THE BEE: -OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MABCU 20, 1912. f WW Don . 1 -rf Nothing to Do With a "Receptive Candidate" X r?vsj I so,,, Cspyrgnt, WIT. N i Mor.! New AW a. Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman . WHAT'S BCCOWe ALL TT- ThjhcS To - WoW Aft001" LEADING BOWLERS SCARED Detroit Hea Make Heary Ontlaof hti ia Caicago Toonuuneat EOTCHKBS SECOND II SDIGIiS YmhII aad. Wbltanarea Make Brll llast Finish la T-'i Eiti Srearlaa; Pitta Place tp t Date. CHICAGO. March r.-Bowlere from DeUaK threw scars lata th leaders at tha minor avaau at the American Bowl ine eengrtes tournament yesterday. Marrla Hotckklaa j net Into second place ia th individuals events with a car of Jt Ova pin behind Larry gut to ef Rochester. N. T.. ktl THsras O'Connrll and Oeorg Whitmarsh look fifth place in the double aim UU. ' Hotehkls rained taking tha lead by kard lark a h bad splendid atart af m tor ck of bl fltet two (am and would bar passed Button with hi tl count. Re opened but third game with etrlk and a para aad then "tur keyed.". ' Tbea' M split eropped up la ku alrtk train but be cut It don with aw ball and followed with a tnke, tit fall down In lb aitith when be failed to knock down a k- Mitt. The ftoiih af CConnell and rVhllmersh , wae a brilliant a that at llotchklas, although each mad an error la kl span ' big gun. After that they railed splendid . tenpins. O Connrll making six atralght strikes. Sherman and Davles of Colum bus, O., war second klgh la the double with LIT lor teath place, while Ooesckal J aad Srkuhs of Detroit, got l.Hs fr thlr leeatk pool tie. Two-Mea Teaaaa.' ' I T. O'Ceanell , , O. V.'. Whltmarah. patron... i J. Ooearhel ,,! W. MdiuHa. Detroit i Sherman Dvte. Cohjmba a. m N. Capper. Detroit T. Heiey a. Ourer, Detroit... L. Poreeter ... P. Crout. Detroit It. Hummer B. Mueller. Cincinnati C. KcRulu T. Smith, Detroit... Vou Kahn, Detroit..., H. Stiles w. Corn. rs Mots H. Hollaadrr (.'. Roberts, Detroit K. Moore , I. P. Flater. Detroit.... P. Hails P. P resell it. Minineer, r Mininger, r., Detroit.,... t ful SSI-LIU .....III U-U ua .....wi;-i.i5i W7 uo-l.lti i 20-1. 101 . . W4 kMl,U7 ....Ae-1,1M M -t,m '.'.'.'.M-t,l i.ut ;i,Ue ..u.u fc1,111 M til Miller MeKee, Columbus.....,.,....,. H. schoch H. Elmore, Peoria Oram Hagsman. Columbus..... ft, Crooee. O'Melay. Detroit........... Kllsetru-fc Weadecker, Detroit Hnorr ., Jarvee. Detroit Aalbu Wuaa, allnaeaaott ladleldaata. Hotchklea. Detroit McKay, Columbus.... r. j. H. o. 0. M. a W. Fuet, tnaneapoil r. Kaignt. Detroit ft Menlnger, Jr Detroit..... '. Ohlecniander, MlmmpoHs., , til .....We-tlll Ml , t-t-i.U 4)4 ..... ;7 . U .....fca-l.BI i; uii,m , M , M4 il-l.K ?4 ta Ill i; ot ii U H. Csvan. Detroit W. Brooke. Detroit O. twutr. Cincinnati......... -....tvt R. Vlnerd, Ietrolt an T. Hml!h, Detroit.. ..,..M1 t. KHpelrlrk, etrolt U D. McCauller, Das Molaea .iM H. gkhoek, Peoria Ml H. tlllea. Dee Molnea Ml H. Kovarlck. Minneapolis STl J. Oenlell, Cincinnati.... ..171 J. Buchler. Minneapolis.... 171 Hagemaa, Coiumkue 171 J. aiialr, Milwaukee (71 . riMaw Teams. Spark Maahln Ca., litolanepall.:'.'