f THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MARCH 31, 1912. iwnwr ti uirrc urinwnv'r"p,s 10 t'onmJ, Stephens. LU'Jffit 1 AA H AlUtlJ ULhU H A I Congressman Klnkaid today recom- v ; mended the appointment ss postmaster! BtMtor Brown Thinks Action 0t lTtyt miKnti: Henry W. Snyder, for J a new office at Lakevtew. Mr. Klnkaid , said ha bad recommended that a new jnoetottic b established at Logan. House Helps Amendment SHUTY-OHT STATIS RATIFY on bear- IVaatara I ea . sad Kfsrai tttr Seaare r Ita lata- bjewtlea te Balldla- AavrearlarleBe la WyeaUBg. " (From S Staff Cerrespondent.) WASHINGTON. t. C March S.- (S serial Telegrain.) - Senator Brown expressed aatlsfactiaa today Ir.r that tha tne bousa bad the Mil for a Income tax by a large Kiajorlty vote. It is bellved that thia preaalon of aentlmeat la eongrea will 1 sve rsvcrabls influence la securing afflr matlr action by state legislature, which have not voted on the protaa'd amend ment to the constitution permitting the levying of an Income tax under the Brow resolution enacted three years MO. When Senator Browa learned this eftsr rooo at tba action taken by the bouss, lie said Whin? f am not clear that the court will sustain the excise tax on Individuals, from my study of tha law and the in come tax decisions of the court. I am wllllne? to take a chance that It will be lab ld. I believe In raising revanua by taxing large Incomes. -Of course, as soon as the Income tax amendment Is ratified br Ova mora states there can be no doubt of the constitution ality of this law. If I thought Ita Base st asuld In any way deter tha ratift ratloa of the amendment I should oppose It. but I da not believe It will nave that effect. "I wish the democrat! brethren, who a. pushing this measure would get Kwy la some o the southern states, aot ebiy riorWa and the twa Virginias and rersusds y legislatures of these states M raiify tha proposed amendment f Die coMtlt'illon. K they would do this there nuM be M question at all about tueir good faith In supporting tba but. whl.ta passed tha house today." Tnlrlr-Oae Stale Art. I'ndtr the Brown resolution enacted by enigmas In IMS. receiving every vote In the senate acid all but twelve la tha I ouar. thirty-one etatee have already da t tared in lis favor and thereby agreed le amend tha United States constitution to provide for taitng largo hicomea. The Karris bill providing for a presl dentlsl primary tn the District of Columbia will have a hearing before the bouse committee next Friday. In apeak I rut of thia today. Mr. N orris said that a nil he favored s, general presidential primary law. he held double as to tha renstltuUonallty of tha bin to that effect Introduced by Senator Cummins recently, since tha oonstttutlon provides that alar tars shall elect the president, who must be chosen In the various state elections. Inquiry as to the attitude Indicates that republican bouse members Indicates that they favor a general presidential primary law. though they would hesitate long before voting for such a measure that waa retroactive la effect and that might propose to nullify tba actlsa M nomina tions la convention. lea and Kenyan Object. A situation most unusual baa arisen In (he senate becauae at an attempt of Hens tor Lea at Tennessee, tba youngest member at that body, aided by Senator Ken iron of Iowa, and several others, to fores a reconsideration of certain public bills which were passed by tha upper branch of congress without discussion. Ts the surprise at the elder statesmen f tha senate. Senator Lea Med a motion . last evening to reconsider the vote by wntra the bills appropriating t7i. for a pubtle building at Sua fjanos: MUSS for a public building a JWweastle, and , seyto for Thertnopolls, 5ye, wars passed. Senator Warren, whe la head uf the appropriations committee, and Senator Clark, . of that etata, who la bead of tha Judiciary committee, are both anxious to get passed tha bUla which hava been held up by Senator Lea. It is well known that according to traditions In the .senate In the pest, there baa been almost no Interference with public build ing Mils by senators. If a eeaator baa been anxious, for political, or any other reasons, to get a publle building Mil through, senatorial leurteey and tha geasrsi disposition la tha stoats ts ate way on aay matter tint waa largely ssoal bar prsvtlod. Mrs. Hantaan a Vlalt Here. lira. Raaasll B. Harrison baa gone to Jacksonville, Fla., an a visit ta bar daughter. Mrs. Harry