Desperate Desmond ''it 'a a Tough Job Releasing the Rnssiaa Steed, but Claude Wins Out By Hershfield U V I. TUB FROZEN STEED. Desmond Is fleeing over th snowy plains wttli the beautiful Rossmond In hla power. Claud la la pursuit ef the villain, but hi bona haa lu feet frozen Into a hut block of lee on the river Jutt crossed. Needles to mr, our-hero and his Russian friend auk slow pro gress over the around when they have to push aleog a bona Id a block of Ice. n. DOWN THE SLOPE. Desmond, atill urging the wretched Rosamond to her fastest run, baa now surmounted th rtdg of mountains which separates him' from th Siberian police. Th villain, knowing of Claud' delay, exults In I ha belief that ha now baa Rosamond In his power without tear of successful pursuit. Rosamond still believe in her lover, th heroic Claud Eclair. in.-A LAST HOPE. Bren Claud, with all nil herota perse- Terence, realises at last that there la no hope of retting the lea-hobbled horse ever th ground fast enough to catch up with Desmond, Ho has another plan, s ha gela hla Russian friends to help him and they pick up the Ice block' and try to hoist It over. This will make the horse mora useless) than ever, but wait TVA BLACKSMITH W ACTED. The horse la now fat a novel sitting post Una. ho) fast sacking through th oaks of lea, tost as If ha war a male factor la th stocks. Hot' that Claude haa any Mea of Banishing tho faithful - animal. Instead, h I anxious to free him from th Ice which so pinions th poor creature. Thar I mora than sympathy In th case, though. V.-CLAUDH. the iceman. Hating; taken the shoes oft the horse' fast, Claud put thera to us a lea picks. He and the Russians chopaway with all their might and soon they reduce th large chunk of lee to piece small enough to go In a lemonade glass. In a few moments the horse will be free and than. Claude will surely overtake the scoundrel. VI.-AT LAST. "I'm the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "but I can't beat a horse at Us own game." No matter how the villain hurries down the snow-clad slope he know that Claude' will now ride him down sad that h need expect no mercy whatever. Rosamond halls the arrival of Claude with joy and tomorrow we shall aea how the fight cornea out. WANT ADS . Want ads received at any time but to Insure proper- classification must bo presented before) U o'olock oi. for the evening, edition and beforw 7:SS p. pa, for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ad received after such hour will bare tbeir first Insertion under tha beadisg Too Ufa to Classify." CASH RATES ToR WANT ADA REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1H real par word and 1 cent par word for each subsequent coosecatJv lneertion. Each inser tion nade on odd days t H-cent per word; 11.M per line per month when ad to ru without change of copy. ' ' MAIL ORDER B I BIX ESS tJANQIAMKIJ BKOS., Macaroni, made In Omaha. Every pack age guar. Ask your grocer. Bend us fifty eagles sut out of packages tor premiums. BWITCHE8 MADE FROM COMMNOS. Mr. Peek. tilt N. Mth. Phons B. Met. AMTJ8KME5T3 it TM a th ana Apoiio ineaier i .... - . i . v Hlgn claaa motioa picture. THE bKfeT MLWIU. enworth. ALWAYS w Ull 8. ltth Bt Moving Venezia "r- ulu"m,;a Pi OTTftrifs 'I ritottr end a aiviiib a. uwu ivt Vinton. Comedy and Select Drama. Douglas. Motion picture machine and film bargains Hie Laemmle Film Service MOVING PICTURES, MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. UU FARNAM ST. ANNOLNCKMETTS 'J. A. GENTLEMAN, ffia. em saline.. IJ4 Chicago St. D. MM. B-1SM. IIULSE & RIEPEN.j undertakers! TREIEKInASHOP THINGS JJEAUTUj'UL Favors, club prises, Dolls and doll fitting. Omaha's Exclusive Gift Storo E. C. Z1UHSRER, 1S23 Farnam St., Omaha. Upholstering, pleao furn. rep. toi Far. r lO LOAN-LOW rate. In sums ta uit. tit Be Bills. ' Phone Doug. MIL UN tun LOAN CO. MONEY LLEAFEY & HEAFEY, eha Moved to Kll Farnam. A-riaJ. H. Me. Maggard Van a storage, rack, move, atore and ship H. H. gouda. Die B-sus. NORTHRUP LETTER. DUPLICATING CO., M Paxton ink, circular letters, say quantity; oluest cetsbltabed oompanjr; as pens or aunismfn su nwn;'., Neb. seed Co. 1J Jones. Bath pbonsa, DITP1V field and gardsa seeds. Younk fUlllinm Co.. Co. Blufts. la. bO Us.r. toe pump man. Wee. last. B. h. coie Sign ce. D. t. Ui Pamela. 