. lil curtain (.'aiuer-a. Columbus t.7! Buck Relerte, Buffalo LTTI Aleiandrla Ktars. Has Moinea 1.71? Toronto No. I. Toronto. Canada ITU Banker-. Wheeling. W. Va I.7H hauUuqua Brews. Jsmatnoam, N. I. I.7JV P. '. liars. Clarksburg w. Va... t' Terontoa. Toronto. Canada IM panga-Relchs, Cleveland &u Kentucky Taylors. Louisville let! Uly Brews. Dart on. O law Kramers. Cleveland it TV'avalaada, Pea Moines tJ OMAHA CHAMPS TO PLAY INTERSTATE MATCHES Th state chanpian Omaha Illgk aohool (k ban oatntat Will aiay tha stallar Kaaaa City High school (Its. which holds th 11 J intenckolastle floor bon er at Missouri, if plans bow under war by C. M. Reed, athletic director at the Capitol mil school, are earned out. Read baa writ tea Che Kansas City aahaol nniisgiiient rr a game then earn tlras next week and span ta make definite arrangssnsata soon. A a frnsia for tha local floor sea ion a between tb high school basket winning tha tntsracwotarsbtn rhanv aienahlp at Iowa and tha preauer purple and whtta squad, ta be played at th Otnaha T" aosor union . gymnasium ktaroh t now under cnnslderatioa by tb loeal school asarsurresetrt. Red Oak and lawa City are th moat likely eoa teadars tor this konor. WESTERGAARD IS AWARDED DECISION OVER DR. ROLLER KNOXVILUt Tnn, Marcb lk-Ju, Wastargaard. tha )cwa wramlar, wa awarded tha narleton la a catch aa catch caa arreatUttf auurw bar aasurht with Dr. B. P. Roller. After forty aslant of wrestling wrtnoat a fan Ratter wa alajktlr bwursd warn IM ra Ml uwaagb tha ropa. He waa enable t osausjaa tha a-Ueh altnoogil ho ra- wnma lew li ii JOPUH. Mo., March laSaeolal Tela, grsmr When the Ranger Una up against tha local tram hare Thursday afternoon at Miner's field H will be th tint real game af tb training trip and tha P.ourke will be la tin fettle. Tha first field work la camp was. In dulged In . this afternoon. Great ex uberant was' mantfaat aa, all harrSa when' Ih word was passed out that th diamond eotAd be used. tntn this after, aeon It had beta too muddy for Invasion. Pleldlr.g wractlce developed rematioaaj work In th ranks. Many of th bora worked In rnldseasoa shape, and no on' excepting; Christlanaon complained of m uncles. Christlanaon' arm la a Ml stiff. Ill U tha first of tb ecaaon. Moor wa sent t third in t Oder's prac tice in th absence of Naihoff, and Bratv Ion went ta Ui Initial sack In Kane's absence. Justice waa sent to short and Wanner to second. Cawipflsld. Ooadlng and Arnogasi did backstop work, while Lee, Thomason and Bcnooaovsr went to lb eutfUld. Rhode and Lata relieved sack other in th bos. There was brisk batting practice and tha fielder were given plenty to do. Wanner and Justtre dlstrngitlehed themselvea by their perfect pegging and fielding. Jack Ryan, a, re cruit pitcher, I showing up la wonderful shape. II look parti cularly good ta Manager Arbogast, and when k lata leoee ot tha ball K hag all tka Muff la lb world it Lota la work'in hard, as bard la fact. that Arnogast thrahtanad to Ink bis sail away If ha didn't alow up. gcboonovar Is showing mora pepper this year than ever. Ha I naturally a strong player. but thin spring he seems to hav gin gered up In grost shape. Ha can't get neugh work and play bell Uks Ih flag depended on It. Scanton's arm la aa souad a a dollar and lives hint no trouble. Hi enteroad rest last summer did . hint a world at good and tha bone setter's work an hi flngsf straightened that -member ant In tin style. Hweoea showed up this spring; much lighter than usual and says he la in fin shape ny to get in good work. Thomason II sound Ing