat Nat Plcls They
Caa Be Benefited.
Fhe hustle and worry and (train of
modern lite has produced a modern ail
ment. This modern ailment la nervous
debility and dating the lait tea yean it
has swept over the country like wild
fire. Today a large percentage of the popula
tion, particularly city dwellers, are af
flicted with nervous debility or a "run
down" condition as It Is called.
The chief symptoms of this modern
complaint are lack of vitality and energy,
nervousness and stomach trouble, weak
back, poor circulation, constipation and
Old fashioned remedies failing, a mod
ern tonic was Introduced in Europe to
overcome this trouble. The medicine
was an Instantaneous success and a simi
lar tonic Is now meeting with tremen
dous success in this country. The tonlr
Is called Tona Vita and It builds up run
down people In a tew weeks' time.
Are you a victim of this miserable,
run-down, fc&ir-sick, tlred-all-the-tlme
condition? Are you nervous and de
tpondrnt? Do you lack energy and am
bition? It so, you have nervous debility
and the wisest possible thing you can
do is to let Tona Vita build yon up and
bring back your health and strength as
It has done for thousands of others. Tou
will be astonished how quickly this great
modern tonio will make you feel as
though mads over.
Iee's Rhubard Laxative, the assistant
remedy. Is used in cases of chronic con
etltpatlon. Rhubarb Is the finest of all
natural laxatives. Other things strain
and weaken the Intestines, rhubarb
strengthens them. Lee's Rhubarb Lax
ative Is an Ideal family medicine and
should be give to children Is prefer-
nre to all others. The tasu la pleasant
Herman A MoCnnnell Drug Co., Mth
nd Dodge: Owl Drug Co., Mth and
Harney St i.; Harvard Pharmacy. Mth
and Farnam Sts., and Loyal Pharmacy,
SMM0 North . Uth St. have the agency
far thee two great medicines In Omaha
and will 'refund your money it yea are
net completely satisfied with them. Adv.
"ft f ft
under the most modern,
unitary conditions-by
killed masters. In a
brewery as clean as
"mother's kitchen."
W.aa.M. I II
set saaplssswa-y I jl
I n" is'AVt
Any curb
stone will
stop a skid
but only
The Diamond
Safety Tread Tire
will prevent a car.
starting to skid on
slippery, greasy
It is based on a
scientific princi-
diamond Engi
neers. You know
bow a squeegee
window cleaner
"works. The Dia
mond Safety
Tread works the
same way. and it
will not skid.
Ai Yoar Dealer's or
213 Booth 20th St., Omaha.
s Boo Frist IX.
Jeff W. Bedford Coal. -waoa.
w. Slaektara toe Daarra Adv.
y - aUlph, ITlatsr, 120 & li. D.lltt.
Atfra Soreassa for city commissioner.
Slectrio Wamiag g-aas, Burfeas-
Grandan Company.
. S. Taeker, republican candidate for
senate. Bell phone ' Florence ssV-Adr.
Ooleael Cody Kara Vest at oath
Colonel W. F. Cody, now drilling for
ou in Arltona, baa written Colonet Bill
McCune that he will be la Omaha about
April 2.
Bsxglare Set Jewelry Walter areas,
Hi Horth Twenty-tour in sueei. reported
to the police that bis room waa entered
by btuglaia and much jewelry and cloth
ing stolen.
Two rile for CnmTnlsslnsor Arthur
Brlggs and J. A. Lovgren nave lakea
out commision blank for circulation.
There are now 138 b&aka out or have
ootn filed. -Slxty-thre have Sled.
luyrla Concert TTlday Tbe concert to
have been given by the Lyria Hinging
ox-itly next Week, will be given Kr.Ua)
of this week at S IS at the German home.
Hairtrenth and O stieets. South Omaha
Wants Salter's Booklet Andrew P.
Ufcvty, of the Insurance Inspection de
HWluiout of Maine, has written the fire
CeiNtt tuient of Omaha for a copy of Chief
sailer a booklet on "How to Prevent
Ku-es and What To Do In Case of Same.1
Betas to Wteok Bona Frank Pit
alka of South Omaha, owner of a brick
house which Building Inspector Andrew
E. Nelson of South Omaha has con
demned and ordered wrecked, started an
injunction suit In the district court to
prevent Nelson's tearing down the house.
He assert It Is not unsafe. The suit will
be tried some time seat week.
Orelghto XoUdays atari April t Th
annual Easter wl.l begin at
Crelghton university on Wednesday, April
t Tb students ara then tree until the
following Tuesday This vacation corre
sponds to the spring vacation of th
public schools. Th respite was to have
begun a day later, but an extra day
has been granted by th faculty because
St. Patrick' day cam on Sunday.
