THE BEE: OMAHA. THUESDAT. MARCH 21.-191. JGRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Short. Overtell and Cause Spasmodic Spurts in Wheat ". - j S1UGGISH5ISS HOTZD IS COM teeatry Elevatov Am Cleealaa- Oat j Stack aad After Thla Receipt I Mill Ba LlBkt, Bay th ' , Cask Dealer. 1 1 : v i 4 ' ) OMAHA. March . 1H inl wheat market show onlr SPe- modia SDurta caused bv coverin of over old harts. Permanent bull support lacxing. To demand for flour has not revived aad there la no scarcity at mill ing wheat sa was expected, th nan ment continuing liberal. The most Important factor during- the next thirty days wit) be the character at the corn reports. Conditions to data are excellent and unless damage occurs to the growing crop no natural advanca will he JueUfied. Owing la ths weather conditions the corn aiarket Is lugglah. Country ele vators are dearlnc ut storks and after this receipts wla be eery light. a say the cssh dealers. As the cash supply de creases It Is mora than likely the future will advance. Weak Liverpool caMea cava wheat an easier start. Sentiment la generally bear ish and the crowd played for a break. Cash wheat wa unchanged. Corn was vry dull. News wa lacking and buyers didn't tak hold aa the ship Ping demand I alow. Cash corn waa fee to Ho higher. Primary wheat receipts ware IS. bu. and shipments were Hale bit,, against receipts last year og 239.000 bu. and ship ments of bu.- - . . Primary com receipt were 91, 000 bu. and shipment were 441, bu.. against receipt last year of S24.00I bu. and ship ments of M4.00O bu. Clearance wer 4M bo. of corn, M bu. of oats sad .wheat and flour equal to K.o bu. ' ; Uverpeol closed 117lHd lower on wheat and unchanged to led higher aa eoro. - The following cash aslas sere reported: WHKAT-No, hard: I sai-s, .., t cars. ... CORN-No. I white: 1 car. fIHe; 1 car, trc .No. 4 whit: I ears. etc; t car. UVc No. I yellow; 1 car, AHlo; t cars. Wc; 1 can, 4e.c No, 4 yellow: 4 cars. 4c: I ears, stc No, t mixed: 1 car, fHtc: 1 ear, c 1 car, 4to. Ka 4 mixed: cars. ew. No grade: 1 car, 40c.; 1 car, OATav-Ne.' whits: I can, 61 He. No. I whits, t ear, tH. - Omaha (ask rVleee. WHEAT Not hard. II 4101 04H: S t ..hard tl.00Vr91.4tn; No. 4 hard, -tccMl.: r CORN-No. t whit. (itJC'to; No, 4 while, We; No. I color. tWowc; No, S yellow, atrVc; No. 4 yellow, WitytiHc; No. a, H(Hc: No. 4. -; no grade, Oahac. . , OATA-Na whit. llK06-c: standard, UttfUHc; No 1 white. IIVIJ5lHc; No. 4 wnite, sAWlie: na. I yeiiow, ueysi, No. 4 yellow, bH4JA1c. BARLEY-Malting. Barents); No. 1 feed tluc; heavier feed.aitiac. RTB-N J. KtJAx, No. J, WOHC ' rarlet Keeelpt. , . : . Wheat. Cera. Oat Chicago ...... st . 413 184 Minneapolis M Omaha s j a , M Uuluto, 14 I . CHICAGO GMA1 AND PROVISIONt Feature f the Tradlaa and Clealag ' Price ha sard at Trade ' CHICAGO. March aa-Fear that fail- sown wheat would ha smothered undur lea helped bring prices for cereals today to steadiness at in close. Latest trans action varied from Vs off to Me -up. as compared with twenty-four hours be fore. Corn finished with a gain or aa-we. oat at an advanca of He to V.0Se and hog product dearer by IX to 2iH4fc. It wa a nervous dsy la the wheat pit, but the volume of business waa not en larged, except-at apasgiedlo -tntarvais- whsa the market fkoed la an irregular manner mack above or below last night level. The appearance of sleet at a num ber of place after rain and snow had been followed by a frees, wsa what gave rise ta misgivings about wore affects It a severs cold PH saouia set. in. Speculators on the bull aid wer also favored by h dropping off In receipts northwest and by some fairly larg flour salea at Minneapolis. On the other hand, the settlement of the British coal strike. which waa threateiting to delay supplies of grain at Liverpool, .knocked the props from under prices for a considerable time. A chilling effect an buyer of wheat resulted from discovery that the world available supply, Instead of exhibiting a big decisis ror tne week nan in resuiy mad a substantial growth. "Worse frequency of crop damags complaints, however, acted aa an offset aa the day approached an and. During the session May fluctuated between tl.lwl.!H to I1.0ZH. with Ih do lldHs, just c under last sight. - atoraty weather brought about active buying of option in conk Absence of. eastern demand for cash grades, though, restricted the tendency of the market to advance. May ranged from 710 71 We to 71 He. closing firm Hc net higher at 71 Sc Ih figure for spot corn were steady. No. I yellow was quoted at ssli eaHc. tor car lot. Renewed prospect of delay In needing operations lifted oats. Purchases came principally from eommlsslon source. Outside limits touched for May were McfMHe, with last salsa Ho np at sHc Provisions climbed In cooaequenoe of a steep rue at the yards. Smaller western pecktra who might have been tempted tw deliver bar owing to lack of atoraga room. Whan th last gong struck, pork had becoma BHo to 7Ho mora ex peadv and th rest cf the list bad risen ?4fi30C Quotation- on rotor to4 m totlowf ; Artlctel Open. Hlyh-I Low- I T 'y. ha. Keaat I I May.(lHSl 1 S;iHW IWfc auiy.iSHvH , nept-l M WVO.Ht Corn I I I May.TlHtTH TlHTitrf"1 j..iv inwii'Cl n ITlHdH )S A3SW KH ' 4ZH:C(Hw)4l BePt-inHufJ Mly.j3wHj 8pc5Hil1 aTOTsa I 1 July. M 70 1 14 H 8ept. 14 K-RI.U W 1.M .1 I I May. SSTWSC Julv.l TH 8epL H'.ai I July. OHI JHtWi3t Sept. UH 14XTHI 14 TO MM V (ITW7. !4I n H 42Hi 14 M 17 1 W m taHn n MM ii 71H0w UH 4a 41 14 m It K-o! 14 as !H 7 (N 42H Caah quotations were as folloas: KbOUR-ateady: winter patents, W.1MJ IH; winter straights, IS..; spring atents, KanW: spring straights, Hiv 4.74: bakers, U.H-6. . BARbrJy-Fecd or mixing, TScCJO.; fair to choice malting. 11LB, . SBtcO-Timoihy, liUHit-Sx. Odver, n.shC2&. PKoVirilONS-Mes pork, Ht.U. Lard On tlercesl, $.. tshort ribs Oooeei. 19.(6. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to . bu. Primary re ceipts wers SMM bu., compared with t.- bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Th world vldble mipply. as shown by tiraditreet's (corrected! Increased 31 ha bu. Estimated receipt" lor tomorrow: Wheat. cars: earn, M can; oats, lit ear; hogs, M.0M heed. Chicago Closing f rice Wheat. No. 1 red, ILulHSLiBH; No. red. ll.KsSl.afH; No. t hard. fLttHrCLtf ; Not I hard. . Lot: No. I nertnern. Sl.lJttl.14; No. t nertbara, tlKtrLU: No. I nerthern, $149 14; No. S spring, petjl.; No. S spring. LasOL;; Ns. 4 spring, yrg1.04; velvet, chaff, Vfl-; durum. Mcer41.4S. Cora, No. t, 4CH7e; Na. A wnHe, AeetsHc; No. yellow. SWfc; No. 4, trHc: Na 4 whit, K447c: No. 4 yellow, 6oiHc. Oats, No. S whits. ettJUHc: No. t white. 6i,3 use; Na. 4 wtnte. 8i3e; standard. W Rye: Na 1 Nc Barley. TScgJgl Jd. Timothy end. U-?M.i, Clover seed. JHewtrt.S. BUTTErV-etaady; creameries, SSffSc; dalrlea 6r27c. XJOeV-rinn; receipts, tTi case: at mark, cases included. IsejWtc; ordinary tinrts, IK; first. Me. CHKBSK-PIrm; daistea, UHetw-: twins. littic: young Americas, l-aiSc; long kirni. ISHSlJc. POTATut3-Stcady; receipts, Ct cart I Wleronsln. n lul.U; Michigan and Min nesota. (LltsLM, RYE Xo. t tic POULIilT-FUm: turkey, live. He; dressed, Uc: springs. live, MHc; dressed, lie; spring, live. lic; dressed, lie. VEAIr-Steady; 7911c NEW YORK CitOERAL MARKKT ttaatatlaa af ike Day an Vert C"Txan gaStardaU t lmW NEW TORK. March JA rLOl'R Steady; spring patents. 50. winter straight. M.3MM.); winter patenta 4; spring clesra, H.JmM-; winter ex tras. No. L n;ula; winter extra. No. & tL&QS-ii; Kanss straights, :HB R flour, quiet; fair to good. HtttjtK; choice t fancy, Cwfi6.s. liRNsKL8tu)y; fine white and yellow, i.tttjj.?; coarse. ILK!-); kiln dried. H7i RYE Oulet; No. t, Pae, ttt Buffalo. WHEAT tiroi market firm: No. t red. R.diH. levatar. export basis, and li V f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. t-'iiturea market opened lower n the cable and nrosnects for lant tVrawitma snipmenu. but rallied on less lavoraoie reports on th crop outlook and at in dee was Ho net lower to He net higher; Msy, H eptl eri.: doted at C i 13-14; July closed at SLMVv Kecelpta, U7.MI bu. CORN Spot market firm: No. t THc. levator, domestic basis, to arrive, and export, 7Vo, f. o. b., afloat. Futures market wa nominal; receipta, TLdTt bu.; shipments, but bu. HAY-r-irm: prim. Sljg; No.' I S1.JI IS: No. :. Il.iitfi.: No. J. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. I'll crop, 36tmAr lfst crop, nominal; Pa cinc coast, iali crop, iltJ-Hc; Ulo crop, nominal. HIDKti-Bieady: Central America, 2tc; Bog.tta. vC4Sc LEATHER irm: hemVerk flrsta X W7c; seconds, -WMc; third t, B(t; re- lerta. 1 PROVlSrOXS-Phrlt. firm: met. H7.30 wn 74: family, tlB.i0l a; snort clears. n7.Mrli.ot. Reef, firm: mesa. Ill 13.50: family, Sli.40U.; beef hams. IT.M jS.m. Cut meats, firm: pt'-kled bellies, 14 to 14 pounds. C B; pickled ma, tle.7i tru.m. Iard. stront: miaul west prime. 33.Swft9.AI; refined, steady; continent, .J0 8omh America, M; compound. s.t;trtf .rri. - TALIXIW-Stcady: prim city, hbds. fc; special. (He: country, eHHC Cimasv-F1rm; receipts, Lid pkga: state, whole milk, held, wfall or colored, livwuv; skims, tdylSc rJGO-Wesk; receipts, W 1M cases: fresh gathered, extras, TPiZhtc; firsts, BtrSlHc; second. 30H&33'c; wcstra gathered white. 10 Mr. BUTTER Firm;, receipts, 744 tub; creamery special, tSHc; extra, tlj; first, SrHttttHc; seronds, MHteZK; stsu dairy, finest, kic; good to. prime, fTtttto, common to fair, :Ma; process special, HbjIThc: extrs. JHc POULTRY Alhe. steady i weatern chick ena ljc; fawla 14HjliHc: turkeya IMiJuc; dressed, stesdy: Wsetern foals, liH01Hc; turn), mac. f. ' . eeaeral Market. . T. LOUI8. March Sd.WHKAT Mar ket steady; track. No. a rod. l.iBl.i; No. I hard. 1.4Jil ll. CORN-fllghr; track. No. t, Ko; Ito, white. 4frHe. OATS-Mteady; trade. No. 1 Uc; No. J white. 6U64Ho. Closing prices cf future: WH EAT Steady ; May. ' B.iai.l; July. ItHc. CORN-Hlgbsn May. 7c; July, 7ic. OATft-Higuar; May. Use; July, 4H. RYB Firm, at Kc. PLOI'R Stagnant; red winter patent, M .: extra fancy and atralght. HUJJ .; hard winter celar. H.o.A. BEKO-Tlmothy, tW.OutfU.OJ. CORNMEAL-41.30, BRAN -Steady; lacked (east track), apalAz. MAY-FIrm; timethy, tatr2,W; prai rie, 0.0lif3.0. PROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged; Job bing. 41S.7S. . Lard.- oncbangsd; prima team, S.M4i90s. Dry asit meat, un changed; boxed axtra aborts, .3; clear rib. P- 36, short clears, W.7S, Rscon, un changed; bowed xtra short,; clear rihe, IW; short clear. 114.75. POULTRT-Steadv: rhlckana 12Hc: aprings, Uu; ( turkey," I7Vi duck. ic; sil'TTKR nrv-61e. e-- .jfcWig Unchaagad. Isc. ' . . Raealpt. Shipment. Flour, bbla...... ........... s S0 I.MU Wheat. bU-. ,....1M" Tt.W Corn. bu.... 7t.t 7,w) Oat, bu -U.0H IU.M htaaea City Grain and rrovUlowa. KANSAS CITT. March JB.-WHEAT-Cash, He lower; No. t bard. $1.0i4l.l; N. i II (HHWl.tKHc; Na 1 red. ll.Uuvl.l; N. a, hc. . CORN-bteady to Ho higher; No. 1 mixed, 6rrt:0c: No. t, Oc; No. 1 whit. soric; No. a, c. 0AT8-Uncnsngl to Mo higher: No. 1 white, s-iHtt; No. t mixed, UHSMHc. Closing price of future: WH HAT May, l.a961.oi)H Md; July, 9tSie.'V bid: September. Maw!a. CORN May, 72c, sellers; July, Vv'at)71c bid; naptember, UHtWeHc bid. OATaWMay. MWLuuo bid: Julr. 47Le hid. , " RYEV-BMNac. , HAT-Hteadyj chdee timothy, tAVOPO KM; choio pralris. 117.S. itUTThUt-Crsamery, lec; firsts. Mc; econda. Mo; packing stock. BHc. .tXHia-aixUaa, 21c; firsts. Uc. Receipts. Bhlpment. Wheat, bu... AOs) Com, bu .0 Oau, bu t.(n ikut Phltadelpkla Predate Market. ' PHILADELPHIA. March tt-BUTTFR Firm; western creamery spec tela tic; axirs, ear; nearoy prints, extra, sto. ' EOOS Steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts f. c, per ease; current receipt. PVJO per esse; western firsts, f. c, K per case; currant receipts. L c, CHEE.li1rm; New Tork full creams, fancy, lH4lHo: fair to good. U01c Llverpael Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, March SA WHBAT Spot, nominal. Future, weak; March. itd; May. 7s7Td: July, 7s 4d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new. 4s Id; American mixed, old, talld; American mixed, new kiln dried. 4s;Hd. Future, steady; May. ts3Hd; September. 92d. . FLOUR-Wtrter patents. Is M. . AvalUbl gappllea Correct lea. NEW YORK. March ' .