Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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20, 1912.
Entered at OmaSe poatottloe aa saoono matter.
eaneay Bm, mm year
Saturday Bw. one year
Imly Be (without Sunday), one mr j
Caul? Bm ul Sunday, on
Evening Be (with Sunday). Pr mo....e
Daily Baa (Including Sunday), par mo..
Ueily Baa (without Sonday). par "
Addraaa ail complaints or IrregularlUee
a delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Rem by dralL express or paatal ereer,
payable ta The Baa Publishing company.
Only -ant atarapa leeetved ta paymani
ef amail accounts. Persona checks, ex
tapt oa Omaia and eastern exchange, not
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New York-34 Wul Thirty-third.
Washington 75 fourteenth St.. W. w.
Cosamunlcationa relating to wjj"?
adltonal matter ahould ba addressee
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, m:
Dwlgbt Williams, clrculaUon manager
of Tha Baa Publishing company, being
duly sworn, aay that tha sversgs dally
circulation, leee spoiled, unused and ra
ttimed aoplaa. for to month s( February,
toll, wa. I)W,OHT wrLLIAMS.
Circulatloa Manager,
subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before me this ttb day of March. . 1M.
Notary Public.
Sebsertbers leaving tha ally
traamrttr a aw 14 haw Tha
aw seeltee a thaas. Address
wfU ba ehaaea aa eftea aa re-
Ia Voilh Dakota.
Mr. La Follette aiao will ba helped by
tha Indorsement which William Jennings,
Bryan gave him yesterday. The North
Dakota law permits democrats ta vote
ta tha primaries for a republican, and
this they can the mora readily do oa
Tuesday because there Is no contest over
tha derooerabo candidate Chicago
When the returns from the presi
dential preference primary in North
Dakota come Jn,s do not overlook
the facts contained In this little Hem.
Remember that the North Dakota
primary Is an open primary In which.
any one may freely rote the ticket
of any political party he pleases.
Remember that In North Dakota,
too, the democrats by agreement
have kept the names of all their
presidential candidates off the ticket
In faror of Governor John Burke, who
Is to have the national convention.
delegation uncontested for , promot
ing, eii own candidacy for vice presi
dent, and that the democrats, having
nothing to accomplish by voting their
own ticket, are thus Invited to go
across into the republican column,
and name and Instruct the republi
can convention delegates.
What significance a primary
choice ' of republican delegates by
democratic voters has is yet to be
disclosed. In this connection it
shonld be noted that the primary in
Oregon and the primary in Wiscon
sin are also to be open primaries,
with absolutely no way of confining
the expression of preference within
each party ,to the rank and tile of
the party.
Our grand Jury is at last reaching
out little. It may catch something
Tet. - -
Considering his fifty-two years,
Mr. Bryan baa certainly keen going
, What's this? Ha tha president
called sm one's bluff la that Boe
Ua speech T . '
Boost tha Commercial club's mem
bership campaign. In lumbers there
Is strength. . .
With (OS.Oaa voters, why should
Chicago blame a few men for a bad
governmeett , .
6 pais was 'hot one. of the pall
hearer st the recent naval Interment
of the Maine.
i -
For tome unaccountable reason
"Mike" Harrington baa become un
usually Quiescent ,
Th Saddest Hots.
The saddest note of tha whole un
fortunate penitentiary affair Is the
killing of the young farmer as a
wholly Innocent victim of the con
vict outbreak.
Young Blunf, but recently mar
ried, compelled by threats and force
to drive the bandits across the coun
try, had to sacrifice his life, and
leave a widow, the brave little
woman who gave the alarm by which
the outlaws were tracked and taken.
Tha prison warden and his deputies
may have contributed to their own
ifndolng by carelessness or reckless-
Bees, bnt young Blunt was compelled
to pay the penalty for others' misdeeds.
