Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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bribe: city news
X aYSSt TztMt It,
'ft V. Bedford Coal,
ho. W. Uekbura f at nynn Ad.
Attrtt for city eornmlaelooer.
7 A. Balsa. Mater, lit 8. 1. D.J1M.
KMtri Warming rasa. Burgass
Crudta Company.
& Tackar, republican candidal for
mate. Bell phone "FUireoe HS."-Adv.
Chose Blgat E. A. Bn
on baa ben selected by tho Real Enau
exchange as IU delegat to the Lake Me
koak peace conference at Laka Mohock.
N. T., next summer.
Kyats Talk ta Bsalty .Mea F. H.
Myers of th Beneos Vl,e.s company
will address th Baa Estate exchange
next Wednesday on "increased Produc
Uoa ot Gold ard Increased Raal Estate
Xdaa Sits Jim Witt a Brick Edna
Taylor aa fined tt and costs in police
court yesterday for bouncing a brick
off I ha head of Jim Blaln. Ha started
oat to look for his sweetheart. A boat
tha aarae time Edna started looking for
Jim. Tha search lasted until 1 o'clock
whea they met. Jim asked Edna where
ah had been and Edna responded with
an accurate aim. ;
Walls Breaks Bis Ana Jack W. Walla
an employe of Petrte Bros. Moving
company, bpoke bis left arm while mov
ing a steal eoiumn la the street railway
company power bouse at Fourth and
Jones streets. Wells was carrying the
steel when he stepped Into an ash pit
and fell. Ha was taken to his home,
li Sprint street, after having tha bone
st at police headquarters.
Creightoa Boy So t BestThe body
ot John Lowe, tha CYelghtoo university
student who died early Monday morning
has beea laid at rest In Holy Sepulchre
cemetery. Requiem high mass waa eele.
1 brated at St. John's church, while Bay.
Albert Wise, the Instructor ot tha de
ceased, delivered an eloquent address,
Tha freshman claas of which Lowe was
a member, accompanied the body to Its
last resting place, six ot their number
acting as pallbearers. Tha students
ot the department of arta attended th
funeral services In a body. This Is th
second death m tha freshman class dur
ing tha present year, Ren Choquett
having died In January.
Thomas Sheraton
Leaves His Mark
in Furniture World
Thomas Chattartoa was one of Eng
land's greatest poetic geniuses. Thomas
Dmiwvn was auiuuier bmim senilis
who, though he has left no masterpieces
that came from bis pen, has bequeathed
a pathetlo similarity In the careers of
these two Thomases. Cbattenon wat
down to London to meet neglect, to face
starvation, and. finally, to take bis own
Ufa. Sheraton did not commit suicide,
but neglect and hardship war his lot.
From his birthplace at Stockton-on-Tees
be want to London la his early manhood.
For some years b earned a precarious
living by writing, teaching and painting.
.Finding at last, that at would b neces
sary Jot aim to do something or starve,
be bsnams a designer; ol furniture, and
earn under th Influence ot Robert and
dames Adam, two of the notable figures
la the furniture world during the latter
part ot tha lghtath century.
By their ctoee adhtrenea to claaslo
traditions and through their success In
Interpreting claaslo details, tha Adam
brothers mad themselves dominant as
teaahers ot tha architectural and deco
rative arts. Sheraton, under their Influ
ence and tutelage, developed a degree of
artistic skill that entitles him to rank
with, it not abort, them. But. like many
another genius, he was compelled to leave
tt ta posterity to discover hi greatness.
Us lived la poverty and died neglected.
Sheraton' wonderful cleverness mani
Vested Itself moat forcefully In hi deco
rative schemes. He Is known a a color
poet, swing to th ability he possessed to
use highly colored woods aa a painter
vses pigments. Marquetry and Inlay were
shsea as the chief mediums ef his deco
rative fancies, although ha occasionally
those a carved wreath.
In Share ton furniture there la a charm
and refinement which cause one to won
Bar how th people of hla, own time hap
pened to overlook his importance and
leave It to later generations to accord
to him the honorable place he occupies
in furniture history.
Births and Deaths.
Blrtha-Axel and Kathalla Wickenberg.
1174 South Thirteenth. boy: Carl and Buby
Field. 41D Isard. girl. 1
Deaths Mrs. Minnie N. Allyn. 87 years,
SHU Spencer; Collins C. Cores, tt years,
Bra Collins: Ethel Close, S3 years. Twenty-ninth
and Dewey avenue; Stanllaw
IBerpan, T day a J2M South Fourteenth;
John J. Lowe, B years, 2118 Cass; James
Christie, ia years, Pendleton, Ore.
