Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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v a s a i awea i nv k - a a aa j iirii i i ft u at i ci a asm aan mm i r a ni aa an i ti iu i- i i
i - .;
30th Anniversary Sale of
Fancy Feathers
From the Famous House of
We have kept full assortments of ostrich and fancyjeathera from A. Hochheimer
for many seasons. We know the quality of goods from this house is always absolutely
reliable. . . , . ' 4 .
Rainy Day Ostrich Plumes,
Special offer of tho fashionable Rainy Duy Ostrich, feathers
in all the new shades such aa primrose, Datura, ni Q Q
ciel, white and black Anniversary Sale price . . V lUO
Your Choice of Several Styles of
New Fancy Feathers
Scores of new effects that are so much in vogue for spring 1912.
New fancy feathers, such as pheasant tails, imitation aigrettes,
fan shaped fancies and stick up effects also new flounces and marabout
trimming all colors, worth 69o in our great millinery department on
second floor Anniversary Sale price
New Line of Ostrich Novelties
Thousands of novelties are being shown here, such as Ostrich
tassels, two-ply shaded ostrich quills, pom pom effects,
very high class novel- Q f CA . Q t
tie-at a range of tO.O
special prices from .... "
For Thursday
On Second floor
Fine Serge
Stunning new modeh for
spring 1912 in the colors that
are most popularities spring,
including white, which is so
highly favored.. Many charm
ing style innovations! dressc9
regularly worth up. to $17.50,
Anniversary Sale Special
' On Main Floor .
$1.00 Earrings in pearl jet,
white stone, sterling and fili
gree pondant ear- AQf
rings, per. pair UVC
Only 3 Days More of Our Great
Anniversary Sale on v
La VMa. Corsets
The highest skill and knowledge in corset making finds
expression in La Vida Corsets. Their styles, shape, finish
and general appearance can be found in no ojher make.
La Vida Corsets are figure builders their fit is like a glove and they gradually
mould the figure, replacing angles with graceful curves. The low bust and the long
skirt lines give the fashionable uncorseted efffect, making them the ideal corset over
which to fit the fashionable gowns for the tew season. !
The last three days of the Anniversary Sale offers an unusual opportunity to secure
these elegant corsets at a price yon never before thought possible. 1
50o Earrings, spe
cial at
500 Long Black Ostrich Plumes
Good quality Ostrich Plumesthe color is in black only
these plumes would regularly sell A Or-
at $1.50 a Thursday special at . . ...... . "
$5.00 and $7.50
filled Bracelets,
choice at
finest Gold
79c White Stone
La Vallieres,
special, at, each ...
An excellent corset for
average figures well made
of excellent materials in med
ium bust and hip lengths;
former price $5.00
. r
Anniyersify $095
Stle Price . . . M
A corset designed for well
developed figures has med
ium high bust and is long ov
er hips and back; formerly
sold at $6.00-
AnniTersiry $95
Stle Price . .
Made of superior quality
materials, models for well
developed and average fig
urea very straight lines;
regularly worth $7.00
Anniversary $95
Sale Price . .. v
New Untrimmed Hats-Nacre and Solid Color
Straw Shapes in Rough Braid
The colors in these untrimmed hats which twe offer spe
cially for Thursday are red, black, white, burnt, both
large, small and medium size sailor pf-. m
fects and various smaller shapes, . . lwlC
$1.00 Sterling Silver Bar Tins,
2f' ..50c
$4.00 German Silver Mesh
Bags, Anniver
sary Sale price .
worth up to $1.50, at
In Basement Millinery Dept.
Our great Anniversary Sale
of Solid Gold Jewelry contin
ues all this week. The bar
gain! are remarkable.
La Vida Corsets have been justly termed "Queen Among Corsets," for they have set
the standard of corset excellences-it is impossible to make any better. The models are al
ways up-to-the-minute and are daintily wrought from, selected coutil or batistes. Lu
Vida Corsets give the extreme modish figure while lending grade and distinction to the
carriage. They improve the health by improving the figure. -
Their long, statuesque lines are particularly adapted to the graceful styles of the
present season, giving that well dressed appearance, indicative of the smart woman. -
i .