The sympathy of the whole public
should go out to the widow, and, the
legislature at Its first opportunity
should do something for her In the
form of a substantial pension allow
ance. ' ' ;
. f'Can tha hoop skirt come back"
asks tie Chisago Tater-Oeeaa. . U will
have to roll If It does.
ri V
! Miser and misery come from the
same root. 80 do not be a tightwad
if 70a want to be happy. ,
"Roosevelt has crossed the Rub!
tea," says the Philadelphia Record.
Caesar succumbed to his ambitlea.
! 'Knowledge la a passing phase,'
says space rate philosopher. More
than that. It la a goner with lota of
folks, .
i South Omaha people might, have
saved themselves all this trouble fey
ceaaentlng " to consolidation with
Omaha. ' :'
' One can almost see those Louis
iana democrats tearing through the
eager eanebrakea new to get to vote
for Underwood.
Virginia showed tha way, but Ne
braska finally got its fugitive mur
derers pretty much in tha same
tragic anser.
The left-overs may still file la the
city commlsstonershla ' race- for
which entries do not close for an
other tea days. ' -
If Chief of Police John Brtggswere
wards of the penitentiary we have
a notion he would command respect
of the convicts. . ,-
The only thine lacking oa our
preapectire eight-foot ballot la a su
preme eonrt deeUloa or two to be
voted ap ar down.
Those New , Mexico lawmakers
caughtwtth the goods are starting
out a little early to Imitate the ex
ample of older states.
Governor Osborne of Michigan de-
maada to know, "Who planted the
seeds of the French revolution f
Cosae ea now, roe fellows, own ap.'
have sworn to be free," still Inspire
Irish hearts, but not to insane vis
To the. honor and wisdom of the
old' Irish patriots f it said that the
Inspiration breathed by them under
conditions so adverse has helped to
give-free America this splendid ele
ment in its citizenship, men who are
unwilling to overturn fundamental
law for fleeting vagaries. And on
these men this gdvernment leana
today and will lean tomorrow for
much of the support It needs to pre-;
serve itself free from the imparities
of degraded citizenship and debased
The press reports say Boston's ova
tion to the president surpassed any-
thing ever witnessed by ' thousands
of those present Surely the signi
ficance of . this day cannot be loet
even upon those, who, in this hour
of political tnrmoil, have hesitated
to do simple justice to the head of
the nation. It, in itself, is a chal
lenge and of a very different sort(
than the one Mr. Taft accepted.
Stupid Kiirepreientatisn. '
A small coterie of little news
papers, whose editorials are ground
out for them in Joblots, la the mis
taken notion that it Is popular to at
tact tne president, nave been snap-,
ping at his heeli with a syndicated
article on the supreme court's patent
right decision, entitled. "The Need
or the Recall." In It appears this
And the prevailing opinion against the
people was rendered by Tail's Intimate
friend and appointee, Lurton. There la
only one way te cure such fossilised
judges as Lurton and that Is to recall
them. .
Now, the fact is this decision
wa concurred In by Lurton, ap
pointed by Taft; by Vandevsnter,
appointed by Taft; by HcKenna, ap
pointed by McKlnley, and by Holmes,
appointed by Roosevelt, while the
dissenting opinion was rendered by
Chief Justice White, appointed by
Cleveland and promoted by Taft;
Lamar, appointed by Taft, and
Hughes, appointed by Taft
Except for It arrant stupidity In
presuming upon the Intelligence of
the readers, tbla la a fair sample of
the studied misrepresentation being
raid ta the president's door In this
campaign. ' '
Hew Mexico's First Cloud.
One of two things Is strikingly ap
parent In connection with this al
leged bribery. In New Mexico a legis
lature; either the bribed and bribers
were woefully deficient in skill and
experience, as compared with cer
tain gentlemen la older states, or
the authorities whoee duty It Is to
prevent and punish bribery are more
skilled, to ssy nothing of being more
determined, in apprehending the
guilty than they are In states, aay
like Illinois.