Roosevelt Failure
Keeps Goss Out of
Eace for Congress
Failure of the Kooaevelt tidal wave ta
materialise accounts for Ik absence ot
Charles A. Goes from th fight for the
republican nomination for congress In
this, th Second district. Th contest
will, now be waged la triangular form
between the three Be Ben Jam in a Baker.
Howard H. Baldrlg and Thomas W.
Black burn every on of whom la a mem
ber ot th Tsft club. A little while ago
tt was proposed to bring out Mr. Ooss as
a distinctly candidate, and ha expressed
himself publicly as ta a receptive mood.
and privately as making hla determina
tion rest sav th reception gva th
Kooeevelt boem. His failure to file.
therefore, la takes to meaa that la hi
judgment Roosevelt could hot rill him
acroe. ..i
The Wonderful New Method
of Food Digestion
A- - - This latest dlscov
ery as soon as well
k n o w a will mark
the end of stomach
St trouble.
, 8pruc-Pepe(s Tab-
i - lets digest your food
' a like Nature's self.
Suffer no longer
e with Indigestion,
av " constipation and
eSJae -aassksoiir aafty stomach.
Hpruee-Pepsin Tab
lets are a perfect
tatonach substitute.
Send for free earn-
esi pie and booklet of
a - ,i . . i. i
11WUI1U1 ii .11 . .
Spruce Tablet
Regular sties at the following drug stores:
nerauta r. McCesaslI Brag Star,
Owl Bras- Steve, Barvard Fharmacy,
. Loyal rasrmecy, Omasa.
, Some sf th healthiest men and women
lit Omaha are great enter of "Minnesota-
macaroni and spaghetti. Many people
who never cared for these foods be fore
are delighted with th raw. aut-llka fuv
Vjr of "Minnesota" mecarocd and spa-
. . i. i h . m miiii a he
tar a family will feel by eating more of
Itbeae foods sad less meat
. Oood macaroni and spaghetti are (he
(best and moat nourishing foods known.
.They ans fine for children -making their
'fcedles strong and healthy. But It yon
nit UU rich, nut-like flavor be sure
hod get the de-clous "Minnesota" brsad
gnacaroai or spaghetti maoe rrora to
ICaaat Northern Durum wheat, with all
tha aeurlsalng Ota test left ta. . It la easily
lllcested and never gets iosjt. AU good
Omaha grocers sell It.
Kiceteea for State Senate, Fortj-
Light for tot House.
City Preecwator Dteklaaoa Bad taaa-
dlaaaa Sehraeeler Leav Cassaala
aleua Track ta Seek Ceeaty -
asalltar Haaaea.
Tea repoMlesns have filed for th
state senate and nine democrats. Twenty
nine republicans and nineteen democrats
have tiled tor th bouse. Flv senators
and twelve representative are ta he
elected. Three senatorial aspirants and
eleven candidates for representative
hosed under th wire Just before the
tilings dosed Tuesday arteraoon. Four
new candidate for county attorney also
paid their t and declared themselves la
the race, and several would-be city com
missioners likewise added their names to
tha list already In. Following are the
filings mad Tuesday i
Stat Rearcseatatlva.
Nels J. Anderson, H. B. Fleharty.
Harry W. Cowduroy.John C. Kelpln.
Joe J. K as par, John F. Mori arty.
t . ljeonara -sack, incest atcuonougn,
Frank C Yates.
1. B. Brain.
Robert C. aJrueaedow, .
Stat Seaatsr.
D. C. Patterson.
John hi. Macfarlaad.
Ceaaty Attsraey.
C. W. brltt. Joel W. West.
Charles Dickinson.
Julius C Cuoley,
Ceaaty rommlaaluaer,
Fred M. Bchroeder,
E. K. Bralley, Dan Horrigan.
F, D. Weed, WUllam P, Lynch,
Pity Cammtaalaaer.