Williams, nee Merthena Harrison, who with bar hus band, will reside In tba southern city. After aeetng bar waugbtar aroparly aa lacltebed ta bar new noma, Mrs. Har rison will go ta Omaha about the middle si sail awath. Marshall Phillips and Will Lytla of rroftea are la the etty aa bnalnaas at tha Interior department connected with the latent office. Thsy called to pay their Best Way to Wash the Hair tPresn Beauty Notes.) "very wssaaa either ejoaa or should dread ta ahamaoa with soap. It la really bad for tha hair, aa tha alkali destroys ,t!e luster and onuses brittle, coarse, piMuag, streaky hair. Washing tha hair wiib asaa only naif cleanses It aad pro d'lcse bat a temporary Cufflnese. "If aca m wash their hair with a taasnaaoxul at enatbrsa: dlssslvsd la a eva at bat water they will aa longer hava aay ana bar ether aaampoos Tha scalp will be hams atilat shy atsaa aad tba hair win dry aoickly. taking aa a arllaance and Pafnasaa tbat win last. Caathrex i i' nil dandruff, dirt and axeeas eO, aad atapa tba Itching at anoa. Xotfe. lag better caa assd ta make tha hair beautiful and healthy.--Adv. i::tc:s aee axakuiisj S3 ASE FAT PEOPLE! Pel ins sn Urea at bats li iisiS ts ettala se aM at char aves sai a I i n see basta m S ssenss taw a SAXrva the aeaee a saner tsas a mmr a aa. Beat tas aUMtat eimsiies nii.lTf tmmmi ay ba PeKss. X. T. stsas cssssaasssee ef BsslrhT Ybeee are ear nw em esesaa ss aasBaa taear aaaaerc tsieieeai ass w en Usual as k M test e an imas Ss lae suaa at a sveet naiieiaa at ewaifei hiaiij. Tea in e far tea eara at sie aaat a. saa aswr as tse ilaeaiari ar Uw eewa MaMne e. aaaunae s llwian lae taa M4we. tue el assarnaaaa an ia aas at Us laiiim Slaieianae ear eUrk asr SSraialaa ! aa sUd k eiaSllaa. TW tar as a ema. atW-vtea m i n to (tea Is Cka alaak aaitoa et am tssa satanllr s4 eHaeUeatr a- H 'aaliet at talMrla tSe east snat errar aa um sen aa aiaaiBai aaaa aa Kiefas ananas uaaas aaS sasaaras Saaits Um-mss HM-1 VU Ml untie M lieu em a. BMaaS at . MasUua. n to e TAPT ASKS K5 SQI ABB DEAL Telia Aaierieaa Pewple the Truth far Their Own CSeml. BOSTON". March J "All that tba ad- I ministration wants Is a square deal. as Id President Taft speaking today from tha steps of tha Concord, N. H).. state house, near the' doea of his two days' New England visit. During bla stay In Boat on and In Xew Hampshire the president spoke to twenty audiences, stating definitely his attitude on tba. tariff, his reasons for opposing the recall of Judges and decisions and hta hope of ultimata arbitration. His speech making activities today took him to Nashua, Manchester and Concord. Some of his most emphatic remarks on "pro- gresalva' measures were, delivered from the portico of the granite state capltoL with Robert P. Basa, one of Colons! Roosevelt's most ardent supporters, a a respectful listener. Southern New Hampshire people seemed eager ta eea and hear the president. Rail road square in 'Nashua was well filled with mill bands of many nationalities. Governor Basa greeted him la Concord aad escorted him through tha state house. "Progresalra la aa progressive does,' waa one epigram tha president gave his hearers. lis also gave, a concise outline of his Idea of tha adoption of tba prin ciple of tha recall of Judge and of de cisions. Tyranny Weald Pel lew. "Adopt such measures,'' be said, "and yea will have a government of special In stances. Tou would have a constitution that ut to be spoiled at one time and not applied at another. That, my friends, Is nothing but a government of special .In stance that haa not tha uniformity of law and constitution and la tha most ty rannical form of government wa can have. I tatlleve la popular government, but I bellev In popular government ordered by constitution and by law., "Tou give ap an Independent Judiciary and you might as well gMre up your con stitution. I know enough about tha onasnaa of tha American people to know that they will never give up tha constitution and they are not going to be honey-fugled out of It by being told that they are fit to Interpret pic ques tions of constitutional law Just as wall or better then Judge. Tha American peo ple sre s great people becauae they can stand having the truth told tn them about themaelvea without getting mad about It and without turning on 'the man who tells the truth." Returning to Boatoa In the early even ing President Tsft made a brief call at tha dinner of tba New Kngland Street Railway club. Ha left at I p. m. for