But It la a bad beginning for the
new state of New Mexico to have
such a cloud of disgrace thrown over
its first legislature. It la still pos
sible that the men accused of giving
and receiving bribes may prove their.
Innocence of crime or wrongdoing,
but being caught in the act, or with
tha money on them, and subsequently
preparing, as the legislators did, to
resign their offices this Is very
strong circumstantial evidence. -
Tet, of course, there Is more in
this unfortunate circumstance for
encouragement than discouragement
to New Mexico. Perhsps It will act
as a wholesome deterrent at the very
outset of statehood, tending to build
up a healthful regard for law and
clean government . by Its example.
The candidate for senator to be' bene
fited1 by these bribed votes should
see to It that his title, if he is elected
is clear and untarnished of such in
fluence. The government at Wash
ington needs no lawmakers of ques
tionable standing. . It is facing a
better' day, we hope, when , men's
title to seats ln - eowgreas :w1U be
above reproach ant need not to be
defended by statute, of limitation or
any other prodigious technique of a
commiserating and Indulgent law.
How much Impression the diatribes
against the eoarts and agitation for
the recall had made oa the minds
of those Virginia atoaatalneere caa
sever be told.
Mr. Carnegie la the real "Handy
Andy" with advice. "Lire wlthla
your la co me," he aars. Which is
the equivalent of dying poor with
' at ea
The sorts lists are showing unusual
activity la Omaha's present manic i
pel campaign, a ad have their ante
aa. .first.. No Pretense f hoapar-
. tieanshlp there.
President Taft admits a la a can
didal for the aomlBatkm. and so
does Senator La Potlette, but the
eoleaet Ins lata he Is not seekUf it.
bat cannot avoid having it forced
A Tribute to the Irish.
President Tart's praise of Irlea-
Americane In his great Boston speech
Is a deserved tribute to a loyal and
worthy people, and the circum
stances attendant upon the occasion
were most propitious. It was timely,
In the first place, for the president
to go into Massachusetts with such
aa address Just as tha legislature of
that state had enacted the pre f den
tin! primary Into law and Just after
the president hsd been challenged
by tha Roosevelt third termers to
agree to this method of nomination.
He picked ap the gauntlet la the
declaration that he favored the pri
mary "where the law safeguarded
tne oaiiot." That la acceptance
enougn. Do Rooeevelt and his
friends ask more than thatf Does
anyone favor the presidential pre
ference primary where the law does
aot safeguard the ballot? It seems
aa tf the president killed two ducks
with one stone, accepting and giving
a challenge at the same time. ,
It waa highly appropriate to praise
the Irish, whe hare never bred an
archy or preached socialism, while
dealing with the Vagaries that are
being purveyed today as the only
true principles of good government
The lofty patriotism, the ease pro
gresalv conservatism, which the sons
of Grin have Inflexibly stood for la
this country is exactly what Is so
much needed by the nation today.
Aad who caa ten what ultimate in
fluence) .this element of Irish sanity
will Jtave in- balancing the govern,
meat against tnis storm el earee-
soniag radicalism that is aow rag.
ing, r errant . patriotism Is not
airussrtty synonymooa , wlta Impales-
and ' Impetuosity. Emmet's
eloquent words, "The sons of Ireland
Prix Fighting- in Sew York.
The wild and woolly state of Wjom
Ing has a governor whom the prise
fighting' fraternity found too strong
for their blandishments. He knocked
oat their bill, which got through the
legislature, with a resounding veto
and sent them rolling' on' into less
difficult fields'. In New York they
found another legislature willing to
pass their bill and a governor ready
to sign It. .
Governor Dix has repeated signing
the measure and now urges Its repesl,
for New York, according to Its news
papers; n rilled with . fighters and
promoters, . who are taking, full ad
vantage of the new act." Jack John
son announces his plans for a fistic
engagement in Gotham aad pugs of
varying shades and degrees, with
parasitical promoters and "manag
ers," are preparing for a rich har
There is less reason today for tol
erating prlxe fighting than there was
some years ago when, now and then,
a fight was "pulled off on the level.