ta In good form and shows eonalaar ehle spud. ttourg pleavsed Arvagaat -lay by his aprk with tha. stick and It waa whispered around that he probably will get in tha . averag das at tha start. .. . Thar waa I foot ball game this morn ing, th Tlnnlgsns lining up against tha veterans. It resulted In lis, I to) t After this cam a long run around tha park. A Blaeay Affair Se lung ksmaritiags, gas It and cars weak ranca, aswgka aad eolda. wish Dr. Klafa Kaw tleapsssrr. Ma aad tLa, JTor sale by Hanson. Drug Cox. ROURIES GETSTIFF PRACTICE OieUttond ia Good Shape and lint Held Work udulgtd la. JACK ETAS SHOWS V? STfcOHO R or rait Herlrr Plraaaa Arbagnat by HI Waaderfal Wark (rkeoa err Tnkea Kaor l.wee af Life and Cuts - "!T i --'i r.W'. ' f. ' ' ' nwnilTOlnTirT,l,r:Z ' . ". . . . : . SSM WAIESJi TO) JOSH -rs"Mfc4 Twenty-Siae Aipiranto for Office i ysrr. mmmm g - v tsjyw ire. in on j .nil limv. I !tt0' k IACH OIVIS UP FIVE D0LLA13 "5r4gi - Jr ' 'sressss Joins vrllh Thrwngj aad :7- ''-T? ' Dlvnlgra Hie latratloa at "STder V V"- ,," far . .T liH2jrm&'- . . ' . taaaalaelerraklp. Lincoln Leaguers to Train m Kansas L1KCOL.V, Nsb., March U.-Wllllam Dwyar, manager af tha Lincoln aaa ball team, arrival this svsntng from Da Molne and look rharga at tha Lin coln hall team. It ha bean definitely naddad tha team will e It Spring training at Srremore Springs, Kan., tor which place moat ot th regular will laavw wait Monday. BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT AT UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITT, la., March l.-(BpeciaI. For th first time la th history af th state a high school basket hall t surna me nt win be held her this wash to do- clda tha atat championship. Members ot tha board at tha Stat High School Ath letic association mat bar today and Picked Wlltoa Junetlau, Orundy Center. Moux City and Ottumwa High schools ta compete. Tha aeml-flnale at the tourna- at will be played on th university floor next friday evening and tha finals will follow wa fwtordap aftarnnoa and erenlnaT. BOSTON ATHLETES TO GIVE MONEY TO OLYMPIC FUNDS KKW TORK. March aV-Anaoeneeiaont waa made tonight that tha Boston Ata letle association will contribute gusM ta th American CMympi fund.. Twenty- Ova thousand toilers will be aasdaa. the committee say, and a far th balk of Ih contributions hav com frara New York. Chicago, Bostwa, Baa rraadac and PhllaAetpkla. - Walter Camp haa forwarded a aback for Ca) a Taw's eoatnbutlon. It M as pect ed PrkMStoa,. Pennsylvania, Dart mouth and tha other eeltegea ta ta east aad wast win send fund later. RALPH CAPRON YIELDS TO OFFER OF PIRATES' SCOUT aUXXBAPOUa. Mauu Marab Ralph Capros, star aaa! back af the Uatverairy at Mlanasota foot bail team, tonight signed a contract aad lest for Hot Bpriogs, Ark, wber ks WTB ota tha PHtaburgh Karl al laaga shaav Caartss, wha k) aa autrwdar. was tgns4 r Vmor rastar. former big leagw alayar and awaat far tha Pitta. btargH taaav lis U ta raasrr Ua) far th Sims waatbar a re rails l with th team or net ta Th Bss-th sfl ot the buvsra Insurgent Delegates ' Arrive at Hastings BASTlNaS, Nab, Marsh .