THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1912. m flue Comet Styles in Misses' and: Juniors' : - FOR SPRING, 1912 - Are All Splendidly. Represented in the Matchless Lines of Juvenile Coats From DURST & RUBIN, 118 University Place, New York .This firm designs and ' manufactures Children's arid Junior's Coats of high 'and medium grades.- It is known as the largest manufacturer of children s coats in the United States. The great popularity which our separate misses' ,and cjiildren't section enjoys is due to the fact that we feature the best and most practical lines of juvenile apparel, and one of the foremost lines that we present is our assemblage ' of Durst & Rubin's long and short coats for children, juniors, and misses. . , . I Bring the girls ' and iuni6rs"io';this I ?:' ejection' arn'd enjoy -the' advantage .dlse- wbuld possibly, fi efsewfiere." ; ; ?'v ' ? you If your girl wears a coat from the house of Durst & Rubin you have every assurance that she is as well clad as the best dressed girls with whom she associates. The Durst & Ru bin make is always exact in point of style and it is quite moderate in price. For this reason we recom-' mend these. coats and always carry' complete lines of them, .This Spring the cleverest and most orig inal ideas are seen in children's up; to-date top coats. They have been designed and cut with special refer ence to the youthful figures and are as charming and graceful as can be. The fabrics are beautiful and woven to withstand hard wear. The colors and patterns . are the latest for spring and early fall. You'll find the quality is exception- I ally good at any price you pay. Coats mm or a Great 30th Anniversary Special in Our Misses', and Juniors' Separate Section on Our 2nd Floor We Show Hundreds of Durst & Rubin's Prettiest Spring Coats for Children and Juniors at PRETTY SERGES whipcords; . FANCY 1V0RSTEDS j $2,98. $5.9$; $5i .$6.98 and $10.$W ' JbJJew Spria Styles Retire KLOSFIT 1-V. TCI UUMJLi M-- s Tf Fits the Figure Like a . Glove Without Alteration . JSpsfit' Petticoats have the .famous Jersey-clotlijElastic-top gusset that ef fectively removes alj petticoat troubles there isno bunching, .wrinkling or sagging to spoil the effect and appear ance of ;y bur gown. The BiniplesnappingAof a glove fastner at the back of the petticoat adjusts it to your figure not a wrinkle at the waist line, no bunching atlfic back, no.sagging,' just Smooth, aud snug around thehipi 'e have-selected the materials wfth xUnW Aire' uTtdotfer some good' values.' v None But reliable, dpendiiye -niuk'rialg art,HHl, in ,"KIof it"' Tetti-. "A VKlosfit'! Petticoat made of fine quality taffeta in black only? material is especially 8trong and durable. The 14 iach flounce is very handsome,' a two inch dust -ruffle prevent wear at the bot tom. "A splendid value at . fr A 'Klo&fit,. Petticoat in black only, made of - a" de pendable fabric calledJafr. fetine a cloth made for apr pearahce, as well as service. This petticoat comes in this spring styles, has a 14 inch flounce, and strapped 'dust raffle, as excellent value, at. A 4,Klosfit;Petti'eoat made of watered " niorten,' a very" serviceable" material -i has 16 inch flounce and.-is cut in 3 sections ' Viivided' with tailor straps. Comes in black only with dust ruffle "i at only - $2.50 BRANDEIS STORES The Cleverest Kew Ideas This Spring in r- I.-- IT . MsiilCiioiWaiisSs ' ; COME FROM Propp & Gefrick land the Progressive Waist Company, of New York City It is because in these two well known lines w$ find the most exclusive designs and the most fetching ideas thatwe buy mbst.of our sUk-'aud chiffon waists from these houses. Each is a house of modern methods and thorough reliability. . , We have never in any season shown rich a handsome variety of dressy silk waists as we are showing for our Anniversary Sale in the waist section. Many of these effects are entirely orig inal and are not to be seen in any other lines. . For Our Anniversary Sale we have prepared four great groups of silk; and chiffon waists which we will sell for this week at these attractive prices. " These" waists include soorea of models that were made to sell at considerably more money than1 we ask in this sale. Every 'correct atyle is represented. Every popular cqlor and every accepted feature for 1912 finds representation. "We have included both the simpler tailored model and the most elaborate dress effects in these four groups ; $ 5, $?2, 22, .812 50 .These waists area standard for all others! They are made in the newest spring styles and, are smart, practical and serviceable. - There is a charm and style in these 4 waists that al- fi ways assures your il being well dressed " nrw' r" t w l ney are nnisnea " with extreme care ' s to every detail. Classy, Up-to-Datt, New Suits and Coats For Spring ARE FEATUKED IN THE ANNIVEESAEY SALE AT MODERATE PRICES WE SPECIALLY MENTION THE MODELS WE HAVE THIS SEASON ESOM ; rf Fleisher Cloak and Suit" Col si mb wrmv vrATv flfimf - T i uf nan zvaa, ui x The best dressed women in America, have found the smart, clever Fleiflher models equal to their most exacting tastes. They are splendidly tailored from the newest weaves and show many clever in novations for spring. Their fit is perfection they look well and al ways wear welL STUNNING NEW Tailored Suits CORRECT SPRING: STYLES . True elegance, individuality of style and perfect workmanship are the cardinal features of every suit in this showing. AH that is new and lovely for spring is shown. We of fer some very low prices for our Anniversary Sale $8l8-10-$12!? Beautiful Long Serge Coats These new serge coats come in the cleverest , and moat practical styles for spring. They are made from a superior quality serge in plain, trimmed and large collar effects-?- J hand-tailored throughout and perfect fitting. The Anniver sary Sale off era some wonderful values at; ; X $5, $7.50 and $10 BRANDEIS STORES . - if i