Bw B07 la wrahaai Family --George
Graham, formerly a second baseman on
th Rourk squad yesterday was
profusely handing out el gars to all his
friend, without a word of explanation.
HI friend wondered what was the mat
ter with George and asked him If he wsa
trying to ruin hi buatne. But Qeorg
only smiled. Then of a Hidden It all cam
out. It 1 a twelve-pound bey and the
mother and child are doing nicely.
Mrs. a t. TaffteM BUU Self Mrs C.
J. Tuf field, committed suicide at 11:10
o'clock yesterday afternoon at her home.
KB North Twenty-sixth street, by drink
Ing two ounce of carbolic acid. Mrs. Tuf
field waa alone at th time she took the
acid and her groan attracted roomers
a the second Door. She la survived by a
husband. No reason can be found for the
woman taking her Ufa Coroner Crosby
baa tb body and will bold an inquest
Hhady's Toilet Table
Citizens' Union
; Slate Suggested
from the Inside
Gossip floating out from tb secret
chambers Of th Cltlsena' Union Is to tbe
effect that th ticket to be endorsed by
the executtv committee ef that organ
Isatioa baa been decided upon all but one
place. ,
Tb names to be submitted to th vet
era, with th stamp of th Cltlsens'
C'nlon approval are: Frank A. Furay,
John A. Bine. Millard F. Fuukbouser.
Alfred C. Kennedy, George H. Thummel.
John A. Swansea and either Fred Co.
grove or ueorge a. Gorman.
Erdman Case May
Not Be Tried Again
Frank Erdnwa probably will not
tried again for assault with Intent te kill
for th dynamite plot against the lit sf
Tom Dennleoa. County Attorney James
P. English baa been studying th opinion
handed down by tb supreme court when
it reversed Erdman' conviction, and has
about decided that It would be unless te
try Erdman again. The supreme court's
opinion hold that th mass of evldeoet
offered by th state was not sufficient to
prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,
and though th county attorney behave
th evidence was sufficient he doesn't be
lleve It could be strengthened enough In
another trial to overcome th aupraas
court's objection.
If mors evidence is secured, which
seems unlikely, Erdman will be tried; If
not he will be released and promptly ar
rested and taken to Colorado te complete
a term la th penitentiary for burglary,
Lake Manawa Higher
Than for Two Years
MossjuKs creek, working day and alght
for ninety days, has succeeded km filling
Lake Manawa to aa extent that will per.
salt yachting all over th lake next sum
mer. Th water 1 now three and oae-
half feet deeper that It baa been for
two years. It la dear aa crystal, and
unless the Missouri river gets high and
backs up into th lake, Manawa will
furnish the finest bathing next summer
that It ha afforded for saaay years.
Th street railway company filled th
lake by damming tb creek and dredg
ing a canal from th creek to the lake.
Th creek la new filled with lee aad
dynasalt was resorted te Wednesday te
break th ice jam aad prevent a eeuaty
bridge from being demolished.
Harness and Saddles
Bay yea harass
at whole eele,
the firm that manes
8av the middleman profit.
ur harness are mad ef the oeet
-ravy oak leather end will outwear
two sets sf cneap ' factory matle
..aireae, and cost yea ne more. Our
ewre ha 'Seen over forty year In
'r aha Everything guaranteed. We
w ill meet all competition oa gawd
sanies. Writ fr catalogue.
" Alfred Corals!. & Go.
- tueeessr s CaOms Morrison.
Prof, E. A. Baa ef the t'ntverslty sf
Wisconsin, who addressed th PsJlmpesst
club Saturday evening ea "OtasiiaOons
m China," wUI speak ea the subject with
which he Is most thoroughly conversant.
Prof. Ross spent eeuoderable time m
Chine, going far out ef tb general
route takes by travelers and vlstttng
many Interior districts. lis has written
a book. "Changing Chinese." which has
more than a national reputation aad
member ef the etub are looking forward
i a real treat when Prof. Boa speak
H them Saturday evening.
Aa isle Csllioloo)
re-sns many bad braises, whtrh Buck
r.'s Arnica Balvs heals aalrkly. an It
lore sores, cut, bums aad pile, ,r
r or eala by Eeatoa Drug Co.