-8peetal T el eg ram. Many delegates arrived to day for th state Insurgent convention tomorrow of tha Modern Woodman sf America. Scores of tetters havs been re- carved from samps over th Mat notify ing the local committee of the election of delegate and It M expected that sev eral hundred members of tha order will ha present when tha meeting la called to order. A parade at l:3tj'dock will be tha spectacular feature of th gathering. Ia surg at leaders faror actloa to Indue reeoajlJeratlon of I he rat matter ay ta bead camp and llllgatloa If necessary to prevent th enforcement of the new rates. Ptepe win be taken to form an Inde pendent Nebraska assorlatlsa of Wood men If other effort fall. supreme Organiser Johnson of Lin coln, and John iulllvaa of Kansas City, chairman at th law committee of th head camp, arrived today and are trying cheek th Insurgent movement. A meeting of member loyal Is the supreme authority waa arrangsd for tonight. MRS. BERRY OF NEBRASKA CITY DIES VERY SUDDENLY NEBRASKA CITT. March .-wocll. -Tb funeral af Mrs. M aegis Berry, wife of City Clerk Mart C Berry, was hsld this afismoon from th family residence and tha asuluaa were conducted by Re. A. & Perry, pastor ot tha Presbyterian church. Tha deceased had been an la. valid for years, but was sWs to be about and her death was rather sudden, having been busy about ta kouss preparing dire ner and lay eowa for short rest, an4 when ner hue bead called her he found i 'we dying, and in passed away shortly after. Mrs. Berry waa born In June. 1M, In Missouri and made her homo t her until wa), when aha earn to this city with bar parents, ks waa the mother of tw children, who survrvs her. Mr. Wttltaav -Wlasef t. .ttVmora and Charts Berry; whs M sorting and pub lishing a newspaper Ik Arkansas. Sh leaves two staters, Mia "area Jeffries of tents Pe, H. M, and Mrs. Carrl Hacker of Peru, and a brother, Jsffrtes at this city. ROCK ISUNDGEIS BUILDING Opeai Opr.ntisg' Headquarters, for First District in Pet Moiaet. wWmSDOS TO, BE D CHAKGE tree C'arsaea of - Issra'a Capital City Offered Ceal aa Hear la. ' e erase I Pay, Which Will fee Aeeeptrd. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) DF.d MOINES, la. March l.-l Special.) The officials of th Rock Island rail road secured lease of tit entire floor of a prominent office building to be used for th us of th general operating de partment of th system hers upon re moval of such headquarters from Daren- ; port This will b th headquarter for what I called th Rock island' first district and W. M. Whltundod, th gen- oral manager ot th district, will be la charge. An effort will be mad to gat th law department of the road Into the same building. A part of th fore for th new work will com frn) Chicago ana a part irom vavenport: Advance ta Carmen, settlement of tb wage question for tha street ear ma of Ds Melnea seems certain now without a strike or ar nitra tion. Tka street ear eompaay upon ad' )ca of experts tram Chicago today of tared ta grant tha maa an advance ot a cent an hour In wage and It Is expected this will bs accepted, and a wag scale be signed accordingly. . Minora Call Off ilrlke. ' Tha state convention at son! miner virtually d raided today as II off th strike of miner at tha mine at Ogden. Boons osunty which has been an for two rear. There are said to be enly thirty, five strikers reft out of M whs want out it Is probably a sotllemsnt will a effected and aoa-union miners be Into th union. t , TWO TICKETS IN FIELD BY THE CITIZENS OF ORD ORD, Nek., March 1l.