Washington where he will arrive at :J tomorrow. Council Bluffs CouncU Bluffs COMMMTIONACT IS COURT Tare Federal Judges Hearing- Ses ' Koines Water Fight. - Buruo EOTHcnojr peoceedisgs Geaerml statata I'ader Wbleai Caas ell Blaffs Seearcd Its Water Systran Betagr Attacked Tlaaraaaly. Iowa' i SPLIT I FOl'sVrBsSVTH MISSOIRI Tnft raeees Withdraw aad Twa Farttaae iaae Deleaatea. POPLAR BLUFF, Mo., March at After aa hour of riot and uproar, Taft support are withdraw from the Feurtemn igreaslonal district convention, her to day, leaving tha Rooeeveit adhareiila In possession. Each faction named dele us to tha republican rational convention. Rooeeveit men were la a majority si id could hava controlled the situation by force of aumaers. At the. afternoon ses sion tba Capi Giraideau delegation par ticipated and eaat twantuHhr votes for the Taft de'egtlea. Tbey thsa wlthdaw. Resolutions ludoiaing Colonel Roosevelt ss tha grin! living statesman and praising ths etaloamsnshlp of Presldo.it Taft aad the administration of Governor Hadley, were pssae U The aaomlng aauloa ma a continual uproar with two asm of otfteera trying lo transact tha business of the twa fac tions. Before the. convention the ten Roosevelt men on thr district committee ousted Chairman 8 L. Quffy and Sec retary Harry Naetit and elected Frad 8. Kirs, chairman and Luther Con .-ad, secretary. .1 Tba Taft faetkia endorsed Pndnt Taft for renom: nation and aoon altar adjourned to tha sMewalk, where It was nnouaoad that its delegate ta toe na tional convention at George L. .Groan of N'eylor,' anl Brid Cuncaa of Poplar, Bluff. The Ronaetrlt delegates, aand la the coavrntlou. at Sara Ulea af Uex tor and John C. Harlan of Gainesville. Tba' Ttoeeeveit faction claimed 111 dele gate ta the oonKrenUonal convention and tha Tsft folliwers. tightr-nlne. v Aliens Are Cornered Near Eoyd's Home HILLJVILLE. Vs., March M.-Meeeen- gera from tha posses guarding ths road la the mountains have reported tha Car rol county court . house assassin at a place about fiv miles from Fiord Allen s tae. Kvsry available man tn Hllla- wllka hurried up Into the1 hills tonight la tha bops ef 'surro-jndlng them bttora they could get aai ' Just after dusk fslt a man riding a gray horse covered with foam rede Into town and had a hurried talk with Detective Felte. head ct the possa. Not even men wn bad been In the saddle all day were spared from tba call and ths party gal loped off on what will be an all Bight ride. At beat tbey cannot reacb the point the messenger indicated before dawn, Tha hunt for ta utlwa previously had Battled down ts a siege.' All that tha passu knew waa that tha gang probably waa up la the Chestnut ridge- Travelers coming down from Fancy Gap today estld tha Alien bad deserted thetr stand at Squirrel Spur and plunged Into the still thicker country over toward the Patrick county Una. That Is more of a wilderness thaa their previous atand. , YOUNG DAKOTA SCULPTOR -IS DEAD IN TEXAS CITY SIOCX PALLS, S. DMarehML-K. Daniel Webster, a rising South Dakota young sculptor, whs wa gaining national tame, died today at Chapel UK. Tex. Ha made tha atatua af Oeawral W. H. Beadle, which aavarei month ago was Biased on thi new capital building at Pierre. Hs was a graduate ot t Stoux Pall High school. vie tiaiiai' o. a wanes saaa s " srrrae e li awsnse ta ever? I lr w ea see te tae sans ess at aaftanas Mm bisiSii at aa. jven Ike etael Head. la aeea whea liver Inaction and bowel stopper file before Dr. King's X Life Pills, tta easy regulators. Sc. Per sale by Beaten Drug Co." you have anything ta exchange, ad v cruse It la Tha Be Went Ad column. The validity of the special act of the Iowa legislature under which tha Coun eil Bluffs water plant waa acquired by condemnation waa attacked In the fed eral court her yesterday na the ground that tha supreme court had no authority to appoint tha three district court Judges aa appraisers. Tha attack waa made by tha Des Moines Waterworks company in tha form of an application for an in junction restraining the city from pro ceeding under the amended general con dom natloa law In Hs purpose to acquire tha water plant by the same process that' was used In Council Bluffs. ' 'Judge Smith McPheraon .called upon Judge Walter L Smith .of tha United States circuit court of appeals and Judge W. H. Munger uf Omaha to alt with1 him en tha bench to bear the case. The history of tha attempt mad by ' Dev Motnea to secure ownership of Ha water plant ta la all material