Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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    Jl Tftie
How, Tlteep Healthy
I very dunce I ftt I fo sat in the woods ud do the
. thing I did when Init kid.
Copyright aTU, National Km Aasa.
By Nell Brinkley
. When yon et out (or A day In the woods
take all the hill jro a come to, and nse your lanp
and your llmbi la the climbing. Ilka the girl la
picture No. 1. The to down on the other aide
with your chin np and your arms swinging. Try
to do it with the game abandon as when yon war
ten. Don't go around anything yon com to,
shorty of getting a bath. Jump over It! - Youll
be aurprised to find out bow Interested you'll
get in it all, even it yon "come a cropper." Climb
the fences, too, even U yon could aqoeese through
or under. Teu'd rather hare taken the top when
yon were n kid. ItH make ytHitn come back to
yon for little while to atrrey the world again
from the tip top of a fence. And when there's
a good stretch ahead and maybe a ' squirrel
scurrying through the brash alongside yonr path,
throw yonr head hack and "light ent aad run."
Kids mostly ran, they doa't cere for walking, yon
know. Ton may not do this hot once a year yon
may do It so seldom that no lasting strength comes
with l but Just for day believe me the child
weariness you'll1 have when yon get back, the
brought-back dreams of when yon were a kid, aad
the youth that win stay with yon for a while is
worth going Into the woods for. Nell Brinkley.
Childless Women Are Needed
Motherhood-Its True Meaning
I know not whence I came,
I know not whither I go:
But the fact Una deer that I am
In this world of pleasure and
And oat of the mist and murk
Another truth thinee plain
ilt Is in y power each day and
To add to He Joy or Its pain..
I know that the earth exists:
It Is none of sty business why.
I cannot find out what It's ell
I would not waete time to try.
Mr life is a brief, brief thing.
I aea here tor a Httle apace,
. And while X stay I would like. If
J eaey,. ,
' Te brighten and better the place.
The trouble, I think, with us all
Is the lack of high ooneeK.
If each man thought ha wee sent to
this spot
To make It a bit more eweet.
How soon we could gladden the
How easily right all wrong.
If nobody shirked, and each one
To help his fellows along!
Cease wondering why yoa came
Sum looking for faults and flaws;
, Rise up today la your pride aad say,
"I am part of the first great
cause! ;
However full the world.
There Is room for an earnest man.
It had need, of me, or I would
not be.
I am here to strengthen the plan.'
Maay critical women (sad man as well)
rldlouie the fact that chlldleea wires sod
spinsters belong to "mothers' elube."
"What can such women "know shout
bring ap chOdrear they eek.
"What imsertln
enoe It seems for
women to havs
women who hare
nerer bees mothers
. to r
stand op in a
mothers' club aad
discuss the subjects
which pertain te
the intareste of
these ergenis.
Tksse remarks
srs the result ef
hallow thinking.
.We bare la
America a woman
by tba nsms of Jane Addams
She baa nerer been a wife or a mother.
which resulted la his becoming sa orderly
and successful man. -
A foollob young girl endangered her
reputation by unwjpa conduct.
Her equally foolish mother failed te giro
her counsel or te help her. find tbe path
of prudence and circumspection.
Not one mother of daughters or soar
reached out a kindly hand.
But one mother ef s daughter still-'
born became tbe friend aad ultimate
sarer of tbe young girl.
8be had aerer brought up a child; she
was one who (according to the criticisms
or the arerege nun end Woman) wse
utterly unfitted te belong to a mothers
dub or to sieak or write oa the subjest
of bringing up children.
iTet while tbe mothers of ber town
were pushing this young girl down by
their coldly critical spirit, the chlldleee
woman eared her.
. Innumerable curl can be dted where
.the eons of mothers who are eligible to
'mothers dubs bare led young girls to
ruin. -i
But alas, the large majority of
heart a broad feeling of lore and sym
pathy for sll the boys and girls of ether
The purely animal Instinct -te protect
snd feed her child, and to puafa It ahead
of other children, at any mat. la set
what constitutes Ideal motherhood.