Enlarged pore, dark and discolored
patches and almllar blemishes ef the
complexion disappear la a week or ten
days If a solution mad by dissolving an
original package ef mayatoae In a bait
pint of witch base! la rubbed ea the faea,
neck and arma each morning. This 1 a
true complexion beautlfler'and should be
used regularly Instead of powder or ether
cosmetic. It preserves youthful eharsa
and keep th akin soft, smooth and
Dry shampoolnc keep th hair eoft
wavy and richly lustrous. Toe much
water streaks and fades th hair and
make It dry and brittle. To make sham
poo powder, put a cupful of eoramaal la
a fruit Jar and mix with It a small origi
nal package of therox. Sprinkle a little
en the head and brush It eut thoroughly.
The powder comes eut easily and takes
all dirt, dandruff and excess dl wtth It.
To remove superfluous hairs from face
or forearm simply apply delatoa put.
Mix enough powdered delatone wltl
water to cover the hairs; apply and after
two or three minute wipe off. wash the
skin and ths hairs win be gone. This
treatment Is safe, speedy and sure.
Colds, catarrh and ordinary cases ef
sore throat, bronchitis, ton-llitis, croup,
stiff neck and asthma yield quickly te ap
plications of Mother' Salve, rubbed In
well before retiring. The world never saw
Its equal as a household remedy. It gives
almost Instant relief from aches, pains
and ores.-Adv,
Kan Impersonating Food Inspector
Gathers Many Sample.
Werks Several Weeks la Vsaaae Cal
leetlasi Variety ef Canned aad
Bottled Geede fresa Je
aera aad Maaafaetarera.
Posing as a government pur food In
spector, sa unidentified man has been
working In Omaha during the last tew
weeks, collecting samples of vinegar,
catsup, butter and varieties of canned
and bottled goods from manufacturers
and Jobbera Wherever the man may be.
those who have been on his trail declare
hs undoubtedly has a full larder.
Government secret service men have
been working to get a trace of him. It
having been learned that he baa left the
city, probably to continue hi work In
earn other place. Marshal Warner and
hi deputies have worked some ea the
Omaha end of the case, but th stranger
was careful not to attract too much at
tention by collecting too many samples
at one place.
me Are gaspleleas.
At some ef the house hi dlegule was
not sufficient When asked for his
credentials hs would search through his
pockets and then declare they were In
another suit of clothes; that If the man
agers of ths concerns demanded them he
would call again for th samples which
hs was to Inspect. At other places, how
ever, he found th managers more gull
ible and In a suitcase he carted away
enough to last hi family a week, or, if
he sold ths goods, enough to bring fit
or tit.
From thts places cams th clue to
th secret service and United States
marshal's tfricea Th stranger was
shrewd, hoe ever, and skipped from th
city. Th government make th aasur-
sac, though, that the souvenir or sagv
pie collector will rna te earth some
place hi the United BUtes. .
linooln Ham Talks Interestingly of
tat Philippines.
evemseeat PrevMn few Bareaa f
Fablletty la Sew Terk, riac
tag M. In Stewart la
Charge. .
la order that the people of the United
State might knew what a productive
aad pros i ssel v country the Philippine
Island la the government and the al
lied Chamber ef Commerce have eent M.
L. Stewart, who has charge of the pris
ons la th islands, to this country te es
tablish a bureau of Information In New
York City. Mr. Stewart, who formerly
Bved la Lincoln, Neb., I atoeplag la
Omaha a 1th hia wife end daughter at
tbe home of F, P. Cowdery.
Sleep leaving Lincoln eleven years ago
Mr. Stewart ha not seen a flake of snow
and was greatly surprised with the abund
ance of th beautiful which greeted him
on his arrival la th city.
Although th Philippine I a tropical
country, the thrmomter sever reach
th V mark," said Mr. rHewart. "l'eopl
la thia country think that th heat In
th Island Is something unbearable, but
they are all mistaken."
Will Orsaals B areas.
Mr. Stewart will leave for New York
Monday to establish the new bureau and
will stay for a year until things become
organised, when he will return to th
lalaada and send eons man from there
to New York to take charge of the work.
Th Philippine Islands do act cast th
United Htatea 1 cent, but are self sup
porting." said Mr. Sewari. "and have
been alar 1901 when crrtl government
was established there. Th Island gov
ernment has paid for all th permanent
Improvement line that time. Wagon
roads and railroads bars been built
there. At present ther are l mile ef
excellent wagoa roads, equally a good
ss th beet paved street la Omaha, and
at miles of railroad. Th Inter-lslaad
eteamihlp service bss been reorganised,
and Its Islands have every opportunity
for advancement.
'The educational system Is sf ths best
There are over S.9N schools there, and
about (AM students, all of whom are
learning th Englleh language. Th gov
ernment Is working bard to establish a
universal language. Th native have
learned more of th English language In
th last ten years than they did of ths
Spanish tongue during ths JM year be
fore. "Manila la the distributing point of the
entire orient Within a circle of LM
miles of this progressive towa Ilea one
half of th entire population of th world.