'rweuiy per cent iee tnan Omahapnues, HOMM FURNITURE CO.. Twcmy-iuo, ... ana I. ate. Mouth Omaha. . er tv ki U a U i'. In SnYauk IT . A fcAOA,a OUAll w - CAody trom But tt la a to buy Viimoad VvaUhaa tvnd Jtwtury MX rred hrwimr& Co. UrMC bcriflo your oiamonda ml klrXigr4 M. ".r "' 'AaiTL K!Tl 14 A UA Pa A 1 ! ItsAji. Bo M. 'prepaid. : Uy half dosen; If not satisfactory money refunded. aiEA- 'l O.N UKtU tu. law rr.iw. IXlLXiLAS Printing Co. TeL Doug. W. Gibson's Buffet . rlNKST BQIU'PED BAR IN the West, m . lth St. "OKO. BARKKK. ROOM 12. PATJEK- 6jN BtXX.'K. tormenr oi nitun . , c-. u ull c )MKLABest remedy for Itching, bleeding or inglile. Mc puaipald; sajnpiea Ire hZfroanA McConuell Drug Co.. Omaka, FOB the Tailor. e Block. PARALYZED 11 YEARS Pot IM SobecrlpOons TO Th Ladies- Home Journal. .11 The Ladies' Home Journal 41.M The Saiurady Evening Poet 1M The Country Gentleman.. it The publishers wlli deposit for charity, th imereet of which will bring Seta? anonth for life. Must have 2U March r the Sj.KW pris ts lost. lour renewsia count. Rush tiwm In! 'Phone D. tUX GORDON n'rVX8 " jj. k Morrill, china paint. a Brandele Th " WATERS PRINTING CO. Doug. 8 ,. . ddv 11.- vi.-viHH im PAXTON BUXTt. CIVIL, Dr. Albert A. Crandell. 441 Pro. Nafl Bk. 1 Tailor baa nvsved hla new location. Kverythlng W new sprints styles. "PAPERHAAGER3 us 8notke pasta. Omaha Paste Co.. 711 8. Uth. Both phones. MecL&Bical Equipment Co. P. 1. OfTKRMAlt, aneeessor ta AUea r. Ely A Caw dealer la everything that -Is krCHA-NICAL; contractors' eqeip aseat a specialty: cash only: phuabtng aappUaa; WHOLEALB. RETAIL, UM Ltougtas. omana. ei. ASJUNS. ZJ S. 1Mb. t'PsTAlKa . ELASTIC STOCKINOn, supporters snd bandages: stock aiwaya saw, because we eH 00 ami j trimn fitted: ai-erytblng guaraataeal. W. O. Casveiaad Drug Co. th largest surgical supply bouse. lUfi: Jdarney Sb ACTOMOBILES. INSURANCE ftann.1 sued here, lowest rate. HARRT 8. BYRNE. 0t City Natl. P. 1M; A-UOt T V 7 T 1 -1 1 1 Demunstrator. 1U -LljAl KK Winder. Driven tOOs 1 . Stewart. 2usa Farnam St. DkUMMOND Auto repaira. rubber uies, for carriagat and commercial trucks nth and Harney. CAMEJiON 3y Co. Ressonab. ' w' shargea. Personal sua. uon given. Trucks and aaloa slorr, bargens In used cars. MI 8. luth. D. Iti. MclNTYEE AUTO CO. Oakland, Steame, Knight and R. C. H. Bursal ne la used care, not Parnam. AUTO REPAIRING TO PLEAiiaV Q'Donovan & Pease Auto garage, atorage. Dargaina In used care. ,-lo N. jwtn. 80. Omaha. Bo. us A s-cyllnder, M horse power, lain model BU1CK delivery ear. In flrst-clase conditio n. Used five moniha. Pull est ot tools. Tires new. pair Universal Treads. Preat-O-Llte tank. Body atrung-Bulit to oroer. uood reason tor sslung. Cbeap lor IsS. KIMBALL LAUNDRY CO.. 1511 Jackson. REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS 7. L. 7-passenger t 70 t. P.. 7-psssenger l. a. F.- Umouaine X.1W a. A. t-pasaenger urn SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OP CARS AT REDUCED PHIC'ES. J. 1. DER1GHT COMPANY, lHU Parnam Hu, Omana, Neb.e ONE K-M-P as, cuuipiet with all equip ment; htil, open front, a-psssenger; beea Atfi as demunstrator. Price fTttt. One (Ive pasaenger Rambler, good condition, kjg one model 41 Overland. SMe. MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. WiU-l Parnam St Omaha. Nsa, Auto lampa repaired. Omaha 8!lver Co FOR BALE At a bargain, two allgbtly uaed Midland Automoaliea. PreeUnd sua vo., lAn and Farnam. AUTO RADIATORS repaired. Metal OMAHA MACHINE WORKS Autogenous welding, sen ! machine aad auto repairing. Pattern making and spe cial