-Brdatreet' wish th following correction made In their statement of available aunniiaa of grain issued yesterday: Canad In creased 1.17D.4W bushels; total United titatea and Canada, decreased l.lst tu bushels; total American and European suvpiles, lac eased U.tM bushels. Pawrla Market. PEORIA. March Jt.-COR.H-Flnn. No. a ablte, He; No. t yellow, ttt No. yetiow. mmc, a mixeo. ssc; r,a d mixed. I2H0. OATH Unchanged: No. t white BVie: standard, Sthe; No. a white, (3c. Mlaaeapeli Oraln Market. MINNKAPOM9. March HI. WHEAT May. il.Srl-H; July. tl.WH: SeDtem- ber, U.4VH. Cash: No. 1 hard. H.0; No. 1 northern, G 7V; No. a aortharn. H.06H; No A M. Metal Market. NEW TORK. March it-METAL- Standard copper, firm; spot, March. April, May. Jun and July, tl4.s?H Lionaon msraet, assy; spot, ua 17a d; futures, m lis 3d. Arrival re ported in New Tork today 3M ton. Cut torn house returns show export of Ria tons o far this month. Lake Copper, lie: olectrolytlc KHolec; renting. 14S9 lSc. Tin, easy: spot, HiOjtHilii; Mrch. Ml.alOiLrrH: April. Kl.6i4iil.73; May. m.x 0U.AI, June, H06u.l; July, twwtJ it it. Local sale five ton May at MU: ten ton Jan at 4IL40; fifty ton April at M1.4 - twenty-flva ton at ML7&. snd twenty-five tons August at taO-Te. London, market quiet, spot, ilea 15a; futures, fm. Lead, firm: New Tork: 4.2 East St. Louis: London. C Sa Spelter, weaa; swssji.v riew xora; ai bid. Beat St- Levis. London, ils. Antimony, quiet; Cookaon'a, 37 CH. Iron, Cleveland warrants si ad In London. Locally iron was steady. Na 1 foundry northern, rane-li-M: No. t ' H4.livli; No. 1 southern and Na 1 southern. oft, I&4 tJliSA , - V ST. LOUIS. Vsrcb 3d. METALS Lead, higher; KUTU(H; spelter, lower: 4.4. - NEW YORK STOCK MARKET FaTorable Xewi Gires Couiderable Strength, to ItArket. STEZL ISSUXS SHOW STKE5GTH Valaaa of Baeiaee mm Kxraaag lar Fleet Threw Monro Larger Tmaa fa Any Siaallar Period ThU Meath. NEW TORK. March 2.-Rportd proa pect of early settlement of th British Sal strike, bop that the American seal isputea may be amicabtv adlUBtad and further dnrea u topper, metal, lead and finished iron and steel kmparteg a couiderable dearea of atrength and ac tivity to the atork market today. Th buying waa of a more aubetantial charao ler, much of It apparently originating with eonatrvatlv Investors snd th larg Institutions which he'd aloof because of seemingly ad vera industrial and polltt eel conditions. Further evidence of thin country's needy growth In exports a disclosed In the V'ebruary statement waa another factor of favorable Import. Th rise in ths coDtwra naturally pro voked some discussion regarding future dividend disbursements an Amalgamated Copper and Anaconda shares. While noth ing definite I obtain able. K I believed that th Amalgamated director will In ert th prevailing rate, with no Chang in Anaconda. Th rise In United State Steel waa duo to better demand for all kinds of prod ucts, a condition which served to neu- Ualix any discouragement elt over th company report for Dill, diarloelng an enormous falling oft in total business tor that year. The volume of business on the Stock market for th first three hour wa larger than for any similar ported thhj month and although th advantag eased off later. It wa without effect on Price. Union Pacific. Reading. Ihlh Valley and United Etate steel attained their highest level In th but hour. There wa else mm Inquiry for New Tork Cen tral and for Baltimore g Ohio, which re ported favorable earning fur February, and for Atchison and American tigr. The closing wa almost buoyant and In no Instance of importanoa wer final price mar than a traction below the best. Lndon waa at first a buyer here, but old later. Its operation suggesting profit taking. There wga a better Inquiry for bonds, especially of th convertible clsaa. Allls Chalmer mad a sharp recovery on an nouncement of friendly reoeireTsMp pro ceeding. Total sales, par value, aggregated tt. for. W. Panama A advanced H per cant on call. Number of sale and leading uetatlsn n nock today war a follow: ale Mirk. Lrm. CMS sH H 1" il Ss iw a ta Si M h Anis-aalaMrs sat . Aasslsaaialel Caeeer Ajewtcsa Aaricvllsrst M l.BW AsMrtean Beet gaaer.... T.MS Amsrles taa St MS) UssMa C. A P AW) Am ols OH to AMIsea H. A U I4.. MS Am In MearNlea, M Aeirla Uessa ASMrUas LeresMIr ... St Amsnia I A a UVaa Tta An. A A R. ati 4s 1 let Aw. Btsel rV4ltaS Ht M4 " M4 Aw. usv nansisa, I.N in ut Aaeriraa T A T 4. aw itsl HTtk letli Aweriras Tebaee M. hi Ajurlra WneM i4 Assmda Mlsiag C..... H ist 4i AtcMeo uu IBI4 lotta 17 Atruxa fit , 1M' lsH leau Aiisati. 4sst Use a m its m Bilitsor. A Okie 4.1t s4 1H4 BetaiebM !) l.Ht 11 I4 Ilk) sraam Ttssi Tr tm n na "H Otasalta Pacine I i m xtlli SU (eairsl Matbsr esse P w4 St Ontral UhiM at MM a Cmtrel et Kts Jersey..., UMaseaks A Okie 4,1s T7H Okies A Alto 1 ChMee a. W.. sew l.V It CMesae 0. W, yet St lti Oleta, A M. W l.MS I44 Chkess, lit P.... ABM ra a WI4 O . f . C A SI. Lv l"S M14 M iW Oslorsas P. A I M 34 SI lilt cslsraea m SAetssra, s Osesolldats uaa I. MS IU Itiu HI1 rm rroSeeta ,! 14 MH H1 Duavara A H risen..... st 1TU 1) 1 Merer a KM or..., MS tt nig l D A R. 0 M tat 41 ted manner- sesrHla .... 1.SW 11 si rn It. us rti sH S 1st eft 1. 41 u latt trM M tt l.Mt Mil Ossirel kleark) M IHU lt oraat Nenksra HI tw 1MH l)"t lit treat NeellMea Of su.. 1.1s ft ere iiiiisms Owtral ... us m in' Intereareecb MH. 1S.I0S fsrertafiMifh Met. ffi.... 11. letsraslissal llsnrsstsr ., I. latw-Manne set I. latematlessl Psser Lee) lnUrns)ksal Pass MS !. OMral IM Kasssa ttlr SaitBera.... W H. '. Se. Laclede Gas lAulrrtlM A Stillle a IBS. A St. Leu Is. are n tr n I'H ltH I SHk It 141 w 14m 1st 3 ma ii IS lit ltH a sta hh S4 4114 M 1st 1S4H SMti lm m tu ma n a 714 II na str tH iiM im H a tin Ulasnrt, K. T kf . K a T. e ktlseeerl rVlns .Wt 44a Nstleaal Law U4 Nslleesl Usd M M R. K ef St 14 M.. 14 Krm Tork Osattal t,TB 114 i. t., o. a w rn Nerfesi a Waster m lit Mertk Aawriesa t Nertbera raeuw l. 1H lit rsHne Msil l.tos 11a PeanSTlraala S.1M IMU Peepla's Qe ' r . c . r, a at L sn ut Plwssersh Oaai T I Meel Cer SN Pullms raises tar. Rsiiesr steal asriag..... 9 ltH tt Rnalar- 444 1SV, Jit nereMK ttsel Last tn, n. Reeebltt Meel K4 n lit Tl Reck IslaM Os It WH tat, Heck IsIsM O.. H ..... 