Within a two days' Journey lies China,
aad en can set to Japan In three aad
one-half days. It takes but five days to
go to India and but sixteen to Aus
tralia. "Tb Philippine I the largest hemp
producing country la the werid, and also
export taxg quantities of sugar, tobacco,
eoffe, cocoa aad gums. Then are 11,-
euCOOJ square mile of hard Wood forest
there, the finest la th world, awaiting
"There are MM square allies f th
Get the Hat HabitCome Hero,
We Are Hat Specialists
To the Young Follow
That Wants What Ho Wants When
He Wants It,
Are certainly c!assy-and only $2.00. Other bats it $2.50, $3.00 and $J.50
moot productive land In the world la the
Ulands, and I bavs come here te make
this kaswn te the people of this country.
Thar I ne end te the prospect for great
commercial progress there, and It Is up
to the United Slates to develop the
' Track practice wUI start at ths Omshs
High school as soon as ths weather per
Bills and Athletic Director C. E. Rend
expects a large squad of candidates to
, try out for place oa th regular tsam
which will uphold the honors of the school
' against ether Interecholaetle athlete In
this ststs and throughout th Missouri
Valley this spring.
Over Eighty Cents
Max Woelfsea paid fees of M m dis
trict court yesterday t file a petition ap
pealing from a Justice court suit over S3
cents against Hugh Murphy, eeetraetsr,
Th suit waa for sayment for weighing
elkht load ef hay at I cant a lead.
Murphy contended he did net agree to
pay for th weighing and thought It was
a courtesy la return for court est ee he bad
extended te th plslntlff. He wea th
suit Woolfsoa Is determined ta get
that at cent tf be has to go to the su
preme court te get It
If you have anything te exchange, sd
vertlss It la Th Be Want Ad columns.
l rp
It would eurprlss yea t know ef th
great good that Is being don by Cham
berlain's Tablets. Partus Downey of New
berg Junction. N. writes, "My wits
has been using Chamberlain' Tablets
aad find them vary effectual aad doing
bar lots of good." It you have aay trouble
wtth your stomach er bow lee give them a
trial. For sal by all dealers.
Baak Clearlsugs,
OMAHA. March II. -Bank clearings for
today ware lttt,W.l and for th eorre-
spondinf aay last year K!.f,,rro.UL
The Pure Product of
NahrrVt Spring. ,You will
Jtuaoc Q
Vator U
J, ClsuM ea Arising lor
y alone cannot command success; you must
present the appearance of auccesa. With THE
STETSON SHOE completing your attire of quality
you are prepared to meet on an equal footing the
merchant prince and the captain of industry.
If you have been ixitting in low-priced ahoeh for a year or
two, why not try living in THE STETSON SHOE for a
while? You will find that a year of STETSON SHOES
costs less than a year of cheap shoes. And besides, your
irreproachable footwear will have brought you content
merit of mind
Look for the RED DIAMOND mblem 0f QUAUTt
Hay den Bros.,
"Stetsons cost more by the pair but Use by the year"
The Bakery Behind the Biscuit
Many bakeries in New York, Chicago and other
cities are being condemned by health officers as un
clean and unsanitary. How often do you inspect your
bakery? Our two-million-dollar, sunlit bakery is your
bakery when you eat
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
the cleanest, purest, best of all cereal foods. Over a
hundred thousand persons visit "the home of Shredded
Wheat" every year. Government inspection is good, but
public inspection is better. Every detail in the process of
making Shredded Wheat is open to the public. Nothing
so wholesome and delicious for breakfast as Shredded
Wheat Biscuit served with hot milk or stewed fruits.
Heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness, then pour hot
mQk over it, adding u little cream. Salt or sweeten to suit
the taste.
The Only Breakfast Cereal Made in Biscuit Form
Simplt Mix tor and Directions
for Taking-Get the Ingredi
ents from the Drag Store and
Mix Them Yourself Tee
Much Dyspepsia and Kidney
Trouble Here.
Keat hWBltsl reports tw tbat ttaa
freed aleeas.. rkwuasaUass, Is steaaTty
htereastBC tarsuiksat ths ceuBtry. Alt
saowa means ef relief ara sets sot
tested to save th treat ainsaat ef aaf
rertn this winter, eepeelally aaeenc
tboee whs are sot la a sosltloa ta sack
at aad visit th aoted health isssrts ta
s treated. Reeeat tests pror rfceu sta
ll as exactly a tosses Itself, hut a
sever avaiptsm f tmach ana kMaey
UwaMa; th eeoditloa caused y cloned
aa sores f th ellsilaaav tissues la ths
tadaaya. which fail ta flltsr ths seteeosus
waste anatter aad urto rtd free tha '
blood, psrmlttlnf this susetanee ta rs-
atala ta tha veins aad ssosmssss, aswaUr
eeltllnc a boat th joints and rassrtis.
eaaainc tha la lease sala and sweUtat and
sUffiNS f rhMBMtlsm.