machinery designed. Expert die work. rsitera orswings.. sii B. nib Bt. o. aw. Murphy Did it KSlfAlKl.NU, KIMMIMU. PA1NT1NU. vny not aeu yeur eid automobile and buy a new ' one or, maybe, you can use the money 11 some ether way In either event. Bee want ada will do the work. Hatea 1 cents per word If lua only one time or 1 cent per word If run two or more times consecutively. W. J, LA PAOE-Auto biacksmlthlng. brakes reuned. wneela irMea up, spring weiuing a specially, su a. utn. u. ava. FOR SALE CHEAP. One 1-ton Kelly truck need nine months One 23 horsepower Bulck truck used six months Both In good condition and equipped with new tires. A duress A sif. Be. BRICK OARAGE, aultable for automo bile or storage. Jug. St. Mary's Ave. BLSIXE8S CHANCES. FOR SALE The only cash raoket store In a live and growing town la eouthern Idaho; net profit over eft per eaat; last year business over fi.OOO; good reason for sailing. Addrew Y Jot, ear Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Uene-al atore M ml lee north of Denver, Colo.; stock and build ings will Invoice IMOU: farming and eoal mine; good trade; good reason for sell ing. Address Linn Mar. Co Dacoo, Cola BRANCH manager. A 1. reliable man, to learn our business and operate dis tributing branch in Denver or Minneap olis, wholesaling to retail drug trade; b,ttiO to 0,00 required. Okie- City, Houston, Loe Angelea. San Frarrlsoo, Salt Lake already established ; Investigate fully, Salea Manager, Goodrich Drug Co., m I Harney Bt, Omaha, Neb.' FOR SALE The only tinning and plumbing shop In Gregory. B. D. Address J. SL Lovei. Gregory. S. D. FOR SALE or for rent; only livery barn In Stanton, la., up-to-date. Prioa reasonable. Boa IU7, Stanton, la. Good Opening for Cafe Have It rooms and no facilities for feed ing our guests. VYm. Flsber, Mgr., Hotel f lass, 14th and Howard.' Ed Kothery, Bueinesa and Real Eelate Exchange Co. Room ait, MeCagu Bidg. TO get la or out ef business call on GANOfcSTAD. 464 Be Bids. Tel. D. W. FOR BALE Csoppoaed medical and urgicsl practice in Iowa of 2W, la eea tral Nebraska, Addresa N-411. ears Boo. Howssiagt Meaaaa tor sale. It-ROOM rooming boose; low rant; terms or cash; income tlet per ssonth. See owner, tit N. Uth. ROOMING bouse; strictly modem, does in. Douglas tut BUK1.S8 rERaOKAX Artoaiaa Wella. CD ROWS, well boring. Attorwaya. Listen I, Hall. Lawyer, M7 Bran. Bfdg. O. W. Shields. Attorns,. M7 B. of Traded Aevalmaa aad Tewta. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. att Douglaa - naT Maasfaetwrers. ' BKMTg OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Ken, Basaasw aad Testes aa, THS ONLT WAT. ' Baggage checked ta dastlnatlea Tssl eas and toaring eara. Tat. Pour-as at 111 reeun. OMAHA BIU POSTTNo co, ru tJJi nil.-t HAR.SET. DOQ-QLAg H a aad raaaw taaataatasre. WooeVa Bos A Fackags Co, UM X. Uth. BUSINESS PERSONALS Carpenters aad Ceatraetora. Stevenson, carpenter, cent Both phones. Creameries, Dairies aad aapalles. Fairmont' Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLBCRKAMKRY COMPANY. Chiropodists. PR. ROT, lMt Farnam. Douglaa an7. t lets is MaaaCaolarosa, Wear Ideal dres shirts. M B. Smith Co. Coal Dealers. WRSTERFIELD sells REEDER COAL; c URN ACE or RANOB. D. 15M; A-Ust Caralee aad Steel CeUiaata. CARTER Bneet Metal Works, Omaha. , Daaulag Academlsa. Morand's erlvara lesaon overy day. Claaaee Mon. and Frt. t p. m. Doug, att ,. . DeatUts. DR. M'LERAN, ipeclallit In plate work. DausEsciion or no tee. m nnwuFw piue Taft'i dental rooms. UI7 Doug. D. tto Bailey, tha dentist. City Nat l. D. Bet. "slash A M-t Id Poor Pmu D. loaV Detective. JAMES ALLAN Neville Blk. BXdsno secured in all oases. Tyler 11M. L. W. LONONECKKH, U7 Karbaeh Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. tfe Pailon blk. D.ltlt i akiag. Terry's Dmaiuaklng college. tDth A Far. WANTED Sewing. II. a day. Web. Wit Draggleta, DRUGS at cut prioes; freight paid oa lit orders; catalogue free, bhermaa