John D. Park, George B. DybalL,
Charles T. Dickinson, who has bow filed
for county attcrnsy, has takea out a pe
tition for city commissi mer. Fred u-
Schroeder, present councllmaa ot th
seventh ward and an' announced
candidate tor city commissioner, bow be
comes a candidate for county commuv
sumer. Blxty-twa candidates for ths
seven city commlssloaahlps have already
Denver Grain Men
, Have Engaged Hine
U C. Hine, who haa been with the
Omaha Oraln exchange eight years, sad
for six years assistant chief Inspector,
has accepted a poaltlon aa chief Inspec
tor and welghtmaster at tna new Denver
Oraln exchange, and will go ta take up
his new duties aa March M.
A. r. Krus. tor seven years with th
exchange, has ban appointed by Chief
Inspector Powell to tb Dlaos left vacant
by Mr. HUM'S resignation and Nichols
Kehoa has beea advanced to th posi
tion of deputy Inspector.
Tb Denver exchange, now In progress
of organisation, la modeled after th
Omaha exchange, a commute from Den
ver . having been here recently ta tn
lnrestlgai the workings of ths local
market. All Omaha grain men who have
western business are Interested la th
success of th exchange, and It was
Chief Inspector Powell who recommended
bis best mea for toe new posltlea.
Ure Has Plan for
Joining the City
and County Taxes
Bator th Real Estate exebang yester
day County sad City Treasurer W. O. Ure.
outlined a plan tor th consolidation ot
city and county taxes, which he said
would be a convenience for taxpayers.
In allowing them to pay all taxes st one
time, b would sav th county money by
aaakuieT It possible to pay cash to con
tractors and would cut the tore ta th
treasurers office nearly In halt.
At present, with lbs assessment made
early In the spring, tha county board has
no money to work with after coming Into
office, until personal taxes become de
linquent la December, end not much
money until realty taxes are due the
following June. Mr. Ure would mov th
assessment forward Into September or
October and th money would aome in
th spring, whea most needed, snd each
succeeding county board would have
money to work with sll through Its
term, Ths payment ot county taxes could
be mad to eotadd with lb tins of pay
meat of city taxes, aa now Cxed.
Th plan would nerceeitat county
assessment twice for th first year of
the plan a operation, or to obviate this,
th assessment could be moved toreward
three month the first year and three
months th second ysar.
Ths Real Estate - exchange endorsed
th proposttloa and delegated th legis
lative committee to outline a plan of
action, which must be ststs wide, as
legtalatur enactment Is necessary to
make th change.
Bell System Makes
Big Growth in Year
NEW YORK. March JS. -Growth ot the
Bell system Is shows oencretsly In th
I annual report ot the American Telephone
land Telegraph company for Oil, made
pabllo tonight.
It Indicates an Increase of TO.W sta
tions, making .CC3 In all st the end
ot tb year, ot these iliMM were operated
by connecting companies.
Wire mileage haa beea Increased t
aesrly 11.000, ml lee,, ever halt ot It
aodar ground. Net earnings for tha year
are given as t&XUtS, aa Increase at
flBaiea over ithV
United States Attorney F. & Howell
already haa begun preparing hla cass
for ths federal grand Jury, which con
venes In April. The first stibnoenss were
given to United State Marshal Warner
this morning and will be served Imme
diately so th witnesses will not have
time to leave ths Jurisdiction ot the
Omaha court.
Four ot ths subpoenas will be Issued
to Omaha women proprietors ot rooming
Besides ths customary Indictments
against person tor Introducing liquor oa
government Indian iwasrvattona It Is said
ther may be a number ot Indict meats
for whit sis very.
indictment against proprietors ot small
hotels and rooming bouses la Omaha for
selling liquor without licenses snd for
refusing t take ut licenses when found
selling tt also are expected.
Robert Franklin Smith ot 3d Dodge
street, the latest democratic entry tor
ths United States senate, a member
sf th firm ot Bradley, Merrtam A Smlin,
Implement dealer In Council Bluff.
Whil not generally known as a political
worker, Mr. Smith has always taken sa
active Interest ta aemocratlo affairs and
once was a candidal for ths school board
oa tha democrstlo ticket H dcktre
b kt la tn race to stay and will make
aa actlv campaign.
Word corns tnat W. IT. Huntar, famil
iarly known as "Harry" Hunter, who
has worked' on Th Be la vsrlous ca
pacities, has just located at Tacoma
where he has acquired aa Interest Id th
Tacoma Tribune Sine h left Th Bee
a few years ago Mr. tluntar has been In
editorial charge of ths Plonr-Pra at
St Paul.
Balldlafe malts.
Olson Bros.. Mil Leavenworth, store.