-8peclel-Prse- tlcally th enly question at bums for tka earning spring city election Is, will tha arty be wet or dry during th coming year. Last year ths wet won by a ma jorty of five, and con alders bis Interest Is being taken this spring, and th result will undoubtedly be sloe again. Saturday evening both the no-llomee and the personal rights party held their caucus Th na-ltcenae party placed tha following ticket In tha field: Par mayor. Royal C. Bailey; treasurer, he. J. Wil der. Irl D. Tolen; councilman. First ward, H. a Berk meter; Second wsrd, H. D- Legtett: Third ward. O. E. Merman. The personal rights people placed fat nomination for mayor. John Careen; treasurer, Vincent Kokeo; clerk. J. Shirley; eounclimen. Pint ward. Clarence Blessing; Second ward, Kd. Joans; Third ward, John Sershen. WARM RACE FOR STATE SENATOR IN GAGE COUNTY BEATRICE, Neb.. March ifcBpealal.) -Th race for state senator tram thla dis trict pramleea to be a warm one, a three ream oilcans and twa dsmtmnis hav fsed for th office. J. Writ Thomas, who Bled yesterday, waa tb last to sntsr th a, Th Candida tea are Pater Janaea, A. D. Spaa ear and C. P. Overseen, re- ; Jacob Kiel and J. W1U Thomas, democrats. ft Montgomery of PlekreU, tor. snhar at tha County Board sf Su- pervUera, yesterday filed aa a candidate for representative as tha democratic ticket FIRES THREE SHOTS INTO' A GROUP OF DANCERS RANDOLPH. Neb, March -8pe- daLr-A awatia dkne waa abruptly ter aitaeted at McLean Satsrsay algtit whan Praak Eallak. whs was under the ta fia eo of Iktuar. drew a gun and find three shots Into a group of dancer. One shot struck Prod Chiamaa In the hip ceasing a vary sever wound- There waa se quarrel, but etrnpry a case sf bad whisky. Hallck waa arrested ,by Sheriff Ooft of Fierce county and taken ta Pierce. . rtrw Ttere pjaasoel a Vesrku ' TORK, Neb, Man .Tbe follow. Cewndlmea: Pwst ward. W. L Wklta, lapsbllaaa: D. L. anellsr, demoerarjc: W. K- Marttle, ectallet aseond ward. Praak Bwnnam, retmollcan; A. C Bborhart denvCTt-eoAaJlst Third ward: W. B Purmaa, repobHcaa; tTasry Bur, deena-srmt-eoeUllsa. Pswnh ward: C J. Mirers. lanuhllssn; C B. Walker. araorrat; John Praaka. aoesaawt Beard af Edoeatloa. Mrs, Jeaat Myers, reaabtlaaa: klrs. Mary M. Brndwatl. rasuMkaa; Danala Msshaa. Dr. W. L. Barnard, acmscrat ealllver Positively Identified. MAOON CITT, Ia, March Ik -H Special Telegram. )-Caanlr Clapper and hla wife today poslUveiy Identified Glen Oulltver as Ihs maa whs asaultsd tha cashier and attempted In rob tha bank of Orchard of IIS. 000. Tha case Is on trial at Osage. REVIVAL BEGINS IN NEW TABERNACLE AT ALLIANCE ALLIANCE. Neb., March UtSpadal.) -Th tabernacle built la this city for the gospel service to bs conducted by the Rev. Lowry, was finished 1st Saturday night under moat trying ctreomsuncea. Tha dimensions sf th building are bv IM feet and haa a seating capacity ot, end for a la tha choir. Thb revrraS meetings started Sunday night with a large audience, spproxl rtiateiy Let, and Rev. Lowry tuny Justi fied bis reputation aa aa evangelist at remarkable ability. His sermon waa directed firstly against the "popular pulpit'' th ministers t whfch preached not the gospel, but such sermons a wars sleaatnaT Is their and lence. Secondly, against tha occupant of tha paw, who wa that only because the crowd went Ills sermon was richly Illustrated with aneedotaa at both humorous and dra matis nature, which maintained a kesa Interest to ths end, evidently makhuj sa agreeable Imprisslsa on bla asdienos. aad his (work here will undoubtedly be re tarded with merited snonssa. On Sunday there will be three services, a- m, 1:3 p. m. and T:M p. m. Rev. Lt wry I sbiy saststed la the' work by Prof, aad Mrs. Moody a soloists and choir leaders. . RISING WATER CAUSES TROUBtEJN NEBRASKA BEATRICE. Neb, March a.