respects a repeti tion of that of Council Bluffs. Tha city ha been trying tn vain to buy tha plant Last Jane a special election was hsld for tb purpose of authorising tha issue of bonds ta buy ths old plant or build a new one. The necessary ordinances wars enacted In tha following months and m October tha way wa cleared for the application of the statute created for the relief of Council Bluffs. Caart af Caadaaeaatloa. The supreme court waa appealed to to appoint the ' court ot condemnation In accordance) with the provisions ot : the statute and did so. As soon as ths court met and organised, tha water company, appealed to tha federal court for a re straining order on tha ground that ths newly devised section of tha state' gen eral condemnation law that directed the supreme court to nam three district court Judges to constitute the condemna tion court waa nnconstltutlonal for the reason that tha stall's constitution did not glv the court any such appointive powers. This point waa fully argued before tha three Judge alttlng en ban yesterday 'afternoon by N. T. Guerneey, attornf-y for tha water company, and by former Attorney General H. W. flyers, now aorporatton counsel for Des Motnex, assisted by Robert O. Brannaa, city so licitor of Des Moines. They pointed ut what appealed to the unorthodox lay mind as conclusive evidence whan 'ths cited sections 1 and 4, article v, of tha constitution, which seemed to eipreeely empower the supreme court to max such ppolnlments, the only technicality being In the question of whether the condemna tion eaurt wa really a court at alL This waa mat by th argument that If It was not a court th plaintiff oould not appeal from It ta tb federal court. - Caateatlaasa af Caaspaar. , Th water company bad aeveral other eoatantiona, one tbat It charts grut4 In Utn. waa for indefinite period and had not expired, and that thl ancient charter wa a bar to the city 'a condemnation pro ceeding. Th hearing yesterday followed tha granting of a temporary writ at In junction by Judge McPheraon at Da Motnea oa February gt. City Solicitor a em P. Kimball wa aa Interested spectator at tha hearing, for th reason that he waa the author of the amendment to th condemnation law that la betag attacked. Ha drew th amend ment only after many eonsuHaUona with Jurists of mor than a stats Wlda promi nence, and recalled th fact yesterday that th first suggestion t empower the supreme court to nam th appraisers wa mad by Judge Smith McPheraon. and that there la no doubt In tha minds of tha greatest lawyers In th Hat that the constitution wa In no manner contra vened by tn designation of the supreme court a th appointive power of th con- dem nation court. Much favorabla com ment waa made yesterday by lawyer spon th act of Judge McPberaon calling to hi aid tha two dlsUngulshed Jurists, whoa decialou will undoubtedly settle for ail time and prevent al collar embarra ment when other Iowa towns start to acquire ownership ef their water plants. Judge smith waa mad chfttrmaa of the court. Th case waa submitted during the afternoon and taken under advise ment. Deetstoa will probably be an nounced within a few day. . Commercial Club 'Banquet is Delayed Owing to bad weather and several other aourcea of delay th annual banquet of tba Commercial club, which wa ec bed tried for tomorrow evening, haa been postponed until April U. Thl la th second poetpoaament, but President Dooltltl says t will be th final. The chetf caus of delay has bees th diffi culty et securing th desired speakers, several of whom are desired la addition ta Lnts Young. Mr. Young eaya he bv wllUng to do bis duty at all times and that any old data will cult him If he Is notified to time to catch th train at Da Molaea. Congressmen Green and Lob T. Owning hava si pressed their wllltngneea to attend and say aome thing at interest. Th prV of th banquet ticket baa bean filed at IS, aad it Is expected that at least will he takea. Minor Mention The) Council Blaffs Offir of Tbo Omaha Bee is at IS Scott Street. Telephone 43. Meal Batata Transfer. Real potato transfers reported to Th Be March U by ths Pottawattamie County Abstract company' ot Council Bluffs: O. O. Balrd and wits to Homer Whistler, tou 1 and i. Auditor s Subd. of lota , block t, Grimes Add., and block 1. Hall's Add. to Council Bluffs. lav. w. d jm J. at. Baretaw, executor, to Obert Neune, e se swfc of ftWt-H w. d. Uot Emeet & Hart, Incorporated, to W. M. Lana, lot I and ww of lot a. Midland Add. to Council Bluffs, la., w. d X Jessica J. Stedentopf and husband, et al. to Nellie Manoaey, tot B. block 41. Ferry Add. to Council Bluffs, la., a, c d i Four transfers, total tvSH Calllvew PaalMvely IdeaUfied. MASON CITY, lav, March V (Special Telegram.) Cashier Capper and hi wife today poartlvety Men titled Glen Gulliver aa the man who assulted th cashier and attempted ta rob tna baak et Orchard uf tli Tb case la a trial at Osage, The body of Mrs. Mary Morine was taken to Man hall. Mo., last evening for burial. ' Bluff City lodge No. 71. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will meet Wed nee day evening at 1: for work oa the first degree. ' - - H. H. Sulhoff, who died at Athol, Kaa.. will be burled here thia afternoon from the residence ot hi brother, Carl Sulhc.fr, cis Mill street. - ; The itsyal Sewing aociety ot Oak Leaf camp, Koyal Neighbors, will meet this afternoon at the home- of Mrs. Minnie Oiuacker, IM Bluff street. Upon tha application of a near rela tive Susan W. Barrett waa yesterdajr called before tba Insanity commissioners, who found her to be suffering from senile Insanity. Mho waa ordered to b cared tor at St. Bernard a hospital. - Any persons having rooms to let during the Southwestern ' Iowa Teachers' asso ciation, March iOKS-au, at the rate of 35 cent, one person In a room: btl cents each, two persons in a room, will kindly notify the euoerlntendent of city schools. Phone Me. ' The Woman's Christian Temperance union villi hold a farewell receatioa this afternoon at 1:3 o'clock at the konvaxif Mrs. G. 6. Bak-dv 1K Kast BroadwaPi for Its retiring president, Mrs.- Martha Rider. Mr. KMrr will leave soon tor her new hum at Levflston. Ida. ' Upon the apsllcBtloa of Ovted Vien, re ceiver of the tieorgs K. Hall Manu facturing company, Judge Wheeler yes terday ajtpolnted George B. Harden, Wal ter L. tills and James A. V.'aitt appral- sera with orders to' Immediately ascer tain tn value of th property In th hands of ths receiver. , Dr. P. W. Houghton and L. R. Hynes returned last evening from the Pacific coast after an abaeneo dating from Feb ruary X. Mrs. Houghton and Mrs. Hypes, a no preceneo tneir nivoanas to tne coast by aeveral weeks, remained at Long Beach and will -not return until the un certain March get Into a more tractable mood. Tbey reported a very pleasant time. - .. . ; After little more thaa a week's Illness from pneumonia Knv Hlers. sged IT years, died yesterday at th home of hi father, William liters. .'!' Avenue H. On ac count of the flood of water aurrounding the home ths body waa removed to. Cut ler a. where rrietiss way take the fare well view today. Tha funeral will be held on Thuraday afternoon at I o rlock at tha l.pworth MethiHiist cnurch. Twenty-fifth street nd Avenu B. Owing to tb almost im passage con dition of th roads and the unpaved streets workr of filling the deep hole that ts being transformed Into a public playground had to be suspended yesterdsy sfternoon. Tha work is about half finished and will be completed- aa soon as tha weather permits. Although about II of th money on Jand haa beeu ex Wlltiam 8. Fisher, owner of ths nool hsll on Sixteenth avenue, which wa frequented by Papet and others before they received penitentiary eentences, waa fined Ive and. coats for allowing minors to pisy In the saloon. Panst and Kerns both being minors. When Fisher waa first arrested on tha charge of violating tna city and stste law hs put up a bond for tldO, and through an error thia was declared to have been tha amount of hta fine. In addition to hla fine, however, hla license haa been revoked and Chief of Polk Froom aay It will not be re newed. . . ' Th - funeral of Mrs. Msbelle Bvana Cornell waa held yesterday afternoon at tna residence, uuu sixth avenue. The service were conducted by Hev. T. J, Mackay. . pastor of All Salnta' church. Omaha. Mr. t'ornell ia general auperln tendent of Lialon Paclflo terminate In Council Bluffs and Omaha. The funeral waa largely attended by Union Paclflu officials and employee. The pallbearer were all official off th company, Lon Kendall, G. II. Ukert, W. P. Campbell, F. W. Sclioulan, T. U i Wight and li. H. Larsen. Tha floral offerinxa were expressively beautiful. Mrs. Robert Mullls sang "Rock of Ages ' and "Lead Kindly. Liaht." Burial waa fn Walnut Hltruieraetery,' Her th Iter. John Balcom Shaw. IX v,, vi viucaao, at tne nrai rrcaoyienaJi church Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I p. m, and 3:ii p. m. At