A McConnell Drug to.. Omaha, Nab. Everything Klecirioai, Eleotrle tlghlmg fix, wholesale and retail. Burgees-Gmndea Co, Ull Howard. D-taL tcverythlag to VV easea. CONSITt.T DR. HVRKE. Deng. Blk. PITRTAlKSMtindared. Urm. Car- ' muoy. Harney tset. Out-of-date garmenta es. lor new. W. KBs, Willow plumes, maoe Irom your old snd new leathers, reasonable, lay n U. U 7CU. TRY the BOSTON WET WASH, Have your family wash brought homo ready tor drying at Mc Doug. W71, B-sUl BVKLYN BOLEN wlU go ta hoanee te take mas sure lor tailor-made o reels, etesn and repair eo reels Douglas sat. DRKS plestlngs, buttons, covered, all rlsn and etylee. TUB IDEAL PLEAT ING CO.. X Douglas Block. Both phones. MAYMiQ RAUBEli 14M S. Mth at, I block soum of William. rood MUU aad ttaraa. Feed, all kinds. Olenooe Mills, tm faarl Plorleta, A. Donaghue, letr Far. D. 1001. A-tttL HESS A BWOBODA, 1411 Pi L. HENDEKJON. Wit Farnam. D. Uit. BRANDE1H FLCKIaT, BandeU Bldg. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. Fwaadrlss. MeDeaald brass snd bronse foundry, alo ml num. tin, lead castings 14t Jackson, Mais 6eda. SWITCHES from combings, tin); Mra. S. Matthew. Mt Bee Bldg. D. tsA lra aad Wire Feaelan. Anchor Fence Co, Ml N. n. TeL Red Hi Laaadriea. Ouarantee Launry. Fine work. D. ant Leaker. R. Gross Lam wreek'g, plb. M A PaaL Maaasoat Maaefactaresa, 1 Skinner's macaroni and snaghsttl. Me pkg Moaaaseata aad Stawleaas, J. V. Bloom A Co, 17tb and Cuming kta Metoreyeleay ' Kspart repairing. Erlcksea. MS B. 14th. Mevlaa, storage aad cteaaiag. EXPRESSMErfS Denvsry Co. Moving furniture. pa king, fireproof atorage. City office. U 8. 17th. Doug. SH. Ind. B-124. PERK1.V Van A Slorsga. Tylar UM, B-I7 Purn. moving: S men. 11 per hr. W rtt. Maltlgrapkers. Trl-CIIy Dnnllestlng Co, To Omaha Nat l Bldg. Mailing lists Douglaa Met. OMAHA DUPLICATING CO, 4J PAX TON BLK. DOUGLAS tm Maate. Art aad Ustssgei. Experienced violin teacher. Web. I Opiletaaa, R F. Warn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brsndel Oeteapathy. Alice Jotinsoa. M-f Brsndel The. Bldg. Katherya Ntckolas. tM-t Brandete Theater Palat aad Stasa. TOC are Invited to eome in ' and get color cerde snd talk ver your painting and decorating. Complete line Shevwia WllUsms paints and varnishes. Barkar Bros. Paint Cc, lnw Faraaav Dosig. 47 Mi Pateats. , , D. O. BaraeR Paiton T - wniard boor. i.. faetei raphvrs. Rlnehart. photogrsphers. Uth A Farnam. Printing. UwW.Raberlprinter, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON CJOCHT. PRINTING ter'vrS' IJiT tho ANTRAL PRINTING C(J, d your work. ttl. twugia. Tdu U. t A. BUSINESS PKllSO.NALS atla Lyngstad Printing Co, Uth and Casttel Ave. Tel. Ind. thai for good prlnung. Rles-Hall Pig- Co. lot A 14. lad. A-tsM. Phaaagrapaa, Rdlson phonographs ghuHs Bros. 1N Far. Phonographs sought, aotd. sxchanged; records. Am Phono. Ex, J Cuming aM. Piatlaa. OMAHA SILVER CO,' HI A llth. Plans bora. L. P. VALKENBERQ. Plumbing- W. sg. gleet leak aad Calvert CampaatsaT NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Coca pan r. Mth and Nicholas. D. tun, Seeda. . STEWARTS, SEBDMEW, t N, MTH Iteaes; rankers and Caart Mesartara. Myrtle, A. Kelley. 7M Bran. Tha P. MB. Miss W areliline. W faxtoo Blk. D. tit. Tallerlag. Anna Slstak, salts, cloaks, dries, t tsrauon, repairs. MI4 C'y Nat Bk. D.taA Teats and twsisga, OMAHA TENT CO.' Tel. Of Deuglaa, Traaavs aad Salt Cases. Frsllng Stelnle. 1M Farnam St. Vac a sal Ctsaaora. VACtTTJM CLEANERS Richmond Suc tion Cleaner rented by day. Rental ta apply on purchase price If purchased within six months. RICHMOND. SALES CO, twa Farnam St, Paone Douglas silk Wig Maaalaolarera. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr. It Frenser Blk. W isee aad Llaaoe. WTLLOW Springs beer, Ilauer, cigars, sandwiohaa. Ales Jetea, Ml-t a. 1Mb. at. VIRGINIA DARE wine, o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor Houss, ta hi. leth St, EDUCATIONAL TUTORING. 