1,7m Kt ia at. u a a p. Si .... as t 41 t u a w ms xi ii a st I- a w. eft se Ti Tttt ai.Sh.mela' a A I.... att 4114 44 11. ." jit. na Ul4 WH 111 n 1M4 IN 1ST 14 M SH X4I4 B, e5 ssni 11114 IHlt 14T14 latH It . 4 SH sti? n T14 rn t 41 H "H n 4SH Utw 1,44 Tits 14 W) BVU tSS. X4K, an B( v Si 10 1l ua H tee nit nt na .Ml IT tm Mt' tm i a aim Hit 1st 'n it tW taw 41 H lid in.7tt tt ttik tra lu. 111 lira w M ira at at taa t 1 41 ia a a tea tt a na fa . '4t 4 SB ti n I4 let iu X4H ir 11 a a. NEW TORK, Msrch -err GAR-Raw steady: Muscovado, m test, a.ttc: centrifu gal, w test. 4. etc: mo lease sugar. ? teat, 3.3c; refined, QUiar teetkera FWine leathers Ralleay Railway pU Tennesees roposr Teiaa raelflc T., St. L. A W T . St. L A w. sr..... l-ale Panne 1'alea PartlK tti t'altet States Realty t'ilt4 Sutea Rabbar.... t'alte ttstes Stasl...... f A tteel tU. 1 " rt.s Ododst law Va-rarellas Ckswical ., Mt Wabasb - "t Wabssk pra e a-Mtera liarrlsa Mt WwttaaluMu KiaetrM SM Wertera tnlos. ex-tlv... S.1SS Wtieailas A l SV t -h... VMv t.Mt Olae Caeeer . S Rar ceesalioatae , ixi anertraa Toeaece MS X4t TSUI SB MS set- iv eer, I.esdea Iteek Market. IjONDON. March Sk American senrt. lie opened tady and about unchanged today. Th early trading wa quiet, but th market had a firm undertone and th list advanced from t H lk point above parity under th lead af fi--'li Pacific. Values eorrtlnaed to Improve hi tha afternoon, when Amalgamated Oeper he came aa actlva leader. Th dosing waa steedv. LenOon Closing sioea: CatiasH, avenay .... naiMtrln XaaA.Ma s acreeat Tie.. as, as Tea., aau Aejal. i-epeer nse Terk Caetrat. .laa aeacsee lalterMk A Wsauralllm Au-htsea la 4 B4 tl e pTt ' -.Oataria A aaww WT Bsiuam A Okle.l44rSawlTal mZ CaeaSlsa Partne ..Xlt.Ku kUses e Chsss paste A Okie, 74i.RM4la It CL Gnat Wester. MttAMaara kp hu CkL. MIL A St. r.llt e sM Ds Beers ltaaeatsara Peane lllu Deseer A Ble 0..- B I'aM Pasan ..ini s M 1 sa aft ...... , aiH Cne A Bll...... tB a 1st H4 t sr ...li4H s M U Wseaak ...ST rj Oeaak Traak a da sN . .1 It Ullama tveuai SIt,VR Bar, quiet at ounce. MONETT-aeS'i per cent The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short hills I SH per cent: for three months' bills. S4)1 -M par cent. at SVMd par Condition af Tree aery. WASHINGTON. March a- At the he ginnlng of buelne today tha condition of th United Btate treaairry ws Working balance In treasury office. y!JM. la hank aad Phillppln treaau.-y. SJS.S3C.a2. Total balanc In general fund waa J124.TS7.SO. Ordinary receipt yeater dav were St T7L4M. ordinary dhrbursa- ment. SLO.MX Deficit to date this fls- csi year, i,tS4: agsirist Kiftim this I tlm bwt year. Thee figure exclude Panama canal and public debt trans uona , New Tork Mewey laarket. NEW TORK. fctarck S 40IKT-On call, otoady; SMra per cenii i-tahaa rata. per oent; dosing bid. Sa Par cent: of fered at ik par ot: tlm loan, etroer: ixty day. ia par cant: ninety day, S per cent: six months, SHtr Per eeat. PR1MB MERCANnLfi l'APKR 44J4 per cent. t STEjHUNO BXCIIANOEV-Kasy, with actual buslnaan In bankers' bills st St ttli tor suty-day bill A and at It teat tor de mand. Commercial bill, HSTV, 81 l.VKR-Mexican dollar, tie. BON DS Government, railroad, firm. Oesing quotation ea bond today war B follows: SSalh ieg...tataislr. B M. 4HB.... BT de aea l'IO 4 . SM P. A ta. iag. ma 4 4ta - - Sa da nail .liva. C I M .... 4 V. A 4a, rag llrXL, a eaa 4 Ml... SM, 4 aaet 11I A N. eau. 44.... Wa AUkXkel. 1st Sa,. SIS'M. K. A T. let 4s. Asaer. A. Sa. W ea gee. 4Sa..... aw A T. a T. e. ev.iaaxM, rwaVK ..... T. ies v aN. a. A t M. 4e ia la a J1K.V T. d a. lu... CV Araaear A (V 4Ha. -.. aa. H Atektss gs. 4a.... T. U. a. m U. t 11 ee. ts WW ev. ta. 14S M. A w. 1st a 4a.. IS A C u let ta BH sa ee. aa lit at. A 0M 4a 4 kb, raclna 4a.. - Bas MH as ss Se A W. IW.... Ilto-O. a t. rtae. 4s.. tea. Breas. Tr. ev. 4s... t raea. ea. fmm 1IU.. seta Caa. at Os. Ss tar, ee esa. 4a t raa. Laataw a...... MtiBjasaiag a. ta..... MS Chaa A Otiat 4Bja.!m 4 ga. t.-. st s rat la. Bt fl 1. a w. a aa... II. Ckuaae A A la., oa bat aaid 4a ... M vi . a. , , as... ea-. A & a, sa.. wa see. 4s. ttata, raa est, ta... tia C. at A a P. d m M14 tf. ........... 44t C A I. A P. a 4a. n a. 1st ret. 4a at s its. ta tnaa. Raileaj , 11 OA Is Sa. ntt e ea. 4a. tHa saa mm. ta. 47HLaMe recine 4....ta a A A a A a 4ats WW aa ee. 4. let D. A H. ev. 4a Me a 1st A eat, 44 a A A 0, 4a. tl B a tUkasr . ea ret. ie. stMl. A It Ml M Ptalllaee la IAVb -Car. taem an . L m M ewaaask let sa Ml B gea. 4B Ml tat A Ob. 4a. IT e . 4a, we. A.. MSWeatam MA 4a at I Berts a TlSWeel. Klea a, la.. aa Cea. Else. tv. 4a....fM ewia fral 4s.... tl til O tat tat. M matt. Pae. ev. a..... tT later. Met 4,a BtSTaaassa as Ml as, unerea. . tra oataa Black Market. BOC4TON. March fcV-Oeelag fuotatisaM on etecks war aa follow! Altoeaa m akeet tta AuL. Cesser Tsahevaaa O. - awe. A A U A 4 SaANIeasata MM tu Arlsaaa Ceav .... tli-ugortk Swiss Sa A C C A A M. T.V Lake ......... IH (L A Arias..-.. Mkolt Ilia OtL A Slscla. 444 Osesel Ill nsateealal MHIralear It Oe. RasB C. C... ITSbaaee ttu Raat In C M.... UiaAwsrlsr t rrankllt tlt,l.anw A A M... ia t'Ueea O. 4 Mrrasaaraak B Oraal- Caw. MU. g g. R. m M. Ba Oesse Caaaa .... IS le eft 4SU lets taeraie Oaater.. Utah CV let. Raw Uaa tat-ua Catoar Cb..... MS rrkWIaen ............ t4 U Rant cvawat... lawenwri ..........lav Mlaau Oaapat ..... Ma Haw York Mlalaug Mask. trtrrir vab ir u.m.i -tAnat Hon sa atlaing stock worst 4 nr. ....Sat UMM Okat I Rreaewlek Can MesMaa at Cass. Taaaet staak., it Oatane p. Mt ee bee M oaw ,..4t On. ral. A V It atlusaH Bt tee ttuw lis Tellew laiBal .141 Leatrllla CB. ..... St OtlttW. , ak rteaviaaT. aviui w.Mfci aa a.b ' 1 today war S2.KT7.ssa. 44 and for th errs- ewmaing ueur eaea year a,wsB,eaa.fc OMAHA flsOiEBAI. MAStKsTT, BLTTER-No. 1 Mb. esrLOTva lie: Wa. t la tv-llk, tabs. JXo, No. a, JSc; packing, no- . . . . CHECFB-Importea ira-isa, g; Amer-k-aa Hwtaa c; block Bwm, So; twin, 11c: dalsla. Stc: trlnieta lie: yang Amerlssna Oc: bin lasel hrtek, gtai llaf berger, t-l., Beo; i-i. xt. RKavr CUT PRiCEa-lUbs: Na I rTV; Na i lac: No. t, U4.A I-dna; No. t 1S; Na t UHol Na s. to. Chucks: Na I. Be; Na t, 1e; Na A !. Iteond: Na I. 11; No. a, SMts; Na L taw, Platw: No. I. 4c; Na a. Wi N. aVos. RIB-No. 1, 173i Na 1 14t: Wa t Jc. llINg No. L llo : Na 1 WUe: Na 1 ta chuck- a, (si wa, a. ittai ma a, Ot7NDV-No. L Uo: yra. A aaa! Na a, rta. i"uTi!