tha Nicholas Theater tram U: to UM p. m. ueorg r. Clatterbuck. tha young man who pleaded guilty to tha grand Jury indictment charging him with forgery and was sentenced to an Indeterminate term of five years, and Albert Custln, who pleaded guilty to three Indictments charg ing burglary and freight car robberies and got ten years, were taken to Ana mora but niKht by Deputy Sheriff Leucn. Both were young enough to com well within th Isw limiting th age for puniehment In the state reformatory in stead of th penitentiary. . RaUwayCompany ..Dynamites Gorge Although ln as aseasure raapenafble tor it or llabl for any damag that might ensua,'th street railway company, offic ial -undertook last night prevent what was threatening f,oo a disastrous flood near th mouth of Mosquito, creek east ot Manawa. A big tea forge .had formed above tb wagon bridge and th water wa spreadms; ant over 'the aur rounding country at a a alarming rata. Train crews oa th Manawa Una reported th altaatloa to- Paramaa Henderson, and be Immediately ''took a large new of th matter, aad prepared to .break th gorge by th us of dynamite. ' A work car was sent .ta Florence)- for a supply of, ' dynamite, and Foreman Henderson called apoa Sherman Hum phrey ta designate some person capable of using 1L .'Ma. Selected Jake Bet hers, wh aided pirn ta tha attempt to raise th body of Horac B. , Fallen In tb Missouri river last aummer. - Th dyna mite ear wa ' run to Manawa with a aafa craw In charge af Track Foreman Cottmier, and preparation mad to clear th channel, . Th water la Mosquito creek aross yes terday afternoon with great rapidity, and at dusk tn' stream waa flowing al most bank full. Huge sections ot tb submerged tea were constantly popping up,- aad th danger at -a gorge wars great at many places. Considerable of tha lea lodged oa aoma of th piling on tba site. of ths dam. which ad bean opened to admit th, water ef tV creek tnt th lake, but this was ra nV man ner reason si use for. 4)1 formation a! tna gorge above tb bridge. ' J Marrtaa Ucwaaea. Marriage licenses were Issued yewterday x th foUowtng named peraor.s. Nanvs aad Addresat Age. A. L. Hecykell. Neerport, Kr..i. ........a-" Anna MoOuIra, Hortoa. Kaa... Fred L. Heatoe, Omaha- ,.,.........B Mary Ann Bergotd, Omaha.. Ji P. N. Johnson. Gael. Mo ; Mary rorsyta. Getter. Is 27 Oscar A. Carlaon, Wausa. Neb 27 Augusta J. Job neon. Lincoln. Neb I TAX 6FFICERS IN CONYENTIOH " Talnatioa of Property Discussed by Experts at Ses Koines. FSZSIDT SYSTEM IS DEFICTIYE Men Wh Managed Campaign far Saffragettea Withdraw frwna Par tlelaattaa . Senator Care Talks few Wllsea. iTrom a Staff CorrespondenL) DES MOINES, la.. March 2a. IHpeclal Telegram.) Th state tax convention met her today wHh about W person pres ent, pursuant to a call Issued by the governor and member of th Mate tax commission, to consider plan for revision of th assessment laws of the state. Governor Carroll-welcomed the conven tion and Chairman M. H. Cohen ot the commission outlined tn work being don to prepare legislation for changes In taxing method. Tba chairman stated tb commission desire th advtc of all th people ot th atate as to what should be done. Addresses were delivered by A. D. Davison, eecretary ef the atate executive council. -and J. E. Brindley, secretary of tb commission. Mr. Blind ley declared that th "present system put such a penalty oa efficiency that aaaessore cannot make fair and honest returns of property." . , - Ho declared that on of th failures of tha present system in Iowa 1 found In th fact that It lacks proper admin istration. "Under th present system," he said, "the local assessor cannot do bla duty and If hs doe the tow a pay double th taxation it ought to." He said that th present decentralised system re sults In under-valuatlon ot property and Inequality of assessments. He showed that property I assessed at about one- eighth of Its real value, which results In exorbitant rate. . . , (eeartr Work Defeaded. Pecretary Davleon of th state exec. tlve council defended th work of that body sitting sa a board of review and showed that ita work had been done aa well as It can possibly be don under th present system. eemoel T. Howe, chafrmaa ot th Kansas tax commission, outlined th work of that commission and what It has ac complished. Kx-Congreasroan W, B. Fuller of Fayette county waa mad per manent chairman ot the convention. He and other look atrong ground In favor of maintaining local control over assess ments