As now conducted, prise fighting,
like wrestling, amounts to little more
than a mere commercial fraud, which
a lot of unscrupulous fakirs are
panning off on the public Jt is more
attractive than the old shell game,
because more exciting, but it is not a
whit more honorable. It Is to be
hoped the legislature makes It pos
sible tor Governor Dlx's repentance
to lead to atonement , ,
Two yea re ago Mr. Bryan refused
to abide by the result of the wide
open democratic primary, charging
that the nominee had won out only
by the votes of republican Interlop
ers, and the legislature shut the door
by restoring tbe closed primary as
soon aa possible. How can the opea
primary work any better In other
state than It did in Nebraska? ..
MABCfl .
Thirty Years Ago
Work on the duma was resumed with
a largely Increased force, there being aay.
enteea teams and over fifty men. prepa
rations for evacuation by the militia ware
also la progress.
"Ouly a .Farmer's Daughter" . was
nivM at Bovd'a last night, with Miss
Adelaide Chcrle la tbe leading role.
Bnglne house No. L comer Twentieth
and Isard streets, baa been equipped by
the anainaar.. O. A. Coulter, with a
mechanism te strike the bell and detach
the harness automatically. .
wirt.nt Kidiwr Dillon and Assistant
General Manager Kimball of the Union
Pacific left for tbe south.
Judge Savae has sons te Pa pillion to
hold court there. .... ,
Cantaln Brucker. ex-chief of police and
city marshal of Omaha, baa returned
from a visit to Iowa.
-Bowhlne'a celebrated fireproof cruci
ble cooking crocks et French's, Ul Far
nam street. ...
Tha Men's meetinc at the Toudb Men s
Christian association waa addressed by
H. W. Merrill and warren BWitawr.
Baanaaklna for Oscar Wilde, tha father
of mod era asthettetam, a good house far
his . lecture. The Bee aaya: "in spue ei
tha etdlcula thai has been showered upon
him, tbe fact remains that Mr. WUde Is
a hiahiv educated aad refined rouna maa
and Is said V be mere man aa orainarur
food speaker." .
fifteenth, street between Douglas aad
Dodge, la conalderably. cut up by the
sewer layer. , .
Twenty Tears Ago
Colonel John Daugttsrtr, private secre
tary to John A. Cretghton, aald that hM
friends were nearly wearing eut his tele
phone calling up te ask about his ex
perience with two footpads who were
reported te have held him up. It was
another John Daugherty.
Rev. W. R. Meckey of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
occupied the pulpit at All 8alnta- Epis
copal church, of which his brother,
J. Mackay was rector.
Mayor Frank P. Ireland et Nebraska
City spent Sunday at the Pas too.
J. a. Hlrsh, a Denver newspaper corre
spondent, who has been In tbe east
spent the dsy In Omaha.
Burglars forced open the door of D. M
Steele at Co.'s store during the night aad
attempted to blow the safe The combina
tion knob of tha vault door waa knocked
off and a bore bored through the thin
plate stet Tne burglars evidently saw
that it was us! ass to open the door, aad
gave up the job. Deteettvee were looking
for clues.
W. H. Harrison of Grand Island waa
registered at tha Morray hotel.
Ten Years Ago-
City Treasurer . A. H. Hennlngs, an
nounced that be bad his van ready to
tart out In the aristocratic residence sec
tion of the city te aless property for da-
llnquent taxes.
Luther Kountas won tha March squash
tournament at the courts of the Racquet
elub by defeating Bam Bums' Jr.. In the
final round. The contest was exceedingly
close, each man. putting sip a beautiful
game. Earlier 'la theafteraoea Kouasss
defeated Conrad Young la the
finals. '
J. H. Bsabreefce died from the effects
of Injuria sustained at the electric Ucat
olsnt of the Omaha Thomson-Houston
company. Mr. Beabrook was year of
age and anmarrted, Hvlng with bis mother
at 811 Cuming street.