-it a fe; NA A HO a . TIBH (fresh froaeal Pickerel. 7e: whit. lhr; Plks. 7o; trout, UttlSc, larg orapple. Uffllc; Spanish msrkavwl, to; L llo; haddoeiu, Uc; flounder, lag; graan oat flak, Us; roe had, II eaeh: a bad roe, per pair, sua: salmon llo; halibut, two; yel low perch, le; buffalo, Br; bull heads, IM, POL'LTRT-Brsiler. Mtnsrl.St per do.: springs, Mc; hen, Me; eecaA ltd: duck a ltiwr; geeaa, at; lurkty. sac I ntgeena, per do., II Sk Alive: Brkllers, ll-; hens UStc: old rooster and staaa I old dueks, full feathered, llo; tee, full feathered, 10c; turkey. Me; guinea fowl. SVs each; pigeon, par do,, too; homer, per Asa. iLu, Baauvhs, Mo. i. IJuWl Na i. FRUni Apple: Extra faacy aura Imvaa. par bbi., Jmtttht. peg ki Mi fancy Win eaa p. paw- SbL, SAM; fancy MUsouri PinnnA nor bkl MM; fancy Oano. per bbi.. KtV, Idaho Janev than, xtr fancy, per box, SAM; Wsa Ington SplLtetiberg. per boa, fl M; Waah ingtoa R. Beauty, per boa, II.: Wash ington Btymas Wlnesapa, par box. It It tunaaaA rancy eeot. par auncn. (Z tttAv; Jumbo, par bunok H7MJITS. CYanbarriaa: WisoonslB, fancy, per bbL, HITS: par box, till, Dta: Anchor Brand, new, sa Ha pkg. In boa, per bo a RM; IMwmadary brand, new, SO 1-lb. pkg. ia bog, par box, Siali IHga: Caltfornu. Bar caa of II Na II Pkga. ate: par case of M Na tt Pkga, St. SO; per esa of sa na pkga., cto: bulk, ia a and sa-tb. boxaa per lb., tat: Turkish. S-crown la St-lb. box, per IA, sic; A crown la St-!, box, par lb., lie; 1 crown In M-lb. box, per IA, 17c. Orap Fruit: Florid a m sisa par eratA SAW; 44 alae, per orate gu: IS-et-at alaea, par erata T Ok Orap: Malaga grapea In bbla, PL Mr? OA Lemone: Limenelra select brand, extra lancy, ttt let si sea. per box.; Lout umoaeirw, lancy, SiO-avt tlaa. per box. Its; Ml and 4J0 per box lea, uvea res: Cali fornia Camellia brand, navels, extra fancy. l-l-LKAyiM slaee. per box. Ills: Elephant brand, l-lM.174-a- IIAaw MawA per boa, avia. VeOETABl.KA-Beets: (Ng crop, per lb.. Svic. Cabbagai Waaconaln. per lb.. te; new California, Be lb., PV. Celery; CtUlfarnin Jemko, par do., H.; Florid, la th rough, I and I doa, per case, M M. Cucttmbsn: Hot hooa. per doa, B OA Egg Plant: Fancy Iflortda, per do., tl IA Oartlc: Extra fancy, white per lb., lie. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per doA, (so. Onion: laHfornta, white, boiling, par lb., ic: Wisconsin, ysllow Olobe, per IA. 4c; red Olobe, per lb.. 4c; gpanlan, per crate, C-2&. Parsley: Fancy south- cm, per dVta bunches, 40t?76c. Pa ran! pa: Per lb., tvtn. Potato: Minnesota Red Rtvar Early Ohio seed, per ba, ll.S; Wlarwnsln white stock, per bu., 11.40; l it; Minnesota Early Roe ad, per bu 11.41: Bllt Triumph seed, per bu.. 11 40. is: In sackA per IA. IMC. To. Florida, per Abak. erat. MOO. Cuban, per 4-bsk. carrier, M.8A Turhlpa wr ih., ima MLt4CEL.LANF.OUS Almond : Tarra gona, per IA, Kite; in aack lot, le less. Cocoannts: Per sack, St. 08. Filberts: War lb., lie: In tack lots, le lea, fas- buIa: Roaeted. In sack Iota per Ih, TVie; roast, lea than sac a wis, per id., so; raw, par IA, So. Pecans: Irgs. per lb., tie: la sack lot. 1c let. Walnuts: New crop, 1M1. California, per lb., 11c: In aack lota, le leaa Cider: New NehawkA per la-sal. it bbi.. n ot: par m-gai. bin., st : New Tork Molt A per IS-ral. bbi.. SJ.S0; par at-gal. bbL. SVaA Hosn: Nw. M fi sins tilt. Krout: Par U-rai. kar H.7S; per t-eai. keg. II a. tMSa and SVAVANNAH. ua.. March aa TtTRV PKNTINB-Flrm at SutTdsc: aaiea 211 bbla.; receiptA tSt bbla; shipments, IB bbla : stock. II. bbla ROHIN-rtrm; sales, l-tlt bbla; re ceipt. 144 bbi.; shipments, a.07 bbla; stocks, 7I,I7S bhl. Quotations: B, It luik; D, SttT4j: k. na.-; r . u ana tt, ti.tct. k. a;.): m. r.a. n, r . wo, ? , v. w. S7.4A - - Tiry 4ed. Market, NEW TORK. March M.-DRT O0OD8- Tha eotteav gntas anarkets ruled strong with mills Blow lo well oa account of wr eempocatloaA Jobber tvmort a Broaden ing market. Wereted yam sr firmer and higher, brass good ar ia batter demand for fail. Unit good an being advance OMAHA IJYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle af All Kin da Around Tea Cent Higher. hogs nmn tO'Twuti tj? Fat Xheep aad Lass ha la Tory Cewd Demand, aail rites on ATI Kind Rear frwat Btraager to riftewa Rigaker. POCTB OMAHA. March A UU. Ttecdms were: Cattle Moara sSheeti. Oftl.-lal Moaday .t9 S..W UiOJ xn-ial Tuesday 4.a7 axil U tU awaatat wedinifcty.. A aw iaiw aaw Three dars total 14. 44.717 atost BSM A. re lMm nek 141X1 C4W f7.4l bam a week ago U4U il l am week -o ll.r'l B.N . Sam 4 week ago 1A1S fj aaaa daoa last year.. 14. 41 ILtal g3,M Th folio wtng table anaw ta rsesipi f cattle, hogs and hep at aoutk Oeaaaa for ta year to goto aa compared with lata year: 11 Wtl Inc. Dee- cattS .......... rr.LTf S7J AIM Hoga , kw.m SAVTe BTLsa .... Saaea 4:S.M SvASM tuVUt ... The rs Do wing table show th rang af prtcM paid for hoga nt Booth Omaha for th last few day, with comparison: TMita. I Lilt. 1111.11114 i ia.iu7.iiai. I.I t h 1 t 741 I Tsh I 41 I t . I Si 1 1 tv) i A a I Mf J T;i a u 4 M U,l f4 k Mt 41 S4) lav til V all t aai tt) 141 4 i; IM'mM (I4b I AIM 4S SS) I I Tl a) ail 4 II 4 46 a tr: , ia aa i iw Itt! 4 M 10 44 4 hit i S4' ill 11 I ttl 4 4 St I444M M'ch M CB Mr k4'ea M'nk li g 1741 M'ch Ul MT oh Mtavtal M CI Sti t at M'CB Mi I SH1 M ch K e M'ch MH i tru M'ch !) I m cn tw i 4 7ti 4 1 I id I U I4U tltJIOl I at I! 4 4414 11 I Mt 44 i4l m J 4 U 4si e 4 4 4 14 itojii; Waavlagr. Receipts and dltpoeltle of live Mock at th L'nlan stock yards, south Omaha, for iwentv-four hour nding at I o'cluut aetrday: ruxran fts-cakb. CattlA UogA b has p. U' sea C. M. St 4 V 1 Wahash 1 I .. Mlaaouri PsctOo ..41 I'nion Paclfie B 41 17 I C. A N. W., oast... 14 .. , a C. 4V N. W, weet.. M It . 4 C., t. P., tl. A O.. M M , I C. R. J., aat.. It a cut t., w,t.... at u w a C. R. L A P., M U M I .. C. R, I. A P.. wt a 4 .. 