The mother cat does this, and she
steals the food of other kittens to carry
K heme to her own, and feela she has
done a fine act.
She has. from ber standpoint. '
But the mother who pushes down
other children to advance her own, the
mother who traduces the character of a
young girl la order te cleans the reputa
tion of her erring eon. Is net doing a fine
act. She occupies a higher plane hj
civilisation that the mother oat, and mors
than animal Instincts are expected of
her. And mothers' dubs srs organised
that women may team this fact. And
women without children, poeeeslng Meet
snd brains sad besrta, are needed m
such clubs.MCDpyiight, 11, by tbe
American-Journal- Examiner.)
f Little Bobie's Pa 1 The Secret in Her Heart .
Well, and Pa. I am glad to ess that
tbe South pole bss been dlnoiered sg
gesa. AgeanT sod Ms, why, I thought
St bsd nerrer been dlseerarsd until
that Norweeglan feller dlscorersd It the
other gay.
No. aed Pa, It wasent that way at an.
I dtaoovered It first. Mr. Amundsen
merely too-coeored It The whole ground
bad been gone oarer beefoar, sed Pa, by
f . : -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
But where in the world can be found mot beta of tbeee sons bare used all their I
a nether who bss done tor the human
race what Jane Addams baa aoneT
Where can be found a mother who baa
thews such a spirit of ualrereal mother
hood, such dlrtne sympathy for wayward
and erring young girls, as this unmarried
woman has shown'
What mother could be so well fitted
te speak la a mothers' dub ss she?
In a country Tillage a poor boy whose
mother had died when be wss a Httle
child (and whose stepmother was not the
happy except k to the rule), became a
neighborbood pest with his jnHchlef and
pranks which bordered upon lawJemneas.
The- fathers and mothers ef ths town
warned their sons and daughters sealant
the hoy. and bo waa shouted by an the
rameetable families.
One woman, a widow with out ehUdree
made herself unpopular wtth ber aetgV
tore by tantlng tbe boy te bar home. Bbe
became Us aiead. she sredled his mind,
and she found that his mteehlef and
mwlessnees resulted from so over ahtmd
anee of ntel force which bed as wbole
aasae ent let- ghe led tbe boy late a Una
ef eonstrwctlTe reading and experiment
powers to try and defame the reputation
ef the young girls, tat order te free their
toys from the blams of being the mls-
When a mother la found who is great
enough and kind enough to befriend and
sympathisa with the girl ber sea has
wronaed shs goes down la history ss a
character of hnusuat worth" so setdora Is
he met with. -
Look over your own'drcle of friends,
regard your own town or neighborhood,
snd yoa will be astonlsbed aad pained to
find bow few mothers ef your "acquaint
ance bar ever distinguished tnemsetree
ss friends ef sther people's children.
Te be tender snd kind and lorlng and
loyal te one's own children is not a
virtue. It Is merely a decent aad satural
thing to be.
But tbe mothers' dabs are organised,
not to msss mothers farht like she
wolves. In order to obtain tbe beet priv
ileges for their own. bat te help women
to be better dtlsens. aad be awaken In
them the spirit ef antrenal motherhood.
No woman can pride herself upon be
ing a good mother unless she has In ber
Manet St, lags.
This day, sixty years age, Harriet
Beocher Stows published "Uncle Tom's
Cabin."- Nobody, least of all ths author.
anticipated the marvelous success of tbe
book or the tremendous Influence H waa
to exert upon the
fortunes of the re- ,
This life of ours
I s a two-sided,
double-barrelled af
fair, and Just as
the flowere grew
up out ef tbe mould,
ss many of tbe
great things of the
world greet" books,
great Institutions,
great movements
that revolutionise
states and turn the
sareama of cen
turies out eg their
channel a originate in situations that are
anything but poetle or romantic There
Is nothing poetical or romantic la de
pleted larders and threadbare gowns; and
yet It Is more than possible that but for
such things Mrs. Atoms would aerer hare
written ber famous story.