We are showing a wide range of tthe newer models in styles and shapes to fit any
figure whether slender or well developed. We especially urge your attendance during
the last days of Anniversary Week. The prices will be of interest to you.
TTOT7R fwRTT AX PTTTrTTDTrftJaOir nnnic specially
Vw- wv AJAaWilVlW ilUUiW Pr
New American Family Physician
The most com
preaenaiTe sad
popular (ulda for
management o f
limii Can,
araptoma, treat
ment and rara of
dlaaaaea Book of
B r I t ata lustres,
tloaa for woman
and ear d. l.ut
paces fully flius
t rated. 8 t r o n f
aad durably bouad
In cloth. Only
L-1 $1.48 11
Webster'i Unabridged Dictionary
Tala la the tanulna "Webster."
, It la a great book, alaa till
iaehaa, 1,74 paw (tatai
liulax. baa colurod Plate.
cmulna aew vorda Boond
til' tan cloth, looka
leather and wear mnra
ter Annlvarsary
Bala prica
nil a;
ama I
taa, I
mnd 1
20th Century American
Historical, biographical, acten-
tlfto a cocnprahanai, ac
curate and dependable atora.
houae ef It Bowled sa, embrao
ln tne !. subiorta
knotrn te be encyclopedic
lp to-4ate In all parte
s 3,vi Itluatrallona Hound In
tan buckram Aant- 1 ft ft
rersary 8ale price WlsVtl
lid pictorial.
Coatalat li
pagea large
mapa primed In
colon. Cletb
bound. Site
11x15 Inches.
Iced i t
C ns-rSI
THE Tfll I I I
r j j
Big Bargain ;n VI riting Paper 1
Drandeis "Anniversary Linen Lawn. Per Lb. J I
Envelopes to Match at 5 Cents Per Package
Buy your writing paper by the pound"; it is the most economical way a ponnd con
lains about 100 sheets of paper, so you can see how little it costs when bought in this way.
This lot of paper is an extraordinary bargain.' It has been put up specially for our
"Anniversary Sale" It is the popular and fashionable J'Clota Finish" style in square
chape so much used at present ' w- '.
This special price during Anniversary VTeek only in Stationery department.
PLAYING CARDS-Special Values, at. Per Pack . 10c
30th Anniversary Sale
Wall Paper
Bargains Never Offered Before in Omaha
For a balance) of AnniTereerr week w vtll otter the create W
(aina la aew sprlag Wall Paper erar kaoara la Omaha. Our stock la eom
Plate aad contains ererr new spring pattern and color for the season of
... . i
Han, Parlor, Oiaing Rooaa aa4 fitawo
- Papcca i In light and dark colors,
excellent patterns; all new goods
erith inch and IS Inch borders to
maUh. worth ltttC t per
roU 6
Beaatifal Gold Papers Oxer 100
rich, exquisite patterns la the new
est styles they are rerr popular
and worth np to. 3e; spedsj at, a
roll .. J2
We are showing the most satisfactory
varieties' of desirable floor coverings
that can be found anywhere in Oma
ha. Daring 30th Anniversary week
we have arranged to feature our
Bed Rooaa and Kitchea
Scores of desirable patterns, worth
np to Se; AantrersaiT Sal pries,
per roll .(
Bed Rooaa Speciala New stripes,
florals and plain effects, cnt-oot
and crown borders to match pos
rtlTelr the finest line shown In
Oaaha, worth regularly lie; Aanl
Tersarr Bale prtoe, a roll... 71
Rugs ; '
"We have the exclusive agency for theso famous Ax
minster Bugs. They are made of very high quality yarns.
They are shown in beautiful oriental and floral patterns,
in the following sizes:
9x12 Royal Axminster Bugs,
regular $25.00 values, An
niversary 15 Oft
Saleprice . ..VU.70
8-3x10-6 Boyal . Axminster
Bugs, regular $22.50 values,
Anniversary C19 Oft
Sale price ....Vl-VeTO
36 x 63 Boyal Axminster
Bugs, regular $5.00 values,
Anniversary CO A
Sale price ......VaW0V
27x60 Boyal Axminster
Bugs, regular $5.00 values,
Sale price ..
tt-. M nleA eliAirlni. ai,Am4liM 1 I 1
sired in Bugs of all sizes, for all purposes, at the widest
j variety of prices. . - v