Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The Imperial at $3 Looks
Like a $5 Hat
Has all the earmarks of a five dol
lar bat and wears like one too. -
Spring shapes now read' soft
hats, in either rough or smooth
finish derbies in a clever new
English model.
You'll be proud of au Imperial
in any company. Come in and try
on a few
Hut of those janty ititrbed cloth htu "you see worn so much
lately cam from here, lota more left In grey and tan mixtures Dd
black and white checks
"Hcidcap" In every new shade aad ahape.'. . .$1.00 and $1.50
m tot a nwr . yw
convicts to' r.X riecerrtng reury be
fired, (fin- which It IM nmntnf
fight. This witnessed by Charted
Iloee, Lincoln Ruan. Our Whetstone,
Ann Ketch and F. Frroburger.
Aftr chasing them from one-bsif to
three-quarter of a mile, th Ml ml
oft covered whb blood. Indicating with
out doubt that Blust bad beea allot for
on tine. Going on lor ahtvt on-half
mil the Uit maa threw tip his hands,
climbed eat ef t! wsgen and walked
lwid th mcr. Brig covering
him with a ana, disarm tng him, Brlggs
went ta tk wagon, climbed la. Sallowed
by Traatoe, aa earn by Charlea Rosa,
driver car striggn.
"Aa witnessed by all la tkla vicinity
aad sasoag IS hiii R waa donned a
vary poor pteo of bust or Id Um way
of capturing th toavteta aa It waa aheo
lately iirianry M fire oa Uwa. their
learn waa becon axbauatad aad It
tsinwd to become a oaaa of fight for tk
Toward, aa the country iitmid ailra wtut
Ptosis ctoalac la on th oonvlcti when
tat fi rlnc begae.
"Th farmer aad cltinu of Sarpy
county wlak ta nmt the attack mad
a them sy Sheriff Hrerm. calling them
cowards. The farmen and eltlaes not
wishing ta commit murder ky flrlnf Into
the wagon retreated and wlak to Mat
thai tt la the muet dastardly, cowardly
art ever perpetrated la thlt part of the
Omaha rapere havs held to the theory
all the time that It waa Brian.
Them waa a little excitement out at
tho big prlwn laat night.- One of the
guards taw someone prowling around the
walla and ordered him to atop, which the
prowler declined to do, and the guard
fired aavaral shots. Tha excitement
broucta out the reeerves, but everything
aeon quieted down.
Officials have aoeceeded In loeatinf the
father and a enter of Deputy Warden
Wagner and they will bo communicated
with la regard te the diepoeitloa of the
body. They live la Maw York.
Letter treat Aaaaaeaa Warden 0,at
ed Ml Begard a Fayls Help. .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Much -itMclal Tele-gram.r-A
atatement concerning penltan
tlary affaire waa given out at the go
craor'a office today. It toilowa In pat:f
"A letter received from Warden ati
Cleughry, from the reformatory at Ana.
mtt, la., la ao oomplele aad maaterly
la detail and the knowledge ahowa that
I have deemed It advisable la give the
aama out for publication:
-What thla celebrated arisen maaagar
say concerting belp-lhet is, paying
guard aoalempttble little pittances that
we pay them hare In Nebraska ami then
aspect ta receive from them and through
them sufficient help ta ran aa biaututloa
aaceidlag ta modera rtemiidt n worthy
ef ceaatdaratlea. ,
"What Nebraska la entitled ta have la
lie prieen aisitgainant. ef court, ta a
maa Ms McCleoghrr, or hl brother, who
handles the federal prteon at Leavea
worth. "But does Myeae expect ta get auoh a
maa for PS a aeoatkt Does anyone ex
aett ta have me am a oeexilllana aad mod
era aandltwna aad modem rales enforced
sod arriod out aceerdlaaj at modera Usee
with nothing bat aa aid reokary ta which
te keep desperate menT Caa modera Ideae
at referm fee oarrlad out by being obliged
ta have work aid by aM a yeuag maa
wb la far the first tima for a sort
term m aaaipaoy with maa like Bberty
Oray aad Mortar aad DewdT - .
"Aeooivtaly, ft bejoeelbte te eea
dart a letermatery aad a' peottestlary
wader tk eaame reef.
t shnpty matte) these things la order
that the pobHe may andorataad the dlf
Bcomm ander wtileh I am kaaortac.