1 liynot Central a I 1 C sQk Winit4ti4i4.i 9 4 "a' Total receipts... 1SJ 174 11 17 PlnPOtjlTlON-lirXATX Can la UogA Sheen Omaha Packing Co... wl 7S7 sM Swift and Company M.. aa 4. MS taa Cudahy Packing Co List Armour m Co... Schwant Co Mwrnhy Merreii Mndalr HIU A Bon F. B. Lewll Huaton A Co J. M. Most A Co.... 4. H. BullA U Wolf S.4M s,is 1.43 taa .. ns . 171 .. ia .. u .. a u 1.471 McCrtary m KllBg.. M H. r. Hamilton I Sullivan Bros .- a 1st Ruthachlld H Ma A Kan. Calf Co.. k Cllno A Ckiistl ...... a Other buyer Sti Total 47 u,na CATTLEV-Cattl receipt war vary Hbaral again today, making Ih total for th thr day K.IS? bead, th larg est iao four we ago and larger than a year at by haeA Th heavy (all of snow mad trains somewhat itte and a th weather re port Indicated A continuance of th vnvwlth th poealbilliy of mint rati Itva ia awvoruv before th earning af ea other day, barer war anxious ts load up with a law ttlA Th prob ability that receipts might as light to morrow was vtdaulLv at ths bottom of ths goad demand. Accordingly bo vera war out la good aoasn In ike morn ing and dealraoi kilter, both baf Blear and 4ov stuff, changed hand very readily tt prices that war ganerally log hither than ytrday. Bora kind ef tnttl aswo vn mora advaac than that. Parnaas th boat way to descries th market would be to ouU It aa back about Where It wa on Thursday of last wewa. tn waaxneaw oeveiopeo ytraay aad Monday, having beta pretty touch all mad wa Oood feeder wars In good d amend and they too aol4 trongr than yesterday. A feeder buyer paid aa high a M.7t for aocn wall brad flhy Colorado steer. a notation en Caula-tsood to choice beat Btaers. t7.04JAav; fair to good beef steers, H&Vi 10; eomison to fair beef aasra, W.loa)i good to choio better. M.bswmjo; good to choic oow, H7aAM: fair t good oow. S4.0j44.TI; commoa to fair eowa L7S4t.a9; good to choice Hock era and letdtr. aVSOtTA: fair to good.' A.0Ct.M; commoa to fair, MSStM.OI; atoek halfarA KdAlAS; veal calve, KOOuAau. bulla stag a, wa., S4.0wioa.iA). iUpnoaBMUa- aaiee. HEBF oTaERtH M. Ae, rr. N. aa Pr. s aw s ev as.. ism m 4........... ra im tt ua, im xt na m U 11M tat . M 141 141 4.... ....... 444 t tt IA Ml I M It IBM 4T4 U........M11 4 tt - j I ...1414 I Tt A........IUT M 1 S.....U4 IR) U.... MM 4 a at-.... mt at .... ua ta a um t tt a .itn t ts i Ian it M........U4I lit a IMS tt. .......... ii t m M.........uai is " ... 1MB t N IB Ill IM ..... imii Ml I M Ill IB ..... ra I it Ml I M ..... ta i a M IB .... St IS aa I tt .....Mai im Mil IB ua 4 a I MS I M 4.... .tTiiat t n ia II., A... M... If.... U.... A... 11..., I.... U.. u.... 44.... St.... !.... ..., ... I.... I.... I.... I.... 11.. I.. St.. I.. . Ml I at ft I 41 Mt I tt lilt 4 4t 141 4 Mt. .... in i a tt., ...1411 I tt list te IBM let 1411 I I 1144 I It M IH Ml 4 tt t as UTt tt m i a aw 4 M ,. 141 4 St ,.....sm4 is . Ml IB A... A A Ml I tt ..... M III UN I II .... HI I It .... HI I M 1 13 I M I Mt I M ii it m I UM i M 4M II HEIVEIU. I.....X..- tw i a i. a hi i u. t Ml IT I. 441 4 Tt a Ml 4 TS 14 TM 4 It A W in 1 443 I M U IM la , mb t a I it.... tw t A. ....... Ill I It I..... Mt I 44 t..... til I BULLA t .....UM 4 tt 1.... J lit 4 Tt I.... t I4t 4 M 1... i im t at l..... i mt i a i.. 1... IB I A, 1141 I tt It 1111 t M H IMS T a M IBM 1 II It.. U44 t II st nat t st tl .U4 T M U4t IM u im t n tt ...ia! ta t! IMf II a tt ...1MB tl ,..1141 tt ,.. M I M ...WW St ...MTI M ...I1M lit ...tan m ... tn tt ...ttu i a IM I 71 awaV e.... I....... M.. M IA U. A St t ... Am I I Mt t B ,.utt its Mt lit let t m t......... ttl 4 T M...... TIT Tl S tat s M A. Mat SM 4 ... Ml 4 a S. wet i it At IM a.......... ut t w 11 11M I A a....... m i m um its ...tot i a i a ...BM ...IBM I4t ...14M lit A ISM Ik L.....M7t 4 44 VAbllA H. ......... VI a t..... ft IB It.......... SM A... Ml tTi v I sa s a I M ia I at a t m i a u........ ut s a A. . ut i w ia os a i no t tj a tw I a i ! ii H I 144 4 44 I IM I M 4 a t tt i ui i a, im........ m i STOCK ERA AND FEEDERS. it to I a it m i a it m st mi M IM IM II Mt 71 WESTER 8 COLORADO HATTED8. No. -Af- lr. No. Av. Pr. tX feeders.. leOI 73 at feeder. .UM gcj HOGO-Trade In bog waa a wild at fair, packer buying recklessly through out the aeaatoa a fliwreo ranging all th way from a dime to a quarter higher. Opening price (hewed the cmaller ad vance, but Improvement wsa rapid, and with th demand ravenous from all quar ters. Miters bad little trouble ta railing value so level considerably Abov thos existing early despite a ilbeiai supp.. Bulk of receipts sold at SaeMa above yesterday bulk. Yard eatlroat placed the crop at over lt.a head, the proportion of heavy and good butcher grades proving fairly large. Let than one-third of the total offer ing cajTled weight below jus pound. Snipper and peculator bought smooth quality stock aa a rule taking over 14 per cent of the ran. Clearance of all weight was practically complete before 11 o'clock, doe tog buala hring th 15t)2S advanc. Best heavy hog n nal brought aria, aa eonrnared with yesterday's top of MaV whll bulk cleared at M rHrAM. Narrower range In prices and uneven trading left spreads between the thre general cIbmbb of Mock poorly defined. Representative sales: Ra At. SA Pr. SH. Av. ga, P-. , a...iit in a....t3t ... a a...... ii tta .......rt a ta 4i tit . n ii ut a t a a. ...... im 71 iu ... ta M......IM 74 tot ... t at .. ta a..... .in ta u im .... .si ut ta 74 Mt . I t II lal ... t A in in a.... ..set ... t a Tt im a at ... 4 a a w ... ta tr lie ... ta 41 lit ia t n n as ... a 41 im ... t a ti v ... t M .... in a tn at.. ... ia a u ... i a a ua ... is a in ... I a ....... .ta ... im M IM ... t a It 144 ... t a M CI ... B . M.... .Ml ... IM a m ut i 4 . m ... t m 41 Mt ... a At ... I M 4 SM . I a a Mt ... IM a ui ... n tat ... i m a mi Wee, it. re ... i m 71 ......Mt ... IM 44 Ml It H ttl 444 4 SB M ttl ... la m m .. 4 M II HI ... t a II BBS .. I M 14...... Mt ... t M a...tit ... i a M.....M1 a 444' a rrt at I m a at is it . m in a a. na ... i a a....... tn .. t a n. ju ... tn . a....... let ... in ti......xii ... tm st im . I a . na a ta ss hi ... t a a aa u I ... a ...! ... ta n a ... ta a tn ... ta , ts tn at I a u. at ... ta a Mt a 4 a PIOA at...... ia ... 