P.); Peter Frenier. lull Capitol avenue.
brick resioenca, ,,
Club is in Pursuit
of Likely Members
Careful preparations are being mad for
tb Commercial crab membership com
mittee's big "round up'' ot new mem
bers, to hut all through next week and
by which It is expected to bring the total
membership up to lJsaX To do this a
harvest of sixty new members will hare
ta b garnered each day for six days.
Letters are being sent to each member
ot ths dub, enclosing a list of UOO sllg
lbla and asking him to get busy snd
secure ths applications ot some at the
men. Th letters are going sat la series
ot 100, each series being signed Person
ally by two mea prominent la Commer
cial club work.
These letters will be followed by mora,
enclosing membership buttons, which
each member Is x peeled to wear on bis
lapel next week.
la additlaa t aa adJrass by Prof. aV
A. Ross ot ths University ot Wisconsin,
already announced, tha Conrmerdal club
will hear aa address by A. M. Kltngman.
efficiency engineer ot tha Adama-Begnail
Electrto company, Clvlaad. O., at tb
pubue attain committss's luncheon Sat
urday noon. His subject will be "Ad
quata Street Lighting a a Business Investment.''
"Workmen's Compensation snd Em
ployer Liability" will be discussed by
ths Omaha Manufacturers' association at
a spectsi dinner snd meeting to be held
In th Hcnahaw rathskeller next Tuesday
evening. Thr will b several speaker
and a number of mea outside th asso
ciation have been Invited.
Chief Bright Wires Hit Share to Bo
to Kit. Blunt
rissa Says lie Had No Thaacht at
th Money While Cassia th
EaeaplasT aadtta tar
Msay MUas.
la a telegram received yesterday morning
from Chicago. Chief ot Police . John
Briggs announced that be would turn
Ms shara of th reward over to Mrs. Roy
Blunt, the young wife of the men who
waa killed during the battle with the
Before leaving South Omaha Chief
Brtgga Intimated that h would eed hi
claim to Mrs. Blunt and his telegram
wss no surpria to his friends here.
At no time wss Briggs actuated by a
deelra to win th reward. Thla wss ap
parent Monday evening when he returned
t th city after the fight. "How much
will you receive, soma on naked the
chief, "Why, I had not thought of that,"
said Briggs.
Missouri Eiver
i. is Full of Booze
Han I teuton was appointed by Judge
roster to destroy several hundreds sf
gallons of bear snd whisky which has ac
cumulated at the poltrs atstloo, Th work
ot dumping tht liquid Int the river
started at t ystrday aftsmeoa. Thar
war almost a hundred cases st seer,
over two soars barrsla ot beer - and
whisky and boilera, tubs, baskets snd
loos bottle, filled with thr Intexloenta
which were ta b destroyed. No arte ap
peared In court yesterday to claim any
ot ths liquor.
Ezra Meeker Drives
Ox Team Over Trail
Ears sleeker. Oregon trail pathfinder
and fd-yaar-old pioneer, drove his ox
team into Omaha yesterday oa hX
second visit, th first being mads la UN.
Using th asm ax team with which be
has traveled over t.000 miles Mr. Meeker
Is bow mapping th trail be followed to
th golden west ta 1M1-U, whea h raft
his horn tn Indlanapoll m a prajrt
schooner on his honeymoon trip.
Fir Chief Salter has received a reso
lution from th city council of Florence
thanking tha Omaha Fir departaxnt
for Its strident work la fighting th
fir la Florence, March t.
Marries Ussaaes.
Hsmsts to wed hav been granted th
following couple:
Name and Andreas. Ags.
Sidney C. He man, Cereeco. Neb H
Iflldur C Bwaaaon. Ceraaoo, Nek........ 17
Victor S-wanaon, Wahoo, Nb M
Slgna Kail, Omeah M
Nat IL Chrlsmsa, Neola, la
Edith F, Asqullh, Harlan. la al
Ralph W. Copeahsrve, South Omaha... ti
Luct M. Rain. South Omaha
Onuwppe fire. Omaha l
Maria lnrerra, Omaha
Low Bates to Peclfle Coast.
Effective vntll April 14. Specially low
rales will ha ii. effect to points In Weet
ern Canada, Washington, Idaho and
Oregon, via ths Canadian Pacific Ky.
Particulara on application to Geo. A.
Walton, Oeneral Agent, I!4 Booth Clark
Street, Chicago. ,
Safeguarding City Cash Bairn
Enmpni Before Council.