"The hemaa devlla. Oray. Merley and
Do we, were madera la the Bwndey aeheel
claas. Oray was oa the roll of honor,
had his aama aa star la ma Barca else
Ta difdcult thing for the wardea te
' eeatoed with at this lastttauoa hi how to
0i the proper treatment ta the good
prisoners dowa her and at the same time
make K tare for Bfe ta haadllbg the -pemtt
class, kardened klghwaymta. or
"Rut tufflr It t toy that I am gettliur
stifrictent data together tbst will enable
the wardea to handls this dlfTtmlt matter
with the heat poaatbte resulta to be ob
tained uader the eircumataaoee."
All Wh Tawk Part la taster l
Ma reed Ha Disposed. '
Sheriff Hyer aad Joha C. Troeton, the
latter of whom waa ta the rig with Chief
Brtgga of South Ornaha when the cos
vtcta were rwa dwa, were at the gov
ernor's office yesterday morning at Un
roll to discuss with the chief executive
the question of the division of the reward
money te be paid for the eaplur te the
endow of Roy Blunt. The talk was only
Informal, of course, aa only a portion of
those Interested were present, but It
seems probable thst such will be the utti-
mttt disposition of lbs money.
Adjataat Oeaeeal la kerteae Caa di
tto tee- Tlas After Owthrewk.
Kow that affairs have euleted dowa at
tk pralteotlary R devotna that aa the day
f tk trouW st the arista la which
Wardea Deiahuaty, Dapety Wagner and
Quid Heirmaa wrt killed Adjemat Om
ar Phelps summed a ruptured Mood
vessel la an brain aad at times since has
beta Is a eerleae ceadttlea and a pert lea
ef the two tmeeseclova. At athera, whoa
the pressure oa th brain was lee, a has
beea ateareartly all right aad ahes as at
tead to his dwttaa at the prtaoa. Us rup
tansd the blood vessel reaaing from the
auu hows ss has bom t prepare for
the trip te tha prtaoa. Hla Meads say
that b has sow saUrery rocavwd. -
a) Rwdr Dlaslaeet
alrwn Did at D It.
The aaaaasertam sa the body f Shorty
Gray settles th seetiovosay as te wb
fired th skt arnica Brought the outlaw
sows. The ballet wweR peastrsted his
body was saeertained to be of eVceJIsr.
Chief Rriggs af Sooth Omaha carried a
wtspea at this asJSbre, while Shertfl
Hyera at t dan stir eesmlr carried aa
ef at
fend the fatal shot Caring th pursatt
ef the sullaes. th Ltnueia paper giv
tag Iks credit t Bbsria Uyers, while the
Ward Meltsfe Rsllevaa Htm tram
Daly at rrtaea.
Turnkey Foal, who was oa duty at the
penitentiary whoa the convicts escaped,
haa beea dropped from the roll. It ha
beea freely commented that ha did not
offer aay aarloua reatstsnr, though
naturally he was la tha bast poalUoa of
anyoa te do as. Utllkteper Doody Is
else aot op duty, but whether this la dua
to hi Injuries or whether th relief U
permanent Ihe officials will not say.
Another ciiang mad by Wardea Relict
is to provide a more veiled bill of far
for th soovlcts. Th national guardsmen
are gradually being relieved from duty
and It la expected that soon all will be
Accused Farmer v
Lives in Beaver City
BKAVKR Crrr. tb.. March .-Spe.
rlal.r-Fhllltp W. Harlaa. ar., who la un
der arrest at Cairo. 111., charged with
tilting S. r. sorga. a hotel proprietor
there, hat Hved la Fvrnaa county slnct
Ittt lit . homesteaded In Weaver pre
cinct and bow owns a fine, large farm.
Hit only ton. Fhlllip W. Harlan, jr., re
sides near tha eld homestead and la a
prominent and Influential cittern.
Mr. Harlan left here a month age to
visit with relatives at sfeClure, III., which
Is a abort distance from Cairo. Mrs
Hsrlaa died about three years ago aad
Mr. Hsrlaa ha wandered shoot sines bet
death, coming bom at taitarvala.
'wUllaasa-Parker. "
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., starch 1L
(Special V-WeltM- Wtlllami and Miss
Katharine Parker ef Hamburg. la. earn
te this etty and war united In marriage
by Judgs A. A. Rltrhof. They wort
gtvwa a iwnsotlaaj at th hem of the
trtoe s. parents at Hamburg laat aveataa.