-t Special Telegram. )-Tb river at thla pofat Is rising rapidly hecauaa of the warm weather of the last gsw says, which has repaid ths snow la d leap pes- asacfclp. Northwest ef her seven rails Turkey creek la almost cut eg Ha banks, aad the .water Is ruaatng ever the BurSngtea tracks ra ta vicinity. While the lee la itver has not gene oat It has begun ta break up, and It at feared a need antl result Many cellars sad tsaunintn kl lbs cHy are flooded, entailing consldsmhls lost to pioperty. ' Along th Blue valley between Bee trice and Manhattan, Kan, th river ks a raging torrent and It ta feared that traf fic the 1-aJee Paetfle will be cut act at aeeeral points before many boars. - Mrs. I M. hamper. TORK. Neb, March la Mr. L. H. Sawyer died awimj night at the hetne of her daughter. Mr. Ida Janaea, U West Twelfth street. Mrs. Sawyer waa almost years sf are. Her death la at tributed to th effect ef a fall tram ths doorstep ust Xevrmber. COLUMBUS LIKELY TO HAVE FIGHT OVER SCHOOL BOARD COLCMBUS. Neb.. March -Spelal Telerranv)-Boh political parties held their city primaries hurt evening and nominated tour oounallmen. Tha .mu nicipal fight will be very tarn this spring, but the tight for tha members of the Board of Education owing to the recent trouble In th school promises to be a warm one. Each party mads nomi nations for both place on th school board contrary to th tun honored cus tom of allowing aeon party ta Select a man and this Is taken to mean that the peepl are not satisfied with tha condi tion arising under th administration of a aonpartlaaa achool board. . ALLEGED NEBRASKAN KILLS MAN AT CAIRO, ILLINOIS CAIRO, UL. March 1.-Phlllp W. Har lan, who registered at a hotel here as being from Beasley, Neb., killing S. P. George, proprietor of the hotel, last night by cutting his throat Harlan la 73 year old. Although Harlan reentered from Beasley, there M no such town In Nebraska. DESHLER LINE IS AGAIN .V OPENED BY ROCK ISLAND DESHLER. ' Nb. March l.-Speclsl Telegram.) A snow plow opened th Palrbury-Nelson branch of th Rock Island today and took a load of broom and whlaka from Deshlsr. Th first train or mall sine March U. arrived today. , DEATH RECORD James Pegtey. . WEST POINT. Nsb., March U. -(Special. )Jamss Fegiey, a veteran of the civil war, dropped dead ysstsrday while on hi way to town from bis rasldsac. He served with distinction with a Penn sylvania regiment duriag the whole ot the war. He had banded In Wast Point for tolrty-flvs rears and enjoyed the esteem of ths tatlr community. Mr. Psglsy waa a native ef Pennsylvania and wa tb father of a numerous family of children, who with hi aged Widow sur vive hint. He was 71 years of age at th Urn sf hi death. Funeral services will be held under the auspices af the local post sf the Qrand Army of the Re public ot which he wa a charter mem-bar.. HYMENEAL Amos Thomas, K. A. Smith. Walter Rosicky, Nets