and taxation. - N , .Women t Manas Campalara. Another Interesting turn was given the controversy between th men suffragettes and th female suffragettes In Ion today when tha men'a league resolved upon abandoning any independent effort at making campaign and determined upon following the women's political equality club. At the same time th men' league declared the office of secretary vacant and ousted H. a. On from th place. They also requested their member of the Joint committee co-operating with th women to withdraw and to take no part In th management of the campaign. The understanding la that tha men. while tbey will continue to work tor votes for th women, will simply leave the manaa- aiant ef the . campaign wholly to th wenMn. Gere Talka ter Wllsea. Senator Gore of Oklahoma spoke at a mas meeting of democrat her tonight In th Interest of Wood row Wilson for president. Owing to th storm, th at tendance waa light, but be pok to a crowd of enthusiastic Wilson supporters. Members of the WUsoa committee from out ever the state declared that there 1 no doubt Wilson wHI carry Iowa. Iowa mediately caught fire, and before Wad, who. was a passenger, could be reached he waa dead. - ILLINOIS CENTRAL TRAINS COLLIDE AT CHARLES CITY CHARLES CTTT, la.. March XX-In a' collision between two Illinois Central freight train In which th caboose of one of. them caught fire, Walter Wade.' whoa residence la 'unknown, wa burned to death today. A northbound freight 1 Into tna rear and of th other train. which was standing on tb main Un near the depot The caboose of the latter lm- 9 Tin Gi v-? voice Every woman's heart respond to tha charm and sweetness ot baby's Toice, becauae nature intended her tor motherhood. . Sat even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a Um la usually a, period of suffertnf and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering; and their systems, being thoroughly prepared by this crest remedy, are In a healthy condition to meet tha time with tha least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend Is recommended only for tha relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it la ia no aense a remedy tor various ills, but Us many. yeas, of success, and the thousands ot endorsements re ceived from women who hare used it are a guarantee ot tha benefit to be derived from Ita use. This remedy doe not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect Its work. Mother's friend allaya causes, prs rents caking ot 444 , the breasts, and llinlnlrx la every way V T motherhood. Mother Friend la aold at drug store. ' Write tor our free book for expectant mothere. aXUffiriD KIGUUT01 CO., Aihsea, Ca. ntertea Given Life Versa. SAC CITT. Is.. March a-SpecuU.)-Roy Mertens, Indicted for murdering1 James and Mat hew White, will serve the rest of his life In prison. After deliberat ing for only twenty-two minutes the Jur last night found him guilty of murder in the first degrees and recommended n Uf e term. , Traffic Cripple at lewa City. SIOUX CITT. Ia., March 'al.-One of tha aeverest snow storm of tb winter I ragin- today. Railroad and street car traffic is crippled. lewa Nefwr etes. GLENWOOD-T assist in getting a good corn stand in Muts county Superin tendent George Masters haa etarted the Rag-baby" corn test in ths county scholia- GLEN" WOOD An estimate ot the fruit trees that will be put out In the neigh borhord In the vicinity of Glen wood In Ml. is 1.0M acre. Tb Glenwood clubs offer of three premiums aggregating It for the largest acreage will help th suc cess till planters. GLKNWOOD-Mills county will give three rhautauquaa during the aummer of 191L Glenwood and Malvern have old associations. The latest city In the county to snnounos th meeting I Hast ings, th dates being earlier than th other, from th Mth to &d of June. GLENWOOD Ot la Allla ot. Western ' 1 Iowa " I Mill had an unfortunate mishap. He waa In hi nog yarn oea - against th fork Blabbing the eye with the broken handle, Tb other eye being . defective make the injury doubly serious. Mr. AU1 wa th first white child born in Nebraska. GLENWOOD On next Saturday tie clerks and road supervisors will meet In . Glenwood, th object of the meeting the general good ef the county road. Din ner will be arranged for them under the auspices of th Glenwood Commercial club. Hon. Lafe Young will abort address open th subject ot "Good Roads." : .' i GLENWOOD-D. W. Munn wi 1 ar- rested In Council Bluff and brought to Glenwood by