Msm Ulllaa MtrleaB, daughter tf
Jama Mrleek. and Mr. Jams Otadwta
war married Tueaday afternoon at i. at
the raatdsar ef the greem. am MerU
Nlaetsenth. The at undents were Mr. aad
Mrs. Wintara Aradt.
McCOOK, Neb.. March -48pstel-Mr.
Nsthaa I. ApeJeysrd aad Miss Ola
M. Knepp. both ef Bear Havana. Fros
tier county, were married ta ths ehy
Monday, Rev. D. U McBnde at th Bav
Ust church officiating.
Mrs. J mee T hoc tear.
Mrs. James Thscker died at M
'deck Tuesday morning at ths boms of
her son. Harry Th acker, tm Ertklae
street, after a long 11 mess. Mrs. Thscker
wsa Ti year eht and had Heed la Otsaha
far tweaty-ttva years, he flag a beat of
friends. Mrs. Tharker Is ourvtred by
her ksahaad. Jama Thacber, three Bona,
Harry Thaeker, rrtak aad Charles, aad
tw dsaghters. Mi. Otte Belndorf ssd
Mrs. A. K. Smith of Dearer City. Ke.
The rsasrsl will be held Thursday aftsr
noen at 1: at the reeideae of Harry
Timeker, with taterasrst st West Leers
Mrs. Cartoa of Los Angeles Killi
Herself ia Sew York.
After Belag Released aa Read She
Retaraed te Hotel aad Hasged
I Hrrself Tkraagh Elskth
" Story Window.
. KEW YORK, Marrh Is. -Mrs. Blanche
C arson of Sts Frandaeo. whs sbj sr.
rested here for smuggling several thou
sand dollars' worth of Jeweiry on her
arrtval from ladle, committed suicide
early today by- hanging herself out "t
ths window of her hotel.
The body ef Mrs. Csrsoa was seen by a
pedestrian twinging from a window oa
the eighth floor of the Hotel Broxteil.
The clerk was notified and th door Mrs.
Carson's room waa forced. A rope tied
to a radiator passed out of ths window
snd st the end dangled the body of th
woman. Th body still wss warm.
Tw aotee were found In the room, oct
of which wat addressed to .her attorney,
Harrtsoa Osborn. Their contents wat not
made public.
Mrs. C arson reached here day before
yesterday on the steamship George
Washington. She was arrested on the
charge of groat andarvalueuoa and
smuggling, after bsvlng confessed tail
the had smuggled Jewelry which th
authorities valued at tJC.eOt.
On her arrival Mrs. Cartoa had da
tiered a package of unstrung pearls, but
bad undervalued them.
Coma Hlddea la Hat.
On her appearance for examination
ysstsrdsy she broke down snd told' of
ths large amount of Jewelry she hsd
brought Into th country concstled In
her hat and in her baggsge
Released oa tts) ball for further ex
amination Friday, Mrs. Carson went up
town, presumably to her hotel.
Sh registered at th hotel as Mrs
Edwin Carson of Pari. It wtt under.
Mood thai her borne was la Sea Fran
citspo. but the hotel manager said this
morning that he though Mrs. Carton
resided la Lot Angeles. Che wsa about
id years of ago and was making a trip
around ths world alsne.
Mrs. Carson evidently hsd at ap all
night and tome time after I e'oJock she
untied a root from a large psokag In
her room and fattened on end to a
radiator, slipped the Best around her
Beck and dropped out the window. Th
body was discovered at t'clock. .
Lawyer Otbera said be did aot know
of the previous affair af Mrs. Carson.
but said that ahs cams from Lot Aa-
geles, la her room was a card with her
same ea tt and bearing ths address ns
Oough strsst, Saa rrsBdaoe. Mr. Osborn
deettatd t open th letter sddnraed to
klm until th oo rower had completed hit
examination. Ths letter addressed to Paul
R. Maybtrry, began "Dear Brother." but
Its contents war not disclosed.
Pa ailly Preaslseat la Osllforala.
SAN JOSH, Cel., March Jo. Mrs,
Blanch Csrsoa was a daughter of th
let Hiram Ma bury, for years see af the
moat prominent restdeola -of this city.
Ths family ta on of great wealth and
aftsr their mansion bar wss wrecked
by the sartlHHiaa of 190 they removed
to Lot AngtUs.
SAN Fit AN ClCO. Cel.. March Si
Mrs Blanche Cereoa waa aa alumna ut
Vasssr college sad active la ths work
of ths Vasssr Students' Aid society In
thlt city. She was ths author of seversl
hooka, Htr husband. Or. Edwin Carson,
died a few weeks aftsr their marriage a
number of years ago. Since then Mrs,
Carson hit spent much of her time at
Carmsi-ny-ths-Ses. a colony of writers
and artists near thla city. The Bebury
ramliy Is knowa la several California
cities. .