The Stowes were pool -em y poor. Mrs.
Mows wss lamenting ths Impoverished
condition of ber wardrobe and the
meagerness of tbs contents of ber tea
eaddy. when ber husband offered tbs sug-
gaetton that K might be wsn for ber Is
bunt ap the start story en eagre Ufa la
the south, which shs bad written eome
yeara before, brush K up, odd something
to It aad send It to the local newspaper.
ghe acted upon the suggestion, tbe piece
I 1
r took well, other parts were from time to
Urns published, and finally. In lffit, tbe
complete book was given to tbs world.
Tbe effect waa magical! It went flaming
through the country Has a tempest ef
first Jt eroesed tbe ssae aad (leaned Hs
message ell erer Europe! Hundreds' ef
thousands ef copies were sold, and tbe
world orer everybody began euratng the
south and slavery.
Beyond a doubt It bsd a great deal te
do with the bringing en ec tbe war, and
with creeling the aatl eoosbora eeatt-
ment In the old world which eventually
prevented the recognition ef tbe con
federacy by the various European states.
It Is doubtful If any ether book erer
writes exerted so potent aa tnflaeaoo.
Tba fact that tbe story was fundamen
tally fame made ae difference there waa
-Uncle Tom.- painted by the band ef
genius, dashed with hottest passion. Sad
tbe world took htm by the band aad made
a bare out of htm.
A matchless piece of work ef Itself,
t'nde Tom's CabhV was assisted by tbe
bested sentiment of the Urns, and It
moeed oa along Its triumphant way by
leapa and bounds. One woman's genius
had Tendered Tela and rut lie the discos
stone of the statesmen and the htcubrv
twne ef the moralists. "Undo Tom was
a :eoadltlon.' not a mere "theory."' a
concrete, matter-of-fact argument that
admitted of no answer, aad the die was
cast "To arms! Ts arms!"
Thoughts are not things." Tory tree.
They are Infinitely greater thaa things.
They dominate things as ths storm
winds pile op the ocean wares or My low
ths mighty asoaarche ef the forest. Orsat
is a real book, aad among such ens ef the
greatest hi "t'nde Tom's Cabta."
- rn
I met a maidea fresh aad fan: '
Her brew waa lfke tbe saow. '
Her starry eyes were velvet-dark.
Her rotes was sweet sad lew.
Vpon ber shapely bead a Wealth
Of dusky tressee grew.
And m! sbs bad a little pom
That matched their Jetty hue.
I bggod her for e dikes curl;
To my tatease delight.
At hut she seat ms sae by mall,
I kissed It dog end sight.
Ws ejusiftlid. aad aha asked fee efl
Her lettsra beck, aad wrote:
"Bat yea mar keep the leek ef hair,
Twaa clipped from PMere east,"
ao ether man than me mysslf.
He, ha, ssd Ma, Hobble, here yurs
father to on. Just llssm te hire. Turn
father dtscerered the South pole. How
long sge was that, deer beertr sed Ms.
Tell us sf shout It.
That was la HOT, Pa sed. Things had
been breaking kind of hard for me In
tbe Halted States, so I thought I wed
go out do a Uttd finding. First 1
found a rich man what wud staks me. A
then I found a nlee whaling vessel wlok
I had painted all oarer and called the
Dread-nix. Then I found a grocer who
offered to trust me for all sf tbs steers
then I dug up a dog fender oarer In
Brooklyn who galr ms a hundred bardy
Kaklme dogs. .
I did eat hare te buy tbe dogs. Pa, eed,
beekeue the man wtrh owned them bad
brought them from ths north te sen, but
wen them dogs sew lbs Brooklyn bass
ball team play. Pa ssd, they wanted to
go back sorts or sine south or eumwars.