The first contract looking to the con
struction of the Auditorium building
let to Henry Hamana to complete the
foundation tor tlX..
Mr. aad Mr. X. L. Cain gave a de
lightful musical at their home en East
Fierce street Prat Wallace U Johnson
presided at the plane and rerrwahments
were served after the entertainment
Miss Andrea Smith entertained a num
ber of young friend la the afternoon la
honor of her twelfth birthday aanlTvr-
In compliment te Mr. McCUatook of
Denver, aad Mrs Bubbles ef
tady, Mrs. a,W. OrlfXUh entertained at
Senator Millard, Miss Millard and Mrs.
Horace 0. But left for Washington.
People Talked About
Sr O uJ
Taw Ceajeae.lei'a Teswtaa.
OMAHA. March JA-Te the Editor of
The Bee: te year edtttoa ef March 12
you give prominence In aa article under
tbe headline. '-Conductor Taken In by
Smooth Bwtndaar." to a gitarapresenta
ttou of facts, la which you, bate don aw
aa Injustice.
The article allege that I was victim
ised by a smooth swindler. This Is not
true. I wa merely tbe medium through
which tne postal authorities effected the
capture ef a swindler whoa advertiae-
atent appeared la The Bee. -
Trusting that yea will eo an the Justice
ef giving this the earn prominence yea
eld the news Item reflecting upon one
who has been a resident of Omaha for a
core or more ef years, I am.
Dr. MUleaev Withdraws.
OMAHA. March It-To the Editor of
The Beef Recently at the Instigation ef
soma friend of mine, I filed for the
poattloa ef councilman under tha new
commission form ef government.
I later found that it was contrary to
the established policy of the Colon Pa
cific to have or allow its emptor -to
run or held a public office.
1 therefor request that my name be
removed from the official ballot
' Taft Sawwld BO the Maa. -
AO ATE. Ken., March U.-T0 the Editor
ef The Bee: When a president show
both ability and honesty it has Invari
ably, bean the rale of his party to give
aim a renomlnatloa, and as ae presi
dent since Lincoln' time has shown
greater Incltaarjoa or more ability for
the handling of problems of vital hn
portaac to the welfare of the common
People than President Taft. he should
receive tbe nomination of Ms party. He
has a seep sens ef Justice, appreciates
the opinions of all thinking men, no mat
ter what party they may be affiliated
with, and when be is eonvbiced that ha
I right, ae amount of criticism or abuse
eaa swerve btm from hi purpose. -
All prvaloent have been criticised.
svea Washington waa called a traitor
by prominent men and newspapers.
President McKlnlsy was censured and
called a coward because he did not al
once declare war against Spain after the
Maine disaster, but ha ahowed his
sound business Judgment by waiting until
he bad his army and navy In readiness.
President Roosevelt's administration
was severely criticised and aspect ally
his course in th Panama ess si project,
but In my opinion he did the right thing.
President Taft hae been criticised by
many because he favored reciprocity
and opposed th Judicial recall Mea. but
our ablest men, both church and political.
believe -be Is right on both these ques
tions as well a on many other he I
striving to have enacted Into law for the
benefit of the common people.
Praaldent Taft ha had more experi
ence In constructive problems of the
world thsn any man In publlo life to
day) he hae never lent himself to any
demand for revolution or retrosreaalon.
but stands firm for steady and enduring
progreas. respecting tha rights of both
rich and poor, lie has sever Insulted
the ooaunon people or encouraged the
rich by promising either Immunity from
the law, but declare that all ahould
have justice. Ha Is working for the
Prosecution of all lawless corporations
he la working for scientific tariff re
vision; be 1 working for more simple
and cheaper 'procedure at law: he Is
working for a reduction In the cost of
living; he I working for International
arbitration aad peace, and declare he
would) rather be lnatru mental In brlne?-
Ing about international peace than to
save won ell tha battle that were ever
fought, and I believe the mllllona of
mothers; wives and sweethearts of this
eounur win aay amen.