Tie toUaertnc stmpla has treat! nl
III car rheumatism, 'and kj hai silee
sad lasiraasly. sad sa strnals that any
an aaa salt It at heme.
T4 InareileMS ara: Comseusd Fluid
tuimerort. en asae; FtaM Eatiaes.
us 1 pee dUrrles, n aaa: Cssapsaai
yrus af Brpophoepbltee, four aaa.
Oa ta any food preecrtpUoa aharmary
aad tat thsee tnree bansi Isfredlaata
aad sals then hy shaklaa w.ll I a sat.
tl. taking a a does a teaapoosrul he
fere aoh saeal aad ara la at had time.
Thar I aethlna Utter la' tha world .
Ihr dyspepsia, iscaaohs. kidney and U4
der trauhla, to, tuch symptsna aa tra
eaeat and painful arhtatloa. ssrsasss,
weehnees. leneral and arveus debility,
decay tl eaves. la th Maod, which
kidneys will clear aa and punfjr attsr a
few doeee of thl preeartstloaw
Th alawa arescrlptlea a) aisaofaotursd
hr tha wall kswa phannaoautleal house,
Proscription TnAnrt r-e . riavton. OMa,
Don't Nwgtoet a Cold, Zly's
Oreaun Balm Will Btop) It
in thi Soeeadng Stage. -
i i i
- v
A ooU teastattr attacaa U weelrsst
part, affsctln- th era aad ears la seas
aad prsdadBf Basal catarrh and tarsal
trwufcie la ether. A cold Is do ta aa la
flaseaaallria f th awmsr IhBtakf th
shf Baaansa1, seaBiay he frwiTthr sored
wtth a Uttsa Bya Cream Malta, which
Immediately relieves tha seflainsnarlaB
and all tha dlstrasalrei sywstesas. suoh aa
sassssnfc ooadMad. ronainc at th a
aad ayea. hsaisiiiisa. aor threat, ssisf
aad heBSS, One rsasn why this Beirav
aatlasptH Balsa acta aa atdehly la Sirs ess
ft ta uptlad dhrwtly t tha Uodsr, sere
Bvwa ha severe, ahrstda sassa
tank By Cream Bales aevsr
aasclOr aad ttfsstiiaUy ehach tha peassa
aua dfaasharts which alecs tb heatd aad
threat. auatac tha dMustla hawkiaa.
spitunc and Mowlnf af tha aesa. That
rctnorty Bat oaly drtvea oat
bat heals aad streaathaas tha
nm beans, thus sn(tna catarrh.
Catarrh la a filthy, dleut1a
Don't, pat ap with It another day. Oat a
N eaat bottl of sBy's Craasa Balsa froca
your druaalst and see how aackly yew
wilt h ralleved. It I perfectly hartal sea
i e
A Simple Reeuj Gives Color,
Strength and Beauty
to the E&ir.
Tew doa't bar ta have pray katr er
faded hair If yoa doa't want to. Why
look aid or unattractive T if yawr aalr
la stray or faded, yea oaa rhsasw at
easily, qolcaly aad sftsctrrsly by asta
Wyatb'a Sac aad Sulphar Hair Basssdy.
Apply a little ton lent, and hi tha aeerav-
'B yaa will Tssbly surpsiaad at
Uta result from a atixl appUcsaaa. Tb
gray hairs win be lose asaspkaogs. aad
after m fsw aura appUeatloaa wO) b re
stored ta aatnral color. v.-v-
Wyath'a ac aad sWpfca ai qolcaly
removes daadralt leave tha scaly alssa
aad baaUay, and promo tea the crawtb
sf th 'bah. It la a saa wholssnuis
drssslnc wbkb ssay h ad at aay maa
with perfect ealety.
' Get a fifty eaat bottla from yoetr bVus'
Cist today, aad see haw aaleaUy It wfll
rntora tha yswthfal color and beaaty t
your hair and forever sad th nasty
daadratt hot. Itchy ecalp and falltasT
hair. An dracclsts sell It aader cnarsBte
that tha money win be refunded sf pva
are net satisfied after tali ttUL .. . , .
Special Aieat. Boennaa a McCoaseO.