Relative htr tnd In Los Angels
refused to bellevt Mrs. Carson bad taken
her own lit. They declared she bad car
ried a lerre amount of Jewelry which
might hav been th cause of her arrest
for smuggling. Member of th Century
dub, an txclushr Saa Francleoe woman's
club to which Mrs. Canon belonged,
said ahs never had ahown eccentricities
ef any kind and that she wat a aulet.
cultivated woman, en grassed tn study
aad travel and engaged la much charit
able aad phllanthrotrie work.
Great Ice Gorge in
Des Moines River
OTTUMWA, la., March .-A repeti
tion of the flood of Hut It threatened her
today. Aa Ice gorge nine miles In length,
extending from Eddyvtile to Chlllicothe.
Is., has caused a rise of eight feet la the
Dea Molaet river In twelve hours. As a
result bridges at those pointer here In
Ottsmws and at CtsTnand. a few miles
south ar in serious danger.
Whol families sere compelled to de
sert their home tn th Ottumw packing
bout district this afternoon aa a result
of soother to gorge st the CUffland
bridg. which backed up Um river. Dyn
smlts It being us in an effort to break
the ice pack. Shooed th rtvar rise snothtr
foot here the mala business street will be
Th tc gorg broke shortly after noon
and the water dropped two fort in half
aa hour. All Immediate ganger of a
flood then passed. -
WARSAW, I1L, March .-Th lot la
th Mississippi river it gorged about a
half mite below here, but report that
the Jam had burst are erroneous. Great
mttset sad cakes are piling up and the
water his risen three feet and tlx Inches
since I o'clock. High water mark here
ia tt feet and the water baa already
reached the 17-foot level. So far the dam
age has been eon fined to the flooding of
th lowlands, but the gorg Is not broken
and If th flood continue much val
uable property may be destroyed.
(Continued from First Pagt.)
SIOUX FALLS, a Ds March S.-.S pe
dal.) Richard Rasmutsta and Mlaa
Iran Tasted, prominent young people
of the region where Haa born and Aurora
Bounties Join. wha loped earersi day
ago. have returned te their borne aa maa
aad wife, having bees married at Min
neapolis Tha cere many wss performed
at th horn of a cousin at tha groom
In thai city. They eloped while th
parents of the girl, who opposed th
marriage, not because of suy objections
t th young man, but kecaam their
daughter was not yet IS year of age,
ware temporarily absent from hdVn.
From South Dakota they went direct
to the Minnesota cRy and lost a time
being married before they could be
located and the carwmoey prevented.
KBARNBY, Neb.. March K-fSpactaL)
R. M. Duns way, formerly proprietor and
managing editor ef the Kearney Morning
Ttmeav and Wtllard F. Bailey, repre
eretatrr of th Fifty-ninth district la
tha Nebraska legislature, hav entered
lata a partnership aad opened a general
adrtrttatag amf publicity offlc ta th
city. They plan on th cromotloa of ad
vertising business, lead openings sad pro-
moUona aad etmllar undertakings eepe-
flally ea taring ta large out-of-town work.
. Taste Reett BUesM Teacher.
TABLM ROCK, Neb, Msrab ,-8pe-ctsi
At a special meeting of th school
beard bM for Ike pus-pot at electing
the tehool tearare ef th TsM Roc
school for ta coming year, tha Sallow
ing wort elected: Suprtatndat. U B.
Mohlar; prlactpat. Blast K. Rekahr: as
etstsBt principal, Gertrude Puringtoa;
grade liaihera, Margaret C Kstrttiy.
Minnas Rijgt, Casriboi Shorter. Marts
C Octtle. KUm a Irwm
Nerrl. There
room far
IsebUss be filled Bt tn Best meeting
of th board ta b bald April I
If row hav aay thro te exchasxe. ad-
i artist R la Tha Be Waat Ad eoluatsa.
SreUa Bay early la t fee ted.
STELLA, No March XL-iSpecssLr-
Kdward, th s-yaar-oM aoa of Irvia
Reimera, got hold of some matches while
his Rwtber was out of doors and set fir
to tha fringe of a bedspread, which
lgni led th rest of tha bedding. When
tha boy i mother came Into the house
the looked about for her ton aad was
terrified te And Mm nearly tvffocated
ander th bed m the biasing reoas.