1st 10 stn grade, H, Met BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete eouraea la Buatnaas, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, civil Service or bales msnsnlp. The catalogue a free tor the asking. Call, write or K' sne for It at onoa. Address M. B. yias. President, boyle Coilegs, Omaha, HELP W ANTED FKMALB Assata aad aalcawaasea. WANTED Tou to send Me.'Ws will send you one elect rle dish cloth, tine for polishing and clsanlng. Canvasssrs want td. Sanitary Knitting Co, Box 1. Conves, SALESLADIES At once, bright, Me ladles over H. to travel, demonstrate aad sell dealers; ta to tu per week: H. R. fair paid. Goodrich Drug Co, UM-10 Harney St, Omaha, Neb f aelevy aad Trades, W.ANTKD-Ex parte need girls to label and pack Skinner's macaroni, . Ult-17 Howard St, ". a m. Uoaackeeaera aad Domeatlee. TUB SERVANT OinL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bes win run yeur Domes tic Hslp Waste Ad FREE until yew get the desired results. Bring your ad te Is Bee office or telephone 1ler 11. . GIRL, for general hoasswork; good wages to a goon gin. wis Beware at Harney SH. EXPERIENCED girt Is cook snd do general hounework; email family: refer encea roqulreA Apply A9 N. Mth St. Tel. Harney ttlT. WANTED A girl for general bouee worfc, good wages, as washing. US a. Mth Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for' general houas- work. Phone Harney ga Mil Burt WANTED A good cook. 1M S. tid. Phono Harney lia. WANTED Girt far general housework. Call Harney SUa. COMPETENT girt for geDsral work : no washing, ttlt Burt SL TWO girls, one tor dining-room work and n for chamber work: ta per month, board and room. Hotel Mea roe. Grtnnau, lowa. WANTED A comnetent nurse for rhlldrea. 411 Bo. tub St. Phone Harney A (COMPETENT alrl or woman want, tag a place with a email family. In a moaern noma, wnn or witnoui tannery work, pleas address Bos. 414, Pktils- moitth. Neb. GIRL for general houeework; three adulta in family. MM 1 St. . South Omaha. Phone Sooth Msg WANTED Goad girl for general house work, put Park Are. Harney tils. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. 77 South Mth street Phone Harney MU. WANTED A girl for general house work, uut South th street, phone Har- aey 741. GIRL for ceneral housework, f In fsm- lly. good wages. Z7M Spalding St Phone Webster xao. HELP' WATTED FEMALE - MlaweHaaeaso, EXPERIENCED wsltrau: report ready for work. Oilman's oala, IHM Howard St, HELP VYAXTKD MALB Aawata, Sale aa aad gaUaltwsw. Wanted A high class man for an important General -Agency position in . Omaha and Nebraska by one of the oldest s and largest dividend paying Life Insurance Companies. Address H 624 care , Omaha Bee. 1 : 4 iov eempie ana agenur prloaa; new thing: worth S; sells to any sMnVaw aaS knW A a -.ll 111- fm deao. M" -'' vo- ""P-- SOI.ICTTnnu h..!. ii , . SUlon: aaell. si . 1- -- " ' j-jr. "t'Fir narxman a 1414-IS-u ueug I 11 A V V 1 ..l.( , . , aalesmen la Omaha. South Oraaaa and Onuarll nirr il ... , u Karbaeh Block, and ask for Mr. Patrick. "aTYlwts . iTl I r7L ... tTTT 7 f v Mklh ' ' i ,i'p im neaj Send for aew soring catalogue, Juet out Household Speclslty Ce, Llnwood. Pa. v....-w .raw .iKia naoora breaking aalea everywhere. Write for H. Johnson, lit Viola St. St. Paul. Minn. MAN Or woman In Omaha and ae mty or town to handle our houaehold ne osselllea. Eighty artklea Toilet artislea, extracts, apices, ate, M0 profit Ap point eubsgenta and make money en their antes. One representative made f?f.s one week. Work pleasant Writ us. Addresa Look Box Tit, Desk A-17, Cedar Rapids, la. ' Clerical aad Offle. -CANO-HIgh grade positions." M Boa FULL dress suits snd party dresses for als: also for rent 11 to fl.M.a Bight JOHN FELDMAN, M N. 17th. DrEit Pastarp aad Trades. Drag store (man) tops. Knlsat. Bee Bwg WANTED Papsr hanger and palat erT good locatlaa; abundant work; Ilea task Address box tt, Adair, la. WANTED First class architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer Ce, Archltacta, Fremont Heb. WANTED A coat 'maker; steady Job. j. a. ueesen, oewaro. nan. WANTED A paper hanser at onoa Tor work. Call Harney tilt A GOOD all around butcher wanted. Henry Duve. Mat Leavenworth St MiaeeUeaewaa. TELEGRAPH posltlene gusrsateeS wva y th Union Pactfle aad Illinois Cen tra! railroads If you gala your training la our school Prscttoe on R. R. wires. Aa- dreea for particulars, H. B. Bar lea. Pres. Bovlea usitece, omana. Nee. AUTO SCHOOL. I OMAHA, L,AHUK inurk OU ARAN T KK, higher wai Itv araduatsa Mora cam snd actual repair work than any three see tern eeboola. Let us PHOVE it U.S. YOU are wanted for government posi tion. Mt month; send postal for Bat of positions open. Franklin Ijvtltuts, Drpt fct N. Rochester. N. T. WANTED-More Seoul t raia peat try with the Old Trusty incubator. Write tor tree catalogue, , su m. jonnaon, uay Center. Neb. WAKTCIlS Doaaiaa tm. . washerwoman. Inquire WANTBD A oompetent girt. Mra. M. W. Montgomsry. Phone Web. Mat, W ANTED Experleaoed girl for general housework; email family. Mra. F. H. Krug. 11M So. IWh Ave. Harney let. WANTED Girl tor general houeework. llt Burt. e WANTED-Experienced nurse girl; good references. Mrs. H. A. Tukey, IS 8. 17th St. Harney 14. TOtTNO women coming to Omaha a strangers are invited to visit th Young Women Christian nsociilon building st m. Mary Av. and Kth St. where they will he d retted to suits sis board, eg piacee or otherwise assisted. Look far or travelers' guide at the UUea statlou WANTED Railway mall clerks month. Ne layoffs Omaha examination May 4th. Thousand appointments com ing. Common education sufficient Coach ing free. Writ lor sample questions. Franklin Institute. Dept tit N. Bocbes ter. t. t. NEAT youns: man to work about hotel and Is dining room during meals: tw 00 per month, board and room. Hotel Mon roe, unnneu. is. OL' A VTST. rtU TT ISUV-IAa. bodied unmarried men setwsan the age good character and lemirate habns who can speak, read aad wrx th Eag.isa Im.ub. rn .,.,, mains mtrfj eruiUng offleer. ltth and Douglaa Sta, Omaha. Neb..; TJ7 41 h St, Sioux City, la.; is . . rein rw, uncoin, eta HELP WANTED MALE Mtscellaaeiaias. WANTED Man to prepare for positions now waiting at top wagea. Leara the barber trade. Few wseks sjuallfiaa. ho dull siasona No etrlkea Cash every Saturssy sight Aa army ef graduates desending upon us for help. Call or write Muter Barber college, in South ltth Bt STOP READ" 3 Iarn automobile rntineerlng In our Isrge training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equioment ef auto mobiles and machinery. Addreee National Auto Training Assn., Ct Brandeit Thea ter Bldg, Omaha. Neb WANTED For large Canada farm, good man and win. Sea William A. Bold, 2 First National Bank Bldg, Omaha. Neb, . MAN wanted. with rig to take charge of sale ot our medicines, extracts, spices. soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, ate. In your county. One man mads tw one week. Steady work guaranteed. Work healthful, plea, ant, vary profitable. References re- Sulred. writs us We mean business, hores Mueller Company. Dept It, Cedar Replds, la. LIVE STOCK FOB BALE llarsee aad Vehicles. llamsee ef all kinds, the largest alack Is the ally at attractive pries. J oh neon, Danforth Co.. & W. Cor. loth and Jonas. HORSES and cows Mlt Cuming Bt. IIOBSES "nitTVgft CHOICE lot of sound, young mares, geldings; ranging from 1 tot to LM lbs. Vernor-s Barn. (14 N. Hat St WTTLI8H horns and buggy cheap. 4t ISsrnam. Harney that, LOST AND FOPXD LOST Saturdsy nlsht. sold braoeleL tltut reward for return I Bee office. PERSONS having lost some article would do well te call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company te asosrtala whether they left II in the street oars Many erth-lea each day are turned In and the company e anxious to restore them ta the rightful owner. Call Doug las ts. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLfFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LoelT Platinum bar pin. Tuesday morning. Finder call Webstar 17U. Aa. . ix MKDiCAL DR. RACE, speclsllet eervoue and all ehronls dlaeaae, ISA Harney. Red ISM. Ladles' guaranteed remedies. tW Were bill. DK.TARRY CURES pile, ' fletula and ether rectal diseases without a surgical operation. A sure guaranteed; ne money paid until cured. Write for bosk on rectal disease with teetl mon lain Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONET TO LOAJI. ... Salary aad Ivaaiteta, DIAMOND LOANS at SU and I her cent FI.ATAI7, Uit Dodge St. Tel. Red. Mlt. GET IT of Miss Snow, C. L B, at Star Loan Co., t44 Paxton Blk., t to tut, without eeeurlty; to suit you. NATIONAL LOAN CO, A new and up-to-date Place 1 BORROW MONEY, on just a personal note. NEW RATES. NEW METHOD. SALARY LOANS OUR SPECIALTY. REMEMBER. If yea are a working man or woman your credit I good her. NATIUftAU IXJAI4 UtA, Heom tut. tth Floor, 1 Bo Bldg. 'Phone Doug. till. CHATTEL LOANS-Lowest rata and astest terms. See others; then see aa ad be convinced that we a III eave you noney. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, N. K. yr. ltth A Doug. Si. D. 4CH. Ind. A-l. keeping beass and ether, without a- unty; easy payments urncea in si pnn ctnal eltlea. Tolman. tal Omsha Nat l Sank Bldg.. formerly M. T. Ule Bldg. LOANS NBOOTIATED ON REAL L8 TATB. FURNlTLflB, PIANOS, WARE HOtSB RECEIPTS, SALARIES, ETC. LOWEST RATES. QUICKEST SERV ICE, CONFIDENTIAL. SEE L'S F1RS1. bi7i uni e romiT rrt TO FLOORPAXTON BLDG, 17 S. ltTH. TEUSKHUMSo IXIt'UL.AB 1411 B A-lllk 1 1 en rnitara, pianos aad VlOTlrV fsl estate at a ery low t-WIlt. J nu tnt.raat Nebraska Loan Company. Doug. ISA. Ml Bee Bldg. A-ltM. , OFFERED FOR REM Beard aad Ren 0. M. K.' haul trunks T. tit A -MIL OFFERED FOR RENT Hotels aad Apartments. Dewey European hotel, ltth and Fi NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gaa tlemeo, THE CHATHAM. 11 S. Uth Bt Dodge, running hot and cold water; tele phone In every room: prices the eame. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rata. Apartments aad Plata. S-ROOM apartment new brick, t23L 17M S. Eth St. Harney t t-room flat oa Sherman Ave, Wea. tTo. t-ROVM, steam heated apartment, Tha Mason. Slat snd Mason Sta, ftta. Tele pnone Douglas 1871. t-ROOM apartment new modern brick; team heat; short walking dutanoe; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: laundry; floe janitor service, Douglse tarn, t-KOOMmod. flat. II U A Uth St t-ROOM modern net roars". ' . Slt Ks Mth St, So. Omsha., Hall, tii Rsmse Bldg. u. '4QS. A-eew. lm and lta and ISt N Mth St. of t rooms each, in Vary good repair, tlatd and up. . Room m suits from on to three. Cor. ner Pth and Cuming. Mat aad up. U-room modern apartment td flsor. Ut So. Mth St. THOS. W. HA7.BN. , 107 McCague Bldg. Ph. Dg. !. I.inr lw Mt M.ntKt Prtvaia famlur. ww t.nuagu. private family; West Farnam. TeL H. tv Far slaked tioosaa. . NEW. modern furnished rooms. H up. t3t A K)h Ava Hsrney ml. NICELY furnished room In modem tpsrtment mono Douglas rot TTH BTH AVE- t-Ti-Nloelr fur- nlshsd. aiousrs. front parlor; board If desired. WANTED-Two young men for a nicely furnished front room, t artndows: break tsst served: by young couple. Harney tilt. 1677 HARNEY ST. Pleasant south room, suitable for two: modern: ten minutes walk from Bennett's store; Tst per week.e 31 iklwjb rurnivneq nwm rar iwa V.ll y n-I.V. m.wt. , nr4- vat family, aalking distance, excellent neighborhood; references, tl A Kth. IL tm HARNEY Strictly modern fur nished rooms: hot watar heat; new fur niture; reasonable puce; one location private family. Famished Ma keeping; Re THE MANCBtr-Twe-room ssartmeSt Ct Tha Howard, t-rwom. private bata. iTtt. list and Howara, 4!t fit. l.fll ST. Furnished room tor heusokeeping; rent very cneap; oasement TWO roorus, bath on same floor; private family. !t3 N. !Mh St. B7t HARNEY Newly