J. Anderson, John Lynn. Charles E. Fields. Oeorg 8. PoweiL Political wheel-horses, initiate and assorted oilier made a concerted rusk yesterday morning lo th of flee of tb city treasurer ta deposit a to filing tea, for Tuesday was ths last on which to til for ststs sad county office. Candidate for Mat representative lead In number. but aspirant for state senatorshlp are numerous. Those who filed: State Representative. BEPCBLICAN DEMOCRAT Jacob l.vy. W. . Shoemaker, Arthur Pes', Jerry Howard, H. V. Beavers. Peter O. II. Boland, ' Fronde J. Morgan, William Butt P. J. Ford. Robert H. Holmes. State Seaater. REPTBLICAN DEMOCRAT P. Herrmann. Joseph Slnkule, W. H. Homart, Richard S. Hortoa, N. P. I oage, Daniel Harmon. Charles L. Ms under John F. Dillon, . .. ' kg. ceasress, seseae gnetrtet. vaauvMT. . -S. Arion Lewis. ' , . SOCIALIST. 1 ' ' ' J. K. Carter. . i ' -. . t Ceaaty A so ease. DEMOCRAT i Thomas Harrington. W. W. McCombs. . For ity sf floes ths fallowing fUed today. , ,. Cemmlasleae. Alfred Sorenson, , .', . C. B. Hyde. , ' Art L. Crtlghtos, , : Water Beard. REPUBLICAN. M. T. Barlow. Ceaaty Cemmlaaleaer, W. F. Cowger. . EichardsonDrug Company Election The annual meeting ef th stockhold ers of th Richardson Drug eemnany was not held until yesterday en account of th absence ot th president, Charles F. Weller. on a lour of the world. Charles F. Weller, H. 8. Weller, F. C Patton. K. P. Kill and J. W. Fttber war electeoT as a board ot directors for the ensuing year. After th adjournment of th annual moating the board of director convened and sleeted th following offi cers: Charles F. Weller. president sad general manager; H. 8. Waller, vie president and assistant general gsaaaaer; F. C. Fatten, treasurer, and K. P. EUla, secretary. , , ,. In view of the growing Importance ef Omaha a a market and manufacturing center. It was decided t nvcrras the) manufacturing facilities and emphasise thla feature af th busins, Ths second annual meeting of th stockholders ef th ftotiardssn Realty company wa held March W, The ma jority ef the ateckkolders were present Charles F. Weller was elected chairman - HawlevAlle. KEBRA8KA CITT, Neb,. March . SpeeiaL) Teaterdey afternoon. ' at the mt ne brUW'a MNOta Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Allen, their daughtsr. Mia '! ra f airctor' cmpa ' Mattl L., was united In marriage to Waylaad a Hnwley of Humboldt Th ceremony was psrfoiuisd by th groom's father. Rev. Hawiey, ef Auburn. Both of the young people are highly connected and after a short wedding trip will make their home at Humboldt Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. H. & Weller, F. C. Patton. B. P. Hu and J. W. Fisher. Tha board elected th following officers for the tasutng yean Charles F. Welter, vies president snd rhalrman of the board; H. 8, Waller, president; F. C. Phttoa, treasurer; K. P. Ellis, aecretary. , " ' As this aompany eon fines Its sserstiena to tb rsnaataent af tb realty' Inter- Rheumatic Pains art quickly relieved by aa apppUcmtioa Moan's UBirnent It's very peoetrmtuij, itrtight to the sore spot. KDtTS PROOF : Miss Eisra Kurrmn, m Talmsa Are, Chlcage, UL, writes: Auoal two rears age mj mother broke down with rnaasaatisoi. The doctors dida't da any goes. My Mother was pss asaded I try Bloaa'g Liniasant, ami ta (bra weeks was entirely well- aad I aslarea she at eared feswrar.