Prompt aervte tree th msghbora pat
ta fire out before tk damage had ex-
sfeed Dei lamateeT Ceaveet.
OXFORD. Neb.. March RL-8peclL-Th
third annual high arhoel declamatory
coat wsa heed but sight. . Fsm leeu
bays sad gtrtt ooeteeled. The Judge af
the eoateas. wha were Ceaaty Superiw
tsaasat Hetda Detsreea of HoMrega, Ra-r.
E C Rowland, also af Haedreaa, aad
Supartat andean f. sr. Pepaoa af Or
stsas, aaea Bret pises t Yeiss Buurralt
and teeead ta Cwrtta Frldar. Mlaa
BH gav "Aant aVrrls's First Oaa
grtphy Lima." aad Mr. Friday gav
"A Flea for Cuba."
tnow extends as far nona as Fairmont,
Minn, snd south to the ttat line. At
Beil P'aln ten In, net hat fallen.
Severe la West Mebraaka.
O8HKO8H, Nab.. Maroa ss.-tBptcial
Telegrsn-ur-Tbs wont storm of the wlntsr
waa raging her todsy. Stock Is suffer
ing for lack of feed. The tao I land In
th south part of th county has beea
entirely under a deep layer of snow elnc
last fall, and after losing th crop last
year, farmers ar In hard ttrilta tnd un
able to feed stock from the rtvr valley.
Stork on th rang la the sandhills It
ahort of teed, but no losaee ar reported
to data.
tool at Lyeaa.
LYON'S. Neb.. March SX-fSpeclai Tele
gram.) Fully ten Inches of snow fell here
todty. No coal la to be bought m town.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Marrh 2,- spe
cial Telegram.) On account of the fierce
snowstorm, delaying railway passag and
blocking all wagoa roads, ths country
Ufa commission that waa to have con
vened her tomorrow baa again beta to
definitely postponed. . i
Rea t Saesred la,
BOONE, Ia.. March M. -(Special Tele
gram.) Ths worst bustard in fifty years
has completely tied up railroads. Inter
urban aad etty street ear service Drifts
tn places srs over toot of talapaoa pole.
Streets srs packed with enow and it Is
lmp-(i M for team to do city work.
Sot. Uirough train on th Northwestern
hav beta aaaullad, others ar stalled
along the rlxht-of-wty.
First Day of Wage ; :?
' Discussion Fruitless
CLBVELAND, O., March PX-Wag dis
cussions between th operator and rear.
tentative of Ft) union miners In th
bituminous coal fields of western Penn
sylvania, Ohio and Illinois, held In sn
effort to avert a prolonged suspension of
business after April I and alto to avert
a posatbla strike, today were without re
sults. . " ,
The prospect that all the bituminous
coal mines would bt closed after the
first of ths month, pending ths making
of a new two-year working and wag
agreement waa tald to be Imminent. It
alto waa laid th lack of wag acale
In the central states would leave th
union bituminous coal mlntrs In other
state without a basis upon which to work
and they would havs to close, entailing
Idlepeas for more thta 3C0,ait miners.
After today's conference adjourned un
til tomorrow,' the union offlclali and
operators announced only th first of th
miners demands had beea considered aad
no vote had been taken. . .
'jury pursues county graft
ExuninatioB. is Kids of Workinu-
skip oi Fanta Street
Mar Swath omalsa Saleea Keepers
Are Ezamiaed Fallowing tp
Gotdstrwas Stateaaeata '
ladletaaeat Retaraed.
Investigation of South Omaha Fly aad I
Folic board and local paving matter i
wss temporarily dropped by th Douglas
county grand Jury yesterday and probe j
of matters In connection with the con
struction of tilt atw county building waa
Commissioners Eltatter. Lynch. Best
O'Connor and Hart were subpoenaed and
th entire afternoon wat spent exsmln
tng there.
Ths marble deal, by which 'th general
contractors saved about 112.00) and th
furniture transaction by which Com
miasioner Elassser allegefc) the county loot
about, were th principal subjects
of Inquiry.
Paving la Bxaatlaed.
Douglas ttreet pevmg between Six
teenth and Twentieth streets waa ex
amined by th grand Jury In lit
hunt for graft Other tactions of paving
will he examined within two days. Tho
Jury hsd planned ta examine paving, but
on account of tha snoa storm the trip
wsa postponed.