They went on a striks A so the dog
fancier wss glad to give them te me. ,
Tbe rest waa essy. Pa sed. We got a
crew together la ae tune. A early la
the autumn waa sailing south beefoer a
pastel seeese Ws ftggered It eat ts ths
obarl. Pa aed. that If we kept salllag
south long A far eauft ws wed bare to
git te tbe South pole. In Urns.
Tss, yes, go on. sed Ma. I am Daees
Ing. Of course you are limning. Pa sed. f
bare a way of telling a story that wud
make anybody liases. Wen. after two
or three months sua of ths orsw got tired
of eating ths salm food day after day. A
fbay beegan to show signs of mutiny. If
K heddent bees for my Iran band my
unquestioned eurrage, Pa end, they might
hare sstssd the Dread-era A sailed heck
aerest ths uncharted aeaa te the place
from wMeh we baa eaha from, pa aed.
But f faced them like a Bos. eed Pa. A
drove them back te tbe forirsseil wtth
my bare bands. An of them bad guns
except me. Pa eed.
Tea, deer lien hearted lue. sed Ma.
harry A fin lea rare yam beef war I ge
to sleep la the morris share. Bobble bss
takea the count alreddy, aed Ma.
No, Ma. I sed, I was Jest going te go
to alueep, but I will try bard to bear
the end.
Te malk a wrung atory short, sed Pa.
two years after we bad set sea hi our
good ship Drsed-nix, we sighted e stale.
It wss tea thousand feet above the ess
leanral. A aerer It there whlssed A
wntrlsd the winds ef ssma aeaa It wss
a tarrlbttt esperlsoes. Pa sad. but ms
aad my mea aerer faltered. It. took us
four mosthe te cVme to the top ef that
grata plats, he toald as. but we finally
made It. lust think. Pa aed. erery
oae of tbeee fear sseeuths wss spent la
darkasss. How ws ever got up at all a
a mistery te me.
Hew yen error got up the nerve to
tan about It Is a mistery to m. sad Ma.
Now. Amandsen, ay teak yu baa ready
lo ge to bed.
Would yeu be happy, than from
out your store
Carry good cheer to others; and
tbe more
- Teu give the more there still re
main n to give;
Cheer dies by hoarding, but when
Siren sou lire."
A women whs understaada tbe bumaa
heart and baa been given the great gift
of sspreesloa. recently wrote a story en
titled "Tbe sterol ef Her Heart."
It was the story ef a girt who had no
ebana. She wee neither pretty nor
popular, she was not pretty because she
looked dissatisfied. She waa not popular
because ens waa
And elder aad wiser wcaaea. seeing the
dismal path through Ufa ths girt bsd
marked eat far herself, tetd ber a secret.
It wss a ebarm by which shs might at-
tala beauey aad friends Just two words
te say orer aad ever, aad te let them gov
ern ber eonduct
The sir! carried the secret with ber la
her heart, and always remembering U, she
lest ber self BoaaukHisniee. her morbidness
wsa dispelled, her fear was dissipated, aad
her dissatisfaction aad selfishness were
os squared.
She became happy hesaass she mode
others sappy. She became pretty ber suae
she saw the prettlneae In ethers with
gtadaeoe Instead ef envy.
She became pesetas, aad toward (be end
of tbe story there came te ber tbs toesr
whose coming the eom pieties ef happi
ness. AU because ef the secret la her heart
Met A potent eberm, yoa think f Thee
try K oa tbeee In year awn family be.
FAIBFAX. . . ' . .
fore carrying Its msgls abroad.
Tour father has bsd a hard and
troubled day. Things bars gone wrong
aa they sometimes will, and be Is out of
sorts. Ths family sees bis humor aad
ardds him aa If be were given to snap
ping and biting. .