furnished, mod ern rooms to refined coupl or young Isdles: two suites, front snd south.e NEWLY OPENED rooming house: housekeeofng complete. One room, tf: three rooms. t4; two front nice clen rooms, pttu. cios in. -f non ttco iiW. MODLBN t-reeax apartment en Wast Farnam St. ateam neat shadee, gas love and Janitor service: very choice. JOHN W. R1IBBINS. l0t FARNAM ST. . Measse aad Cottaaee. flood men are hard to est Thsy don't wander around the streets looking for stga In windows , When yon need goad belt ' advertise In The Bee, Bee want ada are read by keea. esergetio men who wteh te better their condition. Rate le per word if raa two or mors times consecutively. Tele- an one -lyierrsn. UUH usil,n oupuuauna wwa aa le exceheA A trial will convince yau. Beta Hotwes, Inc. Rlngwalt Brsndels Th. BtdgT 7juyL)M rtoiies. N. Mth ht D. ate. HOUSEHOLD fMKlDS packed and for. mm I- ohaaa Seelsllt rstas: BASrvlng aad A.An Wvnresamen's Delivery Co. Tel. Dougiss Mt City otfloa, 1U A 17U St. Bee Uhlg. ) UOVIUO u.kln. mmA atoHiii at nones. bold goods and pianos Mi our bueinssa. umana vsn ana etwve .w. tnrsge. Mt B. Mth. by th ylsduct Branch offlcs, kg 8 17lh Bt. Tsl. D. tits, A-lctt. Hniiana in all parts ot the city. UOUSeS Qoigh Son A Co, B Bids, FOR RENT MO lAthrop, t room and bath, ssod- arn, tjt.ts. MM Ma Mth St, Ct roam flat with heat, modern, ttttt. Mil Franklin St, I rooms, til J. Mlt Pierce St, I rooms modern but heat, piM. GALLAGHER & NELSON, tSJ BRANDEI8 BLDO. D. 1183. KM A rth. M room, modern. D. Utt, AROOM house, nearly new; all mod ern: bath: laundry; hot water heat. Tsl nerney sns. "x-Txm iTiri n.. 11.7777 Hi k, mtramL. Jtukna lAouslaa 2717 or Doua- laa .la 1114 H. J18T ST , t-r, modern, tS.Ot, W7 Park Ave, t-r, modern, te0t Ml Webster St. 10-r, modem, KtPA MM Charles St, t-r, modern. tA.9a, Arthur J. McShane lit First Nat l Bank Bids. ' rhone Douglaa IS, a. ' 1M N. ltth St, t-r, flee mod era bouse. I hed rooms, xa rnone B-i4as, LOW RENTS: CLOSH IN I rooms, all modern, 114 North XM St, an exerlient nwighoerhand. i rooms, upper flat SitUj North Sd St TEL RED MM. tM.00 t room, all modem, hot watar heat, m A SHh Ut t?Je U-room, all modern brick house, rat Dodg st . HARRY WOLF. et Brandet Bldg. Doug. Mtt, A-tSTl. BEAUTIFUL new seven-room house and barn, all modern, nice location. Tel ephone Florence 1st. n North tlsl street. It rooms, strictly modern. tM, ' nu (Thlcaxo. t rooms mod, ham. Mt. f tilt Chicago, t rooms, modern. tA. lett capttoi Ave, I rooms, moo era, xn ret Hamilton, t rooms, fit. AM Clerk, t rooms, 1U.M. R1NGWALT BROS, Urandeta Theater . . Building. NICE t-r. Sottas, full basement, city water, electric light and gas. tilt Burt 111 ir- month. H. B. Boylea, Boy lee college. one Dougiss lua and Ind. A-imt Kio l-IVP m n ,.1 mm wt EArlr In inquire Carey Laundry. Uth and Howard. FOR RENT-A-room house, modem ex cept furnace. Rent cheap. Ml N. ISlh at n-Mot Pacific, t-r, mod. ex. beat aad bath. 115-Sut & Uth St. t-r, c w. and gas. tri tM n. Mth. t-r, mod. ex. heat, Mt-lOlt A th, t-r, all mod. ts-ltt A th, t-r, all mod. tTS-ani N. Srth, t-r.. mod. ex. beat tl7 MA - Parker, t-r, mod. ex. beat tm-aa Chicago, t-r, new. all mod. K3-14 A Mth. t-r, mod. ex. heat til 1711 N. ltd. t-r, mod. ex. beat. tie Id floor. 1JM Farnam St. H1RKETT A TEBBEN8. 42S Bee Bldg. - Doug. 47M. A-Ket. t-ROOM bouse. t t-room. ta Modern; Hanaoom Park. Tsl. Hsrney ISO. - SIX rooms, modern, tS, MU Elat St Phone Hamey 15 m t-ROOM cottage, t lou. well and sii tern, tun Csmden Ava, t 40. room hiirk, ft ret -class, all modera, 3th and Ixsrd. (2 OA t-room modern house, kit Mala street. Benson, on car line, O. E. TURKINOTON, M Be BMg. FOR RENT Five rooms snd bath, corner lot MM N. 1Mb St Phone B-3244. COTTAGE of Mx rooms and bath, la fine condition. Inquire en premises. MM g. If.h St NO EQUAL 7-room bouse, ball and bath, also t-room flat 2M N. Md St t-ROOM hvure, modem. Hi. Fin laws. . 7 So. t7lh ht Fhooe Web. SAV '