More South Omaha saloon keepers were
examined la continuing tha Investigations
of statements mad by Sol Goldstrom.
The following Indictments have been
returned: Charles lml. Harry Mullar,
William Hill and J. 1. Coffee, breaking
and entering; Joseph Stephens, stabbing
with Intent to wound: Anton GiUlnaky,
grand larceny; Peregoy aV Moore, trans
ferring aa account in a garnishment pro
The charge agalnat Peregoy A Moore la
a technical one growing out of a litiga
tion for collection ef an account against
an employ and dost not Indicate aay
intent to violate th law.
Salesmanship Talk
is Given by Borglum
A. S. Borglum af th Derlow Adver
tising company addressed the membership
commute of toe Commercial club yester
day on " Effective Salesmanship." aa ap
plied to tho committee t eurrent campaign
for new members
T. L. Davit reported having secured
seven new members for the week. O. H.
Cramer, six; O. W. Nobis, four; R. T.
Burns, two, and th remainder of the
committee on each. Seventeen new
name were pretented la th Bam of the
executive commute. This makes a total
of 191 new member since February 1.
A spectacular feature of th committee
meeting waa th Hidden hoisting of the
rolling partition between the meeting
room and the adjoining room, where sat
ths Real Estate exchange, and a voca
broadside from C S. Elguttsr at ths ex
change members, urging sll who were
not meraben of th club to get In.
LN-jffcfll T tm'1 "a,u hav If
A f I f A. taken a a vera cold, ar grip, or I
1 FWj ' "SS find tt aineiiirw to call a I
SVT lta,V doctor. Bring homo a I ottle of I
r VO J jeaaa HllleV Straight Pure Whlekey I
I l keep a bottle always on hand. I
I Lg iii7 r-f I l I " "a absolutely dependable tor I I
I rV2Jl 11. I " Sarpose and it i pleas- I r-fcit I
I I -' f A I ant. smooth aad pie table, I I - J
II ,.s I . y ,i , I ' I Far better than moat on del- I 11
I Seal I f f Jksaeaasaas- I Ur brand, and it coat yn In I
80 Cents Per Quart
Fa aarta Shipwed rrvnJA.
Bent fugti aid today. Oall, pacev r writ ta " ' ,
A rtificial Flo we rs Grow
in Favor
In order to thrive, flowers Bead plenty of sua tad poms
plants require a great deal of car and moisture. The tendency
of modera times towards living ta apartment booaea aad hotels
makes it extremely difficult to properly take earn ot flowerg
and growing plants.
For thla reason artificial flowerg are rapidly gaining In
favor and we have to constantly reorder to be able to sanely
the demand. -
They have the appearance of the real, do not require any
car and laat a great deal longer.
Our store ia one mats of color fronvour spring showing.
Here you will find your favorite as wo art showing every
conceivable gpring flower.
Why not come la today, select 'your favorite and bright
up the room with a dash of spring.
1513-15 Douglas Street
lit the Original ud liutai .
Foili:snfi,tirvsLia,aijGrowaig eKIJfea.
Rich milk, maltexl puin, in ptwrdcf km,
a :.L l L i
THE OMAgMA MOTOR CLUB , flat la Aay Klllk Trust
Bronchial Trochks
H. E. Frsdrtckson It ttlll a member of
the Omaha Motor dub tn good standing,
according to a statsment Issued by the
wcreiary, r. j. siiraiano, si we , f aaaaiiss ml tn n I
tlon of the director, who met Tuesday ZZZEJXXZSZZ
evening to consider th action of aomv relief ia Long Trooblaa. Brsacaisai sad Aatksm,
f th members who voted Mr. Fred- rrss mm opiaset ev aay aarmral lagredleBi,
rickaon out of ths club. Mr. Fredricksoa ' WQ.Z , 'ZlTLj!? .. ""S free.
was voted out of the club by tome of ths aaBaBanlI
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March st. -4 Spe
cial ) Attorneys representintj a Urge
estate In the western part of tha slats
art endeavoring to locate a man named
Charles Whit, who for a time waa a
reaidtnt of South Dakota aad who may
yet be residing st tome point la the state.