With uch a record of endeavor In th
Interests of the people aa a whole, ought
ww, as rair-mmded American cltlena.
Insult such obedience to duty by deny-
we awoena terms to President Tsft?
Wsshiiurtoa Star: If the Mexicans are
deprived of arms aad compelled to resort
to fist fighting they may develop some
first class pugilistic material that will
prove more lucrative aad lesa dangerous.
Indianapolis News: Kew Is tbe time.
too. whan yoe are beginning ta realise
that owing te the necessity ef getting a
supplementary supply of coal and soma
other things, yoe'll have to postpone the
purchase of that touring ear another year.
Baltimore American: Tbe magnates of
the sugar trust are accused by the gov
ernment prosecutor of breaking the tenth
commandment. One - dark, deep, dense
nan ef consternation will settle down en
the country If the courts sustain the tea
commandment, a the beats of business
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Cautaln Amund
sen captured the pole en credit, running
up riX.00 of bills While a pole tor cash
might be preferable In some respect to
a pole oa tick, the latter achievement
furnishes a better test of the explorer'
ability a well a hi hardihood. The re
turn home to face the bills must have
required as much nerve aa the outgoing
Pittsburgh Dispatch: That express mes
senger whe told th train robber that
he did not "get . fighting wages" and
shortly thereafter rose to the occasion
aad killed th two robbers, told the
truth, but did aot tell all of It It la
true that ha la not paid wages te tight;
but there was no provision in bis con
tract preventing him from aUss-btertng
the robbers when they bother him la the
smsldie of hi work. A few more like him
would make th profess Ion of train
robbing quite unattractive.
Bt. Loula is a great timber town.
In halt a doxen block one finds
Spruce, Elm, Walnut, Chestnut, Pine
and Locust, not to mention the lit
tle Olive trees In between.
Now, If our democratic reform
sheriff had only gotten closer than
half a mil to the scene of action, it
might have been different
Xa Wavsra Kaaeeteel.
PhUssetphla Press.
The determine ttoa of the -railroads te
offer no reduced rates te and from the
national eonveatioae has Its compensating
feature. Tbe railroads are aot expecting
e ask say fSTwrs of the eotttletea ba the
aear future. This may be for the eaUeqr
adeeoats resawa that they knew K M be
of ae asa; bat It indicates precrree jest
Hall, genii Spring! Welcome te the
sera belt, now er later.
Partial returns from the Bay ef Whales
awaken fear that the south pole hunters
psssed ap aa opportunity for a "corking
good" fish story.
Th donation by ae unknown of CK.aj
to the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology supplies material for the finest
guesstag eonteat ever seen ta Boston.
It Is believed by his- brother senators
that a package recently received from up
horn In Main by Senator Obedlea Gard
ner contained spruce gum end that he's
chewing IL
Kermlt Rooeevelt son of the ex-preal.
dent, ead Robert A. Taft eon ef the
president, both students at Harvard, are
good friends In spite of the .controversy
that has arisen between their fathers
They are most cordial whenever they
meet socially et any ef the club to which
they belong. "
The esteemed Coogreaaloual Record ta
threatened by another attack of Internal
dry rot. -A eongreasrnae wants te abol
lsa the Jocund -applause" and long con-
tlnued applause" Inserted, la undelivered
speecbea. These breathing apeeee in the
"leaves to print" constitute the ere Hants
ef humor In the Racers.