13 ia...... ii ... i a w in ... i a ii a ... I a H11KKP 3onte Improvement In the oe mand for fat lamb produced a market tn which th element of buying preference cut a very aniall figure, tibeep ware fa vored, but lamb sold with a reason a ble degr of freedom from the atart and a good clearance of well finished etteae of stock was marie early m ih session. Healthy competition, du to a limited run. enabled siller to obtain price l Iron to Wtflio hlxhar la most Inrtancea, Supply wa tell mated At about T.tAv he, mtea than half of tn run con stating of kunb. Practically vrything cam la th fleece and quality on an a erag waa pretty good. Pel waa were leading offering la th sheep branch of th trad, wether and yearlings being rare axe prions. Th beat iamb on sal wer loppy Mexican held over from yesterday. They brought gi.av, Ih highest price paid arte last July, while a ieea deatrabte band of Mexican landed at KJt. Ouod to choice fed westerns moved ground V Indicating a 7.B limit for some thing striotly prims in this Una. Fat eaea rescued t4a, with me dium to oommoa grades selling at b. aad Ieea. Quotations on wether and yaarilaga remained unchanged as the amount of bulnes trsnsacud wa too smell to warrenf. nrice revlalun. Feeder eeted eradllahlv at flarttr lit. tl different from thoa la force on fair kind of fat ttork Th country demand is becoming broader and more active cn day. oonaderabts stuff going back tor a nnai luusn trial reuno n pacaing out let oly n short tlm ago. Two days' purchaaa of feeder, according IB th tab record, amount lo 8,Bv head. Qtsotation on heep and tenth: ImbA good to choic. r ettr7. ; lamb, fair t good, H SOtfT.Ou; yearling, good to choice,; yeartlma, fair to trood, ejf km. wsthera, good ta choice. SleOaAS; wethora, fair to good. SVdfUl; ewaa, good to choio, H.1PU4.4S; a, ttlr to (OOaf, $4.SsraV tjl, Rapivawniallv talatl Na A. fj. IH fed owe . IT IB f fad mt IM It fed lamb '.. Ji . 4 M 19t fed lama '..... J It, ka fed lamb 4 4 attsd Umbo . '!! tt waira ItuabA feeder 71 t M d fed lamb It I irt) fed sees td 111 Ml fed rw M4 4 H led owsa, aulst M I M fed ewes ....... ......JM I M am fed owe M I tv fed ewes, cull - I M 174 led ewea It la Ad fed wet hert ........M..Ua I M M fed lamb 71 I UT fed lambs 71 I ta M fed lamb, cull 41 l IM fed lamb 71 ! 11 Bt t u CHICAOO UVI ITOCK MARKET rman fat- All Hi ad af Itaxk to neear. Mn..MA , . C . 1ft W t.ruiAin awv. " . . - oelpt. Hka hsad; mtrket abtady n tut higher; Blockers and leader advanced; beeves,; Texas Blears, uws.m: western ataera, le-OeyAa; s1cxk.ra snd iseosra, ea.4Dtpu.ev, we bmms anw, a-w 70; calvtA avottJI.Tl HOOK Reoalpu, t, held: market . j... , Kti,. iiu. Biaaar; aw11 w ..... V.&IMi ml, IT Hvy. $T.l V?lfu. ttniiark t UUWl nlsTaTL sat, tttfM ga.! ty-l.TiTfa 'l"l ' """4" ' '"wi af TP v w- w b bulk of salea p.4jrav I nrtavsVl Ai V labdo-nrawins. e,w bead; market for sheep steady lo Mc nigner; laram iweur bm live, Si.aail.OO; weatern, HttMri.20; year imga tAtMiaw; lambt, haUve, t.svi.?l; wtatgrn, lAAwiiOtT Kansas City Live Block Market. KlNsU CITT. March 36. CATTLE Reciota AMU head. Including hu head outhom; market, lOtyltc higher; dreeaed b4 and export steers. 7.a0.; mlr to good.; waetern (teera, tt.7Aw7.tO; stookera and feeder. IttutiAOO: aouthern at ear. K.aVf7.B; aouthern cow, Si t SM; aattv cows, SAXt;&.a: nutlv heif er. KtoaT.Hi; bullA KMjA76; calves, 14 . met a. Hi Kin Receipt a I.0M head; market. It xTsVli higher: bulk of sales, 7.v7.; heavy, rr Srt7.; peckers and butrhsr. 7,gMy1: Hithla. n;tw7 It; pins. .00li Brilbavr" A1.U UAmrjes ieveitia, m'w head: market stronger; Colorado lambs. PM; lamb. ttjAV.aV: yearlings, 16.XeJ6; wethers, tAorcnw; ewe, t4.wauo.av; atocx trs and fwlem, ta.OOfc-I.W. it. LaU Mr I lock Market. ar. Iori8. March . CATTLE Re- oetptA AtOI head. Including Textns; market trng; native beef steers, 16. Out) 1. 71; cow and heifers, Sl.0nfr7.S0; Block er and feedera t3.76d.w; Texas and In dian deera; cow and heifers, t; calves In carload lou, ti.Otei HOOS Receipta. 7.0M head: mtrket 10 ttlSo higher; plgt and lightA K.00S7.I5; mixed and butcher, ft.Utfl.K; good heavy, r HrlEEa A.N LI lAJJBB tteceipiA Jw aad: market ilrvnx: natlv muttons. M.aHfd.O.; kunhs, B 4l . A aToooph Live Block Market. ST. JOnaTPIi. Mo.. March 3D CATTLE RcealptA ltd head; market atetdy; steer. AVbAqAW: cow and helfart, ft. f7 a. oalva. HidiTAtA iitxia- licipt. t.aor neau; marset e Ma higher: top. B.S; bulk of tales, MaVa 7.1A BHEEr AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,tvl bead; market trong; lamb, t.Sv.i. tack la Blgkt. Recelnta of live tock at the fir nrin- etpal wsetern markets yesterday: uame.ncgs. eneep. South Omaha . Ut Joseph .... Kane City . nt. Louis Chicago Totals ..... , 4.u . 1.2U . I.Sta) . a,siu ..17,00 18,7m 7.501 I.IID 7.0M A0 l.MO M.OUO a.ono Kom s.oc ....... M.aaj .ao 4t,4K CsHon Market. rm . . a I Li. . . j BfKFB Sluww llvm, m P"." U' 11' I , 111 rI- dling uplanda 10.sot; middling gulf, lASVc; 1 m, UN..1 tru liul .,uu Closing bid: March, M.tOc; April, ldSTc; May. M.taV-; June, K'.SJe; July, W.ito; August. lASTc; September. .S7e; October, Ht.dc; November, 104c; December, l&gjc January, av.4c; February. )jOo. Evaawvated Apple aad Dried Frnita NEW TORK. March .