Hla wife died la Canada about tight
yea re ago and so far ss caa o learned
Whit shortly after her death, asm to
South Dakota aad local ad la Oregory
county, where h I bettered to hav
placed hi ebildraa la th custody ef a
titter, who asm Is aakaewa. -The
children are heirs te' that aetata af their
grandfather, .who' recently died la west
ern South Dakota. Postmaster Lucas f
Booeeteei. a. D., has been asked by at-
ttmeya for Information In reference t
Whit and his children. '
member because be Instated th club pay
him men ay ha won at aora racea en the
Speedway last summer. He Instated that
aa he had takea great chanooa tn driving
th racea himself h waa entitled to th
money. Following It th statement:
At a meeting of ths board of director
ot th Omtha Motor club held laat even
ing, among other thine- the matter of
111 expulsion of H. K. Fredrtckeoa from
the cl. aa published la the papers of
thi city was under consideration and tt
being found tbat tha by-laws provide
th method ef procedure for th expul
sion of a member it was unanimously
decided that the matter of expulsion ot
a member wss wholly in the province ot
this board. In view of tn by-laws,
therefore. Mr. Fred erics son is Mill a
of the elub la good standing.
CliBTENNK. Wye. March J. -Special.
The republican atata central com
mittee met here todsy In the office of
the chairman. C W. Burdlck, and aa
lected Cheyenne at ths place for holding
the republican state convention on May
U. tt which de legits t the aajstnai
republican eonveatloa win be named.
Th apportionment was based a on
delegate to every Ud vote east fr con
gressman at th last tterttoa. This will
provide for a total of MS delegate at
th tut eenveauoa. Th matter of
balding geestdeatkU primaries la bemg
dlacBBaea, but aa th law failed ta pr
for asm It hi doubtful If ths atata
committee wtU do anything ia th
Tare, Aeciaeata at Beau lie.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March -- Special.)
Gilbert Frttt and Roy Sibert were
badly hurt while chopping wood oa the
farm ot Oliver Frltta northwest of th
dir. They were chopping down a tree
and K Ml before they could get oat of
the way. Frttts sustained a broken tskl
and Sibert a severely sprained back.
Mr. Martha Bowman, aa aM reatdaat
at Beatrice, tapped aad fail at bar horn
breaking her arm. Sh la IX year of age
For Kansas Fair Bundayr Men sag fair
and somewhat colder.
Buck Laugh lis, proprietor of th Vienna
saloon, pleaded guilty to a charge of Bail
ing liquor without a license la criminal
court yetterdty. He waa unabl to pay
a SMS flea and want to Jail for thirty
LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world
trtde Cold and Orlp remedy, remove
causa. Call for full name. Leek for sig
nature. ' K. W. PROVE. ISC
Ksy to the Situation Be Adrertlatag.
It m new esnooded by ahystdana thai
th kidneys should hav mora aitentloa
as they control the other rgaa t a re
mark set degree tnd 0 a tiaiuudi
amount of work m removing the gilnai
and waste matter tram th eystem by
filtering th blood.
Daring th winter mentha atpirtally.
when we live aa Indoor Mfe, the kidneys
i.eld receive aama aatltttnc wtwa
needed, aa we take lea esorclae, drink
less water and often cat mors rich heavy
foods, thereby forcing the kidney to de
mere work than Harare Intended. Evi
dence of kidney trouble, such as bun
back. Inability to held urine, smarting or
burning, brtck-duat or sediment, sallow
complexion, rheumatism, may he weak
or Irregular heart action, warn you that
year kidney roautrs help immediately
to avoid mar eriou trouble.
An herbal medidn containing as min
eral or opiate baa tha most healing In
fluence. Aa Heal herbal compound tbat
has hsd most restarkaM gnccaat he a
kidney and Madder remedy at Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root.
You may receive a sample hot tie of
8rmp-Roat by mail, absolutely free.
dress Dr. Kilmer ec Co, Kagaaintoa.
X. T.. and mention Tn Omaha Dally Be.
Driv sway your Backache, get today
a package or stotner Gray Aromatic
Loaf for ih kidney as eerreetlng that
a. sera and all woetnaag retainer of
the serves if year kidney act too fro-
auaatly. or artiea Is painrui and aaaty
AretRatie Leaf ta errertlw aad th Beat
Rearulaur. At Druggl or by mail (Sc.
Sam Die FREE. Add-. Th Mother
Oray Ot, U Roy, N. T.