Declares Propeejed Ordlaaac for
Jelat Deswsltory as "Kid's Play"
Street Car Speed May Ba
Tha question ot safeguarding oaah sad
securities heed by City Treasurer Ure
raised a rumpus la th council last sight
whea aa ordinance providing tor a joint
depository to which th treasurer should
hsv access only la ths presence of th
comptroller was Introduced.
Councilman Lee Bridges voiced his ob
jection In p.ain sad picturesque profanity.
"It la kid's play. Nothing else. If I waa
Mr. Ure. I'd com up bar and tell you
fellows to go straight to snd ssy it
In clear English.
"You're trying to reflect dlcrd.t on
Mr. L'r. Ills bond covers th securities
he holds. 1 re never talked with him
about thla We differ politically and pe
sonsily and haven't much us tor each
ether, but such proceedings as thee an
an outrage.
"Mr. Chairman. Bridges to talking about
something of which he know very lit
tie, apparently. Th flnaac committee
examined Into thla and ths legal depart
ment drew th ordinance. It la business.
I will ask Assistant City Attorney Lam
bert to explain." aald Sheldon.
But Councilman Sheldon's request waa
sot granted for Bridges rose up vehe
mently to assart, "you think you r play
Ing politics. Why didn't you think of
this six years, ago. whsn th sam
conditions existed? Why is It of such
vsst Importance st th vry last mluuwt
Why try to belittle a man? I tell you
It's aa
"Commute of th whole."
Judgs Berks succeeded la silencing th
Irate councllmaa and tho ordinance waa
postponed tor discussion to th meeting
sett Monday, ,'
Mr. Ufa's communication' to th coun
cil stating that soma change la th
method ot Issuing street Improvement
district bonds waa acctaary, was not
road but waa referred to th committee
of th whol, pending a reply now being
prepared by City Comptroller Cos grove
An ordinance for a two years" snxtsn
sloa ot ths contract with tha lctrte
light company was plsoed on til.
Councilman Bridges Introduced a reso
lution asking ths city attorney to read
up on bis law and find out it ther were
any provision to prevent tn street car
company from throwing th snow from
It tracks Ints hug pile la th middle
ot th street on either sld.
Aa erdlnaos reguiaUtuJ the speed of
street .ear la that part ot tha city
beuaded by Twelfth. Sixteenth. Leaven
worth and Cuming streets waa referred to
ths cssnrsittss of ths whol. Tb ordi
naries restrict th speed In this district
snd aver viaducts to ten mil par hour
snd la athsr parts at ths city to fifteen
mil per hour, as strsat oar to approach
within less than fifty feet st another
ear. Th ordinance was referred to the
ceearalUee st th whol.
A contract waa authorised to b entered
Int with Wllllkm D. Marks, expert phy
steal appraiser! who will appraise the
property of th (as company. ,
Street Commissioner Flynn was In
structed to us It s mors par month In
cleaning streets if It wad necessary. -
M. F. Funkhouser submitted a com
munication from Lysis Abbott saying the
telephone company ho controls would
make sa attempt to answer ths question
of a pecisl commute from tho sounoll
appointed a saves Us sis rates, but that
It would tab some Urns, Tn Utter was
placed oa til.
HAMMOND, Ins., March 10. Men with
tenaa are aalna ta nar mar tor
their shaves la thla town, or shavs them
selves, say tb barber.
It Is thus explained:
Men working In ths concrete plant her
get their beards full of fins cement dust
ui-iiB thee narsnlr and then CO out
Into th open air, avlaysr ot concrete
form oa their skis woicn t not eai
..i.ta ti nwmti tha efflcieacv of s
dellcst edged rasor nor yet the pa
tience of tns career.
Unto th edict against stows faces.
The Change from Cof fee "and Tea tb
Uoya Willis.' tbs architect, has pur
chased tha sast halt ot tns block on
Park avenue between Dewey avenue and
Harasy street, and 1 going to erect a
taaAW apartment house. Tns property
waa bought for totOW. Ths apartment'
will a built em th same order as th
Beaton house, and will comfortably turns
eut fanrlllea i ' "
Braided by Staeua
scalded be- a fir, apply Buckiesi's
Arnica Salve, Cures pile, too, snd the
worst sotss. Oearsrrtee. Only B. For
sal by Beaton Lrug Cs. .
WZZ-XkJT WSs.VJBr e-si -v
r,-ja .r.-TT
MZ-,J? ...: ".n ,sv . ,
ifmm Luciiy Uiange
ILWMLW t : . .a.