Oolne- wee m UM after a family die-
put, over the settlement of hie parents'
estate, Jasses Ulley, formerly of Bieome-
burg. Fa, declared be never woaM re
tank until be was able te buy the ether
Ulleys out. He never returned, hot word
1 beea reeerred that Llller had sled is
California, leaving K. ..
Th late Dr. Jos Pas. who died Is
Paris, was the owner of the Argentine
Republic's greatest newspaper. La Prsesa
et Buenos Ayres. aow cood acted by al
soa, CseqaM. He bad beea Axgeatloe
minister to Spate and ta Preac. On
of the country a wealthiest dtleens, he
was eke ea of the meat esteeaaad. -.
Mrs.. James A.. Bailey, whe died ee
Monday last at Hob aeoad, Fla, where
eh had goae t search er naaitn, was
the widow of tbe taawes strews swaer.
Th. mneas which arerea fatal she
ljaiTid to have osatracted while travel-
iw with her lets hasband aa ale couae
srkte trips. She leaves aa aetata vnnaaa
t fcernaa.
A Blight CerreetUs.
OMAHA. March U.-To tha Editor
The Bee: Having wasted considerable
of year valuable aoaca In hat Hmwi,.'.
Bee In giving an account of my doings
at Panama. I will take the liberty of
respectful ry asking you to waste a little
more apace for a correction.
It waa elated that in Jul, tana 1 ..
piaoea .in cbargs of the de Dart merit
hydraulics sod meteorology, whea aa
matter or fact, I was not In charge
that deoartment. but mereJv vnrkeri
tbat department In connection with the
nyarauitcs or tne Klo Chagres and
tributaries. It. BOUTIN.
Laahlaer far Traable.
Belt! mora AmeHcan.
At a meeting of the veterans of the
war in cube lately one of the anaakera
declared that If the United State were
la Intervene the veterans would flsht
they fought against Spain. As tbe United
stales aad SU the trouble sad exnanaa
freeing . Cuba from goal a. and el-
turned the Island over to Its own gov.
eminent, thla declaration wMi .
trifle rude, aot to sav unarmraHatHre
But aa a virtus. sraUtuda ta the. x
uaootrusive sad quiet oa the calendar.
wttn nation as well as Indlvtdoala.
,hm tn-t wh a thins as 1
laroruasa. u uierv:
Tea. my noy. out n is uauaur ex
pressed la daanes." Chicago Tribune.
"They aay a man Is known by. his as-';
sodatea." . . -
"Yes: or' tr he wn i Known n is at
least suspected by thtm."
"What side of thai controversy do yen -
take?" .
Walt nil It s over.- replied senator .
Sorghum. "It is wiser not to make a
seleotloa until you see which side I te
remain uppermost-: wesningron star.
Society Dame Oh, doctor, I'm so sorely
troubled with ennui
Doctor H'm! Why don't you interest
yourself In finding Out how th other
halt Mvws? ,
society Dame Gracious! Why, Tm look-,
Ing for a divorce! Judge. .
The convention arithmetic of the Balti
more hotel keepers would appear to be a -very
simple one. For Instance:
"One U room eouala five cots. " v.
"Five cots equal &.
"Twenty-five dollars equal one B room."
What could be simpler? Cleveland.
Plain Dealer.
When the spring Is young and the win-
ter old. -
The sun Is warm and the wind hi cold;
The sky Is blue and the air Is sweet,
And river of water rush down th (tract.
When winter is old and spring I yrjunr."
The water drips where Icicles hsngi-
The old speckled hen sing "cutrcut-eud-acklt
l ,
And the robin's notes drown the spar
rows racket
When the winter fade and spring ap
pears . .
The robin greets ber ertfh jubilant cheer,
And calla to the groundhog In Insistent
"Get us, breakfast's reedy, your eld lsxy.
Heda-laa aa Wllaaa.