A Better Brooml
And Khtn Karner
Wkisk Broom FREE
You get not only the Vrf
srsttj tor your money.
wneo you buy tha
ess tat eeeei
ckwsnkle aw est aaslr
aeraer w sms, at eel
sh sertlM flvlst sens.
mars, smiiwiwi
UdefeUf liriiai
l aeaCerlAase.aVaMkws,lt. 1
Every Man Read
" Thta" treatment is said t hare
acquired a wonderful reputation
thrughat th East, swing ts Its
peculiar propensity to fortify th
nerve force and generate health
and n ctnuaunt personal mag
netism, s sateatlsl to the asppi
nea of every normal be
ing. It I claimed ts be a bless
ing t tho who ar phyalrlally
Impaired, gloomy, despodnt
nervous and who hav trembling
of th limb, dixit news, heart pal
pitation, cold hands sad feet. In
somnia, fear without caoee, tun-
Idlty In venturing and general in
ability te let rationally as others
do. Also ef vast benefit te
ttitars, professional maa, office
worker and th victim of aoci
ty let hours aad ever-iadus-genc
In win, Uauora. to.
By piwpartng th treatmant at
home eecrelly, a ana ad know
ef another' trouble, while th
Ingredlenu are much used In fill- .
lng various prescriptions, as thst
va th Pure baa af them asp- .
aretely need sccaslen a Um
Idtty. If the reader lecldee to try It
get three ounces of ordinary syrup
aamsparirls eompound, and ana
unco eompound fluid balm wart
mix and let stand tw hour; than
get on ounce con. pound taaonotr
eardtel and one ounce tlnctur
cadonMO compound (oat cards
mem), mil all togthr, ehtk
well snd tsks a teaspoon ful after
each aieal aad on at night.
Thlt conttlat no opiates what
ever and may elao be used by
women who cuffer with their
nerve with absolute certainty af
prompt sad lasting benefit.
Th above prescription I manu
factured by th well known phar
maceutical house. Frwerfpuaa
Product Co, Daytaa, Ohio.
H, J. Uaghes Co., Diat'butora, Onsarav
TJUYING tires on a
L'price basis is gam
blin;? the longer
you stay in the came
the more you are sure
to lose.
C While it may be less
dentins: to faiow what
yem are going to tret for
rxt money, yon do get
whea yon bay Dia
mond Tim. '
CDiomvU Tim ftp ti
Crmtttt Miltatt mnj
tint aMak And At tif
aT tptry p cut yottr tin
to tk low it to
b& Ditmtmi Tim. .
The Diamond Store
815 So. seta SC. OBsahs
lssUrstasfOttB latsajan
Wt ttsM BaM tkaa CWr '
a) F 0m I ,
WS tsmM geakl aw Boon
Set Ceatf
A Harmless Eemedy, Made
from Garden Saga, Restores'
Color to .Gray Hair." '
A. feeling of lad see aecenuealoa the'
dlacovory ef the Brat gray hair which '
unfortunately are looked upon as her
alds of advancing age. Gray hair, kow
var handaoms It map be, xaakee a per.
son look old. W all know tk tdvaat
agss of being young. Aside from tha
good impression a youthful appearance
make en others, simply knowing that
you are "looking fir gives en osarsg
to undertake and aeeompUih rung. So
why suffer the handle af looking aid
en aeeosnt of grey heirs, whea a atm
pl remedy will give your hair youthful
color and beauty 1 a trw days' timT
stoat peopli knew that eomeaea gar
dsn ssge acts aa a eolar restorer and
scalp tones as well. Our grandmothar
used a -fags Tea" for keening their hair "
dark, soft aot luxuriant. In Wyith'a
Sag sad Sulphur Hair Remedy wt have
an Weal preparation of Sage, combined
with Sulphur and other niushu.
edlet tor dandruff. Itohlag scalp and tain,
weak hair that Is split at th end or
constantly earning out. A few spplKe-
tmna of Una valuable remedy trill bring
back th color, and tn a abort time tt
will remoe every trace ot dandruff and
greatly improv th growth and appear-'
saca af th bair.
Oct a Bfty cent bottle from year drus-
gltt today, b sotieo th dlfterwnce In
your hair after few days' troatmtat.
aii druggist eU it. ander guarantee
that the ataaty win b refunded If the'
remedy la aot exactly as rtwwtuttd.
Special agent. Shermsn etoCtoiintlli
"rns ca.
Harness and Saddles
T year
from the firm that manes
hem. Save the middleman's profit
H!Lh,n?? ,r cf the beet
'f.1' leather and will outwear
LTJLi'.JVi " factory mad
karat, and com- you no more. Oer
rTl. b" " forty rear rn
S?";. Everything guaraateed. We
wrci an eomTMititiM m
Write fr eatalorue
Alfred Cotilsb & Co.
aantaaer t Ooma a ;