. :1ilv.''.,X lf Haasiai ...
mm! .
wrocg. '
If cc&ct and tes are found to cEsagiXs a
ten days trial of Postum AckM pot 70a
on the way to bealih and cocdott
Poshim it a pure twd-dimk made of
wheat, and is absolutely tree from caffeine
the drug in coffee and tea. Postum has
a dark, rich color and the taste much re-
vsemhles that of mild, hii-grade Java.
Pctuxn b a rebuilder.
"There's a Reason"
lit Pi
Tw aTaadrvd Thsaaaad Womaa Made Sappy With This aTew sTaowlsdre Throagb
a Copy of This Bemerkasle ook, "WIIOalT KEDUOTIOal wrTal
OUT DaVOS." Isnt This Coavlnotag Kvlasac aa to Its Talast
Bee ate Bier I
I Lossed aa rat as aa Oa Ssfor X
msdaood My rat
m jot or riniro ta raa kzbit.
avos or Tata lbast, 1 was
My friends war charitable and they
called It oselty othrs referred to mo
ss being Biol T. but 1 know, It was Just
plain bulky weight. I was miserable
you, too, are equally miserable If you are
too stout.
To reduce your weight you must find
the causa, you must get at the very reason.
waa bast
Before I succeeded. 1 tried everything
within, reason and aome things beyond
It waa maddening disgusting.
All I hsd to do was to remove th cause.
and I swear under oath, that by my sim
ple method, without drugs, medicine,
harmful eaerriees, or starvation diet. I
reduced my weight 37 pounds in five
weeka, and guarantee that 1 ran do the
same for you. I do not use medicine of
any kind or worthless stuff to rub on the
body, but a stmpl horn treatment; even
a child ran use ft without harm. Through
thla marvelous combination tiern treat
ment, I succeeded because I hsd found
the rleht wav. 1 can now climb to the
summit of Pike' Peak with ease. I could
not do that until 1 na taaen oil si
pounds of my ponderous weight.
If you sr interested in your own hap
piness and health and figure, you will
permit me to tali you how to reduce your
weight "Natures Way."
It is astonishing ths thousands of grate
ful letter I am receiving. J. K Roiselle.
Fms 423, (treat Read, Kansas, wntea that
ha mat fifty sounds with my harm leas
treatment. W. L. Schmlts, Montevideo,
Minnesota, lost thirty pounds In thirty
daya. Mamie Mc Nelly, Deeloge, Missouri,
write that sh lost slxty-ftvs pounds
with this new method, and I ran send
f ou thousands ot names ot satisfied cus
omers, who hav given me permission to
Vera X Am Attar Bednetng ST lbs, la
rtv Weeks, With My Trmlss
Mesas Treatment
us their names. I never publish any
name althout written permission.
I hare printed a book for you entitled,
"Weight Reduction Without Drugs."
which I sm giving away without charge,
prepaid lo you, so that you may know ot
my successful method and he able to per
manently reduce your weiitht any amount
you desire, without harmful exercises or
starvation diet, drugs or medicines,
head Pag free Copy Today
1,1 gsjsT' r 1 ' " "jaw
J Sr-f, .
X Will head This k a Tom At My
Send for my book. "Weight Reduction
Without Drugs." It Is yours for th sk
ins, and I will be glad to send it to you,
postage prepaid.
I havs found that tli best way ta know
happiness la to give It.
Sincerely your friend.
trait M7S Oestral Sank Balldtag,
Denver, Oolorado,
Fast daily train service from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the
Chicago Northwestern fly.
connecting at the latter point with' all
lines for all points East.
The Best of Everything.
Pullman drawinf-room sleeping cart, composite
. observatior), buffet and library cars -Book lovers
. library free reclining chair cars; standard day ,
. coacnei ana supcro tuning cars service a is
Carte. .Ticksts sad (n uuaraatioa sa applkaties t
1401 sad 140S r erases Sara
awd SIS iiaanay
taUNOtt, mcufn, I
A Baft OldVfasMoned Eemedr
Quicltly Relieves All Dis
tressing Symptoms.
tt yeu are subjsot to frequent ooMs, of
It rou bars say ot ths distressing symp
toms st catarrh, sush as stuffed up test
ing la ths bead, profuse dischargs from
ths boss, sore la th nose, phlegm la ths
throat causing hawking and spitting, dull
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