-EVPO RATa-.r APPLES-Quiet and steady, anth nricr xncbanged: on th snot. taney. PHc, choice, aveV; prune, 7UET FRCTTS Prune, dull and easy; aootatlons range from tMrlle for Califomiai up to 30-tut and ttaVUc for Orerorta - Apricot a very Inactlva and ' about steady: chok. 14iyjMic: extra choice. l& fancy. l4ii;c. PeacheA steewy, but Inactive; choice, k -AMeVo: extra ehmra. llerlliac: fancy. .U'w ' 4Ltc RalMna, vlrm with a Uttte better inquiry: too muscaueiA are.,c; cnotca lo faacy seeded. etric-. iiillia, isO XC; Lonuun larer. tLaJvLia. Caftow Market. - NEW TORK. March -0rTEE Futur market opened Mswdy at A de cline of etjt pointA ander scatterinc real- tatng ana in sympeuny witn rower tAiro pean cable. Th close ws barely steady. with prices net 1 point lower to 4 point higher. Sale. -.4M bars March, lUoc; I April, R; May. liiic; June, iur.c; July. 1173c: Autruat, U7c; ctepterraher, tlsA?: October. Wile: November and De cember, Line: January. U-Tjc: Febrttary, , 11 Tor. Havre waa i to trano lower. Hamburg waa H to pfg. lower. Rio, firm at tHSd; Pantos, steady: unchanged. ' te; 140; is. 7T( Rscelpts nt th two nraxiiian port ii.tro eag aaaln.n won bag last year. Jundlahy recetpta, W.ota bag agalnat 1300 batrs last year. Rain er ahower were reported lo Sao Fauio. New York warehouse daiivertea yestrdav wer 13 !tt bus uainst AO ban laat year. Today's special Man to carlo re ported 4a unchanged: Kao Paulo rclpta 15 tm hag against lliot bags yesterday. Spot coffee, steady: Itlo No. 7. lSc; an toa Na A liV; auld. firm; CorttdAa, 14 Crll'ac. aomlnal. ,. Oataha Ray Market. OMAHA. March aa HAT No. 1. SsASt: " No. 1. I1I.S0: No. I, lASau.4; Mo. 1 -midland llksthkii l; Na I lowland, xitot 17.; alfalfA ehotea ad and 4th rut- Una. t l: I at nd Id eutung. mtha . a.l; Na 2. llt.00tkai.0l; No. a, Wool Market. err. UKri. March .-WrxVL-esy; fin medium, liaylie; fine, UQISo. SWIM IN WATERS OF TAAL American Eagleeer Rlski stalk ta " Hoi Lake at Phlllpplaa Vets ana. That b waa th first whit man. It not th first human bains, .to tak a twlra tn the I hot, sulphurous water in . Ih crater cf Taal volcano, PhUinptn . ItlandA 1 th belief of Q. Roaao B. . clymond of Nutley, a meat bar of th , engineering corn In ta public work! de partment of Undo thus a pnsiasaanA By th ruptloo af thl crater ta Janaary. IMU 1.400 people toot their Uva Mr. synced (alls of bis axparteno la a. letter Just received by his stater, Mis Kuktk M. hymondA Bt tirant avaano, Belleville, N. J. .la conipany with Symoadg vara Doa ' Stone, also an engineer, and U. 1. Oraff. ' a iravelcr. Thay explored lb crater Law ' fast deep and alopt oa a lodaa half way -down. Thl Taal voloan to aa aa kuand la lb eealar ef aa Inland saka, about forty mil outh of Manila, ta taa prwv lno of Katangaa filaoo Its dlaastrtma . awtksnlnc a year ago It has been gulet, . but Mr. Ssmonris sari B aarUguak -recently waa felt la th island and a pall of smofc hong about th crater, alarming th native, who drssd another -rnpUon. In ths letter to kl litter Mr. Uymondt aay: " hen I cam ta aftnlla T had aa ta ' tsntlon af taking th trip la Taal, and . waa forced to send to th (wariness tor -doth for Mton and myself. Wa ud i I he regular hiking outfit blanket roll. , canteen snd vary Httte chew. We sseb oarrled a mat of brand aad a Mr of Jam. ', x porting lo ba tons two day. "W took a train ta a town called Tsnanan, ta Batangas. Frwm thr wa ' walked stght twlles ta ths Uka Befer ' starting w stocked a with aatlva erangaa Those are picked dliwctly from th tn and ar good, AD along th way onaetnat peJra Una tha rat Arriving ' at th lak as aired a boat from an1 American named Ward, wa make a ' ban of hiring boat ta Saurlsta It wsa a saUlntT Uaaoh. qulU nnail, but ' ata worthy. Thre of aa saw tw aativat ' orowded tt. but tt want beautifully, a stroeg wind was blowing sad tt look as twa hour to reach th veacaao. Tha hvks ' was shoppy a biases and w wsr all prstty wail oakad when w landed, it' may atsta funny, bat ws wsr all seasick. '' None of as remarked tt at th tita. out' teter on. oom paring notaa, found w all' experienced tha sams enaUoe. area ' ion, aallor that as to, faetlag mora com-' fortablo lying aa taa bottom af ths boat.' "It was a wlrd view that presented Itaalf th nearer ws spproacbed th Is-' land. It stuck up up out of th water, a hugs, bars rnoamd, , furrowed and wrinkled, without a bit of vegetation to rttnrr th awful watt of sun-baked ' mod and valoanw As. Immedlataly sa landing w struck ths attss of ths for mar banlca' occapled by about 40a po- ' pi, barely a vottltr af whleb to toft. Ia th recent eruption Lax) wer klUed. . Thoot aa tha Island wer first okoksd to death by gaae. anal thoa burled tw r twenty feat ef hot mad aad rock. Sevea mile away, sa too sdga af tha lak a town war destroyed and another . thousand Uvea wire Wotted out. Of tha seven or sight survivors ea the island noes wsa laraptad bp las hxr of haw to. guld ua : , . ? ' "Climbing th sutaid of ths voleaao, . with not A bit of shelter, we retvehsd ths rim. Ths crstar to ahnost perfect. ooMlttlng of a strls of ridges, th whoi . aa undulating chain. It 1 nothing bat: a big hoi la a hilt, with ih tak In the-' bottom, about a mils or so wtda From th rim to th water it ta a cteaa drop"" of Law feet, it is aontbls ta climb ta th rim anywhere on th autsld. haw - th aides within are aa steep that at on ! end ealy eaa deaeent b made Fen tattle ; color abeusded. do t Its being aaavtl -charged with mineral saltA W oould it a faint hlatlog af watr koutng. and from several plants (team area ta h doudA A ttrong sulphurous odor cam . te a ss soon at ws reached th itland. Graft decided not to climb down to. th lak with os la the morning and went to tn run to Uka mors picture. Stone . and I walked around lo th south end. and ovta thea descended by a mighty steep routa Once down It teemed htrd. to realise that lust shout a year ago It , was ths scene ef a grand natural ph neoen. It was difficult to concetv that hole, so placid In appearance, send.., Ing out AvAlanehee of bet mud, hag red rocks aad belching fir, gs - and . amok, all vlatbt for hundred of Bites around. , . "Where wa wer the water was warm. but not unbearably hot We went In tor a swim, and I noticed that a cut ia my foot smarted sharply, due, I think, lo the acid In the water. Just aa a guess. I should say we wer swimming In a diluted sulphuric add bath. I got some ' . of the water oa my lips and It tasted strongly of sulphur or phosphorus, tw . Tork TtmoA Stimulate your business by adTerttttni ' ia Tha Beo-tbe newtpayar thi an of Che buyer. Tha adherent of th rival caadidst-' syed each other baleful rr. "Remember," aald th leader of one gang, "there is to b no mudsUrtgthg." "Thafa distinctly understood,'' said th. other leader , v "Mud Is BsuredV ixled the aajatrwats la chorus. A few moments later th sir was Cited with paving stonea, and du, and brsaw knuckles, and Moraga eggs aad defunct , catA ; . But mud wax tarredOesusa Plata - Dealer.