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Mr. Bryaa aaya the puignaslio dame-
cram ought to have a second choice be-
ase It does not seem likely they will
be able te get two-thirds of the delegates
te agree 00 their first. This looks Ilk
knocking Wood row Into a cocked hat, but
it look a good deal mora Ilk suggesting
tnat 11 sr art eo nr. Bryaa might also
claim the liberty to change hi salad.
How Nature Makes
New Complexions
(From The Family Physician.)
It tt well known tbat the human skis
at constantly undergoing a tenrtng-dowa
aad build lag-op process. With sdvaao
mg years er waning vitality thla tiaeua
ehange lags; tha lifeless, soiled surface
Ja stays as as long tbat Ha owner gets
a. poor coaipiexiea.-
Co mason eansa tails as this deed skin
eeaaug be aaveoed by any cosmetic The
natural tatag to a la te reawre U. It
hae beea found that erdlaary mercollsed
waa completely absorbs the- devitalised
seta, la minet sartlciaa. so geatly. srsd
aeUy, a t cause no incoavenleace. This
was. which say nruarist eaa supply, is
ant ea et Bight like cold cream aad
weaned erf ta the awrninc. If roa d have
a brilDaaMly beaatlfat osmneesJoa, Just
n o
Flalty Biscuits
Delicious Cake
Healtiiful loodi
.made with
1 - 1 1 1 1-.
hid y oj urn t
JJsViiti. 11 h
II The product if; h h on ji;
lla Y Aeatat 0
MMU Knaar
3l in
nsaraiaatcswaiCs J
R -y
Order a box
for breakfast
nn tt Tv 77
Blended from
"Wheat, Rice and Barley
If your grocer Is
not supplied, tele-
?ioi sMugias
I and a peca
ns Will ba deliv
ered to you.
Omaha Sales Co.,,
r sTaUoast Fidelity aUdf, -t w
. Western Distributors.
Father, HotHer, Sister, Brother, .
- - All Should Use Parisian Safe
Prevents Baldness Banishes
Dandruff Stops Falling
- Hair and Itching Scalp,
PARISIAN BAGS Is a family hair
tool and dressing that will d much
good ta every borne. -
Ths maa who asa .
eaiy occasionally will
asvsr grew bald.
Bsldness a caused by
dandruff germs which
dig dowa : Into tbe
room of the hair, de
vour ltd nourishment
die and the hair to fall and thin eat
PARISIAN SAOB 1 a ecieotlfle hair
remedy that aot only kill the eaadruff
sarins, but gives tne naor ro-i j .
same noertetwnent that nature give It
1 PARISIAN SACK first Wile the
swnna; tbea noortabes th weakened
hair root and causes a growth et heal
thy hair.1 -Thla
same nourishment (PARISIAN)
8AOE) cause th hair, to grow Vigorous
which anas that the hair becomes full
of life sad lustre, and. grow radian;,
and beautiful. . .
Thousands are wasting time, losing
hair and gro-vlng bald because they are
as leg superficial tonics. Whlls they
may cleaa tbe scalp and make it feel
refreshed, they do sot
get to the root of th
hair where tbe real
destroyer of hair, ' the
pernicious ' ' dandruff
germs, thrives - sad
multiplies .
AOE for all hair
t r e e b I e; It means
death to the aerrae; life te the hair. It
la pleasant t use ead ee harmless that
It can be need by every member of, 'the
family from the eldest to the little 'tot.
Get a t etat bottle today, sad If you
ar aot sailiflad that tt la Just as good
aa clahnVe. your money, back without
any aaulbbllng. Bold by druggist every
rtoera. Girl sith Auburn hair ea evtry
art on aad tattle.: -,1 .-
DKS. tftACH & MACn
Baalists. '- r
Neatest equipped eeatal office t
Oeaahe. Blghest-srada eaaistry at
usssnstils prices. PoreelaJa Clunga.
iitst uks ths tooth, AS inetrumenta
careful is erllliad attar each spara-
Oerscr lth aad Tmmm Bts.
rarrao rxooa. rtrro ai-ocn