- Mra. A.Warosus. at 40S E. Taowrs. bsa St. Msryvilla, Me-, writes: 'Tse nerve ta my lag was dasareyad See yeare ago, and Mitt tea with a jerkin at alghl as that I could not sleep. sa mews sot at terry yowr cm I So art aad now I soaid no do ulshaus bv I Ba4 attar ita aa I aaa g to sleep." sV oser-a va as m h aa tKsJVcul mnedy for tpnina, bruUea, sore throat, sgthma, avawTslcia, laabiro, latiMi muscles and stiff joints. ' AAdaaalssa. rMes taa. an. aad 1 1 . DR. CA1U. S. SLOAN. BOSTON. MASS. ' U formerly held by the drug ccartpaay, his year was considered very aatrsfke- tory,. ',. , . BROKEN BOW MAN ' REPORTED LOST IS SAFE BROKEN BOW. Nsb.. March. -( Spe cial. -Albert Baker, aoa of Mr. and Mrs. PL T. Bsksr ef this place, wha waa re ported tost In a storm near Inder. Wye., several weeks ago, has Written to his parents that b ta altv and well. Baker say ha was to Ignorance ef the anxiety nosed over his dlaappearanca, having Seen on a Wyoming ranee, forty miles front a railroad and being waabls to eofmnualeat with the outer world. He further stated ta the le tter that tha report coming from Lander was malnl; correct, aa then was another tnaa th same asm a hk own lost ta th storm and np ta th present time' m traces ef htm hav been discovered, STUBBS AND HADLEY FILE y FOR VICE PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Marsh ls,-Pstlllens that ths names ef Oeverner H. & Hadley ef Mis souri and Otivef uet W. R. Stubs of Kaataa be slaoed en th primary ballot aa cndlestea tor th repuMloaa nomine- -Uon for vk president la tbl stats wr filed with the secretary of slat today. Both petition cam from Omaha, weie en th same letter paper and apparently written on fee sum typewriter. Former Senator Beverldg of Indiana aad John o. Telser ot Omaha are already candidate. Hats! the clever kind with "class" written all over 'em. I got 'em FIRST! Take, for Instance, ray "Brooks Speclil"; the ent first sa Idas. It sells at IS.ot) sad mty b k4 la ths stiitrr rough ' or Shrooth new Meltoa flnfih. wstt sfaadet? Bortt Its a treat to see "em after going aratrttt the- Urn ones clse wkers. Aid . on yes! cioth hats! Eacltsh oaes! BeotTorA A Co.'s ska. Tkeyr brta full 0f taat : staff th ' French eeu Chic.- Prioaf Only It Bin SV B. Owa isbj, aasv atsaaep. City Batlsnal awmk Ballets-. Whiskey Costs Only !'7l2cajGalIon ;( A sutmsM CMy Jauka Haa Pabllehed a . Book, Giving tha Formula by ' WWAIlWrileJTTIi j i TDarWPr OaJkusWhlakey . 1 (or Only 12c Per Galloa. its th Wklebej Treat by VJ sue aeoa vimrsiamg rersauia Pre to arrery Oaa. Mr. Marcel, located at 111 Marcel Block STanee city. Me, baa pubrlehed a book entitled tWwte af the Whtakev TniU J Expoeed," fc wMah he ahowa bow the Whlskvr trust take bushel of cere, a iatnob of barley malt a penny'a worth of yaasfand makes flee geiloae of whiskey at a total soar of lea than 10c: and then seus It at tram tour to Dv eollera a gal lon. Re exprarna hew the whlakey barons mak their mlluoas and show who paya 1 tor tbotr ntsnalens and aatoeaebtlea. Tb , book I a taactnntlBg story of a great . crime a garnet th cuneuums ef -wklskey. 1 , Mr. Marcel matting out tbjaans of ', these hook exposing; the serrei of the j whisksy trust o aocauat ef the trwet'a ! fight against him. Any en rntereated ' should write for the book, a fct will be ' sent free. J A i I