Sheriff Bushnell. The prisoner s father-in-law. Hugo Mencbeil. of Hastings signed hi bond and be waa released. Munns waa indicted by the Mil la county grand Jury- for obtaining money under false pretense, the charge being preferred by th Malvern bank of Malvern.. Munns mortgaged some . horses and mule to th bank and hs is charged with not owning the stock whea the mortgage was given. , rsA-altare Balldlaa Barns. SIOUX CITT. Ta.. March aX-Flr to- , night caused by tne burning out of aa lectrie wire fuse, destroyed the Iindr eotra Furniture company, a four-story . brick building st th corner of Fifth aad and Douglas streets, cs using a loss et -fl&ooc. insurance If any. not known, r Th Davenport Cleaning company and th Bloux City Journal wer slightly i damaged by water. Strong Healthy Women U a weasea is treef and healthy ia a weaesnly way, seetn arheeej mesne to her bet littl tunering. Th treuM lint ia tb iaot that the atawy wesnea t after from wsakacas aad dieesie at the distinctly feaaiaia swgaaseai sad srs ewAttsw ter nvocbarnood. This can be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Care th weakaeeees aad dtseraera ef wsasa. I it acta darecely ass the dettaate awat ssssirtit -rgeae aonesrnsd ia naotbsrawed. sasshsf tfceaa heaitbye strong, vigerews. of weavn km "Favwrfi Prsseriptioa" baaiihet tba iadiapesitieas oi tae period of expects acy and auk baby' advent easy aad 1 alsaoet painless. It Slackens aad ritalis th twaiiaia erxm, aad aatnr a healthy aad robwrt baby. Thousand tas rifted to it msrveious sssrits. It make Wms- Womtm Stnag. U Make Skk Womem Wtlt. Honest draf (iiu do not after susatitutss, aad art tkaan apoa yoa ss ' jutt as good. " Aeaept a secret arraa ia place af this aea-wrrst rewiedy. . it seataias net a drop of alcohol sad eat a graia of habit-forniinf ar tajsrfosa drugs. Is s par flyctrio extract at healing, astiv Americsn rooti. - - - m HPVERY woman may have a bead cf beautiful. eloaay hair; and she can keep it or restore It ttv Its oricpuu narunu color, vy ugm( , - Q-Baii Hair Restorer. PI bar ta mind wedo sot claim that Q-Baa Hair Restorer wO grow hair and ar know k will not Dye or Col of hah-. Bnt. It srUlcae, toinly pottbe cal p in perfect cotxlitkai quieksr than any other toilet prepa ration on th marks. After this ia aocotnnlsihed. a Ulu O-RAN HAIR eiuiis voTTvcriy appueu win xaerp tne scalp nve. heart try and Sill of vtfos, and aarur KaelwOl krinar back the rich, Itjatren, natural abaxJa that caryssa nS baa destroy sd. . . Q-a Bear giilinrswflriiliM a ' ' t'l 11 tesafs. Fifty aas par Uttk. . SPSCIAL NOTfCX-A ssetsl card la sack ssdtsge eatHlea yea te s series ef ilhiatrate letluiee es tbs Cere esd wesnaeat et seat ass srslp.- TbeeslartaraaerersUef serai latonasnes. ss win eav yssx Sea aad rear 7. a sate ia gat taeex. HESSlCrCLLU DRUG CO lrvsanzbia.TsaR, i ' HAVE YOU READ IT? Tn Adler-l-k book, telling now yoa can EA8ILT guard asalnst appendicttta JI and get INSTANT relief from constlpe-! I tloa or gas oa the stomach, fas being read with much Interest by Omaha people. It la liven away free by Sherman A McCon neil Drug Co, Cor. Mth and Dodge. Cor. Mth and Harney. Cor. Mth and Faraata and 17 North Mth Et. Cough Hard? Co To Your Doctor Stopcoujihing! Coughing nisps and tears. Stop it! Coughing pre pares the throat and lungs for more trouble. Stop tt! There is nothmgsobadrbr acoxtghcc4ighini Stop it I Ayer s UierTT Pectoral k a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doctor! i me idne. Use it! Ask voor doctor if this is not good advice. tfHter Pacific Coast Round Trip Fares ?ia Rock hlud Lises TO Sia Fraicoct L Aiftlet Sia Dit.i FROM Omabi Cobhc9 Blaffs Lincola Imi Trip Fares DATES OF SALE Aprti er Kay 1 te a Jma IS -a S As, as $55.00 Daily Jane lit to Sept. 30th 160.00 TtKtarer, Partlui Seattle B.C. BATES OF SALE BtarlSbslT ljaay SttaSS rawsSteS XalylssS Jmly 11 U aia k 14 Ss IS $55.00 Daily June 1st to Sept 30th 560.00 Ctlifonua Tit Partlui Oie Wa; . DATES OF SALE A.tTwS0 star 1 ta S but late it any srassa raastte fane IS te SO Jaae ST as a aTaly lseg July 11 ts it ag. sat as L IB L lata IS $70e00 v-:i I svtauj June .1st to Sept. 30th $75.00 Daily Stulirl ui Tiarist FiUaii Strricc ta Ctlifon'a Faints ria' Set lie Calaraaa vitb Caaict si Tra Kostei. Exctlleat Serricc ts Cililiri'a Fats is alts aHarie. ria 1 Fm-Ssetkeri Kaste. Diaii Car Serrkc all tkt Way Low One Way Fares March 1st to April 15th . m nxaa KWLknm.au. nnnt J. S. McNALLY, D.P.A. 1322 Farsam Street