He needs a smile of auprsclstlon. a
lluls word ef enosuragament. He's tired,
lie's discouraged. He's lonesome! ,
Try that little secret In your heart en .
bus. Show him some one In tbe world "
lores him, snd understands
Tour author, bless her! Has anythlag
gone wrung with herf Toe wUI never
know because she doesn't ooraptata. If ''
there le a longing in bsr heart that
some ens, hue band or child, weald lore
ber Just a mils bit more, aba doesn't,.,'
say It . t
Try the magic ef that secret by Ml
lag ber that ae gui la tbe world baa a -'
mother aa dear as yours, for she, too. is -lonesome,
everybody's lonesome. -
Tbs girt wh works beside you all days '
tbe girl who Is your eempsslee la your
amusements; the girl wbe has wealth -aag
tbe girl wbe baa nothing; tbe girl
wbe at alone aad the girl irfae isn't; all
It Is as If each were oa one's ewa
mdrrkhml planet; aa It each spoke I a
language no other can. understand. It
Is a shell of self or sslflghnoas. which
erery one baa built around one's self,
and It akea msgle te penetrate It -
The magic is found la a friendly, so.
preclatlre. undemanding smile, and the
smile, thank heaven, le the same la all
Try M, and yoo bare la your heart ts,
potency ef power-the tallsmaa ef popu
larity and beauty. Jest a Httle secret of
twa words: Krerybofiy-g lonesome!
.Strenuous Pace Tells on City Boys
Heroes seem able to yell the loudest of
art erer a stomach ache.
Did yes know that whoa yea are
'yearn ef age year arala Is keener thaa
at aay ether warn ef your life? Dig yea
knew that tbe eooatry-bred youth ts
neither ava tally nor Bhystceny tbe equal
of tbe city-bred youth, but that ta later
years the boy out as the farm er work
ing In the eouutry smeary store slowly
overhauls bis eity ceuaa. aad. aa things
jceemserod. gels the best out ef life after
all? Tbe dty-bred yeetfe. sow a maa.
I gate gray-beaded, snows hie age aad be
gin te look quite eld, while aa coun
try coasts m still la the prime of Ule.
Ail of this aad much more ef aa
eeealir Intarestlag nature le selaied by
Prof. I. U Naeeher. M. D.. ef the Pord-
ham Ualvensty School ef Medicine la aa
article aa The Strunaoae Uie," wrn
tea for tbe New York Medics! Becord.
"I hare pisibrasly referred. a.
"to the present-day teadiacy as
the peefed of de slepeieut and malts
is maa ef the growing cnira. paas wear
tbe period ef maturity with ladirftrenoe.
aad whaa the msalfeetstlons of deeMas
appear, make (rantls efforts te prolong
the dosing period of Ufa. Tbe sendeacy
te beatea deretepmeot is sees In our
ehools where the mental and physical
i.kM bum taa cnlkt hare about
reached the BmK ef the eapadty ef the
"Compare the school euirleotam eg to.
day with the curriculum ef tarty er
forty years age. The ehiid
an his parents dig hi their geasol days,"
jail the advances ta eciaoee made since '
jrneo. and many subjects Which were
thought uhncceeeary la Parmer days, yet '
the school sge bee sot bees lengthened
i nor the somber ef school hours Increased.
: There Is a limit to physical capacity, aad '
that tbe hmlt hi eltes reached la seseel
lis evidenced by tbe bra at tag wbfcb ac
ceanta for the Inatteetioa aad Irritability
'of tbe child germs the later school
hours." - -
Dr. Naaeher aays that as a reealt of '
this forced etereieesaent ta tba anhnni.
tbe city maa starts out la mstura lire
with mind end body impaired aad diss
tag signs ef eld age betere bis time.
As tor ais country casein. He is betler
tar aim so stay ea the farm, er ta any .
eveat away from the but dUesk
"The maa frets the country anaiing to -
tbe dty aad taking ap the rapM tie
of tbe dty aoea breaks dews,"
"Ha fee set eesuetemsd ta bu
end msufficteat steep, restaareat bar
loverbeated rooms and bad air, aad tl
ceustant straia ef exciting buatnees.'